June 18, 2024 Camrose Booster

Page 1

Dr. Louis Minders, Medical Director; Karen Burton, RN and current Clinical Safety Coordinator; and Stacey Brewster, RN and Site Administrator; look at decades-old photos and vintage medical equipment as they prepare for this weekend’s 100-year celebration. Karen, who joined St. Mary’s Hospital staff in 1987 is one of the few current staff who worked in the "old" building before moving to the present hospital which opened on June 23, 1989.

Back in 1922, two nuns travelled from, Kingston, Ontario, to meet with the Mayor of Camrose to select an optimum site on which to construct a hospital to serve the health needs of a growing rural community. By 1924 (one hundred years ago), the hospital, in its scenic and tranquil location, opened to provide healthcare to those in need.

This weekend, Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22, Covenant Health St. Mary’s Hospital will celebrate this impressive milestone.

Staff, physicians and board members who have been part of the journey will gather on Friday afternoon to celebrate. A public open house for six hours on Saturday will include guided tours of the current acute care facility. See page 3 of this edition for more information.

News Features Art Walk Through the Garden 2 Reflections by Bonnie Hutchinson 4 Just Sayin' 4 Churchmice Players line up family Christmas story 11 Celebrate Canada Day with fun for all 16 Ask the Chief 19 Rodin plays for Team Canada 21 Brick Warehouse   Canada Safeway   Hauser Home Hardware   M & M Food Market   Peavey Mart   Shoppers Drug Mart   Walmart   Wild Rose Co-op   ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔* ✔* ✔* ✔* To Camrose Homes To Rural Homes Tuesday With Booster ✔ ✔ ✔x 2 ✔ ✔* ✔* x 2 ✔ *partial coverage This Week's Flyers Inside Who Can I Count On? 6 Out and About 11 Obituaries 12 to 14 City of Camrose 15 to 17 On the Road 18 and 19 Classifieds 20 to 22 Central Agencies Realty Inc. 23 and 24 Vol. LXXII, No. 30 City Edition – 24 Pages Country Edition – 32 Pages June 18, 2024 100 years!
Photo by

Returning for the third year, the Camrose Arts Society is delighted to host the Art Walk Through the Gardens event to be held on July 13, beginning at 10:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

This ticketed event offers attendees an incredible day of self-guided tours through some of Camrose’s stunning gardens.

Your ticket to paradise will not only give you an opportunity to walk through beautiful havens but appre-

ciate the works of local artisans, including painters, bead and fibre artists, poets and writers who will be demonstrating their incredible talent as guests meander through the gardens.

“This is a great opportunity for people to see how artists work,” said Arts Society director and chairman of the event, Donna Hanson. “From my perspective as an artist, it is honestly one of the best events I have ever been involved in. This will be my third year be-

Art Walk Through the Gardens

ing an artist in the garden and it is just such a great opportunity to really show the public how you create. They get such a good understanding of it and what it takes.”

Going into its third year, the Art Walk Through the Gardens began post COVID as a way to lift people’s spirits and was a huge success, which continued in its second year and as it has grown will no doubt continue that momentum.

The gardens vary from quaint backyard gardens that feature charming little vignettes and a variety of plant life to public gardens that take visitors on pathways through exquisite floral and fairytale plots.

Gardens include the following:

• Railway Heritage

• Hidden Gem

• Cheryl’s Retreat

• Serenity Garden

• Jewel Box

• A River Runs Through It

• Hood Gardens

• Bumble Bee Garden

• Grandma’s Cottage Garden

• Sunshine and Ferns Garden

• Mucho Worko Garden

• Purple Gate Garden

• Wedding Bells Garden

• Refresh Garden

Continued on page 17

Published Tuesday for Controlled Distribut ion by CAMROSE BOOSTER LTD. Providing complete coverage of the City of Camrose and the communities of Ohaton, Edberg, Meeting Creek Donalda, Bawlf Kelsey, Rosalind, Daysland, Heisler Strome, Forestburg, Galahad, Killam, Sedgewick , Alliance, Armena, Hay Lakes, Sout h Tof ield, Round Hill, Kingman, New Nor way, Ferintosh, Bittern Lake, and their rural routes each and every week



The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 2 GR APHICS DEPARTMENT Sharon Schwar t z, Ar t Director Journeyman Graphic Designer; Brenda Campbell, Deput y Ar t Director Journeyman Graphic Designer; Alyzza Labajo, Graphic Designer Lorna Stobbe, Proofreader
Fri., 8
Phone 780-672-3142
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Lori Larsen, Camrsoe Booster Gardener Lisa Sharp takes a break from preening and plucking in her beautiful garden paradise in preparation for the Art Walk Through the Gardens event.

Open House

In celebration of 100 years!

Did you know?


The Sister s of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul from Kingston, Ontario, were living their mission of empowering the vulnerable through compassionate ser vice, advocacy and networking, w hen they responded to an invitation from the Mayor and Council of Camrose to establish a hospital in the area. In October 1922, two Sister s ar rived to choose a site with the Mayor, “a large block of land on Nor mal Hill”, w hich the Sister s deemed as “ver y appropriate – sun and air, with quiet sur roundings.”

This peaceful scene was a stark contrast to the trials the Sister s faced during their fir st winter in Camrose – temperatures dropped to 54 degrees below zero, with snow so deep doctor s had to make house calls on foot – but the Sister s per severed and, in 1924, the hospital opened its door s. One hundred year s later, Covenant Health is honoured to continue the impassioned work of the Sister s and we look forward to celebrating this legacy milestone with the community throughout the year!

Nursing Class 1927

›“It is interesting to gaze back at the profession over the last 100 years. T he 1920s brought us many incredible discoveries such as insulin, the tetanus and diphtheria vaccines and Penicillin. How far we have come in our understanding of disease and in the diagnostics and procedures we now have access to. T here is much to celebrate and even more to lear n from.”

– Dr. Louis Minder s, MBChB, CCFP Medical Director

Alumni Gathering

June 21, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

For For mer Physicians, Staf f and Board Member s

Public Open House

Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Ever yone welcome!

› Guided Tour s › Activities

› Food Tr uck – Galactic Cantina in par tner ship with Over time Taphouse

Temporar y Free Parking on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


To accommodate the growing community, the cur rent bricks and mor tar facility was opened on June 23, 1989 – marking 35 year s this weekend! Part of the for mer str ucture remains as the Hospital’s Providence Building, w hich continues to house additional suppor t for our busy r ural hospital.

This feature published in the June 20, 1989 edition of T he Camrose Booster gave the public a comprehensive look at our exciting histor y and invited ever yone to share in the joy of our wonderful new healthcare facility


Today, St. Mar y’s Hospital ser ves a catchment area of over 150,000 people in r ural, east central Alber ta. The Hospital’s wide range of ser vices and ability to care for higher acuity cases allows patients to receive treatment in their home community, keeping their families and suppor ts close

›“We are excited to celebrate St. Mar y’ s 100th Anniversar y, honouring our legacy and the Sister s who brought high quality healthcare to Camrose. W ith a focus on staf f wellness, recruitment and retention, community, foundation and organizational par tnerships, St. Mar y’ s Hospital is well positioned to continue to provide excellent patient centred care going into its next centur y. ”

– Stacey Lynn Brewster, RN, BScN Site Administrator

We acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 ter ritor y, the traditional gathering place and home of the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Dene, Nakota, the Inuit and Métis We acknowledge all the many Indigenous peoples whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 3 St. Mary’s Hospital • 4607-53 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1Y5 • Phone 780.679.6100
1924 1969

No complaints

I’m writing this on a gorgeous day. Blue sky, warm air, green trees, flowers blooming… makes me feel happy to be alive.

Not only that, I’ve finished a project a day before the deadline. Plus, this day includes a pedicure, lunch with a favourite person, and a live concert. In my world, that’s pretty much a perfect day. I couldn’t make myself be grumpy if I tried.

That is making me think about the days when it’s easy to be grumpy.

The challenge

A while ago, someone challenged me to take part in a “no complaints week.”

Several of us had agreed to see how long we could go without complaining about anything. We were each supposed to wear an elastic band around a wrist. If we noticed ourselves complaining or feeling judgmental about something, we were to snap the elastic band. The idea was that the elastic band would snap us out of complaining thoughts.

We were to check in with each other once a day for a week.

An educational week

That was an educational week! I discovered how easy it was for me to slip into critical complaining mode. Took about a nanosecond. The weather, the news, people in a grocery store line-up, the politics of the day…it seemed I was practically on red alert watching for opportunities to think or say critical things.

I didn’t always say out loud what I was thinking, but I noticed how gleeful it felt to come up with a great zinger. I realized that I actually enjoyed that momentary feeling of superiority. Not a pretty picture.

I noticed something else. The longer I let myself stay in that complaining critical state, the more I found to complain about and the more the world looked like a dark place. If I didn’t interrupt my train of thought, I could feel the beginning of discouragement, resentment or even hopelessness. (“What’s the point? Why bother?”)

That was uncomfortable but useful information. That is not who I want to be when I grow up! I started to get a sense of the power of negative thinking, not only to influence my mood but to darken my perceptions.

The antidote

I confess that I did not always snap the elastic band on my wrist when I noticed I was thinking or saying complaining things. But mostly I did make a conscious effort to switch away from complaining mode.

The easiest way was to start looking for something to appreciate. It didn’t even have to be related to whatever I was complaining about. Any form of gratitude began to change my mood and my mindset.

A happy thing I noticed was that the longer I could stay in gratitude mode, the more things and people I appreciated, and the better the whole world looked. I could feel optimism, confidence and even enjoyment.

It’s not the only time I’ve had this realization, but it was an excellent reinforcement. Many situations can be improved by the simple method of finding something to be grateful about. That changes your mindset which in turn changes everything.

Yep, some things really are awful. This is not in praise of ignoring what needs fixing. But if we let ourselves sink into a mire of criticism and complaining, that reduces the energy we have available to make improvements. If we arm ourselves with a grateful frame of mind, we can find the strength and wisdom to make needed changes.

And the winner is…

Back to our group. Did any of us make it through an entire day without complaining about anything? Well, one person (not me) claimed she had been able to resist complaining about anything for more than 24 hours.

Naturally, the rest of us complained that it wasn’t fair!

I’d love to hear from you. If you have comments about this column or suggestions for future topics, send an email to Bonnie@BonnieHutchinson.com I’ll happily reply within two business days.

Jubilee Park

Last week I had a chance to take a walk through Jubilee Park and was shocked and disappointed with the condition it was in.

Dandelions have completely taken over part of the park, and untrimmed grass around hedges and trees made this former gem of a park look very run down.

In comparison, as I drove past Camrose Composite High School, the front lawn looked immaculate. I didn’t see the south lawn of the school, but I’m assuming it looks as good as the north side. A video I watched online advertising Camrose certainly did not show that weeds have taken over the park. A visitor would be in for a shock if they used that

video as a guide.

Why has the City allowed Jubilee Park to deteriorate to such a sorry state?

I’m wondering if council members and City administrators allow their own properties to look this bad. If they do, I’m sure their neighbours are not impressed.

Brian McLeod, Camrose

CentrePoint Church lift installed

removed barriers for taking in activities by installing a chair lift to both the sanctuary and the basement.

“In our church, you step into a split-level lobby. You have to choose to go upstairs to the sanctuary or downstairs to the basement,” shared Pastor Nathan Pollock, on the layout of his church.

“For years, as the population of Camrose grows, we have found that this is not a very accessible building. We put in double handrails to help people go up and down the stairs. But, in the past, we lost some events because it wasn’t accessible enough,” he added.

The church received a federal government grant to fund the long overdo project. Jakob Weisser of Thrive Accessibility installed two lifts for church members including Neil MacInnis, who put in a request. He attended services online during Covid-19, but didn’t have access when the facility was open to the public again.

“People just couldn’t physically attend our church services because of our layout. We have researched

ideas for decades, but couldn’t find the right solution, until this chair lift idea came along,” he said.

“In October 31, 2022, I was looking at an accessibility web site and discovered a grant, but the deadline was on November 1,” laughed Pastor Nathan.

He requested a grant so lifts were able to be installed, to make the building more accessible.

“We had 23 hours to write a grant proposal, so we did that. In December, I received a phone call to clarify a few details and they said we would hear from them in March. In March, I received an email that said not yes, but also not no. The first round of projects were approved, but we could hear from them in June.”

No word came in June, so in July he called to find out more information. “Then on November 12th, I got an email to say they are ready to go ahead with the project and that they will be touch. December rolls around, we signed the contract for the federal grant,” he shared.

“Through the help of a grant from the Enabling Accessibility Fund, CentrePoint Church installed wheelchair lifts to help

people attend services and events in the building. This grant allows us to make both of our floors accessible to those in wheelchairs, walkers and those who find stairs difficult,” said Pastor Nathan.

“Due to our split-level building design, accessibility at CentrePoint has always been a challenge. While broadcasting our service online has helped some people connect with our services, our building limited who could participate with us in our services and events. As well, our opportunities to serve the community by hosting funerals, sharing meals and running events were all restricted because we could not get everyone in the space,” explained Pastor Nathan.

The platform lift is good for wheelchairs or has a chair if someone needs to sit down.

“We knew that we needed a solution, but could not see a way forward. For decades, CentrePoint has tried to figure out ways to increase accessibility. Designs for ramps, quotes for chair lifts, many things were considered, but nothing worked until this grant from the Enabling Accessibility Fund was awarded. This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Enabling Accessibility Fund. With the grant, CentrePoint partnered with local company Thrive Accessibility, to perform the work,” Pastor Nathan said.

The lift was first used on Palm Sunday this year. Four people used the chair lift that day, now there is a bit of a lineup to use it because it works so well. “It has been a game changer, so some people have come back to services. We are going to have a celebration of the lift on June 23 to wrap up the season of worship.”

