February 18, 2025 Camrose Booster

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As you can see here, a Snow Golf Tournament, with main sponsor K & K Recycling Services, is not your typical game of golf . The tournament tee off is to take place at ReStore at 1:00 p m on Saturday, February 22, regardless of weather Snow Golf reimagines the traditional game of golf into an engaging winter experience, played on pristine snow instead of conventional green fairways . This innovative tournament incorporates elements of golf, car rally and a day of interaction for participants and local businesses Businesses can highlight their support by sponsoring holes at their business location throughout

Camrose Come any way you want and compete as hard (or not) as you wish . After all, over $4,000 in raffle prizes and an abundance of take-home prizes are at stake A hearty banquet (licensed, of course) at ReStore will conclude the day and is included in your Fees Not up for golf? Support the cause by buying 50/50 and raffle tickets Call 780 679 7585 or email snowgolf@habitatcamrose.com

Photo by Ron Pilger
Barb Pederson, Jennifer Edmonds, Steward McKenzie and Laura Fuson are gearing up for this year's Snow Golf Tournament.


Ads: ads@camrosebooster.com • Circulation: fowler.kirby@gmail.com Website: camrosebooster.com • 4925-48 Street , Camrose, AB T4V 1L7

Children’s choirs to hold concert

Lena Pederson, Gemma Halvorson, Nathan Van Hyfte and Scarlett Stevenson. Missing is Solveig Barstad.

and Area Children’s Choirs will be holding a fundraising concert at the Camrose United Church on February 22. The junior, senior and ensemble choirs will be performing in the upcoming event.

“The choirs are holding their annual dessert concert fundraiser entitled Adventure Calls! “This year, the concert will take place at 1 p.m. instead of our usual evening time and we hope audience members can come hungry for both des-

serts and music,” said conductor Joy-Anne Murphy. Desserts and silent auction will begin at 1 p.m. with the concert performance starting at 2 p.m.

For this year’s concert theme, the choirs will take turns singing songs chosen for their connection to the various stages of The Hero’s Journey.

“We’ll perform a wide range of songs, from folk songs to numbers from musicals and movies, as well as modern choir works for youth voices,” she added.

“Our annual dessert concert fundraiser is always a big hit with our audiences. The desserts are awesome, we are always wonderfully supported by local businesses and organizations for our silent auction and the work the young singers put in to preparing their performance is always a pleasure to see and hear,” said JoyAnne.

You can show your support for the young performers as they explore their voices and share their music with Camrose and area.

Everyone Reads t he Home Team Paper! The most

Murray Green, Camrose Booster The junior choir consists of, back row from left, Lincoln Bishop, Tempi Bishop and Indiana Qaqish. Middle row from left, musician Andrew Van Hecke, Harriet Halvorson, Nora Pederson, Annika Troitsky and conductor Joy-Anne Murphy. Front row from left, assistant Dag Tesfaye,


Edward “Ed” George Walker, of Camrose, formerly of Toronto, on February 6, at 77 years of age.

Doris Frances Pasychnyk, of Camrose, formerly of Round Hill, on February 7, at 86 years of age.

Norma Jean Tennant, of Bawlf, on February 7, at 89 years of age.

Graham Earle Stenson, of Camrose, on February 8, at 76 years of age.

Sandra Taylor, of Bashaw, on February 9, at 66 years of age.

Norma Eileen Wensley, of Camrose, on February 11, at 88 years of age.

Cherrie Lyn-Anne (nee Sanderman) Brumen, of Holden, on February 11, at 55 years of age.

Irene Lawson, of Edmonton, formerly of Tofield, on February 12, at 83 years of age.


Join us for an experience travel presentation evening. Enjoy a beer and wine tasting featuring two terrific Alberta distilleries – Norsemen Brewing Co. and Spirit Hills Winery, and an amazing selection of hors d’oeuvres

The highlight of th e evening will be your chance to explore river, expedition and Tahitian cruising

The following cruise lines will be represented: Satu rday, February 22 , 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Norsemen Days Inn

6505-48 Avenue, Camrose

RSVP TODAY – SPOTS AR E LIMITED! Text or call Ja son or Jane, or email jason@yourbeckandcall.ca or jane@yourbeckandcall .ca

Does this fit your experiences?

As a person who went back to school as an adult–and kept going back–I have a lot of respect for the value of life experience mixed with theoretical learning.

I took child development courses after I had children. I learned theories of child and adult learning after I’d been a classroom teacher. I learned theories of how groups of people work well together after twenty years as employee, business owner, consultant and boss.

The downside of theory-after-experience was that knowing some of the theories I learned later would have been useful during my earlier years of experience!

The upside was that I could assess whatever theory I was learning through the filter of my own experience. If the theory fit my life experience, I thought it was credible.

This is a long preamble to explain my reaction to some research about effective teams. All of us spend at least part of our lives as part of a group with a job to do (a “team”). See if the research fits what you’ve noticed when you’ve been part of a team.

For any team to thrive, members need to work well together. Google has done research into the skills and character traits of a “dream team.”

The research people thought they knew what they’d find. “We were pretty confident that we’d find the perfect mix of individual traits and skills necessary for a stellar team. Take one Rhodes Scholar, two extroverts, one engineer and a PhD,” they explained on their blog.

But that’s not what they found. After two years of looking at more than 180 teams and interviewing hundreds of workers, they discovered the secret to a high-performing team is less about individuals and more about how people work together. High performing teams almost always had five qualities.

Emotional safety–team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of one another.

Dependability–team members get things done on time and meet high standards of excellence.

Clear structure–team members have clear goals, roles and plans.

Meaning–work is personally important to team members.

Impact–team members think their work matters.

The researchers found that by far the most important team quality is emotional safety. That meant team members could be bold and take risks without worrying that other team members would judge them.

The research fits my experience. I thought about “teams” I’ve been part of–whether family, work, sports or community groups. The most effective ones had all five qualities. Those were fun.

I like thinking that in our families, our workplaces, our volunteer groups and our communities, we can easily apply those five qualities.

The saddest teams are ones where team members have all five qualities, but they have no impact on their organization. (I experienced that when I once had a government job.) That is the stuff of burnout and wasted time and resources.

Think about elected people, in our province or our country. If they make a mis-step–or even if they don’t –they can pretty much count on being trashed in public by those in other parties, by the media, by voters and even by non-voters. This does not foster a high-performing team.


I liked that Google’s research demonstrated that the big picture is greater than the sum of its parts; that systems and processes are important too.

In our western way of thinking, for a few hundred years we’ve mostly focused on the individual. We haven’t always seen that connections among group members can be more powerful than the total of all members’ qualities.

Nice to know that as powerful a company as Google is, they are learning a bigger picture. Nice to know we can use what they’ve learned in our own teams–if it fits our experience.


I’d love to hear from you. If you have comments about this column or suggestions for future topics, send an email to Bonnie@BonnieHutchinson.com I’ll happily reply within two business days.

Eastern slopes

I am writing to express my extreme distaste for the UCP’s recent lifting on the ban of coal exploration in the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains.

Coal mining is an outdated practice, and is extremely harmful to the environment. Nevermind the fact that we get most of our drinking water from the Rocky Mountains, which coal mining will serve only to pollute. We are in the midst of a climate crisis, and the UCP is dragging its feet in every possible way to deny the reality of our situation.

Fossil fuels are not renewable resources, and we are overconsuming them in every sense of the word. Nature does not overuse resources for fear of ecological collapse. We are the only species that takes more than nature can sustainably offer, and we are certainly not exempt from its laws.

It is the time to look towards renewable energy, perhaps in the form of solar or wind power, not archaic energy in the form of fossil fuels. To see the UCP take such a drastic step away

from progress is wholly disheartening, and it goes to show that what they care most about is the lining of their pockets, not the wellbeing of this fine province.

In summation, I encourage you to write to your MLA to tell them why you do not support coal exploration in the eastern slopes.

No trust

Besides CBC, almost all news, entertainment and information come from four private companies, and their stock is owned by major Canadian banking and business oligarchs.

These are the “established media.” In my opinion, these media oligarchies have been shaping news to their own advantage and to our detriment. I no longer trust them.

The established media are painting Mark Carney as the “saviour of Canada” and heir apparent to Justin Trudeau. They say Mr. Carney can stand up to the “American Bully,” Trump. They say Mr. Carney will reverse Trudeau’s pernicious policies and rebuild our country. But who, ex-

actly, is Carney?

For decades, Mr. Carney has been an agent of globalism, the movement that promotes transnational bureaucracy and undermines national independence. Is this the man who will keep Canada free? He is a founder and co-chair of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, an organization committed to halting economic development. Is this the man who will build the Canadian economy?

Since 2020, he has served as a senior advisor to Trudeau. Both Carney and Trudeau subscribe to an extreme anti-development ideology. They have both done untold harm to Canada. Carney supported and praised Trudeau’s carbon tax (until he didn’t). He applauded the Liberal government blocking $157 billion in energy investment (until he didn’t). He has shaped and supported the Liberal agenda (until he didn’t).

This is not the resume of the man who will build a strong Canada and defeat the American bully.

Dave Gosse, Camrose


Dave Nadon Photo
Two Camrose athletes competing for the Leduc Track Club captured gold medals at the Alberta Indoor Games. Hudson Cleveland, left, earned a gold medal in the U16 men’s 600m and Derek Nadon earned a provincial championship gold medal in the U16 men’s pentathlon. The pentathlon events were 60m, long jump, shotput, high jump and 1,000m. The event was held at the Butterdome in Edmonton on January 25 and 26. This is the first year of indoor track club for both athletes.

through the pages of e Booster

• The Battle River Credit Union announced that it has purchased seven rural branches of the Bank of Montreal, worth a total of $156 million. The Credit Union took over branches in Alliance, Castor, Daysland, Killam, Sedgewick, Two Hills and Viking. “We’re very excited about it as an organization,” stated BRCU General Manager Terry Kelly, who called the purchase a “win-win” situation for everyone involved. He said it will mean continued operation of a full-service banking facility in each of the communities and greater economies of scale for the Credit Union as a whole.

• Camrose Knights of Columbus member Lionel Hinch clipped a ceremonial ribbon held by Brigantia Place Volunteer Coordinator Donna Getschel and Executive Director Jill Chesley, to officially open a recently renovated room at the women’s shelter. Through the “Adopt-a-Room” Program, the Knights provided the materials and labour to renovate the “Family Room” and the “Baby Room.”

• Winners of the First Event in the Daysland Mixed Bonspiel were Skip Dane Miller, Third Crystal Linius, Second Rick Bratrud and Lead Sherry Bratrud

• Another successful Farmers’ Bonspiel was concluded at the Rose City Curling Rink. The First Event and the Al Robertson’s Central Garage trophy was won by the Reg Enright rink. Fred Schwartz of Central Garage presented the trophy to Reg Enright, Skip; Neil Orr, 3rd; Neil Salt, 2nd; and Russ , Lead. Carman Mason presented A Petroleum Bulk Sales trophy to the winners of the Second Event: Eric Brady, Jack Wallis, 3rd; Ties Hamstra, 2nd ter Pearson, Lead. Bill Wingrove esented the Camrose Power Equipment ophy to the winners of the Third Event: Dale , Skip; Ted Strilchuk, 3rd; Darryl , 2nd and Dennis Patrick, Lead. Jim Graftaas presented the Imperial Oil Bulk ophy to the winners of the Fourth Roy Phillips, Skip; Doug Phillips, 3rd; John Duggan, 2nd and Tom Tomaszewski,

s Pancake House (formerly Pete’s Place) was officially opened when Mayor . Swanson cut the ribbon and wished Verna James every success in their new venture. Ken Mingo, President of the Camrose Chamber of Commerce also welcomed Smitty’s to the business community and extended best wishes for its success. Ken James came to Camrose in July 1973 as Manager of Pete’s Place, which he bought in April of 1974. In early 1975, he had the premises renovated, redecorated and converted to Smitty’s Pancake House of which he is the sole owner and operator

MLA Lovely presents community funds, awards

Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely assisted in the Government of Alberta providing $11.7 million to 226 non-profit organizations to help build community spaces, experiences and services for Albertans.

MLA Lovely held her annual community and awards evening at the Camrose Resort Casino on February 4.

The Community Initiatives program and Community Facility Enhancement Program grants help improve the lives of Albertans, create jobs and generate local investment across Alberta.

“These two long-standing grant programs support hundreds of projects and ogranizations each year and in every corner of our province,” said MLA Lovely.

