Junior Influence Fall 2015

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Junior Influence The Official Newsletter of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Fall 2015 This Junior Influence includes: CJHA Project Updates Facts About Your Outgoing CJHA National Council Information on Bonanza 2016 Upcoming Events & Deadlines Faces of the CJHA - British Columbia Coloring Page MUCH MORE!

2016 National Council

President Cassandra Gorrill cassandragorrill@hotmail.ca Ontario Vice President Wyatt Oulton wy546827@dal.ca Maritimes Secretary Samantha Rimke rimke24@gmail.com Manitoba

Communications Allison Mastine allison.mastine@gmail.com Quebec National Delegates Maritimes Allison Booth cheryl.booth@atlanticwindows.com Quebec Jade Ouellet jadeoullet@hotmail.com Ontario Justin McLaughlin


Manitoba Bennett Foster bennettfoster2@gmail.com

British Columbia Heather Fisher-LeBlanc heatherfisher1@hotmail.com

Saskatchewan Morgan Heidecker mheidecker8@gmail.com

Billy Paul friday5pm@shaw.ca

Morgan Millham jmam@hotmail.ca

National CJHA Coordinator Elizabeth (Libby) Laycraft libby@hereford.ca

Alberta Andrew Cross crosslego@gmail.com

Out-Going Delegates Larissa Lupul barefoot@mcsnet.ca

Brandon Fraser jkfraser@xplornet.com

Colt Mastine colt_mastine@hotmail.com

Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta 403-275-2662 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior Hereford Association




Junior Influence

Fall 2015

Table of Contents

Presidents Report............................3 Outgoing Presidents Report...........4 Communications Report................4 CJHA National Council Meeting Report..........................5 CJHA Project Updates.....................5

Provincial Reports British Columbia...................6 Alberta...................................6 Saskatchewan........................6 Manitoba...............................6 Ontario..................................7 Quebec...................................7 Maritimes..............................7 Bonanza 2015..................................8 Upcoming Junior Events.................8 Faces of the CJHA Billy & Ken Paul, BC............8 Facts About Your Outgoing CJHA National Delegates Colt Mastine.........................9 Larissa Lupul........................9 CJHA Honour Roll..........................10 CJHA KGF “Future of the Breed� Scholarship Winners.....10 CJHA Merchandise..........................11/12 Semen Donation Rules....................13/14 Coloring Page..................................15

Remember to take the time to personally thank any supporters of the CJHA you may run into during the spring & summer! Without the support of many generous individuals we would not be as successful as we are! 2

Junior Influence

Incoming President’s Report Cassandra Gorrill

Fall 2015

Hello all! I am honoured to have been elected your President for the upcoming year and hope that I can represent and serve the Juniors well. I’d never have dreamed at my first Bonanza in 2008 that I would be elected President for my final year of the Junior association. However, once I was involved and saw how hard the CJHA National Council works to provide Juniors across the country with chances to grow a herd and to grow as an individual, I knew I wanted to be even more involved and pay the favour back to the association. I also had the example of my older brother who first served as a provincial delegate and got me excited about becoming one too. Never underestimate the impact this association can have on you. I look forward to this coming year with a great National Council Executive that was elected at our AGM at Bonanza, consisting of Vice President Wyatt Oulton from the Maritimes, Secretary Samantha Rimke from Manitoba and Communications Officer Allison Mastine from Quebec. If you have any questions or concerns you’d like brought up at the National Council meeting in March 2016, send me a message, or your provincial delegate, and we’d be happy to discuss it for you. Don’t forget to take advantage of the Junior projects the CJHA works hard to provide you with. Semen Donation was taken on by British Columbia this year and they had a great list of breeders to contact for bulls. They were looking into expanding our choices. If there is a bull you are interested in, please let the National Board know and we will see about acquiring that bull for you. Semen Donation applications are due December 20th to Heather Fischer-LeBlanc. The Heifer Lottery was organized by Manitoba who worked hard to compile Hereford sales from across the country. Manitoba was able to beat their goal of 45 sanctioned sales with 50 sales and $5000 in sale credits for Junior members. For a full list of sponsors and the winners of the draw please visit www.hereford.ca . The project is a great way for Juniors to buy their own cattle and start building their own herd, and we thank all of our sales, old and new. The CJHA Calendar was headed by Quebec this year and what a success it was! Thank you to all the breeders who bought an ad for the 2016 Calendar. Keep an eye out for your own copy this winter and take the time to look through all the ads. We are very appreciative of this project, and it’s a great way to get your farm recognized. The CJHA would like to congratulate Colt Mastine and Cassandra Gorrill for being inducted into the CJHA Honour Roll. This honour recognizes outstanding involvement and contribution to the CJHA. If you know someone who fits this description, please let your national delegate know so they can bring their name forward to the National Council meeting in March. Congratulations go out to the CJHA –KGF Future of the Breed Scholarship winners ; Adam Smith from Ontario; Morgan Heidecker from Saskatchewan; Allison Mastine from Quebec; and Heather Fisher-LeBlanc from B.C.. This year the CJHA partnered up with the Keith Gilmore Foundation to increase the scholarship from $500 to $1000. We look forward to working closer with the KGF to bring our Junior members the support they need for their education. I’d also like to take this time to thank the Bonanza 2015 Committee for hosting such a great show for us in New Brunswick! It was well run and we know how hard all the volunteers must have worked. We all enjoyed ‘Living the Hereford Dream’ on the East coast! Thank you also to all the sponsors of Bonanza 2015 and the breeders who support us throughout all our projects. I’d like to wish everyone the best of their fall show season and best of luck for the next year’s calf crop!


