Thank You to Our Volunteers and Puppy Raisers Thanks to all of our volunteers and puppy raisers who gave of their time and talent from January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013 – we couldn’t do it without you! Puppy Raisers are noted by a D beside their names D The Accola family D Diana Adamson Kathryn & Jayson Alexander D Mary & Jon Alexander Linda Altergott Ellen & Ken Anderson Tom Antikainen D Janelle & Steve Arndt Bruce Ascher D Dianne Astry Walsh The Bailey family D Brian & Natalie Barnes D Bill Beddie John Bell D Beth Bergmans D Ryan Billig D The Bloomquist family The Bobo family D The Bonebrake family Mike Branch Sara Braziller Vern & Darlene Breamer Sarah Breidenbach & "Moxie" Patricia Browne & “Solstice” Charlyn Cadwell Dan & Lauren Carbonneau D Darell & Julie Carlblom Laurie Carlson Jacie Carter Allison Cavis Beth Cherryholmes Roxie Collier Bob Copus Nacia Dahl Jenny Dalsted Jenna Dokken D Patti & Rick Dougherty D The Doyle family The Doyon family Sarah Durant D Nancy Sue Edgar Megan Ehlert Laurie & Ron Ehlert Sarah Ehlert D Jim & Rosalind Elmquist Sara Elstad D Lia Enger
Galen Engholm Elizabeth Erickson The Essen family Jean Euteneuer & “Lexie” The Furlough Families from Faribault Prison D The Farrand family D Mike Ferber Tom Fiecke Duane Finger Kris Fitzer Kevin Florence Leslie Flowers D Shad Follmer Sue Forsberg Holly Friday Bonnie Genin Christopher & Cheryl Gibbons Diana & Michelle Gillman Marcia Gilman Diane Golden Katy Goodwin D Julie Gordon Dalgleish D Kathy Grant Deb Greising Becky Groseth Savannah Gruber Polly Gundy D The Hackbart Morlock family D Steve & Becky Hallan Deborah Hanson D Mel & Brian Hanson Kristi Harlan Ashley Hartley Ronnie Hartman Lisa Hathy Pamela Heck D The Heffernan family Scott Henley D The Herberg family Missy Herman D The Herr family Laura & Matt Hofkens Dee Hollerud D The Hollerud family Anne Ingvoldstad Bob & Verna Ittner Kelly Jackson