April 23, 2024 Camrose Booster

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One of the signature events commemorating the 100th anniversary of Rotary Camrose is a Gala Dinner on Saturday, April 27, at Days Inn Norsemen Camrose Rotarians past and present will be recognized for their dedication to the club and community at this elegant dinner An inspiring keynote address will highlight the wide array of Rotary projects locally and internationally, many of which are specifically geared towards youth Rotarians' build the future initiatives are often marked with many years, even decades, of commitment and success Funds raised through hard work by Rotary Camrose members and community-supported events such as this Gala Dinner and Live Auction will be directed to high-profile projects including: Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, 644 Camrose Cougars Rotary Air Cadet Squadron, Days for Girls and Rotary Youth Exchange To show your support, visit the online silent auction on now The auction wraps up April 30 https://can.givergy.com/RotaryCamrose100

2023 Vol. LXXII, No. 22 City Edition – 24 Pages Country Edition – 32 Pages April 23, 2024 Gala Dinner News Features Reflections by Bonnie Hutchinson 4 Just Sayin' 4 City fills with music during Festival 8 Camerata concert, tribute to waterways 11 Homespun by Laurel Nadon 14 County, City, Cargill officially sign agreements 15 Huntington Disease Awareness Month 21 Camrose County Annual Report   Canada Safeway   Hauser Home Hardware   M & M Food Market   Shoppers Drug Mart   UFA   Walmart   Wild Rose Co-op   Wayfair   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔* ✔* ✔* ✔* To Camrose Homes To Rural Homes Tuesday With Booster ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔* ✔* ✔* ✔ ✔* *partial coverage This Week's Flyers Inside Who Can I Count On? 6 Out and About 11 Obituaries 12 to 14 City of Camrose 15 On the Road 17 Classifieds 20 to 22 Central Agencies Realty Inc. 23 and 24
Photo by Ron P i lg e r Carefully following the Rotary Camrose online auction are: Olivia Millington (Rotary Youth Exchange student, outbound to Mexico in August 2024), Lou Henderson (Rotary 100th Anniversary Gala Co-Chair), Jenn Stone (Rotary 100th Anniversary Gala Co-Chair), Tina Myles (Rotary Camrose President), Elise Lucas (Rotary Youth Exchange student, inbound from France since August 2023)

Murray Green, Camrose Booster

For every successful three point shot the men’s Augustana Vikings made this season, $3 was donated by each sponsor: RE/MAX, Royal LePage and Coldwell Banker, to KidSport Camrose. The team passed on $1,548 for making 172 shots during the season. On hand for the presentation were, from left, Vikings player Marc Parma, KidSport representative Jessica Steil-Sellin, Vikings player Jake Smilski, RE/MAX agent Lucas Banack, Royal LePage owner/agent Jennifer Shields and Coldwell Banker owner/agent Alton Puddicombe.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 2 24044zd0 It’s Deck Season AND WE’RE READY! Windsor Plywoo d 4705 -41 St., Camrose • Ph. 780- 608-WOOD (9663) HOUR S: Monday to Friday, 8 am -5 pm; Saturday, 9 am -4 pm $299 lin. ft . was $359 lin. ft Fiberon Good Life Weekender Collect ion Composite Decking ∙ 12’,16’ & 20’ lengt hs 25 year fade /stain mfr ’s warranty Cedar Decking lin. ft. 99¢ Our huge yer sale continues until April 23, 2023 . Cabin Cottage 5/4x6” radius edge GR APHICS DEPARTMENT Sharon Schwar t z, Ar t Director Journeyman Graphic Designer; Brenda Campbell, Deput y Ar t Director Journeyman Graphic Designer; Alyzza Labajo, Graphic Designer Lorna Stobbe, Proofreader Published Tuesday for Controlled Distribut ion by CAMROSE BOOSTER LTD. Providing complete coverage of the City of Camrose and the communities of Ohaton, Edberg, Meeting Creek , Donalda, Bawlf, Kelsey, Rosalind, Daysland, Heisler, Strome, Forestburg, Galahad, Killam, Sedgewick , Alliance, Armena, Hay Lakes, Sout h Tof ield, Round Hill, Kingman, New Nor way, Ferintosh, Bittern Lake, and their rural routes each and every week Circulat ion 12,263 copies weekly Hours: Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone 780-672-3142 Fax 780-672-2518 EMAIL US AT News: news@camrosebooster.com • Display Ads: ads@camrosebooster.com Classified Ads: ads@camrosebooster.com • Circulation: fowler.kirby@gmail.com Website: camrosebooster.com • 4925-48 Street , Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 Everyone Reads t he Home Team Paper! The most effective, most economical adver tising medium in the Camrose area. The entire contents of THE CAMROSE BOOSTER are protected by copyright and any unauthorized reproduction of it, in whole or in par t, without consent in writing, is expressly prohibited. PUBLISHER mcfoul@camr .net FOUNDERS Bill Fowler 1917-1991 ADVERTISING SALES Je Fowler jeff@camrosebooster.com Kirby Fowler f owler.kirby@gmail.com CIRCUL ATION MANAGER ASSOC. PUBLISHER Ron Pilger ron@camrosebooster.net Laurel Nadon ASSIGNMENT WRITER NEWS REPORTERS Murray Green murrayg@camrosebooster.com Lori Larsen lori@camrosebooster.com PRODUCTION Kirby Fowler, Production Manager; Michael Wasylkowski, Pressman INSERTERS: Candace Gibbs, Tammy Weibelzahl, Debra Roussel, Carmen Lien. DRIVER: Ron Holland OFFICE STAFF Don Hutchinson, Comptroller; Andrea Uglem, Accounts Receivable; Beck y Bolding Admin. Assistant
acknowledge the suppor t of the Government of Canada.
The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 3

What makes you happy?

A few days ago, I had dinner with someone who said he was filled with gratitude and was happy every day. It was uplifting to hear that! About the same time, I learned that I’m going to receive a sum of money that’s more than I expected and sooner than expected. I was happy! Those incidents got me thinking about things that make me happy.

Here are 10 (plus two) things making me happy today.

1. Receiving unexpected money. Always a treat! It will have a happy home.

2. At some times in my life, that money would have been a lifeline. There have been years when I was so close to the edge that I didn’t know how I was going to pay the rent or buy groceries to feed my children. I’m happy to be reminded that I no longer live that close to the edge.

3. A third thing making me happy is noticing how much better off I am at this point in my life, compared to some earlier years. Being happy makes me grateful and being grateful makes me happy.

4. Spring is actually here. Even if we have another blizzard–and we could–the days are warmer.

5. I’m making progress on a project that’s more complex, more challenging and more time-consuming than I or any of the people involved expected. Not the first time and possibly not the last time I’ve had this experience. But visible progress makes me happy.

6. I’m glad to have lived long enough to know the project will be completed, and it will accomplish its purpose, maybe even better than any of us originally imagined.

7. The days are getting longer. I’m looking forward to our long northern evenings when gorgeous sunsets linger until after 10:30 p.m.

8. My brain is getting re-wired! I’ve been reading Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Dr. Joe Dispenza. I’ve been fascinated for a while by books and talks about how the brain works, and this is adding to my understanding.

I’m working my way through some exercises he suggests. Sometimes I think I can actually feel portions of my brain changing! It could be my imagination, but who cares? It’s making me happy.

9. I’m going to a concert in a few days. Music always uplifts me. The anticipation is making me happy.

10. For more than 60 years, I’ve noticed that whatever I want to learn about, or whatever would be helpful, shows up at the perfect time. It might be an experience, a song, a person, a movie, a book, a conversation or a surprising idea. The older I get, the more I am in awe that life unfolds exactly as it should–though sometimes with me kicking and whining, and other times me not realizing in the moment that it is exactly as it should be.

Plus two, that I thought of while I was writing the first 10.

11. Writing about things that make me happy makes me happy!

12. That makes me realize that actually none of those things is making me happy. I am already content and grateful, and those 10 are helping me to notice!

I’m grateful to have lived long enough to learn that happiness is an inside job. We cannot control the outside world–Shakespeare’s “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” Sometimes we cannot control events in our lives–deaths, disappointments, regrets, illness, pain, misfortune.

But we can take charge of our responses and choices. Whether we’re in a joy-filled time or a time of great challenges–or both simultaneously–happiness is within us all the time, ready to be noticed.

So, what are 10 things–or even just one or two things–you’re happy about today?

I’d love to hear from you. If you have comments about this column or suggestions for future topics, send an email to Bonnie@BonnieHutchinson.com . I’ll happily reply within two business days.

Acts of kindness

On April 7, while driving home from Armena on Highway 616, I got a flat tire. I felt helpless and uncertain as to what to do as I am a senior woman.

I pulled into a laneway and walked out to the

highway waving my arms.

Two vehicles passed and a black truck braked, backed up and three young fellows proceeded to jump out of the truck.

All were cheerful, kind and without hesitation began to change my tire.

It was Gerard M. who owns an oil well servicing business, along with his two helpers Joshua and Jackson. I’m so grateful for their generosity.


The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 4
Send your LETTER TO THE EDITOR to: The Camrose Booster 4925-48 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 or email it to: TH E FINE PR IN T: We welcom e lett er s th at are of public inte re st, are fact base d an d represent logic al at tempts to ma ke a constructive contribution to public discours e. We re se rve th e ri gh t to edit le tt er s fo r clarit y, legali ty, g ood ta st e an d to fi t availa bl e spac e. Lett er s th at cont ain personal at tack s or abus e an d insult s w ill be edited or reje cted entire ly Lett er s to third pa rt ie s are not acce pt ed Please li mi t your le tt er s to 40 0 word s an d sign with your first name, init ia l, su rname, addres s an d phon e number; only the name of th e writer and ci ty or tow n w ill be publishe d. We th an k yo u fo r your inte re st in this fe at ure an d encourage your comments news@camrosebooster.com
Murray Green, Camrose Booster Seven-year-old Zoey Ransome-Desaulniers and her grandma Jennifer Ransome of Camrose, planted a Red Robin tomato at the Acreage and Garden Show at the Camrose Regional Exhibition on April 14. The plants were courtesy of the Camrose and District Horticultural Society. The Society has a plant sale on May 25 at 5 Grandview Crescent. Below: Tessa Leask, 11, and Freya Erickson, four, of Camrose, kept busy colouring at the Acreage and Garden Show.
The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 5 Yo Sh ot! A weekly dose of good old-fashioned advice , inspirat ion or simple logic. “There are no mistakes, on ly opportun ities.” – Tina Fey Telephone: 780-679-0822 Toll free: 1-800-898-3336 CA MROS E 3720 B- 48 Avenue Corner of Highways 13 & 26 ST RE AM+ JUST GOT EVEN BE TT ER WATCH at a bargain price, even if you don’t have an existing subscription. CHOOSE BA SIC OR PREMIUM OP TIONS. We can explain the details and get you star ted. TA X FR EE INVESTMENT GR OW TH is yours with a TFSA and managed segr egated funds to bypass probate. What an amaz ing combination. Enjoy fund access, optional guaranteed income for life & Estate Planning in ONE Produc t. LET’S TALK! fo Dick Reaney C. L. U, C.H. F. C. C. F. P. O ice: 7 80.464 .3 92 5 Email: dreaney@t elus .net www.dickreaney.com Fo r Mortgage Info *mor tgagesis te rs we st .c a Fo r Pe ace of Mind Protection: Char tere d Life Unde rw rite r Char tere d Financial Consul tant Safe Space Companion Inc. SERVICES OFFERED: S • Personalized Care • Companion Services • Meal Preparations • Transportation • Light Housekeeping • Medication Assistance • Organizing and Moving • Pet/House Sitting • Errands For trustworthy and dependable care, please contact Stacey Wood at 780-362-1608 “Your trusted companion caregivers” Phone 780-672-3142  4925-48 St ., Camrose All security features, unique background pattern to head off reproduction, copying and cut-and-paste operations. 80 cheques $38.60 160 cheques $52.00 320 cheques $95.20 Duplicate Personal Cheques Handy duplicates for easy record keeping. 80 duplicate cheques $45.80 160 duplicate cheques $61.50 320 duplicate cheques $112.00 it ft i All Small Business Cheques 7.5” x 3.25” plus stub, black ink , white paper, numbered 250 cheques $117.50 500 cheques $144.50 1000 cheques $199.50 Duplicate Business Cheques and laser cheques also available. Stop overpaying for your CHEQUES! Pay up to 50% LES S OUR PRICES BE AT THE BANKS! Our cheques are bank-qualit y with bank secure features.

