CJHA Junior Influence Newsletter - Fall 2014

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Junior Influence The Official Newsletter of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Fall 2014 This Junior Influence includes: CJHA Project Updates Facts About Your Outgoing CJHA National Council Information on Bonanza 2015 Upcoming Events & Deadlines Faces of the CJHA - Ontario & Quebec Coloring Page MUCH MORE! 2013/2014 National Council President Kyra McConnell



Vice President Heather Fisher-LeBlanc heatherfisher1@hotmail.com British Columbia Secretary Ashley Black ashley.e.black@unb.ca Maritimes

Communications Miranda Heidecker miranda_heidecker@yahoo.ca Saskatchewan

Allison Mastine allison.mastine@gmail.com

National Delegates


Ontario Justin McLaughlin

Maritimes Bennett Crane blcrane@upei.ca

Manitoba Jay Rimke jayrimke@gmail.com

Quebec Colt Mastine colt_mastine@gmail.com

Samantha Rimke rimke24@gmail.com

Saskatchewan James Hordos


Alberta Larissa Lupul barefoot@mcsnet.ca Chase Bennett naomibennett33@gmail.com National CJHA Coordinator Meghan Black meghan@hereford.ca

Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta 403-275-2662 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior Hereford Association




Junior Influence

Fall 2014

Table of Contents • Presidents Report................................3 • Communications Report.....................3 • CJHA National Council Meeting Report...................................4 • CJHA Project Updates ........................4 • Provincial Reports British Columbia............................5 Alberta............................................5 Saskatchewan..................................6 Manitoba.........................................6 Ontario............................................7 Quebec.............................................7 Maritimes........................................7 • Facts About Your Outgoing CJHA National Delegates Jay Rimke..........................................8 Miranda Heidecker..........................8 Kyra McConnell...............................9 Bennett Crane..................................9 James Hordos..................................10 Ashley Black....................................11 • Bonanza 2015......................................10 • Upcoming Junior Events.....................11 • Faces of the CJHA Ouellet Jrs, Quebec..........................12 Jared & Whitney Ball, Ontario........12 • CJHA Honour Roll..............................13 • CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship Winners..............13 • CJHA Word Search..............................14 • Coloring Page......................................15

Remember to take the time to personally thank any supporters of the CJHA you may run into during the spring & summer! Without the support of many generous individuals we would not be as successful as we are! 2

Junior Influence

Fall 2014

President’s Report Kyra McConnell

2014 What a year of opportunity! I send my most sincerely thanks and appreciation for letting me take on the role of CJHA President this past year. I have taken more out of this year than any other on the board. I had begun the year by representing the National board at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair which was the 2013 National Hereford Show. Then after a long and fierce winter of finishing projects and calving cows the national board gathered in Calgary for our council meeting where excitement stirred for the year ahead. After a short spring I was invited to Judge the Finish National Hereford show and view some great cattle of their country. This was a great experience I have to admit my favorite part was seeing so many great Canadian genetics that have hopped the pond and are actively producing for our fellow cattlemen in Finland. Over many months not only being CJHA President I was a President of the Ontario Junior Hereford Association. This role put me actively involved in the planning of the Canadian National Bonanza alongside my two co chairs Justin McLaughlin and Cassandra Gorril whom. I cannot thank enough for all you efforts this spring and last fall to put on such a successful event! As I leave my position as CJHA President I would like to encourage all juniors to take part in our CJHA projects that produce and grow juniors herds ! My most sincere thanks on an amazing year. Kyra McConnell CJHA President 2014

Communications Report Miranda Heidecker

Hi, Juniors! I hope you all had a great time at Bonanza this summer in Lindsay, Ontario. I know I did! If you haven’t already connected with us online, we created a CJHA Twitter page and an Instagram account as well as our Facebook page. Connect with us today on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook (#wearehereford) to stay updated about cattle shows and events, picture games, contests, new merchandise and more! I am the outgoing Communications Officer this year, so the incoming delegate for the position will be Heather LeBlanc from British Columbia. If you have any questions feel free to contact her or any of the other delegates. I hope you all have a fantastic year! See you at Agribition! Miranda Heidecker CJHA Communications Officer 2014