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 4
Send your LETTER TO THE EDITOR to: The Camrose Booster 4925-48 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 or email it to: TH E FINE PR IN T: We welcom e lett er s th at are of public inte re st are fact base d an d represent logic al at tempts to ma ke a constructive contribution to public discours e. We re se rve th e ri gh t to edit le tt er s fo r clarit y, legali ty g ood ta st e an d to fi t availa bl e spac e. Lett er s th at cont ain personal at tack s or abus e an d insult s w ill be edited or reje cted entire ly Lett er s to third pa rt ie s are not acce pt ed Please li mi t your le tt er s to 40 0 word s an d sign with your first name init ia l, su rname, addres s an d phon e number; only the name of th e writer and ci ty or tow n w ill be publishe d. We th an k yo u fo r your inte re st in this fe at ure an d encourage your comments news@camrosebooster.com
Murray Green, Camrose Booster CentrePoint Church congregation member Neil MacInnis, right, demonstrates the newly installed chair lift with Pastor Nathan Pollock, left, and Thrive Accessibility owner-installer Jakob Weisser making sure it operates properly.
The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 5 Telephone: 780-679-0822 Toll free: 1-800-898-3336 CA MROS E 3720 B- 48 Avenue Corner of Highways 13 & 26 $AVE ON YOUR HOME OR ONLINE SECURITY C ome by and we’ll help you f ind your per fe ct plan. Our team makes securi ty easy to understand , use and budge t for.
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Camrose Condo Owners

through the pages of e Booster

• Rees James has been named as the new Program Director for the Neighbourhood Youth Centre, replacing Patrick Dillon. “I really wanted to work with youth 14 years ago, I just took a long time to get there,” stated Rees. While pursuing a degree in Psychology from Augustana University College, James worked for five years in an auxiliary hospital with seniors. He has spent the past nine years at CAFCL, working with adults who have developmental disabilities.

• Lawrence McFadyen, co-owner of Town and Country Guardian Drugs, presented a cheque for $1,673.27 to Camrose Arts Society coordinator Jane Cherry. The donation represents half of the proceeds of a garage sale held by Guardian Drugs during Jaywalkers’ Jamboree. The money will be used for a teen dance.

• Two dedicated people were recognized by the Persons with Developmental Disabilities Central Alberta Community Board, under a program designed to recognize staff who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make a difference in the lives of people with developmental disabilities. Elizabeth Pears, a member of the P.D.D. Board, and Karin Naslund, CAFCL’s Executive Director, presented Esther McDonald and Brian Stevens with certificates of appreciation for exceptional service to clients. Esther has been with CAFCL for fifteen years, working her way up to the position of Residential Coordinator, with responsibility for overseeing the operation of ten homes. Brian has been a team leader for two years, and continues to provide direct support to clients.

• Two members of the Camrose Lutheran College faculty completed their doctoral programs. Dr. John Beaver received a Doctorate in Physics from the University of Nebraska and Dr. B.W. (By) Reeser in political science from the University of Alberta.

• An agreement in principle was given by City Council for the preparation of a development agreement with Homeco Industries Ltd., who plan to build a mobile home factory in southeast Camrose. Following negotiations with City Manager Wally Johnson, Homeco agreed in principle to pay $23,000 for construction of a storm sewer system and contribute up to $3,800 for digging a ditch which would divert a creek from the property that Homeco has optioned to buy

• City Council discussed a proposed development agreement between the City and Fallon Industrial Properties Ltd., developers of a proposed west end shopping centre. Fallon representatives R. Wattie, D. Riley and Joe Duggan agreed to most conditions of the proposed agreement and several areas of contention were resolved. Under the proposed agreement, construction is to commence on or before July 31, 1974, and be completed on or before October 31, 1975.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 6 Your handy dire ctor y for area profes sionals, tr adesmen and se rvice businesses WHO can I count on?
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The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 8 Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ddress Ph: Draw to be made Mond ay, June 24 , 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name ddress Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay June 24 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay June 24 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay June 24 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond June 24 2024 Be sure to depo sit your entry at the corresponding grocer y store for it to qualif y. GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay June 24 2024 af ter 10 am GROCERY GIVE AWAY Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address Ph: Win $100.00 wor th of groceries Draw to be made Mond ay June 24 2024 af ter 10 am at any of these Camrose stores Enter this week ’s Someone will win $100 wort h of groceries from one of the stores shown here . Congratulations to the winner for June 17, Doug Camire of Camrose, drawn at Safeway.


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Andreassen Bor th

Badger Trenching

Bashaw Ag Socie ty

Bashaw Crop Ser vices

Big Rig Truck Wash

Bi-West Buslines (Translines)

Blue J Storage

Burns tad Farms

Camrose Machine & Welding

Cash Chem Bashaw

Highmark Machine Work s Hoyme Refridgeration Ltd.

Impact Massage & Wellness

Jeannette Guer tin

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L amb Ford Sale s

Lazy E Bar Ranching

Liv Dental , Dr Stephanie McC orkill

Lohr Ag Produc ts

Losness Drilling

Mowbre y Gil LLP,



C entral A gencies/

Western Financial Group

Char tere d A ccountant s

OP T Inc.

C ode Custom Farming

D2 Elec tric

Delta Water Produc ts

Plumbing with Pride

Read’s Custom Butcher Shop

Road to Rail Construc tion

Double B Farms

Drever A gencies Inc.

Dr. Mark Cloarec,

Primar y Care Optome tr y

Skyvir tu R anch

Steve and Theresa Reminsky

Terra Firma HDD

Farnham West Stolee

K ambeitz Law Firm

Tof ield Packers

Vision Credit Union

Flaman Sale s

Ross Agri

Fountain Tire

Hauser Home Hardware

Westerhof Dairies Ltd.

Walger Farms


Wayne Symyrozum, of Camrose, formerly of Vegreville, on April 21 at 76 years of age.

Trevor Anthony Beck, of Edmonton, on June 8, at 55 years of age.

Leon Charles Piro of Bawlf, on June 10, at 87 years of age.

Mary Tomaszewski, of Camrose, on June 11, at 96 years of age.

Ellen Maureen Kerr, of Camrose, on June 12, at 75 years of age.

Patricia Edmunds, of Camrose, on June 12, at 80 years of age.

Eleanor Roberta Brinker, of Camrose, on June 13, at 86 years of age.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 9 FOR SALE PEPPER PLANTS $3.50each CELERY $1each The number to contact is 780.678.005 3 45529, Range Road 172 East Lynn Road (4 miles east of Bawlf-6 miles west of Daysland, 1.5 miles North on RR172-East side of road) ian’s Greenhouse U-Pick Fruits, berries & Vegetable Farm PUBLIC NOTICE Brian’sU-PickFruits, Berries&VegetableFarm willnotbeopeningin2024. It is o cially closed and will only be for personal use. We apologize for any inconvenience. We were looking for a good year and turnout. Your Camrose team of tax accountants and business advisors. grantthornton.ca Suite 201, 4870 51 Street T +1 780 672 9217 © 2024 Grant Thornton LLP A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd. All rights reserved. Chartered Professional Members of ALBERTA 4602-49 Avenue Camrose, Alberta T4V 0M6 780- 672-2600 Fax: 780-672-0057 Toll Free: 1-866-772-2600 Website: www.hwgr.ca CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS GARNETT MACKAYLLP RADCHENKO 3831B-44 Avenue, Camrose, AB T4V 3T1 Phone 780-679-2515, Fax 780-679-2507 Toll Free 1-877-679-2515
Village of Hay Lakes 2024 Assessment/Tax Notices
Hay Lakes
fully prepared,
Government Ac t, and amendments,notice is hereby given that the assessment roll of the
has been
and Assessment/Tax notices have been mailed to all assessed persons
Administration and Probate
Attorney • Personal Directives Farnham West Stolee Kambeitz LLP BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 5016-52 Street, Camrose
www.fwsllp.ca Bill’s
Powers of
at Camrose Farmers’ Market , S aturday 10 am - 1 pm Duggan Mall For Re sidential pick-up of 8 or 20 packs (4 -oz. patt ie s, seas oned and BBQ-read y) Call for pick-up: 78 0.678 .6062 4-H Vision: Empowered and connected communities built by youth.
Mike Ross of Big Rigs Truck Wash purchased the Distric t Grand Champion Steer raised by Addy Ross of the Camrose 4-H Beef Club. R ob Hauser of Hauser Home Hardware purchased the Distric t Reser ve Grand Champion Steer raised by Hailee Wenstob of Rosalind 4-H Club.
THANK YOU to the Buyers, Sponsors and Suppor ters of our 20 24 Sale! Tof ield Packers Battle River Implements NuFarm
Mountain Equipment) Trouw Nutrition Finse th Herefords Prairie West Farms Highmark Machine Work s
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Z Farms Richardson Pioneer We taskiwin C ountr y Junc tion Tornado Global Hydrovac s Crop Management Net work Battle River Power Dodds Coal Mine Jason & Erica Wiese Glover International (Camrose) Mad Platter Catering EIA R on Pederson –Auctioneer Lazy E Bar Ranching Silver Creek Ag Society MNW A ccounting Camrose C ount y C olin Fankhanel Brooke Van De Voorde Janet Kerr BRF Wood Designs Andrew Releeder Carl Bergstrom, Dave Vik se –Bid Catchers Bashaw Sales and R entals Bashaw Ag Socie ty Parkland Chip Products Koetha Cattle BU YERS CORPORATE EVENT SPONSORS JUDGES VOLUNTEER SUPPORT Evan Patriquin Will Bradford Michelle Strohschein

Spirals bring home the medals

The Camrose Spirals recently returned from Waterloo, Ontario, and the Rope Skipping Canadian National Championships held on May 17 to 20, toting a bag full of medals and wins.

“We took 23 athletes to Nationals and all 23 came home with at least one medal in both individual and team,” said Camrose Spirals head coach Jodi Bogstie. “To have that many podium placings was so exciting.”

The competitive team has 26 athletes ranging in ages from seven to “around” 50 years-old, of whom 23 were in attendance at the Nationals, a great feat in itself.

Bogstie explained that there had to be a minimum of four athletes per team event, noting that some of the younger Spirals athletes had competed last year and were excited to convince their fellow club members to be a part this year.

“That was awesome because we don’t usually bring such a young group. Then our older girls, a group of eight that competed in Colorado at World Championships last summer, all stuck together and have been working together through this year. Because they had such a good experience, they got the whole team excited about going.”

Bogstie was very proud of the entire team, remarking how they stick and work together as the Spiral family.

“This is the first year I didn’t compete with them,” noted Bogstie, who has been head coach for 10 years and has been involved with the Camrose Spirals for 22 years.

The other three coaches Jemma Lauder, Myles Bogstie (yes, this is Jodi’s husband and they met participating in Spirals) and Tyrel Gibson, joined by Rowan Reef (Calgary jumper), did compete in several events under the team handle “The Geezers”.


Single Rope Speed Relay:

• U11 female 2nd place winners for U11 female were Rhya Sokolov, Emmie and Avery McCarroll and Macie Andrukow.

Double Dutch Speed Relay:

• 19+ mixed 2nd place winners were Tyrel Gibson, Jemma Lauder, Matthew Bridger and Rowan Reef.

• 16-18 female 3rd place winners were Brooklyn Hautzinger, Makenna Kropinske, Emma Searle and Erin Jenks.

Single Rope Pairs Freestyle:

• 19+ mixed 1st place winners were Tyrel Gibson and Jemma Lauder.

• 19+ male 1st place winners were Myles Bogstie and Rowan Reef.

• 16-18 female 1st place winners were Erin Jenks and Makenna Kropinske.

Single Rope Team Freestyle:

• 19+ mixed 1st place winners were Myles

Bogstie, Jemma Lauder, Tyrel Gibson and Rowan Reef.

Double Dutch Pairs Freestyle:

• 19+ mixed first place winners were Jemma Lauder, Myles Bogstie, Tyrel Gibson and Rowan Reef.

• 14-15 female 1st place winners were Natalie Martin, Charlie Nahirniak, Carleigh Young and Claire Stefanishion.

• 16-18 female 1st place winners were Brooklyn Hautzinger, Helen Hein, Natasha and Alexandra Olson.

• 16-18 female 3rd place winners were Erin Jenks, Emma Searle, Makenna Kropinske and Abigail Hein.

Double Dutch Freestyle Relay:

• U11 Female 1st place winners were Macie Andrukow, Rhya Sokolov, Emmie and Avery McCarroll.

Double Dutch Single Freestyle:

• 19+ mixed 1st place winners were Myles Bogstie, Jemma Lauder and Tyrel Gibson.

• 12-13 female 3rd place winners were Tessa Leask, Rhya Sokolov and Claire Stefanishion.

• 14-15 female 1st place winners were Brooklyn Hautzinger, Helen Hein and Natasha Olson.

• 16-18 female 2nd place winners were Erin Jenks, Emma Searle and Makenna Kropinske.

Team Single Rope Overall:

• Winner of the silver medal overall (The Geezers) were Jemma Lauder, Myles Bogstie, Tyrel Gibson and Rowan Reef.

• Bronze medal winners overall (Sended It) were Natasha Olson, Alexandra Olson, Brooklyn Hautzinger, Makenna Kropinske, Erin Jenks and Helen Hein.

• Silver medal winners overall (Hopping Heroes) were Rhya Sokolov, Emmie McCarroll, Macie Andrukow and Avery McCarroll.

Team Double Dutch Overall:

• Winners of the gold (The Geezers) were Jemma Lauder, Myles Bogstie, Tyrel Gibson, Rowan Reef and Matthew Bridger.

• Winners of the silver medal (Sended It) were Emma Searle, Makenna Kropinske, Erin Jenks, Abigail Hein, Brooklyn Hautzinger and Natasha Olson.

• Winners of silver (The Fab 5) were Claire Stefanishion, Tessa Leask, Charlie Nahirniak, Carleigh Young and Natalie Martin.

• Winners of gold medal (Hopping Heroes) were Rhya Sokolov, Emmie McCarroll,


Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster

Left: On your mark, get set, swim. Swimmers in the girls Under 8 category took flight off the block during a swim meet hosted by Camrose on May 26.

Right: A Camrose Sea Serpent swimmer shows extreme focus as she approaches the wall for the turnaround at the end of the lane.

Macie Andrukow and Avery McCarroll.

Team All Around:

• Winners of gold (The Geezers) were Jemma Lauder, Myles Bogstie, Tyrel Gibson, Rowan Reef and Matthew Bridger.


• Winners of silver (The Fab 5) were Claire Stefanishion, Tessa Leask, Charlie Nahirniak, Carleigh Young and Natalie Martin.

