I believe that everyone in this life has choices. The choices we make define who we are as people and what we stand for. Choosing one path over another may be the best or worst decision you could ever make. However, once you have chosen, stick to your decision because you made that choice for a reason. Even if it is to have lunch at a certain restaurant over another, or a bigger decision like choosing your major. Something in your life helped you make that decision, and the worst thing you can do is live your life with the regret of a choice. If your decision ends up badly, simply make another choice. Choose a new path. In the words of my oh so wise History teacher, "Never second guess yourself because that's worse than making the wrong choice in the end." One of the best examples that comes to mind is a story I heard a few weeks ago, based on a real event. In 1979, a man named Lee Strobel and his family went to a restaurant one evening and he gave his 7 year old daughter a nickel to get a gumball from the machine and a few moments later, she came back to the table choking on the gum. They didn't know what to do and if they waited for an ambulance they feared it would be too late. All of a sudden, a woman came up and said that she is a nurse and can help. The woman, after getting the gumball out of the little girl, told her parents that her and her husband were headed to another restaurant when all of a sudden she made a last minute choice to go here. Because of her choice, a little girl's life was saved. Hearing stories such as this one, reminds me of all of the choices I have made, and how they have affected me. When I was 6, my family up and moved to a new school called Knox County. I loved it there for I had so many friends and nothing bad ever happened. Then at the end of 5th grade, my dad got a new job so we moved schools again. This time I was 11 and starting middle school at a small school called Pilot Grove, and I've been here ever since. There are times I catch myself wondering what would've happened if we had stayed in Knox or the first town I ever lived in, Philadelphia (no not the one in Pennsylvania). Sometimes I even believe that things would be a lot better if we had stayed there. There are
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Persuasive Essay On Choices In Life
As stated in this statement marketing is often understood to make people buy things that they don't need, want and can't afford. Marketing does take a big part in why people buy things, but the one thing that it doesn't do is force people to buy a product. In fact, it is illegal for salespeople to mislead people into buying a product or service. I am going to focus on the advertising in marketing as the amount a product is advertised in the media is going to drive and individual to make a purchase. What one person needs, another person doesn't, but if a person needs a certain product they are going to buy it whatever the cost or how much it is advertised. It is unfair to say marketing is all to blame, the individual's personality and...show more content...
On the other hand sales promotions can save consumer a lot of money if they buy products in bulk whilst the product is on promotion such as offers like 3 bottles of wine for ВЈ10 with a long life. Shock appeal is often used in the hair and beauty industry to advertise their new product on the market. These companies portray how nice a product looks on a model when in fact the products won't look the same on most consumers. Companies advertise their product as the best on the market, showing how good it looks on a glamorous model used. One thing the company doesn't advertise, for example when a company is advertising mascara is that the model will be wearing false eyelash inserts thus making the public buy the mascara thinking their natural eyelashes will look as fabulous by using this product. Big brands use celebrities to promote their products which will see an increase in sales through people buying the product following their celebrity idol. This could be seen as unethical as it's making the public buy a product they don't necessarily need but think it must be good if a certain celebrity is using the product. L'Oreal uses shock appeal and celebrity endorsement to maximise their sales. Cheryl Cole a very popular celebrity was used in a television advert and actually appeared on the can of volumising hairspray. Aimed Get more content
Persuasive Advertising
Writing essay is one of the things that I used to dislike before. For me, writing an essay was a difficult and boring thing. However, I change my mind when I was doing the assignment, "Persuasive Essay". This essay is my first English essay, and it was a quite challenging task for me. In this assignment , I learned a lot. For example, to use the transition words to connect each paragraph. Also, to use other writer's words to make my idea be more powerful. Thus, this assignment improves my writing skills a lot. Before, I didn't know that I have to use the transition words in an essay. For me, an essay is constituted by many single paragraphs. However, everything is different when I was doing this assignment, Persuasive Essay. I noticed that every paragraph should support theme to make an essay stronger. Also, after Ms. Weller marked this assignment, I learned that using transition words can create a powerful link between my ideas. For example, using the word, "in addition" , can make two paragraphs connect to each other. It also can make readers understand the logic of an essay. Therefore, I' ve learned the writing skill which can make each paragraph be connected from this assignment....show more content...