Keith Gilmore Foundation

Check out the website! While online you can download Scholarship Applications and Golf Tournament Registrations www.keithgilmorefoundation.com


Junior Influence

CJHA National Council Meeting Report

Fall 2014

Ashley Black

At the National Council Meeting held at Bonanza in Lindsay, Ontario all of the board members, national delegates and adult advisors were able to enjoy spending time with other CJHA members over four days of fun. We were able to re-connect as a group and come up with some interesting and new ideas for CJHA merchandise that will be available on the website for ordering in the near future. A new board was elected including Larissa Lupul as President, Allison Mastine as Vice President, Samantha Rimke as Secretary and Heather Leblanc as Communications. Our delegates have been working hard to make projects like the heifer lottery and semen donation as beneficial as possible! As always, stay up to date by liking our Facebook page and following our Twitter account, we love hearing from other Hereford enthusiasts!

2013/2014 CJHA National Council - Bonanza Lindsay, ON Back Row - Justin McLaughlin, Kyra McConnell, James Hordos, Ashley Black, Heather Fisher-LeBlanc, Bennett Crane, Larissa Lupul Front Row - Jay Rimke, Allison Mastine, Samantha Rimke, Miranda Heidecker, Adam Nixdorff, Colt Mastine

CJHA Project Updates

Semen Donation Project -This year we have 22 horned bulls and 38 polled bulls! -Juniors are to have nomination forms post marked by December20th and sent to Larissa Lupul for the draw! -NEW** Any bulls that are selected that require a semen certificate is the responsibility of the Junior to purchase at a cost of $20. CJHA Calendar Project - A big thank you goes out to everyone that purchased an ad in the 2015 CJHA Calendar! - This is a great marketing tool as it goes out to all CJHA & CHA members! - Contact your provincial delegates to reserve a spot in the 2016 CJHA Calendar! CJHA Auction -The CJHA auction took place this year in Lindsay, Ontario during Bonanza 2014. -This year we posted pictures up on the CJHA Facebook page ahead of time as well the CHA website.

Heifer Lottery Project -This year the CJHA had 38 sanctioned sales participate in the 2014 Heifer Lottery Project! -Congratulations to the 5 recipients of the Lottery vouchers - Teegan Hyndman, MB; Owen Elmhirst, ON; Emma Lees, SK who each won $500, Holly Sommerville, ON who won $1000 and Daniel Barfett, ON who won $1300. - The CJHA wishes the 2014 winners the best of luck as they set out to pick their females! - A HUGE thank you for all those that participated in this project once again this year! 50/50 Project -During Bonanza we did 50/50 throughout the week. -In total we raised $1,796 which half went to the CJHA and half went to the owner of the winning tickets. -Thanks to all of those that purchased tickets during the week!


Junior Influence

Provincial Reports

Fall 2014

British Columbia Heather Fisher-LeBlanc

This fall, the British Columbia Junior Hereford Association began to see some growth, which was very exciting! We are hoping to see this trend continue. British Columbia would like to congratulate the Ontario Junior Hereford Association for putting on another great Bonanza! We had three juniors at Bonanza in Lindsay this summer. Allie and Natasha Barsby both exhibited heifer calves. Allie won the junior section B photography competition, while her younger sister Natasha received second in the junior advertisement and second in the junior poem competition. Heather came third in the Senior Impromptu Competition , as well as fifth overall in Senior Showmanship. British Columbia also came second in the Team Show Basics and Great Griller, and won the Challenge Cup! On behalf of the BCJHA, thank you to everyone who helped make this event possible. At the Interior Provincial Exhibition in Armstrong, BC, Cayley Brown won Grand Champion Female with her two-year old cow. This pair then went on to win Supreme Female, qualifying her for the RBC Supreme Show at Agribition in November! At the 2nd Annual West Coast Hereford Show, held in Aldergrove on September 13th at North Bluff Farms, we had twelve juniors attend representing all age categories. Cayley Brown won overall Grand Champion Showman, and Heather Fisher-LeBlanc was Reserve. We would like to thank Kurtis Reid for judging this event. We were very excited with the success of this event and can’t wait to see these juniors again. British Columbia is starting to discuss the possibility of hosting Bonanza in 2017. If anyone is interested in helping out with planning this event, please don’t hesitate to contact the BCJHA! We will need lots of help to make this event possible.