• Joel Harder was presented the Camrose Lions Club Rose Bowl for turning in the most outstanding performance at the Camrose and District Music Festival. Presenting the trophy to Mr. Harder at the conclusion of the Grand Concert was Camrose Lions Club member James Taylor

• CDSS Director Wendy Gregorwich and Board Member Lynne Jenkinson presented the Volunteer of the Year Award to corecipients Cathy Henderson and Darla Joudrey They also presented Long Service Volunteer Awards to Margarethe Banack and Florence Lundstrom at the Annual Toonie Brunch held by the Camrose and District Volunteer Action Centre to celebrate National Volunteer Week.

• The Alberta SPCA’s First Annual Camrose Dog Jog will be held at the Camrose Ski Hill in September. Organizer Diane Klug, or “Cougar”, as she is more commonly known, says the event, a fundraiser for the Alberta SPCA will offer a fun-filled afternoon for local pets and their owners. Cougar is challenging the local community to match the amount raised by other communities of similar size that are hosting a Dog Jog, this year, including Hinton, Banff and Grande Prairie.

• Winners of cash prizes in the Bronc Busters Bonanza promotion were announced by Bill Fowler, Publisher of The Camrose Booster Mrs. J.M. Krismer won $500 with an entry slip deposited at Home and Auto Supply; Emil Korobko won $250 with an entry at MacLeods; and Ron Poole won $100 with an entry deposited at Camrose Auction Co. The retail promotion was conducted by The Booster in cooperation with a number of Camrose retailers during the Kinsmen Winchester Rifle Rodeo.

• Leon Boulter, Secretary Manager of the Camrose Agricultural Society reported that officials were pleased with the quality of entries at the recent Swine Sale, adding 33% of the entries qualified for the top class while at the recent sale in Edmonton, only 23% were graded at the top. A Duroc male brought the highest price of $300 when E.J. Kaser of Bittern Lake purchased a boar from G.E. Schmidt. There were sixty entries in the sale which brought a cumulative total of $8,185.00.

• Miss Donna Shantz was the winner of $500 in the April draw in the Kinsmen Bonanza Club The cheque was presented by Kin Doug Berg, who sold the winning ticket.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 6 Your handy dire ctor y for area profes sionals, tr adesmen and se rvice businesses WHO can I count on? LICENSES and REGISTRIES Camrose Registry Ltd. 5613-48 Avenue, Camrose Phone (780)672-1671, Fax (780)672-1982 HOURS: Mon. - Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. We accept Cash, Cheque, and Debit for payment Alberta Registry Services • Vehicle Registration • Operator Services • Pro-Rate and Fleet Registrations • Out of Province Inspection Requests • Learners exams Personal Property Services • Lien Searches • Register Finance Statements • Register Writs of Enforcement • Register Garage Keepers Liens Corporate Services • Corporate Registries – Level • File Annual Returns • Register Trade Names/ Partnerships • Incorporate Companies Vital Statistics • Birth/Marriages/Death Certifi • Marriage Licences Other Services Include • Land Title Searches • Raffle Licences • Traffic Fine Payments Road tests can be booked through our website at www.camroseregistry.com. PLUMBING – Glen Mandrusiak –Plumbing • Heating Gas Fitting • Hot Water Tanks JORGENSEN Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 5503-52 Avenue Camrose, AB T4V 0X7 78 0-672-26 04 Leaks Fixed Fast! HOT TUBS HOT TUB SALES & SERVICE WE SELL • We service all makes and models. • Financing O. A.C. R & D Hot Tubs “The home of outstanding customer service” 3843 F - 44 Ave. • 78 0.679.4 00 3 Please phone 78 0.672. 3142 to get your business in this handy director y. PIANO TUNING CAMROSE PIANO & ORG AN LTD. Tunings ~ Repairs 780-672-6100 Serving Central Alberta since 1985 through the pages of e Booster
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The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 7 Unreserved Farm Auction for Anne Godziuk and the Estate of Bill Godziuk Opens on April 26, 2024 and Closes on April 30, 2024 – Myrnam, Alberta Directions: Nor th of Myrnam, Alber ta on Hw y 881 for 6.6 kms to Twp Rd 550, East on Twp Rd 550 for 2.3 kms, South side of road – Blue Sign: 90045 Twp Rd 550 For info on Terms & Condit ions, viewing, payment & t he office trailer visit our website www.allenolsonauct ion.com. Contact person: Ted 780-645-0293. Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd. Rimbey & Hw y #16 East /Rge Rd 185, Alber ta 403-843-2747 Rimbey | 780-208-2508 | Toll Free 1-855-783-0556 Email: abolson@telusplanet.net | Homepage: allenolsonauction.com Licence No. 165690 TR ACTORS • Case IH Maxxum 140 F WA Tractor w/ 5530 Hrs Showing, 3pth, FEL & Grapple • Ford Vers 846 Designation 6 4wd Tractor w/ Only 2817 Original Hrs. 4 Hyd & 18.4R38 Duals • Versatile 756 4wd Tractor w/ 6116 Hrs Showing 1000 PTO, Leon 12’ 4 Way Blade & 24.5R32 Singles • Ford T W-30 F WA Tractor w/ 5487 Hrs Showing, Allied 895 FEL • IHC 1086 2wd Tractor • McCormick SW6 2wd Tractor • MF GC2400 F WA Tractor w/ 351 Hrs Showing, MF DL100 FEL, 60” Mower, 3 pth & 540 P TO • JD 425 Riding Lawn Mower w/ 3 pth & 60” Deck TILL AGE EQUIPMENT • Morris 8900 32’ Drill w/ Morris 6130 Dual Comp. Tank & Single Shoot • MF 52 9’ Double Offset Disc • Leon
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City fills with music during Music Festival

The 40th Camrose & District Music Festival, held April 15 to 18 featured competitive and non-competitive performances in contemporary music, (groups and solo), piano (solo/duet), strings, community choral, school choral/school music, speech, jazz band, community band and community music, school band, instrumental, musical theatre and pop songs and voice, held at the Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre Cargill Theatre and Mayer Hall and the University of Alberta Augustana Campus Chapel.

Performers of all ages were provided with encouraging feedback from expert adjudicators Dennis Rusinak, Esther Madsen, Maria Medlow, Ken Rogers, Danica Hoffart and Mireille Rijavec.

The Music Festival will wind up on April 23, with the Grand Concert to be held at the Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre Cargill Theatre, beginning at 7 p.m., featuring a variety of performances and announcements of awards and scholarships.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 8
Evan Tomaszewski played a delightful rendition of “Forest Song” by Nancy and Randall Faber on the piano during the non-competitive event of Classical Elementary Piano Solo (ages seven to 12) of the Music Festival. Adjudicator Esther Madsen, left, offers Yinna Pugong some positive feedback on the two pieces Yinna played during the non-competitive event of Classical Elementary Piano Solo (ages seven to 12). Hay Lakes Grade 3 Choir, conducted by Lori Lunty, performed an uplifting little tune, entitled “Welcome to Bermooda” written by Brent Holmes as part of the non-competitive School Music event of the Camrose & District Music Festival. The catchy little tune included some fun deep sea actions. Adjudicator Ken Rogers goes over some positive feedback with Rosie Foot, Music Festival performer in the Instrumental School Woodwind (clarinet) Solo Grades 5-6 category. Evan Posein played “Foster Medley” by Stephen Foster, on the saxophone during the Instrumental School Woodwind Solo Grades 7 and 8 event at the 2024 Camrose & District Music Festival. École Camrose Composite High School Senior Jazz Band, conducted by Graham Green, had the audience tapping toes and swaying in their seats during the School Jazz Band/Ensemble event. Adjudicator Mireille Rijavec offers some tips on proper breathing to École Charlie Killam Grades 6 to 8 Chorus after the performance in the School ChorusModern Composer-Jr. High/Middle School event.
The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 9 9th ANNUAL Join The Camrose Booster Communit y-Wide Garage Sale Weekend Thursd ay to Saturday, May 2, 3 and 4! Clean out the garage, empt y the garden shed, go through your house and get rid of all that stu you no longer use! Free, from us to you… TWO FREE LAWN SI GN S to direct tra c/stop tra c at your sale! The Garage Sale Weekend concept has really caught on! Are you par ticipating? Get ready for this year’s Communit y-Wide Garage Sale Weekend. PICK UP AT THE CAMROSE BOOSTER PLUS
Garage sale listing featuring pin map marker and turn-by-turn location direct to your garage sale
Event awareness exposure on Camrose Now! Facebook Page 78 0.672. 3142 CAMROSE COMMUNIT Y In on Tuesday, April 30
20-word classi ed ad in our special garage sale section
Printed Garage Sale carr y map
Event awareness exposure on The Camrose Booster Facebook page n T dA il 30 On the app as ads come to us: a as come t to us: Deadline for your info to be put on the app is May 1 at 5 pm
The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 10 3911-4 8 Avenue, Camrose • 78 0- 672- 6665 5 NEW FROM LONGSHIP DISTILLERY Longshot Spiced Rum & Pineapple Rum Over 39 Ru ms in St oc k! r3399 99 400 We’re booking now for a busy Spring/Summer. Hot, dry summer is forecast. Keep your lawn nourished and a healthy water overnight for lower cost/max benefit. We also offer these lawn and garden services. Sod Fences Full Landscaping Service Concrete Removal Patios Paving Stones Season Mowing Savings when prepaid. 15+ years’ experience! Phone 780.878.5242 Locally owned & operated! Returning to Camrose… 1-800-387-5053 Ext 1 www.khager.com Our Pedorthic Clinic o ers: • Custom Foot Orthotics • Custom Footwear • Shoe Modifications (lifts, etc.) • Compression Therapy Call now to book for May 23 or other future clinic dates. Call today for a FREE assessment Next Orthotic Clinic at the Smith Clinic, Duggan Mall on Thursday, May 23 Not seeing your favourite flyers in your Booster? YOUR OP TIONS: 4925 -48 Street, C amrose T4V 1L7 Phone 780.672.3142 ads@c amroseboos ter.com Cont ac t local s tore managers or corporate head of ces to expres s your position. Reach out to us by email or let ter. We will pas s your concerns on to the appropriate company decision maker s. Vote with your wallet. Shop at stores which use print to invite you to their store or other business. 1 2 3 KENE .G . ME CHAN ICAL LT D. PL UMBING GA S FI TT IN G & WA TE R TREA TMEN T ke gmech@gmail.co m | www.kenegmech.com He’s the guy to call • Plumbing • Gas Fitting • Water Treatment Residential • Commercial • Agricultural PH ONE 780. 278. 2638 Ken Gourlay Red Seal Plumber/ Gas Fitter 40 years’ experience Kroetsch Custom Farming 403-588-1206 Mitchel Kroetsch • Manure Spreading • Tub Grinding • Combining • Trucking • Trenching • Swathing • Balin g • Field Work • Seeding • Silaging • Corn Planting • Cattle Feeding and more RR4, Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 mitchel@southshoreltd.com Kroetsch Custom Farming SERVICE S AVAIL ABLE Fr ee Content for not-for-pro t Serv ice C lubs & Organizat ions Enjoy tremendous visibility on the most visited ta bs on You r f undraisers, your break fa sts, or d inners, your t ic ket sales, ra es or a ny other act iv it y that w il l help your c lub or organizat ion t hr ive (or sur vive) c a n be posted, at no c ha rge, on one of the best commu nit y apps i n Nor t h A merica! Phone 78 0.67 3.9213 camrosenow@camrosebooster.net Assig n a c lub member to keep feeding u s the i nfor mation you need posted.