I really enjoyed it. As I was researching, I also could read other writer's literature. I notice that using the quote or data can make the theme of an essay be stronger and more persuasive. For example, I use the quote from Steven Crowder, the author of "TheTop 5 Reasons College May Be Waste Of Time In 2015", to support my idea, going to college is unnecessary. The quote not only can make an essay more cogent but also can make readers agree with writer's thinking. Thus, I've learned to use the quote to make my essay to more
How To Write A Persuasive Essay
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Persuasive Essay On Robots
My friends and I decided we wanted McDonald's for lunch one day, and what do we see as we walk inside? Robots taking orders; I was shocked! I always knew it was a possibility that robots would eventually take over workplaces, but I never thought it would be so soon. The whole concept of this is terrifying. A major thing I am concerned about is when do workers need to start worrying about the possibility of robots taking over and if there will be an alternative situation to receive income? How long will it be before technology advances so far that we won't even need janitors or human construction workers? Technological advancements in businesses are stripping away low wage jobs, adding new requirements for low wage employees, and creating a need for a solution to secure the poor economy. The things that technology is capable of is adroit; nonetheless, it is petrifying and can leave people feeling apprehensive about their future. As I previously mentioned, chain restaurants, such as McDonald's, are already evolving into the technological world by having robots take orders. Screens even exist for the customers to view when the kitchen receives your order, when they are making it, and when the food will be ready to pick up. Previously, if an article or essay needed to be written, it would have had to have been done manually. But recently, an article appeared in an online magazine consisting of facts on Apple's earnings. The article "was written by an algorithm," and the Get
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"Your assignment is to write a persuasive essay and present it to the class in a week. You will be graded based on how convincing it is. Today we will be choosing topics," announced Mr. Bowerbank, my 7th grade English teacher and ruler of classroom 110. My class simultaneously groaned at the prospect of work. I simply lifted my head with intrigue as it was already May and about time we had our first essay. He then proceeded to give examples of topics we could choose and gave us some time to think before we had to tell him our topic. My classmates were already rushing to tell the teacher their idea lest someone else steal it. That meant the usual abortion, death penalty, or drug use topics were out. I really couldn't think of anything and the teacher was slowly making his way through the remaining students like an executioner beheading criminals in a line. I have always thought that he would make a marvelous supervillain if he had a curly mustache, a tophat, and a cape. Eventually my name was called. I slowly dragged myself over to his desk. Even sitting down, he still seemed to tower over me. "What is your topic Cindy?" As usual in such desperate times, my mind turned to food. "Waffles are better than pancakes." I figured that awaffle was just a differently shaped pancake with a nicer texture. "Hmm. Excellent topic. I look forward to your essay!" I survived to live yet another day. As I walked to lunch, I went around and asked everyone the age old question: "Do you like
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Persuasive Essay
Life is a whirlwind of events, situations, and lessons all wrapped into one. There is no one way to live life correctly or to the greatest ability because each individual has a different perception of it. Throughout the whirlwind, some of the lessons learned may benefit or harm us but at the end of the day, life waits for none. Deciding to make achange in life can be one of the hardest yet most fulfilling things a person can do. Whether a life change is occurring because one wants to be healthier, or one wants to be more positive, the act can be intimidating at first. Although there are different ways to go about it, there are at least four key steps to achieving and making a successful lifestyle change and shift. The steps include acknowledging the problem and deciding on a new lifestyle or what change to make, thoroughly researching the lifestyle and what it takes to attain it, giving a layout or making a plan of the new lifestyle, and lastly having a self–reward system for the successful transition.
As a person it can be hard to admit when there is a problem or to even acknowledge when there is a flaw within. Pride can be a preventative factor in making a lifestyle change but can be rewarding when overcame. The first step towards change is accepting one needs to be made. The solution lies within and finding it is as simple as self–realization of an issue. Being aware of the obstacles that hinder growth into a new lifestyle allows the opportunity to make the necessary changes, ultimately actuating the entire life changing process. Following the admission of a problem, one must decide what to do about it and what type of life to transition to. Whether the goal is to become more positive, lose weight, get better grades, or even have a better sleep schedule, the first step to achieving it is deciding to make the change. After finally making the decision to make a change within life, the journey continues on. When learning something new in class time is spent studying and researching the topic in order to further understand and comprehend it; the same logic is applied to a lifestyle change in the sense that the research done has to be even more thorough. Some situations may require tiny changes over time
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Persuasive Essay On Change In Life
Voting for something or for someone in a big or small range cannot only affect you but, also other in a huge scale, even the whole country or world. Although people take it for granted, voting is a system, whose certain leaders and decisions and decided based on the population choice. However in some cases this doesn't apply such as in the electoral college, and therefore not voting or making the wrong choice within the imprecise popular votes and electoral vote ratio, it can actually make a big difference in many aspects. So not a single system is perfect with a voting candidate decision system, it will sometimes, or even always fail. Therefore voting not only involves the dragging numbers to a point where a candidate can win even if most population hasn't voted or is against it, but also the self decision on which how those numbers would drag, towards whom and the aftermath of your single vote, especially in the USAvoting system the electoral college.