Larissa Lupul There were eight AJHA members who attended Bonanza in Lindsay and we all had a great time! Together we exhibited fourteen head. Alberta exhibitors enjoyed meeting other juniors as well as getting the opportunity to work with each other. We would like to thank Terri Nixdorff for sitting in as our Adult Advisor and Adam Nixdorff for filling in as our second Alberta delegate. We’d also like to thank Debbie Simpson for purchasing the Alberta basket and the Bonanza 2014 organizing committee for putting on such an awesome event!

Dennis & Andrea Babiuk

Phone: (780) 657-2270 Cell: (780) 603-1079 Email ncx@xplornet.ca

Box 102 Brosseau, AB T0B 0P0

Quality Cattle For Sale At All Times


Junior Influence

Fall 2014

Saskatchewan James Hordos

For all Saskatchewan Junior Herford members that are going to be at Canadian Western Agribition, be sure to attend the SJHA AGM on Thursday, November 27th following the Hereford Sale. This year we will be losing a few board members and also both of our provinces delegates that sit on the CJHA board, please give it a thought prior to the meeting if you want to be a part of the SJHA board . If you have any questions that regard the meeting on the 27th or unable to join us, don’t be afraid to contact either of our adult advisors Michell and Carrie or your current delegates James and Miranda, we are all willing to help! We look forward to seeing all of you juniors at the meeting!


Samantha Rimke

Well the summer sure did fly by here in Manitoba! Bonanza was a blast and the Hereford breed was well represented at Round-Up. There was a total of six juniors from Manitoba that attended Bonanza in Lindsay; Jay, Samantha and Levi Rimke, Orianna and Teegan Hydnman and Kennedy Manns. The week flew by and everyone finished with great results. Congratulations to Jay Rimke for making the CJHA Honor Roll and for receiving the Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarship. We would also like to wish him all the best in the future as this is his last year as a junior. Also we would like to congratulate the rest of our juniors: - Samantha was one of the recipients of the CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship. - Levi and Kennedy placed third in Team Judging. - Teegan was Pee Wee Aggregate. - Oriannna was Intermediate and Overall Aggregate. - Team Manitoba placed third in Five Head from One Province. Way to go team Manitoba! the MJHA Juniors would also like to congratulate their Adult Advisors, Albert and Michelle Rimke for receiving the “Friends of Bonanza” Award! Team Manitoba is already making plans to attend Bonanza 2015 in Fredericton, New Brunswick! Unfortunately this year Bonanza is the same week as our Junior Provincial Show, Round-Up, so only two members attended which included Bennett Foster and Breadon Calvert. They showed against the Charolais Juniors and well represented the Hereford breed. Congrats Breadon and Bennett! The MHA Field Day was held on August 16th where many juniors went and participated in the show. Overall the Manitoba Juniors have had a great summer and can’t wait for the fall shows to begin! We would like to wish the best of luck to all of those going back to school as well!