Christine Leanne Lynch

April 16, 1967 ~ April 10, 2024

Chris Lynch was born April 16, 1967, in Camrose, Alberta, to Don and Pat Daley.

Chris is survived by her husband Murray Lynch; two children, Pam (Wendel) Knudson and Derik (Jamie); four grandchildren Chloe, Jordyn, Emma and Sadie; parents Don and Pat Daley; mother-in-law Judy Lynch; siblings Duane (Nicole) Daley, Kim (Trevor) Harmider; brotherin-law Bryce (Karen) Lynch, Sheila (Rick) Pfleging; along with many nieces and nephews.

Chris was predeceased by her son Cody, father-in-law Bruce Lynch, and son-in-law Murray Yurkoski.

Chris grew up on a farm on the outside of Bittern Lake. She met and fell in love with Murray, and a few years later, they got married on August 29, 1987. They welcomed their three beautiful children into their lives and bought an acreage out by Rosalind. Following their kids’ graduations, they settled on a small acreage near Bawlf. Chris enjoyed camping, the outdoors, music, and spending time with her grandchildren.

She will be dearly missed by her family and those who knew her.

A memorial service was held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at Weber’s Mount Pleasant Chapel in Camrose with Rev. Brian Hunter officiating.

Memorial donations may be made to the Stollery Children’s Hospital.

Adeline Delores MacDonald

July 16, 1929 ~ April 13, 2024

Adeline was born on July 16, 1929, in Climax, Saskatchewan, to Ethel and Ingvald Johnson. She lived in Frontier and Swift Current, Saskatchewan, moved to Camrose in 1938, and then to Rosalind in 1944. She took her Grade 12 at Camrose College. She excelled in school, graduating from Grade 12 at the age of 16. She was too young to enter nursing school, so she worked for a year in the Rosalind Post Office. From 1947 to 1950, she attended Lamont School of Nursing and worked for a year at St. Mary’s Hospital in Camrose. She moved back to Rosalind after marrying her high school sweetheart, Gordon, on June 6, 1951. They were blessed with five children. They lived in Rosalind for 60 years, moved to Deer Meadows in Camrose for 10 years, and then to Seasons Retirement Community for her last three years.

Adeline was known as the “volunteer community nurse” and often was called on to help with medical issues. She was so kind and knowledgeable. She was very active in the Rosalind Community and helped with catering many weddings, funerals and sports days. She was a Life Member of the Order of the Royal Purple of Canade. She volunteered for the Red Cross.

She loved her gardens and her beautiful flower garden was enjoyed by everyone as they walked down the street. She made homemade cards with flowers from her garden. They had a huge vegetable garden and would spend many hours working in it, harvesting, canning, and freezing all the vegetables and the fruit from the apple and chokecherry trees. Extra veggies and fruit were always given away. Adeline was an avid baker whose homemade bread and cookies were enjoyed by everyone.

She was a beautiful seamstress and sewed so many things, sewing for years with her hand crank sewing machine. She loved to knit and made numerous sweaters, blankets and afghans, including toques for the newborn babies and squares for Blankets for Canada.

Adeline’s most happy moments were time spent with her family. She was immensely proud of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and enjoyed their visits and the time spent with them.

Adeline will be sadly missed by her five children Tom (Karen) of Edmonton, Ken (Carol) of Calgary, Reg (Frances) of Cochrane, Jane (David) of Ft. Saskatchewan and Ron (Ronda) of Loveland, Colorado. She will be fondly remembered by her seven grandchildren Steven (Karla), Amy (Cory), Adam, Sarah (Mat), Leann (Chris), Jill (Derek) and Scott (Mel); her eleven greatgrandchildren; brothers Oscar (Penticton, BC) and Raymond (Dixie) (Camrose) and Allan (Wendy) (Priddis); sister Eileen (Red Deer); sister-in-law Karen MacDonald; along with numerous nieces and nephews and many friends. She was predeceased by her husband Gordon; and her parents Ingvald and Ethel.

Adeline will always be remembered as a loving wife, mom, grandma, great grandma, sister, aunt and friend. She will also be forever remembered for her kindness, generosity and positivity.

A Funeral Service was held at 11:30 a.m., Monday, April 22, 2024, at the Burgar Memorial Chapel, 4817-51 Avenue, Camrose, and will be celebrated by the Rev. Brian Hunter.

In lieu of flowers, if family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Adeline’s memory may be made to the W. F. MacDonald Education Fund c/o Battle River Community Foundation,  St. Mary’s Hospital Camrose Foundation, or the Heart and Stroke Foundation

The family would like to thank the staff at St. Mary’s Hospital and Seasons Retirement Community and for all the compassion and care they gave to Adeline.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

Mary Mellen

Mary Mellen of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on April 9, 2024, at the age of 92 years.

She is survived by her  children Barb Hofer and James; stepchildren Tracy and Terry; grandchildren; greatgrandchildren; sister Dorothy; and numerous nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

Mary was predeceased by her first husband Gordon Mellen; and her second husband Gerry Orr.

A memorial service will be announced at a later date.

Memorial donations may be made to the Alberta Cancer Foundation.

Bernard “Ben”

Lawrence Gagnon

June 21, 1944 ~ April 15, 2024

Bernard “Ben” Lawrence Gagnon of Ohaton, Alberta, passed away on Monday, April 15, 2024, at the age of 79 years.

A Funeral Service will be held at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 23, 2024, from CityLights Church, 4920-48 Street, Camrose, officiated by Rev. Brian Hunter.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Stanley “Stan”

Michael Kontek

September 17, 1941 ~ April 16, 2024

Stanley “Stan” Michael Kontek of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at the age of 82 years.

A Funeral Mass will be held at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 24, 2024, from the St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church, 3605-50 Street, Camrose, celebrated by Father Kris Schmidt.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 12 For more information on The Camrose Booster Obituary Page, contact your funeral director or the Camrose Booster
“Dedicated service since 1906”
ExperienceExpertiseand 4918-51 Street, Camrose Phone 780-672-8851 Estate Planning
Enduring Power of Attorney
Personal Directives
Legal services associated with probate of the will

Donald Rene Bertschi

December 16, 1929 ~ February 18, 2024

Donald Rene Bertschi was born on December 16, 1929, to parents Jules Paul Rene Bertschi and Ida Bertschi (Mueller). Don, who was the third of six children, grew up on the family dairy farm in the Avonroy district located four miles east of Camrose.

Their family was very community oriented and were members of Grace Lutheran Church in Camrose. It was through the church that Don met the love of his life, Bertha Clennin. Don and Bertha were married on July 9, 1958, in the Rosalind Lutheran Church.

Two weeks after being married, they moved to Provost where Don started his career with an opportunity to purchase, with his co-owner, the International Harvester (IH) dealership in 1958. Eleven years later, Don sold his share in IH, then worked for the Provost School Division as a Maintenance Supervisor for many years. Later, he started his own Appliance and Small Engine Repair business until he retired.

Don and Bertha lived in Provost for 35 years and, upon retirement in December 1992, moved back to Camrose. Don was predeceased by his wife, Bertha, on April 26, 2015.

Don passed away on February 18, 2024, at the Seasons Retirement Community, Camrose at the age of 94, and is survived by his daughter Debbie (Wilf) Granger of Mundare, sons Randy (Lorna) Bertschi of Okotoks and Brian (Charon) Bertschi of Lethbridge; grandchildren Jarett (Kim), Blayne, Lindsay (Chris), Erin, Andrea (Brad) and Darin; and his great-grandchildren Lillian, Ava, Grace and Will.

There will be a Celebration of Life Service held at Grace Lutheran Church (5306-50 Aveue, Camrose, Alberta T4V 0T3) on Friday, May 10, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., followed by lunch.

Elizabeth “Betty”

Anne Johnson

May 13, 1951 ~ April 17, 2024

Elizabeth “Betty” Anne Johnson of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at the age of 72 years.

Left to cherish her memory are her children Jennifer Johnson, Leslie Johnson (Jeff Berry), and Michelle Cartagena; grandson Austin Cartagena; siblings Albert (Candace) Rivet, Deborah (Ken) Miller and Bernie Rivet; and numerous friends and family.

Betty was predeceased by her mother Agnes Rivet.

A Funeral Service will be held at 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 30, 2024, from the Burgar Memorial Chapel, 4817-51 Avenue, Camrose, officiated by Rev. Brian Hunter. If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Betty’s memory may be made to Camrose and Area Animal Shelter Society.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121


The Family of Alice M. Smith

…wishes to thank everyone who attended and helped at the time of her passing; the compassionate and caring staff of caregivers at Seasons and Rosehaven; Father Kris for giving Mom the gift of Last Rights and for his help in making the funeral mass so meaningful; the lovely lunch provided by by the CWL and the honour guard; Burgar Funeral Home, Bart Orr and staff for their help and guidance; and to all our family and grandchildren and great-grandchildren for participating in the service. Your grandmother would have been so pleased. Special thanks to Theresa for her help and guidance and the wonderful eulogy.

Ernest Dueain Forre

July 12, 1931 ~ April 18, 2024

Ernie was born in Bawlf, Alberta. He passed away peacefully at the Agape Hospice in Calgary at the age of 92 years.

He is survived by his wife of almost 70 years Claire (nee Peter); his four children Dwayne (Linda), Kathy (Gary), Cindy (Bryan) and Dan (Kathi); 11 adoring grandchildren; and 12 greatgrandchildren. He is also survived by brother Leroy and sister-in-law Valerie. Ernie is predeceased by his parents Lewis and Clara; and brother Chester.

Ernie, Claire and their four children moved to Calgary from Camrose in 1965. Ernie operated several service stations before retiring from Foothills Hospital maintenance in 1994.

Ernie and Claire became very active in the Brentwood community, as well as being part of the dance group at the 1988 Olympic Winter Games Opening. Many hours were spent visiting and playing cards and games with their family.

Our Dad will be missed not only by his family and his extended families, but also by the many friends whom he and Mom have made and spent time with for many, many years.

Cremation has taken place and there will not be a funeral service.

Leyden’s Funeral Home

304-18th Avenue SW

Calgary, AB T2S 0C3

The von Platen Family

…sincerely appreciates the support received during this difficult time. Thank you for the calls, texts, messages, cards, flowers, meals and assistance. Seeing so many friendly faces at George’s memorial meant a lot to us.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 13 Memorial Poems Available for publication in The Camrose Booster Ask for our 24-page booklet of poetry. Words of comfort to remember someone special. 4925-48 Street, Camrose Phone 780-672-3142 Email ads@camrosebooster.com Over 115 years of dedicated service Phone 780.672.2121 4817-51 Avenue, Camrose www.burgarfuneralhome.com Recorded Obituary Line: 780-679-2400 Daysland: 780-374-3535 • Burial and Cremation Services • Pre-arranged Funeral Plans • Monument Sales and Service Directors: Bart Orr, Colin Yuha Funeral Staff: Troy Shackel, Dalas Kosinski Of ce Staff: Donell Nycholat, Debbie Breker, Hannah Knopf Funeral Attendants: Bill Schafer, Alvin Koehli, Barrie Fenby, Robert Lyslo, Wanita Toews, Kerry Grettum, Loya Steinwandt, Barry Burkard, Mark Yuha, Raymond Cyre, Koreen Cyre
service since
Batt le River Communit y Foundation Box 1122 , Ca mrose, AB T4V 4E7 Phone 78 0- 679- 04 49 What ar Community Builder Dinners? BRCF hosts these events to celebr ate loca l individuals or couples who have lived thei r lives with a comm it ment to serve thei r communit y. The goal of these specia l eveni ngs is to recognize those who share the “g iv ing back ” ph ilosophy that is so integral to the success of the BRCF and to establ ish an endowment in thei r na mes that will give back to the communit y. Q. A. Honour your depa rted fr iend or relative …w it h a memorial gift that will do good in their na me forever. Alex Oliver Di rector 78 0- 679-5617

Lorne Emmanuel Swedberg

May 6, 1954 ~ April 15, 2024

Lorne was born in Stettler, AB, on May 6, 1954, and passed away on April 15, 2024, at the Mazankowski Heart Institute after complications from heart surgery. The second son of Allan and Ruby, he grew up on the family farm near Meeting Creek. Lorne attended the Meeting Creek School and finished his grade 12 at Camrose Lutheran College. Following school, he went to work at Alberta Wheat Pool as a grain buyer in various locations.