Junior Influence

Fall 2015

Outgoing President’s Report

Larissa Lupul Greetings fellow junior Hereford enthusiasts,

I’d like to start off by welcoming Libby Laycraft to the CJHA team. Libby has been hired as our new Adult Advisor and we are very excited to work with her! I’m sure that I share a similar feeling to many other juniors when I say that I had an amazing time at Bonanza 2015 in Fredericton, New Brunswick! If you’ve never attended a Bonanza I’d highly recommend it. The friends that you meet, skills that you learn and memories that you make will stay with you forever! On behalf of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association I’d like to thank the sponsors and organizers who make Bonanza an outstanding event year after year. Your sponsorship money and volunteer hours help develop juniors into well rounded and enthusiastic young cattlemen. Thank You Copper Creek Ranch! I’ d also like to thank the parents, grandparents, neighbors, friends and Catherine Brown of Copper Creek Ranch and families who help our juniors prepare for and get to Bonanza. Without outgoing CJHA President Larissa Lupul your support our show wouldn’t be the first class event that it is today. I’d like to recognize Copper Creek Ranch as a continuous Diamond sponsor of Bonanza; the juniors appreciate their support more than they could ever imagine! The CJHA would also like to extend a huge thank you to the organizers, sponsors and participants of the T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament that took place on June 23 & 24. Manitoba delegate Samantha Rimke and her dad, Albert represented us at the tournament and had a great time. The T Bar Invitational has been a continuous sponsor and this year they donated $14,214 to our association. As usual the national council members have been busy working on their annual projects. This year the heifer lottery was a huge success with 50 sales/breeders participating and $5,000 in sale credits given out! The heifer lottery winners were announced at Bonanza which is also where the silent auction and 50/50 projects took place. Ontario is currently in the process of creating some new and exciting factsheets for juniors to take advantage of which will be available in the fall. While my report comes to an end, so does my position as the Canadian Junior Hereford President. I am excited to announce that the new CJHA President is Cassandra Gorrill from Ontario and the new Vice President is Wyatt Oulton from the Maritimes. Samantha Rimke from Manitoba will continue to be the CJHA Secretary and Allison Mastine from Quebec was elected as the Communications Director. I would also like to welcome Allison Booth as the new delegate for the Maritimes who took over Bree Curry’s spot, Jade Ouellet from Quebec who took over Colt Mastine’s position and Andrew Cross from Alberta who took over my spot. Thank you once again to everyone who supported me and made my year as President such a great experience! See you down the show road, Larissa Lupul

Communications Report Allison Mastine

Congratulations to all juniors who participated at Bonanza 2015! As your incoming Communications Officer, I am excited to embark on this journey with you. If you have not already connected with us, we have a Facebook page where we are always looking for pictures, achievements and other Hereford related posting that we can share within our network. We also have a CJHA Twitter page and an Instagram account. Connect with us today on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook (#wearehereford) to stay updated about cattle shows and events, picture games, contests, new merchandise and more! If you are interested in sharing something with the CJHA community or have any questions, please feel free to contact me, or your respective delegates. I hope you all have a fantastic year!