• Winners of gold (Hopping Heroes) were Rhya Sokolov, Emmie McCarroll, Macie Andrukow and Avery McCarroll.


• U11 female winner for 1st place 30 second speed (setting a new Alberta record) was Rhya Sokolov; 3rd place 30 second speed was Macie Andrukow; 1st place two minute speed (also a new Alberta record) was Rhya Sokolov; 2nd place for freestyle was Macie Andrukow and gold overall Rhya Sokolov; silver overall Macie Andrukow.

• 19+ male winner for 3rd place (30 second speed) was Myles Bogstie; 3rd place (three minute speed) Matthew Bridger; 2nd place for freestyle Matthew Bridger; bronze overall Myles Bogstie and gold overall Matthew Bridger.

• 19+ female winner of 3rd place for freestyle was Jemma Lauder.

• 30+ female winner for 2nd place for double unders and 3rd place (three minute speed) was Meagan Kallal, also winning a bronze overall.

• 30+ male winner of 2nd place for double unders, 30 second speed, three minute speed and freestyle was Nathan Hein also winning silver overall.

“This team has really loved Double Dutch,” said Bogstie. “So our best podium placings were in Double Dutch Freestyles. That just showed a lot because they placed so well. Some of them even went clean in some of their performances. Usually you get one or two misses, but two groups went clean and that was our little ones, so they did awesome.”

The club has pretty much wrapped up for the season with the exception of participating in a few community demonstrations, including one on June 15 at the Rotary Camrose 100th Celebrations Family Fun Day held at Stoney Creek Centre.

“Our next Worlds is next summer in Japan with the Qualifiers being held in November this year.

“So everyone who is hoping to qualify will continue training throughout the summer to see if they can make Team Canada. We actually have 15 athletes who are trying to qualify this year, which is huge.”

The Camrose Spirals has both a recreation and competitive stream and welcomes new members.

For more information on the Camrose Spirals, visit the Camrose Spirals Jump Rope Team Instagram and Facebook pages.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 10
Camrose Spirals at Rope Skipping Canadian National Championships

Churchmice Players line up family Christmas story

The Churchmice Players have two exciting projects on the go for this fall and winter.

They will be celebrating its 2024-25 season and the 45th anniversary with, A Good Old-Fashioned Big Family Christmas and Grease

A Good Old-Fashioned Big Family Christmas is scheduled to open at the Bailey Theatre on December 5. They will perform for five dinner theatres on December 5, 6, 7, 13 and 14 as well as an afternoon matinee (no meal) on Sunday, December 15.

The director will be Rayna Pohorelic, assistant director Darryl Bleau, pro-

ducer Dylan Ward, stage manager Katlin Anderson, set design and construction lead Patrick St. Dennis and costumes Katrina Kostrub.

Auditions will be held at the Camrose United Church, 4829-50 Street, on Friday, June 21, at 7 p.m. and June 22, at 11 a.m.

The directors wish to conduct the auditions in large groups, they ask participants to arrive at the starting time. The script calls for five male and nine female positions.

The story is about three sisters who can’t resist meddling in their parent’s quarrelsome marriage and devise an intervention in the form of a big family Christmas dinner, to the

great annoyance of their husbands.

What the grandparents suspect when they arrive is that the host couple must be having problems, so they go into intervention mode. Everyone is on their best behavior, the parents, husbands, the wives, even the children, except for one mischievous granddaughter who seems to be trying to start fights. The party takes on more intrigue than a whole host of the murder mysteries that Churchmice usually performs at Christmas.

Do the crazy Christmas conflicts erupt into a family estranged or into a warm hearted, happy holiday finale?

Churchmice will be partnering again with the Spotlight Bistro to bring an extraordinary dinner theatre experience. Ham, turkey and a traditional holiday meal buffet, including delectable desserts, await the dinner audience.

The afternoon mati-

nee on December 15 offers a wonderful non-meal option and balcony seating is available for every show. Grease

The rumour has been confirmed and the Camrose community will be elated with the choice.

Continued on page 14

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 11 PHONE 7 806 7 29 17 1
Regular Fish & Chips $1895 veed wi h bakakeed d
Chef’s choice of Fish of the Week. Served with baked potato, mashed potatoes or fries, and vegetables.
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Mary Tomaszewski

September 9, 1927 ~ June 11, 2024

Mary was born on September 9, 1927, to Fred Ewanchiw and Katherine Kalawsky. Both Fred and Katherine immigrated from the Ukraine in the early 1900s and were married in 1917. Mary was born and raised in the Kingman district until marriage to Walter Tomaszewski in 1947. Mary had one brother, Harry Ewanchiw, who passed in 1954, and an older sister, Rose Ewanchiw, who passed in 2012.

Mary would reminisce about when she was young – how she helped her parents on the farm, and how her younger brother was often sick with diabetes and in hospital in Edmonton. During this time, Mary would stay at home alone to care for the animals – she remembers being frightened and sleeping with a gun under her bed when she was home alone attending the farm. Mom said that her parents did not have a lot of money, but they always had delicious food from the animals they raised and the vegetables they grew.

After marrying, Walter and Mary bought a farm east of Camrose and, while farming, moved to Daysland where Walter tried his hand at being an entrepreneur in a welding business. Walter then worked on the oil rigs for seven years, so Walter and Mary relocated to various communities. During this entire time, Mary always made a home for their growing family. After working on the rigs, Walter and Mary relocated to Camrose. Mary loved her home and always supported and helped her husband as he worked the farm, helping with driving the tractor and the harvest. They bought the Tomaszewski home place and farmed that for many years.

Walter and Mary had six children, with the family growing into fourteen grandchildren and twentyfour great-grandchildren. They raised their children with love and warmth, and part of their legacy is the warmth and love the family shows for each other today. Mary loved gardening, always had a bountiful garden and did much canning from the produce. While her children were growing up, Mary loved to bake, so her children have many memories of hurrying home after school to be the first to taste their mom’s delicious doughnuts or cinnamon buns. Her fresh perogies were always a hit and she enjoyed helping the family with the huge perogy making sessions when we made up to 4,000 perogies at a time. One of her legacies was teaching her family how to make perfect perogies – she was a perogy pinching queen. Mary also worked as a health aide for 15 years at Rosehaven before retiring. Walter and Mary went camping, fishing, skidooing and hunting, and they also travelled. They enjoyed 55 years of marriage and, after his passing, Mary visited Europe with family, taking a Norwegian Fjord cruise and visiting Denmark and England and many trips to Mexico.

For many years, Mary volunteered with the Ukrainian Church Ladies to make perogies for fundraising. Mary also volunteered with the CWL to help prepare sandwiches and lunches for events that the CWL supported.

After Walter passed away, Mary learned more independence in running the household for the next 20 years. She loved going to the casino and said it was her happy place.

While Mary came from a small family, she raised a large family of her own and so enjoyed Walter’s huge extended family. This year, the Tomaszewski’s will celebrate their 70th Family Reunion at the homestead and she will be deeply missed.

Mary loved being with her family and always had a smile on her face when they were together. She had a great sense of humour and independent streak. Not only her children and grandchildren enjoyed her wit, but as Mary resided in assisted living for the last three years, the staff often commented on her wittiness and quick comebacks. They often said she made their day.

Mary was blessed with a long and beautiful life and we were fortunate in having our mother, grandmother and great-grandmother for the many amazing years we did. While being blessed with her longevity, it is still hard to say goodbye, but the family is at peace knowing that she is at peace.

Mary was predeceased by her husband Walter Tomaszewski; and daughter Patricia Hansen.

Left to cherish her memory are her daughter Paulette (Ben) Jensen, their daughter Shawna (Dean) Simpson (and their children Ty,  Jake and Dayton Simpson), their son Bent Jr. (Donna) Jensen (and their children Bent Jr. Jr., Blade and London) and their daughter Desiree (Jay) Offermann (and their children Kash and Cooper Offermann); son-in-law Norm Hansen, his daughter Sherry Robinson (David Marckoski) (and her children Jack, Nickolas and Grace Robinson), and his daughter Annette (James) Serediak (and their children Sierra and Gabe); daughter Donna (Joe) Marty and their son Eric (Grace) Marty; daughter Kathy (Rod) Hall, their son Willie (Tracy) Hall (and their children Narelle, Elliott and Brynn Hall), their son Dillion (Allison) Hall, and their daughter Jenny (Adam) Crandall, (and their children Owen and Kacey Crandall); son David (Donna) Tomaszewski, their son Mathew (Janelle) Tomaszewski (and their children Max and Evan Tomaszewski), and their daughter Jerrica (Mick) Bronson (and their children Vaughn and Bridget Bronson); son Wayne Tomaszewski, his son Cole (Kelly) Tomaszewski (and their children Archer and Marshall Tomaszewski), and his daughters Terra and Jenesa Tomaszewski.

A Prayer Vigil will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 2024,  from Burgar Memorial Chapel, 4817-51 Avenue, Camrose. A Funeral Mass will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, from St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church, 3605-50 Street, Camrose, with Father Kris Schmidt. If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Mary’s memory may be made to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta, St. Mary’s Hospital Camrose Foundation or to the Hospice Society of Camrose and District.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Anne Victoria Sherbaniuk

May 25, 1931 ~ June 6, 2024

Anne was born on May 25, 1931, to Stanley and Mary Swerda. She was the eldest child who survived infancy. As children, Anne and her siblings helped with milking and farm work before walking three miles to Meldal School.

On November 8, 1951, Anne married Joseph Sherbaniuk at the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Round Hill. The two were actively involved in their church community. They lived on the Sherbaniuk family farm, raising a variety of animals and crops. Anne always put in a big garden and loved tending to her flowers. Her faith was of utmost importance to her. In addition to thousands – or perhaps millions – of perogies she pinched through the years, her hands also prayed the rosary about as many times. Her Ukrainian heritage was a big part of who she was, and something she shared with her children and grandchildren.

Anne continued to reside on the farm until she was 90 years of age, when she had to move into long-term care, where she passed away on June 6, 2024. She was predeceased by her husband of 50 years, Joseph; her siblings Louis, Tonie, Walter, Ray, Joseph, and Margaret; her parents; and numerous other family members. She is survived by her brother Theodore (Martha); sister-inlaw Kathy; her daughter Joanne (Peter); her son Allan (Nola); grandchildren Megan, Andrew (Kylin), Odessa (Jarno), Ian (Cassy), Kalista (Grant), and Zenan (Alex); great-grandchildren Josie, Simone, Katja, Brynn, and Edgar; and numerous friends and relatives who enjoyed visiting Baba on the farm.

A Funeral Mass was held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 13, 2024, from the Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church celebrated by Father Don Bodnar.

If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Anne’s memory may be made to Alzheimer Society of Alberta or to Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Sunday, June 23, 2024, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 12 For more information on The Camrose Booster Obituary Page, contact your funeral director or the Camrose Booster
Carol Scabar (nee) Urlacher
ExperienceExpertiseand 4918-51 Street, Camrose Phone 780-672-8851 Estate Planning • Wills • Enduring Power of Attorney • Personal Directives Estate Administration • Legal services associated with probate of the will
“Dedicated service since 1906”
Celebration of Life for
Bawlf Community Hall

Leon Charles Piro

October 23, 1936 ~ June 10, 2024

Leon Piro passed away on Monday, June 10, 2024, at the age of 87 years. Leon was born on October 23, 1936, in Daysland, Alberta, to John and Arleen Piro. He grew up on the family farm south of Bawlf with his three brothers Roger, Gerry and Richard. He went to Bawlf School until the age of eighteen and then worked in Ponoka for Beaver Lumber.

Janet and Leon Piro were high school sweethearts and, on July 9, 1958, they were married in Bawlf United Church. They first lived in Leduc, Alberta, where Leon worked for Beaver Lumber and Janet worked for 5¢ to $1.00 store. They moved to Alliance, Alberta, for four and a half years and then went on to Fort Saskatchewan for ten years. This is when their two children were born, son Kerry and daughter Shelley. While raising his family, Leon managed the Beaver Lumber yard and a laundry mat. In 1971, they moved back to Bawlf where they built their family home and Leon became manager of the Bawlf Co-op store. Later on, Leon also worked for the Treasury Branch Agency and the Canada Post Office. Leon’s wife Janet worked alongside him and so between work and raising their family, they were kept busy. As the kids grew up, Kerry got into playing hockey and Shelley into figure skating. Leon would go to Kerry’s hockey games and Shelley’s skating shows.

Leon was also very active in the community with events and clubs. Over the years, he was on the board of recreation, the Lion’s Club, Sandin Court, and was mayor of Bawlf for a term. Leon also enjoyed travelling and camping with family and friends where they had lots of laughter and good times. One of Leon’s true loves was sports. He coached and umped baseball games into his late 70s. After retiring from his job, both Leon and Janet enjoyed working part time for Berg’s Auction where Leon enjoyed buying and selling antiques.

Leon leaves to cherish his memory his son Kerry (Michele Gartner) of Camrose; daughter Shelley (Roger Moore) of Camrose; three grandchildren Deryk (Shariss) Piro, Kayleen (Ryan) Yuha and Kara Piro; seven great-grandchildren Macy, Kenzie, Dom, Adele, Dawsan, Tanner and Parker; brother Roger (Jessie) Piro of Calgary; brother Richard Piro of Ponoka; and numerous nieces and nephews and extended family and friends. He was predeceased by his wife Janet; parents John and Arleen Piro; and brother Gerry Leon was very family orientated and loved family, sports, his community, and his morning conversations at the coffee shop.

As per Leon‘s request, a private family graveside service will be held. Upon Leon and his family requests, memorial donations may be given to the Alberta Diabetic Foundation or the Alberta Cancer Society.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Patricia Edmunds

Patricia Edmunds of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on June 12, 2024, at the age of 80 years.

She is survived by her daughter Treena; extended family and friends.

At Patricia’s request, no funeral ceremony will be held. Memorial donations may be made to the SPCA.

In loving memory of Linda Odegard who passed away on June 15, 2023

“Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father.” – Your loving family

Trevor Anthony Beck

May 15, 1969 ~ June 8, 2024

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Trevor Anthony Beck on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at the age of 55. Trevor was born on May 15, 1969, on the Beck family farm in Allan, Saskatchewan.

