2013 Junior Influence

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2012/2013 National Council President Amy Troop amy_troop@hotmail.com Manitoba Vice-President Michelle Schuepbach michelleschuepbach@hotmail.com Alberta Spring 2013

Canadian Junior Hereford Association

Junior Influence The Official Newsletter of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association

Look inside for information on: - Bonanza 2013 - National Council Highlights - Heifer Lottery - Semen Donation - Upcoming Events - and more‌ CJHA National Council 5160 Skyline Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 Ph: 403 275 2662 Fax: 403 295 1333 Canadian-JuniorHereford-Association


Secretary Heather Fisher-LeBlanc heatherfisher1@hotmail.com British Columbia

Communications Kyra McConnell crazycowgirl_77@hotmail.com Ontario Maritimes Bennett Crane blcrane@upei.ca Wyatt Oulton oulton.farm@ns.sympatico.ca Quebec Colt Mastine colt_mastine@hotmail.com Allison Mastine allison.mastine@gmail.com Ontario Justin McLaughlin ontarioboyjm@hotmail.com Manitoba Jay Rimke jayrimke@gmail.com Saskatchewan Logan Martinson martinson02@gmail.com Miranda Heidecker hereford_chic13@yahoo.ca Alberta Chase Bennett tbennett@telusplanet.net British Columbia Cayley Brown cayley@xplornet.ca

Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Table of Contents President’s Report…………………..3 Bonanza 2013………………………..4 National Council Meeting………....5 CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship………………….5 Provincial Reports British Columbia……………6 Saskatchewan……………….6 Alberta……………………….7 Manitoba…………………….8 Ontario……………………….8 Quebec……………………….9 Maritimes……………………9 Project Reports Calendar……………………10 Auction…………………….10 Heifer Lottery……………..10 50/50 Report……………...10 Semen Donation……….….11 Faces of the CJHA Ontario Victoria Austin……11 Manitoba Orianna Hyndman..12 Upcoming Events…………………..13 The Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarship…………………13 Beef Mandarin Orange Stir-Fry…..14 Colouring Contest………………….15


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

President’s Report Hello Fellow Hereford Enthusiasts, I am so happy and honored to serve as this year’s president. The CHJA strives to create many opportunities for our juniors to advance their futures. Whether it is, receiving scholarships for furthering education, or developing their own herds through the heifer lottery or semen donation. The CJHA council finished up their projects last year with great success. Now is the time to keep your eyes peeled for this year’s opportunities. For those of you attending or planning to attend a post secondary education institution, there are a few scholarship opportunities. The “Future of the Breed Scholarship”, and the Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarship, links to both of these scholarships and their applications are on the Canadian Junior Hereford Association website. The deadline for both of these scholarships is May 15th, so get your applications in! All dreams lead to Bonanza, 2013 will take place in Brandon, Manitoba July 30th – August 3rd, 2013. The host hotel is Canad Inn, which is conveniently located within walking distance of the cattle barns. Information, schedule and registration forms will be available soon at http://www.bonanza2013.ca/. Juniors please remember to take full advantage of our projects and thank those who sponsor them. If you are interested in participating or sponsoring one of our projects and need some extra information, please contact either myself, or your respective National Delegates. In closing I would like to thank all of the sponsors, your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for all that you do for our association, and helping create great opportunities. I would also like to thank the National Delegates for all the hard work and hours they put in to make these projects so successful. Looking forward to a great year, hope to see you all at Bonanza in Manitoba, and good luck in your future shows. Amy Troop CJHA President

Remember to take the time to personally thank any supporters of the CJHA you may run into during the spring & summer! Without the support of many generous individuals, we would not be as successful as we are! 3

Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Bonanza 2013 Well it is hard to believe that there are 5 months until Bonanza 2013. As many of you know, it will be held in Brandon, MB at the Keystone Centre. Chairpersons for Bonanza are Amy Troop, Jay & Samantha Rimke, Orianna Hyndman and Cooper Blaine, along with Albert and Michelle Rimke. We have several volunteers to head up various committees and they are hard at work with plans for Bonanza. Of course our biggest challenge is sponsorship, as with all other Bonanzas. We have tried to keep the registration package affordable for families to attend. Please note when making travel arrangements that there is no air service to Brandon. So your options are flying to Winnipeg and taking the Brandon Air Shuttle Service (see their website for schedule and fees for transportation to Brandon from Winnipeg Airport http://www.brandonairshuttle.com) or vehicle rental. Winnipeg to Brandon is approximately 200 kms. Another option to consider may be flying to Regina. Regina to Brandon is approximately 375 kms. Hotel Information 1) Canad Inn (Located adjacent to Keystone Centre) Queen & King Rooms at $109.00 per night plus tax, children theme rooms are $115.00 plus taxes, Executive suites are $135.00 plus taxes. Call to Book 204-727-1422. Quote name Canadian Junior Hereford Association or Group # 223800. Available till Jun 15, 2013 2) Western Motel (across the street from Keystone Centre) Queen Room at $75.00 per night plus tax. Quote name Canadian Junior Hereford Association. Available till Jun 15, 2013 3) Colonial Inn – 1944 Queens Ave 2 double beds $95.00, one queen bed $89.00 plus taxes. Quote name Canadian Junior Hereford Association. Available till Jun 15, 2013. Camping Camping is available, please contact Michelle for more information or will be on the registration form. Watch the website for information www.bonanza2013.ca The entry deadline is June 1, 2013 and we really appreciate if people try to be on time with registrations.


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

National Council Meeting Highlights The CJHA National Council Meeting was held March 9-10 in Calgary, Alberta. Many things were discussed in hopes of improving our association. The National Council would like to thank all of the juniors who took the time to complete the surveys that were sent out with the fall newsletter, we received a great response! After looking over all the slogan recommendations, we are pleased to announce that the new slogan for the CJHA will be "Red, White & True". Keep your eyes open for new merchandise in the coming year, some of which may include stainless steel water bottles, drink cozies, hoodies and zipaway fitting pants. In 2012, the CJHA sent both the President, Meghan Black, and the Vice-President, Wyatt Hanson to the PRIDE convention in East Lancing, Michigan. This year we will not be sending anyone as dates conflict with our Junior National Bonanza in Brandon. As most juniors will have noticed, the CJHA is now on Facebook. If any juniors have anything that they would like to have posted, whether it be a photo, information about an upcoming event or a link, let your provincial delegate know, they would be more than happy to post it for you! For the Semen Donation, the CJHA is planning on switching back to the old format in which you fill out a separate list of bulls for each female that you are nominating. In this case you will rank your females as well as your bulls to ensure that you can pick the best fit bulls for each of your females. More details to be included in the 2013 Semen Donation package. As well, the rules have been changed so that ANY semen you may have EVER received through the Semen Donation Program may be used on ANY female, past or present. The CJHA would really like to encourage juniors to thank any donors and sponsors they may see. It may seem like such a small thing, but without these great people, our association would not run. We're very fortunate to have so many great supporters across our nation! Finally, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about anything within the CJHA, please feel free to contact anyone on the National Council, we are here to help! All our contact information can be found on the front of this newsletter.

CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship The CJHA will annually offer four $500 post-secondary scholarships to worthy recipients who have made outstanding contributions to the Hereford industry. Winners will be announced at the CJHA National Show: “Bonanza.” Eligibility Requirements 1. Applicant must be an active member of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. Applicant must be currently enrolled in a post-secondary program or in their final year of high school as of January 1st, 2013. 2. Applicant may receive award only once. 3. Applicants must be enrolled on a full-time basis in the post-secondary program of their choice at the time the award is received. 4. Applications must be postmarked no later than May 15th of the year of application. 5. Applicants must include a copy of all post-secondary or high school transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. 5

Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Provincial Reports British Columbia After the busy run of fall cattle shows, BC delegates Cayley and Heather packed up for the trek to Agribition in late November. Cayley exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Polled Hereford Female who later placed in the Top 10 of the RBC Beef Supreme Show. The BCJHA continues to welcome new junior members that are interested in getting involved. Our registration numbers are higher than they have been at this time of year, which is especially exciting since Bonanza coming up! Both Cayley and Heather are making plans to attend Bonanza with cattle and we are hoping to be able to support other juniors who wish to attend with or without animals. If you are interested in attending but aren't quite sure how to make it possible, we are more than happy to help! We can help arrange transportation for cattle and we can answer questions you might have about this event, which takes place in the last week of July, through until August 3rd, 2013, in Brandon, Manitoba. As well, our adult advisor, Catherine Brown, is planning a springtime meeting to be held in conjunction with Little Fort Herefords anniversary event, north of Kamloops, BC. All past, present and potential future members are more than welcome to come! We are planning a small junior cattle show on Saturday, August 10th, for anyone who is interested, whether you have purebred Herefords or commercial cattle! Come enjoy the hospitality of the Kim family of Little Fort Herefords, spending time with your family and participating in some fun cattle viewing, talk and related events. We plan to have a showmanship class and some conformation classes, which will help our juniors hone their evaluation and showmanship skills! We are very excited about the Bonanza event in Brandon - our Canadian National Junior show - and we want to thank all of the sponsors, volunteers, juniors and parents who make the whole event possible! Happy Calving!

Saskatchewan Executive:

President - James Hordos Vice-President - Miranda Heidecker Secretary- Morgan Heidecker Treasurer - Michelle Hordos National Delegates - Miranda Heidecker and Logan Martinson

Summer Plans:

Beef-A-Rama on July 13th Bonanza 2013 in Brandon, Manitoba SJHA showmanship at Agribition - TBA

Our next meeting will be at Agribition. Date and location TBA.


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Provincial Reports Alberta Alberta has had a very busy past year. The biggest highlight being that the World Hereford Conference was held in Olds. The week prior to Olds the Alberta Juniors held their annual show in conjunction with Summer Synergy. We had a small number of both juniors and cattle due to timing of the World Hereford Conference. The majority of our juniors competed for the International Youth Livestock Show Scholarships put on by the Calgary Stampede. The Alberta juniors had an purebred show, commercial show, and a small but powerful Bred & Owned show. At our show in Olds, Alberta elected their new board for the upcoming year. The new board includes: President: Adam Nixdorff Vice President: Michelle Schuepbach Secretary: Sarah Nixdorff Treasurer: Jenna Nixdorff National Delegates: Chase Bennett & Michelle Schuepbach Adult Advisor: Jennifer Jenkins Many of the Alberta Juniors attended the World Hereford Conference exhibiting in the Junior Show. The WHC was a great opportunity for the AJHA to find new members to start up their junior career, and thank everyone for coming and being a part of the very exciting WHC! The AJHA look forward to this upcoming year. We are very excited to have our new adult advisor Jennifer Jenkins. The plan for this upcoming year is to hold our junior show in conjunction with Summer Synergy again. As it brings many opportunities for the Alberta Juniors to meet juniors in other breeds, and it opens the opportunity for our juniors to win scholarship money through the Calgary Stampede. This years date’s for Summer Synergy are from July 8th to the 14th. We are very excited to have our new photography, literature, and art competition that will be handed in prior to Synergy, so they will be judged and on display for the entire Synergy time period. The Alberta Hereford Juniors also get the opportunity to compete against the other breeds in an all breed show for both purebred and commercial this. Alberta is very excited to be a part of Summer Synergy again this year. We are also planning on sending a liner out to Brandon, Manitoba to assist our Juniors in attending Bonanza. We are looking forward to this very exciting summer ahead of us! Any questions or interested in getting involved in with the Alberta Juniors please feel free to contract the national delegates, Michelle Schuepbach at (403) 625-9585, or Chase Bennett at (403) 350-4189 or our Adult Advisor, Jennifer Jenkins at (403) 627-9598 or jenkinsranche@hotmail.ca.