Junior Influence

CJHA Annual Meeting Report

Fall 2015

Samantha Rimke

This year the CJHA Annual General Meeting took place in conjunction with Bonanza in Fredericton, New Brunswick on Thursday, July 30th, 2015. We had a great group of kids out for the meeting and it ran fast and smoothly. We discussed what is currently happening at Bonanza, reviewed the financials and went over all the reports from each province and CJHA project. We also introduced our new executive: President: Cassandra Gorrill Vice President: Wyatt Oulton Secretary: Samantha Rimke Communications Officer: Allison Mastine Overall a good meeting and we look forward to the upcoming year! 2015/2016 CJHA National Council - Bonanza Fredericton, New Brunswick (L-R) Allison Booth, Brandon Fraser, Morgan Millham, Billy Paul, Morgan Heidecker, Justin McLaughlin Alison Mastine, Colt Mastine, Heather Fisher-Le Blanc, Wyatt Oulton, Bennett Foster, Cassandra Gorrill, Samantha Rimke, Larissa Lupal

CJHA Project Updates

Semen Donation Project The Semen Donation program was a great success this year. We have 36 polled bulls and 24 horned bulls on offer. Every junior member in Canada is eligible for this program and is encouraged to take advantage of it. It is important to keep in mind that certificates are the responsibility of the junior to purchase from this year forward. We are very excited to have a number of new bulls from a number of new donors this year, so make sure to have a close look at all the bulls available.

and another $636.00 on the provincial baskets. Thank you to all of the donors and a special thank you to the successful bidders. Heifer Lottery Project This year heifer lottery was a huge success! We had 50 sanction at sales/farms that participated. On behalf of the CJHA thank you to the participating sales and farms. Congratulations to our 2015 Heifer Lottery voucher winners! This year we gave out 7 vouchers - 4 Regional Winners; Jory Donavan, Levi Rimke, Hunter Millham and Andrew Dunsmore who each won $500, Prize Winners; Connor Morse and Matthew Charlton who won $750 and Grand Prize Winner; Whitney Ball, who won $1500.

CJHA Calendar Project A big Thank You goes out to all breeders and businesses that purchased an ad in support of the 2016 Calendar Project. The Calendar is a great marketing tool for the CJHA, as it is sent out to all CJHA, and CHA members. If you are interested in supporting the 2017 Calendar project, contact your respective National Delegate for more information.

50/50 Project During Bonanza we did 50/50 draws throughout the week. In total we raised approximately $1,300. Thanks to all of those who purchased tickets during the week and a special thanks to Stephen Myer for donating his winnings of over $400 back to the Bonanza Fund for next year!

CJHA Silent Auction Bonanza 2015 Silent Auction at Fredericton NB was a success. We had 85 various items donated by all provinces and there was some fast and furious bidding going on. We made $3,842.00 on our silent auction 5

Junior Influence

Provincial Reports

Fall 2015

British Columbia Heather Fisher-LeBlanc

First of all, congratulations to the MJHA on a job well done. Bonanza 2015 in Fredericton, New Brunswick was a great success. British Columbia had three juniors attend, and they all had a great time. They exhibited two class winners, and won the Great Griller Competition. In March, for the first time in five years, BC was very excited to have two juniors representing the province as National Delegates thanks to Billy Paul! It was a great meeting, and we are very excited about how the CJHA is continuing to evolve to meet the needs and wishes of the Junior Hereford members in our country. On September 5, BC delegate Billy Paul, exhibited his female to Grand Champion Female at the Interior Provincial Exhibition and the West Coast Hereford Show the following weekend. Brad and Jake Smith, two other juniors, exhibited the Reserve Champion Female in the Open show. We are very excited to see so much junior success within our province, and are hoping to have at least ten juniors at Bonanza in Olds next summer. We have recently started making plans for Bonanza 2017 which will be held in Abbotsford, BC July 17-21, 2017.


Brandon Fraser

The Alberta Junior Hereford Association held their Provincial Show at the Westaskiwin Agricultural Society grounds on June 20th. The show was held with the Alberta Hereford Association Annual Meetings. We had a judging competition, grooming demonstration, showmanship and conformation classes. We also, had our Annual Meeting. The Alberta Juniors also supported the Summer Synergy Junior show which was held in Olds July 7 to 10th. Some of the Hereford Juniors came out of Summer Synergy winning Calgary Stampede Scholarships. We are currently working at planning the 2016 Bonanza to be held in Olds Alberta next August. There were nine AJHA members who went to Bonanza in Fredericton this summer. We had a successful Bonanza and our small group represented our province well with everyone coming home with prizes from public speaking, to conformation. Congratulations to Gabrielle Cheremshynski for winning Grand Champion Female. We are excited to see everyone at Bonanza 2016!