“Through these grants, Alberta’s government is strengthening the province’s vital non-profit sector that improves community spaces and the spirit to make sure Alberta continues to be the best province to live, work and raise a family.”

Out of the approximately 1,100 applications received each year, about 700, roughly 60 per cent, of the organizations receive funding.


Murray Green, Camrose Booster Camrose and District Craft Centre president Virginia Rogers received $7,823 from MLA Jackie Lovely to go towards purchasing a new kiln for pottery use and a floor loom to better serve its members.
Murray Green, Camrose Booster
MLA Jackie Lovely presented an Every Kid Can Play grant of $25,000 to KidSport Camrose. Receiving the funds from left were Carlene Wetthuhn, chair Laurie Kushnerick, Celina Brisson, Jess Selin and Keeley Popowich.
Murray Green, Camrose Booster
Stacey Olstad of the Camrose Association for Community Living received $81,585 from MLA Jackie Lovely to assist with the replacement of seven rooftop heating and cooling units on the Burgess building.
Murray Green, Camrose Booster Camrose Filipino Association president Randy Quiazon received special recognition from MLA Jackie Lovely for his outstanding service to the community and welcoming newcomers to the area.
Murray Green, Camrose Booster Formerly of The Bethany Group, Rev. Brian Krushel received recognition for developing and implementing a workplace culture transformation program to support all employees with training and tools to be successful.
Murray Green, Camrose Booster Camrose and District FCSS chair Doug Lyseng and Dr. Sandra Rein received $10,984 for Project Tighter Knit. Also on hand were board members
University of Alberta Augustana Campus students.
Murray Green, Camrose Booster
MLA Jackie Lovely presented LeRoy Johnson with a King Charles III’s Coronation Medal for his work in creating the Viking Cup, an international hockey tournament that began in 1980.

Ticket to Hollywood at Lougheed Centre

The Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre has a great line-up still to come this season.

The Lougheed Centre is celebrating its 10th anniversary. That means some of the hottest acts over the past 10 years will be returning to help celebrate the Lougheed Centre milestone.

Ticket to Hollywood will supply music from the movies under the Edmonton Pops Orchestra on Friday, February 21, at 7:30 p.m.

This show will not only have world famous musicians, but also vocalists singing iconic songs. “This is a 10-piece orchestra with four vocalists that will be featuring Hollywood songs from the last 20 years,” said Nick Beach, LPAC manager.

“The response last time they were here was super positive (Ticket to Broadway) and we are happy to have them back,” added sponsorship coordinator Jeffrey Heyden-Kaye.

A lot of people have been waiting for this show. The national Dance Com-

pany of Ireland presents Rhythm of the Dance on Wednesday, February 26, at 7:30 p.m.

Join the finest dancers and traditional musicians in this two-hour exhilarating performance.

“ This is like River Dance, Lord of the Dance and now we have Rhythm of the Dance, they are shows that have really taken off like wild fire. We have one of these giant shows coming and we pulled a Hail Mary and we were lucky to get this show,” said Nick.

Say NO to bullying!

It’s m e than a flag… it’s a statement

PLUS…It ’s a tool to show wind direc tion. It provides a look at wind velo city. It beau ti fies your proper ty. It ’s a superb identi fication marker.

Above all…

It shows you believe in your province or countr y, not the 51st state bully tactic.

• We stock f lags of Canada and A lberta in a variety of sizes.

• We are a source for flags from around the globe.

• We custom produce f lags for busine sses and organizations.

• We sell f lag pole s of all sizes.

• Our f lags fl y brighter and last longer because they are manufactured with dyes and fabric to government specifications.


Find local food before dishing your plate

Local food enthusiasts learned the process from farm to plate at the Film and Food evening at the Bailey Theatre on February 11.

Those who attended were offered a sampling of Food Artisans of Camrose County appetizers.

“It was a lot of work and they put a lot of time and effort into providing samples of what Camrose County producers have to offer. The food was fantastic,” said County Reeve Cindy Trautman.

The Food Artisans of Camrose County were on hand to answer questions.

“When it was first started Marian Williams was looking at finding all the foods for restaurants that was locally grown. Present day, it has evolved into anywhere from 50 to 70 approved local food producers within 10 kilometres of outside of the Camrose County border,” explained Trautman.

“There is no better time than now to buy local. It’s important not only for the quality of food, but for fresh products. There is nothing better than to support local. It helps with our sustainability. It has been a great collaboration,” added Trautman.

The film was based in Ontario, but people could see how it could apply to Alberta.

After the Before the

Plate film, a Q & A panel included Nicola Irving of Irvings Farm Fresh, Greg King of the University of Alberta and Chef Tyson Wright of Strada Coffee Co. and Old Red Barn.

The film talked about food to plate, but also what the producers had to do and go through to get it to market, even growth hormones were discussed.

“You have the right to decide what is important to you. As a farmer, I can’t tick every single box of what people want. I can only do what

I know. The producers are not only growing their products for others, they are eating them as well. My farm to plate is about 200 feet. You can’t get much closer than that,” said Nicola.

“We buy very little at the supermarket. We go to farmers’ markets and often trade. It is easy to trade bacon. We trade for vegetables. I manage to fill my pantry with good, local products,” she added.

“The way the film was up front about some of those discussions, I thought

maybe it was going to be about not talking about everything. But right away, it asked questions that people ask all the time. I think they did a really good job of explaining all sides of it. If you have a chance to visit a farm, do it. See the process and those opportunities are things we should be promot-

ing,” said King.

“Education is important, passing on the information from the chef to the waitress and customers. It is hard to break through into rural communities with different dishes because they want their meat and potatoes. Some are willing to open their palettes to new flavours. As a chef who also grew up in Camrose, I’ve seen the food evolve from a well done streak and baked potato to, let’s try beef tartare (a steak tartare is a French dish of raw ground, minced beef. It is usually served with onions, capers, parsley or chive, salt and pepper). It boils down to being able to educate your guests. If you are able to educate yourself, then you can educate your customers,” said Chef Tyson.

“You are on the right track of getting local people to connect with local consumers. My confidence in farmers on how they grow their food has been delivered to me really well. I really appreciate what you have done here tonight. I think we need to advertise this more locally as well so people in town know where to get the products,” said Mel Okimaw.

Murray Green, Camrose Booster
Guests sampled various foods from across the County and learned about where their food came from at the Before the Plate film event at the Bailey Theatre on February 11.

ReconciliACTIONS a beautiful display of art

The Chuck MacLean Arts Centre is currently hosting ReconciliACTIONS, a powerful travelling art exhibit that highlights the experiences of Indigenous artists through visual storytelling.

“The exhibit features 18 different artists and has many different perspectives. This show is about reconciliation and the actions that can be taken towards it. These works aim to teach us how to help with that healing,” said Jayda Calon, recreation program coordinator for the City.

Several pieces in the collection stand out, particularly those addressing the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women

and the intergenerational trauma stemming from residential schools. The exhibit serves as a moving reminder that every individual, regardless of their role, has a part to play in fostering healing and empathy for the future.

In addition to the art displayed, Jayda also hosted a free youth workshop on February 14 at Chuck MacLean Arts Centre. In this workshop, kids of ages 8 to 12, got the opportunity to explore the ReconciliACTIONS exhibit and create their own art. The exhibit will stay on display until February 26th and can be viewed Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The effects of cuts in Provincial funding

At the December 16, 2024, regular council meeting, the council requested that the City administration provide an estimate of the financial impacts from the costs related to changes in provincial funding over the past five years.

The estimate showed that the City’s historical annual provincial grant funding, which was an average of about $6 million from 2011 to 2019, has now fallen to roughly $2.6 million for the 2022 to 2025 period.

The new Local Government Fiscal Framework (LGFF) program has increased grant funding to $3.1 million in 2025 (up from $2.7 million in 2022), which still represents a shortfall of around $3 million compared to previous years. To combat the reduction, the City has been raising franchise fees, but the rising costs of maintaining capital infrastructure remains unsustainable.

Changes to the Grants in Place of Property Taxes (GIPOT) have also affected City revenues. Under this program, properties owned by the Government of Alberta, which are exempt from municipal taxation, result in a discretionary grant that has recently lost an estimated $85,000 in tax dollars.

In 2015, the provincial government discontinued grants on Alberta Housing Corp. properties, removing about $5 million and reducing 2024 tax revenue by roughly $43,000.

Then in 2020, the province cut the Grant in Lieu payment on provincially owned non-residential properties to 50 per cent

of the amount owed, which led to another reduction of about $42,000 in 2024 tax dollars.

In 2025, the Municipal Government Act automatically exempted affordable housing accommodation properties, reducing the assessment base by approximately $10 million and requiring the City to generate an additional $90,000 in municipal taxes on the remaining non-exempt properties.

The mandate for police body-worn cameras has added an extra $150,000 to the annual budget, as no provincial funding model has yet been established. New guidelines for automated traffic enforcement, effective April 1, are expected to reduce police revenues by an estimated $325,000 a year, as they limit enforcement to red light violations and restrict mobile enforcement to schools, playgrounds, and construction zones unless municipalities can justify an exemption.

The City is facing an annual operating funding reduction or increased expenses of approximately $795,000. This also happens to be an election year, which adds about $40,000 in additional costs, and capital funding has decreased by roughly $3 million from historical averages.

With reduced provincial support, the City is under increasing pressure to maintain services and infrastructure, and in turn, these higher costs are ultimately being passed on to residents and businesses of Camrose. For more information go to www.camrose.ca.

City reports complaints about traffic lights

The City of Camrose has been receiving complaints from residents about the traffic lights, particularly along 48 Avenue.

Over 2,000 complaints have been submitted through the City’s Citizen Concern Reporter system since August 2021, however, only 39 were related to traffic signals. At the February 3 meeting of the whole council, the City acknowledged the concerns and shared that they are working to improve synchronization and efficiency. The most common complaints include long wait times, with some drivers feeling that red

lights on side streets last too long, while green lights are too short. Some residents have reported poor synchronization, which makes it impossible to hit green lights in sequence, which leads to more stops and slower travel. Some complaints were about burned-out lights and malfunctioning equipment, and some requested better pedestrian crossings, especially near St. Mary’s Hospital. A few drivers also asked for dedicated left-turn signals at certain intersections, suggesting that it would improve traffic flow. Camrose partnered with engineering firm Stantec in 2018 to update traffic

signals. The City currently uses five different timing plans throughout the day to accommodate peak hours and quieter periods. However, synchronization is an ongoing challenge due to factors like outdated equipment, the lack of communication between traffic signals, and unexpected delays caused by pedestrians or vehicles entering from signalfree streets.

In an attempt to respond to these complaints, the City crews have begun manually resetting traffic light controllers more frequently to prevent them from falling out of sync. This helps in the shortterm but a long-term solution is needed and would involve upgrading to a fibre optic network which will allow traffic signals to communicate with each other automatically. The City has placeholders in its budget for expanding the fibre network, but a detailed plan has not yet been developed.

At this point, the City of Camrose plans to continue operating the traffic signals using existing equipment and resources. Any major upgrades will be considered in the 2027 to 2028 budget process. Residents with ongoing concerns are encouraged to report issues so the City can investigate and make adjustments where possible.

Adan Shaikh, Camrose Booster
From left, Jayden Vikse, camp coordinator, and Jayda Calon, program coordinator with the City of Camrose, invite everyone to view a powerful art exhibit called ReconciliACTIONS, A Travelling Exhibition Calling for Care and Repair.
Adan Shaikh, Camrose Booster There have been 39 complaints about the traffic lights around the City.

Electronic monitoring ankle bracelet

Alberta’s electronic monitoring ankle bracelet program officially became operational, marking a significant step forward in enhancing public safety and protecting vulnerable individuals.

This program reflects the Alberta government’s firm commitment to keeping families and communities safe, which is the most important function of government.

The introduction of this program stems from the pressing need to address the federal government’s catchand-release policies that have allowed high-risk and violent offenders to remain out on bail, often endangering Albertans.


Last year, our government passed legislation to implement ankle bracelet electronic monitoring for these offenders, ensuring greater accountability and security within our communities. With this program now active, families, victims of crime, and communities can experience more peace of mind, knowing that repeat offenders who pose a danger to society will be monitored 24/7.

The ankle bracelet electronic monitoring program is a powerful tool designed to protect vulnerable Albertans. It helps secure offender-restricted areas such as victims’ residences, places of employment, or other locations deemed off-limits as part of an individual’s bail or community release conditions. By enabling precise tracking and monitoring, the program ensures that offenders adhere to their restrictions and provides an added layer of safety for victims and communities.