Trevor was a devoted father to his son Jordan (Summer); beloved son of Hal and Diane Beck; cherished brother of Jason (Jane) and Curtis (Ruth Anne); and loving uncle to Mathea, Anton and Ashton.

Trevor deeply cherished his family, finding immense joy in spending time with his loved ones. He loved cooking, often preparing delicious meals for his family, especially catering to his mom. One of his favorite dishes to make was “Daddy’s Goulash,” a special recipe he prepared for his son Jordan when he was little.

His enthusiasm for life didn’t stop in the kitchen. Trevor also had a passion for muscle cars and motorcycles, owning and meticulously caring for many over the years. Always ready to lend a hand or share a laugh with his infectious giggle, Trevor’s warmth and kindness touched everyone, and his spirit will live on in their hearts.

Trevor was predeceased by his grandparents Tony and Amy Beck and Kost and Rose Cucheran; and numerous aunts and uncles.

The family will hold a Celebration of Life at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at the Masonic Hall, 5021-48 Street, Camrose.

Trevor is now at peace in God’s loving arms. He will be deeply missed, but forever remembered by his family and friends.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made in Trevor’s memory to the Camrose Animal Alliance Rescue Society.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

In memory of Gary Steil

March 1, 1946 ~ June 17, 2020 It has been four years since Gary passed away. Fond memories of Gary will be in our hearts forever. Love family and friends

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 13 Over 118 years of dedicated service Phone 780.672.2121 4817-51 Avenue, Camrose www.burgarfuneralhome.com Recorded Obituary Line: 780-679-2400 Daysland: 780-374-3535 • Burial and Cremation Services • Pre-arranged Funeral Plans • Monument Sales and Service Directors: Bart Orr, Colin Yuha, Troy Shackel Funeral Staff: Dalas Kosinski Of ce Staff: Donell Nycholat, Debbie Breker, Hannah Knopf Funeral Attendants: Bill Schafer, Alvin Koehli, Barrie Fenby, Robert Lyslo, Wanita Toews, Kerry Grettum, Loya Steinwandt, Barry Burkard, Mark Yuha, Raymond Cyre, Koreen Cyre, Ernie Nycholat Batt le River Communit y Foundation Box 1122 Ca mrose, AB T4V 4E7 Phone 78 0- 679- 04 49 How can I establish a “Fund” with the Battle River Community Foundation? A Fund may be launched with as litt le as $1 000 and a pledge to grow the Fund to $10,000 within ten years. Additional contributions may be made mont hly, yearly or as a one-time donation When the fund reaches $10,000 a permanent endowment fund named as you wish is established. It will then star t giving back to the communit y, in accordance with your instructions, forever. Q. A. Honour your depa rted fr iend or relative …w it h a memorial gift that will do good in their na me forever. Ca rol Rollheiser Di rector 78 0- 672-7712 For more information on The Camrose Booster Obituary Page, contact your funeral director or the Camrose Booster

Eleanor Roberta Brinker

Eleanor Roberta Brinker of Camrose Alberta, passed away Thursday, June 13, 2024, at the age of 86.

Eleanor was born on July 18, 1937, in Haight, Alberta. The eldest of three children, she was raised on a farm in Poe, and attended school in Ryley.

She is survived by her children Wanda Lehman, Brenda (Henry) Adams, and Jeff (Tania) Brinker; her brother Barry (Sandra) Seniuk; her foster brother Arthur Clayton Hansen; her brother-in-law Arnie Thiessen; and her sister-in-law Joan Brinker.

She is predeceased by her husband Ted Brinker; her son-in-law Orland Lehman; her parents Mike and Jean Seniuk; her sister Peggy Thiessen; and her foster brother Jim Paniec.

Eleanor was a compassionate, family-oriented mother, grandmother and Nana. She spent her life in the quiet pursuits of gardening, reading, and music. She will be greatly missed by her loving family, friends and relatives.

A Funeral Mass will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday June 18, 2024, at St. Francis Xavier Church (3605-50 Street, Camrose) with Fr. Kris Schmidt as celebrant. The service will be livestreamed, recorded, and the link accessible @ www.burgarfuneralhome.com.

If family and friends so desire, memorial donations in Eleanor’s name are gratefully accepted to Pilgrim’s Hospice Society, 9808-148 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 3E8.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Life Built Better

Churchmice Players line up family Christmas story

Continued from page 11

Opening at the Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre on February 8, 2025, for 10 toe-tapping, wildly energetic shows, including four afternoon matinees.

Grease relives the era of 1959 Rydell High School with the duck-tailed, hotrodding, “Burger Palace Boys” and their gum-snapping, hip-shaking “Pink Ladies” in bobby sox and pedal pushers. Get into the look and sound of the 1950s in this rollicking musical and relive the tunes of the blockbuster soundtrack.

Churchmice’s talented

production team includes Scot Lorenson as director, David Downey as producer and Carolyn Olson as choral director.

Auditions for Grease will be in early September.

Over the summer months, Scot and David will be building the production team and are looking for choreographer(s), a stage manager and assistant stage manager, music operator, properties mas-

ter, costume designer and construction lead.

Descriptions of these positions can be found at www.churchmice.ca under the ‘get involved’ tab. Contact David with your interest and outline of your experience. Anyone interested in any of the positions mentioned or for additional information can email grease.producer. cmp@gmail.com

Lougheed Centre celebrates 10 years

The Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre has a great lineup still to come this season.

The Lougheed Centre is celebrating its 10th anniversary. That means some of the hottest acts over the past 10 years will be returning to help celebrate the Lougheed Centre milestone.

The returning Summer Series will have four dates this year; Wednesday, July 31, Thursday, August 8, Thursday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 21. The shows begin at 7:30 p.m.

The summer season launches with the Juno-nominated John Reischman and the Jaybirds band on July 31.

They offer a stylish sound of bluegrass for everyone to enjoy. The group is doing a song-residency prior to their performance, so look for some fresh new material.

The Carolines are returning to Camrose featuring three Alberta singers who love old-time country tunes. They are playing on August 8.

Travis Dolter, from Hay Lakes and former Augustana student, will be playing on August 15. He will infuse his energy, humour with his songwriting and vocal talent.

Blue Moon Marquee, who just happened to be named the 2024 Juno Award winning Blues Album of the Year, will wrap up the summer series with an outdoor concert on August 21.

Not only are the vocals strong, but the jazz will pour down on you like rain. You can’t have too much of a good thing. That is what Aaron Halliday thinks about Alan Jackson’s music. The award-winning show will be at the Lougheed Centre on September 14.

Page 14
Phone 780-672-2121 “Dedicated service since 1906” 5004-34 Avenue, Camrose • Phone 780.672-5851 • www.ipdi.biz LOTS #129 & #130 AT BESTEVER PRICING ! C ALL FOR DETAILS . • Your choice of full and non-basement plans • Choosing your colours and nishes of options for security, upgrades, nishing and energy e cienc y. HAS BEEN EX TREMELY POPU LA R WITH OUR ADULT BUYERS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE . Each has been drawn into this premier Adult Living Communit y due to our impressive list of features (standard or optional). There is still an oppor tunity for you to make the best move of your life.
UNDERS TA NDIN G PR OBAT E Dick Reaney C. L. U, C.H. F. C. C. F. P. O ice: 7 80.464 .3 92 5 Email: dreaney@t elus .net www.dickreaney.com Fo r Mortgage Info: *mor tgagesis te rs we st .c a Fo r Pe ace of Mind Protection: Char tere d Life Unde rw rite r Char tere d Financial Consul tant Simply put − it ’s the cour t’s process of accepting your will. A mu st have! Bypass probate, legall y, through a combination of life in surance and segregated funds. We should chat about helping your ki ds would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting Thursday, June 27, 7:00 pm 4704-50 Street , Camrose We look forward to seeing you! Become a member of our Society for $10.00 KENE .G . ME CHAN ICAL LT D. PL UMBING GA S FI TT IN G & WA TE R TREA TMEN T ke gmech@gmail.co m | www.kenegmech.com He’s the guy to call • Plumbing • Gas Fitting • Water Treatment Residential • Commercial • Agricultural PH ONE 780. 278. 2638 Ken Gourlay Red Seal Plumber/ Gas Fitter Over 40 years’ experience

Empl oyment Opportun it ie s


The Ci ty of Camros e is seek ing an experienced Se nior Financial Anal ys t to be a key member of the projec t team to implement a new Enterprise Re source Planning (ERP) System The Ci ty of Camros e is in the proc es s of negotiatin g an award with a vendor that will be implementing the UNIT4 soft ware produc t. The Ci ty expe ct s the contracts to be finalized by June 30, 2024, with implementation prior to October, 2025 The Ci ty expe ct s this position to part icipate in the project po st-implement atio n ac tions through to June 30, 2026

As the Se nior Financial Anal ys t for the ERP System Replacement Projec t, you will lead and suppor t exis ting st af f in unde rstanding the func tionalit y of the ne w system, improv ing ex is ting processe s and routines , and work ing with them to migrate data and implement ne w work prac tices related to financial report ing and accoun ting. You will work closel y with the projec t team and also with the financial planning and report ing re sources, various user s of financial information across the Ci ty and othe r re source s within the Financial Se rv ic es depart ment

The ERP System Replacement Projec t prov ides the Ci ty with an oppor tunity to take a huge step forward in prov iding our st af f and user s with timely, accurate and relevant information. This role will have a signif ic ant impact on the Ci ty ’s abili ty to improve decision making that will allow the City to improve overall se rv ic es to it s re sidents.

This position report s to the General Manager of Financial Se rvic es and will work closel y with the Projec t Manager on the ERP System Replacement Projec t and the Subjec t Matter Ex pe rt s within the Financial Planning & Report ing area FUNCTIONS/DUTIES (but not limited to):

• Provid e input and direct ion for projec t planning with re spec t to area s as signed which may include: inte rnal financial report ing, fi xe d as se t management , flee t management , grant repo rt ing, budgeting (proce ss , report ing and da ta collection), and other financial areas as available / nece ss ar y – revenue re cognition, bank reconciliation, etc.

• Work with exis ting resource s and subjec t matter expe rt s to define targeted outc omes of the system implementation, sugges t revisions to processe s and part icipate in user accept ance te st ing of implementation s.

• Work with exis ting resource s po st-proje ct implementation to identify report ing re quirements, develop report s and comple te training / working group se ss ions to educate st af f on report developmen t.


• Po st-sec ondary educ atio n in Finance, Accoun ting, Busine ss or related field.

• Proactive and positive at titude with excellent communic ation, leader ship, and inte rpersonal sk ills

• Ex perience with system change s / implementations.

• Previous experience with municipal ERP replacemen ts is considered an as set.

• CPA/CA qualif ied or working towards qualif ic atio n is considered an as set.

• Ex perience with SQL is considered an as set.

• Abili ty to adapt to changing priorities and work ef fectively in a dynamic environment.

• Proven experience in implementing improvements and change s to report ing, processe s and financial routines

• St rong understanding of financial and human re source systems, proc esses, and be st prac tices.

• St rong database sk ills and ability to identify data management improvement ac tions.

TERM AND HOURS OF WORK : This is a term position with an anticipate d end date in June 2026. Hours of work are ty picall y 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday Due to the sc ope of the work, the Ci ty is look ing for a majori ty of the work to be pe rf ormed on location at the City of Camros e.

SA LA RY AND BENEFI TS : The Ci ty of Camros e of fe rs competitive salary, at tractive bene fi ts, and a positive work environment. The st ar ting salary for this position will be dependent upon the qualif ic ations and experience of the success ful candidate.

A PPLIC ATIONS: Qualif ied applic an ts are encourag ed to submit a cover le tter and current re sumé via email or to the addres s belo w by June 30, 2024, or until a suitable candidate is found. Inte rv ie ws will be conduc ted throughout the process. If applying by email, please ensure job position is included in subject line. We appreciate and consider all applications; howeve r, only candidates selected for inte rviews will be contacted.


Ci ty of Camros e – At tention: General Manager of Financial Serv ic es

Mailing Address: 5204 -5 0 Avenue Camros e, AB T4V 0S 8 P: 780.672.4426 | F: 780.672.24 69 | E: hr@camrose.c a | W: www.c amrose .c a


Land Use Bylaw #3222-22 Development Permit #5057 – Variance

The Cit y of Camrose Development Authority has received an application for variance of two storage containment units. The variance request would permit an encroachment of 3.0m into the minimum 6.0m rear yard setback , located within the M1 – General Industrial District at: Lot 24, Block 4, Plan 9075S: 4702-44 Street , Camrose, AB For fur ther information, or any person(s) having comments of support or objection may contact Planning & Development Ser vices, 5204-50 Avenue, Camrose, AB T4V 0S8.

Phone: 780.672.4428, Fax: 780.672.6316, Email: planning@camrose.ca by June 24, 2024, at 4:30 p.m.

Written correspondence shall include name, address and reason for suppor t or objection.


The Ci ty of Camros e is seek ing a highly motivate d and energetic individual to fill the role of Assess or II. Report ing to the Manager of Assess or, the Assess or II is responsible for coordinating and maintaining all single family re sidential annual and supplement ar y as se ss ment s. This position involves the applicatio n of mass appraisal methodolog y to ensure fair equi table and defendable proper ty as se ss ment s that meet qualit y st andards as se t out in Provincial Le gislation.

FUNCTIONS/DUTIES (but not limited to):

• Coordinate and perf orm as se ss ment work for re sidential proper ties including single family, duplex , adul t housing, re sidential condominiums; vacant re sidential land in the City of Camros e.

• Preparation of as se ss ed values for re sidential proper ties usin g mass appraisal techniques

• Conduc t inspections, data collection and anal yses nece ss ar y to comple te and finalize proper ty valuations in accordance with current st andards and Prov incial st atutor y requirements

• Anal yze all re sidential sale s.

• Sketch building diagrams using APEX or othe r similar computer as si sted drawing program.

• Prepare for and presen t at hearings regarding as se ss ment complain ts that will be heard by the Assess ment Review Board.