Saskatchewan Morgan Heidecker

This summer Beef-a-Rama was held at Lone Pine Cattle Co. There was 39 juniors in attendance showing 61 head of cattle. At Bonanza in Fredericton NB, we had 8 juniors attend and we all enjoyed the warm east coast hospitality. In August, the SHA had the NW and SE field days. Both field days had a great attendance of people and cattle, with tremendous support from the livestock community! We will be holding our SJHA annual general meeting at Agribition this year. We look forward to seeing all the juniors at the fall sales and show!


Samantha Rimke

What a summer the Manitoba Junior Hereford member had! The Manitoba Juniors were involved in two shows throughout the summer, but unfortunately they were both held during the same week. Bonanza had 5 Manitoba Juniors present: Samantha and Levi Rimke, Orianna and Teegan Hyndman, and Bennett Foster. Manitoba won overall Provincial Aggregate. A good time was had by all. Roundup was attended by only one junior, Bobbi-Jo Foster. The Manitoba Field day was on August 15th where a few juniors took part and did very good in the MOE show. Our next event is Ag Ex in Brandon on October 27-31. Hope to see everyone there!


Junior Influence

Fall 2015


Justin McLaughlin

Hello all, greetings from Ontario. This year’s Ontario executive was elected at our AGM in April; Cassandra Gorrill as President, Renee Finlay as Vice President, Toree Finlay as Secretary, Justin McLaughlin as Treasurer, and the directors are Alyssa Snoddon, Ethan Stone, Jessica and Justin Swanston, Rebecca Hess and Owen Grundy. This year our BeefA-Rama was held at the Norwood fairgrounds; 33 Juniors attended, and about 50 head of cattle were there. It was a great turnout! I want to say thank you to the Maritimes for putting on such a great Bonanza! I know all the exhibitors from Ontario enjoyed themselves. Congratulations to all of team Ontario on all of your accomplishments and for representing our province well. All the juniors will be exhibiting at all the local fall fairs this year, and from Ontario we would like to wish you all the best luck this year. To register for showmanship at the Royal please contact our Adult Advisor, Lois Batty, at cedarwood11@live.com.


Allison Mastine

This summer sure did fly by in Quebec! There was a total of 10 juniors that attended Bonanza in Fredericton, New Brunswick. All members did exceptionally well. We would like to congratulate the following members on their achievements: Dylan Mastine – Senior Champion and Grand Champion Grooming Colt Mastine – Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Grooming Mercedes Mastine – Reserve Champion Peewee Showman Andrew Mastine – Grand Champion Intermediate Showman Allison Mastine – Reserve Champion Junior Yearling Memphis Mastine – Reseve Champion Junior Yearling Bull Congratulations to all the juniors who did well in the arts and photography. We would like to also congratulate Colt Mastine for making the CJHA “Honour Roll”, Allison Mastine for being one of the CJHA KGF “Future of the Breed” Scholarship recipients, and as well as winning the Major Jay Fox Ambassador Award. We look forward to the fall fairs and next year’s Bonanza. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your delegates Allison Mastine and Jade Ouellet. / Si vous avez des questions s’il vous plait contacter vos representants Allison Mastine ou Jade Ouellet.

Maritimes Allison Booth

Hello from the Maritimes. We hope everyone has had a good show season so far as well as best of luck to the later fall shows that you will be attending. The Maritimes had their annual meeting at their annual round up which was held in Dundas, hosted by the P.E.I Hereford Club on May 29th to the 31st. Another major show that happened in the Maritimes this year was Bonanza that was held on July 29th to August 1st. We had a great turnout and was amazing to see everyone and new members. All the juniors enjoyed themselves very well. Congratulations to all the winners in all the categories. Again, good luck to you all for the rest of the 2015 show season and best of luck to the soon approaching calving season in the winter.


Junior Influence

Fall 2015

Bonanza 2016!!

