12201 Hobbton Highway Newton Grove, NC 28366
May 16, 2017
NC Virtual Public School 1017 Main Campus Drive Partners I Bldg, Room 1610 Raleigh, NC 27606
Dear Future Students:
If you have any experience taking online courses, then you already know that they require a great deal of determination and responsibility. Staying on top of your work when you do not have a face-to-face teacher monitoring you is a challenge in itself. Advanced Placement online courses are perhaps the most intense of all; the overall difficulty of the material is enough to deter even the brightest of students, and if you are anything like myself, the heavy workload will leave you feeling stressed more often than not. Not everyone is suited to take this course, and you should choose to enroll with caution. Be honest with yourself and determine whether you really think you can handle it before making any decisions.
Having said that, I do not regret taking AP English Literature online through NCVPS. Through the challenges of an AP online course, there is a lot to be learned about work ethic and selfmotivation. I have bettered myself in many ways, and I feel more prepared for college. If you do think you can handle the heavy load, and if you are up for a challenge, you really do not have much to lose. You may not finish the course with an “A” average; you may feel as though you do not actually learn anything about literature; and your score on the AP exam may be subpar. You will grow as a person, however, and you will have an advantage over others as you embark on your journey to a higher education.
If you choose to enroll, success will not come effortlessly. You will have to work, and it will seem like too much to handle at times, but there are ways to minimize stress and stay on top of your game. My greatest tips for success are as follows:
DO NOT procrastinate. Pay close attention to deadlines, and try to adhere to the assignment schedule as much as possible. The workload will likely be unmanageable if you give yourself only a few days to complete an entire module.