The Electoral College is the current voting system of the USA to choose the president and the vice president. However the winner is not decided by the popular vote, but the electoral vote, which are the state representatives, 100 senators, two per state and 435 representatives and three electors, making about 538 of the votes, so therefore, the popular votes then turn into electoral votes. However with this system, the numbers aren't relay derived in terms of the popular vote, although if a state doesn't give to a
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Persuasive Essay Voting
The internet is a vast realm full of information that just about anyone can access. It gives us the ability to communicate with others around the world. With millions of different websites that offer unique things to them (Youtube, Amazon, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc.). Each one of these sites offers something the other doesn't. However, because of that instead of paying simply once a month for all these services. One is forced into paying multiple bundles on similar types of sites. Not only that the internet as a whole will become excessively slower, unless one pay extra, and sites that already cost someone a subscription will charge more do to the loss of site influx. The average consumer spends about $132 a month on Internet and TV. This gives them the ability to watch whatever is on TV, and browse anything that is on the internet. Many would say that's a fair price because one can pay more for quicker speeds and extra channels that play things normally not on the TV. This means that everyone pays about the same price for these services. Except in the not so distant future that may change. The FCC (Federal Communication Commission) are the ones that make up an enforce the rules of the internet. On December 14th the FCC plans on repealing the bill that allows for open internet. With these changes our right to a free and open internet will be stripped away and we will be be at the mercy of the big corporations that provide internet. What this means is that these corporations Get more content
Persuasive Essay On The Internet
It's a simple enough idea, write an essay about a topic for credit. I'll admit I've written good essays in the past, I just have one issue with this topic; I am not a persuasive person. I don't have a passion to write about, or an idea in my head. Even if I was passionate about something, I doubt I have the skill to convince you. My arguments would consist of why I like the topic (or hate it) with an extreme bias, and I doubt that you would be moved. I couldn't convince you that the long hours of school take a toll on the students. Even if others agree with me, the way I word things, the lack of passion and my lack of being able to be assertive is the reason why I can't write this essay. First things first, the way I word my thoughts. Regardless...show more content... You'll get this definition: "The writer takes a stand on an issue–either "for" or "against"–and builds the strongest possible argument to win over the reader. In a persuasive essay, it's the writer's job to convince the reader to accept a particular point of view or take a specific action." Along with a bunch of How Tos. I've have taken a stand that is very passive–aggressive, on why I can't write this essay. I know what you're thinking, this is ridiculous. Just think of it like this, as you sit there reading me ramble on and give excuses. You're starting to listen. Yes, you have been in my spot before, lack of passion words don't form right and you're just not clear enough. I see the irony here, this very essay, it contradicts itself. A persuasive essay on why I can't write a persuasive essay. In the end it's genius, I'm not faking an opinion or sing someone's thoughts. You might have considered this option before but it seemed too stupid. You looked up prompt after prompt. Nothing. When you finally settle you know it's not your best work and the grade shows. Or you did it last minute, reworded someone else's essay. You've even considered turning in nothing, I mean what's the point Get more content
Writing A Persuasive Essay
Makeup is a wondrous way to express yourself and to help you look more appealing to the human eye. Women who struggle with acne and scaring use makeup to cover up the imperfections on their face, which helps women in a tremendous way with their self–esteem. Makeup is something that helps women feel beautiful and empowered. I personally feel better about myself when I have makeup on, which is not a negative thing. This doesn't mean I don't like how I look without makeup, I accept how I look without it. I don't have a problem going out in public with nothing on my face to cover the small imperfections I have, which is a good thing to be able to do but, it is not a bad thing if you simply do not feel confident enough, makeup was...show more content...
