May 21, 2024 Camrose Booster

Page 1

Camrose and District

Fish and Game president Glen Hand is putting all his eggs in one bowl, hoping for clear skies on May 26, when volunteers from Camrose and District Fish and Game once again serve up some delicious morsels at the Fly-In Breakfast.

Clear skies ahead All eyes to
skies on Sunday, May 26, when Camrose Airport once again becomes the busiest airport in Canada, welcoming pilots and their amazing flying machines to the 65th Annual Fly-In Breakfast hosted by the Camrose Flying Club. News Features Reflections by Bonnie Hutchinson 4 Just Sayin' 4 ALS Walk Together 10 Coverchuk garners first place in Camrose bull riding 12 Local competitors earn Winter Games medals .............. 22 Little entrepreneur with a big heart 27 Canada Safeway   Hauser Home Hardware   M & M Food Market   Peavey Mart   Shoppers Drug Mart   Walmart   Wild Rose Co-op   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔* ✔* ✔* ✔* To Camrose Homes To Rural Homes Tuesday With Booster ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔* ✔* ✔ *partial coverage This Week's Flyers Inside Who Can I Count On? 6 Out and About 12 and 13 City of Camrose ..................... 15 On the Road 20 and 21 Obituaries 24 and 25 Classifieds 28 to 30 Central Agencies Realty Inc. 31 and 32 Vol. LXXII, No. 26 City Edition – 32 Pages Country Edition – 40 Pages May 21, 2024

Gently casting a line into still waters and watching the ripples radiate outwards until they disappear. Anticipating that tug at the other end with hopes of reeling in a catch. Then admiring the glint of the sun off the iridescent scales of the fish as you release them back for another angler.

Many people agree that fishing can be a soothing way to enjoy the great outdoors, which is why Camrose and District Fish and Game Association, in partnership with Alberta Conservation Association, Alberta Wildlife Federation and Inland Concrete, are offering a Kids Can Catch fishing day at Pleasure Island Fish Pond on Saturday, June 1 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Pleasure Island is located five kilometres east of Camrose and one kilometre south of Highway 13.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for children to try their hand at fishing,” noted Camrose and District Fish and Game Association president Glen Hand.

“If you have your own rods and tackle bring them, otherwise we will have some there to borrow.”

The day will include a fly rod fishing demonstration, fishing mentors on hand to assist with new anglers, complimentary beverages, hot dogs and hamburgers (courtesy of Inland Concrete, while supplies last) and free giveaways for youth (while supplies last).

Subject experts will also be on hand to provide information on fishing and conservation.

While you are there, enjoy the beautiful walking trails and natural amphitheatre overlooking a pond where you can spot a variety of different waterfowl and birds.

Pleasure Island is equipped with a pet friendly area and public restrooms offering mobility challenged access.

Note, all Alberta Sportfishing Regulations are applicable to this event and can

Kids Can Catch event encourages fishing

be viewed at

To register for the event or if you have any questions contact Camrose and District Fish and Game Association director Wayne Harde by telephone at 780-781-2824 or email at wharde@telus. net.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 2 Windsor Plywoo d 4705 -41 St., Camrose • Ph. 780- 608-WOOD (9663) HOUR S: Monday to Friday, 8 am -5 pm; Saturday, 9 am -4 pm Weekender Collection From $299 lin. ft . Build a better deck! Prime+ Collection From $369 lin. ft . Smar t Panel B Grade $4499 each New Arrivals vals - Priced to move! iced 1x4 8’ Clear Fir Wormy Pine S2S Figured Maple S2S GR APHICS DEPARTMENT Sharon Schwar t z, Ar t Director Journeyman Graphic Designer; Brenda Campbell, Deput y Ar t Director Journeyman Graphic Designer; Alyzza Labajo, Graphic Designer Lorna Stobbe, Proofreader Published Tuesday for Controlled Distribut ion by CAMROSE BOOSTER LTD. Providing complete coverage of the City of Camrose and the communities of Ohaton, Edberg, Meeting Creek Donalda, Bawlf Kelsey, Rosalind, Daysland, Heisler Strome, Forestburg, Galahad, Killam, Sedgewick , Alliance, Armena, Hay Lakes, Sout h Tof ield, Round Hill, Kingman, New Nor way, Ferintosh, Bittern Lake, and their rural routes each and every week Circulat ion 12,263 copies weekly Hours: Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone 780-672-3142 Fax 780-672-2518 EMAIL US AT News: • Display Ads: Classified Ads: • Circulation:
Website: • 4925-48 Street , Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 Everyone Reads t he Home Team Paper! The most effective, most economical adver tising medium in the Camrose area. The entire contents of THE CAMROSE BOOSTER are protected by copyright and any unauthorized reproduction of it, in whole or in par t, without consent in writing, is expressly prohibited. PUBLISHER mcfoul@camr .net FOUNDERS Bill Fowler 1917-1991 ADVERTISING SALES Je Fowler Kirby Fowler f CIRCUL ATION MANAGER ASSOC. PUBLISHER Ron Pilger Laurel Nadon ASSIGNMENT WRITER NEWS REPORTERS Murray Green Lori Larsen PRODUCTION Kirby Fowler, Production Manager; Michael Wasylkowski, Pressman INSERTERS: Candace Gibbs, Tammy Weibelzahl, Debra Roussel, Carmen Lien. DRIVER: Ron Holland OFFICE STAFF Don Hutchinson, Comptroller; Andrea Uglem, Accounts Receivable; Beck y Bolding, Admin. Assistant We acknowledge the suppor t of the Government of Canada. Phone 780-672-3142  4925-48 St ., Camrose All security features, unique background pattern to head off reproduction, copying and cut-and-paste operations. 80 cheques $38.60 160 cheques $52.00 320 cheques $95.20 Duplicate Personal Cheques Handy duplicates for easy record keeping. 80 duplicate cheques $45.80 160 duplicate cheques $61.50 320 duplicate cheques $112.00 ersonal Cheques Small Business Cheques 7.5” x 3.25” plus stub, black ink , white paper, numbered 250 cheques $117.50 500 cheques $144.50 1000 cheques $199.50 Duplicate Business Cheques and laser cheques also available. Stop overpaying for your CHEQUES! Pay up to 50% LES S OUR PRICES BE AT THE BANKS! Our cheques are bank-qualit y with bank secure features.
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Remington Hutton, with fishing rod in hand, marched down the pier to the dock at Pleasure Island Fish Pond.

Want to be happy?

Be generous.

Last month, I had the privilege of spending time with 12 people who are part of a not-forprofit group that I admire.

Two things struck me. First, though each personality was different, each person was generous with both time and money. Second, this was a group of basically contented people.

So–do generosity and contentment go together?

Twelve people is too small a sample to make a generalization but…I thought yes!

Then last week I came across research with an interesting conclusion: being generous goes with being happy. ***

In 2019, researchers from the Department of Psychology at the University of Lubeck, Germany, conducted an experiment with volunteers. They studied the volunteers’ brain with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to see what happened in the volunteers’ brains when they chose to be generous.

The researchers recruited 50 volunteers and divided them into two groups. They gave each person 25 Swiss francs (about $30 Canadian) every week for four weeks. They told one group that the money was theirs to spend on themselves, like going out for dinner or buying something. They asked the other group to spend the money on other people, like taking a friend out for dinner.

At the end of the four weeks, the volunteers had to make a decision that had nothing to do with the first part of the experiment. They had to choose a person they wanted to give a gift to. It couldn’t be the same person as in the first part of the study. While the volunteers were deciding, the researchers used MRI to measure the changes that occurred in their brains.

The scientists gave them options they could accept or reject. Each option would benefit the chosen person and would also cost the volunteer money. All the options would cost the volunteer, so accepting the option required some personal sacrifice.

Before the second experiment, the researchers had measured the personal happiness of each volunteer through a questionnaire. After the decision-making process in the second phase, the researchers measured volunteers’ happiness levels using MRI brain scans. Researchers could see if there were changes in the volunteers’ levels of happiness.

The researchers found that the volunteers who had used their money for other people were also the ones who made the most generous decisions in the second experiment. The more generous people also had the greater increase in happiness.


Generosity is common in all cultures. According to the article I read by Harry T. Prewitt in Medium, this and other experiments show that generosity is a universal trait. It doesn’t depend on socioeconomic status. Generosity is a more spontaneous action than greed, which Prewitt says requires more thought (It tickles me that being greedy is more difficult than being generous).

We humans are social beings. Our ancestors did not survive alone. Generosity enhances social connections. Even if a generous act costs us or won’t enhance our reputation, being generous improves our social connections. Generosity helps our species survive.


While prowling around on-line, I came across “Five qualities of generous people.”

Altruism–the principle and practice of being concerned for the well-being and happiness of other people or animals above oneself.

Optimism–a belief that things will turn out well.

Trust–faith in oneself and others.

Energy–the strength and vitality needed for physical or mental activity.

Ability to lead–wisely and ethically.

I thought back to the 12 people in the not-for-profit group I admire. Each one has a different personality. Each one demonstrates all five generous qualities. Each one is a leader.

It pleases me to think that being generous is good for the world and makes us happier.

Our cups runneth over.


I’d love to hear from you. If you have comments about this column or suggestions for future topics, send an email to . I’ll happily reply within two business days.

Carbon tax

Carbon tax–I’m confused–help.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax was introduced in October 2019 at $20/tonne of emissions penalty charge on most necessities of life. As of April 1, this tax had morphed into $80/tonne of emissions and scheduled to increase by $15/tonne of emissions each year thereafter. Okay.

Intent of Trudeau carbon tax is to reduce the rate of global emissions that contribute to climate change (i.e. severe draught, catastrophic hurricane seasons, record setting rainfall, etc.). As a proverbial pinprick in total global emissions, I wish Canada luck in bringing about measureable climate change unless the big emitters buy in.

But here at home, recent outbreaks in Alberta wildfires has prompted the usual NDP complaints against the UCP government for being unprepared and short on firefighting resources.

Last year, I recall both Alberta and Nova Scotia governments strongly indicated as much as 50 per cent of wildfires are attributed to intentional and unintentional human behaviour.

Here is my confusion. Should not a portion of carbon tax proceeds be allocated to tracking down, charging and imprisoning culprits? Reducing forest fires through the courts just might be better odds of saving the planet (or at least Canada) than a tax considering the lasting and harmful smoke impact, re-

source destruction and disruption of the lives of thousands–shouldn’t Canadian CSIS and RCMP security have the incentive and duty to employ all their resources to apprehend and arrest. Ever since the Slave Lake fire of 10 years ago, Fort McMurray fire of eight years ago and Shelburne, Nova Scotia fire of last year, suspects were reported to be on the radar. As the saying goes, where there is smoke, there is fire. To my knowledge there hasn’t been a single arrest. Correct me if I’m wrong. Set a precedent by imposing the law with harsh penalties. Whether fires are set by carelessness or devious motives, one must know there will be a huge price to pay.

Neil Leeson,


ing summer season. Leslie


three in the three kilometre event, while Scott Kohlman,

niuk placed in the top three in the eight km event.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 4
Camrose Send your LETTER TO THE EDITOR to: The Camrose Booster 4925-48 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 or email it to: TH E FINE PR IN T: We welcom e lett er s th at are of public inte re st are fact base d an d represent logic al at tempts to ma ke a constructive contribution to public discours e. We re se rve th e ri gh t to edit le tt er s fo r clarit y, legali ty g ood ta st e an d to fi t availa bl e spac e. Lett er s th at cont ain personal at tack s or abus e an d insult s w ill be edited or reje cted entire ly Lett er s to third pa rt ie s are not acce pt ed Please li mi t your le tt er s to 40 0 word s an d sign with your first name init ia l, su rname, addres s an d phon e number; only the name of th e writer and ci ty or tow n w ill be publishe d. We th an k yo u fo r your inte re st in this fe at ure an d encourage your comments
OLE UFFDA RUN Murray Green, Camrose Booster Runners of ages entered the Ole Uffda Spring Run Off to get in shape for the upcom- Hansen, Diemer and Celine Cinq-Mars were the top Will Brager and Daylan Wiz-

BRSD o ers both Early and Late French Immersion.

All are welcome!

Early French Immersion

■ École Sifton School, Camrose

Students can enter in Pre-K, Kindergar ten or Grade 1

Early and Late French Immersion

■ École Charlie Killam School, Camrose

Students in Early Immersion transition to École Charlie Killam School for Grades 6 to 8. Late French Immersion is also available for families looking to star t French Immersion in Junior High. Students can enter this program in Grade 6.

■ École Camrose Composite High School

French Immersion students transition to École Camrose Composite High School for Grades 9 to 12.

A full academic program is available to take students through to graduation.

The Battle River School Division is proud to o er a qualit y French Immersion program with a focus on academics. Students registered in our French Immersion Programs also have equal access to school spor ts teams and options.

Join us at an OPEN HOUSE

École Sif ton School (4807-43 Street , Camrose):

Pre-K and Kindergar ten | Tuesday, June 11, 5:30 p.m.

École Charlie Killam School (4809-46 Street , Camrose):

Grades 6 to 8 | Thursday, May 23, 4:00-6:00 p.m.

French Soirée | Monday, June 3, 6:30 p.m. - CANCELLED

École Camrose Composite High School, (6205-48 Ave, Camrose) Please call us and arrange a personal tour! l

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• Jocelyn Schielke of the New Norway 4-H Beef Club had the Grand Champion Steer at the Camrose and District Interclub 4-H Show and Sale. She received her trophy from Royal Bank Account Manager Elaine Lentz. The trophy for the Reserve Grand Champion was presented to Courtney Ceretzke of the Camrose 4-H Beef Club by Royal Bank Senior Account Manager Brian Maki.

• Crowfoot Member of Parliament, Jack Ramsay, Wetaskiwin Camrose constituency MLA LeRoy Johnson, Camrose Police Inspector Damian Herle and Camrose Police Service Chief Marshall Chalmers presented certificates and pins to twenty-seven graduates of Sparling School’s DARE Program. Three Grade Six classes have now graduated from the program.

• At a press conference Lorne Broen, President of the Camrose Sport Development Society announced that the Kodiaks had renewed the contract of Head Coach Jeff Truitt and named Boris Rybalka as the team’s General Manager Mr. Rybalka, who was the Kodiaks Business Manager and Assistant Coach, gets a new title, but President Broen says little will change in terms of day-to-day operation of the team.