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Provincial Reports Continued Manitoba The Manitoba Juniors had a couple of fundraisers throughout the year; one being the feed tub raffle in which we will be doing again this year. As well the juniors sold pies at the annual Good as Gold Sale and the juniors also had a Dutch auction on a heifer, which was donated by AM Ranching with the proceeds going to the MJHA. The juniors started the 2013 year off with having their annual general meeting on January the 5th at the Victoria Inn in Brandon, MB, and the juniors sold some silent auction items at the banquet held that night. The new executives are as followed: Jay Rimke as President, Amy Troop as Vice President, Samantha Rimke as Secretary, Orianna Hyndman as Treasurer and Langley Blaine as the Communications Officer. The MB juniors had their first show of the year at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair which was held March 27th to the 30th in Brandon, MB. For the Hereford heifer show Orianna Hyndman got first and Levi Rimke got second, for the Hereford junior showmanship Levi Rimke got first with Orianna Hyndman coming in second. Plans for Bonanza 2013 are underway and we hope to see all the juniors In Brandon July 30 to Aug 3, come have some fun and make some memories that will last.

Ontario 2012 was quiet a year! As the World Hereford Conference came to Canada, Danielle Cavanagh and Kyra McConnell were able to attend as National Delegates and were joined in Olds by fellow OJHA members all of whom had the opportunity to exhibit in the junior portion of the week. We finished 2012 with the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair where the OJHA hosted another successful junior Hereford showmanship. We would like to thank all exhibitors for their participation and congratulate Josh Lasby and Jared Ball as they were Champion and Reserve Champion showman this year. The OJHA never rests, as we’re sure is the same for the other provincial boards, and are busy planning for our annual Beef-A-Rama. This year’s show will be held at Metcalfe Fairgrounds in Eastern Ontario from June 28th to 30th. We would like to welcome any new Hereford enthusiasts with Hereford, or Hereford influence cattle, to join us in our educational weekend of Hereford fun. In 2013, we look forward to having a number of Ontario juniors exhibiting at Bonanza in Brandon, Manitoba and will be ready to welcome all junior enthusiasts to Lindsay, Ontario for Bonanza 2014 Memories Made Here from July 29 – Aug 2, 2014 at the Lindsay Exhibition. Co-chairs for the event are Kyra McConnell (crazycowgirl_77@hotmail.com), Cassandra Gorrill (cheerskater4@live.com ) and Justin McLaughlin (ontarioboyjm@hotmail.com). Our host hotel will be the Admiral Inn & Conference Centre, which is less than a 5-minute drive from the LEX. As it becomes available, information will be posted on our website www.Bonanza2014.ca. Our 2013/12 OJHA Executive was elected at our annual meeting on April 13th. President: Kyra McConnell Communications: Cassandra Gorrill Directors: Victoria Austin Jordan Cavanagh Toree Finlay Adult Advisor: Katelyn Larmer

Vice-President: Danielle Cavanagh Treasurer: Justin McLaughlin Whitney Ball Renee Finlay Jazmine Kreische


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Provincial Reports Continued Quebec The Quebec Junior Hereford Members had a busy show season last year. Many juniors participated in the first annual Quebec Junior Beef Show held in Brome, Quebec in the beginning of July. There were a total of 25 junior members, 4 or which were Junior Hereford Members. Colt Mastine won Grand Champion Hereford Bull as well as Grand Champion Hereford Female. Allison Mastine won Reserve Grand Champion Hereford Female. Juniors from across Quebec attended many fairs including StHyacinthe, Expo Quebec, Expo Cookshire, Expo Ayer’s Cliff, Expo Brome, Expo Richmond and Expo Boeuf. In October 2012, at the Junior Show at Expo Boeuf in Victoriaville, Quebec, the Herefords were well represented. We are looking forward to the Quebec Junior Beef Show being held July 5-7, 2013 in Brome, Quebec. We hope to see many of you! We are really looking forward to Bonanza 2013 in Brandon, Manitoba If there are any questions, please contact Colt or Allison.

