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CANactions is an educational platform, our mission is to enhance the creation of places and communities where people love to live and work. Currently, a great social demand has been triggered for principled reform of existing relationships between citizens and other actors (business, government authorities, professionals) who shape our everyday life in different dimensions – from cultural to spatial. This has immediately led to questions – 'Who are those change-makers that could moderate the process of building new types of connections in Ukrainian cities?' and 'What tools and approaches do they need to be able to successfully deal with complexity of the current challenges?'
Urs Thomann
Maria Smirnova
Oleksandr Nochovnyi
Zmicier Haurusik
даша дрожевская
Misha Dyomshin
Yury Trembach
Anna Fedak
Roman Pomazan
Adina Deacu
Мария Смирнова
Daryna Ostaphiychuk
alina nosko
Alina Stetsenko
Нина Васильевна Луцкая
Anton Muravliev
Valeriia Filonenko
Nazar Maksymiv
Ксения Ковач
Яна (Малькова) Крушневич
kolodin aleksandr
Andrii Otkydach
Olga Leev
Andrew Skripka
Maxim Lisogora
Kira RozhdestvenSka
Rita Borisova
Дмитрий Белопольский
Alana Pacheco
Dmytro Tereshchenko
Муха Христина
Ruslan Savchuk
Lena Piddyachenko
Teresa Bahillo Leon
Oleksandr Nenenko
Tetiana Dyhdalo
Rob Brink
Stan Dyachenko
Sasha Petrenko
Ilya Moroz
Cătălin Pop
Olha Khymytsia
Alex Yeloyeva
Сергей Киевский