He married Connie, the love of his life, on May 16, 1975. They were blessed with their first two sons, Jason and Michael, and then moved to the family farm to start farming with his dad. Bryan came along once they were on the farm.

A few years later, Lorne and Connie finally got their daughters when Amanda and Christy married into the family. Then the family expanded again, when five grandkids were born within four years of each other. Lorne loved his entire family, but the adoration he had for Sarah, Josh, Matthew, Dylan and Erika was next level.

Lorne continued to work and farm until he finally retired from his town job in 2020. He never regretted renting the farmland out because it gave him time to do the things he loved. He still enjoyed his cows though, even pulling a calf just two weeks before he went into the hospital. It made him happy to drive through the calves and tame them down and then give them trouble when they started to chew on the side-by-side.

Lorne was a practical man who enjoyed farming, tropical vacations, camping with family and friends, side-by-siding, but most of all his grandchildren. Whatever they were doing, Papa was all in supporting his five grandkids.

Just a few weeks ago, he was watching Josh’s hockey and Matthew and Dylan’s basketball finish up. He was bragging up Erika’s sketch book and rescuing wandering calves with Sarah. He was looking forward to the Oilers playoffs and baseball season. When he went into the hospital with pacemaker complications, none of us ever thought he wouldn’t be coming home.

Lorne will be sadly missed by Connie, Jason, Christy, Josh, Erika, Mike, Amanda, Sarah, Matthew, Dylan and Bryan; his siblings Dwain (Arlene), Vern (Shelley), Myran (Adele) and Mary Ann (Dean); Connie’s siblings Duane (Mary Ellen) and Sandra (Gerry); as well as numerous nieces and nephews, their spouses and kids; and good friends and extended family members whom he cherished.

An Inurnment was held at 11:30 a.m., Saturday, April 20, 2024, at the Meeting Creek Cemetery. A Funeral Service was held at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, April 20, 2024, from the CityLights Church, 4920-48 Street, Camrose, officiated by Pastor Jonathan Aicken.

We would like to sincerely thank our friends and community for your continued support, thoughts, and prayers during this unexpectedly difficult time.

Memorial donations are gratefully accepted to the Meeting Creek Cemetery.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Evelyn (Marion) Anderson

Steen Clausen

January 10, 1957 ~

April 15, 2024

Steen Clausen of Camrose passed away unexpectedly on April 15, 2024, at the age of 67 years.

Steen was born in Odense, Denmark, and as a baby emigrated with his family to Canada in the late 1950s, eventually settling in Edmonton. As a young man, he backpacked around Europe for six months, and loved stealth camping, playing football (soccer) and hockey. He loved football until the very end.  As a season ticket holder of the Edmonton Oilers in their ‘dynasty’ years (he was in the building for four of their five Stanley Cup wins), he frequently lamented the state of hockey today, having seen it at its best (in his opinion) so long ago.

Steen loved all animals, especially his beloved cats.

Left to cherish his memory are his wife Sarah; mother Inger; sister Else (Claus) Hansen; and nephews Noel and Søren and their families.

At Steen’s request, no formal service will be held.

If so inclined, donations to your favourite animal charity or sanctuary would be appreciated.

Thank you to the staff at St. Mary’s Hospital, Camrose Cancer Clinic, Home Care and Dr. Slabbert for their wonderful care over the last few years.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome. com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Evelyn (Marion) Anderson on April 18, 2024, at the age of 95-plus years.

Evelyn is survived by her children Pam Clermont (Daniel) and Darrel Anderson (Bonnie); eight  grandchildren Corey Clermont, Lindsay Harris (Ben), Nicole Anderson-Tomie (Darrell), Richard Anderson, Justin Anderson (Michelle), Darren Anderson (Megan), Darcy Anderson (Wendy) and Brad Anderson (Jennifer); as well as eleven great-grandchildren.

She was predeceased by her son Laurel on April 18, 2011.

Those closest to Evelyn knew that her family was everything to her, especially her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was a matriarch in this Anderson family who loved to dance, which kept her young and strong.

As most of her family members are out of province, plans for a Celebration of Life will be announced at a later date.

In sports, in life

Sports groups are busy this time of year, organizing hundreds of youth onto sports teams. It’s a huge undertaking and always a struggle to find enough coaches for the season.

The first season I coached was my daughter’s U8 Blue Sharks soccer team. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but my logic had flowed like this: I used to love playing soccer. I was already at the field anyway. I might as well be coaching. Seven years later, I am still volunteering for this job, often two teams in one season. There is no better way to get to know the players than to be their coach. When I would watch from the sidelines, it would take more than half the season just to learn everyone’s names. Now I have their names memorized by the second practice.

Coaches get to see the players’ personalities up close: at a U9 practice, one player came running up, announced that he had learned something and proceeded to do the floss dance move. We had never seen anything like that, and told him it looked great! Later, my husband and I watched videos on YouTube so that we could floss too and then we would often include flossing during our warm-ups just to get some laughs from the kids.

Parents and community members may also find that they don’t need as many skills as they thought to coach. There are often training courses provided, and assistants can learn a lot from the head coach. Coaching is a great way to spend time with your own child, and make fun memories with them. (Remember the time the only game we won all season was the last one during league playoffs? We scored on a penalty kick, kept the ball out of our net and we got a bronze medal! Yup, I was on the bench.) Coaching can push parents out of their comfort zone. It’s powerful to role model to our kids that it’s okay to be a little uncomfortable while we are learning something new.

Coaching is a way to share our love of the sport, and also to learn more about it ourselves while staying active in the process. The rewards far outweigh the time and effort required. Sometimes a team will surprise you by banding together to get a gift card, or a player will come running up with a handmade card or a thoughtful gift. The best thanks, though, is the expression on a kid’s face when they do something that they didn’t think they could accomplish–it’s like they surprised themselves. You can practically see them stand taller and gain confidence.

I didn’t understand before how coaching a sports team also means giving out life lessons without even realizing it. If there is a player prone to complaining, I might remind them that if they focus on positive things, they’ll be happier. Not just in sports, but in life!

If a goalie has had a particularly rough game but played their hardest, we might instruct the rest of the players to race over and give the goalie congratulations on a job well done, which shows them how to build others up. We talk about how to handle both wins and losses and that helps prepare them for handling success and disappointment in other areas.

I’ve learned strategies like sandwiching a critique between two compliments. Such as: “I like how you’re really keeping your head up to watch for where to pass. I’d like to see you try crossing the ball to the other side of the field to the open space. Keep up the awesome speed!” This is a strategy that can also be used with family members or in the workplace.

I get such a kick out of a kid approaching me after the season has ended and saying “Hi, coach Laurel!” And they absolutely expect me to know their name in return, no matter how long it has been. Once a coach, always a coach.

These are just some of the reasons why I love coaching. If parents are still hesitant or unable to coach due to other commitments, above all, be there whenever possible. Watch while you are there. Players look to the sidelines to see their parents and obviously it’s a huge disappointment if the parent is looking at their phone and misses their child’s first goal ever (which we have seen happen).

There are tons of other ways to be active on your child’s team. Be the team manager and get the team signed up for TeamSnap, bring snacks to a game, wash pinnies/uniforms, register for tournaments or help with practice while a coach is away. There are many roles that need filling.

Let’s make this season a great one.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 14

Proposed B ylaw # 3325 -24

Pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Section 606 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta and amendments thereto, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Council of the Cit y of Camrose gave rst reading to Bylaw 3325-24 on April 8, 2024. The purpose of the amendment is to change the land use classi cation of 5311-47 Street from I – Institutional District to M1 – General Industrial District . The redistricting will allow for the propert y to be used as a storage facilit y. A Public Hearing is scheduled to be held as follows: Date: May 27, 2024 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Camrose City Hall, 5204-50 Avenue, Camrose, AB Any person(s) who have an interest regarding the passing of Bylaw 3325-24 are encouraged to attend the Public Hearing in person to state their suppor t or objections. Any written submissions to be considered by Cit y Council are required to be submitted no later than May 3, 2024, at 4:00 pm by mail to:

780-672-4428 or email to redericks@camrose.ca.

On April 17, representatives from Camrose County, the City of Camrose and Cargill gathered at the City of Camrose council chambers for the official signing of separate agreements that symbolize a positive step forward in working collaboratively for building futures in the Camrose region.

The agreements are as follows:

The Revenue Sharing Agreement, between the City of Camrose and Camrose County ensures that the City and the County will share property tax revenues associated with specific industrial lands East of the City, which currently contain the Cargill Canola Crush Plant.

The existing Recreation Agreement, between the City of Camrose and Camrose County states that Camrose County provides a

contribution towards recreation services. This Extension Agreement extends the term of the Recreation Agreement by five years.

The Water Services Agreement between the City of Camrose and Cargill, replaces the existing agreement to provide water and wastewater services to Cargill.

The Temporary NonCompliance Agreement, between the City of Camrose and Cargill provides Cargill with a three-year term to achieve progressive levels of compliance with the City’s Wastewater Bylaw on specific water quality parameters.

The Cooperation Agreement, between the City of Camrose, Camrose County and Cargill, captures the intent for the three parties to cooperate in terms of licensing and development.

City of Camrose man-

ager Malcolm Boyd welcomed dignitaries and guests to the event and on behalf of the city and council, expressed excitement and pride on the prospect of working with the County to support economic development opportunities in the region. “This package of agreements that we are presenting today represents strong collaboration and I think is an indication of great things to come.”

Camrose County Reeve Cindy Trautman spoke on behalf of County administration and council. “The agreements that we are signing mark a commitment on both the City of Camrose council and Camrose County council to foster more collaborative relationships for the benefit of all of our residents and the business community.

“Our region has become an even more attrac-

County, City, Cargill official signing of agreements

tive location for investment because of the positive relationship the City and the County are achieving. As municipalities we are fortunate to have many industries in this region poised for growth, including our partner in the Cooperation Agreement, Cargill. Let us celebrate this achievement today and look forward to the future of business development.”

Mayor PJ Stasko spoke on behalf of the City of Camrose administration and council. “I would like to say how excited and proud we are to lay the groundwork for future development with the city and county of Camrose. “This will show the development community that our two municipalities will work together to facilitate development and growth that will not only benefit both municipalities, but

also the developers.

“Thank you to Cargill for being the impetus for the Cooperations Agreement, but also for choosing the Camrose region to do business with and we look forward to years of continued partnership.”

Continued on page 16

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 15
to: mboyd@camrose.ca Notice is hereby given that Council may thereaf ter without fur ther notice proceed with nal approval of Bylaw 3325-24 at the regular Council Meeting on May 27, 2024. For additional information, contact Francisca Fredericks, Long Range Planner,
Project Boundary 5311 4 7 S tr ee t 5 3 Ave nu e FOR MORE DETAILS VISIT www.camrose.ca/mayorsartsawards The CREATOR AWARD recognizes the achievements of an individual or group demonstrating, creating, practicing and/or performing art. NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN MAYOR’S ARTS AWARDS camrose arts council Call or text me 78 0.678 .6062 Bill’s Patties at Camrose Farmers’ Market , S aturday 10 am - 1 pm, Duggan Mall For Residential pick-up of 8 or 20 packs (4 oz . patt ie s, seas oned and BBQ-read y)
Malcolm Boyd Cit y Manager Cit y of Camrose
Avenue, Camrose, AB, T4V 0S8 or by email

County, City, Cargill agreements

Continued from page 15

“I would be remiss if I did not mention our appreciations to Reeve Trautman and Camrose County Council for the hard work and diligence in order to come to such a land breaking agreement,” said City of Camrose Mayor PJ Stasko. “As well to County and City administration for the hours and hours of work that made this come to fruition.

“The City of Camrose is excited and we look forward to a long partnership with the County of Camrose in order to better both of our municipalities. And as Reeve Trautman stated, ‘We are stronger together.’”