The Alberta Juniors and the Bonanza 2016 committee would like to invite all of you to Olds Alberta August 9th to the 13th, 2016. Bonanza will be held at the Olds Agriculture Society grounds, which is where the 2012 World Hereford Show was held. Our host hotel will be the Pomeroy Inn and Suites where the Canadian Hereford Annual Meetings will be held. Blocks of rooms have also been booked at the Best Western and the Ramada . Camping will be available on-site We are pleased to announce that we are including a jackpot steer show and a prospect show. Starting looking for your Hereford or Hereford Influence steers for next year. Show details and updates will be posted on Facebook and Twitter. Plan on being Alberta bound next summer!

Upcoming Events & Deadlines November 27........Saskatchewan Junior Hereford Association AGM - following the Hereford Show at Agribition. December 20.......Deadline for Semen Donation - have all applications postmarked and sent to Heather Fisher-Leblanc for a draw. February 15..........Deadline for CJHA Honour Roll Applications to be sent in.

Faces of the CJHA

Billy and Ken Paul, British Columbia The BCJHA would like to recognize Billy and Ken Paul, juniors who have travelled coast to coast taking part in Hereford shows. Both Billy and Ken started showing in 4-H, Billy in 2009, and Ken in 2012. In 2012, Billy began showing Herefords, attending Agribition with Grant Hirsche, and in 2013, Ken followed in his big brothers foot steps. They have attended Agribition every year since then, along with other shows like Bonanza, Denver and seven different fairs throughout British Columbia. Realizing how much they loved the breed, they began their own Hereford herd. The boys now have 10 females, and are starting to see their hard work pay off. Ken recently had the top Hereford steer at a very competitive 4-H show, and Billy was lucky enough to have Grand Champion Female at the Interior Provincial Exhibition and the West Coast Hereford Show on back to back weekends! Ken has become quite the young showman, winning multiple grooming and showmanship competitions throughout the year. Billy has also recently stepped in as a BC delegate to the National Council. British Columbia is very lucky to have such eager young cattleman in their association and we wish them the best in the future.


Junior Influence

Fall 2015

Facts About Your Outgoing CJHA National Delegates Colt Mastine - Quebec 1.) How long did you sit on the National Council? And for what province? I sat on the council for 4 years for Quebec 2.) What have you learned/benefitted from by being on the National Council? Being on the National Council showed me how much work and effort it takes to help run a show. And if you help others, it comes back to you. 3.) What was your favourite Bonanza memory? Best memory has to be Bonanza Ontario when we found James Hordos sleeping with his cow in the morning. 4.) What are your future plans? I am a welder. So I think that will be my main work. But I like going to fairs. So my dreams are to have a small 15 cow herd on the side. 5.) What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford enthusiasts? The best outcomes I’ve had is from helping others. So if you give up one minutes of your time to someone who really needs the help, then they will give you back hours when you need it the most.

Larissa Lupul - Alberta 1.) How long did you sit on the National Council? And for what province? I sat on the national council for two years representing Alberta. 2.) What have you learned/benefitted from by being on the National Council? My communication skills have improved greatly through being on the national council. We work on projects all year long but we only meet twice a year so communication is key. 3.) What was your favourite Bonanza memory? When I was younger, my answer to this questions would be winning this or that, but now I don’t have one specific favourite memory. I just enjoy being with my friends from around the country and seeing all the young kids having a great time. 4.) What are your future plans? I’m currently working for a Member of Parliament as an office assistant but after the election on October 19th I’ll be out of a job so I’m going to live the stock show gypsy life for the remainder of October and November and then find job that is more agricultural. 5.) What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford enthusiasts? My best advice would be to remember that no one will take you seriously until you take yourself seriously. Be honest, hardworking and kind. And always use a rice root brush before you even think about turning on a blower. 9

Junior Influence

CJHA Honour Roll

Fall 2015

APPLICATIONS DUE FEBRUARY 15, 2016! To honour Juniors who have made a substantial contribution to the Junior Hereford industry for the betterment of the breed. The Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Council shall annually consider and select inductees to the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Honour Roll as nominated from the Provincial general membership with the top two from each province being brought forward to the National Council for consideration.