Sunnybrook Farm Audrey & Peter Kidney 506-328-3604 506-328-2003 Weston, NB


Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 Craig Ph: 403-651-9441 Email: grantspix@gmail.com Web: www.grantspix.com


Junior Influence

Fall 2014


Justin McLaughlin This year for Ontario was great with Bonanza going so well and the rest of the show season as well. Ontario would like to thank all the sponsors and volunteers of Bonanza for setting, donating time and money to put on an amazing show. The planning for the Royal this year is almost done and it is looking like to be a good show. All of the Ontario Juniors would like to say thank you to Katelyn Larmer for putting up with us for all these years and we know it won’t be long until you are back in the Hereford association.


Allison Mastine The Quebec Junior Beef Show was held at the Brome Fairgrounds from July 3-5. It was a great success with 30 junior participants and 40 head entered. We would like to thank all the sponsors and volunteers who helped at this year’s show. We would also like to thank Maple Hill Farms for allowing us to visit their farm. We had 10 junior Hereford members attend Bonanza in Lindsay, Ontario. Fun was had by all and we would like to thank the Ontario Junior Hereford Association for all their hard work. Quebec’s last fall show, Expo Boeuf, took place Thanksgiving weekend in Victoriaville, Quebec. There were around 600 cattle entered and over 100 juniors that participated in Sunday’s junior show. The Quebec Junior Beef Show organizing committee organized a 50/50 draw where we raised 630.00$. Thank You to all who participated.

Maritimes Bennett Crane

The 2014 show season has wrapped up for many of the Maritime juniors who have successfully exhibited their cattle in their 4-H and provincial shows. Some of the Maritime members also traveled to the Royal to represent their provinces on their 4-H beef teams. We had four members travel to Bonanza this year, with Wyatt Oulton winning Premier Breeder. We would like to thank the Ontario Juniors for organizing an excellent show. The Maritime’s are proud to host Bonanza 2015 in Fredericton, New Brunswick on July 28th to August 1st. We are very excited for the show and are looking forward to seeing many Juniors and their families come out and enjoy the beautiful Maritimes. Best of luck to everyone with the soon approaching calving season!

Larissa Lupul Foisy, Alberta

780-227-1095 barefoot@mcsnet.ca


Junior Influence

Facts About Your Outgoing CJHA National Delegates

Fall 2014

1. How long did you sit on the National Council? And for what province? I sat on the CJHA National Board for 3 years representing the Manitoba Junior Hereford Association. 2. What have your learned/benefited from by being on the national council? I have learned to take on leadership skills and I have learned that many great programs need responsible and organized leaders to make the Junior programs happen. 3.What was your favourite Bonanza memory? Winning the major jay fox ambassador award and senior aggregate award at bonanza 2013 and getting a standing ovation when I received the major jay fox ambassador award. 4. What are your future plans? To return to the family farm and help run the family operation. 5. What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford Jay Rimke, Manitoba Delegate enthusiasts? Take advantage of the junior programs that are offered for not all junior associations offer what the CJHA offers and they are a great start to help build up your herd and get yourself out into the hereford breed.

Miranda Heidecker, Saskatchewan Delegate

1. How long did you sit on the National Council? And for what province? I sat on the National Council for 2 years representing Saskatchewan.

2. What have your learned/benefited from by being on the national council? Being on the national council has been a great experience. I was able to make some long-lasting friendships and I learned so much about our breed, our association and about the breeders, sponsors, and families that make everything we do, possible.

3.What was your favourite Bonanza memory? My favourite Bonanza memory was this past year’s Bonanza in Ontario where I was privaledged to be Talia’s (Ontario) buddy. Helping her was so much fun and I was able to see her succeed first hand. 4. What are your future plans? At the moment, my future plans are to work in the field of animal genetics. I am currently enrolled at the U of S taking a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a Major in Animal Science. 5. What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford enthusiasts? My advice to you, fellow enthusiasts, would be to get involved in as many events as possible! For example, when you are at Bonanza, sign up for everything. You will be surprised at how much you will learn and the friendships you will make at the same time. Always remember to have fun #wearehereford. 8