Cargill Plant manager Tom Hill spoke on behalf of Cargill.

“Cargill has been associated with the Camrose community for over 40 years and we are very proud of that. We are pleased to have this opportunity to stand alongside representatives of both the City of Camrose and Camrose County as we finalize

these agreements today.

“Our team is a part of this community. They and their families live, work, shop and go to school here. Our team members themselves are active in the community as well, out there flipping pancakes during Jaywalkers’ and helping direct traffic during Big Valley Jamboree Kick’n Country Parade.”

Hill noted that along with Cargill’s volunteer contributions the organization also has a fiscal fund that they are able to contribute to this community. “Over the years, we have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Camrose community and we are very proud to be able to do that,” said Hill, noting that some of the recipients of donations include the Camrose Women’s Shelter, The Open Doors and the University of Alberta Augustana Campus Indigenous Speaker series. “And what I will be able to share with you today is that Cargill has made a commitment

to sponsor the Mirror Lake Express train over the summer, making it free for our community as well.

“True to our history, we

are pleased to work to support an agriculture region serving a local farming community. We recognize how important this collabo-

ration is between the City of Camrose and Camrose County, to support future growth and development in the region.”

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 16 RECOGNIZE A SPECIAL OCCASION WITH AN AD ON THIS PAGE! SPECIA L O C CASIONS O Happy Birthday Carmen! from The Booster Gang Nobody likes thinking about dying…
put it off.
We’re in the business of making difficult conversations easier. • Wills • Estate Administration and Probate • Enduring Powers of Attorney • Personal Directives Farnham West Stolee Kambeitz LLP BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 5016-52 Street, Camrose | 780-679-0444 | www.fwsllp.ca Park your tr easures on the grass boulev ard, or on your front lawn. Clearly mark them as FREE . If you plan to participate, call 780- 672-3142 or email camrosenow@camrosebooste r.net and submit your address Deadline is Friday, May 10 at noon . Fr We will post your Kick it to the Curb address on the app. This will feature turn-by-turn instructions direct to your treasure trov e! Presented by Kick it to the Curb Pa k rk your trea e surreson thhe gras s boulleevard, or on y your fro t nt lawn GOT JUNK? GOT CLUT TER? GOT EXCE SS? GOT LEFTOVERS FROM YOUR GARAGE SALE? Give it away by kicking it to the curb. Friday & Saturday, May 10 & 11 rb. 0&111 1 Pick up your FREE signs at the Booster o ice 4925-48 Street Ever y business in Camrose –One handy location Beer! Put Camrose in your pocket! BUSINE SS SOURCING
ahead is par t of tak ing care of your family Don’t
our lawyers to bring
estate planning up
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Pictured, left to right, are Camrose County Reeve Cindy Trautman, Cargill Plant manager Tom Hill and City of Camrose Mayor PJ Stasko signing the agreements.

king owns a 1977 Li’l Red Express Dodge truck.

“I found this truck in Viking 27 years ago. When I was growing up and first saw one, then I always wanted one. I had an opportunity to buy it, but it was all rusted and the boards in the back were rotten. It was rusted with the fenders gone. I bought it from him and it took me 18 years to restore it,” explained Dudley.

The Li’l Red Express was not available for sale in California, Florida, Maryland, Oregon, or Washington state because it did not meet special noise standards in certain locations. Because of this, the Midnite Express was born for those states.

“I’m not completely done yet. I still have the dash to finish. My goal is to restore it back to the original way it was. I had to rebuild the entire frame with undercoating, an all new steering box, brakes, lines, everything had to be done,” he shared.

The Midnite Express was not a factory option like the Li’l Red Express, it was a dealer-installed package. Dealers that could not sell the Li’l Red Express used high-optioned Warlocks, repainted them metallic black and ordered all of the Li’l Red Express parts through their parts department.

“I actually re-did the motor twice. I put in a three-quarter cam in it last winter at Streb’s in Camrose. I also have a Warlock truck that I’m working on. I bought it for my wife. I’m getting a cab from Manitoba. These trucks are a long process to restore,” Dudley laughed.

The Midnite Express

Lund enjoys driving his Li’l Red Express


Murray Green, Camrose Booster


Express Truck decal on the door.

Known for its loud rumble, the 1977 Dodge Li’l Red Express had plenty of power and a larger engine than most cars were allowed in that year. In fact, it wasn’t allowed to be purchased in certain States. was available for the 1978 model year only. This truck was equipped much like the Li’l Red Express with exhaust stacks, wheels and gold pinstriping.

“Besides the dash, I have some tweaking to do on the transmission. I also can’t find an original steering wheel, so eventually I want to replace that. I just have minor stuff to finish,” Dudley shared.

“I have a three-speed transmission, a GM transmission in it now. The motor is a 360 with the threequarter cam and it is the original block,” he added.

The Midnite Express was painted black instead of red and featured a Midnite

“I replaced the shocks, radiator, all the running parts. It was worth it because I love driving this truck. It is a little loud because I don’t have mufflers on it. I put three-inch pipes from the headers to the back. The big pipes are for show at the moment. I’ll put mufflers on it before I hook them up. I want them coming out the back so it doesn’t bother me inside the cab. It can get real loud,” he chuckled.

“I could have bought a house for the money that I have into this truck,” he laughed.

The Li’l Red Express truck was introduced by Dodge in 1977 as a limited-production, high-performance version of their D-Series pickup trucks. It was released during a time when muscle cars were facing stricter emissions regulations, but the Li’l Red Express managed to circumvent some of these regulations due to its classification as a light truck.

One of the most notable features of the Li’l Red Express truck was its unique appearance. It came with bright red paint, gold pinstriping, chrome side stacks (exhaust pipes mounted behind the cab) and chrome accents throughout. The overall look was inspired by the aesthetics of American hot rods and drag racers.

Under the hood, the Li’l Red Express was powered by a potent drivetrain. It was equipped with a high-performance 360 cubic inch (5.9-litre) V8 engine, which was one of the largest V8 engines available in a light-duty truck at the time. This engine was paired with a heavy-duty automatic transmission.

The combination of the powerful engine and the relatively light weight of the truck gave the Li’l Red Express impressive performance for its era. Thanks to its powerful engine, the Li’l Red Express was capable of impressive acceleration. It could go from zero to 60 mph in around seven seconds, which was very quick for a pickup truck of its time.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 17 The automotive section of 3760-48 Ave., Camrose 780.672.4400 www.ddsales.com D&D Vehicle Sa les & Serv ice Journeyman Technicians on sta ! SPRING TIRE SWAPS & SALE S Fast, friendly se rvice. Book now!

in today’s world strikes a balance between building and maintaining strong community partnerships all the while upholding the law and ensuring public safety through prevention, detection, investigation and emergency response.

In order to ensure that police officers are properly trained and prepared for any emergent and sometimes dangerous situations, they receive the highest standards of training, including firearms certification.

“All sworn members of the service are required to qualify on their service pistol each year, in standards set by the Province,” noted CPS Officer Safety, Sergeant Todd Steil.

Being prepared

“Most sworn members of the police service are also trained and certified on the Carbine rifle (Colt C8) as well, as many situations require the presence of a firearm that is both more accurate and has a longer range than a pistol.”

Over and above the qualification and certification on firearms, members receive yearly training to hone their skills. “The training often consists of a mix of classroom instruction, training exercises and scenario-based training allowing officers to apply their skills in as close to real life situations as possible.”

Members also receive yearly training and certification on other important intermediate weapons such as: baton, handcuffing, OC Spray (pepper spray) and Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW or Taser).

“It is very important that our members receive top level use of force training. Our members use force on a very small proportion of calls and interactions with people (only 8.6 per cent of people arrested in 2023 required any type of force). However, when force is required, proper training ensures that the force used by members is reasonable and proportionate to what is required,” explained Steil, adding that in 2023, CPS experienced a trend in calls requiring the use of force. “In 2023, police saw a 38 per cent increase from the previous year in officer use of force, which also represents a 10 per cent increase from the five-year average.”

While the use of force is a necessary part of all police officers’ training, Steil said that a very important aspect of that training is the use of de-escalation techniques and methods of how to avoid the use of force, if at all possible, without jeopardizing public or officer safety. “Often the relationships built by members within the community can be leveraged in critical situations, avoiding the need for force. That being said, the reality of policing still requires force use, and our members are very well trained and ready when the need arises.”

In any event, having officers with the highest levels of training is reassurance that public and officer safety is of the utmost importance to Camrose Police Service.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 18

Someone will win $100 wort h of groceries from one of the stores shown here . Congratulations to the winner for April 22, Shampi Parashar of Camrose, drawn at Safeway.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 19 Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ddress Ph: Draw to be made Mond ay, Apri l 29 , 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name ddress Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 29 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 29 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 29 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond Apri l 29 2024 Be sure to depo sit your entr
ding grocer
it to qualif
GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 29 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay Apri l 29 2024 af ter 10 am at any of these Camrose stores Enter this week ’s
y at
y store for

often won’t call again. Don’t hesitate to call us with any questions or problems you may have regarding advertising. Our professionally trained sales staff know the ropes, and would be happy to pass their know-how on to you. That’s why we’re here to help you get the results you deserve.

Call 780-672-3142

4925-48 Street, Camrose ads@camrosebooster.com



Annual General Meeting

Monday, April 29, 2024 7:00 p.m.

Hay Lakes Agriplex


TEA – Wednesday, May 8, 2-4 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion. Admission $5.


LIBRARY – would like to invite you to our Spring Market. Saturday, May 11 starting at 10 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m. There will be a chili cook-off, a bouncy castle, unique local vendors and prizes to be won. We look forward to seeing you there!



LADY – would like to meet a gentleman for friendship/coffee. Interests are travel, cooking and study. 587-322-3222.

LOST THAT LOVING FEELING? Find it with a personal ad in The Camrose Booster classifieds. Ph. 780-672-3142.


LARGE, MIXED BREED DOG – to good home. 780-6720086.


CAUCASIAN SHEPHERD CROSS – 3-year old large male dog. People friendly, predator not friendly. $500. Text Don at 780977-2284.


SUPPORT/RESPITE WORKER – for adult male in wheelchair. Part-time. Will be between 20 - 28 hours per week. Home is in the Round Hill area. Valid driver’s licence. Will train. Wage to be discussed. Send resumé to broblin.br@gmail.com or text 604-793-3756.


2ND BEST PAINTER IN TOWN – 30 years’ experience for all your painting needs. Call Rick the Painter, 780-672-0391.


SELF-INKING STAMPS –Every shape, size, and colour. We deliver, right to your office. Camrose Booster Ltd., 4925-48 St., Camrose. Call us at 780-672-3142.

ROOMS FOR RENT in the Scotney and Jacqueline character homes. Both are 2.5 blocks from university in Camrose. Clean, quiet and bright. Rent is $495 - $600 monthly plus DD and includes WiFi, utilities, recycle pick-up, yard care and snow removal. Partially furnished w/ shared laundry. (Some rooms are fully furnished for international students.) This is an affordable, quality accommodation that fills quickly. (Some rooms still available.) No partiers, smokers or pets allowed. Reduced rate over the summer for students. Please call Dave P., 780678-6163.



• Assessment of lower legs, feet and nails for circulation, sensation and motor function

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• Education on maintaining foot health and prevention of foot and nail problems

• Prevention and correction of ingrown toenails using OnlyFix NailCorrection System

Direct billing to Alberta Blue Cross

Please check with your benefit plan to see what they cover for medical foot care.

To book an appointment, call 780-781-6423


– Ph. 780-672-7649.


Potable Water Hauling

Residential, Commercial, Oilfield Gerald and Marla Steinwand, Owners PHONE 780-679-9134


Don’t put off those projects any longer! Give me a call and we can plan together. Devin Meakins, Ph. 780-853-1080


Local and long distance moving Storage

Insured and bonded

Where your business is appreciated

780- 672-5242, Camrose


TAILORING in Camrose

Tues. - Fri., 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. Evening and Sat.:

By Appointment

Closed: Sun., Mon. and Holidays

Please call 780- 672-4793

2473275 ALBERTA LTD.

• Pressure Washing • Steaming

• Drain Cleaning

Kevin Yarkowski 780-781-7974




SPACE – 4917-50 Street. Second floor with reception area, lunch room and two private rooms. Elevator. $900/mo. includes utilities. 780-679-5085.


