The beacon times edition 3 final

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The Beacon Times

Event Edition

The school was dribbling around in the inter-house basketball event.

The Japanese ambassador had visited our middle and senior school students to have a chat.

All the contestants had been buzzing as the Inter-House Spelling Bee had been held.

The Beaconites were surprised when their assembly was held in their new auditorium.

The Japanese Ambassador

On February 4, 2015, Mr. Hirokazu Kubo visited Beacon Academy. He is the Cultural Attaché of the Japanese Embassy, Indonesia. He gave educational talks and speeches to the middle school students on Japanese art, culture, and history. He talked about the art in Japan, such as the Sakura flower drawings, which the Year 7’s had made in their VArt class. He also talked about haikus, which the middle school had been learning about, and their importance in Japan. Mr. Kubo was really pleased by the examples of haikus that the Beacon students had written in their English class. The Years 8 & 9 had a more serious talk with the Japanese ambassador and their topics ranged from culture and technology to history and current events and traditions.

Yuvika Akar

Inter-house Basketball On January 19th, 2015, Beacon Academy held their annual Inter-House Basketball Tournament. Teams of three from each year level and from each house competed in half court games, which created a total of 8 competitions.

Yuvika AKAR

The results were: Year 1 – Earth

Year 5 – Water

Year 2 – Earth

Year 6 – Fire

Year 3 – Fire

Year 7 – Earth

Year 4 – Fire

Year 8 & 9 – Water

At the end of the fantastic competition, there was a tie for first place between Fire and Earth. As a result, they both were proclaimed winners. But as we all know, everyone was a winner, as all the students portrayed enthusiasm, sportsmanship, and had a great time in this event.

Yuvika Akar

Inter-house Spelling Bee On the 3rd of February, a total of 64 students from 9 year levels participated in the Annual Spelling Bee Competition. The competition was held in the senior library, and was divided into 3 different events; Year 1-3, Year 4-5, and Year 6-9. There were many hard words to be spelled out by the contestants. The competition was tough, as there were many awesome spellers. After all the nerve-wrecking tension around the room, the winner was found. Here is a list of the winners:

Yuvika AKAR

Year 1: Shaurya Sharma - House of Earth Year 2: Mllana Khiani - House of Fire Year 3: Viren Nihalani - House of Air Year 4: Partiv Jaswani - House of Air Year 5: Jasmine Mulani - House of Earth Year 6: Aditya Kelkalvar - House of Air Year 7: Mordy Lukito - House of Earth Year 8: Christian Kurniawan - House of Air Year 9: Esperanza Clarissa - House of Earth

Aretha Arivia

The New Auditorium


Beaonites were surprised as their weekly assembly was moved to the new auditorium. It had been an amazing sight for all as their personal conversations had turn to “wow” and “look at that”. The assembly started out by showing a music video of the Pharell Williams’ song “Happy”, in which the students engaged in singing. After a melodious video, the Beacon student’s sung the school song, led and accompanied by the school captains.

Then our student leadership team gave us their weekly report on the upcoming changes in the school. The spelling bee winners also received their trophies. As an end to the fantastic morning, the years 1,2 & 3 danced their way by presenting their highlights from their Aladdin production to the middle and senior school students.

Yuvika Akar

ECA Update

In every edition, we will choose 3 ECA’s and tell you what students feel about them. In this edition, we will be talking about cricket, soccer training, and choir. Thursday’s Football Training Javin- “It’s really fun, it’s really tiring and it’ll make me better in soccer!” Jayesh-“ I think it’s good for Beacon because it is involved in competitive sports so they can play with other schools!” Gurpreet-“ I think it’s good because there are many opportunities for players representing Beacon so they can prove themselves. Abinav-“I like how we play scratch matches!” Mr. Mark-“It’s exhausting and it’s the hardest part of my week!”

Thursday’s Cricket On Thursday, February 5, we interviewed the cricket team. It is taught by Mr Brijesh and Mr Tom, who teaches them the basics of cricket. Krish- “I like this ECA because it’s fun.” Vihaan- “This ECA is awesome. I get to meet lots of friends.” Deevesh- “It’s fun.” Mr Brijesh- “It’s good and I think we should use the field.”

Thursday’s Choir On Thursday, February 5, we interviewed the junior school choir. It is taught by Ms Dipa, who picks any song that the students want to sing. Tanvi-“I like this ECA because I’m good in singing. They let us choose whatever we want. If there is choir ECA I am joining again. I love this ECA! Suhani-“It’s fun and we sing songs.” Ms Dipa-“I wanted to teach choir because I love singing and its fun and I think my students also like it.”

Tiara Mirchandani, Jasmine Mulani, Shreya Lakhwani

Leadership Team Here is a message from our school captain, Shenaz Neelam Nanwani, on what they have been doing in their leadership meetings every Thursday. Our school captains, juniors school captains, and our house captains are all part of the leadership team: Student Leadership has been getting very busy this term, trying to improve the school and making it a better place to learn. The student leadership team has the house captains, and all 4 of the school captains involved. They have successfully created our brand new student led ECA's, which have students actually teaching them. We now have Book Club and Glee Club as our student led ECA's. This teaches the students how to have better leadership skills and teach something they love. Our student leaders have also gone around to all the 4 houses (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth) to ask students how would they like to see the school change. The leaders got a lot of feedback and are working to consolidate all the ideas and input they received. This team is also working on a recycling program to get students used to recycling and so that everyone knows that our waste can be made into something better. Student leaders will try to continue to make Beacon Academy a great place to learn.

Shenaz Neelam Nanwani

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