Junior Influence

1. How long did you sit on the National Council? And for what province? I sat on the national Council for two years. First year as an Ontario Delegate and second as CJHA President. Kyra

Fall 2014

McConnell, Ontario Delegate

2. What have your learned/benefited from by being on the national council? Being on the council has forced me to grow and take responsibility for all my doings and to also lead new or younger members. 3.What was your favourite Bonanza memory? My favorite Bonanza memory had to be this year and seeing all the excitement and enjoyment that people got out of a Bonanza that I had worked so hard to put on. 4. What are your future plans? I am currently in school at Fleming College in Lindsay Ontario for Electrical Power Generation to be graduating in April and am working diligently to find a job in that field of work. 5. What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford enthusiasts? My advice to fellow enthusiasts would be to take part in as many things the CJHA has to offer especially the projects (Heifer lottery, Semen Donation ect.) and to make as many memories as possible because before you know it you will no longer be a junior. 1. How long did you sit on the National Council? And for what province? I was part of the National Council for two years and represented the Maritimes. 2. What have your learned/benefited from by being on the national council? I’ve meet some great people while being part of the National Council and got to see the perspectives of others. I’ve learned that a lot of dedication goes into the CJHA and Bonanza by members, families, and adult advisors. 3.What was your favourite Bonanza memory? My favourite Bonanza memories would be travelling to different Bonanzas with kids from the Maritimes and doing well indivually and as a team even though we were a small group.

Bennett Crane, Maritime Delegate

4. What are your future plans? I plan to remain involved in agriculture into the future and continue to raise Hereford cattle. I hope to continue on with my biology degree and find a way to apply it to agriculture on PEI

5. What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford enthusiasts? My advice to juniors is to participate in as many Bonanzas and Semen Donation projects as you can. These are great opportunities to learn more and meet some great people in the breed and to also improve your herd. Also never be afraid to ask questions. There are some tremendously talented people involved with Herefords and they are willing to help juniors whenever asked. 9

Junior Influence

Fall 2014

1. How long did you sit on the National Council? And for what province? I sat on the Canadian Junior Hereford National council for 1 year, I represented the province of Saskatchewan.

2. What have your learned/benefited from by being on the national council? I definitely learned a lot by sitting on the CJHA national council. One of the most important things I realized by sitting on the board is how Hereford breeders from across the country are so willing to help junior members succeed in the business by donating their time, and even money. Without our generous Hereford breeders, I would have not got the opportunity to sit on such an amazing Board. I have definitely gained a lot by sitting on the CJHA national board. Also I am very thankful to have got to meet so many great people who have the same interests in the cattle business as I do. 3.What was your favourite Bonanza memory? My favourite bonanza memory was in 2013 at Brandon when I won champion bull. I also have a tonne of great memories from this past bonanza in Lindsay. All the bonanza`s that I have attended were a blast. 4. What are your future plans? My Future plans are to farm and continue to breed Hereford cattle. 5. What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford enthusiasts? Some advice I give to young Hereford enthusiasts is to get involved as much as you can in the junior projects and to attend as many bonanza`s as possible because you will definitely carry those memories for a long time and make friendships that will last a lifetime.

James Hordos, Saskatchewan Delegate

Bonanza 2015!!

Bonanza 2015 will be hosted by the Maritimes, held in Fredericton, New Brunswick on July 28th - August 1st at the Fredericton Exhibition Grounds. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Delta Fredericton which is the host hotel for the week, and is in walking distance to the grounds! The Maritime Junior Hereford Association is excited to host Bonanza 2015 and are well underway in planning and gaining sponsorships. Please contact MJHA Adult Advisors Victor & Novadawn Oulton (oulton.farm@ns.sympatico.ca) or Bonanza Contact, Dale & Lisa Black (daleblack@xplornet.com) with any questions!


W.G. Oulton & Sons Ltd.