SPACE – located in high traffic, southerly area of Main Street, Camrose. Generous 1,664 sq. ft. of prime space at 4868-50 Street. Nicely decorated, air conditioned. $2160/mo., triple net. Clean, dry storage space in basement also available. Available immediately. Call Blain or Don at 780-6723142, the fairest, most reasonable people in the business.


MENT – In excellent condition!

Perfect for seniors. The suite has stove, fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer, blinds and one parking stall. Heat, water, garbage pick up, Telus TV and internet included. Building has an elevator and social room. No smoking building. Call 780-233-0224 for more info or to set up a viewing.


Generous 794 sq. ft. suite, suitable for three or more staff. Includes two private offices. Ground floor, easily accessible. Modern building in downtown Camrose. Bright, quiet, air conditioned. $1206.22/mo., plus share of operating expenses. Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, two of the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business.


Selection of very nice street level offices in newer airconditioned building in Downtown Camrose

* Single offices from $224.08 per month

* Quiet, considerate neighbours

* Easy access

* Lots of parking for customers

* Energized parking for tenants

* Immediate occupancy

* Come and have a look!

Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business!

2-BEDROOM APARTMENT – with balcony. Includes heat, water, fridge, stove, dishwasher, powered parking space. Free laundry in building. Augustana area. No pets, no smoking. 780-672-9531.

2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW – 850 sq. ft. Large back yard. Close to Charlie Killam School. No pets. Available June 1. $1350/mo. $1350 damage deposit. Utilities not included. Prospective tenants must apply through SingleKey. Contact 780281-0257.


SUITE – Available June 1. Large windows, 2 bedrooms, 1½ baths, fireplace, all appliances, utilities and internet. Private entrance. Close to west end shopping. Very suitable for mature adults or professionals. No smoking/ pets. $1300/mo. 780-608-3111, 780-608-3344.



900 sq. ft. one-bedroom. Fireplace, a/c, in suite laundry, patio. Heated underground parking, fitness centre, security. No smoking/ pets. $1300/mo. 780-608-3111, 780-608-3344.



BULLS – for sale, registered. Call 780-986-9088.


HEAVY HARROW – 90 ft. Super Seven, 7 bar. Excellent condition. 780-877-2339, 780608-5127.

TWO FLEXICOIL HARROW DRAWBARS – One 50 ft. and one 70 ft. Reasonable offers. 780-385-8297.

TRACTORS – 1951 International Farmall MD, restored; 1936 International W30, restored; 1961 Minneapolis Moline 5 Star, restored with new rubber; 1981 Massey Ferguson 255, good shape with Ezee-On loader; Buhler snowblower, 78” with hydraulic shoot (used once). Call Norman 780-385-8814.

SWATHER NO LONGER ‘CUTTING THE MUSTARD?’ Call The Camrose Booster Classifieds, 780-672-3142.

REAL ESTATE 6.4 ACRES BARE LAND ACREAGE – Only 15 minutes from Camrose. West of Highway 21. Utilities in ditch adjacent to land. Beautifully treed lot. Access to acre pond. Land use for horses and cattle negotiable. Asking $170,000. Interested parties call 780-878-8049.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 20 Helpful Tips for Writing Classified Ads Which Get Results! Be Thorough Sure you want your ad to stand out from the rest, but don’t skimp on the sort of information that sells. The item’s condition, size, age, brand name, and colour are some of the basics readers want to know. Without them, your ad may be overlooked. Steer Clear of Abbreviations Okay, so you want to include all the important basics. Don’t use strange abbreviations because our ads are designed to spell all the important details. Besides, you are not paying by the line, but by the word, so there is really no need to abbreviate. Be Honest Exaggerating your item’s finer points may bring in a lot of responses, but a buyer who’s misled won’t appreciate it and will take his business somewhere else. State Your Price The cost of an item is one of the most important concerns of want ad readers. Ads showing prices are ones which get results. Giving a price also serves to “weed out” those buyers not in your price range. Be Accessible Including a telephone number or address puts you in touch with potential buyers. Be sure to state the hours you can be reached: a caller who can’t get through the first time
BOATS, RVS and TRAILERS 2005 WESTWIND WT185 – 19 ft. Asking $7,900 obo.
672-4010 (h) 780-781-2132 (c). LOVE CAMPING, BUT TIRED OF SHOVELLING SNOW OFF THE AWNING IN MAY? Say goodbye to your Gulfstream! Move it fast with a Camrose Booster classified. 780-672-3142. Double your exposure with a FREE Buy & Sell ad on Camrose Now!

The following lands are hereby offered for sale by tender, subject to existing reser vations on title:

The proper ty is conveniently located near Bawlf and includes a house with gas heating, well water and power. There is also a small workshop with power and includes a workbench, wood burning stove and tin roof. All buildings are to be sold “as is, where is” as it has been lef t vacant.

The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. All tenders must be in writing and include a deposit of $10,000.00 and received before 12 noon, May 3, 2024, in a sealed envelope marked Gunderson Tender at the office of :


Barristers & Solicitors

4925-51 Street

Camrose, AB T4V 1S4

Attention: David R. Francoeur

The successful tenderer must complete the purchase and pay the balance of the adjusted purchase price on or before May 17, 2024, (closing date), or the deposit will be for feited.

No conditional tenders will be allowed. Tenders will not be opened in public. Tender price excludes GST. Purchaser is responsible for all costs associated with registration of the Transfer Vendor makes no warranties or representations about the proper ty ’s size/measurement, condition or environmental status.

If the successful tenderer fails to complete the purchase af ter acceptance of that tender, their deposit shall be for feited. Any unsuccessful tenderers will have their deposit returned by regular mail.

For fur ther par ticulars please contact David Francoeur at 780-672-5561.

This tender may also be viewed on the Knaut Johnson Francoeur website: www.kjf-law.ca

Huntington Disease Awareness

May is Huntington Disease Awareness Month. The Camrose chapter of the Huntington Society of Canada has several events to raise funds and create awareness in May.

The Camrose chapter is participating in the Light It Up for Huntington Disease in May. Signs will be on display on lawns and in windows. Buildings and structures around the world light up in blue for HD and purple for Juvenile Huntington disease (JHD).

You can view some buildings and structures lighting up across Canada at www.lightitup4hd.com You can share one of your own photos and let people know about your HD story.

A barbecue will be set up at the downtown Co-op store on May 17. An on-line auction will take place on May 24 and 25.

They also have a Shop for the Cause event that supports local businesses on May 31. There will be 30 spots available, with each participant donating $20 (a tax receipt will be given).


Mary Mellen, of Camrose, on April 9, at 92 years of age.

Olga Pipke Hurum, of Viking, formerly of Vegreville, on April 12, at 91 years of age.

we ask you to contact your apartment manager to request delivery Rural readers are asked to report missed deliveries and we will consult with your postmaster to ensure future deliveries.

Thank you for being a loyal reader of… 780-672-3142 ads@camrosebooster.com 4925-48

Lorne Emmanuel Swedberg, of Meeting Creek, on April 15, at 69 years of age.

Bernard “Ben” Lawrence Gagnon, of Ohaton, on April 15, at 79 years of age.

Steen Clausen, of Camrose, on April 15, at 67 years of age.

Adeline Delores MacDonald, of Camrose, formerly of Rosalind, on April 13, at 94 years of age.

One in every 7,000 Canadians has HD and approximately one in every 5,500 is at-risk for developing the disease. HD touches many more as a caregiver, family member, or friend.

For more information visit www.hdcamrose.ca or Facebook Huntington Society of Canada Camrose Chapter to donate.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 21 Here’s a great of fer for Booster readers… For Sale Ads! For items priced at $100 or less! • Mail, fax, email or drop of f your ad copy • One item per ad – 10 word limit. • Include the price of the item in your ad. • Of fer excludes living things, except when offered for free. Individuals are able to place classified ads without charge provided message relates to a personal possession and does not form part of a profession, trade or business. Any ad designed to produce an income is regarded as commercial advertising and must be a PAID AD. Mail to: Classified Ad Department, Camrose Booster Ltd. 4925-48 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 Email: ads@camrosebooster.com Fax: 780-672-2518 Example: Girl’s bicycle, like new, $70. 555-555-5555 WRITE YOUR AD HERE: For items price Missed Delivery Policy If you do not receive your copy of The Booster or pre-printed inserts, please report this to us by calling 780-672-3142. We will promptly re-deliver these to city households. Note that we do not have access to certain apartment buildings. In these cases,
AB T4V 1L7 Pu t Ca mr ose in your Pock et!
you. Download… FREE AP P
Street, Camrose
well be displaying the job, career or educational possibilit y that ’s right for
PL AN 0123644 LOT 1
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tracy@hhbccamrose.ca Apply with resumé and references to Tracy
an exciting retail work environment
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rd Worker/A
full-time position)
need additional help in our yard. You will provide accurate loading assistance, assist clients in our yard and during product pick-up, as sist with inventor y cont rol and ot her duties as assigned. Job will include manual labour and a keen sense for detail. Experience with building
materials is valuable Benefits of working at Hauser Home Hardware Building Centre

Poetry workshop

In celebration of Poetry Month (April) in Canada, the Battle River Writing Centre (BRWC) will be hosting the annual Poetry Workshop, Writing Poetry, on Saturday, April 27 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Camrose Heritage Railway Museum and Park, 4407-47 Avenue.

Facilitators include: Alexina Dalgetty, who has and will teach courses on submitting at the Alexandra Writers Centre (The Art of Rejection, Submit, Submit, Submit and An Introduction to Submittable); Ronna Jevne, PhD, Founder, Hope Foundation, University of Alberta and author of extensive publications and Jane Ross PhD, author of Green Parrots in my Garden, published by Bayeux Arts and numerous other titles.

Workshop participants will have an opportunity to explore the impact “place” has on poetry using various poetic forms, including but not limited to: haiku, prose poems, ekphrastic (poetry inspired by works of art) and poetry of “place” itself.

“We’ll explore the poetic forms as a group and there will be detailed guidelines and prompts to write from,” noted Battle River Writing Centre member Alexina Dalgetty. “The purpose of the workshop is to have fun with and generate poetry, those without a background will learn new skills and accomplished poets will have an opportunity to explore and expand their repertoire.”

The Workshop will also include discussion on the joys and pitfalls of poetry publication and submission: Canadian literary journals, spoken word, chapbooks, poetry collections as well as what editors look for, competitions, and self-publishing.

“If interested, participants will leave with suggestions for publication as well as information on newsletters of interest to poets.”

Battle River Writing Centre

The Battle River Writing Centre began in 2012, when a group of aspiring writers, including Greg Zinter and Jane Ross, realized that, taken together as a region, the well-published authors of the Battle River region were as numerous, prolific and noted as any other part of Canada.

Bolstered by this realization, as well as by the encouragement of noted Western Canada Author, Rudy Wiebe, they felt it was time to address “place-based” writing seriously.

The group began with one workshop which led to many others, and a month-

Accounting Clerk

BAT TLE RIVER SCHOOL DIVISION is seek ing applications for an Accounting Clerk.

LOCATION: Division O ce in Camrose, Alber ta


This position ensures that vendors are paid under the terms and conditions speci ed by purchase orders, invoices and accounts payable and completes speci c payroll tasks identi ed. This position is responsible to the Director of Finance.


