Y10 hum unit 3 psychology task 1 rubric sheet small

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ZIS MYP Humanities – Unit 3 Introduction to psychology Name




Due date

Tuesday, January 21st

Significant concept



Health & Social education

Mr Woods

Unit Question

Assessment levels (see Task descriptions for details) A B Knowledge & understandin g

na Investigating


Thinking Critically

D na

Communicatio n

NA = not assessed in this task Comments:

Task descriptions for grades Level of Criteria A Knowledge achievement – Task descriptions 0 1-2


In your report:


You show knowledge and understanding of the content and concepts relevant to your type of psychology through adequate use of SEE-i and the standards of thought


– Task descriptions

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

You use relevant terminology in a limited way


Criteria D Communication

Your presentation is limited in how it communicates information and ideas, and in using appropriate style and language You make a limited attempt to structure information and ideas in an appropriate way


In your report: You use some terminology accurately and appropriately

Your presentation communicates information and ideas by using a style that is sometimes appropriate to the audience and purpose

You show knowledge and understanding of the content and concepts relevant to your type of psychology through adequate use of SEE-i and the standards of thought

Your presentation structures information and ideas in a way that is sometimes appropriate

In your report: You use a range of terminology accurately and

Your presentation communicates information and ideas by using a style that is often appropriate to


appropriately You show good knowledge and understanding of the content and concepts relevant to your type of psychology through accurate use of SEE-i and the standards of thought 7-8

the audience and purpose Your presentation structures information and ideas in a way that is often appropriate

In your report: You use a wide range of terminology accurately and appropriately You show good knowledge and understanding of the content and concepts relevant to your type of psychology through accurate and developed use of SEE-i and the standards of thought

Your presentation communicates information and ideas effectively by using a style that is consistently appropriate to the audience and purpose Your presentation structures information and ideas in a way that is consistently appropriate

Standards of thought: http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/universal-intellectual-standards/527 SEE-i http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEE-I


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