• Six visitors from Japan toured Rotary District 536 on a Rotary Club Exchange. They were guests of the Camrose Rotary Club at a steak barbecue at the Frank Reid farm, spent the night billeted at homes of Rotarians then toured Byers Flour Mills and the Alberta Wheat Pool Seed Cleaning Plant before leaving with John Chamberlain, President of the Camrose Rotary Club, for Lacombe from the Camrose airport via four private aircraft piloted by Neil Hansen, Frank Reid, Bill Harberg and Bill Fowler

• The City of Camrose will collaborate with the Department of Environment, Province of Alberta on a Biting Fly Control Program for 1974, costing $10,000. The City’s share is anticipated to be $2,650. Dr. D. Larson, Entomologist, Camrose Lutheran College, is heading up the administration and planning of all stages of the programme. Mr. Boyd Lindberg, Superintendent of Public Works, is responsible for providing a qualified pesticide applicator, informing crews of the proper handling and application of insecticide to approved standards. The area of control for the 1974 programme will consist of approximately a two mile radius from the centre of the City

• The City’s Mosquito Control Committee consists of Aldermen Phill Link (chairman) and Marvin LaBarge; Dr. Dave Larson and Dr Peter Knoess of Camrose Lutheran College; Al Richardson of the Fish and Wildlife Division; John Timinski and Boyd Lindberg of the City Staff; and Councillor Oscar Mallas of the County of Camrose.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 6 Your handy dire ctor y for area profes sionals, tr adesmen and se rvice businesses WHO can I count on?
and REGISTRIES Camrose Registry Ltd. 5613-48 Avenue, Camrose Phone (780)672-1671, Fax (780)672-1982 HOURS: Mon. - Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. We accept Cash, Cheque, and Debit for payment Alberta Registry Services • Vehicle Registration • Operator Services
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the pages of e Booster
SCHOOL MEALS Murray Green, Camrose Booster Camrose branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary vice-president Louisa Undin, left, treasurer Agnes Minnes and president Grace Torpe, right, presented Battle River School Division secretary-treasurer Imogene Walsh with $3,000 to go towards breakfast and lunch programs in Camrose schools, May 3.

• Big Valley Jamboree

• Boston Pizza Camrose

• Central Agencies Realt y Inc.

• Canadian Tire Camrose

• Drever Agencies Inc.

• McClellan Wheaton Chevrolet Ltd.


• Hauser Home Hardware Building Centre

• Ron Grue

• The Bethany Group

• Dawn Anderso n

• Hi-Way 13 Transpor t Ltd.

• Universit y of Alber ta Augustana Campus

• Centra Cam Vocational Training Association

• Camrose Booster Ltd.

• Re/max Real Estate Camrose

• Vision Credit Union

• Camrose Women’s Shelter Societ y

• Centra Cam Social Enterprise Ltd.

• Rundle Mountain Lodge Canmore

• Stage West Theatre Restaurants

• Kudrowich and Associates Private Wealth Management

• Align Builders Ltd.

• Ipec Proper ty Developments Inc.

• Days Inn Camrose Norsemen

• Wideman Paint and Décor

• Denis Beesley

• To eld Packers Ltd.

• Home-Time Realt y, Kevin Smook

• ML A Jackie Lovely

• Coal Creek Golf Resort

• Special Event Rentals

• Keller Walker Real Estate Team

• S ylvan Lake Gulls/Gavin Galenza

• Strebs/NAPA Auto Par ts

• Starbucks Camrose

• The many local restaurants and businesses who donated gif t cards and products – we truly appreciate your suppor t!

Learn about eating disorders

Eating disorders affect people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages, socioeconomic class, abilities, race and ethnic backgrounds.

They are serious mental illnesses that can be lifethreatening, regardless of body size or weight, according to Alberta Health Services.

While people may be concerned about their body image and aware of these thoughts, serious obsessions with food, body weight and/ or shape may be signs of an eating disorder.

Eating Disorder Awareness Week is a national week dedicated to action and education of the public regarding eating disorders.

Eating disorders are illnesses that affect the brain, which influences judgement and emotions. There are several different kinds of eating disorders, but the most wellknown are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating nervosa. All eating disorders can be associated with serious medical and psychological complications and early detection and intervention are important.

Misconceptions that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice or only affect certain people continue to be common. Despite these misconceptions, anyone can develop an eating disorder. They do not discriminate and can be seen in all genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations and socio-economic backgrounds.

While eating disorders are most commonly seen in teens and young adults, they can also develop in children or later in life. There are studies that show people over the age of 60 can experience eating disorders, however this age group needs more research. In Alberta, up to 15 per cent of females and eight per cent of males between ages 15 to 71, report symptoms that may warrant an eating disorder diagnosis or treatment.

Individuals with eating disorders may not show obvious signs that they are ill and health care providers and loved ones may miss the warning signs. One cannot confirm an eating disorder based on physical appearance.

Changes in weight are not the only sign. The majority of those with eating disorders are not visibly underweight. People who are low, average, or higher in weight can have eating disorder symptoms and individuals at any weight may be malnourished.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 8
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d likke e to acknowledge Troy Shackel (p he e completion of his Funeral Director’s liicens has worked tirelessly over the past 2 years towards th ming a licensed funeral director and embalmer at the Cana ege of Funeral Services. The amount of dedication it takes to w time while undergoing a full course load as well as raising a fammil o small feat. The level of commitment and dedication he has shown n a t testament to the attributes that he possesses. These attributes will be evident to all the families he serves as he helps guide them through the process of caring for their loved ones e who have passed away Bart and the Burgar Fuunneral Home staaff commend his efforts and congratulate Troy on his acccomplishment. We are proud to stand beside him as we continue to o serve the familiies in our community.

him as we continue to serve the families in our community


The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 9
4817-51 Avenue, Camrose Phone 780-672-2121 www.burgar RECORDED OBITUARY LINE : 780-67 9-24 00 "Ser ving your communit y for 118 year s"
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Nobody likes thinking about dying…
see one of our lawyers to bring your estate planning up to date. We’re in the business of making difficult conversations easier. • Wills • Estate Administration and Probate • Enduring Powers of Attorney • Personal Directives Farnham West Stolee Kambeitz LLP BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 5016-52 Street, Camrose | 780-679-0444 | Kroetsch Custom Farming 403-588-1206 Mitchel Kroetsch • Manure Spreading • Tub Grinding • Combining • Trucking • Trenching • Swathing • Balin g • Field Work • Seeding • Silaging • Corn Planting • Cattle Feeding and more RR4, Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Kroetsch Custom Farming SERVICE S AVAIL ABLE Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster On Friday, May 10, Walkable Camrose chairperson Emily Sangster, third from right, led a group of participants in the “Why Not Walk” Weekend, walk around the downtown and Augustana heritage areas featuring several of Camrose’s historic buildings. WHY NOT WALK
planning ahead is par t of tak ing care of your family Don’t put it off. Come

ALS Walk Together

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Huge support

By Lori Larsen In support of those living with and affected by ALS, residents are invited to come out on Saturday, June 1 to Mirror Lake Park, for the annual Alberta Walk Together for ALS event, hosted by the ALS Society of Alberta Registration for the walk will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the walk taking place at 10 a.m.

battling this fatal disease,” commented Cheryl. “The ALS Society is supporting her and her family through their equipment lending program.”

Lori’s story began nearly five years ago when she was first diagnosed with ALS, and despite the onset of physical and emotional challenges, Lori has remained a positive example

ALS is a rapid, always fatal, neurodegenerative disease that attacks the nerves of the body that send messages from the brain to the muscle, resulting in muscle weakness and wasting. In time a person struggling with ALS will be left completely immobilized with an inability to swallow or breath.

“My mother-in-law Anita Feth was on the first organizing committee while battling the disease and stayed on the committee until her passing from the disease in 2014,” noted Camrose ALS Walk organizer Cheryl Feth.

“Our family has been tragically touched by this disease not once but several times. Sadly less than two years after Anita’s passing, her daughter succumbed to ALS as well.”

Funds raised during the Walk, as well as other fundraising initiatives, assist the Society in helping Albertans living with ALS and their families live as comfortably and independently as possible through home visits, support groups, information, referrals and equipment lending programs.

Since 2009, Camrose has been holding annual walks in June, and to date has raised a total of $454,918.45, with last year’s walk raising $36,384.10.

“Now, my good friend Lori Huolt, a member of our Camrose community is

of what a grateful attitude can do.

“I have lost my speech but have gained a communication device. I can no longer walk but have gained a wheelchair to go wherever I want. I have lost the use of my hands but have gained the helping hands of my loving husband, family and friends. It is not what we lose in life but rather what we can do to make our lives and those around us better.”

In support of her friend’s battle with ALS, for the last three years Cheryl has made “Lori’s Lanyards,” raising more than $5,000 for the ALS Society of Alberta.

The Lanyards can be purchased at the Camrose Safeway Pharmacy; however, if a business is interested in selling them, Cheryl would arrange to make them available.

Through generous donations and continued promotion of awareness, the ALS Society is able to provide support, facilitate the provision of care, help find a cure and advocate for change.

For more information on the Alberta Walk Together or to donate online visit

For more information on ALS Society of Alberta visit the website at

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 10 MAY
Murray Green, Camrose Booster Last year’s ALS Society of Alberta’s “Walk Together” event supported not only the overall cause but local Camrosian Lori Huolt, pictured centre, and others who are living with ALS.
A huge crowd of people showed up to last year’s ALS Society of Alberta’s “Walk Together” campaign to not only show their support but raise funds used to provide vital assistance to those living with and impacted by ALS

now who knows what I would have done?

Ins tead, I’m quite happy to remember my name, and make sure I put my pants on. S till be able to ponder a life well lived and wonder where has my mind gone? Turning 65…is it every thing it ’s

From the gang


Be a great neighbour to those around you

Welcome Camrose is back with its Good Neighbour campaign until May 31.

“Tell us how someone has been a good neighbour to you. You and your nominee could be awarded gift cards,” said Glenda Strauss of Welcome Camrose.

Submit your story by emailing amartin@prl. or fill out a nomination form in person at the Camrose Public Library.

Being a good neighbour isn’t just about following a set of rules or societal expectations, it’s about fostering a sense of community and creating a positive environment for yourself and those around you.

Good neighbours contribute to a peaceful and harmonious living environment. When everyone in the neighbourhood is respectful, considerate and supportive, it leads to a higher quality of life for all residents.

Good neighbours look out for each other’s well-

being. By building trusting relationships and being vigilant, neighbours can work together to create a safer and more secure community.

Having good neighbours means having a support system nearby. In times of need, such as during emergencies, illness, or other challenges, neighbours can offer assistance, whether it’s lending a helping hand, providing emotional support, or sharing resources.

Being a good neighbour fosters a sense of belonging and connection to the community. When neighbours care about each other and actively participate in community events and activities, it creates a strong sense of cohesion and unity.

Being known as a good neighbour not only benefits you personally, but also enhances your reputation within the community. Others are more likely to trust and respect someone who demonstrates kindness, consideration and reliability.

Good neighbours communicate openly and address issues constructively, which helps to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts from escalating. This leads to a less stressful living environment for everyone involved.

A neighbourhood with a reputation for being well-maintained and friendly can positively impact property values.

Potential homebuyers are often attracted to areas where they feel welcomed and where there is a sense of community pride.

Being a good neighbour often leads to positive interactions and goodwill, which tends to be reciprocated. When you extend kindness and consideration to your neighbours, they are more likely to do the same for you, creating

a cycle of positivity. Ultimately, being a good neighbour is about contributing to the greater good of the community and making a positive difference in the lives of those around you. It’s an investment in building stronger, healthier, and more vibrant neighbourhoods for everyone to enjoy.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 11 Camrose Volunteer FirefighterS Fire fighter Business Owner JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BENEFITS AND RE WARDS OF BEING ON THE CAMROSE FIRE DEPARTMENT: • In house training • Life Experience • Learn Lifesaving Skills • Involvement in the Communi ty • Family Atmosphere INTERESTED IN JOINING THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ? Find more information and application forms at ire or call the hall at 780.672.2906 or stop by the hall to speak with one of our members in person. Now recruiting Volunteer Paid-ON-CALL Fire fighters Todd Luey Camrose Ensuite Manager with 17 years of construction experience, will help you make great choices Unit 1, 3705 -47 Avenue, Camrose | 780- 672-5575 When quality matters, see us for ideas, inspiration, quality and long-lasting value for yo ur renovation or new build. Dated bathroom, laundry room or kitchen? SU RPRISE
Re cogni ze a sp ec ia l oc ca si on with an ad on th is pa ge ! SPECIA L O C CASIONS Happy 60th Tamm y
e! If I only knew then, what I can’t remember
Gr os
cracked up to

• Orange Juice

A Hear ty Western Break fast

• Steaming Hot Coffee

• Brat wurst and Back Bacon

• Farm Fresh Eggs

• Fluf fy Pancakes

• One of the largest fly-ins in Western Canada with about 10 0 aircraft expected

• Breakfast served rain or shine!

• Proceeds to the Camrose Air Cadet Program and Camrose Fish and Game Association, with thanks for their as sistance with this event.


Regarding the Fl y-In Break fast , pilots may contact : Barry Graham, 780-608-7004 Email :

Regarding our Airport and info on basing your aircraft in Camrose contact : Ron Vanden Dungen, Airport Manager Days 780-672-4 426 Email :

Coverchuk garners first place in Camrose bull riding

Cody Coverchuk of Meadow Lake, SK, won the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) Canada, Rose City Invitational in Camrose on May 11.

He rode two bulls at the Recreation Centre to hold onto the number one rank in the national standings. Coverchuk counted the fourth best score with 84 points from the judges. That score was good enough to give himself a second ride.

His second ride earned him 86.5 points, enough to claim the victory. The two rides gave Coverchuk 119 national points. He already had a 96.5 point lead heading to Camrose.

Jake Gardner of Fort St. John, BC, is second and earned 84 national points at the Rose City Invitational. He scored 86.5 points in the championship round.

Jordan Hansen of Amisk was third, receiving 63 national points and also rode two bulls with scores. Hansen had an 80-point ride in the first round and 85 points in his second goaround.

Ashton Sahli of Red Deer placed fourth with an 85-point ride. Tied for fifth were Gilmar Santana of Leduc and Dixon Tattrie of Youngstown with 84.5 scores.

Bawlf bull rider, Coy Robbins, had a tough ride in Camrose and didn’t earn any national points.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 12
will be served 7 a.m. to 12 noon
All you can eat $1500 per person 6-12 years $700, Under 6 years FREE Fl yers and Non-Fl
Welcome! @camrose flyingclub /CamroseFlyInBreak fast at Camrose Airpor t, Sunday, May 26, 2024 Fly -In Breakfast 65th ANNUAL CAMRO SE FLYING CLUB/C OPA F LIGHT 137 Box 1584, Camrose, Alber ta T4V 1X4
A LOT OF BULL Murray Green, Camrose Booster Most of the bulls at the PBR event in Camrose had fun tossing cowboys off their backs on May 11. Cody Coverchuk of Meadow Lake, SK, was the big winner to extend his lead in the national rankings.