• Categor y 2 - Cer ti cate in related eld

• Categor y 3 - Diploma in related eld

• Three years of relevant experience in a similar eld

• Excellent organizational, communication, interpersonal, analytical and time management sk ills

• Pro cienc y in Microsoft Word, Excel, Google and Database management

• Ability to maintain con dentiality


• Perform accounts payable functions using generally accepted accounting practices

• Ensure that all payment deadlines are met

• Communicate with vendors/suppliers regarding payment concerns and missing invoices

• Liaise with schools and Division O ces (including Transpor tation, Facilities, etc.) regarding purchase orders and outstanding invoices

• Input timesheets for bus drivers for the monthly payroll

• Reconcile bene t payable accounts on a monthly basis

• Assist with annual pension reporting

• Assist with the T4 process

To apply - Please go to www.brsd.ab.ca - Careers - click on the posting number and apply to posting. This posting will close on April 26, 2024, at 4:30 pm. We thank all who appl y. Only those selected for fur ther consideration will be contacted.

ly Writing Room which has met every third Friday of every month since January 2012.

Collectively, the members of Battle River Writers have published poetry, short stories, and novels in Canada and worldwide.

“You can imagine that a lot of words have gathered on our pages,” noted Dalgetty. “Many of them have found their way into published format, others into articles and news features.

“Although we all enjoy reading the work of others, we are committed to being producers of writing, in addition to being consumers for the ideas and writing of others.”

Previous workshops offered by BRWC included: Diane Buchanan, Rosemary Griebel, and Lorna Crozier. For information, email writingpoetryforsubmission @gmail.com or telephone 780-672-9315.

Key Responsibilities:

• Operate equipment for road recover y, dust suppressant, gravel, and ar terial road maintenance.

• Assist in winter snow plowing, sanding, water pumping, and culver t maintenance.

• Repor t and assist in repairing damaged signs, culverts, road sur faces, and dispose of debris

• Repor t view obstructions like brush and weeds

• Maintain and clean equipment and vehicles

• Inspec t and ser vice equipment daily before operation.

• Manage inventor y for equipment and vehicles, including tools, par ts, and fuel

• Assist in training sta on equipment operation, road issue identi cation and repair, and super vise assigned work.

• Ensure compliance with County policies, Health and Safety program, and HR guidelines

Quali cations:

• A minimum of t wo to three (2-3) years of related experience in operating a grader, other heavy equipment and multi axle trucks

• Valid class 1 driver’s licence or valid class 3 driver’s licence with air endorsement.

• Ability to train and supervise sta

• Ability to establish and maintain e ec tive working relationships in the course of work, including the ability to work cooperatively in a team environment as well as independently.

• Flexibility and adaptabilit y to be able to work in a wide range of conditions and perform a variet y of tasks

Are you passionate about helping

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 22
An applicatio n package is available on our webs ite at www.c am rosepolicese rvice.ca The closing date to apply for this process is April 30, 2024 NEW RECRUITS OR EXPERIENCED OFFICERS
your communit y, and working in a dynamic team environment? Are you lo oking for an organization that values integr it y, service excellence, and it s people? Do you want to live and work in a beautiful communit y with all the amenities of a large centre, but the feel of a small city?
join the Camrose Police Service team and apply today! Our team of over 60 employees (s worn and non-swor n) provide 24/7 policing services, ensuring that the City of Camrose is a safe place to live, work and play Camrose Police Se rvice An equal opportunity employer NOW ACCEPTING APPLIC ATIONS FOR… Po lice Co nstables Position Over view: Join our dynamic team dedicated to enhancing community infrastructure and safet y. We’re seeking a skilled Lead Heavy Equipment Operator to make a substantial impact in our Municipal Ser vices depar tment. Repor ting to the Field Coordinator, you’ll
ciently operate
as well as various
and trailer
heavy equipment
hauling gravel or equipment, and provide essential sta training and super vision.
Position Type: Permanent full-time Hours of Work: Monday to Friday, 8-10 hrs/day (guaranteed 176 hours/month) S alar y Range: $37.16/hour to $45.70/hour Closing Date: Until a suitable candidate is selected Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their resumé along with a cover letter by email to: Contac t: Human Resource Depar tment Email: Human.Resources@ agsta .ab.ca Direc t: 780-384-4100 For the full job description please visit: www. agsta .ab.ca Flagsta Count y is recruiting for the full -time position o f LEAD HEAV Y EQUIPMENT OPER ATOR /TRUCK DRIVER Village of Bittern Lake EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNIT Y Water Operator Duties include water operations, heav y lif ting, operating machiner y, equipment, and tools. Assist Public Works Foreman with road and alley maintenance, grass cutting, weed control, tree trimming, and general maintenance of Village owned land and proper ty. All season road maintenance and any other work deemed necessar y. Small Water and Wastewater Operator cer tificates required. This is a par t-time position requiring an average of 20 hours per week , includes daytime, being on standby for emergencies and occasional weekends. Posit ion open unt il suitable candidate is found. For full description and how to apply please visit our website: www.villageof bitternlake.ca NO PHONE CALLS, PLE ASE The successful candidate will provide a satisfactor y RCMP security clearance check and drivers abstract

BRCF grants Fish and Game Association


The Battle River Community Foundation awarded a $1,200 grant to the Camrose and District Fish and Game Association.

The grant was used to support the construction of an accessible outdoor toilet facility with a 1,000-gallon septic tank. Volunteer club members completed the project.

“I am very grateful for an organization like the Battle River Community Foundation and, on behalf of the Camrose Fish and Game Association, would like to thank the Foundation for this grant to help fund this project. We especially want to thank the benefactors who contribute to the BRCF and make Camrose and area a special place to live. I would encourage everyone to check out the Foundation and possibly become a benefactor as well. The Fish and Game habitat property and fish pond located east of Camrose is a four-season facility, and our recent addition of toilet facilities that are wheelchair accessible is a much-welcomed addition. We encourage the public to come enjoy the natural setting, picnic area, walking trails, and the great trout fishing pond,” said Camrose and District Fish and Game Association’s Wayne Harde.

The grant is funded from income earned in the Beverly (Pearson) Penner and Don Penner Fund and the Students for a Sustainable Environment Fund. These funds allow the Foundation board to match annual grant applicants with the interests their donors wish to support.

The Battle River Community Foundation exists to support organizations in east central Alberta that benefit the local communities and positively impact the future.

Grants from the Battle

River Community Foundation are primarily made possible through the generosity of individual donors and organizations that have created endowment funds. The principal of these endowment funds is kept intact, and the income is made available annually to support local projects and organizations.

Since it was founded in 1995, the Battle River Community Foundation has granted over $9,308,006 to support charitable activities in the Battle River Region.

If location is everything, then this home, located in the Marler subdivision, is the perfect fit. The beautifully maintained bilevel home is located in a quiet close featuring mature trees and pristine yards.

The home itself is done to impress, with up-to-date finishes, laminate wood flooring and stylish features including a tiled wall.

The living area is flooded with warm natural light from the large front windows, and flows easily into the dining area adjacent to the stunning kitchen. It makes entertaining a breeze.

You will love the kitchen with gorgeous updated cabinets, countertops, backsplash and stainless steel appliances. Enjoy chatting with children about their day at the peninsula, or use it for a quick and easy place to have breakfast.

Patio doors off the dining area lead out to a fabulous sunroom where you

can enjoy getting some sunshine and taking in the great outdoors in comfort. A four-piece bathroom and two bedrooms complete the main floor.

Head down to the completely finished lower level for some quality family time in the large family room complete with a cozy wood-burning stove. Two more bedrooms and a three-piece bathroom are ideal for older children to enjoy some privacy, overnight guests or a place for in-laws to call their own.

You will love the amount of outdoor living you can have in the massive beautifully landscaped backyard that features a huge patio area, garden boxes and plenty of shrubbery.

This wonderful home, located at 4203-58 Street Close and priced at $374,500, is ready for its new owners.

Join Wally Wrubleski at an open house on Thursday, April 25, from 3 until 5:30 p.m. Or, for a private viewing, contact Wally at:

It 's the o icial season of "I' ll pay you back when I get my tax refund."

My son asked me what taxes are, so I gave him a bag of Smarties and explained that he has to give some to me and I know how much he has to give me, but he has to guess himself and if he' s wrong, he goes to prison

I'm really glad I learned about parallelograms instead of how to do taxes. It really comes in handy during parallelogram season.

I just filed my own taxes

Con: I think I did them wrong

Pro: I'm getting back 1 7 million dollars.

What do accountants like most abou t the weekends during tax season?

The y get to wear casual clothes to work.

Just got my tax refund and I might just go craz y!

Probably buy some name -brand macaroni and cheese and, with what's left over, maybe an avocado

Toddler : [runs around like a craz y person while I'm trying to do my taxes]

Me : "You're really lucky you're a deduction, kid."

Turbo Tax is the worst computer game ever.

Doing taxes is so easy! I don' t know what ever ybody is talking abou t.

Step 1: Get your T4.

Step 2 : Give it to your dad

What 's so hard about that?

Be nice to your accountant today. Preparing someone's taxes is precision guess work based on unreliable data from those with questionable knowledge

Ever y year I make the same mistake on my tax return –I tr y doing it myself.

People cheating on their taxes disgust me. This is not the world I want to raise my 23 dependents in Government : "Here's your tax refund."

Me : " Thank y––"

Broken Refrigerator : "I' ll take that."

"Tax season just flew by!" said no accountant e ver. A fool and his money are soon par ted.

The rest of us wait until tax time

Just a reminder that you have plent y of time to do your taxes at the last minute!

What Spring feels like:

"This weather is perfec t for outdoor activities!"

What Spring feels like with allergies:

"This is the end. This is the day I will die."

What 's made of leather and sounds like a sneeze? A shoe.

This Spring, my nose decided to take up running I can breathe out of one nostril today.

So I have that going for me which is nice.

When your nose is stu ed and you just sit there and think about the time when it wasn' t stu ed and how you took breathing freely for granted.

The weather is beautiful, bu t my allergies have me waking up and having to relearn how to breathe and see.

Hello pollen my old friend, My nose is running once again

My favourite springtime fashion accessories are antihistimines.

My nose has done more running this Spring than I have.

It 's allergy season again?

You' ve got to be pollen my leg.