• Ot he r duties as as signed


• A professi onal designation with the Albe rt a Assess or s Asso ciation ( AMA A), A pprai sal Inst itute of Canada (A ACI) or Internal Asso ciation of Assess ing Of fice r (CAE ).

• Minimum of fi ve (5) year s’ experience in municipal prop er ty valuation.

• Thorough knowledg e of legislation, regulations and st andards governing as se ss ment procedures and qualit y st andard s.

• Knowledg e of Microsof t Of fice Suite of produc ts, and the C AMA lot as se ss ment system

• Exce llent inte rpersonal sk ills and customer se rv ic e approach

HOURS OF WORK : Hour s of work are ty picall y 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday through Friday

SA LA RY AND BENEFI TS : The Ci ty of Camros e of fe rs competitive salary, at tractive bene fi ts, and a positive work environment. The st ar ting salary for this position will be dependent upon the qualif ic ations and experience of the success ful candidate.

A PPLIC ATIONS: Qualif ied applic an ts are encourag ed to submit a cover le tter and current re sumé via email or to the addres s belo w by July 12 2024 If applying by email, please ensure job position is included in subjec t line. We appreciate and consider all applications; howeve r, only candidates selected for inte rviews will be contacted. Applicants are encouraged to apply prior to July 12 as some inte rviews may be schedule d before that deadline .


Ci ty of Camros e – At tention: Manager of Assess ment

Mailing Address: 5204 -5 0 Avenue Camros

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 15
e, AB T4V 0S 8 P: 78 0.672.4426 | F: 78 0.672.24 69 | E: hr@camrose .c a | W: www.c amrose .c a
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP). The personal information recorded on the application form is being collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The information will be used for the purpose(s) of employee recruitment and administration and is protected by the privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. If you require additional information concerning the collection and use of this personal information, please contact the FOIP Offi cer at 780-672-4426.
4702 Su bjec t Proper ty 47 Avenue enue 44 St re et

Celebrate Canada Day with fun for all

The City of Camrose is once again happy to be hosting a Canada Day celebration on July 1, filled with family fun and excitement, to be held on the Camrose and District Centennial Museum grounds.

The day of celebration will get underway with a pancake breakfast served from 8:00 until 10:45 a.m., hosted by the Camrose Kodiaks and Camrose Bruins hockey teams. The cost includes pancakes, sausages, and freshly brewed coffee. To keep the kiddos entertained, the Kodiaks mascot will be posing for photos.

Then head on over to the Afternoon Stage for the 11 a.m. Opening Ceremonies, beginning with a procession led by a lone piper, followed by the Camrose Legion Colour Guard and the City of Camrose Fire Department Honour Guard, along with the Cadets and local dignitaries.

Canada Day Committee

After the official opening, wander the grounds to enjoy so many activities including: Old Time Museum Games, Camrose Public Library Book Bike, Fit Set Ninja, Professor Dillon and the Silly Science Stations, face painters, circus performers, balloon artists, Bubble Lady, Camrose local celebrities and mascots Captain Camrose (Camrose Fire Department), Corporal K9 (Camrose Police Service) and Ole Uffda (Camrose and District Chamber of Commerce) and maybe, if you are lucky, you will catch a rare sighting of a dinomighty addition to Camrose’s lineup of “famous” mascots.

Take a load off your feet for a ride around Rudy Swanson Park on the Chamber of Commerce train and, when hunger strikes, indulge in one of the many delicious choices offered by on-site food trucks. The Canada Day celebrations are the perfect setting and excuse for a little picnic.

Back by very popular demand, Safeway and Wild Rose Co-op will once again be serving up some scrumptious cupcakes (while quantities last).

If you need a break from all the physical activities, take a seat or settle down on a piece of grass at the Canada Day Afternoon Stage and take in the many scheduled performances, see the lineup on page 17.

Continued on page 17

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 16 FOR MORE DETAILS VISIT www camrose.ca/mayorsartsawards MAYOR’S ARTS AWARDS camrose arts council NOMINATION DEADLINE Do you know a well-deserving artist? Nominate them for the Camrose Arts Council Mayor’s Arts Awards. The deadline to nominate or self-nominate is 4:30pm • June 30 • 2024 CHANGES COMING TO THE BUS ROUTE AND SCHEDULE! www.camrose.ca/transit STARTING JULY 2
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Pictured, left to right, are members of the City of Camrose Canada Day Event Committee, Sara Walkey, Tanya Pattullo, Jayden Vikse, Christine McCord, Valerie Sims, Stephanie Hvenegaard, Genevie Vallet, Ole Uffda (played by Kayla Matthew) and, in the back row, the City’s dinomighty mascot (played by Jayda Calon).

Celebrate Canada Day with fun activities

Continued from page 16

Canada Day Lineup

11:30 a.m.

Camrose Academy of Dance 12 noon

SuperDogs CanaDogs demonstration and Pet N Chat

12:30 p.m.

Camrose Veselka Ukrainian Dance and Studia Shumka

1:15 p.m.

Line Dancing

2 p.m.

SuperDogs CanaDogs demonstration and Pet N Chat

2:30 p.m.

Ballet Camrose

3:15 p.m. TBA

4 p.m.

SuperDogs CanaDogs demonstration and Pet N Chat

The SuperDogs are a must see for attendees of all ages. This all Canadian cast of dogs and trainers perform some of the most amazing tricks and acrobatics you can imagine to the absolute delight of the crowd.

Finish the day with a bang at the annual Canada Day fireworks display to be held at Rudy Swanson Park at approximately 11 p.m. (weather and fire ban permitting).

Once again, the City of Camrose, partnered with numerous local sponsors, will be providing residents and guests of all ages a fantastic day of fun on July 1. Wear your red and white and show your love for your community and country in celebration of Canada Day.

For more details, check out the City of Camrose website at www.camrose.ca and click on Recreation and Culture/Arts and Culture/ Canada Day.



Art Walk Through the Gardens returns

Continued from page 2

“We will have some musicians as well,” noted Hanson. “We are still looking for musicians. Any musicians who want to spend the day in a garden playing ambient or instrumental (soft background) music meeting people, it is a great networking opportunity, can contact the Society.”

The Society is also asking for volunteers who would be interested in being greeters at the front of the gardens, checking tickets, handing

out information, answering questions from guests, hosts and artists. Volunteer greeters would be required to work a shift as follows, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 1:15-4:45 p.m., and will be given an opportunity to tour the gardens free of charge.

Tickets are available for purchase through the Camrose Arts Society Website at camroseartssociety.ca or in person at the office located downstairs at the Bailey Theatre on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. (en-

ter through performers entrance between the Bistro & the Bailey Theatre).

If there are any remaining tickets (day of) they will be available for purchase at the first garden site

The Railway Garden, located at the Camrose Heritage Railway Museum and Park (4407-47 Avenue), at 10 a.m.

For more information contact the Camrose Arts Society by telephone at 780-678-5435.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 17
www.camrose.ca/canadaday CAMROSE CENTENNIAL MUSEUM

owns a 1917 Ford Model T roadster made out of wood.

“It is made of all wood, there is no steel in this car. I did all of the woodwork myself. I’m a woodworker and I wanted something different. I didn’t have a body to this car. All I had was a frame and a motor,” explained Dave.

“I overhauled the engine, painted up the frame and went from there. I looked all over the Internet, I’ve never come across another wooden car like this. This is the first time I have brought out the car, I just finished it,” he added.

“I started building it a year and a half ago. The bending of the wood is the tricky part. I used a material called wiggle board. It is a very flexible plywood and veneer over the top of it. I have about eight to 10 different kinds of wood in this vehicle. Most of the car is myrtlewood (Oregon hardwood). The front name is Myrtle so that is where the name came from,” he laughed.

“I have some walnut and a variety of other wood in it. I liked the older cars and this is strictly a crank start. They didn’t put in electric starters until 1919. I like the crank start. Every once in a while you do a little muttering about them because it doesn’t want to go, but I like

The automotive section of

McCourt built car out of scrap wood

Without a lot of metal to work from,

laying around. It took him about a year and a

he now enjoys showing it at car shows. it for the most part,” said Dave.

ver to engage the clutch that is connected to the left pedal. You push one pedal to the floor and the other one forward and away you go,” Dave pointed out.


The Ford Model T is an automobile that was produced by the Ford Motor Company from October 1, 1908, to May 26, 1927. From 1917–23 the hood design was changed to a tapered design with a curved top. The folding hinges were now located at the joint between the flat sides and the curved top.

This is sometimes referred to as the low hood to distinguish it from the later hoods. The back edge of the hood now met the front edge of the cowl panel so that no part of the flat firewall was visible outside of the hood. This design was used the longest and during the highest production years, accounting for about half of the total number of Model Ts built.

“You can’t get in on the driver’s side of a Model T. You have to go in on the other side and slide over. There isn’t enough room to get in on the driver’s side,” he demonstrated.

ing out and buying more,” Dave added.

“I put everything back to original state, except used wood instead of steel. It had no gauges because there were no use for them.

“I like the Model T’s they are fun cars for me. They are so different from today’s cars. The gear system is all original. You have a gear leAre you the owner of Collector Auto, Auto

“You push up the throttle and back off on the gear and then you are in high gear. For reverse you put the lever in the centre and push on this pedal and then you are going backwards,” Dave stated.

It doesn’t have an oil gauge because it doesn’t have a pump, it is a splash system. You don’t need an amp meter because there is no generator. For temperature, if you see steam it is getting a little warm.”

During this era, entire automobiles (including thousands of Model Ts) were hacked apart by their owners and reconfigured into custom machinery permanently dedicated to a purpose, such as homemade tractors and ice saws. Dozens of aftermarket companies sold prefab kits to facilitate the T’s conversion from car to tractor. The Model T had been around for a decade before the Fordson tractor became available (1917–18) and many Ts were converted for field use.

During the Depression (1930s), Model T tractor conversion kits had a resurgence, because by then used Model Ts and junkyard parts for them were plentiful and cheap.

The system is almost opposite of the system we use today. “This would be called an automatic transmission today because it is a simple system. It is a Chevrolet two-speed power glide that you shift with your feet instead of fully automatic,” he shared.

“I have some lace wood from Australia in it, wood from all over. I used what I had access too, instead of go-

If you have a vintage ride (rebuilt or original), if you’re in the midst of a restoration, or if you’re building a “rat ” or a street rod, we’d lik e to hear from you. We may want to profile your projec t. Lik ewise, if you own vintage automotive tools, old diagnostic equipment or other tools or techniques of the trade, please contact us We’re eager to write and repor t on these k inds of topics And, our readers want to see what interests you! Contact Murray Green, News Repor ter Phone 780.672.3142 Email murrayg@camrosebooster.com

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 18
WOODEN CAR Murray Green, Camrose Booster woodworker Dave McCourt rebuilt this 1917 Ford Model T from wood he had half to build, and
Memories or Auto Memorabilia?


Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster

On June 13, the City of Camrose held the official ribbon cutting at the new Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Pictured, left to right, are City of Camrose councillor Agnes Hoveland and Joy-Anne Murphy; Utilities manager Kelly Bunclark; councillors David Francoeur and Don Rosland; Infrastructure general manager Kris Johnson; Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely; City of Camrose manager Malcolm Boyd; Mayor PJ Stasko; Associated Engineering lead inspector Gates Bilodeau and senior project manager Graham Lang; Maple Reinders Constructors project manager Justin Schenk and operations manager Niall Bennett; City of Camrose Engineering Department manager Jeremy Enarson and councillor Kevin Hycha.


Getting kids hooked on fishing


Fish Pond, located just eight kilometres east of Camrose and one kilometre south off of Highway 13, was the site of many anglers ranging in all ages and skill levels on June 1, when the Camrose and District Fish and Game Association (CDFGA) hosted the Kids Can Catch event.


The Precision Volleyball Club owners Greg and Alyson Ryan presented Jenelle Martens with an $800 scholarship to encourage her to keep playing volleyball. Two qualifying players were awarded who played more than two years with the club and are committed to play at the post-secondary level. Jenelle Martens, from the École Camrose Composite High School, will be playing for the Ambroise Lions in the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference next fall.

With a goal to encourage children to not only try, but develop a passion for the sport of fishing, the free event, which ran from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., saw over 50 participants (ages five to 10 years old) with their families come out to the pond and cast a line.

Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster

Above: Volunteer Victor Zukowski, centre, helps out George, left, and Matilda Nahirniak, far right, with a few tips on angling.

Ask the CHIEF A


Why are “No Trespassing” notices issued to people in Camrose for shoplifting offences instead of criminal code charges? Isn’t theft a crime?


Yes, theft is a crime. Unfortunately, in today’s world, petty property crime (ie. shoplifting) doesn’t get the traction in the courts as it used to. While we do still arrest and charge for this, some factors relied upon by the Crown to prosecute include: seriousness of offence, criminal history of offender, value of property and was the property recovered. We can, however, trespass these individuals so at the very least, their presence in that store alone, can be acted upon, including arresting and removing the offender. Although it seems like a “band-aid” solution, it provides some level of protection for the victims/store owners. It is a very frustrating process for the officers involved, as well.

Lucky attendees were provided with instruction on fishing from 10 on-site volunteers who were eager to pass on their knowledge and love for the practice of fishing, that can be dated back at least 40,000 years.

“Heidelberg Materials supplied hotdogs, hamburgers and drinks and Alberta Conservation Association supplied goodie bags and rods and reels,” noted Camrose and District Fish and Game Association president Glen Hand, who thanked CDFGA member Wayne Harde for organizing the event.

“Fishing is a wonderful way to relieve stress and spend time just enjoying the great outdoors,” said Hand. “Lots of kids had never fished before and everyone seemed to have a great time. The CDFGA hopes to host the event for years to come.”


“The CDFGA typically stocks the Fish Pond every spring with between 3,000 and 4,000 fish, including rainbow, Brooke, tiger and brown trout. This is the perfect location for people to bring their children out and teach them how to fish. It is close to Camrose and has so much to offer. And with that many fish in the pond, there is a really good chance they will hook a fish,” smiled Hand.

Left: Frank Nahirniak tries his hand at the sport of angling during the Kids Can Catch event held on June 1.

tors may be lucky enough to spot an assortment of wildlife including: deer, coyotes, gophers, moose, snakes, butterflies, dragonflies, all sorts of birds and waterfowl, including nesting geese and ducks.

