Junior Influence The Official Newsletter of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Fall 2016 This Junior Influence includes: President’s Report Communication Report Donation Thank You Provincial Reports Faces of the CJHA And Much More!
2016-2017 National Council 2016 Executive
President Cassandra Gorrill (ON) cassandragorrill@hotmail.ca Vice President Wyatt Oulton (NS) wy546827@dal.ca Secretary Samantha Rimke (MB) rimke24@gmail.com Communications Allison Mastine (QC) allison.mastine@gmail.com
2017 Executive
President Samantha Rimke (MB) Vice-President Morgan Heidecker (SK) Secretary Jade Ouellet (QC) Communications Allison Mastine (QC)
National Delegates:
Adult Advisors:
Allison Booth (NB) cheryl.booth@atlanticwindows.com
Brandon Fraser (AB) jkfraser@xplornet.com
Jade Ouellet (QC) jadeoullet@hotmail.com
Heather Fisher-LeBlanc (BC) heatherfisher1@hotmail.com
Justin McLaughlin (ON) ontarioboyjm@hotmail.com
Billy Paul (BC) friday5pm@shaw.ca
Bennett Foster (MB) bennettfoster2@gmail.com
Incoming Delegates: Adam Smith (ON)
Catherine Brown (BC) Debbie Paul (BC) Lacey Pritchard (AB) Carmen Millham (SK) Karen McKim (SK) Alberta Rimke (MB) Lois Batty (ON) Lissia Leblanc (QC) Victor Oulton (NS)
Morgan Heidecker (SK) mheidecker8@gmail.com
Mitchell Best (NS)
Morgan Millham (SK) jmam@hotmail.ca
Out-Going Delegates: Cassandra Gorrill (ON) Wyatt Oulton (NS)
Andrew Cross (AB) crosslego@gmail.com
National CJHA Coordinator Elizabeth (Libby) Laycraft libby@hereford.ca
Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta 403-275-2662 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior Hereford Association
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
Table of Contents
Presidents Report............................3 Communications Report................3 Thank - You!.....................................4 CJHA National Council Annual Meeting Report............5 CJHA Project Updates.....................5 Provincial Reports British Columbia...................6 Alberta...................................6 Saskatchewan........................6 Manitoba...............................7 Ontario..................................7 Quebec...................................7 Maritimes..............................7 Bonanza 2017..................................8 Upcoming Junior Events.................8 Facts About Your Outgoing CJHA National Delegates Cassandra Gorrill.................9 Wyatt Oulton........................9
CJHA Honour Roll..........................10 CJHA KGF “Future of the Breed�...10 Faces of the CJHA Austin Fraser, NS..................11 Dunsmore Brothers, ON......11 Friends of Bonanza 2016.................12 Stock Show University Demo..........12 Colouring Page................................14
Remember to take the time to personally thank any supporters of the CJHA you may run into during the spring & summer! Without the support of many generous individuals we would not be as successful as we are! 2
Junior Influence
President’s Report
Fall 2016
Cassandra Gorrill
One final hello Juniors! Though it has quickly snuck up on me, my term as President is coming to a close, and so is my time with the CJHA. There are so many people to thank and acknowledge for all of their contributions to the Juniors. First and foremost, I’d like to thank Libby for her enthusiastic dive into the association and her drive to make us the best we can. I think we’ve certainly gained a great leader in her, and I hope you all know you are in good hands! Secondly, on behalf of all of the National Council, I’d like to thank the breeders and sponsors for their generous and continued support in the Junior program, and their willingness to assist in keeping our incredible projects running. We can never say thank you enough, or show our gratitude enough. Additionally, on behalf of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association I would like to thank to Bonanza 2016 Committee for a great week in Olds, Alberta. It is no small feat putting on a national show. Lastly, I’d like to thank the National Council for the past two years I have been on it, for being such a hardworking and dedicated group. These individuals represent your province to the best of their abilities and spend their time making sure this association benefits you the most. They are leaders to look up to. As I leave the Juniors behind me (not by choice! Growing up is terrible!), I want to remind all of you with years ahead of you, to take advantage of every opportunity you can. Introduce yourself to someone new at a show, apply for semen donation, and always be willing to have fun. I’ve grown in so many ways through this great association, and hope that you all will to! This program is truly designed to build young leaders and I look forward to working alongside you in the industry in years to come. All the best with your endeavours Juniors! Cassandra Gorrill
Communications Report Congratulations to all juniors who participated at Bonanza 2016! As your returning Communications Officer, I am excited to embark on yet another year of exciting news, events, activities and more. Over the past year, we have had many contests such as the Helfie Contest, the 12 Days of Bonanza Givea-ways, and other Prize giveaways. If you have not yet connected with us, follow us on Facebook, Insta-gram and Twitter for some exciting contests coming this fall. This fall we are also looking to post photos and more on our social medias. Hereford/4-H Achievement Photos Throwback Thursday photos If you have suggestions for Newsletter content, CJHA Merchandise, or would like to share something with us, please feel free to contact me. I hope you all have a fantastic year! Allison Mastine
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