Maritimes Greetings fellow Hereford enthusiasts from the Maritimes! We hope that everyone has been successful calving and are excited for the upcoming show season. The past year has been very busy for the Maritime CJHA members; there were many members that participated in their local and provincial shows in both the open and junior shows. During Thanksgiving weekend, many members attended the Maritime Fall Fair in Halifax and participated in the open and junior show. The winner of the all breeds junior show was Maritime Junior Hereford Member Patrick Holland. This year at the Royal Winter Fair, junior members represented their New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Beef teams with their Hereford heifers. We would like to congratulate Meghan Black on exhibiting the Champion Hereford in the National Junior Beef Heifer show! Within March and April of this year, each Maritime province will be hosting their annual steer shows. Good Luck to all juniors exhibiting purebred and Hereford-influenced steers. As summer approaches we are excited to start showing once again in the Maritimes. Hopefully this year a few Maritime members will attend Bonanza in Manitoba! We look forward to seeing everyone there.

Membership Do you know someone who wishes to become a CJHA member? Encourage them to check out the membership page on the Canadian Hereford Association website www.hereford.ca or contact the office at 1 888 836 7242. Don’t forget that in order to participate in Bonanza and be eligible for programs like the heifer lottery and semen donation that you need to pay your $20 activity fee each year. 9

Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Project Reports Calendar Alberta is very excited to be in charge of the Calendar Ad project for 2013/2014. We are also very thrilled to invite the Canadian Hereford Association on board with the Calendar. We are very honored and appreciative that the Association is going to assist us in putting together and then printing the Calendar. The business card ads will cost $60, and the full-page ads $600 like previous years. Once the calendar is completed it is mailed out to all juniors, as well as to auction marks across the country. The CJHA would like to thank everyone for their continued support on the Calendar, it is greatly appreciated and it is an honor to advertise for our breeders. If you have any questions or would like to advertise within the Calendar please feel free to contact the Alberta delegates – Michelle Schuepbach at (403) 625-9585, michelleschuepbach@hotmail.com or Chase Bennett at (403) 350 – 4189, tbennett@telusplanet.net

Auction This year Quebec and the Maritimes are teaming up in organizing the auction. There will be an auction at Bonanza, but any other locations have not yet been determined. We are very confident that it will be a successful fundraiser. If you have any ideas, suggestions or questions please feel free to contact Allison, Colt, Bennett or Wyatt.

Heifer Lottery This year Ontario is in charge of running the CJHA Heifer Lottery project. We hope to have a very successful year with participation from a great variety of breeders and Hereford sales across the country. The heifer lottery project is designed for juniors in the Hereford breed to have the opportunity to purchase females from these sanctioned breeders or sales in order to start or further build their own herd. It is a great opportunity for juniors to introduce new bloodlines and genetics into their herd or progress with the ones they are currently working with. The heifer lottery project includes breeders and sales from all across Canada, an excellent way for juniors to make connections in other provinces as well as their own, and all at a discounted price if they are lucky enough to win one of the prizes in the draw. So good luck juniors! We would like to thank all of the breeders and sales who have participated in the past and we look forward to working with you. Thank you for your support of the junior program! For more information or to make sure your farm or sale is involved, please contact Kyra McConnell or Justin McLaughlin.

50/50 Report After a very successful 50/50 fundraiser at the World Hereford Conference in 2012, it has been decided to do this fundraiser again at Bonanza 2013 in Brandon, Manitoba. British Columbia is currently looking into getting a license and setting this up.


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Project Reports Semen Donation The Canadian Junior Hereford Association has, for many years, assisted its members in developing their breeding program though the Semen Donation Program. This year, Saskatchewan is in charge of this project. This program depends on the support of Canadian Hereford breeders to donate semen from top Hereford bulls from across Canada. The CJHA conducts a draw to award donated semen to junior's who nominate their females. By doing this CJHA members are given the opportunity to improve their own breeding programs by having access to free semen to artificially inseminate their own registered Hereford females from some of the top bulls in the industry as donated by Canadian Hereford breeders. The semen donation program is one of the most far-reaching programs offered by the CJHA. By providing Juniors with greater access to superior genetics, they are able to improve the cattle they have available for sale. Sales that often finance herd expansion and allow the Junior to establish a career in agriculture or finance post-secondary education. The semen donation program is also linked to Bonanza, as one of the conformation classes in the cattle show is made up exclusively of entries that have resulted from the semen donation program.