You feel better about how you look, obviously because glowing clear skin looks more appealing than tired, dull, red, blemished skin. Women struggle from acne, scaring, and aging. When we use makeup to hide these imperfections it is sometimes accused of false advertising. People claim that wearing makeup is lying to society about how you look and being supposedly "fake". Laurel stated that "My gut reaction to anyone who believes that makeup is lying can "Shove it!" And yet every morning, as I meticulously concealed my blemishes, I could not help but feel like I was, in a sense, cheating." (Covering Acne With Makeup Is Not False Advertising.) Even though makeup is covering up your natural skin, you are not lying to anybody. It is your decision if you want to wear a full face of makeup 24/7 or go barefaced most of the time. Personally, I wear makeup for myself because it makes me feel better and I enjoy putting it on and experimenting with different looks. I wear makeup not to try to cover up myself for other people. This hobby that I have is genuinely for myself and not for the putting a "mask" on for the acceptance of others. Putting on makeup and covering your flaws lets you release your confident, calm self. People who think that this is false advertising are ignorant. (Covering Acne With Makeup Is Not False Advertising.) These misconceptions that women relying on makeup is where the negative
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Persuasive Essay About Makeup
Joseph Froehle Public Speaking Class
Persuasive Speech Outline
Topic: Organ Donation
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate.
Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die.
A. Attention material/Credibility Material: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn't live without? Well, my cousin was five years old when he found out he needed a new kidney. He went on the organ waiting list right away. He was called twice during a six month span that they had a kidney available only to...show more content...
2) The reason is that there are only on the average 6,000 donors nationally per year (Life Source: Statistics).
c. You can choose to donate any needed organs or you can specify which organs or tissues you wish to donate.
2. Organ donation is very important.
a. The following poem by Robert Test entitled, "To Remember Me," shows the importance of organ donation. "Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby's face or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain... Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk...Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that, someday, a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her window
b. Not only is this a problem nationally but also it is a big problem right here at home in Colorado.
1) Nationally, there are over 120,000 people waiting as of November 1, 2011. As of November 7, 2011, there are 1,142 people from Colorado that are on the organ waiting list (Life Source: Statistics).
2) The sad part is that there have only been 137 donors in Colorado so far from January 2011 through November 2011 (Life Source: Newsnotes). [Transition: I'm sure that you can see the need for people like you to donate your organs. But you might be asking, well, how can I make sure
Persuasive Speech Essay
my organs are donated after I die? Let me tell you.] B. This
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Reflection Of A Persuasive Reflection
Reflection of a Persuasive Essay by Vickie Hale
In my revision, I decided to incorporate actionable feedback from the feedback I received. The feedback I received was that my essay needed more clarification, I choose to use this feedback to help make my argument more developed, I wanted to create a better thought out essay and I worked on the clarification of my argument as well as renewed my research. With that, I did some critical thinking to help work through the weak areas of my essay which was the structure and syntax. Therefore, I incorporated these suggestions because they helped me to improve my essay and help me to create a more persuasive essay. Without these changes alongside the small revisions, I made, I do not believe my essay would have been as well–written so they were much needed. My biggest challenges came from not being able to pin down my argument, it took me a while to come find a side to an argument that wasn't vague. Because, I usually write in a creative way, which does not necessarily have to be persuasive, I usually write fictional stories and people getting the understanding from the experiences of the characters is the outcome, but with persuasive writing, you are trying to get your readers to not only agree with your side of the argument but to see what and why you are arguing your side in the first place. This became difficult for me because I kept feeling like my argument was not central and a little vague. I worked on trying to help my readers understand what and why I was arguing my side of the argument. I had to think about who was reading my essay and this helped. What I could have done differently is choose a more central argument, I believe it would have reduced my challenges. This question is hard for me to answer because I did not receive but one peer feedback, the feedback I incorporated concerning my exploration of the issue was more clarification because that was one of the problems my peer review pointed out. I worked on my clarification because it is one of the main elements, that is needed when you are writing a persuasive essay or any essay for that matter. Clarification gives the essay structure so your readers can have a full understanding of your
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Schools have been using the same learning techniques for a long time. Since technology has been evolving, there are changes that have made schooling harder, and some changes that have made schooling easier. For example, instead of using paper and pencil students now have iPads and their own laptops to do their school work on. Are these more advanced changes for the better, and make learning more convenient, or are they unfavorable and make schooling complicated and more problematic? Most examples lead to the conclusion that laptops are more convenient. for the reason, that they make school work easier and generate easy access to sites for research.