Congratulations the 2015 Honour Roll Recipients Colt Mastine, Quebec and Cassandra Gorrill, Ontario Nominations 1. Nominations should be addressed to the National Adult Advisor at the CHA office. They must be received prior to the March Council meeting of the current calendar year to be included for selection. 2. Provincial Associations are reminded each year to submit their top two Honour Roll Nominations. 3. Nominations should be submitted and signed by the two persons who are members in good standing with the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. One of the two delegates must sign the nomination before it is sent into the Canadian Hereford Association head office. 4. Persons making a nomination should carefully consider how the nominee is to be presented. And they should pay close attention to the importance of each section as indicated by the scoring system. 5. A complete biography of the nominee is required with particular emphasis on involvement in the Hereford industry. Selection 1. Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Delegates will review submissions to ensure they have met guidelines. 2. Copies of all submissions are provided to the National Delegates of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association for review and scoring. 3. Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Adult Advisor will compile the results prior to Bonanza, and submissions receiving average scores greater than 75 are accepted for induction to a maximum of four each year. 4. The nominees are notified prior to Bonanza so that the presentation can be made at the Banquet. Inductees are asked to review and approve a biography prepared from the nomination materials and a head and shoulders picture is REQUESTED at that time. 5. Nominations that were not accepted for induction based on the average scoring are returned to the nominator along with the average scoring and a thank you letter reminding them that they may wish to resubmit with a more thorough description in areas where the nomination scored BELOW average. 6. Any National Council Delegates that happen to be nominated must exit the room when their nomination is being presented. 7. Presentations by National Delegates about their nominees must encompass why the nominee is a worthy addition to the CJHA Honour Roll. Applications that are simply read will score an automatic zero on the “Presentation from Board Member” section. Presentations 1. An “Honour Roll” Certificate, suitably inscribed to recognize the honour, is presented to each inducted member. 2. Presentations are made by the president of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. If possible, the presentation is made at Bonanza.

2015 CJHA KGF “Future of the Breed” Winners APPLICATIONS for 2016 are DUE MAY 15, 2016!

Congratulations to this year’s CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship Winners! The four recipients include Heather Fisher-LeBlanc, British Columbia; Morgan Heidecker, Saskatchewan; Allison Mastine, Quebec and Adam Smith, Ontario. A BIG thank you to our seven judges across Canada and the KGF Board Trustees whom are responsible for the selection of our scholarship! Applications can be found on our website!


Junior Influence

CJHA Merchandise Call 1(888) 836-7242 or email herefords@hereford.ca for sizing and to place an order


Fall 2015

Junior Influence

Fall 2015

5160 Skyline Way NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 275-2662 or Toll Free: 1-888-836-7242 Fax: (403) 295-1333 or Toll Free: 1-888-824-2329

CJHA Merchandise Order Form




Fitting Pants - Youth




Fitting Pants - Adult Hoodie - Youth


Hoodie - Adult Polo Shirts


Water Bottle


Drink Cozy


Jolt Charger


16oz Tumbler



$30.00 Subtotal for Juniors

Shipping Costs within Canada & Abroad:


Ordered on: (day/month/20___) & Shipped on: (day/month/20___) Payable to CANADIAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION by Cheque___ Visa___ M/C____ Credit Card # ____________________________________ Exp:____/_____

Shipping & Handling Applicable Taxes

Name:_______________________________ CHA#__________________


Purchaser will be responsible for all shipping and handling costs.

Address:_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Phone (

)_____________________ Fax (


Please Complete Order Form


The 39th Annual CJHA SEMEN DONATION PROJECT Semen Donation Program:

c/o Heather LeBlanc 4344 Hwy 97S Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6P4

Heather Fisher-LeBlanc, Chairperson for the Canadian Junior Hereford Association’s 39th Annual Semen Donation Project, invites all of the CJHA members to participate in this year’s project. Please remember to extend thanks to all contributing Hereford breeders!! THE LIST OF AVAILABLE BULLS WILL BE POSTED ON THE JUNIOR SECTION OF THE CHA WEBSITE BY: November 19, 2015! Eligibility Requirements: 1. The applicant must be a 2015 Canadian Junior Hereford Association member in good standing having paid the $20 Canadian Junior Hereford Council/Activity fee.