Murray Green, Camrose Booster

Susan Jubien from Alberta Health Services in Camrose and Killam Mental Health Drop In Service, left, accepted $2552 for each of the programs from Wild Rose Co-op Gas Bar staff Kaylee Johnston and Lea Ann Samoisette. Wild Rose Co-op raised money through a till campaign from February 19 to March 1 and raised $5,105. The money was equally split between FIRST Inter Pipeline Mental Wellness/Health Program and the Killam Mental Health Drop In Service.



Entertainers include:

Ubuntu Collective, Camrose & Area Children’s Choirs, Camrose Camerata, Karis Rutledge from Phoenix Productions, Joyce and Friends, and Brian Dumont Come and bring your family and friends!

Tickets available from the church o ce or any Property Committee member

Adults: $20 Age 6-17: $5 Under 6: Free

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 13 PHONE 7 806 7 29 17 1 S U N D A Y Pairs with Mimosa $600 Served with mashed or stu ed potatoes and vegetables $2195 Chef’s Choice Free Family Fishing Event! REGISTER NOW! alber or Phone 780-781-2824 or Thanks to Alber ta Conser vation Association for making this possible! Pleasure Island Fish Pond, Saturday, June 1, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Located five minutes east of Camrose south of Highway 13 – Watch for signs! m Fishing rods available to borrow or bring your own m Fishing mentors on hand to assist with angling m Complimentar y hamburgers, hot dogs and refreshments Fr ee Content for not-for-pro t Serv ice C lubs & Organizat ions Enjoy tremendous visibility on the most visited ta bs on You r f undraisers, your break fa sts, or d inners, your t ic ket sales, ra es or a ny other act iv it y that w il l help your c lub or organizat ion t hr ive (or sur vive) c a n be posted, at no c ha rge, on one of the best commu nit y apps i n Nor t h A merica! Phone 78 0.67 3.9213 Assig n a c lub member to keep feeding u s the i nfor mation you need posted.
Camrose United Church
You are invited to
afternoon of
De ert
Saturday, May 25, 2 p.m.

The City of Camrose Recreation and Culture Department played host to the Alberta Community Arts Clubs Association’s Central Alberta Zone Show, exhibited at the Chuck MacLean Arts Centre on May 10 to 12. Appreciators of the arts showed up at the opening ceremonies held on May 10.

Hazardous roundup scheduled for June 7/8

City of Camrose Council approved two City hosted Household Hazardous Waste Roundup (HHWRU) events for 2024, at a proposed budget of $63,000, during the May 6 City of Camrose regular council meeting.

“Funding for the HHWRU events has historically been covered through tipping fees and other revenue from the Camrose Regional Sanitary Landfill,” reported City of Camrose Engineering Department Senior Municipal Engineering technologist, Amy Johnson. “Landfill revenues for 2024 are currently higher than budget, due to increased revenue from a number of large haul soil projects. Administration sees no strain to meet the currently allocated funds in the 2024 budget for the HHWRU.”

Johnson noted that despite their departure from Camrose Regional Solid Waste Authority (CRSWA) in February of this year, Camrose County and the Village of Bittern Lake have expressed interest in continuing to partner with the City of Camrose to host the HHWRU, to continue to provide the service for all residents in the area.

“The County has confirmed their interest, and is currently reviewing a draft service agreement,” said Johnson. “The Village has not responded

to the recent communications at this time.”

According to Johnson’s report, based on historical attendance, the County residents make up 15 to 20 per cent of the total number of participants, whereas the Village residents have historically accounted for around one per cent of the total number of participants.

Administration rec-

ommended hosting one HHWRU in the spring, (June 7 and 8) and one in the fall (date to be determined.)

For more information on the HHWRU, including a list of what qualifies as household hazardous waste, visit the City of Camrose website at www.

ACACA Art exhibit Opening Ceremony

The City of Camrose Recreation and Culture Department, welcomed back the Alberta Community Arts Clubs Association’s (ACACA) Central Alberta Zone Show held May 10 to 12, featuring works from across Central Alberta displayed at the Chuck Mac Lean Arts Centre.

City of Camrose Deputy Mayor, councillor Joy-Anne Murphy welcomed guests to the Chuck MacLean Arts Centre during the Opening Ceremony held May 10 at 1:30 p.m. “This is so wonderful to have the opportunity to have displays such as this. To have local and regional art come together and have people come to appreciate it.”

behalf of the ACACA was ACACA president Cindy Clark.

“The Alberta Community of Arts Clubs Association is 55 years old this year and was first developed as a means for rural (people) or people who didn’t have access to education or arts community,” explained Clark.

“It was a way for artists who sat at their kitchen tables to get together and have somebody who is trained in a university or trained in the principles of art to tell them how they can get better. It is also a way for them to show their art and become a community. I think over 55 years we certainly have become a community.”

Steven Hansen, chair of Camrose Arts Council, brought greetings on behalf of the Camrose Arts Council. “This is a wonderful event and I have really enjoyed walking around and looking at all the creativity before us.”

In speaking of the Camrose Arts and Culture Grant Funding Program, Hansen said, “This is a city that cares about the arts.”

Hansen also spoke about the Mayor’s Arts Awards program, describing both the Arts Champion Award and Creator Award, noting that nominations for the Creator Award are now open, closing June 30.

For complete details on the Mayor’s Arts Awards visit the City of Camrose website at recreation-and-leisure/ camrose-arts-councilmayor-s-arts-awards.aspx Offering greetings on

City of Camrose Recreation and Culture in-house curator, Jayda Calon, remarked on what a great honour and joy it was for her to, once again, be able to curate the exhibit.

“I really enjoy looking at art and placing works accordingly to best showcase the collections.”

Calon commented that it was a privilege to be involved with the curation of such a diverse array of work. “I am grateful for the opportunity to share these captivating works with you all in Camrose. I believe these pieces collectively make up a great display of talent in our central area.”

As well as the ACACA Central Alberta Zone Show, the Recreation and Culture Department was delighted to feature an exhibit of pieces by artists of the local Mirror Lake Art Club, in Studio B.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 14
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster The City of Camrose Household Hazardous Waste Roundup encourages residents to properly dispose of waste. Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster City of Camrose Recreation and Culture recreation coordinator and art curator Jayda Calon welcomed guests to the ACACA art exhibit opening ceremonies.


The Cit y of Camrose invites its citizens to actively contribute to the update of its Municipal Development Plan (MDP). A rst draf t of the MDP has been created following previous rounds of engagement and the Cit y is now looking for feedback on the draf t policies.

The MDP is organized around seven themes representing the goals and objectives for the Cit y of Camrose through a set of core values. Each theme is divided into sections that have general intent , described through introductor y text , and a set of objectives followed by speci c policies in alignment with those objectives. Once this round of public feedback has been completed, the nal draf t of the document will be formed and presented to Council for rst reading and a public hearing.

Camrose residents are warmly invited to attend the ‘Our Camrose: Shaping the Future’ Open House on Tuesday, May 28, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Stoney Creek Centre (5320-39 Avenue). This is an excellent oppor tunit y to share your thoughts on the themes and policies in the draf t Plan. Your valuable feedback will guide the update of Camrose’s new MDP

Why a New MDP?

The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a policy document that creates a long -term plan for a community and guides its decision-making processes. Camrose’s current MDP, adopted in 2011, requires updating to re ect signi cant changes in the Cit y, such as new planning initiatives, an increase in population, and other developments.

The ‘Our Camrose: Shaping the Future’ Project aims to create a communitydriven plan that inspires ownership and mirrors the values we uphold as a community. Your feedback and engagement are crucial in developing a comprehensive plan to guide the City ’s future decisions.


Land Use Bylaw #3222-22

Development Permit #5058 – Variances

Stay Informed

For regular project updates, you can register by clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ link under ‘Stay Informed’ at www

We value your contribution and look for ward to shaping the future of ‘Our Camrose’ together Join Us:

Public Open House

Location: Stoney Creek Centre

Address: 5320-39 Avenue

Camrose, AB T4V 4L3

Date: May 28, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Drop In St yle –No Formal Presentation

Francisca Fredericks, Long Range Planner 780-672-4428

For more information visit our project page at: www

The Cit y of Camrose Development Authority has received a Development Permit application to be considered for a duplex within the R2 – Mixed Use Residential District at: Lot 127, Block 1, Plan 2320570; 3301-50A Street Close, Camrose, AB The proposed development will require a variance of 1.5m for the Reduced Flanking Side Yard Setback and a variance of 1.6m for the Reduced (rear) Lot Width. Any person(s) who requires more information, or has comments of suppor t or objection, may contact Planning & Development , 520450 Avenue, Camrose, AB T4V 0S8, phone 780.672.4428, fax 780-672-6316, or email to: planning@ by May 27, 2024. Written submissions shall include name address and reason for suppor t or objection.


Communit y Grants Available

The Cit y of Camrose is o ering a range of grants and funding to various community organizations. For 2024, Council has set aside $20,000 to fund Discretionar y Grants to be awarded in Februar y and July. Be sure to submit your application by June 17, 2024, for the second granting oppor tunit y. For more information, please go to www.camrose. ca/grants.


One of the big winners from Draw 15, Raffle 3, was the major charity, The Open Doors, with a total donation of $4,072. Presenting the donation to The Open Doors (third from left) executive director Mylene Garcia, were members of Camrose Service Clubs Group, left to right, Camrose Royal Purple Marion Czapp, Rotary Camrose Lou and Morris Henderson and Camrose Elks Lodge #70 Gerry Czapp.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 15
Su bjec t Proper ty 33 01 50 St re et

Kick it to the Curb

Note Please

Waste Water Treatment Plan project update

During the May 6 City of Camrose Committee of the Whole meeting, City of Camrose Engineering Services manager Jeremy Enarson, updated council on the progress of the Waste Water Treatment Plant project.

According to the report the following highlights recent work completed and work still to be done.

Pumping upgrades:

• All work within the South Lift Station (SLS) building is now complete.

has until the end of June to ensure all parameters are within the new limits without being in contravention of the approval.

Financial status

Enarson reported that to date the WWTP upgrade project has cost $48,051,782 and anticipates final cost at end of project of $50,418,458, $751,543 under the approved budget of $51,170,000.

When it ’s over, it ’s over.

All items must be remo ved from boulevards (Cit y of Camrose proper ty).

Items should not be left out for free pick-up in front of dwellings at any other time of the year. Please comply. Keep our city tidy


Frankly, items not claimed af ter two full days may be deemed as junk Items wet from dew or rain are probably junk and need to be owner-transpor ted to the landfill .


One person’s junk may not prove to be another person’s treasure BE FAIR!

■ Centra Cam’s The Essentials Boutique cannot accept your junk . ■ Diabetes Collection Bins are for gently used and future us able clothing. No, they do not want your wet furniture, applianc es , broken toys , etc.

■ Haul any leftover items directly to the landfill. Your junk is not a City of Camrose Public Works problem. Don’ t abuse, or we will all lose . Until next time , thanks from…


Submitted Former Camrose Kodiaks general manager, Boris Rybalka, now a proud member of Team Canada Para Ice Hockey coaching staff, helped celebrate the team’s recent winning of the gold medal at the World Para Ice Hockey Championship held in Calgary on May 12.

• Outstanding work at the SLS is the commissioning of one building mechanical (HVAC) unit.

• Exterior to the SLS building, works still needs to be done on the replacement of an existing manhole, as well as the installation of new security fencing around the SLS building and related out-buildings.

“The fencing will maintain public access to the existing trails in the area, while enhancing security around the City’s critical assets,” noted Enarson. “This fence installation will be completed in the summer of 2024, following the replacement of the manhole.”

Treatment upgrades: All upgrades to the City’s treatment processes; main site improvements (culvert installation, final grading including ditch construction, permanent internal road construction and landscaping) and conversion of the former blower building into the new storage building and workshop, are all now complete.

Storage upgrades, including landfill clay stockpile:

• All work related to the Landfill Clay Purchase project and the original contract work related to the upgrades to the storage lagoons is complete.

Final landscaping, construction of parking lot and trail access:

• All work related to this scope is substantially complete. Final grading and landscaping of the construction laydown area is ongoing, and will be completed shortly.

Enarson said that Administration continues to test the City’s wastewater on a regular basis to confirm if the WWTP is meeting the treatment requirements, as required by the provincial and federal regulators.

“Most of the required treatment parameters are meeting the new limits outlined by the regulators, although there are still a few parameters which are not consistently meeting the new limits,” reported Enarson, adding that the City

The report indicated that the Camrose Regional Solid Waste Authority (CRSWA) spent $1,551,000 on the Landfill Clay Purchase project.

“As all work on the Landfill Clay Purchase project is now complete, the City is not expecting any additional changes from MRCL or from AE related to that project. Due to a significant reduction in the amount of clay that was moved from storage Cell I to the landfill stockpile, the final project cost is approximately $1,551,550 which is significantly lower than the approved budget of $3,104,000.”

Council inquiries Councillor Agnes Hoveland asked if there has been any noticeable change in the ammonia levels since the implementation of the MMBR process.

“That is the area of our treatment that I have probably been the most pleased with,” replied Enarson. “Now that we have the new system up and going we have had a number of months of operation under our belts. Utility staff have been going out to the post treatment storage lagoons and taking samples and all of our ammonia numbers are significantly lower, all fully within the limits from the Province and the Federal government. That has been a really positive thing.”

Enarson added that the treatment concerns now are more related to phosphorus. “We are working with Maple Reinders and our consultant to work through these issues and make sure we are compliant by the end of June.”

The report was received for information. For a complete update on the Waste Water Treatment Plant project visit the City of Camrose website at www., click through Your Government/ Agendas and Minutes/Agendas/2024/Committee of the Whole Council/Committee of the Whole Council-06 May 2024.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 16

keeps every part of your body working properly. It helps your body flush waste and stay at the right temperature. It can also help prevent kidney stones and constipation.

You lose water throughout the day, through your breath, sweat, urine and bowel movements. If you live somewhere hot, you could lose even more fluid, according to Alberta Health Services.

It is important to replace this lost fluid to stay healthy. If you don’t get enough water, you could become dehydrated. If you get very dehydrated, your body no longer has enough fluid to get blood to your organs which can be very dangerous.

All liquids help you stay hydrated, but water is usually the best choice. A common recommendation is to drink six to eight glasses of water a day (250-mL or eight fluid ounzes). Some adults may need more depending on your overall health, how much you exercise and how

Full Frame Photography

Keep hydrated for better health

hot or dry the climate is. Most people get enough fluid through the beverages they normally drink each day. You also get water through food. Some fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, such as watermelon and lettuce.