During the beginning of my Highschool career everybody was given an iPad; grade six to grade twelve. However not everybody is fond of the iPads. Many students, throughout the long school days, have come up to the library to check out a laptop because they either "lost" their iPad, or they just don't want to use it. Many students have tried to check out laptops even when they have their fully functioning iPads, so now whenever you want to check out a laptop you have to leave your phone for collaboration. In almost every class teachers use the iPads, but not all teachers are fond of the iPads either. Some teachers continue to use paper and pencil because it's more of a convenience to them. Laptops are more convenient for me to use because of the classes I'm currently taking. Such as my CIS comp, CIS world history, and my
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Persuasive Essay
Things need to change around here! Donald Trump was elected for president in 2016 and got into office in 2017 while running on the platform of Make America Great Again. He offered hope for changing the way America is doing politics. Despite this platform of hope, when he was elected a lot of people had to make changes to conform with a president who is blatant with his thoughts. Most people who go through change will have to accept it and when they do, it is only then, that they can move on with their lives. Those who do not accept changes in their lives are suffering and cannot do much without accepting the change. Change makes those affected better themselves, provides life experience to aid in success, and encourages the chance to move past challenging experiences. People who are affected by change should use it as a way to make themselves a better person, their environment or the world a better place. Change should provide life experiences for people that they can use to become more prosperous. People should use change as a way to make themselves better. In other words, there were two men who were fired from their jobs, the next month one man got another job and a year later the other man still did not have a job. What is the difference between the two men? Well, the one who got a job immediately accepted the change and the one who did not get over it never got a job. In his "I Have A Dream" speechMartin Luther King discusses the impact of change on people: "Whatever
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Persuasive Speech On Change Speech
As an aspiring defense lawyer, I expect my most difficult obstacle will be persuading the jury to decide on the verdict that would be in the favor of whomever I am representing. Persuading a jury would be my most difficult obstacle because the jury is a selection of twelve possible different beliefs that contain some form of bias that can negatively affect the verdict of my case. To be able to persuade thejury I must able to effectively demonstrate that not only am I a credible attorney but that the evidence such as an eyewitness, is also credible. I must also be prepared to attempt to overcome any bias the jurors might have pertaining to the person I am defending. The following sections will be discussing the strategies will take on to effectively persuade the jury based on prior studies of credibility, misinformation effect in relation to eyewitnesses, and implicit bias among jurors.
Goals and Obstacles My goal is to be a successful lawyer who can righteously serve justice to whomever I am representing in the courtroom. I find it difficult to persuade twelve strangers who know nothing about and expect them to believe I am in the right and that choosing whatever verdict I ask them to choose is the right and just one. Eyewitnesses can be very important. Even though eyewitness testimony is not necessarily reliable, juries tend to think that it is reliable. They are likely to be much more convinced by the testimony of a good eyewitness than by more physical, but
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In the world, we live in has many problems that need to be resolved but one that hits close to many students is free education. College isn't cheap and for those who have families who fall in the "middle class" or below it may be impossible to attend college. Families wonder how they're going to be able to afford college for their kids. Many families save for years to be able to provide their kids with the best education but what about those who aren't able to save? Although there are federal programs that will assist with paying for college but in a lot of cases that just isn't enough. I feel offering free education will help with the raise in college admissions which then affects our economy. Many students become discourage when debating whether to continue their education. They become concern on how their families will be able to afford such a big expense. Then those who take the risk and start to attend college are so concern how they will make their next tuition payment, that there aren't focus on their school work. We all have to think about the big picture. In order to have a good paying job you need to have the education behind it. Without a college education, the job available to you are very slim. In the economy, we live in everything is so expensive a minimal wage job can't afford to take care of a family. College education will help student build a better work ethic. They will know the real world isn't easy and it takes hard work to be successful. According to
Persuasive Essay On Free Education
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Lately everyone is seeing school shootings and robberies on the news and how most of these crimes are done with the the gun known as the ar–15 also known as an assault rifle.A lot of people jumped on board to ban these guns.But will that really fix our shooting problem? A strong majority of vote in 2017 voted for the banning of the ar 15 after the school shooting in florida killing multiply students.61 percent of the adults in Florida say that the ar 15 should be banned.39 percent of the adults say that background checks and looking into there history is necessary to buy in gun.The reasons for banning ar's are not to get the weapons away from normal and mentally stable people but to keep the guns of the streets and out of the reach of the kids that are capable and mentally unstable.