Faces of the CJHA Victoria Austin Ontario My name is Victoria Austin and I am sixteen years old. I live in Selby, Ontario with my family on a beef farm. I have been greatly inspired by the Hereford breed. I have 24 head of cattle with 19 of them being purebred Herefords that I have bought with my own money that I have earned through working with my mom at Betty's Cleaning Service. As well as my own farm name called Hip-Hop Herefords. I travel to many fairs in my area and show my cattle with pride. I don't know actually what I would do of I didn't have my cows they are my biggest fans. I am planning to take further education in an agriculture program. I have been chosen to be the Ontario Ambassador for this year. I am so very proud to be able to represent such a great province and breed.


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

Faces of the CJHA Orianna Hyndman Manitoba My name is Orianna Hyndman from Hamiota, MB. My parents are Kevin and Holly and I have a little sister named Teegan. My family owns and operates Rock’n “h” Herefords alongside my grandparents, Allan & Bonnie Woodhouse of ABH Farms. I am an active member of the Manitoba Junior Hereford Association, taking part in every event or show that I can. My family and I show cattle at the MOE Show in Brandon during the Manitoba Livestock Expo as well as the summer MOE Show across the prairies. Being active with the Canadian Junior Hereford Association has been very rewarding. I have taken part in the semen donation program and have received semen from great sires. Thank you to everyone who donates to this program. It is very valuable for the juniors to be able to build a herd from great genetics. My number one love is showing cattle. The first Bonanza that I attended was in Brandon and I have been hooked ever since. I have attended eight Bonanzas so far and look forward to them every year. I am extremely proud of the success I have had and have learned that hard work does pay off. Spending time with my animals is very satisfying and rewarding. I have meet many great people and look forward to seeing them each year. I am also a member of two 4-H beef clubs: The Binscarth-Russell Variety Club and the McConnell Beef Club. I have held executive positions with both clubs. I participate in 4-H public speaking competitions each year, gaining valuable experience each time. In my spare time, I play various school sports such as volleyball, basketball and curling. I also play girls softball in the spring. I look forward to going to all the sales I can, especially the ones where I can skip school! I enjoy sitting in the stands watching all the great cattle sell and meeting new people. Thank you to everyone who has supported a junior program in the past. It is greatly appreciated and I look forward to seeing you at sales or a show.


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

May 15: CJHA "Future of the Breed" and Keith Gilmore Scholarships Application Deadline

Manitoba July 13: Summer MOE Show - Carmen, MB July 31 - Aug. 3: Bonanza 2013 - Brandon, MB Oct. 31 – Nov. 2: Manitoba Livestock Expo Brandon, MB

British Columbia Aug. 2-5: Agrifair Hereford MOE Show – Abbotsford, BC Aug. 16-18: Nechako Valley MOE Show – Vanderhoof, BC Aug. 28 – Sept. 1: Interior Provincial Exhibition, MOE Show – Armstrong, BC

Ontario May 4: 3rd Annual Whiteface Classic Sale – Lindsay, ON June 28-30 Beef-A-Rama – Metcalfe, ON Aug. 24: Barrie Fair (Ontario West MOE Show) Sept. 19: Lindsay Fair (East Central MOE Show) Sept. 28: Carp Fair (Ottawa Valley MOE Show)