Experts say it is not true that beverages containing caffeine such as coffee, tea, and cola drinks are dehydrating. Healthy individuals who consume moderate amounts of caffeine do not lose more fluid than people who don’t have any caffeine. A moderate amount of caffeine is about 200- to 300mg per day which is about two to four cups of coffee.

If you are feeling well, you urinate every few hours during the day and are not feeling thirsty often, you are likely drinking enough water. Keep a cup or water bottle by your desk at work. Take several sips of water each hour. If you don’t have a desk job, carry a container of water with you and take sips throughout the day.


Jack Stuart School teacher Breanne Buckland, along with the amazing students Eli and Isaac Felgate generously donated $216 to Melanie Poole, chairperson for Camrose Special Olympics. This donation comes from the proceeds of the school’s recent fundraiser for Old Socks Day. Your kindness and generosity is making a difference in the lives of others.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 17 *Earn a News Tipster T- Shir t
Call or te xt 780.679.
Returning to Camrose… 1-800-387-5053 Ext. 1 Our Pedorthic Clinic o ers: • Custom Foot Orthotics • Custom Footwear • Shoe Modifications (lifts, etc.) • Compression Therapy Call now to book for June 20 or other future clinic dates. Call today for a FREE assessment Next Orthotic Clinic at the Smith Clinic, Duggan Mall on Thursday, June 20
When you call in a news flash that will be meaningful to 10,000+ people from Camrose and area . • Fire • Accident • Major Crime • Weather or Local
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The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 18 780.672.3142 800,000 Products from 800 suppliers ready for your message or logo. • Anniversaries • Spor ts Days • Weddings • Teams • O ces • Employees

Failed legalization drug experiment

Everyone knows someone who has faced addiction and the devastation and loss it wreaks on individuals, families and communities.

Time and time again, addiction has resulted in trapping its victims in hopeless situations. This makes it unbelievable that two years ago, the Liberals, with the support of the NDP, decriminalized hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, fentanyl and crystal meth in the province of British Columbia. This is nothing less than an extremist experiment that has cost countless Canadians their lives and has resulted in dangerous drug-fueled environments in Canadian hospitals, playgrounds, parks, and other such public spaces.

Conservative Party of Canada leader, Pierre Poilievre, has been critical of this policy since its inception, but it came to a head in the last number of weeks as the provincial NDP in British Columbia admitted failure when they announced they wanted to scale back this dangerous experiment. Retired police officer, Chuck Doucette, president of the Drug Prevention Network of Canada, stated, “Whether they’re legal or decriminalized or not—doesn’t make them any less likely to kill you.”

It is regrettable that the Liberals and NDP would continue to promote this dangerous experiment instead of promoting treatment. Further, there are a growing number of examples where the government has been providing drugs, all with taxpayers’ money, to which those drugs are then being resold on the streets without consequence. Rural parts of the country are no exception to this.

Although BC is the only place where drugs have been decriminalized, the Liberal-NDP government has not ruled it out from happening in other places as major cities such as Toronto and Montreal have put in requests for the same. What’s worse, the Liberals’ softon-crime judicial reforms have led to the unofficial decriminalization of hard drugs across our nation because it has become next to impossible to get convictions for those responsible for putting drugs on our streets.

There is hope in seeking help and while some provinces are working at increasing treatment, we need a federal government that will keep hard drugs off our streets, put gang leaders and drug kingpins behind bars, and ensure that there is treatment for those stuck in the grips of addiction.

That is why Poilievre and common-sense Conservatives are proposing practical measures that would help restore order to the chaos caused by these radical policies. Our initiatives include offering treatment for those battling addiction, jail and not bail for hardened criminals and those who are pushing these drugs on Canadians, and the recently announced Safe Hospitals Act which would ensure that hard drugs stay out of community spaces.

The lives and safety of Canadians must never be treated as an experiment, and we owe it to Canadians to offer hope, not slow death by poison. My Conservative colleagues and I are committed to restore the promise of what Canada can and should be.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this column, you are encouraged to write Damien at 4945-50 Street, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1P9, call 780-608-4600, text 403-575-5625, or email You can also stay up to date with Damien by following him on social media @dckurek. If you are in need of assistance regarding a federal government program, or need assistance and don’t know where to turn, feel free to reach out to MP Kurek’s office.

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The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 19 -4 8 Avenue, Camrose • 78 0- 672- 6665 5 NOW SELLING Put Camrose in your pocket! BUSINE SS SOURCING Ever y business in Camrose –One handy location. INE S BUS Beer! er! PROJECT Entrepreneurial Albertan PUBLICATION Camrose Booster CLIENT Vision Credit Union SIZE 5.6" x 8" 1/4 page vertical DOCKET 4706 INSERTION Week of May 20 IVY DESIGN INC 403 605 2806

Brent George of Camrose owns a 1951 Chevrolet flat bed truck.

“This truck is on a 1980 Chevy 4x4 frame with a 2007 5.3 litre LS motor in it. It’s an old truck with modern conveniences such as a newer motor and transmission in it,” shared Brent.

The Advance-Design is a light and medium duty truck series by Chevrolet, their first major redesign after the Second World War. Its GMC counterpart was the GMC New Design.

“I wanted an older truck with good drivability, something I can go down the highway as I please. I wanted to be able to go to car shows without stopping to work on it. I saw this truck and thought it looked cool. As a kid, I saw this truck parked in a field around Round Hill. I wanted to buy it and put it on a better frame. It ended up being a good project for me,” he explained.

It was billed as a larger, stronger, and sleeker design in comparison to the earlier AK Series.

“I’m thinking it was a two-ton, it was a grain truck originally. I didn’t have a box for it and they are hard to find. I decided to make a flat deck out of it and use it for hauling if

The automotive section of

George keeps 1951 body on the road

I need to. It was a simple solution for the time being.

I’ve grown to be fond of the flat deck,” said Brent.

First available on Saturday, June 28, 1947, these


In 1947, features were gasoline tank filler neck on passenger side of bed with no vent windows in doors. Hood side emblems read Chevrolet with “Thriftmaster” or “Loadmaster” underneath. Radios were first available in Chevrolet trucks as an “in dash” option.

In 1948, manual transmission shifter was mounted on the column instead of the floor.

Early 1949, gasoline tank was mounted upright behind seat in cab; filler neck aft of passenger door handle. Late 1949, hood side emblems no longer read Thriftmaster or Loadmaster, but were numbers that designate cargo capacity: 3100 on half ton, 3600 on three-quarter ton, 3800 on one ton.

In 1950, telescopic shock absorbers replaced leveraction type. Last year for driver’s side cowl vent, its handle is now flat steel, not a maroon knob as in previous years. In 1951, doors had vent windows. Mid-year change from nine-board bed to eight boards per bed. Last year for 80 mph speedometer, chrome window handle knobs and chrome wiper knob.

In 1952, outer door handles became push button type as opposed to the previous turn down style. Speedometer read 90 mph instead of 80, dashboard trim colour-matched instead of chrome. Mid-year, Chevrolet no longer used the 3100-6400 designation on the hood, changes to maroon window and wiper knobs.

trucks were sold with various minor changes over the years until March 25, 1955, when the Task Force Series trucks replaced the Advance-Design model.

“I left the outside as I found it. It took Mother Nature a long time to get it to look this way, so I thought about leaving it as is. I think it looks good that way, so why ruin it? It is easier to store it because it can be outside without worrying about the paint,” he laughed.

The same basic design family was used for all of its trucks including the Suburban, panel trucks, canopy express, and cab overs.

“I bought the truck in 2014, and I’ve been working on it for almost for 10 years, it’s been a process. I want to leave it as is and just enjoy driving it now. I have a two-wheel drive truck, so now I have a 4x4 to go with it. This truck is for ripping down the gravel road without worrying about it,” added Brent.

From 1947 until 1955,

Chevrolet trucks were number one in sales in the United States, with rebranded versions sold at GMC locations. While General Motors used this front end sheet metal and to a slightly less-

er extent the cab, on all of its trucks except for the cab overs, there are three main sizes of this truck: the half, three-quarter and full-ton capacities in short and long wheelbase.

Old Ride?

If you have a vintage ride (rebuilt or original) or even if you’re in the midst of a build: street, rat or restoration, we’d lik e to profile your projec t.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 20
FIELD FIND Murray Green, Camrose Booster Brent, Liam, Elise, and Emily George enjoy going for a ride in the 1951 Chevrolet truck. Brent added some modern features to the classic so his family could go for rides without worrying about breakdowns
Contact Murray Green, News Repor ter Phone 780.672.3142 Email

Nurse practitioners to help strengthen primary care

A new program will support nurse practitioners to work independently and provide Albertans with more access to primary care clinics.

Alberta’s government is committed to stabilizing, strengthening and improving the primary health care system. Every Albertan should be able to access primary care when and where they need it. To help achieve this goal, the government is expanding opportunities for nurse practitioners.

Through the Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Program, nurse practitioners will receive approximately 80 per cent of the compensation provided to family physicians who provide comprehensive primary care. Compensation will be determined based on panel size (the number of patients a nurse practitioner sees) and the number of patient care hours provided. The program will enable nurse practitioners to have comprehensive patient care autonomously and operate their own practices, or to practice autonomously in existing primary care clinics.

“Nurse practitioners are a welcome and integral part of the solution to improving access to primary health care services. Finalizing this funding model is an exciting step forward in our journey to refocus health care in Alberta, and I’m looking forward to this expansion of health care services,” said Premier Danielle Smith.

To be eligible for compensation through the $15-million program, nurse practitioners must meet a number of requirements, including committing to provide medically necessary primary care services, having a panel size of at least 900 patients, providing after-hours access on weekends, evenings or holidays, and accepting walk-in appointments as they build a panel size of 900 patients. The minimum panel size of 900 is consistent with the British Columbia model.

The nurse practitio-

ner program is structured to have higher patient attachment as compensation for nurse practitioners’ increases, as their panel size grows. This, in combination with the other incentives including the Panel Management Support Program, will help to support the more than 700,000 Albertans who are currently not attached to a primary health care provider.

“This program is exciting news for Albertans. It not only increases health care capacity in communities across the province but also provides more Albertans with access to a regular primary care provider and will help take pressure off the rest of the health system. Supporting nurse practitioners to do more of the work they are trained to do is another tool we’re using to stabilize and strengthen primary health care throughout Alberta,” added Adriana LaGrange, minister of health.

Clinics, communities and Primary Care Networks can partner with nurse practitioners who are just entering practice by applying for one-time mentorship funding. Each mentor is eligible for $10,000 during a nurse practitioner’s first 18 months to ensure a successful transition to independent practice.

“Many Albertans are still without access to a primary care provider. With 900 nurse practitioners in Alberta, there is an opportunity to significantly improve access to primary care services. This is the right next step in a marathon of change that is necessary for our primary care system. I look forward to continuing this work to ensure the success and viability of these practices and improving access to primary care services for Albertans,” shared Jennifer Mador, president, Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta.

Nurse practitioners interested in practising through this program can now submit an expression of interest to Alberta Health. Each expression of interest

will be evaluated, and nurse practitioners who meet the requirements will be sent an application form. Through a $2 million grant over the next three years, the Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta will help nurse practitioners throughout the application process, recruit nurse practitioners to participate in the program and support them as they plan to work independently in an existing practice or set up

their own clinics.

“By providing more options for rural and remote communities to access primary care by way of nurse practitioners, we will ensure all Albertans have the ability to get the care they need when and where they need it, ultimately providing better health outcomes,” commented Martin Long, parliamentary secretary for rural health.

“The new compensa-

tion model for nurse practitioners will strengthen Alberta’s primary care system and ensure more Albertans get access to care they need, when and where they need it. This is great news for patients and nurse practitioners,” said Chelsae Petrovic, parliamentary secretary for health workforce engagement.

$55 3760-48 Ave., Camrose 780.67 2.4400 D&D Ve hicle Sales & Service Journeyman Technicians on sta ! WE CHECK Engine Lights & Diagnose Issues Computer Scans (further diagnosis may be required)
Submitted Dr. Susan Pendergrass, MLA Jackie Lovely, Art of Caring Nurse Practitioner owner Miriam Neufeld from Camrose and president Jennifer Mador.

Local competitors earn Winter Games medals

Several local athletes and artists went home with medals from the Alberta 55 plus Winter Games.

The Winter Games took on a new look in 2024, with no communities in Alberta able or willing to host the entire set of activities.

Therefore, communities from across the province hosted activities they could accommodate. Pickleball was held in Vermilion with the Camrose Pickleball club players bringing their “A” game.

Five-pin bowling and darts were held in St. Albert with Linda Stevenson bringing home a gold medal in darts. It was a sea of green (local zone colors) at bowling with the Camrose bowlers winning gold and silver medals.

Camrose held the culture event, showing talent in creative writing and art. Camrose also held duplicate bridge, euchre, snooker and floor curling at the Mirror Lake Centre.

Camrose and Bawlf floor curlers demonstrated their skills with gold and silver medals. More than 94 Alberta 55 plus members attended from as far north as High Prairie to as far south as Vulcan. Winners have the opportunity to advance to the Canada 55+ Games being held in Quebec City in August.

“Thanks to the volunteers and Zone 4 board that made this event successful and to the Day’s Inn for a wonderful banquet,” said Rosella Snopek, Zone 4 activity director.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 22
Barbara Myggland was the winner of one gold, two silver and a bronze medal in art in the cultural area of the Games. Albert Schram was a gold winner in 55+ scratch bowling. Sharon Olsen earned a gold medal in creative writing light verse in the culture event. The 65+ pins over average team of, left to right, Arnie Lamont, Linda Rostad, Brian Henke (Ponoka), Noreen Foss and Rick O’Brien were silver medal winners. The 75+ pins over average gold medal winners, left to right, were Paul Davis, Rick Collett, Sharon Olsen, Carter Calliou and Frank Snopek. From left, Ken Angelstad, Marlene Treleaven, Donna Duff and Dean Fontyene from the Camrose Pickleball Club. Ken and Dean won gold in 60+ men’s doubles; Marlene and Donna won gold in the 60+ ladies doubles, Ken and Marlene won gold in the 60+ mixed, Dean and Donna won bronze in the 60+ mixed. Frances Fodchuk earned three gold medals and one silver medal in the art division. Gold medal winners in 70+ floor curling were from left, Dennis Hartman, Douglas Harrold, Dianne Hartman and Kathleen Tennant. Silver medal winners in 55+ floor curling, from left to right, Dave Sonnenberg, Valrie Duff, John Broemeling and Barbara Myggland.

