Committee: Conference of Parties Topic: Solving Climate Change Region: Europe Delegates: Sonya, John, Cyrus POSITION PAPER Greetings fellow delegates, Climate change is an extremely important problem that our planet is facing. Accorded to the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, temperatures are bound to rise by a few degrees in the next decade. this rise in temperature will cause the ices cap to melt leading to an approximate 150m sea rise accorded to the IPCC. This rise in sea level will lead to about a quarter of the known lands to found themselves under water. In addition to this loss of land, the rising temperatures will also trigate a dramatic increase in heat waves and natural disasters such a wildfires, hurricanes and typhoons. All causing great damage and loss of lives. This problem is mainly human made and it is because of the reluctance of sacrifice that the human race has not been able yet to solve this problem. Nevertheless, strong researches are going on to invent new technologies (green tech) and help sustain our growing race in the limited space on earth. Europe has a certain amount of environmental issues. Nevertheless it does not have too much. There are three major environmental issues in Europe at the moment which are caused by human activity. All, well on there way to been removed from our fact books. The first one is air pollution. air pollution is extremely dangerous because it can cause acid rain which can kill any living organism that stay in contact with it for too long.In addition, air pollution, mainly in Mediterranean cities, such as Athens, causes the area to become drier in the summer, hence building up ground-level ozone that leads to deteriorating urban air quality. Summertime smog (largely ground-level ozone) is a significant problem as well and another consequence of air pollution over Europe. How Europe is tackling Air Pollution is by passing legislation that help in controlling the amount of harmful emissions that are allowed into the atmosphere, improving fuel quality and by adding sanctions towards the amount of emissions one is allowed to produce. More on the aspect of air pollution and emissions is that both clean technologies and civil actions must be looked over. Emissions are mostly caused by transport therefore an act of changing the transport policies in affected areas should be highly considered in response to air pollution. This could mean limiting the amount an individual can produce per period of time or even take taxes for environmental damage. Otherwise, a proposal for both industrial and commercial areas could be made in terms of clean technologies. For instance, all or the major, most emission producing companies must adapt to using technology from AirClean or other companies such as this one. AirClean can provide various systems such as Marine Vapor Collection, Thermal Oxedizers, Dry Electric Percipitators and such. All of these are sources of renewable energy which are hardly harmful to air. These could be suitable for all companies.
The second one is Climate change, Climate change dramatically changes an area’s temperature and can cause unwanted natural terraforming, which can kill wildlife and can kill humans too. For instance,summer drought will cause clay-shrinkage, affecting dwellings particularly in England and Poland. Adding to that, small increases in winter precipitation leads to high increases in flood depths and increased summer drought can heighten fire danger in Mediterranean area. Furthermore increasing heat waves are increasing death rates during the summer Europe is solving this by trying to lower its emissions by at least 20% by 2020 and using renewable energy to produce more and more of its energy. Europe is also promoting renewable and sustainable energies. The third one is the energy demands in Europe. Since Europe is a fairly well developed continent, its demand for energy are ever increasing leading to mass amount of CO2 been released in the air through the production of energy by fossil fuel powered plants. Europe has started to address this issue by signing the Kyoto protocol in 1998 and agreeing to the global cap solution passed by the UN and ever-since worked towards decreasing it CO2 emissions. Furthermore Europe is starting to welcome green technologies such as solar, wind and hydraulic power plant. In addition Europe is also engaging in new nuclear project so that its high demands of energy can be met with reduced CO2 emissions. Europe is looking towards mutual agreement to solve this problem without forcing developed nations to sacrifice a major part of their culture and of their life style. Furthermore, Europe is looking to a common agreement on the technologies that are to be used and educating the masses to accept those technologies. Technologies like air, solar and hydraulic energy generating plant all the way to nuclear for it is the most advanced technologies our civilizations have been able to come up with. In addition it is time to play with the technologies in our hands and not pray to whatever god that a new technology will come out of nowhere and save the human race. References Feldman, R. (2014). Position Papers. [online] United Nations Association of the USA. Available at: [Accessed 27 May. 2014]., (2014). IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May. 2014].