For the courts, this program offers a valuable additional resource when determining bail conditions or sentencing. The ability to monitor repeat offenders more closely strengthens the justice system’s ability to manage high-risk individuals effectively while maintaining the balance between public safety and judicial fairness.

Our government’s investment in this program highlights its seriousness about addressing public safety concerns. At a cost of $2.8 million for the 2024-25 fiscal year, the program has been meticulously planned and executed. Extensive stakeholder and community engagements were conducted to ensure the program addresses the needs and concerns of Albertans. Additionally, an open vendor procurement process and comprehensive privacy and security reviews of the chosen ankle bracelet technology were carried out to ensure the program’s reliability and effectiveness.

Our government recognizes that public safety is not only about enforcement but also about providing innovative solutions to complex challenges.

The ankle bracelet electronic monitoring program represents one such solution, enhancing the safety of communities while respecting individual rights and judicial processes. By implementing this program, Alberta has set a new standard for proactive and responsible public safety measures.

The operationalization of this program is a clear demonstration of our government’s commitment to standing up for law-abiding citizens and ensuring that justice is served. Victims of crime can now feel more secure knowing that offenders are being closely monitored, and communities can rest assured that measures are in place to prevent further harm.

This milestone is a positive step forward for Alberta, signaling a future where families and communities are better protected from those who seek to do harm. The ankle bracelet electronic monitoring program is not just a technological advancement; it is a testament to Alberta’s dedication to building a safer and more secure province for all.

These recent announcements address the many recent concerns expressed by the Camrose Constituency residents. As always, contact my office if you require my assistance. The number is 780-672-0000.

Contact my office if you require my assistance. A reminder that I am a commissioner of oaths and a notary public and provide the service free for constituents.

You can contact Jackie Lovely, Camrose MLA, at Constituency Office, 104, 4870-51 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 1S1. Tel: 780-672-0000, camrose@assembly.ab.ca or at Legislature Office, 6th Floor, 9820-107 Street, Edmonton, AB T5K 1E7.

❱ High visibility — high traffic

❱ Busiest block in the City with up to 11,000 vehicles passing each day.

❱ 6,600 square feet in this unit.

❱ Two large showrooms — largest about 2,800 sq. ft., the other about 1,300 sq. ft.

❱ Shop area

❱ Generous paved lot for parking or outdoor display. Base rent for 2025 is $11.71/sq. ft. plus share of operating expenses.

“ In seed ti me le arn, in harvest teach, in wi nter enjoy.”
~ W illiam Blake

Round Hill and District Agricultural Society fundraising to expand the Round Hill Community Centre


“We need our storage for our hall furniture, some of the local groups also use the facility for storage. An expansion will provide that space, it would be much easier to have all the equipment in a designated area. Right now we have things stored in multiple locations and this way we can have them all in one place. Part of the expansion will also be a covered outdoor deck for summer events, so when people are using the hall they can step out and have somewhere to sit or get some air,” shared Humphrey Banack.

In addition to storage the expansion will also provide more space for accommodating larger events.

“Our three major events for the Ag

Society which we host at the hall are the Ukrainian Night Supper, the Annual Bench Show, and in September, and we do an annual Show and Shine. We get a pretty big turnout for these events and our town just grows tenfold in one day. The expansion will provide us with a better space and it will be more functional,” said Banack.

On February 22, at the Round Hill Community Centre, the event kicks off at 5 p.m. At the fundraiser, guests can expect a fun night of live entertainment, food and drinks.

“The River Jacks are providing the entertainment for us and we will have a live auction, Dwayne Sitler will be our auctioneer, and a silent auction. It will be an opportunity for everyone to gather with the community,” commented Banack.

To find out more and to purchase tickets, contact Dianna at 780-608-0215.

A quick workshop

Another parent recently commented to my daughter that if I was giving a parenting workshop, she would attend because she finds my children to be well-behaved. I was surprised that she wanted to know my thoughts on the topic, while I do write a newspaper column that regularly talks about parenting, that in no way makes me an expert.

I told my daughter that I am mostly making things up as I go in the parenting department. After all, I have never had kids these ages before. I have read exactly two parenting books and while they were interesting, they weren’t the main source of my parenting goals. With that in mind, here are a few of my parenting ideas to spark conversation and see if others prioritize the same things.

My main priority over all else is that at the end of the day, my kids know how much they are loved. They are enough, I never expect them to be anything except themselves. Everyone else is already taken.

I like getting to know their friends, and volunteer lots at school and for sports. I teach them to notice when someone else is feeling awkward or uncomfortable and encourage them to be the one to help, usually just by striking up a conversation. I apologize when I am wrong in the hopes that they will say a simple “I’m sorry” when they’ve messed up. I think it’s great for kids to be in activities–not too many, not too little. I always praise effort, not the result. Having an extracurricular activity shows them they can improve when they work hard, gives them self-confidence, and will keep them out of trouble as a teenager. When I was a teen, I was too busy walking from swim club to soccer practice to get into mischief.

We expose them to different kinds of instruments and if they are interested, we put them in lessons. Our kids have learned piano, violin, bass clarinet and guitar so far. We stop lessons if they aren’t interested in practicing anymore. (My younger brother once had to be pulled off the door handle of the van to go to a piano lesson, a situation I’d like to avoid.) We eat supper together whenever possible. No phones or TVs allowed and we try to give everyone a chance to talk about their day. We often go around the table saying our best, worst or buffalo (the buffalo being anything interesting that wasn’t necessarily good or bad). It’s a great time to connect in a busy day.

We have developed activities that we like to do as a family. We play strategy board games together like Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride, and spend time camping, backpacking and canoeing together in the summer.

I am known for giving random unsolicited advice. I say things like “better safe than sorry” and “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all” or “the worst they can say is no.” I know they’ve been listening, because they’ve started to repeat these kernels of wisdom back to me.

We decided to put off giving them cell phones for as long as possible, even though that’s not the popular thing to do. In general they use minimal technology and no social media. I expect that studies will one day be done on this time period, analyzing the damage caused to young people by hours spent on their phones.

We have always read bedtime books to the kids. This also turns into a great time to hear more about their day. They get to choose what we read, and it’s often a series of some sort. We are slowly teaching them how to do things on their own. Laundry, changing tires, even learning to cook with mom. Our main objective is to prepare them to take care of themselves.

We feel that sleep is important, theirs and ours. We picked a bedtime, and it doesn’t matter if their friends go to bed later. Once when my now 13-year-old was little, he woke me up because his fingernail needed trimming. In the morning we had an earnest discussion of the reasons to wake mom up (fire, being sick and well, that’s about it).

We like to take family vacations that are completely tech free. The simpler the better so that they can see that we don’t need much to enjoy our time together. We go to church together and I pray regularly for the kids, for their friendships, for their future spouses, and for the decisions they make each day that add up to make them who they are.

I don’t always get it right. I talk too much and don’t listen enough, I lose my patience, I worry too much or about the wrong things. I’m not an expert, but these are some of my parenting strategies that I’ve found helpful.

FU NCTIONS/DUTI ES (but no t limite d to):

• Suppor

• Ensure that proper cont ro l an d securi ty measures are adhe re d to with respec t to fund s bein g held

• Rece ipt a variet y of paym ents made in-perso n an d electronically


• Ba si c accounting kn ow ledge skills an d training are considered an asse t.

• Ongoing educatio n progra m in business administration and/or accounting is considered an asse t.

• Prof icient in Windows and Microsof t Of fi ce Suite.

• Exceptiona l customer se rv ic e an d public relation skills to ef fe ctivel y maintain profes sional relationships an d communications with co-wor ke rs internal customer s an d th e public

• St ro ng writ ten an d ve rbal communicatio n skills

• Ab ilit y to handle multiple ta sks.

• Ab ilit y to maintain a high leve l of conf identialit y.

HOUR S OF WO RK : Hour s of work are ty picall y 8: 00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. , Monday th ro ug h

Fr iday This is a temporar y seasonal positio n from May 1, 2025 to Augu st 31, 2025

HOUR LY WAGE : Th e hourly wage for this positio n will be $22.56 pe r hour

A PPLICAT IONS : Individual s inte re sted in this positio n are invite d to submit a cove r le tter an d resumé to th e emai l addres s below by Februa ry 28 , 2025 . Please note that we will be evaluating applications as th ey are received an d may be conducting inte rv iews prio r to Februa ry 28 , 2025 If applying by email, please ensu re th e jo b positio n is included in th e subjec t line We appreciate and consider all applications ; however, only candidates selected for interviews will be contacte d.

CONTAC T: Ci ty of Camros

Alberta country music awards

Former Hay Lakes country music performer Travis Dolter has been nominated for the Video of the Year award through Country Music Alberta.

Travis was nominated for the video for his song “Hell of a Saturday Night.” Recent Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre performers Nice Horse were also nominated in the same category for “Running Out of Reasons.”

Other Alberta performers who have had a concert in the Camrose area in the

past were also nominated. Male Artist of the Year, Garrett Gregory; Drew Gregory; Aaron Goodvin, Corb Lund, Kissel and Bamford. Single of the Year, Drew Gregory with “This Side of Dirt” and Nice Horse with “Things I Wish I Didn’t Know”; Songwriters of the Year, Drew Gregory, Nice Horse; Album of the Year, Nice Horse-Nice Horse; Duo of the Year, Nice Horse; Community Spirit Award, Gord Bamford; Single of the Year, “Things My Mama Says” by Hailey Benedict, “Let Your Horses Run” by Brett Kissel.

Employ me nt

Op po rt unitie s


Th e Ci ty of Camros e is a cceptin g applications for enumerator s for th e 2025 Municipa l Census. Th e Municipa l Censu s will be held from April 14 - July 15 , 2025

With an online census , a unique secure a ccess code (S AC) will be sent to each dwelling Then from April 1 - 13 , 2025 Censu s Enumerators are required to go door to door to deli ve r SAC Number s to al l th e dwelling s within their assigned area

Then , from May 5 - June 30, 2025 , Censu s Enumerators will be required to go door to door to complete in-perso n inte rv iews with individual s from households wh o have not complete d th e census online

Consider applying to become a Censu s Enumerator if yo u are:

• Ci ty of Camros e resident , 18+ ye ar s of age.

• Physic ally able to walk in seasonable weathe r conditions an d for long dis ta nces

• Availabl e to work fl ex ible hour s an d complete their assigned area within th e specif ie d time period s noted ab ove.

• We ll organized, self-m ot iv ated, friendly, an d energetic.

• Ab le to at tend mandator y training session(s)

• Ab le to operate an iPad (t rainin g prov ided ) an d re ad maps

• Successfu l candidates will be required to produc e a satisfacto ry Driver ’s Ab stract an d Police In fo rmatio n Chec k.

In tere sted applicants may submit a resumé or Censu s

Enumerator Ap plicatio n Form by mail or in person to Ci ty Hall , or emai l to census@cam ro se.c a. Ap plicatio n form s are avai labl e at Ci ty Hall or online at www.c am ro se.c a/census

Th e deadline for applications is Februa ry 27, 2025

We appreciate all applications ; however, only individuals who are considered will be contacte d.


Bylaw 3355-25

Pursuant to th e prov isions of th e Municipa l Gove rnment Act, Sectio n 60 6 of th e Revi se d St atutes of Al be rt a an d amendments thereto, PU BLIC NOTICE is he re by gi ve n that Counci l of th e Ci ty of Camros e gave fi rs t re ading to Bylaw 3355 -25 on Februa ry

l District to DC – Di re ct

Cont ro l District This redistricting will allow for th e proper ty ow ne r to redeve lo p th e lots

A Public Hearing is schedule d to be held as follow s:

Date : Ma rch 10 , 2025

Time : 5: 00 p.

g in person or vi rt uall y to stat e their suppor t or objections Any writ ten su bmission s to be considered by Ci ty Counci l are required to be submit ted no la ter than Febr ua ry 28 , 2025 , at 4: 00 pm by mail /e mail to:

Ci ty of Camrose, Legislative Se rv ices 5204 -50 Avenue , Camrose, AB , T4V 0S 8 or by emai l to: legser vi ces@cam ro se.c a

Please be advi se d that any correspondence submit ted to th e Ci ty on this notice will fo rm pa rt of th e public record an d will appear on th e Ci ty ’s webs ite as pa rt of th e meetin g agenda Th e Ci ty consider s th e author ’s comments relevant to th e Counci l’s consideratio n of this ma tter an d will publis h this personal in fo rmation.