Thank You Copper Creek Ranch Copper Creek Ranch is well known in the Hereford Industry, not only in BC and Canada but all across the globe. Copper Creek Ranch was established in 1999 and have been supporting the Junior Hereford Association ever since. Copper Creek Ranch has been the Diamond Sponsor of Bonanza for many, many years. Without their support the CJHA would not be able to host such a large event for our junior membership. Copper Creek Ranch is not only a large support of our National Junior Hereford Show but also a large supporter of other CJHA projects such as the Newsletter, Calendar, Heifer Lottery and Semen Donation. The CJHA would like to extend a huge thank-you to Ron and Sharon Stevenson of Copper Creek Ranch and Phil and Catherine Brown for all that they do and the opportunities that they provide to the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. Catherine Brown of Copper Creek Ranch and incoming CJHA President Samantha Rimke
Thank You T BAR C
Samantha Rimke Manitoba Delegate - 2017 CJHA President
For the past nine years, the T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament has been supporting junior associations across Canada raising over $400 000 to help support and build the future of tomorrow. This past year the T Bar Invitational raised over $50 000 for eight different junior associations across Canada with over 2200 youth members. On behalf of the CJHA executive, delegates, and junior membership, I would like to extend a huge thank you to the T Bar Invitational committee. Your dedication to the juniors across Canada is remarkable and is greatly appreciated by all. This past summer at Bonanza 2016 in Olds, AB on behalf of the CJHA, I received a cheque from the T Bar Invitational for over $12 000. From this large donation we are able to provide projects and programs for all of our junior members. Their funds go towards our heifer lottery program, semen donation program, calendar project, fact sheets, National Junior Hereford Show and they help us allow juniors to travel and learn more about the Hereford breed. On behalf of not only the CJHA membership, but all juniors across Canada, I would like to thank the T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament for their dedication and commitment to all youth across Canada and helping build our industry of tomorrow
Grant Rolston Photography Ever since 2004, Grant Rolston has been the official photographer of the CJHA National Junior Hereford Show, Bonanza. Grant and his wife Lauralee travel all across Canada taking pictures at livestock shows, cattle and rodeo events. In 2009, Craig Scott joined the team and together they travel around Canada taking pictures. Grant, Lauralee and Craig work with the juniors, knowing everyone by name, and making their experience that much more enjoyable and special. The CJHA would like to extend a huge thank-you to Grant, Lauralee and Craig for being the official photographers at Bonanza 2016 and for all the support we have received from them in the past. Grant Rolston Photography is a continuous supporter of the CJHA and we appreciate everything they do for our association.
Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 • Craig Ph: 403-651-9441 Email: grantspix@gmail.com • Website: www.grantspix.com Box 1562, Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0
Junior Influence
CJHA Annual Meeting Report
Fall 2016
Samantha Rimke
This year the CJHA Annual General Meeting took place in conjunction with Bonanza in Olds, Alberta on Thursday, August 11th, 2016. We had a great group of kids out for the meeting and it ran fast and smoothly. We discussed what is currently happening at Bonanza, reviewed the financials and went over all the reports from each province and CJHA project. We also introduced our new executive: President: Samantha Rimke Vice President: Morgan Heidecker Secretary: Jade Ouellet Communications Officer: Allison Mastine Overall a great meeting and we look forward to the upcoming year!
CJHA Project Updates Semen Donation Project This year we have 19 horned bulls and 26 polin the program! Juniors are to have nomination forms post marked by December 20th, 2016 and sent to Morgan Millham for the draw!
This year we gave out 6 vouchers. Congratulations to our 2016 Heifer Lottery voucher winners! Regional Winners ($500): Kalla Nicholas, Levi Rimke, Owen Grundy sand Delanie Knull. Prize Winner ($800) Blayde Lehmann and Grand Prize Winner ($1500) Dawson Dallas.
CJHA Calendar Project After a wildly successful 2016 Calendar, we were unable to accommodate any new advertisers this year, and were limited solely to renewals. We want to thank all of our amazing supporters of this project. It is one of the main sources of income for our association, and plays a huge roll in the continued success of our junior program. We also want to thank Libby and Samara at the CHA office who take on the hard task of taking our long list of advertisers and turning it into a calendar that will be distributed to every junior and adult Hereford member, as well as many auction marts, sales and other venues across Canada.
CJHA Silent Auction Bonanza 2016 auction was a hit, we had close to 60 items up for bid and all of them sold without a hitch. All the items were donated by juniors from all over country. The totalling amounts from the bidding equaled up to $790.00 on the provincial baskets and $4314.51 for the silent auction. Thank you to all the bidders and buyers for making this years silent auction a success. Fact Sheet Report The Quebec Delegate, Jade and Allison, are working on the ‘NonAerosol Grooming’ and ‘Marketing’ Fact Sheets. We are hoping to have the available to the juniors come this spring. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future fact sheets, please let us know.