Alberta June 21-23: Alberta Hereford Association Annual Meeting - Rycroft, AB Hosted by Peace River Hereford Club July 8-12: Summer Synergy - Olds, AB All Breeds Annual Junior Show including the Alberta Junior Hereford Association www.summersynergy.ca Aug. 15: Northern Alberta Hereford Club Field Day & Bull Calf Futurity - Hardisty, AB Aug. 24: Keith Gilmore Foundation Charity Golf Classic - Medicine Hat Cottonwood Coulee Golf Course, AB www.keithgilmorefoundation.com/golf.htm

Quebec July 5-7: Quebec Junior Beef Show July 11-14: Expo Lachute Fair July 25 – Aug. 4: Expo St-Hyacinthe July 31 – Aug. 4: Expo Rimouski July 31 – Aug. 4: Expo Lotbinière Aug. 5-11: Expo Victoriaville Aug. 8-11: Bedford Agricultural Fair Aug. 15-18: Cookshire Agricultural Fair Aug. 16-25: Expo Quebec Aug. 22-25: Ayer’s Cliff Fair Aug. 29 - Sept. 2: Shawville Fair Aug. 30 – Sept. 2: Expo Brome Fair Sept. 5-8: Richmond Agricultural Fair

Saskatchewan June 3: Pasture Ready Bull Sale – Saskatoon, SK June 25-26: T Bar C Invitational – Dakota Dunes Golf Links – Saskatoon, SK

Maritimes May 24-26: East Coast Round Up Junior Show Oxford, Nova Scotia Contact: Leonard Allen leonard1@bell.blackberry.net

Upcoming Events

The Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarships www.keithgilmorefoundation.com Deadline: May 15, 2013

(a) Up to two $2,500 scholarships will be offered to individuals in a postgraduate degree program in agriculture, agricultural journalism and veterinary medicine at a recognized university, leading to a career in the field of agriculture. (b) Up to four $2,000 scholarships will be offered to individuals in an undergraduate program in agriculture, agricultural journalism and pre-veterinary medicine at a recognized university, leading to a career in the field of agriculture. The successful applicants will already have completed a minimum of one year of college or university in their major field of studies. (c) Up to four $1,500 scholarships will be offered to individuals enrolled in a recognized diploma program in agriculture or agricultural journalism, leading to a career in the field of agriculture. The successful applicant will already have completed a minimum of one year in a diploma program. 13

Spring 2013

Junior Influence

BEEF MANDARIN ORANGE STIR-FRY www.canadabeef.ca INGREDIENTS 2.2 lb 1/2 c 1c 1/2 tsp 1/2 tsp 1/4 c 2 2 cups 2 4c 1/4 c 2 tbsp 2c

1 kg 125 mL 250 mL 2 mL 2 mL 50 mL 2 500 mL 2 1L 50 mL 25 mL 500 mL

top round or sirloin steak/roast soya sauce orange juice ginger garlic powder vegetable oil, divided red onions, sliced mushrooms, sliced medium green peppers, sliced snow peas cornstarch water canned mandarin oranges, drained

INSTRUCTIONS Cut beef into thin strips. Marinate beef in soy sauce, orange juice, ginger and garlic powder. Marinate 20 minutes for sirloin and 2 hours or more for top round. Drain beef, reserving marinade. Heat 2 tbsp (25 mL) oil in wok and stir fry beef until browned; remove from wok and drain liquid. Heat remaining oil in wok and sautĂŠ vegetables until tender-crisp; remove from wok and reserve. Add marinade to wok and bring to a boil. Combine water and cornstarch and add to marinade. Continue to cook until sauce is thickened. Add beef, vegetables and mandarin oranges to sauce. Heat and toss to coat. Serve on rice or Asian noodles. SERVINGS: 10

COLOURING CONTEST Win CJHA Merchandise! Colour the picture on page 14 any way you like, include your name and address on the back and return it to: Kyra McConnell 3011 Nicolas Lin RR3 Orillia, ON L3V 4M7


Spring 2013

Junior Influence


Spring 2013

Junior Influence

CJHA National Council 5160 Skyline Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 Ph: 403 275 2662 Fax: 403 295 1333 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior-Hereford-Association

herefords@hereford.ca @CAN_Hereford 16

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