Notice is he re by gi ve n that Counci l may therea fter withou t fu rt he r notice procee d with fi na l a pproval of Bylaw 3355 -25 at th e regula r Counci l Meetin g on Ma rc h 10, 2025 . For additional in fo rmation, cont ac t Fr ancisc a Fredericks , Long Rang e Pl anne r, Phon e 78 0- 672- 4428 or Emai l to ff re dericks@cam ro se.c a.

Speakeasy takes the Bailey back to the roaring 1920s

The Bailey Theatre has a great lineup of shows planned for this season.

Another Bailey Film Series invites us to watch Wild Mountain Thyme on February 19 at 7 p.m. A pair of star-crossed lovers in Ireland get caught up in their family’s land dispute.

The Speakeasy is a fundraiser for the theatre on February 22 at 7 p.m. Travel back to the roaring 1920s as they transform the venue into a hidden gem of jazz, excitement and allure.

There couldn’t be a more perfect setting for the production of a Speakeasy than the venerable, historic Bailey Theatre, which was a vibrant part of Camrose’s social scene during the roaring ‘20s. The Speakeasy became the place to go if you were looking for a party that included alcoholic beverages outlawed during the Prohibition years. Alcoholic drinks became legal in Alberta when Prohibition was lifted in 1924. The Bailey may have been one of those hush-hush places where people gathered to

socialize. Fast forward 100 years. The Bailey stills stands, a downtown jewel, refurbished and renovated, the ideal venue to recreate the Speakeasy atmosphere. A classy jazz band, Art, Maya and Friends, fancy finger foods, games of chance, sketchy characters, cocktails and whispered secrets. A portion of your ticket will be a gift to the Bailey and you will receive a charitable donation receipt. It all adds up to a win-win event. You will have a ball, and the Bailey will receive much-needed funding to ensure this old building continues to thrive and be a part of the fabric of our community.

Bailey Buckaroos return with a variety of country music on February 23 starting at 2 p.m.

Elvis tribute artist Cody Ray Slaughter will be sharing his version of the Elvis hits at the Bailey on February 27, starting at 7 p.m.

The annual Snowed In comedy tour is back for another year on February 28 at 7:30 p.m.

Just for Laughs winner Dan Quinn is joined by the Great Canadian Laugh Off winner, Paul Myre-

haug, formerly of Camrose and six time Canadian Comedian of the Year nominee, Pete Zedlacher. New will be Erica Sigurdson with over 70 appearances on the Debaters, will be joining them.

The Rose City Roots Society presents Steve Hillon March 8 at 8 p.m. The guitarist, singer, drummer, harmonica player, songwriter and accomplished producer brings 27 years worth of experience to the Bailey stage.

Lucy MacNeil of the Barra MacNeils will be holding her own concert at the Bailey on March 15 at 8 p.m. Lucy has been performing with the Barra MacNeils for 37 years. They come from a long tradition of Cape Breton music and dance that has been the foundation of creative pursuits over their musical career.

In 2014 and 2017 Lucy was a special guest with Symphony Nova Scotia for their Rita MacNeil tribute concert. Here she performed with conductor Scott MacMillan, Symphony Nova Scotia and The Men of the Deeps.

Nordlys: an annual tradition

Each year, people from all around Canada come to enjoy Nordlys Film Festival in Camrose.

Trond Trondsen is one of these people, in fact for Trondsen attending the Nordlys is an annual tradition. Originally from Norway, Trondsen moved to Canada in 1989 to pursue a PhD at the University of Calgary in cosmic geophysics, focusing on the study of the northern lights.

“In the mid-1980s, during my undergraduate years at the University of Tromsø, I developed a deep fascination with cinema. This passion was partly sparked by Dr. Ove Harang, a professor for whom I served as a teaching assistant in a lab course, and who had co-founded the local Cinémathèque (Tromsø Filmklubb) in the 1970s,” explained Trondsen.

“When the World Wide Web emerged in the early 1990s, I began creating and publishing a series of websites for fellow cinephiles. These sites soon caught the attention of filmmakers and artists from around the globe, some of whom are very famous, and they began contributing content. At the time, there were no web design tools, so everything had to be coded by hand, which was quite a challenge. In 2005, along with three friends, I co-founded The Masters of Cinema Series, a label dedicated to carefully restoring and releasing classic films on DVD and Blu-ray. This series is still thriving today and is often regarded as Europe’s answer to the Criterion Collection in the

US,” shared Trondsen.

One day, he received a call from Kyle Armstrong, a young man from Edmonton, who had found one of Trondsen’s websites dedicated to the Soviet filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky.

“We arranged to meet for coffee the next time he was in Calgary. That marked the beginning of a long-lasting friendship between me and Kyle Armstrong, who has since become an accomplished filmmaker with two fulllength feature films to his name,” said Trondsen.

“For years, Kyle and I had discussed shooting a film centred around the Northern Lights. In 2012, when he received grants to

bring this vision to life, we made our way to Churchill, Manitoba, armed with a pile of camera gear, including a Bolex 16mm camera and the world’s only digital IMAX camera (designed and provided by my team at Keo Scientific). Over the course of our 10 nights in Churchill, we were fortunate enough to have clear skies and magnificent auroras every single night. The breathtaking footage we captured became the heart of Kyle’s documentary film Magnetic Reconnection, which premiered later that

year at the American Film Institute festival in Hollywood,” he continued.

“In 2013, Magnetic Reconnection was invited to open the Nordlys Film & Arts Festival, with Kyle and I participating in the Q&A after the screening. That’s how I first came upon the Nordlys. I instantly fell in love with the festival, its intimate atmosphere, and the incredible people behind it, especially the volunteers. Since then, I’ve returned every year without fail, usually bringing friends and family along. I always

look forward to the opening night treats from The Lefse House–they never fail to make me feel like I’m back home in the ol’ country,” stated Trondsen. In 2014, the Nordlys film selection committee asked Trondsen to recommend a movie for their classic movie session for the 2014 event. He was also asked to introduce the film at the event and this soon turned into an annual tradition at the Nordlys.

Continued on page 30

Financial Future Your

Bruins chasing Eagles in playoffs

Camrose Bruins captain Lane Lightning fires the

Kings’ net in one of the last regular season games.

now down against the Stony Plain Eagles in playoff action.

The Camrose Bruins are down two games in the North Central Hockey League (NCHL) playoffs.

Stony Plain Eagles soared to two identical 6-3 victories in the opening games of the series.

In the first meeting, the Bruins went up 2-1 in the opening period with goals from Carson Welke and Mitch McMullin.

Jarod Hovde increased the margin to 3-1 just into the middle frame at the Max McLean Arena. However, the Eagles scored three straight to take the lead. Stony Plain added two more tallies in the third, including an empty net goal to win the first game.

Goalie Connor Dobberthien stopped 33 of 39 shots he faced, while Cam-

rose counted 28 shots on goal.

In the contest played in Stony Plain, the Eagles soared to a 4-0 lead before Tylor Keller replied for the Bruins. Stony Plain scored two more times to earn a 6-1 lead after 40 minutes.

Camrose tried to mount a comeback in the third with goals from David Jacobsen and Joren Johnson.

Goalie Curtis Skip turned away 14 of 20 shots. Camrose fired 32 shots at the Stony Plain cage.

The Bruins and Wetaskiwin Longhorns rivalry continued with a 5-2 win for Wetaskiwin in league play on January 31.

In between two Longhorns’ goals, Welke netted the only goal for the Bruins in the opening period. Both teams scored a goal in the

middle frame with Welke (9) collecting his second of the night.

In the third, Wetaskiwin pulled away with two more goals, including one from former Camrose player RJ Reed.

Goalie Skip stopped 34 of 38 shots (one was an empty net goal) directed his way. Camrose recorded 39 shots on goal.

The first and second rounds are a best of five and the finals are a best of seven series. Bear facts

Camrose ended the regular season in fifth place with 17 points in 16 games. Brett Njaa led the team in scoring with 10 goals and 19 points. Carson Welke collected nine goals and 19 points, while Lane Lightning had seven goals and 19 points.

Murray Green, Camrose Booster
puck into the net against the Morinville
The Bruins are

Financial Future

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• Planning for Retirement

• Business Owner Strategies

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Special Olympics Alberta-Camrose co-chair

accept $1,000 from gold sponsor Central Agencies


Mayer. The funds will go towards the March 22 Battle of the Badges hockey game between the Camrose Police Service and the Camrose Fire Department. The game will take place at the Recreation Centre Encana Arena beginning at 1:30 p.m. with free admission.

How do regular interest rates affect you

The Bank of Canada (BoC) meets eight times a year on a pre-set schedule to determine if any adjustments are required to the key policy interest rate.

The BoC typically reduces the policy interest rate when they believe that inflation is well-controlled and monetary policy is too restrictive. Cutting the interest rate makes saving less attractive and will encourage individuals and businesses to spend, which supports economic growth.

A central bank rate cut is typically bad news for

savers, who are individuals who have a high allocation to cash and cash equivalents (including money market funds, high interest savings accounts and Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs). An interest rate reduction means that savers will earn less interest on deposits in interest-bearing accounts and receive lower rates offered on GICs at renewal.

A central bank rate cut can benefit investors with bond and equity market exposure. Individuals who have their investment port-

folio primarily allocated to fixed income and equity securities (including mutual funds, ETFs and individual stocks and bonds). An interest rate reduction helps support equity markets because business will benefit from lower borrowing costs. They can use borrowed money to reinvest back into their business or hire more employees. The resulting increase in economic activity will also help maintain profit margins. Bond holders also benefit because new bonds that are issued will be done so at lower rates, making the

existing bonds with higher rates more attractive, driving up the price.

While a Bank of Canada rate decrease is a signal that the economy needs support, financial markets are forward-looking and tend to react positively in this environment.

For individuals with variable-rate debt like a line of credit, a central bank rate cut is generally good news. Variable rate debt is tied to a bank’s prime lending rate, which is adjusted accordingly when central banks change the policy interest

rate. An interest rate cut may or may not impact your payment, but it should impact how much of your payment goes towards the principal balance, which could result in you paying off your outstanding debt sooner.

For those who are looking to renew or finance a new mortgage, a Bank of Canada rate cut can also be beneficial. Mortgage rates are positively correlated to Government of Canada bond yields. When interest rates are going down, bonds yields tend to fall and so do mortgage rates.

Murray Green, Camrose Booster
Dawn Pollock, left,
athlete Kyle Follett
Realty owners Matthew Mayer and Norm


Chris Gaudet owns a bright blue 1940 Packard 110 automobile.

“I found this car south of Calgary a couple of years ago. We were looking at two or three other cars at the time. The front end of this car was in great shape and the grille says it all (in pristine condition). That is why we decided to get this car,” said Chris.

“We had no reason to pick a Packard over any other make. It was the condition of the car that made our decision. I am a Ford guy, but I came across this car with the suicide doors and the great look of the front grille, and this is the one we wanted in the end,” explained Chris.

“I had to rebuild the suspension a bit and then I pretty much drove it. I bought the car as is and have only done regular maintenance to it. I did change over the electrical and had to get some work done on that. The car was a BC car, so I had to get an out of province inspection for it and here we are,” shared Chris.

“I would like to do a frame off restoration and fix all of the body rust parts. Being a Packard, it is hard to get parts. It took me seven months just to get the front grille parts I needed. The electrical parts I can only

Chris Gaudet enjoys

find in California, that will match up with this model of car. I have a hard time getting the parts in Canada,” shared Chris.


The Packard Eighteenth Series One-Ten was a range of six-cylinder automobiles produced by the Packard Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan, during the 1940 and 1941 model years, according to Wikipedia. The One-Ten designation was renamed from the previous Packard Fifteenth Series Six (115-C). The One-Ten shared the wheelbase of the One-Twenty, but was given the One-Ten designation to indicate it was the entry level product.

Packard reintroduced a line of six-cylinder cars in 1937 after a 10-year absence as a response to the economic depression and ongoing recovery cycle in the United States. As an independent automaker, Packard could not look to other internal divisions to support its luxury models, so the inclusion of the Six, and the later One-Ten, was necessary to aid in supporting the firm’s bottom line until better times returned.