Have a question for the Chief? Email them to The Camrose Booster at news@camrosebooster.com

The day also included a fly rod fishing demonstration and information provided by subject experts on the important role fishing plays in the conservation of

Anglers can chose from 10 different fishing spots, all of which have either benches or picnic tables, or fish off one of four floating or the wheelchair accessible dock.

Pleasure Island also boasts a natural amphitheatre and three maintained walking trails where visi-

Pleasure Island Fish Pond area has come to be known as the little gem where a person can spend a morning, afternoon or day, just enjoying the peace and quiet of being outdoors, all thanks to the dedication of Camrose and District Fish and Game Association volunteers who maintain the area year round and continue to add improvements and conveniences for all to enjoy.

For more information on the Camrose and District Fish and Game Association or Pleasure Island Fish Pond, visit the Facebook page at www.facebook. com/camrosefishandgameassociation/



BURSARIES – The Ladies Auxiliary of Branch #57 Camrose Legion is, once again, offering bursaries to graduates of City and County of Camrose High Schools who are going on to further education. Application forms for several categories of bursaries are available at the Camrose Legion. For further information please contact: Linda Stevenson 780-672-1963 or Agnes Minnes 780-672-4302. Bursary packages available at Legion: L.A. Local, L.A. Provincial Command, Branch Local, Poppy Fund. Deadline is August 31, 2024.



CCHS grads from 1974. Let’s reminisce together. Friday, June 21, 7 p.m. Alice Hotel.


Silent Auction, Bake & Book & Puzzle Table. Saturday, June 22, St. Andrews Anglican Church, 4713-50 Street. Tea or coffee, cake or shortcake, $5. No admission charge.


FREE STUDENT DESK –Located in Duhamel. For more information, phone 780-781-8047.


– Approximately 9 weeks old, assorted colours. Phone or text 780-781-1748.


– male, 8 weeks old. Friendly, litter trained, indoor/outdoor. 780226-5415.

FREE KITTENS – very playful and well trained. 780608-7520.


LOST – One diamond stud earring on Tuesday, May 21 in Camrose between Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacy and Walmart store or parking lot. Reward offered. Text or leave a message at 780-226-5612.


24 HOUR PRIVATE HOME – seeking evening and weekend help. Competitive wages. Please call Zach at 780226-7249 or email resumé to zaholmes19@gmail.com.

TUTOR – I am seeking a math, phonics/spelling and writing tutor for a 12-yearold. The position is immediate and preferably for two days/ week, approximately two-hour sessions. Dates are flexible. If interested, please contact Lee at 587-322-7441.

SUPPORT HOME - FULL TIME – for woman with development disability. Must have driver’s licence and vehicle for transportation to activities. Pets okay. Email resumé to heatherhillis1@gmail.com or text 403-872-2632.


2ND BEST PAINTER IN TOWN – 30 years’ experience for all your painting needs. Call Rick the Painter, 780-672-0391.



Every shape, size, and colour. We deliver, right to your office. Camrose Booster Ltd., 4925-48 St., Camrose. Call us at 780-672-3142.



Don’t put off those projects any longer! Give me a call and we can plan together. Devin Meakins, Ph. 780-853-1080


Potable Water Hauling Residential, Commercial, Oilfield Gerald and Marla Steinwand, Owners PHONE 780-679-9134

McTAVISH DELIVERIES (2023) LTD. Local and long distance moving Storage Insured and bonded Where your business is appreciated 780- 672-5242, Camrose


Tues. - Fri., 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. Evening and Sat.: By Appointment

Closed: Sun., Mon. and Holidays Please call 780- 672-4793

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NEED YOUR GUTTERS CLEANED? Eavestrough or downspout repairs? New installation of eavestroughs, downspouts and gutter guards – WE DO IT ALL! Call Elite Gutters 1-780782-1033 or elite-gutters.ca

MEDICAL TAXI SERVICE – to Edmonton and back $175. 587-987-7810.



NOW UPLOADED TO The Camrose Booster Website DAILY!


SPACE – 4917-50 Street. Second floor with reception area, lunch room and two private rooms. Elevator. $900/mo. includes utilities. 780-679-5085.

ROOMS FOR RENT in the Scotney and Jacqueline character homes. Both are 2.5 blocks from university in Camrose. Clean, quiet and bright. Rent is $495 - $600 monthly plus DD and includes WiFi, utilities, recycle pick-up, yard care and snow removal. Partially furnished w/ shared laundry. (Some rooms are fully furnished for international students.) This is an affordable, quality accommodation that fills quickly. (Some rooms still available.) No partiers, smokers or pets allowed. Reduced rate over the summer for students. Please call Dave P., 780678-6163.


SPACE – located in high traffic, southerly area of Main Street, Camrose. Generous 1,664 sq. ft. of prime space at 4868-50 Street. Nicely decorated, air conditioned. $2160/mo., triple net. Clean, dry storage space in basement also available. Available immediately. Call Blain or Don at 780-6723142, the fairest, most reasonable people in the business.

2-BEDROOM APARTMENT – In excellent condition!

Perfect for seniors. The suite has stove, fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer, blinds and one parking stall. Heat, water, garbage pick up, Telus TV and internet included. Building has an elevator and social room. No smoking building. Call 780-233-0224 for more info or to set up a viewing.



Generous 794 sq. ft. suite, suitable for three or more staff. Includes two private offices. Ground floor, easily accessible. Modern building in downtown Camrose. Bright, quiet, air conditioned. $1206.22/mo., plus share of operating expenses. Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, two of the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business.



4913-50 Avenue. 450 sq. ft. Set up for hair salon, but could be used for anything. Now available. $550/mo. includes heat and water. 780-679-5085.

EXTRA LARGE SECOND FLOOR OFFICE – on Main Street, Camrose. 340 sq. ft. former broadcast studio, super quiet. Very well-kept property. Quiet, considerate neighbours. $468.63/ mo., including utilities. Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days. Two of the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business.


Selection of very nice street level offices in newer airconditioned building in Downtown Camrose

* Single offices from $224.08 per month

* Quiet, considerate neighbours

* Easy access

* Lots of parking for customers

* Energized parking for tenants

* Immediate occupancy

* Come and have a look!

Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business!


Main Street Camrose location. 132 sq. ft., extremely quiet building. Fully wired for telephone and internet. $181.94/mo. plus GST. Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142, two of the most reasonable fellows in the business.



MATTRESSES – two, twin

XL size (together makes king size bed). Brand new condition. $3,000 new, asking $1,500 obo. 780-679-8949.



Angus, Red Angus and Polled Herefords. Yearlings and twoyear-olds. Call Ken Prichard, 780-608-6080.



– walk-behind mowers and John Deere lawn tractors. Call J.D.’s Small Engine for more info at 780-679-3414.


4202-72 STREET – Friday, Saturday, June 21 and 22, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Downsizing. Garden, household, games, tools and vintage items.

4710-48 STREET

Thursday and Friday, June 20 and 21, 3-7 p.m.; Sat., June 22, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Assortment of household and office goods, furniture, retail and music supplies.

4506-52 STREET – Downsizing! Tools, fabric, card making tools and supplies, Denby kitchenware, camping gear, bedding and much more! Friday, June 21, noon to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

6804-39 AVENUE CLOSE – Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Household items, toys, clothes and lots more. Selling lemonade also!

3803-62 STREET – Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Household, furniture, fabric, crafts, clothing, shoes, purses, pictures, sofa, coffee table, bed frame and mattress.

198 RAILWAY AVENUE, EDBERG – June 21-23. Tile wet saw, assorted tools, two miter saws, generator, golf clubs, gas cans, electric motors, safety glass for greenhouse, wood screws, nails, black sinks, speakers. Something for everyone!


PROSPECTOR 5TH WHEEL – 24½ ft. holiday trailer. Good condition. 780-8552295.

2019 21 FOOT TRAVEL TRAILER – Excellent condition. Used very little. No damage inside or outside. Optional: camping dishes and supplies could be included. $26,000. 780-246-8250.

SELLING YOUR SEAWORTHY BOAT? Make a splash with an ad in the Booster classifieds! 780-672-3142. LOVE CAMPING, BUT TIRED OF SHOVELLING SNOW OFF THE AWNING IN MAY? Say goodbye to your Gulfstream! Move it fast with a Camrose Booster classified. 780-672-3142. MOTORCYCLES / ATVs 2007 SUZUKI BURGMAN 650 – 63,000 km. New tires, excellent condition. $2,500. 780226-5497.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 20
Double your exposure with a FREE Buy & Sell ad on Camrose Now!

Rodin plays for Team Canada at football Worlds

Brad Rodin will be representing Canada at the IFAF U20 Football World Championships in Edmonton, June 22 to 30.

Rodin, who played his minor football in Camrose and OLMP in high school, suited up for the University of Regina last season.

He was called upon to join Team 1 on one of the U20 squads to represent his country.

Canada game days are June 22, 26 and 30. All games will be played at Clarke Stadium and Commonwealth Stadium.

This event was established in 2009 and the IFAF Junior World Championship takes place every two years featuring top 20-andunder-players from around the world.

To date, Canada holds the most number of championship wins with three. Canada is also the first country to win back-to-back World Championships, with wins in 2016 and 2018.

Historically held every two years, but now operating on a four-year cycle, the U20 Men’s World Championship features the finest young players from around the world competing for the world title.

The last World Championship was held in Mexico with Canada securing the world title in front of over 33,500 passionate fans in the historic Olympic Stadium, host venue of the 1964 Olympic Games.

Canada Team 2 plays on Saturday, June 22 at Clarke Stadium at 11 a.m. against Austria in the tournament opener. Then Japan takes on Australia in at 4 p.m.

USA plays Panama at Commonwealth Stadium at noon. Canada Team 1 faces Brazil at 5 p.m. in Game 4, also at Commonwealth.

The first round of playoffs begin on Wednesday, June 26 at Clarke Stadium. Action begins at 11 a.m. with L2 vs. L3 and then at 4 p.m. with L1 vs. L4.

At Commonwealth Stadium games begin at noon with W2 vs. W3 and then 5 p.m. W1 vs. W4.

The third game for each team is on Sunday, June 30. At Clarke Stadium, 11 a.m. seventh and eighth place game; 4 p.m. features fifth and sixth place game.

At Commonwealth Stadium, noon bronze medal game and the championship begins at 5 p.m. for the gold medal game.

Defending champions


KATH Y LEE AN D JORDAN LEE hereby offer the following pa rcel of la nd in County of St ettler No. 6 (nea r Bashaw, Alberta) for sale by tender, subject to the existing reservations on title with the exception of any fina ncia l encumbra nces on title such as Mortgages and the Caveat re: Beneficial Owner, wh ich will be discharged:

LI NC: 0019 090 596








The proper ty cont ains 110 cultivated acres and fa rm ya rd. Cropla nd is cu rrently rented and a condition of the sale is that the tena nts have until April 15, 2025, to remove the crop Any grain bins on the proper ty are included in the sale

All Su rface Lease payments, if any, received by the Vendor will not be adjusted and all futu re payments will be assigned to the new Pu rchaser.

There are two homes, a wooden shop (needs a new roof ) with no service and a steel shop The Vendor resides in one home, wh ich is well maintained The other log home is not in great shape and will be vaca nt on the Closing Date

Tenders are to be subm itted in wr iting, in a sealed envelope ma rked “Lee Tender” and setting out shor t legal description of the proper ty, to Ma rtin West at Fa rn ha m West Stolee Kambeitz LLP, Ba rr isters and Solicitors, 5016 -52 St reet, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1V7, on or before 12:0 0 noon, August 1, 2024, and shall be accompanied with the Tenderer’s GST number and a Ba nk Draft payable to Fa rn ha m West Stolee Kambeitz LLP in tr ust for 10% of the tender pr ice. Tender pr ice excludes GST.

No conditiona l tenders will be accepted and the highest, or any tender, will not necessar ily be accepted

Tenders will not be opened in public

The deposits of all unsuccessf ul tenderer s will be returned to them by regula r mail

The successf ul Tenderer shall be obligated to complete the purchase on or before 12:0 0 o’clock noon SEPT EM BER 16 , 2024 (“ the Closing Date”) The 10% deposit shall constitute a deposit towa rds the adjusted pu rchase price. If the successf ul tenderer fa ils to complete the pu rchase after acceptance of that tender, thei r deposit will be forfeited.

Vendor ma kes no wa rranties or representations about the proper ty’s size, condition or envi ronmental st ate.

The pu rchase and sale shall proceed utilizing title insu ra nce including “GAP ” coverage The cost of title insu ra nce shall be borne by the Pu rchaser.

Tenders are ir revocable and shall remain open until dealt with by the offices of Fa rn ha m West Stolee Kambeitz LLP.

All normal adjust ments for the proper ty including, but not limited to, ta xes and rents shall be adjusted as at the closing date with the exception of the Su rface Lease.

For further pa rticulars please contact Kathy Lee at 780-372- 4142 or Jordan Lee at 403-323-56 47

Th is Tender may also be viewed on the Fa rn ha m West Stolee Ka mbeitz LLP website: www.fwsllp.ca


Estate of JAMES DANIEL RICK ARDS, late of Camrose, Alber ta, who died on April 3, 2024.

If you have a claim against this estate, you must f ile your claim by July 18, 2024, and provide details of your claim with ERIC BARSTAD of Farnham West Stolee Kambeit z LLP, Barristers and Solicitors at 5016-52 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1V7.

If you do not f ile by the date above, the estate proper ty can law fully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have

are from Canada. More than 85 former Team Canada players have progressed to the CFL, with several alumni from various teams having played in the NFL. This includes Edmonton Elks number one pick Joel Dublanko who was part of the U.S. National Team in 2015.

You can enjoy the NFL Fan Experience from NFL -

Contract or Desk S ales Asso ciat

Full time position – never a dull moment. Assist our wide range of devoted clients, selling building materials and quoting on small building projects. Organization and attention to detail is a must. Position requires basic knowledge of building materials. Ability in cost estimating and materials evaluating for small jobs is beneficial but we may train the right candidate. Come apply today!