Honouring a mother

It takes a great deal of courage and compassion to write a book about something as near and dear to one’s heart as the loss of a loved one.

But for Rian Burke, the decision to do so helped her in her own healing journey after the loss of her mother, Jackie, in December last year, but was also a way to reach out to other children experiencing grief.


“By the time it was March, I thought I really wanted to have the book out for a special occasion, whether it was for Father’s Day, to help my dad get through his grief or for Mother’s Day, but I didn’t think it was possible. My backup plan was maybe for their (her parents’) anniversary in September.”

Because she had not told her dad she was writ-

The children’s book, entitled, On My Side, is thoughtfully written and beautifully illustrated by Rian and tells the stories of a host of animals as they too move through challenges in their lives.

“I wrote it starting back in November,” said Rian. “It was something that came to my mind sitting by my mom’s side when she was at the Cross Cancer Hospital. I was really feeling discouraged, weighed down and defeated.”

After returning to her dorm at Grant McEwan University, where, at the time she was attending school, she laid back in bed and struggled getting to sleep.

“I just started writing and I thought to myself this is pretty cool. I left it for a while to deal with family things and then in January resumed writing.”

When she first began writing the story it was a way for her to deal with her own feelings of grief. “I honestly didn’t know what I was feeling. I was feeling defeated and I just didn’t know what to do, but I felt the urge to write and get it all out. So it kind of started like that.”

As she continued the writing she soon realized that her “story” was morphing into a children’s book, using a bit gentler language more conducive to a level of understanding for

ing the book, it was important that it launch on a special occasion.“I did tell my sisters updates here and there because I needed to tell someone.”

About mid-March, Rian began to realize that it was possible to have the book written, illustrated and self published by Mother’s Day, as a present for her mother.

“I worked every day from eight in the morning sometimes until two in the morning because I knew I wanted to get this done.”

When the writing was complete Rian began illustrating the book with adorable little woodland creatures featured in soft, full page colour backdrops.

“I have been drawing since I was little, and I knew I wanted to go into some sort of design. I have taken art classes since Grade 7 and started taking it seriously in High School, realizing this is something I can do with my life. Then when I found out that I could help people with it, I thought this is exactly what I want to do.”

Rian explained that the style of the book is not so much a narrative of what is happening to a character as it is words that complement the illustrations.

“The way I pictured it is these little forest animals all go through their little struggles in the forest, like getting rained on, and they

have to figure out how to get through it. By the end of the story they start realizing with the help of each other they can get to where they want to go. At the end they all end up watching the sunset together.”

She said that while the story somewhat eludes to journeys of grief it is more about hope for the future and that everything will be okay.

Rian always knew she wanted to write children’s

books, something her and her mother had wanted to do together. “She told me all these stories that I want to write in the future,” smiled Rian. “With any of my work I have always known I want to help people, that is what my mother taught me.

‘Have courage and be kind’, is our family motto.”

“In the beginning, I didn’t think I was going to publish, I was writing to help my mom, but I knew

I wanted to help people, make it feel like they are not alone. In times of grief it is really easy to feel like you are alone, everything is falling apart. But life goes on and I want to help people, to let them know it will be okay it is definitely hard but that doesn’t mean it is impossible.”

Rian’s book is currently available through Amazon.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 23 Be as sured our team would ge t these to you, if your favourite businesses wanted you to have them… YOUR OPTIONS: Contac t local store managers or corporate head o ices to express your position. Reach out to us by *email or *le tter. We will pass your concerns on to the appropriate company decision makers. *We can’t e ec tively relay the many phone calls which we receive monthl y. Vote wi th your walle t. Shop at stores which use print to invite you to their store or other business. Businesses tend to like making money and pride themselves on not losing client s to comp etitors. 4925-48 Stre et , Camrose T4V 1L7 Phone 780.67 2. 3142 ■
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Rian Burke’s book not only honours her mother but is intended to help children through their grief

Bakin’ Soda Boys, Rose City Rollers at Bailey

The Bailey Theatre has a great line-up of shows planned for this season. Here are some of the highlights.

The Bailey Buckaroos are back for a classic country music evening with special guests. The next show is on May 26 at 2 p.m.

The Bakin’ Soda Boys are back for a show on June 7 at 8 p.m.

Bakin’ Soda Boys are a five-piece alt-country, blues-infused rock band from Camrose. All of the members have performed with assorted musical ensembles from the Camrose and Edmonton area.

Another local band, Rose City Rollers will hit the Bailey stage on June 8 at 8 p.m.

The Rose City Rollers are a Camrose-based cover band that interpret rock classics from the late ‘70s to the early ‘90s.

The band includes Brandon Kroeger (drums), Ron Holmes (bass), Landon Lewsaw and Graham Green on guitar and keyboard, lead guitar Robert Renman and Jackie Lewsaw on vocals.

Local band 103 Cubic Inches will be having a CD release party on June 21 at 9 p.m. Check out the new music along with special guests Rake.

The Bailey Buckaroos are back for a classic country music evening with special guests. The next show is on June 30 at 2 p.m.

Country singer George Canyon is coming back to Camrose. He will bring his show to the Bailey on October 5 at 8 p.m.

George Canyon rose to becoming one of Canada’s hottest Country Music stars in the early 2000s.


Kay Woelk, of Tofield, formerly of Namaka, on May 9, at 84 years of age.

Endang Kusumastuty Bolding, of New Norway, on May 10, at 77 years of age.

Gary Phillip Wennerstrom, of Camrose, on May 11, at 69 years of age.

Dennis Carl Peterson, of Camrose, on May 12, at 87 years of age.

Alice May Sorensen, of Camrose, on May 14, at 91 years of age.

Kenneth “Ken” LeRoy Likins, of Camrose, on May 14, at 83 years of age.

Charlotte Marie Bakke, of Camrose, on May 15, at 87 years of age.

Ellen Christine Sutton, of Ryley, on May 15, at 71 years of age.

Kay Woelk

Kay was born on September 7, 1939, to Gerhard and Tina Dirks, the twelfth of 17 children. She loved to share stories of her childhood on the family farm in Namaka, Alberta, and, with that many siblings, there was always something interesting going on.

In 1960, she captured the heart of a young man named Ed Woelk, when he overheard her singing in a trio one Sunday morning at Highland Mennonite Church in Calgary, Alberta. They married on October 6, 1962, and enjoyed 61 wonderful years of marriage. She was proud to have been an elementary school teacher, and her love of children was apparent whenever little ones were around.

Music played a central role in her life; she was the organist for Highland Mennonite Church for years, and in 1996, when they moved to their acreage just outside of Tofield, Alberta, she began conducting the Tofield Men’s Chorus. Later, after they’d moved into Tofield proper, she enjoyed directing the Lamplighters.

They were blessed with two daughters: Jennifer in 1963, and Shannon in 1970, who both deeply loved and admired her for her great kindness and generous spirit.

Kay’s faith in the Lord was a cornerstone of her life. She found solace and strength in her belief, and her faith was an inspiration to those around her.

She passed away suddenly on the evening of Thursday, May 9, 2024, in Tofield, at the age of 84.

Kay leaves to mourn her loving husband Ed; daughter Shannon (Ken) Matson and their children Kai and Beck; grandson Cody (Tammy) Reid and their son Ares; granddaughters Jessica Reid and Taylor Reid; great-grandson Calen Jackins; three sisters; two brothers; and many nieces and nephews.

She was predeceased by her beloved daughter Jennifer, her parents, eight brothers, four sisters, several in-laws, nieces and nephews.

Kay was a loving light in this world, and she will be truly and deeply missed.

David Ragosin

David Ragosin of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on May 13, 2024, at the age of 91.

He is survived by his children Aaron (Jean) Ragosin and Michele Ragosin; grandchildren Kyle, Devon, Randee and Dillion; and numerous relatives and friends. David was predeceased by his first wife Simone; and second wife Maureen.

A private family graveside service will be held at a later date.

Memorial donations are gratefully accepted to the Alzheimer Society of Canada.

Ellen Christine Sutton

Ellen Christine Sutton of Ryley, AB, passed away on May 15, 2024, at the age of 71 years.

She is survived by her husband Terry;  three daughters Christine (Jason) Suchy, Trena Hollar (Cam Good) and Heather (Tyler) Banman;  grandchildren McKenzie, Kaitlyn, Brady, Kennedy, Keanna, Kole, Kyle and Kaden; seven siblings Dale (Mardell) Oslund, Lyle (Annie) Oslund, Myrtle Saunderson, Patricia (Peter) Kowalchuk, Donald (Cheryl) Oslund, Gordon Oslund and Ronald Oslund (Laura Enns);  siblings-in-law Carol (Blaine) Lyslo, Frank Kortzman and Joan Smith; as well as numerous nieces and nephews, relatives and friends.

She was predeceased by her parents Mary and Walter Oslund;  brothers-in-law Bill Saunderson and ‘Uncle’ Melford Oslund; sister-in-law Roxanne Oslund; and her parents-in-law Allan and Dolly Sutton.

A private family memorial service will be held on a later date.  Cremation has taken place.

Memorial donations may be made to the Alberta Diabetes Foundation or to the charity of one’s choice.

In loving memory of


Roberts who passed away on May 25, 2008

Remember her with a smile, She was not one for tears.

Reflect instead on memories, Of all the happy years.

Loved and remembered every day, George, Shery, Lory, Marc and families

The family of Richard Nelson Forster

…sincerely thank everyone for their cards of condolence, the phone calls and visits, as well as the flowers, food, and memorial donations. It was greatly appreciated.

We would also like to thank Barr Orr and his staff at Burgar Funeral Home for their guidance and assistance.

To the nurses and doctors at St. Mary’s Hospital and Rosehaven Care Centre, thank you for your compassionate care of Rick.

A donation will be made to the Alzhiemer Society of Alberta in lieu of thank-you cards.

The family of Bernard Gagnon …would like to thank all who phoned, brought food, gifts, flowers and memorial donations, and attended the memorial service. Thank you to CityLights Church caterers for the lovely lunch. A very special thank you to Rev. Brian Hunter for the comforting service, and Colin and staff at Burgar Funeral Home for your professional help and support.

Also, thank you to the doctors and nurses at St. Mary’s Hospital Chemo Clinic Unit 1, Units 2, 4 and 5, and the Emergency Department for your caring and compassion throughout the last year.

In lieu of thank you cards, a donation will be made to St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 24

Gary Phillip Wennerstrom

May 22, 1954 ~ May 11, 2024

Gary Phillip Wennerstrom of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on Saturday, May 11, 2024, at the age of 69 years.

Gary Phillip Wennerstrom was born and raised in Camrose, Alberta, attending school at Sifton. Later in life, he received his GED, and millwright and welding tickets. Gary went on to work at a tire shop, service rigs, a steel manufacturing company, Domtar in Camrose, and Georgia Pacific, ending his working career at Edmonton Waste Management.

Gary met Mom, settled down, and raised her two boys. He then married Roz in April 1990, and together built their dream home on the farm north of Camrose. They spent many happy years gardening, camping, travelling, repairing, creating, and working in Gary’s shop. Most of all, they enjoyed country living having a cold beverage with anyone who stopped by.

Left to cherish Gary’s memory are his children Doug Way of Camrose, and Sean (Lisa) Way of Kelowna, BC; grandchildren Sarah and Zach (Jewel Caron); one great-grandchild Braxton; and brother Wayne.

Gary was predeceased by his wife Rosalyn; parents Robert and Aletha; and sisters Shirley, Sharon and Charlotte.

A Funeral Service was held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at CityLights Church, 4920-48 Street, Camrose, officiated by Rev. MaryAnn Pastuck.

If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Gary’s memory may be made to the Alberta Cancer Foundation or the Cross Cancer Institute.

To send condolences, please visit

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Endang Kusumastuty Bolding

August 15, 1946 - May 10, 2024

Endang Kusumastuty Bolding of New Norway, Alberta, passed away on Friday, May 10, 2024, at the age of 77 years.

A Funeral Service will be held 11 a.m. on Friday, May 31, 2024, from CityLights Church, officiated by Rev. MaryAnn Pastuck. The service will be livestreamed, recorded, and the link accessible @

To send condolences, please visit

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Kenneth “Ken”

LeRoy Likins

May 17, 1940 ~ May 14, 2024

Kenneth “Ken” LeRoy Likins of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at the age of 83 years.

No formal service will be held.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome. com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Dennis Carl Peterson

It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Dennis Carl Peterson on May 12, 2024, at the age of 87.

Dennis was born on September 24, 1936, in Metiskow, Alberta. At the age of four, the family moved to a farm south of Camrose. Dennis graduated from Camrose Lutheran College while farming with his dad. In 1958, he met Ardis (Meadahl), whom he called “my love”, and they were married in 1960. They resided on the family homestead. In the early ’70s, the family moved east of Camrose, and Dennis went to work for Alberta Transportation. In 1994, Dennis and Ardis moved into Camrose and, when he turned 65, Dennis retired and went on to enjoy his dream job at Double Dam Golf Course, where Ardis joined him a few years later. With this position, they were able to enjoy travelling in the winter.

Dennis will forever be remembered for his love of sports, camping, hunting, fishing, farming and foremost, his love for his family.

He is survived by his loving wife Ardis; children Michele (Gord) Friesen and Mark (Denise Gordeyko) Peterson; brother-in-law Hugh Dennis; and sister-in-law, Pat Peterson. He leaves a legacy in his grandchildren Jennelle (Nolan) Christians, Tylor Friesen (Jessie) and Kelly Friesen; and his great-grandchildren Carter Christians, Bently Christians, Ainsleigh Christians, Hayleigh Friesen and Justin Friesen. He will be remembered fondly by numerous nieces and nephews. Dennis was predeceased by his parents Carl and Mamie (Nelson) Peterson; sisters Doris (Ben) Dennis, Vivian (Edward) Carlson and Lorraine Dennis; and brother Gordon Peterson.

At his request, there will be no funeral service.

Memorial donations can be made to the Stollery Children’s Hospital or the Mazankowski Heart Institute.