Critics of the Packard Six and One-Ten have long maintained they hurt Packard’s reputation of being America’s premier luxury marque. Still, the reintroduction of the Six could not have come at a better time for the automaker, just prior to the nation’s 1938 economic depression. By offering the less expensive model, the company was able to attract buyers who would otherwise be unable to purchase more expensive cars. Prices ranged from US $867 for the business coupe to US $1,200 for the station wagon.

automotive section of

Gaudet plans to restore ’40 Packard

“The car has a six cylinder flathead engine (245) with a three-speed manual transmission on the steering column. I don’t know much about the rear end, other than it is all original,” added Chris.

“From what I can tell, the interior is all original. I can only clean it up so much because the fabric starts to fall apart. I like this colour on the exterior. My wife likes red better, but the blue really stands out, so I don’t want to change the colour. My intention is to keep the car as original as possible,” he stated.

“I know that I wouldn’t be able to match the interior 100 per cent, but I am going to try my best to keep it as close as possible. I found some new rubber to go around the windshield, but I didn’t like it. I finally found some new rubber that I like,” Chris said.

“This car is a work in progress. The Packard is very comfortable to drive. We drove it as a surprise for our niece’s wedding last year

in Nova Scotia. We escorted her and her husband around in the car with Just Married signs on the back window and dragged a few cans behind it. The wedding was quite the day and evening,” he said.

“I tell people if they want to play with old cars, just get at it. It is fun and if you work at it slowly, it doesn’t have to be too expensive. Then you get to sit around with people at car shows and tell stories all day long,” laughed Chris.

Murray Green, Camrose Booster
driving his 1940 Packard 110 every chance he gets. He plans to do a full restoration in the near future. The Packards of the era were known as luxury cars even though they came with a lower price tag.

On Track attends ADS convention in Dallas

On Track Kuntz & Company took a trip to Dallas recently where their team attended the Association of Diesel Specialists (ADS) conference and the Heavy Duty Aftermarket Week (HDAW).

“It is one of the most productive times of the year for a company like ours. It allows us the opportunity

to attend a global event that hosts vendors, and distributors from all over the world to come together for a week of collaboration and networking. This is where more production gets done in a five-minute conversation than a weeks’ worth of emailing on product lines, and vendors options,” shared Adam Kuntz, deal maker II at On Track.

Adam, along with co-owners Romonda and James Kuntz as well as Josh Millang the senior service and diagnostic specialist, were at this event to make sure their business continues to provide the best level of service to their customers. Adam was also featured in HDAW’s coverage about the event, where he got to share the sig-

nificance of attending the event, and the positive impact it has on the industry.

“There are over 1,000 vendors and over 3,000 people that come to this event to network and stay updated in the world of diesel and aftermarket trucking community. The one-onone meetings with CEOs, heads of management, and product vendors is crucial

for making a decision on equipment and what vendors to align yourself with to make sure that we bring the best of the best to the central Alberta region,” said Adam.

On Track ensures they attend this event each year to stay connected with the fuel/diesel industry as it grows and evolves.

Ask the



Dean LaGrange Chief of Police Camrose Police Ser vice


When should the police be called for a minor collision and when can it be handled privately?


A motor vehicle collision must be reported to the police when the damage to a vehicle exceeds $5,000, as per legislation. If both vehicles are drivable, damage appears to be less than $5,000 (per vehicle), and there are no injuries, then both parties can exchange information and contact their respective insurance companies. If there are injuries or the vehicles are undrivable, police should be called where an investigation and police report will be completed. If you are unsure about the damage estimate and the vehicles are drivable, parties can attend the Police Station for further review and advice.



Have a question for the Chief? Email them to The Camrose Booster at news@camrosebooster.com

and donated it to KidSport


fundraiser. The

raised the

Adan Shaikh, Camrose Booster
Camrose Fire Department raised $850 at the Kodiaks game by staging a truck at the arena
doing a “fill the boot”
amount to $1000
Camrose. The cheque was accepted by (from left) Stacey Miller
Carleen Nelson from KidSport. Presenting the cheque were (from right) Lieutenant Gary Smith, firefighter Cody Connolly and firefighter Jason Albert.
From left, Josh Millang, senior service and diagnostics specialist, Romonda Kuntz, co-owner and president, James Kuntz, co-owner and deal maker and Adam Kuntz deal maker II.

Volleyball Vikings to host league championships

The teams at the University of Alberta Augustana Campus are battling for 2024-25 Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference playoff spots.


Augustana Vikings won a wild 7-6 game and lost a 4-2 contest to split the weekend series with Concordia on February 7 and 8.

In Camrose, the two teams scored two goals each in the first two periods to remain deadlocked heading into the third.

The Vikings broke the pattern by netting three tallies in the third to win the game. Conrad Phillips and Dayvan Bull (on a power play) scored in the opening period for Augustana. Matt Raymond (on a power play) and Jacob Biensch replied in the middle frame.

Both Bull and Phillips added a second marker in the third, but it was Brett Wieschorster who scored the winner with less than four minutes left on the clock.

Goalie Jack Osmond stopped 28 of 34 shots for the Vikings. Augustana fired 36 shots at former Kodiaks goalie Griffin Bowerman in the Concordia net.

In the second outing, Raymond scored the lone goal in the opening period. Concordia added three goals in the middle frame, while the Vikings countered with a Nathan Bouveur tally.

The Thunder scored the only goal in the third.

Goalie Osmond turned away 35 of 39 shots, while Augustana recorded 37 shots on Bowerman.

The Vikings lost both ends of a two game series against the Red Deer Kings on January 31 and February 1 and another series to the SAIT Trojans on January 24 and 25.

The Vikings lost 3-2 and 5-2 to Red Deer. In the first outing, the teams exchanged tallies in the first period with Tanner Manz scoring for the Vikings.

In the middle frame, Augustana took the lead, Lane Kirk garnering a power play marker. However, the Kings scored twice, one with the man advantage as

well, to take the lead and what turned out to be the last goals of the game.

Goalie Osmond turned away 33 of the 36 shots fired in his direction. Augustana recorded 27 shots on goal.

In the rematch, Red Deer took command of the game early with two goals in the opening period. Both teams exchanged goals in the middle frame with Manz scoring for the Vikings. Raymond scored on the power play for the Vikings in the third period, but Red Deer scored before and after his tally to snuff any sort of comeback thoughts the Vikings had.

Goalie Zach Willms stopped 24 of 28 shots sent his direction. His teammates fired 45 shots on the Red Deer cage.

In the first contest, SAIT won 3-2 in Camrose. Vikings player Brayden Koch opened the scoring in the contest, but the Trojans fought back with a tally later in the period.

Both clubs scored again in the middle frame with Augustana’s tally coming from Bull on the power play. SAIT scored the only goal in the third period.

Goalie Osmond stopped 26 of 29 shots. The Vikings counted 25 shots on goal.

In the rematch, SAIT won 3-1. Augustana’s only marker came in the middle

frame from Bull.

Goalie Osmond turned away 22 of 25 shots, while his teammates fired 28 at the SAIT net.

The Vikings have seven wins in 20 games and sit in sixth place in the ACAC standings. The top six teams qualify for playoffs.

Augustana closes out the regular season on February 22 with NAIT here for a 6 p.m. game.


The Augustana women’s team beat the Keyano Huskies 3-1 and 3-2 on February 7 and 8.

In the first match in Fort McMurray, the Vikings were led by Taryn Watson with 10 kills, Phaedra Bruens with 25 assists and Racquel Lussier with 17 digs.

In the rematch, Watson slammed 16 kills, Bruens set up with 33 assists and Lussier counted 14 digs.

The club split its series against Concordia on January 31 and February 1 with 3-1 matches.

In the win at home, Watson led with 16 kills, Bruens amassed 50 assists and Lussier dug deep for 13 digs.

In the rematch, both Hadley Ziemmer and Ella Jarret recorded 10 kills, Bruens counted 28 assists and 17 digs to lead the team.

The Vikings lost 3-2 and 3-0 to King’s Eagles on January 24 and 25.

In the opening match, the Vikings were led by Watson with 20 kills, Bruens with 44 assists and Lussier with 14 digs.

In the rematch, Mikenna Wildeboer and Lainey Granley had five kills each, Bruens recorded 13 assists and Lussier had 16 digs.

The Vikings women’s squad are in fifth place with eight wins in 17 matches. Augustana hosts the ACAC championships on February 20 to 22.

The men’s team lost 3-0 in both matches against Keyano. Jacob Christensen had seven kills, Dawson Sparrow collected 12 assists and Joel Smith recorded 10

scored 12 points to lead the Vikings in scoring. In the rematch, Mrazik led the Vikings with 17 points. The women’s Vikings club are in sixth place with a 4-14 record.

The men’s team lost 93-73 and 85-68 to Keyano. Jonathan Gomes scored 16 points and Brett Marlow added 11 in the first contest. Jack Smilski netted 21 and Gomes added 17 in the second game.

The Vikings lost 94-86 and 95-91 to the Concordia Thunder. In the first game, Tanton Mueller hit the basket for 26 points, while Gomes added 20 points in support.

Gomes exploded for 30 points in the second outing and was helped by Mueller who added 27 points to lead the team.

digs in the first match.

In the second match, Connor Peake had five kills, Sparrow counted 14 assists and Robbie Taylor had seven digs.

Augustana won 3-0 and 3-1 over Concordia on January 31 and February 1.

In the shutout, Devon Nazarchuck scored nine kills, Caelum Hartman added 17 assists and Smith recorded 11 digs.

In the rematch, the Vikings were led by Ethan Yodogawa with 12 kills, Hartman counted 34 assists and Smith added 14 digs.

Augustana won both matches 3-0 in a six-game sweep over the King’s Eagles.

In Camrose, Boris Kujanin led with 10 kills, Hartman set up 26 assists and Owen Rasmuson counted five digs.

In the second outing, the Vikings were led by Rasmuson with nine kills, Hartman with 15 assists and Smith with 12 digs. On the men’s side, the Vikings are in fourth place with 14 points and a 7-10 record.


The Vikings women’s team lost 63-56 and 56-50 to Keyano on February 7 and 8. In the first game, Mackenzie Mrazik led the offence with 15 points and Maren Macdonald chipped in with 14 points. In the rematch, Mrazik netted 19 points and Mallory Ogilvie added 15 points to lead the way.

Augustana split its series with Concordia on January 31 and February 1.

Concordia won the first game 84-79. Augustana was led by Mackenzie Mrazik with 22 points and Ella O’Hara, who chipped in with 17 points.

In the 64-55 victory, the Vikings were led by Mrazik with 21 points and Maren Macdonald with 11.

The Vikings dropped two games to King’s, 78-56 and 68-43 on January 24 and 25.

In the first game, both Alex Asuncion and O’Hara

Augustana also played King’s and won 72-67 and 104-86. In the first game, Gomes led with 26 points and Jack Smilski chipped in with 18 points.

In the rematch, Gomes collected 28 points and Mueller added 21 points.

The Vikings men’s team is tied for fifth place with four wins in 18 games. The Vikings are on the road to finish the regular season. Curling Augustana women’s team were 3-7 overall on the season. The men’s rink was winless in eight games. The ACAC championships were in Red Deer on February 7 to 9 with the Vikings not in the playoffs.

Indoor track Augustana received two medals at the first track session on January 25. Chloe Funnell collected a silver medal and Reggie Williams earned a bronze.

Kali Skauge placed 19th in women’s 50m and 18th in the 300m. Tracy Allam placed 22nd in women’s 50m. Lara Birkill placed 23 in women’s 50m. Courtney Kirchner placed eighth in the women’s 300m.

Funnell placed second in the women’s 1,500m. The women’s relay team came in eighth in the 4x200m and third in the 4x400m.

Great Adeleye placed 26th in men’s 50m, 25th in the 300m. Williams placed third in men’s 3000m.

Ewan Schellenberg placed 12th in men’s 3,000m and came in 13th in the 1,500m. James Saly placed 14th in the men’s 300m.

Joe Mwatha placed 18th in the men’s 300m and came in 19th in men’s 600m. Juan Garzon placed 21st in the men’s 300m and came in 13th in men’s 600m.

Nicholas Taylor placed fourth in the men’s 600m. The men’s relay team came in seventh in the 4x200m and sixth in the 4x400m. The third event is in Lethbridge on March 1. The championships will be in Edmonton on March 15 and 16 at the U of A Pavillion.

Murray Green, Camrose Booster Grace Haws of the Vikings continues a volleyball rally against King’s Eagles at home.
Murray Green, Camrose Booster
Kyra Rawlusyk of the Vikings sends the volleyball over the net against Medicine Hat.