Delivery Truck Driver

We’ve expa nded ou r delivery fleet. We need an experienced delivery dr iver. Capable of heav y liftin g and excellence in customer serv ice is a mu st. If you have at least 3 years’ commercial dr iv in g hi stor y and a clea n dr iver abst ract, you may be right for us and us for you.

Canada, offering interactive activities similar to those at the Super Bowl.

A Try Football Event is a unique opportunity for young people aged eight to 13 to experience and learn the sport.

Edmonton was selected as the host city due to its legacy of hosting incredible international events.

Apply with resumé and references to…

Phone 780-672-8818

Fax 780-672-8809

Email hr@hhbccamrose.ca

Advancement Program Assistant

This position is a part of the Non-Academic Staff Association (NASA). This position has a term length of 18 months and offers a comprehensive benefits package which can be viewed on our Benefits Overview page.

Location - This role is in-person at Augustana Camrose.


Reporting to the Assistant Dean Advancement at Augustana, this position engages with both internal and external audiences and is a trusted and professional member of the Augustana Advancement Office. The incumbent will be responsible for direct front line contact with alumni, staff, donors, and community members on the phone, in person and via written and digital communication. The incumbent will provide direct support to the Assistant Dean Advancement, be responsible for the administrative duties associated with supporting the Office of Advancement- including financial deposits, provide support for the work of staff in the areas of development and alumni relations, and collaborate on the development of Augustana specific communication and stewardship activities. The duties reflected in this position emphasize a high degree of teamwork and this position is vital to meet the varied needs of a vibrant development and alumni team at Augustana. This position is responsible for contributing to the building of strong relationships internally and externally to help strengthen the faculty’s advancement programs. Meeting the needs of both a Faculty and a Campus adds to the complexity of the position and requires a level of independence and critical thinking that goes beyond the stated duties.


•Administrative Support including updates to database, responding appropriately to all inquiries and requests via phone or online emails

•Greets visitors to the Office of Advancement, answers general enquiries

•Accepts personal and financial donor information, receives payments and processes invoices

•Donor and Outreach Support; contacting with alumni and donors

•Event support, coordinating event venues, preparing items for events

•Assistant Dean Support

•Other duties as required


•Bachelor’s Degree

•Proficiency in MS Windows platform

•Ability to meet deadlines

•Knowledge of social media platforms

•Knowledge of post-secondary sector

•Valid Class 5 Driver’s Licence To apply, visit: https://apptrkr.com/5330069

The University of Alberta is committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from all qualified persons. We encourage women; First Nations, Métis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 21
• an exciting retail work environment • competitive wages • oppor tunities for advancement • oppor tunity to learn about the thousands of products Home carries • a clean, safe working environment • oppor tunit y to help customers live bet ter lives • company benefits • staff discount
am Benefits of working at Hauser Home Hardware Building Centre
tight-knit te
6809-48 Avenue, Camrose

Utility Billing Depa rtment Member Service Representative (MSR)

Batt le R iver Power Coop is a cooperative electri c ut ilit y i n

Centra l Alber ta supplying electricit y to a bout 8 ,70 0 rural

members . We have a sta of a bout 63 employees engaged

i n al l aspects of p ower d istribution from i nstallatio n to maintenance to b illing , al l administered from t he same o ce near C amrose , Alber ta

We a re l oo king to l l 2 - o n e yea r temporar y p osition s i n ou r U t ilit y Depar tmen t t ha t c oul d l ea d i nto p ermanent ful l t im e p ositions

Gene ral S umma ry :

• Record t imel y a n d a ccurate d at a e ntr y i n respec t to paym ents , m eter read s a n d d e posit s

• Customer s er vi ce, a nswe r i nquiries a n d h andl e complaints

• Re quire d to follow t h e a pprove d C omplianc e Pla n a nd al l t rainin g m aterials , p olicy a n d p ro cedure s fo r t he

Ba tt l e R ive r W ire s D ivis io n Regulate d R ate O pt io n a nd th e B at tl e R ive r E nerg y D ivis io n A l ia ted Rate O pt io n

• Produce b ill s a ccurately i n a t imel y m anne r Quali c ations :

• St ro n g i nterpersona l c ommunications a n d cus tome r

se rv ic e s ki ll s

• E xp erienc e i n a n e lectrical u tilit y b illin g o r b ac kg ro un d i n a u tilit y e nv ironmen t woul d b e a s tron g a sset

• Capabl e of w or king to d eadlin e i n a f as t- pace d m ulti -

ta skin g e nv ironment

• Tr ainin g i n t h e following a re as: C od e of C onduct ,

A l ia ted Ret aile r Training , FOI P a n d PIPA

• St ro n g wor king k nowledge i n E xc el

• Kn ow ledg e of V8 C ompute r S yste m

• Ab ilit y to c onve r t e lect ro ni c l e s f ro m o n e forma t to anothe r

• Te a m Playe r

Hour s o f O peration : Hour s of o peration a re 8 :0 0 a m to 4:3 0 p m , M onday t hroug h Friday

Sa lar y a n d B ene t s: B at tl e R ive r Powe r C oo p o e r s a competitive s alar y, a tt ractive b ene t s a n d a posit ive wor k enviro nment . T h e s ta rt in g s alar y fo r t hi s positio n w il l b e b ased u po n t h e exp erienc e a n d q uali c ation s of t he successfu l c andidate

Applications : Q uali e d a pplicant s a re e ncouraged to submi t a c ove r l et ter a n d cur re n t resum é v i a e mail o r to t he addres s b elow by Friday, J un e 28 , 2024, a t 4:0 0 p m We appreciate and consider all applications ; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacte d. Please submi t you r resum é to:

Ba tt l e R ive r Powe r C oo p

At tent ion: H uma n Resou rc es Box 1420, C am ro se, A B T4V 1X3 Fa x : 780 -672-7969

Email: valerie.king@brpowe r.coop

Resumés accepted at the front desk


Af ter nearly nine years with the Camrose Booster, Lori Larsen has chosen to retire. Over the years, Lori has earned a reputation for her fair and accurate reporting which has contributed to making our publication welcome in homes throughout our trading area. Although Lori will be difficult to replace, we are now accepting applications for this pe rmanent, full-t ime position. The competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

As part of our newsroom, the successful applicant will work collaboratively with our other reporter to maintain and enhance our high standards of editorial qualit y and communit y service. We of fer a competitive salary and benefits package, including a car allowance and the oppor tunity to work with a team of hard-w orking professionals who take pride in producing a publication that is recognized as one of the top 1% in the North American free communit y paper industry


1. Strong organizational and time management skills, ensuring that objectives are achieved within the necessar y deadlines.

2. A demonstrated abilit y to write cris p, engaging stories with at tention- grabbing leads and meaningful quotations

3. Excellent interviewing skills demonstrating the abilit y to zero in on the essential elements of the stor y while establishing and maintaining rappor t with sources.

Preference will be given to candidates who have post-secondary education, preferably in journalism, have previous experience in a communit y newspaper newsroom and have expe rience in page layout. Be aware that this position involves a certain amount of evening work and weekend assignments. Please provide us wi th:

1. A brief biography of yourself, including your education and previous employment histor y

2. Samples of your writing and photography

3. Names of three references with an indication of their relationship to you and contact info for each

4. A copy of your criminal record check and your dr iver’s abstract

5. Your salary expectation

Mail or email your material to:

Kodiaks start AJHL exhibition hockey season in late August

The Camrose Kodiaks junior hockey squad will be coming out of hibernation in August to prepare for next season.

Camrose will host three exhibition games at home and six altogether in a home and away series with Whitecourt, Drumheller and Lloydminster.

The Kodiaks play at home on August 24 at 6 p.m. against Whitecourt; August 30

against Drumheller at 7 p.m.; and September 6 against Lloydminster.

The regular season home opener for the Kodiaks is on Saturday, September 14 at 6 p.m. They take on the Drayton Valley Thunder at the Recreation Centre.

The next home game is slated for October 6 at 2 p.m. when the Calgary Canucks are in the city.

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 22
4925 -4 8 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1L7 mc foul@camrosebooste r.net D& D Vehicle Sa les & Serv ice 3760-48 Avenue, Camrose 780.672.4400 www.ddsales.com NOW HIRING JOURNE YMAN AUTO TECHNICIAN with ex perience Full time permanent position Varied work day, always Busy shop. Bring your resumé in to our Service Department . 6505-48 Avenue, Camrose – 780-672-9171 HOUSEKEEPERS REQUIRED $15/hr.


Murray Green, Camrose Booster

Olivia Saumer was the perfect Mother’s Day gift and was the first baby born after Mother’s Day at Covenant Health St. Mary’s Hospital Camrose on May 13. Camrose branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary member Jen Coombs presents a basket full of baby items to mom Samantha Giegold of Tofield, with Legion members Marilyn Weber and president Grace Torpe assisting. This is the fourth year the Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary have helped a mother.

Central Agencies Realty Home of the Week

This five-bedroom two-storey fully finished home epitomizes what every family needs–plenty of space for everyone and a great location, close to parks, trails and a school.

The one-of-a-kind designed driveway leads up to a welcoming front veranda and large double attached garage.

Once inside the home, you will be immediately impressed with how beautifully it has been maintained. The spacious front entry leads one way into the living room, or the other into a front flex room that could be used as a home office or sitting room.

Arched architecture welcomes you into the living room continuing into the open kitchen, dining and family room area, where plenty of family gatherings will take place.

The kitchen has loads of cabinet space and a corner walk-in pantry for all kinds of storage. Stylish grey-toned splash tile, darker stainless appliances and quartz countertops bring a touch

It 's the point in the school year where the students are acting like siblings who've been stuck in a car on a long road trip for just a bit too long

Only a few more days of school . Parent s should be able to coast to the end School Email : " Tomorrow have your kid dress like an 18th centur y English poet."

How many school concer ts do you need to experience before realizing that your kids need black pants and white shir ts that actually fit on the day of the concer t?

Shout out to the mom who signed up for napkins within seconds of the class end-of-the-year par t y list going live

Schools be like , "Ok ay, it's the last week of school. Let 's have a World Fair, so bring a dish from a country you've never heard of to feed 75 people at 8:45 a.m."

My son just informed me that it's been three weeks since his high school graduation and he still has yet to use trigonometr y.

Elementary Schools: "It 's the last month of school. Here are 97 activitie s in the middle of the day that parents need to attend."

Each month has an average of 30 days , except for the last month of school. It has 1,742 days.

I was the last person to respond to the end of the year class par t y request list and now I have to provide something edible. Prayers are appreciated during this challenging time

Parent s making lunch on the first week of school : Sandwich cut into hearts, peeled and sliced fruit, homemade cookies and an encouraging note. Parent s making lunch on the last week of school: Handful of crou tons wrapped in foil and a raw potato. Schools: " We will be having a di erent theme each day from now until the end of the year. Please dress your child accordingly."

Moms : "I will be following one theme from now until the end of the year – that of 'Hot Mess'. Please plan the school's schedule accordingly."

of class to the kitchen. The adjacent family room has a gas fireplace to cozy up in front of on cooler nights.

The main floor laundry area features built-in cabinets, and a two-piece bathroom is convenient for visitors.

Back door access leads out to the large deck and absolutely beautiful, fully fenced backyard.

On the second level is a four-piece main bathroom and three bedrooms, including the primary suite with a large walk-in closet and a spa-like en suite featuring a corner soaker tub, walk-in shower and private water closet.

The completely finished lower level with in-floor heating has a huge family/games room, two more good-sized bedrooms, one with two large closets and a four-piece bathroom. Older children or in-laws will appreciate the privacy.

This exceptional home, located at 102 Edgewood Close, is a must see. Priced at $569,900, this home is ready for its new family. For a private viewing, contact Matthew Mayer at:

Central Agencies Realty 4870-51 Street, Camrose 780-672-4495 or 780-781-7088 Cell

Fo r Teachers Only…

"I didn' t realize it was the last month of school!" said no teacher ever.

It 's the last month of school – No running in the hall, no throwing books, no lighting trash cans on fire. At least not until after the students leave

The good news : In June , we teachers can bond with each other over the fact that we're all in the same boat.

The bad news : That boat is the Titanic

Can you die from repeating instructions 3,476 times a day ? Because it de finitely feels like you could die from it.

You know it's almost summer when your second graders have completely ou tgrown their chairs. You might be a teacher if during the last week of school you feel more like a camp counselor, a cruise director and a zookeeper combined.

"You're a teacher ?!? No way. You look so amazing and full of energy!" – I whisper to the mirror in the morning while I try to cover up the bags under my eyes and gulp my co ee.

What I thought I'd be saying in June : "Students, I know we're sad the end of the year is approaching, but we still have lots of wonder ful memories to make before the last day of school!"

What I'm actually saying : "Stop licking your desk and put your arms back in your sleeves immediately!"

No one has more swagger than a teacher leaving school on the last day of the year

Dear Parents: Thank you for letting us spend these last 10 months with your adorable children It 's been such a pleasure. Also … tag, you're it!