For more information on The Camrose Booster Obituary Page, contact your funeral director or the Camrose Booster

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 25 Memorial Poems Available for publication in The Camrose Booster Ask for our 24-page booklet of poetry. Words of comfort to remember someone special. Over 118 years of dedicated service Phone 780.672.2121 4817-51 Avenue, Camrose Recorded Obituary Line: 780-679-2400 Daysland: 780-374-3535 • Burial and Cremation Services • Pre-arranged Funeral Plans • Monument Sales and Service Directors: Bart Orr, Colin Yuha, Troy Shackel Funeral Staff: Dalas Kosinski Of ce Staff: Donell Nycholat, Debbie Breker, Hannah Knopf Funeral Attendants: Bill Schafer, Alvin Koehli, Barrie Fenby, Robert Lyslo, Wanita Toews, Kerry Grettum, Loya Steinwandt, Barry Burkard, Mark Yuha, Raymond Cyre, Koreen Cyre, Ernie Nycholat ExperienceExpertiseand 4918-51 Street, Camrose Phone 780-672-8851 Estate Planning • Wills • Enduring Power of Attorney • Personal Directives Estate Administration • Legal services associated with probate of the will Batt le River Communit y Foundation Box 1122 Ca mrose, AB T4V 4E7 Phone 78 0- 679- 04 49 If I like Sp orts, Arts, Literacy, Health Projects, etc., can I set up a fund just for that speci c area? Absolutely! These funds are ca lled ‘Field of Interest ’ funds, and may suppor t any Canada Revenue Agency registered charitable cause that you desi re! Q. A. Honour your depa rted fr iend or relative …w it h a memorial gift that will do good in their na me forever. Kevin Gurr Cha irman 78 0- 679-4660

Be sure to depo sit your entry at the corresponding grocer y store for it to qualif y.

Due to the Victoria Day Weekend, the winner of the May 20 and May 27 Grocery Draws will be announced on May 28, 2024.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 26 Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ddress Ph: Draw to be made Mond ay, May 27, 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name ddress Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay May 27 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay May 27 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay May 27 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond Ma 27 2024
GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay May 27 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay May 27 2024 af ter 10 am at any of these Camrose stores Enter this week ’s Someone
shown here
will win $100 wort h of groceries from one of the stores

Provincial grants provide vital funding

During an official ceremony held at the Camrose Women’s Shelter on May 10, Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely, on behalf of the Province of Alberta, announced two grants that will assist in continued services for both the Camrose Women’s Shelter and the Camrose Women’s Shelter Society in partnership with the Flagstaff Informed Response Sharing Team Society.

The first grant represents the Province’s continued support of the work women’s shelters do across the province to keep Albertans safe.

The Camrose Women’s Shelter Society was granted $96,426 to be added to the CWS’s annual operation funding.

The grant is intended to assist in increasing the number of funded beds so there are more safe spaces for those fleeing violence.

Minister of Children and Family Services, Searle Turton, said the funding will help support and stabilize some of the capacity and innovative services that are currently in place, focusing on meeting the high demand in rural areas.

In another announcement shared on May 10 at the Camrose Women’s Shelter, the Province of Alberta Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women granted $248,013 to assist the Camrose Women’s Shelter Society, in partnership with the Flagstaff Informed Response Sharing Team

Society, with programming costs related to the East Central Alberta GenderBased Violence prevention initiative.

In a letter to Camrose Women’s Shelter, the Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women, Tanya Fir, noted her appreciation for the work of non-profit organizations in addressing the critical issue of genderbased violence across Alberta. She added that the Government of Alberta is proud to support organizations and work together to develop a 10-year strategy to end GBV and support survivors.

executive director Jan Reimer, and Camrose Women’s Shelter Board chairperson Judilonne Beebe.

Photo to left, left to right, back row, are Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely, Camrose Women’s Shelter executive director Nora-Lee Rear, Flagstaff Informed Response Sharing Team Society 1st director Lynn Jenkins, and Camrose Women’s Shelter Board chairperson Judilonne Beebe. Front row, left to right, are Camrose Women’s Shelter outreach coordinator Leslie “L”, Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters executive director Jan Reimer and Outreach Child and Youth advocate Janet Turnbull.

Little entrepreneur with a big heart

This is the third year for nineyear-old entrepreneur Nevaeh Graumann-Campbell to participate in the Lemonade Day, Northern Alberta event taking place this year on June 15 in various locations throughout the City of Camrose.

Nevaeh will be setting up shop this year on the service road in front of Smitty’s Restaurant hoping the ideal location will not only stir up foot traffic but that she will be able to turn her lemonade stand, named Nevaeh’s Lemonade, into a convenient drive-through location as well.

Nevaeh’s tagline is “A little piece of heaven” heaven being Nevaeh spelled backwards and her stand will be painted pink featuring a Taylor Swift theme with lots of shine, bling and glitter and a poster bearing the words “In my Lemonade Era”.

“This year, I am doing lavender lemonade called (no surprise) ‘Swif’ tea,” said Nevaeh, adding that she will likely be featuring some of last year’s flavours including peach and strawberry.

Nevaeh also took to heart the Lemonade Day organization’s mantra to spend some, save some and share some.

With the profits of this year’s business she hopes to be able to pur-

chase a little toolbox with a pen and mini stapler and she reinvested profits from previous years to making this year’s stand bigger.

But most importantly, as she has done in the past, she will be donating some of her profits. “I want to raise money for the Huntington Society because my grama passed away from it and my dad has it.”

Her generosity doesn’t end there either, Naveah said that one of the best parts of operating her Lemonade Stand business is to be able to give a glass away to someone who would like to try it but may not have the means to purchase it. “Everybody needs something,” said Navaeh.

Having completed her third year in the program and attending Lemon “U’niversity, Naveah admits that she has learned a lot about operating a business including: acquiring proper permits from the City, obtaining permission from property owners to set up her stand on private property and customer relations particularly speaking to people, which by all accounts she does very well.

Check out Naveah’s Lemonade Stand, along with several other stands set up around the City on June 15 by young, ambitious entrepreneurs, perhaps the future business owners of Camrose.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 27
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Pictured above, left to right, are Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely, Camrose Women’s Shelter executive director Nora-Lee Rear, Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Community Futures East Central Alberta Project coordinator/ Small Business advisor, Louise Jones, gives Lemonade Day Stand owner Nevaeh Graumann-Campbell a “lemony” heads up on what she is about to learn at Lemon “U” on May 14.

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Be Thorough

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4925-48 Street, Camrose



ANNUAL STEAK FRY –Round Hill & District Community Centre, Saturday, June 1. Cocktails 6-7 p.m., Supper 7-9 p.m. Tickets (only 175 available) $30/person. For tickets, call Shorty, 780-608-9483 or Dave 780-679-4543.



FEELING? Find it with a personal ad in The Camrose Booster classifieds. Ph. 780-672-3142.


FREE STUDENT DESK –Located in Duhamel. For more information, phone 780-781-8047.



WORKER – part-time, for adult male in wheelchair. 20-28 hours per week. Round Hill area. Valid driver’s licence. Will train. Wage to be discussed. Send resumé to or text 604-793-3756.


2ND BEST PAINTER IN TOWN – 30 years’ experience for all your painting needs. Call Rick the Painter, 780-672-0391.



Every shape, size, and colour. We deliver, right to your office. Camrose Booster Ltd., 4925-48 St., Camrose. Call us at 780-672-3142.


– walk-behind mowers and John Deere lawn tractors. Call J.D.’s Small Engine for more info at 780-679-3414.


Potable Water Hauling

Residential, Commercial, Oilfield Gerald and Marla Steinwand, Owners PHONE 780-679-9134


Don’t put off those projects any longer! Give me a call and we can plan together. Devin Meakins, Ph. 780-853-1080


Local and long distance moving Storage Insured and bonded Where your business is appreciated 780- 672-5242, Camrose


TAILORING in Camrose

Tues. - Fri., 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. Evening and Sat.: By Appointment

Closed: Sun., Mon. and Holidays Please call 780- 672-4793

2473275 ALBERTA LTD.

• Pressure Washing • Steaming • Drain Cleaning Kevin Yarkowski 780-781-7974


available for Cars, Trucks, Boats, RVs and Trailers

Alarm Monitored/Gated

Entrance/Fenced Compound Outdoor $3.90/ft. (hitch to bumper)

Indoor Cold Storage $6/ft. (hitch to bumper)

Indoor Heated Storage for Cars & Pickups $300/month

Call or text Jaclyn: 780-608-9786



ROOMS FOR RENT in the Scotney and Jacqueline character homes. Both are 2.5 blocks from university in Camrose. Clean, quiet and bright. Rent is $495 - $600 monthly plus DD and includes WiFi, utilities, recycle pick-up, yard care and snow removal. Partially furnished w/ shared laundry. (Some rooms are fully furnished for international students.) This is an affordable, quality accommodation that fills quickly. (Some rooms still available.) No partiers, smokers or pets allowed. Reduced rate over the summer for students. Please call Dave P., 780678-6163.


SPACE – 4917-50 Street. Second floor with reception area, lunch room and two private rooms. Elevator. $900/mo. includes utilities. 780-679-5085.


SPACE – located in high traffic, southerly area of Main Street, Camrose. Generous 1,664 sq. ft. of prime space at 4868-50 Street. Nicely decorated, air conditioned. $2160/mo., triple net. Clean, dry storage space in basement also available. Available immediately. Call Blain or Don at 780-6723142, the fairest, most reasonable people in the business.


MENT – In excellent condition! Perfect for seniors. The suite has stove, fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer, blinds and one parking stall. Heat, water, garbage pick up, Telus TV and internet included. Building has an elevator and social room. No smoking building. Call 780-233-0224 for more info or to set up a viewing.


Generous 794 sq. ft. suite, suitable for three or more staff. Includes two private offices. Ground floor, easily accessible. Modern building in downtown Camrose. Bright, quiet, air conditioned. $1206.22/mo., plus share of operating expenses. Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, two of the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business.


MENT – with balcony. Includes heat, water, fridge, stove, dishwasher, powered parking space. Free laundry in building. Augustana area. No pets, no smoking. 780-672-9531.


LEVEL – of bi-level. Two bedrooms, all new appliances, semifurnished, shared laundry, full deck, large back yard, RV parking. Near schools. 780-679-8249.

LOWER LEVEL OF 2-BEDROOM BI-LEVEL –Private entrance. Pet friendly (interview required). 5 appliances, shared laundry. Tent garage. 780-679-8249.


Selection of very nice street level offices in newer airconditioned building in Downtown Camrose

* Single offices from $224.08 per month

* Quiet, considerate neighbours

* Easy access

* Lots of parking for customers

* Energized parking for tenants

* Immediate occupancy

* Come and have a look! Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business!

SHARED ACCOMMODATION – available immediately. Furnished room, own bathroom and entrance. $650/mo. DD $200, utilities included. Pets negotiable. 780-679-7976.

PRIME DOWNTOWN STREET LEVEL SPACE –4913-50 Avenue. 450 sq. ft. Set up for hair salon, but could be used for anything. Available June 1. $550/mo. includes heat and water. 780-679-5085.


WOODEN GARDEN CONTAINERS / ANIMAL FEEDERS – Various sizes and colours. Prices reasonable, $125 - $225. Directions: 15 minutes NE of Camrose. Proceed North on Hwy 833, East on Twp Rd 480 for 5.5 km. Farm number 19433 on South side. All containers visible at front of yard. Text/Call 780678-6116.


YEARLING GELBVIEH PUREBRED BULLS – Semen tested. 780-678-4021.


W6 TRACTOR – 8 ft. double disk, 8 ft. cultivator, 3-bottom plow, sprayer, 6 ft. tiller – all for $6,000 obo. Two-wheel trailer $500. Grinder, for grinding chop, $150. 780-679-4375.

SWATHER NO LONGER ‘CUTTING THE MUSTARD?’ Call The Camrose Booster Classifieds, 780-672-3142.


GIANT GARAGE SALE –May 23-25, Century Meadows Baptist Church gym (3720-66 Street, Camrose) Fundraiser for Youth Mexico Missions Trip. Thursday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to approximately 7 p.m. Gently used donations gratefully accepted.


RON’S RARE AND AMAZING HEIRLOOM TOMATOES – 30 years in the making. Over 500 different varieties tried and tested to get the best of the best that grow and produce well in our area; most of these are not to be found in any store or greenhouse. Large delicious heirlooms over 1 lb that are far superior in flavour as well as the sweetest cherry tomatoes you have ever tasted. Various size plants (up to 4 feet tall), priced according to size from $5 - $20. Also a limited supply of Japanese Cucumbers – crisp, mild, easy to digest, great flavour and grows up to 18 inches; and Lebanese (Beit Alpha) Cucumbers –great tasting 4-6 inch mini cucumbers. Call 780-608-8458 for more information and/or to pre-order. Available May 18 and 25 at the Duggan Mall Farmers’ Market.

LADY’S BICYCLE – $100. 780-608-3344.


1965 MERCURY PARKLANE – convertible. Rebuilt, good shape, $19,000. 780-6725282.

DADS – LOOKING FOR A CAR WITHOUT A BACK SEAT? Count on our classifieds. We match up buyers and sellers. Phone the Camrose Booster, 780-672-3142.


2005 WEST WIND WT 185 TRAILER – 19 ft. $7,900 obo. 780-672-4010. 780-781-2132.

SELLING YOUR SEAWORTHY BOAT? Make a splash with an ad in the Booster classifieds! 780-672-3142.

LOVE CAMPING, BUT TIRED OF SHOVELLING SNOW OFF THE AWNING IN MAY? Say goodbye to your Gulfstream! Move it fast with a Camrose Booster classified. 780-672-3142.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 28
take his business somewhere
your item’s finer points may bring in a lot of responses, but a buyer who’s
won’t appreciate it and will
cost of an item is one of the most important concerns of want ad readers.
Ads showing prices are ones which get results. Giving a price also serves to “weed out” those buyers not in your price range.
Double your exposure with a FREE Buy & Sell ad on Camrose Now!


e Battle River Community Foundation was founded in 1995 to ser ve as a conduit to match community-minded donors with worthy causes and organizations that exist to support the local area.

e Battle River Community Foundation is seeking a Parttime Administrative Assistant, 25 hours per week, to provide comprehensive administrative support and ensure the smo oth operation of our day-to-day activities. is role requires strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to multitask e ciently.

Duties and resp onsibi lities w ill include:

• Provide administrative support including maintaining accurate donor and granting records

• Perform general o ce tasks such as ling, photocopying, and organizing supplies.

• Assist with dra ing and proofreading communications materials, including grant letters and social media posts.

• Respond to inquiries from donors, grant recipients, and other stakeholders in a timely and professional manner.

• Support the planning and coordination of foundation events, including scheduling meetings, preparing materials, and managing logistics.

• Collaborate with the Executive Director and other sta members to support foundation initiatives and projects.

• Work e ectively as part of a team to achieve organizational goals.

• Other duties as assigned.

e successful candidate will have a high school diploma or equivalent, proven experience in a non-pro t or communitybased organization administrative role, strong organizational and time management skills.

e Battle River Community Foundation o ers a competitive wage and a supportive work environment where you can make a meaningful impact in our community

To apply, please submit your resumé and a cover letter detailing your quali cations and interest in the position to Applications will be accepted until May 31, 2024.