Kodiaks defeat Olds, Pontiacs force shootout

The Camrose Kodiaks blasted the Olds Grizzlys with 25 shots in the opening period and 51 overall in a 5-3 victory on February 8.

Garrett Thom (19) and Bowen Grycan (14) finally garnered goals in the middle frame to take the lead.

Both teams exchanged three goals in the last period. Avery Trotter(3), Cole Barrett (6) and Keegan Beagle (2) scored for the Kodiaks. The last tally was both a shorthanded and an empty net goal.

Goalie Wilson Maxfield turned away 24 of 27 shots, while his teammates fired 50 shots at the Olds’ net.

Camrose lost a 4-3 decision to the Bonnyville Pontiacs in a shootout on February 7.

Bonnyville led 2-1 after 20 minutes with Jackson Schneider (3) scoring for the Kodiaks.

Camrose tied the game in the middle frame with Thom scoring on the power play.

In the third period, after a Bonnyville goal, Will Jamieson (4) replied to send the contest into overtime and eventually a shootout.

Goalie Carter Capton stopped 34 of 37 shots. Camrose fired 45 shots at the Bonnyville cage.

Camrose started February off the right way by grounding the Canmore Eagles 6-2 in Alberta Junior Hockey League play, February 1.

The opening period was even with both teams scoring a goal. The Eagles scored shorthanded before Spencer Masters came back (10) to tie the game.

In the middle frame, it was all Kodiaks with four unanswered markers.

Tavish Beagle (2), Dylan Bidyk (4), Tyson Murray with two (7 and 8) put the

game out of reach.

The teams exchanged goals in the third with Bowen Grycan (13) replying for the Kodiaks.

Goalie Wilson Maxfield turned away 43 of 45 shots fired his direction. Camrose recorded 21 shots on the Canmore net.

The Kodiaks dropped a 4-1 contest to the Calgary Canucks on February 2.

Calgary netted the only two goals of the first period. Camrose fought back with a Will Jamieson (3) tally in the middle frame to pull the game closer. However, the Canucks responded with two goals in the third.

Goalie Carter Capton stopped 48 of 52 shots peppered at him. The Kodiaks counted 33 shots on goal.

Camrose closed off January with a 4-2 loss to Whitecourt Wolverines. Bidyk scored the only tally in the opening period. Whitecourt fought back with two goals before Grycan netted the equalizer in the middle frame.

Whitecourt scored twice in the final period to take the two points.

Goalie Capton made 26 of 29 saves for Camrose (one empty net goal), while his teammates recorded 20 shots on the Wolverines’ cage.

The Kodiaks play at home on February 17 at 2 p.m. against Bonnyville; February 21 at 7 p.m. against Grande Prairie.

In March, Camrose is home on March 1 at 6 p.m. against Olds; and March 2 at 2 p.m. against Drumheller. Bear facts

Camrose is in third place in the south division with 56 points after 43 games. Canmore with 63 points in 45 games and Calgary with 62 points in 44 games remain in the top two spots.

Graham Earle Stenson

Graham Earle Stenson of Camrose, passed away on February 8, 2025, a few days before his 77th birthday on February 13, 2025.

He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Ruth; oldest son Jamie (Avelyn) and their children Logan, 27, Angel, 20 and Allister, 8; his second son Cory (Aubrey) and their children Zayden, 11, and Kyson, 8; brothers Ron, John and Brent; and sisters Kay, Cheryl, Nancy and Susan. He was predeceased by his older sister Shirley in 2020.

Dad worked many years as an electrician/instrument mechanic for Alberta Power/ATCO Power at the Battle River Power Plant and many years afterwards as an independent contractor, automating processes there. He would also do many small electrical jobs around town and the surrounding communities.

Dad grew up on a farm near the Battle River Valley very close to the Power Plant, just north of the coal mines.

Some years ago, he was having trouble breathing and discovered he had contracted pneumonia. Shortly after, he had to have supplemental oxygen to aid his ailing lungs.

We have many fond memories of him singing and playing the guitar solo and also with friends and family. He will be greatly missed by us all.

A graveside inurnment service will be held on May 24, 2025, at Hastings Coulee Cemetery, time to be announced at a later date.

Mark Pirogowicz

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mark Pirogowicz, beloved husband of Marilyn Pike, nee Bourque; stepfather of Nathan Pike and the late Terrin Bourque; and beloved master of Finnegan.

Mark passed away on January 23, 2025, at a place that was dear to his heart and always on his mind – Ekati Diamond Mine! He was a devoted Finning employee with a work ethic second to none. His cherry disposition, zest for life and the corniest one-liners endeared him to many.

Mark will be remembered for his kindness and willingness to offer a helping hand.

“Uncle Mark” will be remembered and missed by his many nieces and nephews. He will be missed by a huge extended family as well.

Please join us for a Celebration of Life at 2:00 p.m. on February 22, 2025, at Camrose Elks Hall.

Murray Green, Camrose Booster
The Camrose Kodiaks and the Fort McMurray Oil Barons game was postponed to a later date. Camrose is preparing for tun in the AJHL playoffs.

Doris Frances Pasychnyk

November 30, 1938 ~ February 7, 2025

Doris Frances Pasychnyk of Camrose, Alberta, formerly of Round Hill, Alberta, passed away on Friday, February 7, 2025, at the age of 86 years.

Doris Frances Pasychnyk (Morrison) was born on November 30, 1938, to Charles and Mabel (Brown) Morrison, in the Hanna Hospital, growing up in the Handhills near Delia. Doris was so proud of those hills and where she came from.

Mom always recalled her childhood as a happy one, along with her brother Ralph, making their own fun. Highlights of her childhood included: playing in an abandoned Model A Ford in the ‘orchard’ with Ralph, getting her very own horse named Tony, and a train trip to Calgary with Grandma Morrison, at the age of 10, to go to the Stampede.

Sister Marjorie was born when Mom was nine, and she fondly recalled looking after her, spending hours reading her the dictionary. This is where their love of words began. They shared a special bond, and Marge was to become her best friend for life.

When she was 13, her dad passed away and, a year later, her mom married a neighbour, Ben Mammel. Along with Ben, came stepsiblings Donnie and Sharon.

Mom was always so proud of her extended family and loved to spend time with her grandmas, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews, whenever she could.

School was something she always enjoyed and did well at. She attended Hand Hills School for grades 1 to 9, Elmer School for grades 10 and 11, and graduated from Delia School. After graduation, she attended the University of Calgary. Her teaching career began at Delia School, teaching grades 5 and 6 for five years, and Junior High for one year.

While teaching in Delia, Mom met the love of her life, Martin. He was the vice-principal at the time. The story goes that she had begun to type the poem “Casey at the Bat” and left it unfinished to go to class. Martin came along and finished it for her, and the rest is history. They were married on July 9, 1960, in Drumheller, and shared the most beautiful love story for 61 years.

In 1965, Jamie joined the family, followed by David in 1967, Robert in 1969, and Marti-Lynn in 1971.

In 1967, the family left Delia and moved to Smokey Lake for one year, then to Strome in 1968, Veteran in 1976, and finally settled in Round Hill in 1978, where they resided until moving into Rosealta Lodge in 2017.

While raising her family, Mom always held some capacity as a teacher – a part-time music teacher, substitute teacher, and finally the Kindergarten teacher at Round Hill School, for many years until her retirement in 2004. She loved her ‘kindy’ kids and, at the end of every year, would proclaim, “That was the best class ever!” Many people recall ‘Teacher’ fondly and their memories of their time in her class were full of admiration and respect.

The church was always a cornerstone of Mom’s life and she was active in all aspects of it. From singing in the choir, teaching Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, to playing the piano, she loved it all. Her faith always remained strong.

Mom loved her flowers; she didn’t have a favourite kind, she loved them all equally and spent many hours planting and tending to her flower beds each year.

Bird watching with Dad was another favourite pastime. The bird book was always out! In the Spring, it was a race to see who could

In loving memory of Arthur “Art” Adam

February 26, 1930 ~ February 20, 2022

In Our Hearts

We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new,

We thought about you yesterday, and days before that too.

We think of you in silence, your hand we cannot touch

Still, we have so many memories of the one we loved so much.

Your memory is our keepsake, with which we’ll never part, We have you always in hearts.

Love, Erna Adam and family

spot the first robin and a phone call was made for bragging rights.

Mom was an avid reader and could often be found with a book in her hand and a strong black “Morrison” coffee by her side.

Mom enjoyed playing games, with Trivial Pursuit probably being her favourite. Many hours were spent playing cards, Super Quiz, Scrabble, or any board game the grandkids wanted to play.

Mom’s greatest blessings arrived with the birth of each of her grandchildren. She absolutely adored and doted on each of them, and would drop anything to help out with the kids or be there for whatever was needed. She spent countless hours looking after them and just spending time with them. From attending everything she could – sporting events, concerts, award ceremonies, swimming lessons, and dance recitals, to even getting on the floor and playing mini sticks as the goalie, she was there. The grandchildren recall baking cookies with her, sleeping in the “nest” beside her bed, learning how to make salsa with her, and her famous brownies. Baba always made sure to have their favourite foods on hand when they visited. Her devotion to family taught all of her grandchildren that family comes first. Most of all, they remember her patience and the feeling of love from her.

Mom was selfless, patient, loving, and kind. She treated everyone fairly, and would stand up for the underdog. We always knew we were loved unconditionally; she always had time for us, even if we called multiple times a day. Mom rarely raised her voice and, if she did, we knew she had something important to say.

Mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2012. She faced her diagnosis bravely and with grace, never once saying “why me” or “woe is me.” Eventually, when Mom required more care, she moved to Bethany Meadows, where she resided for six years before her passing. This move was extremely hard on Mom and Dad, but they remained devoted to each other, until Dad’s passing in January of 2022.

Mom was joyously greeted in Heaven by Dad, grandson Robbie, her parents, her brothers Ralph and Donnie, and many other beloved relatives. What an amazing reunion!

“When I get where I’m going, there’ll be only happy tears. I will shed those endless struggles I have carried all these years.”

Forever remembered and always loved by children Jamie of Round Hill, Dave (Lori) of Daysland, Rob (Shannon) of Bawlf, and Marti-Lynn (Brad) Fedick of Consort; grandchildren Amber (Ryan) Erickson, Chelsie (Kevin) Vandenhoven, Kierstan (Mick) Reber, Josef (Abby) Pasychnyk, John (Nicole) Pasychnyk, Jannah (Curtis) Hofer, Dominik Pasychnyk, Kiera, Natalia, and Mattea Fedick; great-grandchildren Tenley and Rhett Erickson, Kaydence, Cooper, Briar, and Jade Vandenhoven, Mikhail and Ana Pasychnyk, and Nash Reber; sister Marge (Garry) Uhrich of Airdrie; stepsister Sharon (Dan) Mclean of Rocky Mountain House; as well as many cousins, nieces and nephews.

A Funeral Service will take place at a later date.

If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Doris’s memory may be made to the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, the Parkinson Association of Alberta, or the Alberta Diabetes Foundation.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

In loving memory of Alick McAuther


The family of the late Lawrence B. Johnson

… would like to express our appreciation to all who supported us these past months with your prayers, visits and gifts of food.

We are thankful for thoughtful neighbours who shovelled snow, and to Barry and Laura who came to our assistance so many timres.

Thank you to Burgar Funeral Home for your guidance in the many details leading to the funeral.

Thanks to Rose City Baptist Church, Josh Handford, and Leighton Hickman for his role in the service, and the women who catered the lunch.

A special thanks to the staff of Embrace Home, to Skyler for her nursing care, and Patti, Melissa and Keara, our daily care aides. Without your compassion, we could not have managed these past few months. Thanks to all who gave cards and donations. In lieu of thank you cards, a donation has been sent to the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute in Edmonton.

With gratitude, Verle Johnson and Family

My trusted friend first, then sweet romantic Hot dogs over an open fire, Dairy Queen heart-shaped ice cream cake with “I love you” written on it Bouquets of beautiful red roses, and a diamond ring just for me. But the most precious moments were the way you looked at me, held me and loved me.

You are in my thoughts night and day. Lovingly remembered by your partner, Barbara

Norma Eileen Wensley

April 15, 1936 ~ February 11, 2025

Norma Eileen Wensley of Camrose, Alberta, passed away on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at the age of 88 years. Norma was born the eighth child on April 15, 1936, to Frank and Christina Carter of the Daresbury District.