The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 23
Perfect family home
Matthew Mayer
GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY in New Norway! High quality 4-plex. Beautiful modern units, open concept living. Currently rented out for $900/mo. plus utilities. Strong rental market. Asking $569,000 A2089277 Matthew Mayer 780-781-7088 Sascha Dressler 780-781-8242 Matt Banack 780-608-9733 Al-Karim (Al) Mohamed 587-322-5511 Wally Wrubleski 780-781-7323 Sarah Kjos 587-322-7131 Mark Wrubleski 780-781-0585 Graham Wideman 780-679-8384 CAMROSE HOMES The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 18, 2024 – Page 24 WOW! GORGEOUS WALKOUT BUNGALOW, AWESOME 4-CAR GARAGE … Amazing lake views. It’s absolutely perfect! Features a quality built 2083 sq. ft. 5-bedroom home. Exceptional craftsmanship and design. You will love every area of the home from the gourmet kitchen, butlers’ pantry, chic living spaces, superb primary bedroom and the amazing walkout basement. Awesome deck/ patio and so much more! Views, lifestyle, it’s perfect! Asking $1,399,000 A2096394 BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP BUNGALOW, FULL BASEMENT MODEL! … New adult living community! Model 1244. Beautiful bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat and easy steps to garage. Excellent kitchen, spacious great room, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, and more! No condo fees. Still time to choose your colours. You’ll love it! Asking $499,322 A2077560 KINGMAN … Newly developed lots. Choose from seven! Located on the edge of town. Starting at $27,500 A1156323, 6338, 6341, 6343, 6349 OUT OF TOWN OUT OF TOWN BEAUTIFUL NEW ZERO STEP TOWNHOUSE! Senior friendly, awesome community. Nonbasement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, attached garage, all finished. Heated garage, landscaped – sod. You’ll love it! Asking $436,900 A2123385 ZERO STEP TOWNHOUSE! Senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry, In-floor heat, covered patio, attached garage. Still time to pick your colours! Asking $421,700 A2123223 WOW, WALK-OUT VILLAS – VALLEYVIEW WEST! Close to lake, parks and walking trails. Walk-out finished up and down! Gourmet kitchen, granite, spacious dinette, gorgeous living room. Superb master/en suite, main floor laundry, A/C. Excellent basement floor plan. Artificial turf, vinyl fencing. In-floor heating, deck/patio, attached garage! Asking $518,162 A2122925 OPEN HOUSES Wednesday, June 19 2:00 to 4:00 pm 3320-50A Street Close “Lots happening! Come see!” RESIDENTIAL LOTS Come build your new home … in the family friendly Cascades subdivision in our amazing city of Camrose! These affordable lots are perfectly located close to the west-end shopping, services, golf course, playground and parks including a dog run. Seven lots have been made available offering various options. Choose from lots providing a walkout option and backing onto the pond and walking trails, a “corner” lot with open space to the west, or other lots with established neighbours. A great opportunity not to be missed! Asking $85,000-115,000 A2110713 MODEL 1244 ZERO STEP … Senior friendly. Beautiful bright open floor plan, 9’ ceilings, in-floor heat, beautiful kitchen, spacious great room. Main floor laundry. Easy access to garage. Covered patio and more! No condo fees! Immediate possession! You’ll love it! Asking $436,376 A2045627 VALLEYVIEW – NEW TOWNHOUSE! Inside unit, senior friendly design! Beautiful open floor plan, in-floor heating and 9’ ceilings. Exceptional kitchen, quartz countertops. Spacious living/dinette area, main floor laundry. 22.5’x11.5’ garage. Pick your colours! Asking $368,162 A2122901 SOLD NEW TOWNHOUSE IN VALLEYVIEW! End unit, senior friendly design, no steps! Beautiful 1287 sq. ft. floor plan. In-floor heating and 9’ ceilings. Exceptional kitchen, quartz countertops, Spacious living/dinette area, main floor laundry. 22.5’x11.5’ garage, epoxy flooring. Pick your colours! Asking $398,162 A2122843 SOLD Check out our Beautiful Lakeside Adult Community. Private and Quiet! BEAUTIFUL WALKOUT VILLA! • Finished up and down • In-floor heat • 12’x24’ garage, all finished • All landscaped – turf and fencing Asking $518,162 A2122925 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW TOWNHOUSE! • 1287 sq. ft. • Single garage • In-floor heat • No steps Asking $398,162 A2131622 In Valleyview! Beautiful Bungalows by Battle River Homes NEW TOWNHOUSE IN VALLEYVIEW! End unit. Senior friendly design, no steps. Beautiful 1287 sq. ft. floor plan. In-floor heating, 9’ ceilings, exceptional kitchen, quartz countertops, spacious living/dinette area, main floor laundry. 22.5’x11.5’ garage, Epoxy flooring. Pick your colours! Asking $398,162 A2131622 We’re ready to work for you! CHARMING 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW offering 1,140 sq.ft of cozy living space with brand new flooring throughout the main floor and laundry on the main floor, along with a spacious living room flooded with natural light. The open kitchen has ample counter space, oak cupboards, complemented by a delightful dining area. Outside, a south-facing deck invites you to soak up the sun, while a 1-car garage and a serene backyard with a water feature provide the perfect retreat. Conveniently located near amenities, schools, and parks, this vintage gem is ready to welcome you home. Asking $245,000 A2131197 CENTRAL AGENCIES REALTY Inc. #100, 4870-51 Street, Camrose 780-672-4495 centralagenciesrealty.com SOLD Wednesday, June 19 2:00 to 4:00 pm 3312-50A Street Close “Full basement model!” 4001-50 Street, Camrose Phone 780.672.5851 www.ipdi.biz AWESOME COMMUNITY & LIFESTYLE Full basement model • No condo fees Double garage • Zero step entry Model 1244 Asking $499,322 A2077560 FULL BASEMENT! Beautiful Bungalow Townhouse • Zero-step, non-basement • End unit • Double garage • In-floor heating Asking $444,900 A2123601 Beautiful Bungalow Townhouse • Zero-step, non-basement • Single garage • In-floor heating Choose your colours! Asking $436,900 A2123385 Master planned community • Designed for active adults • No condo fees Community lifestyle Wednesday, June 19 2:00 to 4:00 pm 3320-50A Street Close “Lots happening! Come see!” Wednesday, June 19 2:00 to 4:00 pm 3312-50A Street Close “Come see!” End Unit – Beautiful Townhouse Zero step non-basement Double garage • Open design Asking $422,900 A2136921 Beautiful Bungalow Townhouse Zero step non-basement • Single garage • Choose your colours! Asking $399,900 A2137085 3320-50A Street Close Available NOW! Model 1244 asking $436,376 A2045627 Yard Sodded! Heated Garage! Heated Garage! Landscaped – Sod! Heated Garage! Landscaped – Sod! END UNIT – BEAUTIFUL NEW TOWNHOUSE! Zero step, senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, attached double garage, all finished. Heated garage, landscaped – sod. You’ll love it! Asking $444,900 A2123601 PROMOTION END UNIT – BEAUTIFUL NEW TOWNHOUSE! Zero step, senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, attached double garage, all finished. You’ll love it! Asking $422,900 A2136921 PROMOTION – BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW TOWNHOUSE! Senior friendly, awesome community. Non-basement model. Beautiful, bright open floor plan and 9’ ceilings. Huge great room, great kitchen, en suite, main floor laundry. Covered patio, attached single garage, all finished. You’ll love it! Asking $399,900 A2137085 GREAT FLEXIBLITY IN MAYERTHORPE OVER 23 ACRES ALONG HWY 43 Asking $230,000 CA0168666 NEW NORWAY LOT 65’ wide lot at the edge of town in Spartan Estates! Asking $50,000 A2089400 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on the OVERSIZE lot! No neighbours behind! Bawlf has a provincially acclaimed K-12 school, wonderful sports facilities and walking trails. Only 20 minutes from Camrose –which is the perfect distance to unwind on your drive home from work! Starting at $45,000 A2076411, 6409, 6403 GEMINI CENTRE, GROUND FLOOR – A PLACE FOR YOUR BUSINESS! … Exceptional street level unit: 2078 sq. ft. Awesome location. Easy access. Superior design. Superb visibility. Asking $23/sq. ft. + common A2082496 COMMERCIAL PRIME MAIN STREET PROPERTY IN CAMROSE – ZONED C1 Excellent opportunity in the heart of Camrose City Centre! 3,262 sq. ft. commercial building with 2 entrances, reception areas, offices, client meeting rooms, 3 bathrooms, flex areas and warehousing. Easy customer access and rear parking. Call now! Asking $229,000 A2030401 HWY 56 FRONTAGE … 6.05 acres in Millang Industrial Park. 3-phase power, gas available now. Edmonton city water is to be available in 2023. This 6.05 acre parcel is zoned Farmland at present. This is the LAST REMAINING LOT! Asking $749,000 A2098054 63.26 ACRES IN THE CITY OF CAMROSE, ZONED M1! Highway frontage, spur-line opportunity. Awesome 11,664 sq.ft. building. plus 48 acres have City offsite levies prepaid. An impeccable property; 80’x94’ work area with lube/mechanics’ pit, plus 80’x26’ drive-through wash-bay all with 18’x18’ doors. Excellent offices and reception area. Lots of future development potential or room to expand your operations. Call now! Asking $6.95M A2122819 65 ACRE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY 3 minutes North of Camrose off Hwy 833. Existing 7440 sq. ft. building, fully renovated. Well/septic/natural gas. New 600V/200 amp/3 phase transformer on site. Drainage ditch throughout feeding a 6.5 million gallon dugout on South perimeter. Judicial sale. Asking $1,360,000 A2135919 PARKRIDGE CUL-DE-SAC … 5-bedroom home with tons of room for the family! This brilliant multi-level sees a desirable floor plan with open concept main floor living, soaring vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors and more. The pie shaped lot gives not only a huge backyard but also room for RV parking. Large living room with gas fireplace, big bright kitchen w/raised eating bar. Large primary off the living room with walk-in closet and en suite. Fully finished basement with 3 bedrooms, family room and flex room. This location is second to none right now and ready for you to call it home. Asking $495,000 A2139479 THE QUINTESSENTIAL FAMILY HOME … in just the area you’re looking for. Welcome to 102 Edgewood Close. This remarkable 5 bedroom home is so well looked after and ready for a growing family. Perched on the corner of a quiet close and walking distance to parks, trails and Jack Stuart School. Beautiful kitchen has corner pantry, centre island, tile backsplash, upgraded appliances and gorgeous cabinetry. Awesome family room with cozy gas fireplace. Private primary with 4-piece en suite. Fully finished basement with larger windows and in-floor heat! Back yard has mature landscaping with tall trees and perennials, a raised 22’x11’9 deck with dura decking, stone firepit area, a great shed for storage and the most beautiful vinyl fencing throughout. Welcome home. Asking $569,900 A2139228 ACREAGES ACREAGES 1322 SQ. FT. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW on 1.07 aces 3.5 miles from Camrose’s Ring Road. Open concept 2001 built home with great kitchen, large living room, beautiful primary with LARGE WALK-IN closet. Finished lower level with massive family room. Covered South East side deck. New shingles, forced air heat, cozy in-floor heating, 30’x26’ garage. Quiet acreage, you’ll love the proximity to Camrose, without the traffic or neighbours. Asking $514,900 A2102612 WITHIN 4 KM OF CAMROSE ON PAVEMENT! This 13-acre parcel includes a 1724 sq. ft. home, oversized detached garage, barn with box and a 160’x72’ arena complex with a section that is fully finished with heat, water, wash bay and a washroom. This acreage is your private oasis! The 5-bedroom house has been tastefully updated. The huge yard allows for fun for the whole family. This PRIME LOCATION is perfect for the family, ready for the freedom of country living, or for the entrepreneur ready to make their dreams come true. You have to see this 13-acre PIECE OF HEAVEN to understand all it has to offer! Asking $947,000 A2126179 REALLY THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS … Almost 18 acres zoned residential AND agricultural, right at the edge of town. Multiple residential acreage development possible. Municipal water and sewer is available. This beautiful property is located only 20 minutes to Camrose and in easy commuting distance to Nisku and South/East Edmonton. Asking $214,000 A2121909 12 ACRES! … with a 2008 built, 2,800 sq. ft. zero step entry bungalow and heated shop on a maturely treed acreage only 8 minutes from Tim Horton’s! Superbly crafted with a chef’s kitchen! Granite countertops, large island, induction cooktop, wall ovens, massive fridge, walk-in pantry with beverage fridge. The great room has a wood beam ceiling. Breathtaking primary with amazing en suite and walk-in closet, walk-in stone shower, dual sink vanity and soaker tub. In-floor heat, forced air heat and A/C, instant hot water plus an oversize double garage. The home is hardwired with trademark CONTROL4 System to allow for security, climate, lighting and AV to control EVERY ROOM from your phone. Remote controlled front gate and 30x50x16H’ heated shop with 14Hx14W door to fit any truck or motorhome! There are too many details to list! Welcome to your CASTLE! Asking $1,625,000 A2131321 MULTI-FAMILY GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! … 4-Plex, fully rented. Close to 4 schools and amenities. Individually metered, separate furnaces and laundry facilities, 4 new hot water tanks. Great potential for growth as well. Asking $425,000 A2140808 NEW LISTING! TRULY MOVE IN READY! … You’ll love the street appeal of this renovated 2-bedroom bungalow. Updated kitchen with full extension pull out drawers, extra sink, beverage fridge, the island with pop up power centre and pantry. Great primary, renovated bathroom with vertical tile, a rectangular drop-in sink and new flooring. The kitchen opens to a beautiful deck that flows down to a stone patio to enjoy even more space! Central air conditioning and well maintained fence. 24’x24’ garage and RV parking spot. It’s not easy to find a home that’s truly move in ready. Asking $347,900 A2139451 SOLD PERFECT CAMPING/WEEK GETAWAY … in Sunset Heights at Red Deer Lake. Double lot with three-season cabin, holding tank, new well in 2021. Set up with RV plugs and water. 30’x20’ tarp shed for storage. Asking $135,000 A2116918 OUT OF TOWN EXCELLENT BI-LEVEL ON TWO LOTS! Exceptional lifestyle - Rosalind. You’ll love the peacefulness and relaxing lifestyle. Beautiful 1140 sq. ft. bi-level with private setting on two lots! Lovely living room with vaulted ceilings, awesome country kitchen, en suite and main floor laundry. Cozy ICF basement, 65% completed. Park setting, veranda, deck, 22’x24’ heated garage. Gemstone lighting system and more. A country lifestyle with all the services! Asking $339,900 A2091689 OHATON Superb 4-bedroom four level split with many upgrades. Brand new vinyl plank and carpet throughout the main floor. Lovely kitchen with higher end appliances and breakfast bar. Fully renovated bathrooms with tiled tubs and stone countertops. Beautiful primary with 2 closets. Enormous family room with new carpet. A/C, new hot water tank, furnace. Outside is a massive yard with an amazing deck. 24’x27’ garage. This is a gem of a house! Asking $374,900 A2134224 SOLD WOW! BEAUTIFUL QUALITY BUILT CONDO! Awesome, spacious and bright! Close to city centre and Mirror Lake walking trails. Beautiful open design, 9’ ceilings and hardwood flooring. Exceptional kitchen, spacious dinette/living room. 2 huge bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Hardi-plank siding, ICF basement, storage, a/c and more! Now asking $206,000 A2125148 NEW PRICE!

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