Missed Delivery Policy

If you do not receive your copy of The Booster or pre-printed inserts, please report this to us by calling 780-672-3142. We will promptly re-deliver these to city households. Note that we do not have access to certain apartment buildings. In these cases, we ask you to contact your apartment manager to request delivery

Rural readers are asked to report missed deliveries and we will consult with your postmaster to ensure future deliveries.

Thank you for being a loyal reader of…

780-672-3142 4925-48 Street, Camrose AB T4V 1L7

Facility Technician

This position is a part of the Non-Academic Staff Association (NASA).

This position offers a comprehensive benefits package which can be viewed at:

Please note this position is located at Augustana Campus in CAMROSE, AB

Working at Facilities and Operations

Facilities and Operations is a diverse portfolio responsible for a range of essential services and work across our five campuses. From managing capital construction and renovations, providing utilities and energy management, to delivering student and campus services, Facilities and Operations works behind the scenes to make the university a great place to study, learn and work.


Reporting to the Manager - Augustana Facilities & Operations, the Facility Technician provides a variety of maintenance tasks to help ensure that conditions to a safe, efficient and economical operation are maintained in University facilities.

The position will provide after hours emergency facility support by being on-call, on a rotation with other technicians.


• Responds to maintenance/operational concerns and requests received via smartphone, verbally, in writing or through observation.

• Prioritizes requests, investigates issues, and ensures repairs are performed either by self or by the issuing of appropriate work orders to trades or other personnel.

• Troubleshoots issues and unserviceabilities, assesses level of maintenance required, and performs basic trades-related duties to execute repairs & maintenance on various aspects of the building - (structural, plumbing, electrical, lighting etc.) and ensuring larger projects are scheduled according to established work order priorities.


• Grade 12 Diploma

• Power Engineering 5th Class Certificate or a Building Operator Certificate

• Valid class 5 driver's license

• Supplemental Courses, i.e. WHMIS, First Aid, Biological & Radiation Safety, APPA standards, Project Management, Microsoft Word & Excel are an asset.

To apply, please visit:

The University of Alberta is committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from all qualified persons. We encourage women; First Nations, Métis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply.

This position is a part of the Non-Academic Staff Association (NASA).

This position has an end date of June 30, 2025, and offers a comprehensive benefits package which can be viewed on our https://www.

Location - This role is in-person at Augustana Camrose.

Working at the University of Alberta

As an integral part of Augustana's Student Life team, this role gives you the opportunity to build a positive campus culture that focuses on initiatives to build wellness and prevent harm as well as to respond when students need support.


• Coordinate consent, healthy relationships, and sexual violence programming for students (plan, implement and evaluate)

• Coordinate the Options Navigation Network at Augustana (trained group of staff members available to support students with information and supported referrals)

• Lead the campus' wellness programming

• Be a visible presence and available to students (scheduled and drop in conversations)

• Hire, train and support student Wellness Ambassadors

• Participate in Augustana's Early Alert System that supports students' academic and non-academic needs

• Participate in a standby/on-call rotation to support on campus student staff

Minimum Qualifications

• Undergraduate degree in a related field

• Good knowledge of issues facing students, particularly in regards to gender based and sexual violence and wellness

• Current Standard First Aid

• Commitment to inclusive practices

• Strong communication and presentation skills

Preferred Qualifications

• Master's degree in a related field

• Experience working in a similar position in a postsecondary environment

• Training in crisis intervention

To apply, please visit:

The University of Alberta is committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from all qualified persons. We encourage women; First Nations, Métis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 29
Student Experience Coordinator - Sexual Violence Response and Wellness
Pu t Ca mr ose in your Pock et! We might well be displaying the job, career or educational possibilit y that ’s right for you. Download… FREE AP P


Camrose County 2024 As sessment /Tax Notices Have Been Mailed

In accordance with th e prov isions of Sectio n 311(1) of th e Municipa l Government Act, an d amendments notice is he re by gi ve n that th e assessment ro ll of Camrose County ha s been full y prepared , an d Assessment /Tax Notices have been mailed to all assessed persons on May 15, 2024

As per Sectio n 337 of th e Municipa l Government Act, al l Assessment /Tax Notices a re deemed to have been received seven days af te r th ey have been sent Date d at Camrose, Al be rt a, May 15, 2024

Te re sa Gr atri x County Ad ministrator

Camrose County 3755 -4 3 Avenue

Camrose, AB T4V 3S 8


Estate of YVONNE MORG AN, who died on April 14, 2024.

If you have a claim against this estate, you must f ile your claim by June 28, 2024, and provide details of your claim with JESSICA R. J. ANDRE ASSEN at Andreassen Bor th, Barristers & Solicitors, #200, 4870-51 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1S1.

If you do not f ile by the date above, the estate proper ty can law fully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have


Estate of LOUISE ALICE MAGEE, who died on APRIL 30, 2024.

If you have a claim against this estate, you must f ile your claim by June 28, 2024, and provide details of your claim with MARG ARE T WEIR ANDRE ASSEN at Andreassen Bor th, Barristers & Solicitors, #200, 4870-51 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1S1.

If you do not f ile by the date above, the estate proper ty can law fully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have

Powerline Baseball League launches 86th season

The Powerline Baseball League started its season on May 11, with a game for every one of the six teams.

Powerline Baseball League teams will play a 12 game season before heading into playoffs.

Rosalind Athletics beat the Tofield Braves 12-0, Armena Royals crushed the Rivals 10-0 and the Vegreville Blue Jays blanked the Camrose Roadrunners 10-0 in season openers.

On May 21, Tofield is at Vegreville. Armena travels to Camrose on May 22 and Vegreville faces the Rivals. On May 23, Armena is in Rosalind and Camrose travels to Tofield. Camrose also visits Rosalind on May 26. All weekday games begin at 7 p.m.

The Rivals visit Tofield and Armena heads to Vegreville on May 28. Camrose travels to Heisler to meet the Rivals on May 29.

Tofield takes on Armena and Vegreville is at Rosalind on May 30.

Armena travels to the Rivals on June 3. Vegreville takes on Armena on June 1. Rosalind takes on Tofield on June 4. Vergreville meets Camrose on June 5.

On June 6, The Rivals visit Rosalind, Vegreville travels to Tofield and Camrose visits Armena.

these trades or have a good grasp of components used in these construction sectors, this may be a great fit for you! You will be expected to supply sound product advice and verbal installation information in our busy store. If you feel this role is right for you, and you know yo u can as sist our

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 30
Here’s a great of fer for Booster readers… For Sale Ads! For items priced at $100 or less! • Mail, fax, email or drop of f your ad copy • One item per ad – 10 word limit. • Include the price of the item in your ad. • Of fer excludes living things, except when offered for free. Individuals are able to place classified ads without charge provided message relates to a personal possession and does not form part of a profession, trade or business. Any ad designed to produce an income is regarded as commercial advertising and must be a PAID AD. Mail to: Classified Ad Department, Camrose Booster Ltd. 4925-48 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 Email: Fax: 780-672-2518 Example: Girl’s bicycle, like new, $70. 555-555-5555 WRITE YOUR AD HERE: For items price 4925 -4 8 St reet Camros e, AB T4V 1L7 Phone 78 0- 672-3142 • Fa x 78 0- 672-2518 Email ad s@ camros eboo ster.c om You s uppl y t he photo in p er son or by e mail (ads@camros e boo ster.c om) and we w ill add it to your paid cla ss ifie d adver tisement at absolutely no ex tr a charge. ONLY applie s to: A uto, B oats, RVs, Motorcycles AT Vs Auto Misc., Pet s/ Pe t Supplie s, Los t an d F ound, Ren tals , Live stock , Machine ry, Hous ehold, Re al E st ate an d Misc. Always better –Always better read! FIVE -PIECE WE ST BU RY DRUM SET – $4 00 Phone 5555-555-5555
6809-48 Avenue, Camrose Phone 780-672-8818 Fax 780-672-8809
Apply with resumé and references to… • an exciting retail work environment • competitive wages • oppor tunities for advancement • oppor tunity to learn about the thousands of products Home carries • a clean, safe working environment • oppor tunit y to help customers live bet ter lives • company benefits • staff discount BUSINESS KEEPS BUILDING AT HAUSER HOME HARDWARE WE’RE HIRING! Benefits of working at Hauser Home Hardware Building Centre fif ki Ya rd Worker/L oad Builder (Full-time, permanent) We need additiona l help in our yard. You will build/as semble orders of lumber and building materials for delivery and customer pickups. Forkli ft ex perience is an asset. Ex perience with building materials is valuable. Evening shif ts will be required Plumbing and Elec tric
you ha ve ex perience in
valued clients, we invite your application.
al Departmen t Associate
our store with genuine warmth and accommodating st yle.
Cashiers Represent

BRCF grants Changing Ways


The Battle River Community Foundation awarded a $1,000 grant to Changing Ways. Battle River Community Foundation presented Shannon Stolee, program director for Changing Ways, with the funds.

“On behalf of everyone at Changing Ways, a program of Camrose and District FCSS, we want to express our sincere gratitude to the Battle River Community Foundation for their generous donation to our family violence prevention program. Thanks to your contribution, we will be able to offer some mental health support for our youth who have been impacted by trauma. The Heroes program equips young people with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges. Through engaging, hands-on learning activities, youth build confidence, character and integrity, leading them to live purposefully. They will leave the program with inner resilience to face life’s challenges,” shared Stolee.

The grant is funded from income earned in the Vivianne Tremblay Grue Fund, Darryl and Dyanne Schultz Family Fund, Jack and Lily Kirschman Fund and the Community Fund.

These types of funds allow the Foundation Board to match annual grant applicants with the interests donors wish to support.

The Battle River Community Foundation exists to support organizations in east central Alberta that benefit the local communities and positively impact the future.

Grants from the Battle River Community Foundation are primarily made possible through the generosity of individual do-

nors and organizations that have created endowment funds. The principal of these endowment funds is kept intact, and the income is made available annually to support local projects and organizations. Since it was founded in 1995, the Battle River Community Foundation has granted over $9,308,006 to support charitable activities in the Battle River Region.

Central Agencies Realty Home of the Week Wonderful vintage home

This vintage two-bedroom bungalow has great potential for the new homeowner or a semi to retired person/ couple. Located close to downtown amenities, schools and parks, this home is filled with charming character.

New flooring complements the beautifully arched interior doorways and display nooks as well as the widebayed windows.

The living room is flooded with warm natural light from the front window and a large pass-through opening in the wall creates even more flow of light.

The large open kitchen offers plenty of cabinet space with an area perfect for in-kitchen dining.

Two bedrooms, a four-piece bathroom and a spacious laundry area means plenty of room for main-floor living.

Head out through a set of french patio doors off the master bedroom

to the great outdoors, or the back patio door onto a good-sized raised deck where you can soak up the sunshine overlooking the backyard and a tranquil water feature.

The unfinished lower level of the home is where you can bring in your own wants and needs, be that another bedroom, media room and a bathroom to the already roughed-in area.

A one-car garage with back lane access is a wonderful asset and will keep your vehicle warm and clear in the winter months.

This charming home, located at 5419-51 Avenue and priced at $245,000, is all ready to move in with potential for developing even more space. Join Central Agencies Realty's newest member to the team, Mark Wrubleski, at an open house on Thursday, May 23 from 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. or, for a private viewing, contact Mark or Wally Wrubleski at:

Central Agencies Realty

4870-51 Street, Camrose 780-672-4495 or Wally's Cell 780-781-7323 Mark’s Cell 780-781-0585

Love Thy Neighbour

I just found out the neighbourhood had a meeting abou t the craz y person on the block It 's so weird that they didn' t invite me.

A picker truck is here to cut down a giant tree in our neighbour 's yard, so now my husband has to cancel all his plans for the day and stand by the window and watch.

I bet my neighbour is prett y excited that the spring wreath she's had on her front door since last spring is finally back in season.

Wife : "Our new neighbour always kisses his wife when he goes to work . Why don' t you ever do that?"

Husband : "Kiss her ? I barely know her!"

I yelled "Go to bed!" so loud that I pu t the neighbour 's kids to bed too

Ever y once in awhile, I go outside and run the vacuum cleaner over the driveway just to ensure the neighbours ne ver talk to me

Can you belie ve my neighbour rang my doorbell at 3:00 a.m.? Luckily I was still up playing the drums.

Neighbourhood Peer Pressure: Your neighbour just mowed their lawn and now you have 24 hours to respond.

It 's so rude when my neighbours are arguing, bu t not loud enough for me to make out what they're saying My husband accepted an invite to the neighbours' house for a barbecue and said we would bring a salad. A s if " we" has anything to do with it.

Well, today my neighbour spoke to me. So I did what I had to do. I strapped a monitor on my ankle , went outside with my pants on backwards and argued with a pine tree. That should hold them o for awhile

Nothing brings neighbours together like a few cop cars in front of another neighbour 's house whom no one likes I helped my neighbour ou t with something this morning and she said to me, "I could just marry you!"

I couldn' t belie ve it! You do something nice for someone and the y threaten to ruin your life in return.

My new neighbour has been breaking the law by making noise e ver y night after 11. Do I call the police abou t this or should I confront the newborn directly?

I just got a text from my retired neighbour that the chocolate chip cookies my daughter requested have just come out of the oven

My neighbour is always yelling at his son Franklin Ever y day he yells at him to come inside. Tonight , I heard him say, "Franklin! Do NOT eat that dead mouse!" Turns out my neighbour has a dog named Franklin

My husband got a new barbecue and to establish his dominance over all the other neighbourhood men, he took the huge box with the picture on it to the curb even though our garbage day is not till Friday

I didn' t want to get into an argument with our neighbour, so I subtly renamed our WiFi "HE Y JAMES! STOP CUTTING YOUR GRASS BEFORE 8 A .M.!"

Nex t door neighbours , the Smiths and the Jones, haven' t been getting along. Mr. Smith leaves his dog outside all day and the dog never stops barking. Finally, after not being able to hear himself think , Mr. Jones tells his wife: "I' ve had it!" and he stomps outside. Upon returning Mrs. Jones says : "I can still hear the dog barking. What have you been doing?"

Mr. Jones replies, “I put their dog in our back yard. Let 's see how they like it!”