Norma and her older sister, Donna, rode their horse, Ribbon, to the oneroom Daresbury School. Norma loved her kittens, her pet lamb, and her horse, Ribbon. She remained a farm girl at heart. She later noticed a handsome young man, George Wensley, working at Duggan Foodland in Camrose. She successfully caught his attention, and they were married in September 1953. He was the love of her life until he passed away in 2020. Together, they had five children: Terry Marriott (Dale Brekkas), Debbie Weber (Kjell Andersson), Georgia Wensley (Tommy Johansson), Richard Wensley and Leona Heisler (James), along with 15 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.

Norma dedicated much of her adult life to working for The Bethany Group in the dietary department, back when meals and baked goods were homemade. She sewed most of her daughters’ dresses when they were young and baked countless batches of decorated cookies for school events and birthday parties. She loved spending time outdoors, whether gardening, growing vegetables, tending to her flower beds, or going on camping trips to visit her children and grandchildren. She was always available to give advice when asked. Norma was witty, funny and honest. She had a great sense of humour, but always carried a kind heart. She always stood up for the underdog. Her happiest moments were spent with family, and she had a special love for babies. Norma touched many lives and was cherished by all who knew her. She will be deeply missed.

A beautiful soul is never forgotten–only remembered with great love. Grief cannot be shared; it is the price we pay for love. Nothing can fill the emptiness of a world without you, Mom.

Norma was predeceased by her parents Frank and Christina Carter; husband George Wensley; son-in-law Kjell Andersson; and seven siblings.

A private Memorial Service will be held at a later date.

If family and friends so desire, memorial contributions in Norma’s memory may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, the Salvation Army, or to the Mustard Seed.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”

Norma Jean Tennant

December 16, 1935 ~ February 7, 2025

Norma Tennant of Bawlf, AB, passed away on Friday, February 7, 2025, at the age of 89.

Norma was born in Bawlf, AB, to Bill and Sophia Tennant. Norma had a fondness for animals, especially dogs and cats. She also loved children and they always brought a smile to her face.

Norma was predeceased by her parents Bill and Sophia; and her twin brother Norman. She is survived by her sister-in-law Kathleen; nephew Daryl (Karen) Tennant; niece Marilyn (Mark) Hay; several great nieces and nephews; and great-great-nephew Theodore.

The family would like to thank The Bethany Group staff for the kindness and care Norma received during her time there.

A private service will take place at a later date.

Memorial donations may be made to the charity of choice.

To send condolences, please visit www.burgarfuneralhome.com

Phone 780-672-2121

“Dedicated service since 1906”


Colin grew up in Bawlf, Alberta, where he resided until he graduated high school. Through his teen years, Colin helped his grandparents Ed and Elaine Heck and father Greg at the UFA in Bawlf whenever they needed an extra hand. After high school, he attended MacEwan University and graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree.

He then moved back to Camrose and worked in the retail industry for ve years, which is where he met his wife Taralie Carlton. Taralie is a registered nurse and works for Camrose Home Care. Married in 2016, together they have two boys, Rhett and Nash.

Colin enjoys curling, hockey, slo-pitch and golf in Camrose. Colin and Taralie live in Camrose and enjoy being active within the community, volunteering for various special events. He is currently part of the Camrose Men’s Night golf executive, is a past vicepresident of the Rose City Curling Club, and served as a director for the Pinty’s Grand Slam of Curling event that took place in Camrose in January of 2023.

Colin graduated from the Canadian College of Funeral Service in 2018, obtaining his funeral director’s and embalmer’s licenses. It is his honour and privilege to serve the people of Camrose and area. His compassionate nature and genuine love for people has made a great addition to the staff at Burgar Funeral Home.

Contact our office: 780-672-2121 Visit our website: www.burgar funeralhome.com

Marie Grace Lysgaard

November 5,1937 ~ February 8, 2025

Marie passed away peacefully at South Health Campus in Calgary, Alberta, on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at the age of 87 years.

Marie is survived by her three children Richard Greer (Carol Clemens), Sheldon Greer and Heather Greer (Peppi La Montagna); five grandchildren Joshua, Shaun, Melissa, Chelsey and Kaylee; six great-grandchildren Kason, Kynley, Kylie, Weston, Asher, Henry and Tala; sister Betty Gagne; as well as numerous nieces and nephews.

Marie was predeceased by her husband Glen Lysgaard; youngest son Gregory Greer; mother Grace Barr; father Denziloe Barr; and her sister Jean Goodine.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to the Alberta SPCA.

A Celebration of Life will take place in July 2025. The family will notify everyone of the date and location.

Mom will be sadly missed by all her family and loving friends. Rest easy, Mom, you are home now.

In memory of my sweet daughter Shannon Thompson

I’m trying to make the best of it, but I want you to know, It breaks my heart to live in this world where there is no you.

Loved by Mom


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SUPPER – St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, 4713-50 Street, Camrose. Tuesday, March 4, 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. Adults $15, under 10 years free. *Gluten free option available.


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Generous 794 sq. ft. suite, suitable for three or more staff. Includes two private offices. Ground floor, easily accessible. Modern building in downtown Camrose. Bright, quiet, air conditioned. $1239.96/mo., plus share of operating expenses. Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days, two of the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business.



Street, Camrose. 340 sq. ft. former broadcast studio, super quiet. Very well-kept property. Quiet, considerate neighbours. $483.08/ mo., including utilities. Call Blain Fowler or Don Hutchinson, 780-672-3142 days. Two of the fairest, most reasonable fellows in the business.


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SH ARON ADLOFF hereby offers the following pa rcel of la nd

in Flagstaff County (nea r Daysla nd, Alberta) for sale by tender, subject to the existing reservations on title with the exception of any fina ncia l encumbra nces on title such as Mortgages, wh ich will be discharged:

LI NC: 0013 211 347








The proper ty is sout h of Daysla nd on Highway 855. There is about 150 cultivated acres with the remainder being hay and slough Proper ty is fenced on 3 sides.

Tenders are to be subm itted in wr iting, in a sealed envelope marked “A DLOF F Tender”, and setting out shor t legal description of the proper ty, to Ma rtin West at Fa rn ha m West Stolee Kambeitz LLP, Ba rr isters and Solicitors, 5016 -52 St reet, Camrose, Alberta T4V 1V7, on or before 12:0 0 noon, APRI L 1, 2025, and shall be accompanied with the Tenderer’s GST number and a Ba nk Draft payable to Fa rn ha m West Stolee Kambeitz LLP in tr ust for 10% of the tender pr ice. Tender pr ice excludes GST.

No conditiona l tenders will be accepted and the highest, or any tender, will not necessar ily be accepted

Tenders will not be opened in public

The deposits of all unsuccessf ul tenderer s will be returned to them by regula r mail

The successf ul Tenderer shall be obligated to complete the purchase on or before 12:0 0 o’clock noon APRI L 25, 2025 (“ the Closing Date”) The 10% deposit shall constitute a deposit towa rds the adjusted pu rchase price. If the successf ul tenderer fa ils to complete the pu rchase after acceptance of that tender, thei r deposit will be forfeited.

Vendor ma kes no wa rranties or representations about the proper ty’s size, condition or envi ronmental st ate.

The pu rchase and sale shall proceed utilizing title insu ra nce including “GAP ” coverage The cost of title insu ra nce shall be borne by the Pu rchaser.

Tender s are ir revocable and shall remain open until dealt with by the offices of Fa rn ha m West Stolee Kambeitz LLP.

All normal adjust ments for the proper ty including but not limited to ta xes shall be adjusted as at the closing date

For further pa rticulars please contact Sharon Adloff at 780678-7073 or Rick Ad loff at 780- 678- 0952

Th is Tender may also be viewed on the Fa rn ha m West St olee Ka mbeitz LLP website: www.fwsllp.ca


As The Deadline for Payment of 2024 Property Taxes Was July 31, 2024

A 12% Penalty Will Be Added March 3, 2025, 4:30pm To All Outstanding Tax Arrears Payments Can Be Made Online, At Any Financial Institution, Or at The County Office 3755 43 Avenue, Camrose, Alberta Before March 1, 2025 OR

Mailed Payments Must Be Received Post-Marked by February 28, 2025

Also, There Is Now a Credit Card Payment Option on The County Website. Scroll Down to “RESIDENTS”, Credit Card Option Pay A Service Charge Will Apply After Hours/Weekends (Cheques Only) Can Be Placed In the Mailbox Beside the County Front Door

Camrose County offers a Pre-Authorized Monthly Payment Plan for taxes. Forms and further information can be obtained by contacting our office at 780-672-4446 or from the County website: www.county.camrose.ab.ca.

Teresa Gratrix

County Administrator

Camrose County


Tenders for the pu rchase of la nd in County of Wetask iwin No 10 as described below are invited. La nd will be sold subj ect to all existing reservations and exceptions stated on Certif icates of Title.

LI NC: 0023 038 870









The la nd is lo cated approximately 20km SE of Wetask iwin (Malmo area). The proper ty consists of approximately 139 cultivated acres and approximately 20 acres of bush and wet la nds. There are two old bins on the la nd.

Tenders are to be subm itted in sealed envelopes ma rked “KIEL / EI SLER Tender”, to Scott Fa rn ha m at Fa rn ha m West St olee Ka mbeitz LLP, Ba rr isters and Solicitors, 5016 -52 St reet, Camrose, Alberta T4V 1V7, on or before 12:0 0 noon, FEBRUA RY 28 , 2025, and shall be accompanied with GST number and a certif ied cheque or ba nk draft payable to Fa rn ha m West St olee Kambeitz LLP in tr ust for 5% of the tender pr ice.

No conditiona l tenders will be accepted and the highest, or any tender, will not necessar ily be accepted

Tenders will not be opened in public The deposits of all unsuccessf ul tenderer s will be returned to them by regula r mail

The successf ul tenderer will be obligated to complete the pu rchase on or before APRI L 4, 2025 The 5% deposit shall constitute a deposit towa rds the pu rchase price. Ta xes will be adjusted on closing date There will be no ot her adjust ments. If the successf ul tenderer fa ils to complete the transaction by the closing date, the deposit will be forfeited.

All Su rface Lease payments, if any, received by the Vendor before closing will not be adjusted and all futu re payments will be assigned to the new Pu rchaser. The Su rface Lease rental has been $2500 an nually

Vendor ma kes no wa rranties or representations about the proper ty’s size, condition or envi ronmental st ate.

The pu rchase and sale shall proceed utilizing title insu ra nce including “GAP ” coverage The cost of title insu ra nce shall be borne by the Pu rchaser.

Tenders are ir revocable and shall remain open until dealt with by the offices of Fa rn ha m West Stolee Kambeitz LLP.

For further information or to view the proper ty, please contact Ma rlene Eisler at 1-778- 678-1107. For further information about the tender process, please call Scot t Fa rn ha m at 780- 679-0444

Th is Tender may also be viewed on the Fa rn ha m West Stolee Ka mbeitz LLP website: www.fwsllp.ca


Camrose Count y cur re ntl y h a s t h e following for Tender:

• 2022 Joh n Dee re 72- inch Zero Tur n M ower, • 2020 Hustler S uper 10 4 Zero Tur n M ower and

• 2015 Kubot a R T V X1100 c Side by Side

Te nder s w il l be a ccepted at t h e Agricultura l S er vices Of fice 423 8-37 Street, C am rose, A lber ta, i n a seale d enve lope m ar ke d “Attention 2025 USED EQ UI PM EN T TE NDER ”. A l l tender s m us t be re ceive d n o l ater tha n M arch 7, 2025, at 11: 0 0 a .m

See det ail s at www.count y.camrose. ab.ca/ work-in-camros e- coun ty/curre nt-tenders / Th e u nit s a re bein g offere d fo r s ale “AS I S W HERE I S” an d m ay be v iewed f ro m Februar y 3 to M arch 4, 2025, during wor k h ours, by a ppointment

Please contac t Corey Stuber for informatio n 78 0- 672- 4765


Estate of IRENE ROSE SHERWOOD, who died on October 26, 2024.

If you have a claim against this estate, you must f ile your claim by March 24, 2025, and provide details of your claim with SANDR A PASIUK at RR#2, Camrose, AB T4V 2N1.

If you do not f ile by the date above, the estate proper ty can law fully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have

Hoop Trojans battle for playoffs

The École Camrose Composite High School (ÉCCHS) Trojans are ready to ramp up its basketball season.

“Our Grade 9 basketball teams have had a rough January, not with their play, they have remained undefeated in league play. The weather caused some disruption to their season. We unfortunately had to cancel their home tournament along with rescheduling two league games all because of cold temperatures or bad roads. Hopefully, February and their last four weeks of their season, will be a bit better,” explained athletic director Graeme Thain.