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Ar 15 Persuasive Speech
The Internet should not be eligible to teenagers younger than thirteen–years–old. Parents must have a block on the Internet for their kids to keep them safe from talking to strangers on chat rooms. There have been many cases where they go and meet this "kid", and find out that they are an Internet predator. It's sad to see children so young thinking that they're talking to a kid their age, when in reality, it's somebody who wants to hurt them and take their innocence away. Parents and teacher need to work together to end this violence against social media. How can theInternet cause us harm? First, we look at all the possible citing on our social media and we discover the important facts that we have noticed, but never came across to it. Second, search for any suspicious messages lurking around in your child's inbox. Finally, call the police. One way to stop them is by calling 911. Now, I know it sound like I'm being very unfair here, but I'm not. I'm stating the facts about how an online predator can find me and hurt me. Do any of us have an idea that can persuade us to fight back against these predators? Most importantly, what can we do about cyberbulling? It's a disgusting way that teenagers can say anything about anybody and get away with it. This makes me furious about how many boy s and girls committed suicide and could not face the world anymore. One story that made me upset was the Suicide of Amanda Todd. She was a fifteen–year–old girl who committed suicide on
Persuasive Essay On The Internet
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My previous experience with this topic of media always trying to persuade you, well I do have never really thought about it like that. I have read the book, The Hunger Games, and seen the movie. I have never put any thought in how the media persuades them and controls their society. For me, the book and movie were very entertaining. Action packed and attention grabbing, you never wanted to look away or put the book down because you never knew what was going to happen next. For the next 2 hours, or however long it takes you to finish the book, you put yourself in the shoes of someone else's life. The main point of this article is how the media is always trying to persuade you. Even when you think you are just being informed, whoever is informing you has an opinion of that topic. That person's opinion of the subject has to do with feelings and "feelings are often times much more powerful than fact" (Page 2). Knowing that feelings are more powerful than fact, the media tries to inject fear. The reason behind injecting fear is to persuade you to think what they think. We might leave in a country full of freedom's, but "we still manage to be molded by a medium that we have no control over" (Page 3). We learn about what is going on in the world by what we see in the mass media. We are not over in Iran, we only know what is being told to us. We could have a different view from what the media tells us, if we saw it in person and knew what they were going through. The media just gives us enough information to be persuaded to what they want us to think. I think the point is worth making, have people start thinking more in depth about what they are being told. Have them thinking about what are they leaving out and why. My reaction to this article ismind–blowing. I think she did a great job proving her point. Every time she made another point, it got me thinking and seeing what she was saying. When she talked about how "it is just a movie... but it is also manipulation" really struck me and made me think. While watching movies, sometimes we laugh or sometimes we cry, but have you ever really thought about it. The producer plays sad music to arouse a sad feeling, the main point of that is to show that they can manipulate
Persuasive Essay On The Media
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As we are nearing our destination our bus driver yells out "I am going to stop at this gas station and fill up." When our bus driver came back onto the bus he exclaimed "The gas station is out of gasoline so we will stay here overnight." Then, everyone in the bus started grunting and moaning. "But guys we can make this fun if we tell stories to pass the time, Here, I will start." I said. And we began telling each other our stories. "Can we please adopt this one, Mom? Pretty please, he is so cute! With his bright green eyes and his pink little nose," said Jacob, a thirteen year old boy with red hair. "After this we will be pretty much bankrupt," said Jacob's mom, with her deep blue eyes staring into Jacob's "Please just this one thats all," said Jacob "Ok but promise me that you will take responsibility of him by taking care of him," said Jacob's mom. And they strutted to the individual behind the counter. When they got back home with their new puppy they decided to name him Spot due to a cinnamon–colored spot on his back. The next morning, when Jacob woke up he noticed that Spot's nose is not the same shade of pink. In fact, it is quite pale. "Mom we need to take spot to the vet now!" screamed Jacob wistfully. "Ok, I will get Spot while you get in the car," replied Mom. When they got to their destination, Jacob sprinted out of the car and went to the vet's office and almost immediately the vet said "Spot is going to need surgery, do you have insurance?" "No, how much
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Persuasive Short Stories