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The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 23
Central Agencies Realty Home of the Week Wonderful home, prime location
Central Agencies Realty 4870-51 Street, Camrose 780-672-4495 or Cell 780-781-7323
Wally Wrubleski Battle River Community Foundation treasurer Neil Lunty presented a cheque to the Camrose and District Fish and Game Association’s Wayne Harde, Ways and Means chairman; Barry Ness, treasurer; Kevin Stang, director; and Sly Baier, trophy chairman.
EXCELLENT ALMOST-NEW VALLEYVIEW TOWNHOUSE … Desirable location, quality built and offering a simplified way of life and senior friendly with no steps. Bright open floor plan, well planned with spacious living room and dining space. Glorious kitchen, huge island, granite counters and corner pantry. In-floor heating, vinyl plank, 9-foot ceilings. 2 awesome bedrooms, newer appliances and M/F laundry. Alley access to attached garage complete with Epoxy flooring. Not a condo therefore no fees. This ideal lifestyle awaits you, just move in! Asking $369,000 A2122282 NEW LISTING! CENTRAL AGENCIES REALTY Inc. #100, 4870-51 Street, Camrose 780-672-4495 centralagenciesrealty.com CAMROSE HOMES The CAMROSE BOOSTER, April 23, 2024 – Page 24 WOW! GORGEOUS WALKOUT BUNGALOW, AWESOME 4-CAR GARAGE … Amazing lake views. It’s absolutely perfect! Features a quality built 2083 sq. ft. 5-bedroom home. Exceptional craftsmanship and design. You will love every area of the home from the gourmet kitchen, butlers’ pantry, chic living spaces, superb primary bedroom and the amazing walkout basement. Awesome deck/ patio and so much more! Views, lifestyle, it’s perfect! Asking $1,399,000 A2096394 GEMINI CENTRE, GROUND FLOOR – A PLACE FOR YOUR BUSINESS! … Exceptional street level unit: 2078 sq. ft. Awesome location. Easy access. Superior design. Superb visibility. Asking $23/sq. ft. + common A2082496 COMMERCIAL PRIME MAIN STREET PROPERTY IN CAMROSE – ZONED C1 Excellent opportunity in the heart of Camrose City Centre! 3,262 sq. ft. commercial building with 2 entrances, reception areas, offices, client meeting rooms, 3 bathrooms, flex areas and warehousing. Easy customer access and rear parking. Call now! Asking $229,000 A2030401 HWY 56 FRONTAGE … 6.05 acres in Millang Industrial Park. 3-phase power, gas available now. Edmonton city water is to be available in 2023. This 6.05 acre parcel is zoned Farmland at present. This is the LAST REMAINING LOT! Asking $749,000 A2098054 Give our professional realtors a call for a complimentary market evaluation of your property BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP BUNGALOW, FULL BASEMENT MODEL! … New adult living community! Model 1244. Beautiful bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat and easy steps to garage. Excellent kitchen, spacious great room, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, and more! No condo fees. Still time to choose your colours. You’ll love it! Asking $499,322 A2077560 www.realtor.ca We offer Multiple Listing Service Don’t miss the featured Home of the Week on page 23! KINGMAN … Newly developed lots. Choose from seven! Located on the edge of town. Starting at $27,500 A1156323, 6338, 6341, 6343, 6349 OUT OF TOWN GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY in New Norway! High quality 4-plex. Beautiful modern units, open concept living. Currently rented out for $900/mo. plus utilities. Strong rental market. Asking $569,000 A2089277 EXCELLENT BI-LEVEL ON TWO LOTS! Exceptional lifestyle - Rosalind. You’ll love the peacefulness and relaxing lifestyle. Beautiful 1140 sq. ft. bi-level with private setting on two lots! Lovely living room with vaulted ceilings, awesome country kitchen, en suite and main floor laundry. Cozy ICF basement, 65% completed. Park setting, veranda, deck, 22’x24’ heated garage. Gemstone lighting system and more. A country lifestyle with all the services! Asking $339,900 A2091689 EXCEPTIONALLY WELL KEPT BUNGALOW in the Town of Daysland! Features include: open concept, lovely kitchen with lots of cabinets, under cabinet lighting, centre island, In-floor heat. Garden door to covered deck. 24’x26’ heated garage. New washer and dryer, freshly painted main level, new shingles (2023), plus much more! Asking $365,000 A2106894 BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP TOWNHOUSE! Model 1153 non-basement. Senior friendly. Beautiful open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, 25’x13.’ garage all finished. You’ll love it! Asking $360,076 A2078776 BEST PRICE! SOLD WOW! GORGEOUS TOP FLOOR COPPERSTONE CONDO … overlooking Mirror Lake! Premier property, amazing lake views! Quality built 3-bedroom, recently upgraded. Bright open plan. 13’ and 9’ ceilings, lots of windows, gourmet kitchen, huge breakfast bar, gorgeous living room, superb primary with en suite. Air conditioning. Heated parking, tandem stalls. Awesome deck and more! Asking $659,500 A2114648 SOLD NEW WALKOUT BUNGALOW CONDOS BY LAKE! … Finished up and down! Landscaped yard, vinyl fencing, artificial turf – WOW! You’ll love the location of “Valley View West Estates”. An amazing adult community by the lake, walking trails and park. Absolutely an exceptional home with a gorgeous, bright open plan. Asking $575,162 A2115498 ONLY 2 DOUBLE CAR GARAGE UNITS LEFT! SOLD SOLD There’s never been a better time to list with… CENTRAL AGENCIES REALTY Inc. EXCELLENT FAMILY FRIENDLY HOME … steps away from park, valley and numerous walking trails. Lovely kitchen with centre island eating bar, gas stove, stylish range hood and corner pantry. Vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, finished basement, ICF block foundation plus much more! Asking $439,900 A2112636 SOLD EXCELLENT CONDO WITH PRIVACY! … 1500 sq. ft. condo offers the convenience of condo living with the feel of a home. 2 bedrooms, plus an office in a spacious layout. Amazing sunken livingroom with gas fireplace. Private patio, well laid out kitchen and main floor laundry. Large primary suite with 3-piece en suite. This unit has been fully painted and boasts vinyl plank flooring upstairs. It has also been professionally cleaned so it’s ready to go for YOU! Asking $179,000 A2113632 SOLD Check out our Beautiful Lakeside Adult Community. Private and Quiet! Beautiful Bungalows by Battle River Homes BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW TOWNHOUSE! • 1287 sq. ft. • Single garage • In-floor heat • No steps Asking $398,162 A2122843 BEAUTIFUL WALKOUT VILLA! • Finished up and down • In-floor heat • 12’x24’ garage, all finished • All landscaped – turf and fencing Asking $518,162 A2122925 EXCELLENT STARTER HOME OR RENTAL ADDITION … 5 bedrooms, 3 updated bathrooms with a private 2-pce en suite, hardwood floors, vinyl windows, updated furnace. Just over 1200 sq.ft., 24’x20’ detached garage and a partially finished basement. Finished upstairs very well and some finishing in the basement to do. Asking $256,900 A2112262 REDUCED! PERFECT CAMPING/WEEK GETAWAY … in Sunset Heights at Red Deer Lake. Double lot with three-season cabin, holding tank, new well in 2021. Set up with RV plugs and water. 30’x20’ tarp shed for storage. Asking $135,000 A2116918 REDUCED! MODEL 1244 ZERO STEP … Senior friendly. Beautiful bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat, beautiful kitchen, spacious great room. Main floor laundry. Easy access to garage. Covered patio and more! No condo fees! Immediate possession! You’ll love it! Asking $436,376 A2045627 GREAT FLEXIBLITY IN MAYERTHORPE OVER 23 ACRES ALONG HWY 43 Asking $230,000 CA0168666 65 ACRE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY … 3 minutes North of Camrose off HWY 833. Existing 7440 sq. ft. building, fully renovated. Well/ septic/natural gas. New 600V/200 amp/ 3 phase transformer on site. Drainage ditch throughout feeding a 6.5 million gallon dugout on South perimeter. Judicial Sale. Asking $1,600,000 A2101350 ACREAGES 1322 SQ. FT. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW on 1.07 aces 3.5 miles from Camrose’s Ring Road. Open concept 2001 built home with great kitchen, large living room, beautiful primary with LARGE WALK-IN closet. Finished lower level with massive family room. Covered South East side deck. New shingles, forced air heat, cozy in-floor heating, 30’x26’ garage. Quiet acreage, you’ll love the proximity to Camrose, without the traffic or neighbours. Asking $514,900 A2102612 NEW PRICE! NEW NORWAY LOT 65’ wide lot at the edge of town in Spartan Estates! Asking $50,000 A2089400 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on the OVERSIZE lot! No neighbours behind! Bawlf has a provincially acclaimed K-12 school, wonderful sports facilities and walking trails. Only 20 minutes from Camrose –which is the perfect distance to unwind on your drive home from work! Starting at $45,000 A2076411, 6409, 6403 4001-50 Street, Camrose Phone 780.672.5851 www.ipdi.biz AWESOME COMMUNITY & LIFESTYLE 3320-50A Street Close Available NOW! Model 1244 asking $436,376 A2045627 Full basement model • No condo fees Double garage • Zero step entry Model 1244 Asking $499,322 A2077560 FULL BASEMENT! New Zero-Step Townhouse Fully finished basement Double garage, finished • In-floor heating Model 1244 asking $571,440 A2123360 Beautiful Bungalow Townhouse Zero-step, non-basement • End unit Double garage • In-floor heating Asking $444,900 A2123601 Beautiful Bungalow Townhouse Zero-step, non-basement Single garage • In-floor heating Pick your colours! Asking $436,900 A2123385 • Master planned community Designed for active adults • No condo fees • Community lifestyle 63.26 ACRES IN THE CITY OF CAMROSE, ZONED M1! Highway frontage, spur-line opportunity. Awesome 11,664 sq.ft. building. plus 48 acres have City offsite levies prepaid. An impeccable property; 80’x94’ work area with lube/mechanics’ pit, plus 80’x26’ drive-through wash-bay all with 18’x18’ doors. Excellent offices and reception area. Lots of future development potential or room to expand your operations. Call now! Asking $6.95M A2122819 NEW LISTING! CARE FREE LIVING Here is your opportunity to live in your home with a yard and driveway looked after and IT’S NOT A CONDO! 1,640 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms with two primary bedrooms, one with a walk-out balcony overlooking the lake. Open concept kitchen/dining/living room with corner fireplace. There is a mezzanine area for the grandchildren to watch TV or play in an area that is out of the way. The lower level features a MASSIVE family room that features a HD projection TV! The bedroom on this level actually has a walk-in closet. You will LOVE the extras on this Village at Westpark home – hardwood flooring, the balcony overlooking the lake, a maintenance free deck that has room for the BBQ and gas in the garage for heat if desired. This is MOVE-IN READY and waiting for you. WELCOME HOME! Asking $409,000 A2128461 NEW LISTING! AMAZING LOCATION! You will LOVE this meticulously cared-for 4-bedroom bi-level in a close. Open plan with fully updated kitchen with updated appliances. Beautiful sunroom to enjoy spring and fall days, plus a large patio and courtyard. Fully finished basement with wood burning stove. Updates include: windows, shingles and mechanical. Beautiful park-like back yard. You will appreciate this home and all that it offers! Asking $374,500 A2124368 NEW LISTING! END UNIT – BEAUTIFUL NEW TOWNHOUSE! Zero step, senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, attached double garage, all finished. You’ll love it! Asking $444,900 A2123601 NEW LISTING! BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP TOWNHOUSE! Senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, attached garage, all finished. You’ll love it! Asking $436,900 A2123385 NEW LISTING! ZERO STEP TOWNHOUSE! Senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry, In-floor heat, covered patio, attached garage. Still time to pick your colours! Asking $421,700 A2123223 NEW LISTING! WOW, WALK-OUT VILLAS – VALLEYVIEW WEST! Close to lake, parks and walking trails. Walk-out finished up and down! Gourmet kitchen, granite, spacious dinette, gorgeous living room. Superb master/en suite, main floor laundry, A/C. Excellent basement floor plan. Artificial turf, vinyl fencing. In-floor heating, deck/patio, attached garage! Asking $518,162 A2122925 NEW LISTING! NEW TOWNHOUSE IN VALLEYVIEW! End unit, senior friendly design, no steps! Beautiful 1287 sq. ft. floor plan. In-floor heating and 9’ ceilings. Exceptional kitchen, quartz countertops, Spacious living/dinette area, main floor laundry. 22.5’x11.5’ garage, epoxy flooring. Pick your colours! Asking $398,162 A2122843 NEW LISTING! VALLEYVIEW – NEW TOWNHOUSE! Inside unit, senior friendly design! Beautiful open floor plan, in-floor heating and 9’ ceilings. Exceptional kitchen, quartz countertops. Spacious living/dinette area, main floor laundry. 22.5’x11.5’ garage. Pick your colours! Asking $368,162 A2122901 NEW LISTING! OPEN HOUSE Thursday, April 25 3:00 to 5:30 pm 4203-58 Street Close “Home of the week, see page 23!” AMAZING LOCATION! You will LOVE this meticulously cared-for 4-bedroom bi-level in a close. Open plan with fully updated kitchen with updated appliances. Beautiful sunroom to enjoy spring and fall days, plus a large patio and courtyard. Fully finished basement with wood burning stove. Updates include: windows, shingles and mechanical. Beautiful park-like back yard. You will appreciate this home and all that it offers! Asking $374,500 A2124368 NEW LISTING! RESIDENTIAL LOTS Come build your new home … in the family friendly Cascades subdivision in our amazing city of Camrose! These affordable lots are perfectly located close to the west-end shopping, services, golf course, playground and parks including a dog run. Seven lots have been made available offering various options. Choose from lots providing a walkout option and backing onto the pond and walking trails, a “corner” lot with open space to the west, or other lots with established neighbours. A great opportunity not to be missed! Asking $85,000-115,000 A2110713 BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW WITH FINISHED BASEMENT! Zero step, end unit! Senior friendly and a fantastic community. Beautiful, bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat and easy access to garage. Excellent kitchen, spacious great room, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, and more. No condo fees. You’ll love it! Asking $571,440 A2123360 NEW LISTING!

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