NOTE: The 2015 CJHA Council Fee of $20 is a separate item and must be mailed to directly to and made payable to "CANADIAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION" at 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 6V1 2. The applicant must include the $20 user fee per member. For each additional female nominated after 3, please include $5 per female. This will be refunded if no semen is received. Cheques should be made payable to “CJHA” and mailed along with the nomination form to Heather Fisher-LeBlanc 3. The female nominated must be in the sole registered ownership of the junior member, a Hereford 4-H heifer (with supporting documentation), or a commercial female (with a picture). It is the member’s responsibility to provide proof that the female meets eligibility requirements by providing a photocopy of her registration certificate, or the 4-H documents. Regulations and Information: 1. The junior member may nominate as many females as they wish, provided each female meets the eligibility requirements. 2. Applicants must attach a photocopy of the Certificate of Registration with the nomination form for each female nominated, or a copy of the appropriate 4-H documents, or a picture of the commercial female. 3. The junior member must retain sole ownership of the nominated female until the resulting calf is born. 4. The semen may be used on any female nominated (females do not have to be matched with specific bulls) but cannot be used for embryo transplanting. 5. NOTE: It is the understanding of the CJHA that all bulls are AI Sire Permitted prior to being made available. a) If a bull on the Semen Certificate Program (indicated on the bulls donated sheet) is selected, it is the responsibility of the Junior to purchase the semen certificate at a cost of $20 from the CHA. The breeder

Canadian Junior Hereford Association – 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 6V1 Phone: 1-888-836-7242 – Fax: 1-888-824-2329 – e-mail: libby@hereford.ca – www.hereford.ca


7. 8. 9.

will supply two straws of semen unless specified otherwise by the donor. The semen certificate is required to register the calf. Semen certificates are non-transferable. b) If a bull is on the “Non-Certificate Program” the donor will supply two (2) straw of semen, unless specified otherwise by the donor. A semen certificate is not needed for registration. The semen will be allocated on a draw basis with priority given to first-ranked bulls. a. First Round Draw – 1st ranked bulls are single nominations b. Second Round Draw – 2nd ranked bulls c. Third Round Draw – 3rd ranked bulls, etc. After the draw is completed, Heather, program Chairman, will contact all juniors as well as owners of the donor bulls. This will be approximately by the middle of January. The junior member is responsible for contacting the owner of the bull regarding the semen certificate and for all transportation and handling costs associated with getting the semen. Please do not contact the facility holding the semen until AFTER the donor of the semen has been contacted. More detailed information on each of the bulls can be obtained from various sources including Canadian Hereford Digest Herd Reference Issue, Canadian Hereford Sire Summary, The Hereford Link, T Bar C Cattle Company’s Bulls of the Breed, and Semex Alliance Catalogue. In most cases a simple Google search will also bring up adequate pictures and information. As well, North American Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) for the available bulls can be obtained from the Canadian Hereford Association website at www.hereford.ca.

Procedures for Completing the Nomination Form: 1. If you are nominating more than three females, please photocopy the enclosed nomination form and use another form for the extra females. Please be sure to rank your bulls, as any semen won can be used on ANY nominated female. 2. A copy of the Certificate of Registration or appropriate 4-H documents MUST accompany the application for each female nominated. 3. Applicants may select up to six (6) bulls per female. The bulls must be listed in order of preference. Do not list the same bull six times. Although you still must rank the bulls in order of preference, any semen won through the program may be used on any of the nominated females. 4. Please remember to put your full address and phone number on the nomination form.

Send the Nomination Form to: CJHA Semen Donation Program c/o Heather LeBlanc 4344 Hwy 97S Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6P4 APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY December 20, 2015.

Thank you and Good Luck!

Canadian Junior Hereford Association – 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 6V1 Phone: 1-888-836-7242 – Fax: 1-888-824-2329 – e-mail: libby@hereford.ca – www.hereford.ca

Junior Influence


Fall 2015

Junior Influence

Fall 2015

Coloring Page!

Colour the picture found on page 15 any way you like! Include your name, your age, and address on the back and return to: LIBBY LAYCRAFT Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 1, 2016


Due 1 January 2016

Your CJHA National Council Fee for 2016 is $20.00 Please complete and return this form in the enclosed envelope along with your cheque or money order made payable to the “CANADIAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION”. All council fees are processed through the computer facilities of the Canadian Hereford Association and then turned over in their entirety to the Canadian Junior Hereford Association.

Your council fee entitles you to: 1. Participate in all national and provincial junior events, including Bonanza, Beef-­‐A-­‐Ramas, Round Ups and other junior shows. 2. Your name will be entered into Heifer Lottery 2016. 3. Participate in the annual Semen Donation Program organized by your National Council that enables you to access semen donated by Canadian Hereford breeders from some of the top bulls in the industry. 4. Participate in other CJHA activities, events and projects organized by your National Council or your Provincial Council. 5. Be eligible to apply for the “CJHA Future of the Breed Scholarship”.

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s events!!

Canadian-Junior Hereford Association




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