Victor Oulton 4956 Hwy 14 Martock Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 phone/fax 902 798-4440 cell 902 792-8151 oulton.farm@ns.sympatico.ca



Junior Influence

Fall 2014

Ashley Black, Maritime Delegate 1. How long did you sit on the National Council? And for what province? I have sat on the council for 1 year being the Secretary of the council as well as being the delegate for the Maritimes. 2. What have your learned/benefited from by being on the national council? I have learned a lot by being on the council, this includes skills such as leadership, teamwork and communication. When working with people found all across Canada it is important that you keep in communication so that work (and CHJA projects) can be completed. Being on the National council has provided me with many opportunities and chances to meet people from across Canada, establish new friendships and learn from others. 3.What was your favourite Bonanza memory? My favorite Bonanza memory was several years ago when Bonanza was held in Quebec. This was a year that both of my parents and my sister went to Bonanza and it was only my second Bonanza show I had attended. I loved having my whole family at the show and learning new things from other CJHA members. 4. What are your future plans? As of now, I am in my fourth year at the University of New Brunswick finishing up my Science in Kinesiology degree where I plan to continue my education taking a Physiotherapy program. After this of course, I still plan on having a farm of my own where my kids will be able to continue showing at shows like Bonanza. 5. What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford enthusiasts? For the fellow Junior Hereford enthusiasts my advice for you would be to work hard, stay involved and take in as many opportunities as you can. Take advantage of the things that the CJHA offers you so that you can learn new things and help promote the Hereford breed.

Upcoming Events & Deadlines January 3.............................................Manitoba Junior Hereford Association AGM. February 15............................................Deadline for CJHA Surveys to be postmarked. 15............................................Deadline for CJHA Honour Roll Applications to be sent in.

November 27......................................Saskatchewan Junior Hereford Association AGM - following the Hereford Show at Agribition. December 20.......................................Deadline for Semen Donation - have all applications postmarked and sent to Larissa Lupul for a draw. 11

Junior Influence

Faces of the CJHA

Fall 2014

The Juniors from River Road Farm, Quebec Jade and Xavier Ouellet and Mercedes and Memphis Mastine are the children of Scott Mastine and Lissia Leblanc. They own and operate River Road Farms in St-Francois-Xavier, Quebec. Jade Ouellet is 14 years old and attends College Mont Notre-Dame. Jade has attended 2 Bonanzas, in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec and Lindsay, Ontario. She is on the organizing committee for the Quebec Junior Beef Show and looks forward to one day be on the National Junior Hereford Council. Xavier Ouellet is 13 years old and attends Séminaire de Sherbrooke. Xavier attended his first Bonanza in StHyacinthe, Quebec in 2010. Xavier enjoys working on the farm. Mercedes Mastine is 7 years old. She attends École St-Philippe. She attended her first Bonanza at the age of 3 in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec. Mercedes has attended the Big E, where she participated in the junior show. Mercedes enjoys showing and being on the farm. Memphis Mastine is 6 years old. He attends École St-Philippe. He enjoys playing around the farm and going to fairs. Jade, Xavier, Mercedes and Memphis are all junior Hereford members who participate in many events across Quebec. They are all planning on attending Bonanza 2015 in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Faces of the CJHA Jared & Whitney Ball, Ontario

Whitney (19) is currently in her second year at the University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus enrolled in the Associate Diploma program as she plans to pursue a career in the Agricultural Industry. Jared (17) is currently in grade twelve at OD/Park Secondary School and plans to pursue a career in the trades. Growing up and being around their grandparent’s farm started a shared interest in working with cattle, which soon lead to both kids sharing the same passion for showing Herefords. Both teens are active Junior Hereford Members and are largely involved within local 4-H clubs. Currently both Whitney and Jared have a few of their own animals, but show mostly the Grandfather’s cattle with the Marbren Farm Prefix. Over the last few years Whitney and Jared have spent most of their spare time in the barn working on cattle and taking them out to numerous local fairs and junior shows in preparation for the Royal Winter Fair. To both Whitney and Jared the RAWF is their favourite show as most of their accomplishments have taken place here. Their most valued accomplishments include when Jared was Overall Champion Showperson at the National Junior Beef Heifer Show in 2008 and when a homebred heifer Whitney was showing was Overall Reserve Champion Female in the Eastern National Hereford Show in 2010. Being involved as junior members has given Whitney and Jared chances to meet more people within the Hereford industry and open up various windows of opportunity. They have also learned to work as team, get along as siblings and as friends, and move towards reaching goals not just as a team, but on an individual level and lastly what it means to be successful. 12

