Mun resolution paper

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FORUM: GENERAL ASSEMBLY, QUESTION OF: Solving Climate Change SUBMITTED BY: (Main Submitter goes here) SIGNATORIES: (Co-Submitters go here) The General Assembly, Dear fellow delegates, Fully aware that the whole planet is concerned about the issue of polluted environment and the consequences it has globally.; Conscious that Most of the CO2 emissions are produced by EDCs and that they have the money to solve this problem. Bearing in mind that the regions of Europe and North America value democracy and allow citizens to have free will on making decisions, leading to occurring mutual conflicts on what to sacrifice to the environment; Convinced that Climate Change is currently the biggest problems the world faces and it must be address immediately through international negotiation and advances in technology; Confident that clean technology combined with: increasing fuel efficiency, establishing renewable energy targets, setting pollution standards, is currently the best solution to Climate Change;

HEREBY RESOLVES TO 1. Enforces all member States to Promote nuclear energy as a major energy supply for countries, in such ways as, but not limited to a. Promoting nuclear energy to produce up to 40-50% of a country's energy supply b. emphasizes the allowance of the creation of waste disposal plants to dispose of the waste c. encourages the use uranium resources before they disappear due to their radioactivity d. Calls upon the investment by companies (government and non-government) in nuclear plants in LEDCs 2. Further request the encouragement of the immediate education of the masses in ways, such as, but not limited to: a. teaching the populations


to help them deal and have opinion on global climate change


help them deal with possible nuclear problems 1. such as malfunctioning radioactive reactors


help them understand how much they cause or not

3. Confirms the reductions of CO2 emissions by: a. taxes on fossil fuels consumptions and disposal b. legislation limiting CO2 emissions and forming a CO2 cap according to a country’s need c. legislation that makes factories (government and non-government) have an amount of trees i.

around the factory(ies) to absorb the CO2 emissions produced by them


related to the amount of CO2 they produce and making up for the produced emissions

4. Declares an eco friendly disposition of industrial waste obligatory in such way, but not limited to: a. By enforcing the creation of waste disposal plants and creation of recycling plants b. Legislations enforcing the ban on non- eco-friendly waste disposal 5. Promotes an increase in clean and green technology researches budget a. Technologies such as: i.

Electric cars


Solar panels


Wind turbines etc.

b. Endorses the develop public transportations such as: i.

Electric Trains, electric buses, trams and MTR

6. Expresses its hope for the development of LEDCs in such way as, but not limited to: a. In the creation of founding organisation to support LEDC b. Encourages the lowering of trade tariffs regarding LEDC to improve trade c. Affirms the exportation of industries to LEDC to help them develop their economy and commonwealth d. Congratulates and Supports organisations to support Human Rights in LEDC e. Supports LEDCs in raising their emissions to reach better life standards and than to move to cleaner technologies 7. Recommends the UN and other EDCs to help founding eco-friendly energy sources to LEDCs

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