I got this note from my neighbours today: "A group of your concerned neighbours wish to announce that the one -way frosted glass in your bathroom is facing the wrong way." I'm prett y sure I need to move now.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 31
Wally Wrubleski Mark Wrubleski Submitted Battle River Community Foundation board chair, Kevin Gurr, presents the cheque to Shannon Stolee, program director for Changing Ways.
CENTRAL AGENCIES REALTY Inc. #100, 4870-51 Street, Camrose 780-672-4495 CAMROSE HOMES The CAMROSE BOOSTER, May 21, 2024 – Page 32 WOW! GORGEOUS WALKOUT BUNGALOW, AWESOME 4-CAR GARAGE … Amazing lake views. It’s absolutely perfect! Features a quality built 2083 sq. ft. 5-bedroom home. Exceptional craftsmanship and design. You will love every area of the home from the gourmet kitchen, butlers’ pantry, chic living spaces, superb primary bedroom and the amazing walkout basement. Awesome deck/ patio and so much more! Views, lifestyle, it’s perfect! Asking $1,399,000 A2096394 Give our professional realtors a call for a complimentary market evaluation of your property BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP BUNGALOW, FULL BASEMENT MODEL! … New adult living community! Model 1244. Beautiful bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat and easy steps to garage. Excellent kitchen, spacious great room, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, and more! No condo fees. Still time to choose your colours. You’ll love it! Asking $499,322 A2077560 We offer MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE KINGMAN … Newly developed lots. Choose from seven! Located on the edge of town. Starting at $27,500 A1156323, 6338, 6341, 6343, 6349 OUT OF TOWN OUT OF TOWN GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY in New Norway! High quality 4-plex. Beautiful modern units, open concept living. Currently rented out for $900/mo. plus utilities. Strong rental market. Asking $569,000 A2089277 NEW WALKOUT BUNGALOW CONDOS BY LAKE! … Finished up and down! Landscaped yard, vinyl fencing, artificial turf – WOW! You’ll love the location of “Valley View West Estates”. An amazing adult community by the lake, walking trails and park. Absolutely an exceptional home with a gorgeous, bright open plan. Asking $575,162 A2115498 ONLY 2 DOUBLE CAR GARAGE UNITS LEFT! SOLD SOLD There’s never been a better time to list with… CENTRAL AGENCIES REALTY Inc. EXCELLENT STARTER HOME OR RENTAL ADDITION … 5 bedrooms, 3 updated bathrooms with a private 2-pce en suite, hardwood floors, vinyl windows, updated furnace. Just over 1200 sq.ft., 24’x20’ detached garage and a partially finished basement. Finished upstairs very well and some finishing in the basement to do. Asking $256,900 A2112262 PERFECT CAMPING/WEEK GETAWAY … in Sunset Heights at Red Deer Lake. Double lot with three-season cabin, holding tank, new well in 2021. Set up with RV plugs and water. 30’x20’ tarp shed for storage. Asking $135,000 A2116918 ACREAGES 1322 SQ. FT. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW on 1.07 aces 3.5 miles from Camrose’s Ring Road. Open concept 2001 built home with great kitchen, large living room, beautiful primary with LARGE WALK-IN closet. Finished lower level with massive family room. Covered South East side deck. New shingles, forced air heat, cozy in-floor heating, 30’x26’ garage. Quiet acreage, you’ll love the proximity to Camrose, without the traffic or neighbours. Asking $514,900 A2102612 END UNIT – BEAUTIFUL NEW TOWNHOUSE! Zero step, senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, attached double garage, all finished. You’ll love it! Asking $444,900 A2123601 BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP TOWNHOUSE! Senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, attached garage, all finished. You’ll love it! Asking $436,900 A2123385 ZERO STEP TOWNHOUSE! Senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry, In-floor heat, covered patio, attached garage. Still time to pick your colours! Asking $421,700 A2123223 WOW, WALK-OUT VILLAS – VALLEYVIEW WEST! Close to lake, parks and walking trails. Walk-out finished up and down! Gourmet kitchen, granite, spacious dinette, gorgeous living room. Superb master/en suite, main floor laundry, A/C. Excellent basement floor plan. Artificial turf, vinyl fencing. In-floor heating, deck/patio, attached garage! Asking $518,162 A2122925
Wednesday, May 22 2:00 to 4:00 pm 3320-50A Street Close “Lots happening! Come see!” Thursday, May 23 3:30 to 5:30 pm 5419-51 Avenue “Home of the week, see page 31!” RESIDENTIAL LOTS Come build your new home … in the family friendly Cascades subdivision in our amazing city of Camrose! These affordable lots are perfectly located close to the west-end shopping, services, golf course, playground and parks including a dog run. Seven lots have been made available offering various options. Choose from lots providing a walkout option and backing onto the pond and walking trails, a “corner” lot with open space to the west, or other lots with established neighbours. A great opportunity not to be missed! Asking $85,000-115,000 A2110713 MODEL 1244 ZERO STEP … Senior friendly. Beautiful bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat, beautiful kitchen, spacious great room. Main floor laundry. Easy access to garage. Covered patio and more! No condo fees! Immediate possession! You’ll love it! Asking $436,376 A2045627 WITHIN 4 KM OF CAMROSE ON PAVEMENT! This 13-acre parcel includes a 1724 sq. ft. home, oversized detached garage, barn with box and a 160’x72’ arena complex with a section that is fully finished with heat, water, wash bay and a washroom. This acreage is your private oasis! The 5-bedroom house has been tastefully updated. The huge yard allows for fun for the whole family. This PRIME LOCATION is perfect for the family, ready for the freedom of country living, or for the entrepreneur ready to make their dreams come true. You have to see this 13-acre PIECE OF HEAVEN to understand all it has to offer! Asking $947,000 A2126179 REALLY THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS … Almost 18 acres zoned residential AND agricultural, right at the edge of town. Multiple residential acreage development possible. Municipal water and sewer is available. This beautiful property is located only 20 minutes to Camrose and in easy commuting distance to Nisku and South/East Edmonton. Asking $214,000 A2121909 WOW! BEAUTIFUL QUALITY BUILT CONDO! Awesome, spacious and bright! Close to city centre and Mirror Lake walking trails. Beautiful open design, 9’ ceilings and hardwood flooring. Exceptional kitchen, spacious dinette/living room. 2 huge bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Hardi-plank siding, ICF basement, storage, a/c and more! Asking $215,000 A2125148 EXCELLENT BI-LEVEL ON TWO LOTS! Exceptional lifestyle - Rosalind. You’ll love the peacefulness and relaxing lifestyle. Beautiful 1140 sq. ft. bi-level with private setting on two lots! Lovely living room with vaulted ceilings, awesome country kitchen, en suite and main floor laundry. Cozy ICF basement, 65% completed. Park setting, veranda, deck, 22’x24’ heated garage. Gemstone lighting system and more. A country lifestyle with all the services! Asking $339,900 A2091689 GREAT FLEXIBLITY IN MAYERTHORPE OVER 23 ACRES ALONG HWY 43 Asking $230,000 CA0168666 NEW NORWAY LOT 65’ wide lot at the edge of town in Spartan Estates! Asking $50,000 A2089400 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on the OVERSIZE lot! No neighbours behind! Bawlf has a provincially acclaimed K-12 school, wonderful sports facilities and walking trails. Only 20 minutes from Camrose –which is the perfect distance to unwind on your drive home from work! Starting at $45,000 A2076411, 6409, 6403 BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW WITH FINISHED BASEMENT! Zero step, end unit! Senior friendly and a fantastic community. Beautiful, bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat and easy access to garage. Excellent kitchen, spacious great room, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, and more. No condo fees. You’ll love it! Asking $571,440 A2123360 SOLD 4001-50 Street, Camrose Phone 780.672.5851 AWESOME COMMUNITY & LIFESTYLE 3320-50A Street Close Available NOW! Model 1244 asking $436,376 A2045627 Full basement model • No condo fees Double garage • Zero step entry Model 1244 Asking $499,322 A2077560 FULL BASEMENT! Beautiful Bungalow Townhouse Zero-step, non-basement • End unit Double garage • In-floor heating Asking $444,900 A2123601 Beautiful Bungalow Townhouse • Zero-step, non-basement • Single garage • In-floor heating Pick your colours! Asking $436,900 A2123385 Master planned community Designed for active adults • No condo fees Community lifestyle Wednesday, May 22 2:00 to 4:00 pm 3320-50A Street Close “Lots happening! Come see!” New Zero-Step Townhouse Fully finished basement Double garage, finished • In-floor heating Model 1244 asking $571,440 A2123360 SOLD CARE FREE LIVING Here is your opportunity to live in your home with a yard and driveway looked after and IT’S NOT A CONDO! 1,640 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms with two primary bedrooms, one with a walk-out balcony overlooking the lake. Open concept kitchen/dining/living room with corner fireplace. The lower level features a MASSIVE family room with a HD projection TV! You will LOVE the extras on this Village at Westpark home – hardwood flooring, the balcony overlooking the lake and a maintenance free deck. This is MOVE-IN READY and waiting for you. WELCOME HOME! Asking $409,000 A2128461 GEMINI CENTRE, GROUND FLOOR – A PLACE FOR YOUR BUSINESS! … Exceptional street level unit: 2078 sq. ft. Awesome location. Easy access. Superior design. Superb visibility. Asking $23/sq. ft. + common A2082496 COMMERCIAL PRIME MAIN STREET PROPERTY IN CAMROSE – ZONED C1 Excellent opportunity in the heart of Camrose City Centre! 3,262 sq. ft. commercial building with 2 entrances, reception areas, offices, client meeting rooms, 3 bathrooms, flex areas and warehousing. Easy customer access and rear parking. Call now! Asking $229,000 A2030401 HWY 56 FRONTAGE … 6.05 acres in Millang Industrial Park. 3-phase power, gas available now. Edmonton city water is to be available in 2023. This 6.05 acre parcel is zoned Farmland at present. This is the LAST REMAINING LOT! Asking $749,000 A2098054 63.26 ACRES IN THE CITY OF CAMROSE, ZONED M1! Highway frontage, spur-line opportunity. Awesome 11,664 sq.ft. building. plus 48 acres have City offsite levies prepaid. An impeccable property; 80’x94’ work area with lube/mechanics’ pit, plus 80’x26’ drive-through wash-bay all with 18’x18’ doors. Excellent offices and reception area. Lots of future development potential or room to expand your operations. Call now! Asking $6.95M A2122819 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW WITH 9’ CEILINGS 1478 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, fully open floor plan. Amazing kitchen with a large island, pull-out drawers and walk-in pantry for lots of storage. Natural stone fireplace in the great room. A great primary with a large walk-in closet and a generous 4-piece en suite. Main floor laundry. The lower level features a private entrance to a fully furnished 2-bedroom suite complete with full kitchen, 4-piece bath, 2 large bedrooms and own laundry! Oversized lot that allows for a 38’x26’/28’ deep heated 4-stall garage PLUS it has a concrete RV pad complete with 30 amp service! There is nothing missing here! Asking $599,000 A2126737 SOLD BAWLF BI-LEVEL Newer and exceptionally clean 4-bedroom home with lots of recent upgrades. This is very spacious and features a very large and bright entrance area, a huge baker’s kitchen with lots of counterspace, all newer appliances and beautiful retro cabinets. The primary has a 3-piece en suite and walk-in closet. Main floor laundry and a/c! Recently finished massive rec room, 2 bedrooms and roughed-in bath. Outside features a large deck, heated double garage, separate tool/hobby shed and fully fenced back yard with a patio. Only a 20-minute drive from Camrose. Asking $319,000 A2125112 SOLD VALLEYVIEW – NEW TOWNHOUSE! Inside unit, senior friendly design! Beautiful open floor plan, in-floor heating and 9’ ceilings. Exceptional kitchen, quartz countertops. Spacious living/dinette area, main floor laundry. 22.5’x11.5’ garage. Pick your colours! Asking $368,162 A2122901 SOLD NEW TOWNHOUSE IN VALLEYVIEW! End unit, senior friendly design, no steps! Beautiful 1287 sq. ft. floor plan. In-floor heating and 9’ ceilings. Exceptional kitchen, quartz countertops, Spacious living/dinette area, main floor laundry. 22.5’x11.5’ garage, epoxy flooring. Pick your colours! Asking $398,162 A2122843 SOLD CHARMING 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW offering 1,140 sq.ft of cozy living space with brand new flooring throughout the main floor and laundry on the main floor, along with a spacious living room flooded with natural light. The open kitchen has ample counter space, oak cupboards, complemented by a delightful dining area. Outside, a south-facing deck invites you to soak up the sun, while a 1-car garage and a serene backyard with a water feature provide the perfect retreat. Conveniently located near amenities, schools, and parks, this vintage gem is ready to welcome you home. Asking $245,000 A2131197 12 ACRES! … with a 2008 built, 2,800 sq. ft. zero step entry bungalow and heated shop on a maturely treed acreage only 8 minutes from Tim Horton’s! Superbly crafted with a chef’s kitchen! Granite countertops, large island, induction cooktop, wall ovens, massive fridge, walk-in pantry with beverage fridge. The great room has a wood beam ceiling. Breathtaking primary with amazing en suite and walk-in closet, walk-in stone shower, dual sink vanity and soaker tub. In-floor heat, forced air heat and A/C, instant hot water plus an oversize double garage. The home is hardwired with trademark CONTROL4 System to allow for security, climate, lighting and AV to control EVERY ROOM from your phone. Remote controlled front gate and 30x50x16H’ heated shop with 14Hx14W door to fit any truck or motorhome! There are too many details to list! Welcome to your CASTLE! Asking $1,625,000 A2131321 EXCELLENT ALMOST-NEW VALLEYVIEW TOWNHOUSE … Desirable location, quality built and offering a simplified way of life and senior friendly with no steps. Bright open floor plan, well planned with spacious living room and dining space. Glorious kitchen, huge island, granite counters and corner pantry. In-floor heating, vinyl plank, 9-foot ceilings. 2 awesome bedrooms, newer appliances and M/F laundry. Alley access to attached garage complete with Epoxy flooring. Not a condo therefore no fees. This ideal lifestyle awaits you, just move in! Asking $369,000 A2122282 SOLD Check out our Beautiful Lakeside Adult Community. Private and Quiet! BEAUTIFUL WALKOUT VILLA! • Finished up and down • In-floor heat • 12’x24’ garage, all finished • All landscaped – turf and fencing Asking $518,162 A2122925 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW TOWNHOUSE! • 1287 sq. ft. • Single garage • In-floor heat • No steps Asking $398,162 A2131622 In Valleyview! Beautiful Bungalows by Battle River Homes NEW TOWNHOUSE IN VALLEYVIEW! End unit. Senior friendly design, no steps. Beautiful 1287 sq. ft. floor plan. In-floor heating, 9’ ceilings, exceptional kitchen, quartz countertops, spacious living/dinette area, main floor laundry. 22.5’x11.5’ garage, Epoxy flooring. Pick your colours! Asking $398,162 A2131622 NEW LISTING!

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