Junior Influence

CJHA Honour Roll

Fall 2014

APPLICATIONS DUE FEBRUARY 15, 2015! To honour Juniors who have made a substantial contribution to the Junior Hereford industry for the betterment of the breed. The Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Council shall annually consider and select inductees to the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Honour Roll as nominated from the Provincial general membership with the top two from each province being brought forward to the National Council for consideration. Nominations 1) Nominations should be addressed to the National Adult Advisor at the CHA office. They must be received prior to the March Council meeting of the current calendar year to be included for selection. 2) Provincial Associations are reminded each year to submit their top two Honour Roll Nominations. 3) Nominations should be submitted and signed by the two persons who are members in good standing with the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. One of the two delegates must sign the nomination before it is sent into the Canadian Hereford Association head office. 4) Persons making a nomination should carefully consider how the nominee is to be presented. And they should pay close attention to the importance of each section as indicated by the scoring system. 5) A complete biography of the nominee is required with particular emphasis on involvement in the Hereford industry. Selection 1) Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Delegates will review submissions to ensure they have met guidelines. 2) Copies of all submissions are provided to the National Delegates of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association for review and scoring. 3) Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Adult Advisor will compile the results prior to Bonanza, and submissions receiving average scores greater than 75 are accepted for induction to a maximum of four each year. 4) The nominees are notified prior to Bonanza so that the presentation can be made at the Banquet. Inductees are asked to review and approve a biography prepared from the nomination materials and a head and shoulders picture is REQUESTED at that time. 5) Nominations that were not accepted for induction based on the average scoring are returned to the nominator along with the average scoring and a thank you letter reminding them that they may wish to resubmit with a more thorough description in areas where the nomination scored BELOW average. 6) Any National Council Delegates that happen to be nominated must exit the room when their nomination is being presented. 7) Presentations by National Delegates about their nominees must encompass why the nominee is a worthy addition to the CJHA Honour Roll. Applications that are simply read will score an automatic zero on the “Presentation from Board Member” section. Presentations 1) An “Honour Roll” Certificate, suitably inscribed to recognize the honour, is presented to each inducted member. 2) Presentations are made by the president of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. If possible, the presentation is made at Bonanza.

2014 CJHA “Future of the Breed” Winners APPLICATIONS DUE MAY 15, 2015!

Congratulations to this year’s CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship Winners! The four recipients include Cassandra Gorrill, Ontario, Whitney Ball, Ontario, Coleman Nixdorff, Alberta and Samantha Rimke, Manitoba. A BIG thank you to our seven judges across Canada whom are responsible for the selection of our scholarship! Applications can be found on our website! 13

Junior Influence

Fall 2014

Word Search!

Future of the Breed Junior Influence weareherefords Bonanza Buddies Heifer Lottery

Semen Donation Hereford Pride Fredericton Association Honour Roll Provincial

Membership Herefords Instagram Delegates Aggregate Marketing

Facebook Sponsors National Juniors Bonanza Travel

Coloring Page!

Canada CJHA

Colour the picture found on page 15 any way you like! Include your name, your age, and address on the back and return to: Meghan Black Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 1, 2014 14

Junior Influence


Fall 2014

Junior Influence

Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta 403-275-2662 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior Hereford Association




Fall 2014

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