ZIS Humanities department
ZIS MYP Humanities – Unit 4 Introduction to psychology Name
Who are you?
Due date
To be decided
Significant concept
Health & Social education
Unit Question
Why do we do what we do?
Mr Woods
Academic Honesty Statement: I acknowledge that the information contained in this assessment task is all my own work. I have not colluded or copied, and sources of information, whether they be ideas or direct quotes, have been referenced correctly
Assessment levels (see Task descriptions for details) A B Knowledge & understandin g
Thinking Critically
D na
Communicatio n
NA = not assessed in this task Comments: See ManageBac
Task descriptions for grades Level of Criteria A Knowledge achievement – Task descriptions 0 1-2
Criteria D Communication – Task descriptions
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
In your presentation:
You use relevant terminology in a limited way
Y11_unit 4_Psychology
Your presentation is limited in how it communicates information and ideas, and in using appropriate style and language
Mr Woods
ZIS Humanities department You show knowledge and understanding of the content and concepts relevant to your type of psychology through adequate use of SEE-i and the standards of thought 3-4
information and ideas in an appropriate way
In your presentation: You use some terminology accurately and appropriately
Your presentation communicates information and ideas by using a style that is sometimes appropriate to the audience and purpose
You show knowledge and understanding of the content and concepts relevant to your type of psychology through adequate use of SEE-i and the standards of thought
Your presentation structures information and ideas in a way that is sometimes appropriate
In your presentation: You use a range of terminology accurately and appropriately You show good knowledge and understanding of the content and concepts relevant to your type of psychology through accurate use of SEE-i and the standards of thought
You make a limited attempt to structure
In your presentation: You use a wide range of terminology accurately and appropriately You show good knowledge and understanding of the content and concepts relevant to your type of psychology through accurate and developed use of SEE-i and the standards of thought
Your presentation communicates information and ideas by using a style that is often appropriate to the audience and purpose Your presentation structures information and ideas in a way that is often appropriate
Your presentation communicates information and ideas effectively by using a style that is consistently appropriate to the audience and purpose Your presentation structures information and ideas in a way that is consistently appropriate
Standards of thought: http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/universal-intellectual-standards/527 SEE-i http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEE-I
Y11_unit 4_Psychology
Mr Woods