“Our junior girls and boys are just getting back in the swing of things after our January exam break. They are both looking to keep their winning ways in their league play. Both teams have tournaments in February that will help them get ready for their championships during the first weekend in March,” shared Thain.

“Similar to our junior teams, both senior teams are just getting back into regular action after our January exams. Both teams played in the Ardrossan tournament the last weekend in January. Our senior girls had three really good games. They had a tough semifinal where they showed really good maturity and clutch shooting late in the game to make it to the final. They battled hard, but came up just a bit short. Their first league game in February was a big home win against Wetaskiwin. That win keeps our girls undefeated in league play, including a win over the number two ranked team in the province, HJ Cody. Our senior girls are currently provincially ranked as one of five honourable mentions,” he added.

They are hoping to crack the top 10 in the next ranking period.

“Our senior boys have played in three tournaments so far this year, winning all three. They also remain undefeated in league play. Their hard work has resulted in the boys being ranked fourth in the province. Their next tournament in Cochrane has the number two ranked team there, that will be a good test for the boys.” Curling The start of the second semester means that the curling season has started. “We have a girls’ and boys’ team off to Wainwright for the area tournament in early February. Both teams will then have zones in Lacombe the weekend of February 21 and 22 with the hope of getting to provincials the following weekend,” Thain said.

We’re Hiring Join our team!



Qualif ications:

We are now accepting applications for a permanent , full-time position as a repor ter in our News Depar tm competit ion will remain open until a suitable candidate is found

The successful applicant will wor k collaboratively wit our other repor ters to maint ain and enhance our hig st andards of editorial qualit y and communit y ser vice

We o er a competitive s alar y and benef it s package, including a car allowance and the oppor tunit y to work wit h a team of hard-working profe ssionals who t ake pride in producing a publication that is recognized as one of the top 1% in the North American free communit y paper indus tr y.

1. Strong org aniz ational and time management skills , ensuring that objec tives are achieved within the necessar y deadlines

2. A demons trated abilit y to write crisp, engagin stories wit h attention-grabbing leads and meaningful quotations.

3. E xcellent inter viewing skill s demons trating the abilit y to zero in on the essential element s of the s tor y while est ablishing and maintaining rappor t wit h sources

Point s will be g iven to c andidates who have pos tsecondar y education, preferably in journalism, have previous experience in a communit y newspaper newsroom and have knowledge of page layou t. Preference will be given to a local per son who is a Be aware that his position involves a cer tain amo weekend assignment s on occ asion.

Please provide us with:

Temporar y Contract

e looking for an exceptional Accountant to cover a 13-month maternity leave in Camrose. We are looking for someone who is great with customers, vendors, and employees, detail-oriented, and can balance competing priorities.

What makes the role exciting and what does it involve?

This position is par t of the head office accounting team and works closely with the Accounting Manager and suppor t teams.

Matching, coding, posting invoices and credit notes.

Communicating with vendors, statement reconciliations and payment queries.

End-of-day duties including deposits, reconciling daily transactions, and mailing statements.

Reconciling daily credit card payments.

Suppor t the accounting team with various equipment sales duties like equipment registrations.

What are we looking for?

Is professional and confidential

Has a positive attitude with a strong team focus

Is customer ser vice orientated

Is organized, punctual, and has a strong attention to detail eference will be given to individuals who:

1. A brief bio graphy of yourself, including your education and previous employment his tory

2. Samples of your writing and photography

3. Names of three references wit h an indication of their relationship to you and contac t information for each.

4. Your s alar y expec tation

Mail or email your material to :

Blain Fowler, Publisher mc foul@camroseboos ter.net 4925-4 8 Street , C amrose, AB T4V 1L7

Minimum of grade 12 diploma with preferred office experience, post-secondar y education in accounting/business admin or equivalent experience

• 2+ years’ work experience in a similar position

• Strong interpersonal skills, communication skills and time management skills

• Knowledge of Microsof t Office: Word, Excel, and Outlook with adequate typing skills considered an asset

Send resumés to Careers@agriterraeq.com

We’re hiring a

DRIVER willing to provide


We’re in search of someone to represent our company. Work two full days each week. Additional hours when covering for vacation/sick days.

This role has been ideal for someone wanting a reduced work week, or ‘semi’ retirement situation.

Successful applicant needs to be:

• Responsible • Self-motivated • Reliable

• Healthy • Fit for Lifting • Clean • Tidy

• People and Co-worker Friendly

Deliver your resumé to Verna at…

Cer ti ed Dental Assistant

Cit y Centre Dental is looking for a motivated individual to ll a par t-time position in our o ce due to a retirement.

Hours are exible / negotiable No evenings or weekends

Please email resumés to: ccdcamrose@hotmail.com

Att:  Cathrine


Continued from page 17.

“It seems my introductions and film selections

have been well-received, as I’ve been honoured to be invited back every year. It’s a privilege I deeply cherish, combining my passion for cinema

with the chance to engage with such an appreciative audience,” he commented.

Currently Trondsen is president of Keo Scientific, a Calgary-based company he co-founded 20 years ago, specializing in the design and manufacturing of optical instrumentation for space research.

He believes festivals such as Nordlys make a meaningful impact on society not just culturally but also economically.

“Hosting a film and arts festival in a relatively small city like Camrose benefits the local economy by providing a surge in business for restaurants and accommodations. I believe the festival plays a crucial role in knitting the community closer together. It’s an event where locals and visitors gather, share laughs, and discuss films, creating a


5 Year Term , 2025 -2029

Located at : N 1/2 35 -44-21-W4

Sout h of New Norway, Ea st of Hw y 21 along TW P RD 450 A pprox imatel y 20 0 acre s.

Gr azin g from earl y May to late Octobe r (a pprox imatel y 18 0 days)

Check Camrose County website, under current te nders, for fu rt he r deta ils. Submit bid in tota l dollar s.

Bids not en te re d as a tota l dollar amount will be reje cted

Sealed tender s marked “N ew Norway Pasture” will be accepted at th e Ag riculture Se rv ices of fice 4238 -37 St reet Camrose, until March 4, 2025 at 2:30 pm

Camrose County re se rves th e right to reject any of fe r or not ta ke th e highes t bid

Questions, please call Ag riculture Se rv ices at 78 0- 672- 4765

sense of belonging. Exposing the community to a diverse range of films from around the world serves to broaden local perspectives, encouraging an

open and varied cultural dialogue,” said Trondsen. Trondsen’s experience is the perfect example of how the Nordlys brings people together.

Missed Delivery Policy

If you do not receive your copy of The Booster or pre-printed inserts, please report this to us by calling 780-672-3142. We will promptly re-deliver these to city households. Note that we do not have access to certain apartment buildings. In these cases, we ask you to contact your apartment manager to request delivery Rural readers are asked to report missed deliveries and we will consult with your postmaster to ensure future deliveries.

Thank you for being a loyal reader of…

Adan Shaikh, Camrose Booster Nordlys translates to “northern lights” in Norwegian and Danish. The film festival is named after them and themes of northern lights can be seen on the posters and programs of the event.

Legion assists purchase of handy scope guide

Covenant Health

St. Mary’s Hospital Camrose and St. Mary’s Hospital, Camrose Foundation were honoured with a Camrose branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch donation.

The Legion, through the Poppy Fund, donated $30,850 for the purchase of an Olympus Scope Guide (UPD-3) for Unit 1 endoscopy. The Scope Guide will assist physicians with finding optimal location,

ease scope insertion and help to identify and mitigate loops. It will also help nursing more accurately document precise locations for biopsies and samples.

“This device increases the overall efficiency of the colonoscopy procedure and increases the patient’s comfort by 3D localization of the scope during the procedure,” said St. Mary’s Hospital general surgeon, Dr. Amir Taheri. “This device improves the quality of care provided to colonos-

copy patients.”

St. Mary’s Hospital serves a catchment area of over 150,000 people in rural, east central Alberta. This instrument will directly benefit approximately 1,200 endoscopy patients annually. The wide range of services, like endoscopy, and the ability to care for higher acuity cases allows patients to receive treatment in their home community, keeping their families and supports close.

Murray Green, Camrose Booster St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation board member John Corbett, left, welcomed Camrose branch of the Royal Canadian Legion president Adrian Zinck and vice-presidents Gord Pasiuk and Kerry Grettum to meet Dr. Amir Taheri, general surgeon and St. Mary’s Nicole Matters, unit charge nurse and unit manager Jamie Nester and talked about the new scope equipment that was installed in January. Dr. Taheri explained that the hospital provides about 2,500 scopes a year and this Scope Guide allows doctors to view the scope at all times, making it easier on patients. The machine cost $30,850 and was sponsored by the Legion.

Central Agencies Realty Home of the Week A place to call your home

You’re going to love this, more than 1,200 square foot home that is move-in ready. You will enjoy the central air conditioning and new vinyl plank flooring throughout. It also features a new fridge, dishwasher and hot water tank.

Check out the low maintenance decking, RV parking on concrete and you will appreciate the pride of ownership that has gone into this home.

Vaulted ceilings give the kitchen, dining and living room a very open feel to the home. The main level features three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

The master bedroom is large enough for a king bed, plus it has a walk-in closet and three-piece en suite.

You will love the generous windows that flood the lower level with natural light whether it’s in the family room or two huge bedrooms that the teens will absolutely fight over.

The back yard is recently fenced and you’ll love the play area just off an east facing deck. A heated double garage and RV parking is a must for your vehicles. View this home at 4105-75 Street in Camrose priced at $429,000, to appreciate this home. For a private viewing, contact Mark or Wally at:


Family FollIES

Stopped over at my parents' house to say hi and left with a bag of frozen carrots, half a dozen dinner rolls, some random leftovers, an empt y pie plate , a pile of outdated magazines and a Phillips screwdriver

1 kid = 1 kid

2 kids = 5 kids

3 kids = 746 kids, a tornado and a donkey

I sent some information on my family tree to Ancestr y. The y sent me back a pack of seeds and suggested that I just start over

The person who figures ou t how to marry someone without also marrying their family should win the Nobel Peace Prize

"Close the door! You're letting all the heat out!"

– Me, completing the final transformation into my parents

I told my sister something very personal and told her not to tell our mom. But she did tell Mom and then told her not to tell me. Then Mom called me and told me she knows, but told me not to tell my sister. So now basically all three of us know, but we can' t tell each other

Hanging out with your parents as an adult is so eyeopening. It's like, "Oh, now I get why I'm like this."

There's an unwritten rule: If you need something and your parents have one , it's yours for the taking

Does anyone else get o ended when your parents o er you food you don' t like? Mom, I haven' t liked quiche for 34 years. Do you even know me at all?

If my sister and I get to arguing, DO NOT join in We will turn on you.

I asked my mom if she could pick me up because I'm not enjoying this sleepover and she said, "No, you're 42 years old and that is your husband and kids."

Parents: "One day, this will all be yours!"

Grown Children: "Noooooooo!!!!!!"

Group texts with family are just an ongoing contest of who can ignore the most messages.

Older sisters be like, " Yeah, this is my baby brother."

Baby brother is a 6-foot-tall 20-year-old

I gossip with my mom, so if you think she doesn' t know, she does

Message me if you want to be my cousin.

I' ve decided to star t my own family from scratch.

Most people don' t realize that the opposite of a croissant is really just a happy uncle

Isn' t it weird how ever yone in the family randomly pick s where they sit around the table and then proceeds to sit in those exact spots e ver y meal for the rest of their lives?

My kids laugh because they think I'm craz y.

I laugh because they don' t know it's hereditar y.

I wish my siblings would stop calling me spoiled just because I'm the baby of the family. The fact is my parents kept having children until they found one they liked. It is so not my issue

I saw a store with a sign in the window that read, "We treat you like family!" Nope, not going in there!

There really should be an Oldest Kid in the Family Day when you celebrate the oldest child in your family and thank them for taking one for the team and letting your parents use them as guinea pigs when it comes to parenting. You are the real MVPs.

Life is too short to argue. Just blame your brother for everything and move on

Sometimes talking to your sister is all the therapy you need. And sometimes you need therapy after talking with your sister.

It turns out that when you're asked who your favourite child is, you're expected to pick from your own I know that now.

When I miss my parents, I put 12 expired salad dressings in my fridge and it feels like home

Sometimes I open my mouth and my mother comes out. The reason life works is because not ever yone in your family is nuts on the same day.

Mark Wrubleski

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