Participant Five Age: 20 Sex: F Location: UK 1.
From first glance, which piece of work looks more professional and why? The animation looks more professional because it has been put together- well thought out.
What feeling is being provoked in the 3D text piece? The 3d text piece definitely has dreaming sensation being provoked onto the viewer.
What are the main colours represented in the 3D text piece and what do they represent? The main colours being represented in the 3d text piece are shades of pink and almond as they give off a dreamy affect.
Do the two pieces set a sense of false hope? How can you tell? The Audi doesn’t, however the animation does set a sense of false hope. This is because the animation does not cover aspects of how the person can get better.
What aura do you feel when contrasting the two pieces? The aura that the 3d text piece gives off is a calm one that is positive. The animation has quite a negative aura at points throughout the animation.
What comes to mind when contrasting the two pieces? When contrasting the two pieces, I think of how much hope there is within the Audi image.
Are you encouraged to feel a false sensation? If so, how? I do in the Animation because there is no hope being shown within the animation.
How does the colour differentiate the two pieces from one another? The colour in the 3d piece has depth to it. It constructs the image to be something that is warm and mysterious. The animation on the other hand is just one colour.
What would you change about the two pieces? I would make the 3d text in the Audi image more realisticgiving texture and perhaps adding animation to it. The Animation I would make shorter as the duration makes me lose concentration.
10. How does the choice of angles used alter the perspective of the two pieces? The 3d piece: You can see the depth of the car and what is around it- the distance the blossoms are. The animation allows you to get a feel of the place making you feel as if you are in the animation.
5 minute break. 11. How do the two pieces instigate you to create something of your own? They make me feel like creating something on a similar level but with my passion and message that I want to get across. 12. How does the 3D text piece lead your eyes to the main focal point? The angles used direct the viewer’s eyes to the main focal point. 13. What subject do you recognize within the two pieces (i.e. political, education, etc) and how does it reflect on reality? The 3d piece reflects on politics and finance. The fact that the word says ‘Dreamin’ obviously is implying that not many can afford such a luxury. The animation on the other hand is giving an insight to the life of an autistic person. 14. How is the lighting different between the two pieces? The 3d piece has little light due to the materials surrounding the car. The light used is giving depth to certain areas of the image. The animation on the other hand has bright lighting as it is one tone throughout the animation.
15. Do you think the 3D text piece has a good enough message to be shown worldwide, if so why? I would say that if it was edited to make the message focus on how we are unable to afford such a luxury due to financial cuts, recession etc, then it would be great to be shown to the world! 16. Who would you recommend the pieces of work to? I would recommend the Audi car piece to be shown to those who are interested in cars and have a creative and imaginative mind. The animation on the other hand I would show it to those who are interested in learning about the difference conditions in the world. 17. Which piece caught your attention most and why? The 3d piece as it is a single image and not long in duration! It gives you the freedom to look at it for however long you want to. 18. Do you think the animation still has a strong message if watched several times, if so why? I would say yes as the more you watch something, the more you get to see the hidden messages and see the meaning to the image/video being previewed. 19. What word could you have used instead of the current word in the 3D text piece? Perhaps the name of the model, Audi or even ‘Luxury’. 20. Does the soundtrack to the animation work well with the piece? Why? Yes because it’s mainly diegetic sounds used.
3D Text Piece.
Snack and Drink Animation.