50/50 Project Our 50/50 for the week at Bonanza was very successful far surpassing our goal of $800 we finished the week with a total earnings of $1756.10 Heifer Lottery Project This year heifer lottery was a huge success! Thank you to the 43 sales and farms that participated. Please check our website for a full listing of all our eligible sales!
Junior Influence
Provincial Reports
Fall 2016
British Columbia Heather Fisher-LeBlanc
Alberta did it again! Congratulations to the AJHA on putting together a phenomenal week that sent juniors across the nation home with many more great memories and new friendships. British Columbia had six juniors, with representation in all four age categories, at Bonanza this year. The juniors had successful show days, taking home a handful of banners, as well as winning the Great Grill Competition! On September 10th, the BCJHA held their annual Showmanship Competition in Aldergrove, and had eight juniors out competing this year. Blaine Brost of Medicine Hat judged, and used Billy Paul as his champion show person, with Ken Paul taking home reserve. This was after these two brothers had an extremely successful Interior Provincial Exhibition in Armstrong, BC where they took home thirteen banners as well as Intermediate and Senior Aggregate, and the coveted Supreme Champion Female, qualifying them for the RBC Supreme at Agribition this fall. BC is very excited to invite everyone to Bonanza 2017 in Abbotsford from July 17-21. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Brandon Fraser
Alberta had a very busy summer this year. July 19th to the 20th we had our summer provincial show in Bashaw Alberta. The show was a great success as we had 24 juniors come to the show, bring with them over 50 head of cattle. The AJHA Annual General Meeting and elections for the board were held also at this show. The following is the updated list of our executive; President: Brandon Fraser, Vice President: Gabrielle Cheremshynski, Secretary: Lindsey Smith, Treasurer: Emma Cross, Director at Large: Daniel Schuepbach, National Delegates: Andrew Cross and Brandon Fraser. There was also a great turn out of juniors at the Summer Synergy this year in Olds Alberta. This show was once again sponsored by the AJHA. This year the AJHA also hosted Bonanza in Olds Alberta. This was great success. We had CJHA members from across Canada attending the event. There was approximately 225 head of cattle at the show and 147 juniors taking part in all of the competitions.
Saskatchewan Morgan Heidecker
Hey there Saskies! How’s it going? The Saskatchewan Junior Hereford Association has been very active throughout the with an Association meeting which took place during Agribition (fall of 2015), another meeting on January 17th/16 held at Western Pizza in Regina, as well as our annual summer show, BEEFARAMA in Vibank Saskatchewan on July 30th /16! During our meeting in Regina we went Glow Bowling and ate pizza! We also discussed our plans for Bonanza and designated families to complete what needed to be done for the show. We elected our executive board as the following: President: Makenna Heidecker, Vice-President: Emma Nicholas, Secretary: Morgan Heidecker, Treasurer: Jillian Just, National Delegates: Morgan Milham and Morgan Heidecker, Alternate Delegate: Emma Nicholas All SJHA members are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings throughout the year to stay updated on what is happening in our Province, our association, as well as the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. The meetings we had this year were not only informative but also fun! We’ll see you at Agribition this fall of 2016 for our SJHA AGM! Check out our Facebook page “Saskatchewan Junior Hereford Association” to see posts on the most current events coming up! Our Summer show, BEEFARAMA was once again hosted by the O’Connor’s in Vibank, Saskatchewan on July 30th. This show includes showmanship, grooming, speech, and art competitions, and last year attracted 31 juniors and 69 head of cattle. This year there were 45 juniors and 90 head of cattle in attendance! Be sure to look into how you can make it out to this show next summer if you haven’t already! Saskatchewan had over 40 juniors attend this summer’s Bonanza in Olds, Alberta . Bonanza in 2017 will be in Abbotsford, BC on July 17th-21st. When headed to Bonanza this summer, don’t hesitate to contact your Adult Advisors and Saskatchewan Delegates to find out what other provincial members will be attending the show so we can work together! Let’s go Team SASK!
Junior Influence
Provincial Reports
Fall 2016
Samantha Rimke
The Manitoba Juniors have been super busy this summer! We held a spring meeting on May 29th to prepare ourselves for the upcoming summer events. Our provincial Summer MOE show was held on July 23rd, 2016 in Oak Lake, MB. We had 5 juniors and 9 head of cattle. It was a great day! Our next show was the all breeds junior show, Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up, held in Neepawa, MB. Congratulations to Levi Rimke with Grand Champion Female and Reserve Grand Champion Female to Justin Carvey. Congratulations to Samantha Rimke with Grand Champion Bull and Reserve Grand Champion Bull to Teegan Hyndman. Also, congratulations to Samantha Rimke and Bennett Foster for making the Agribition Judging team. The week after Round-Up the Manitoba Juniors loaded a pot and sent 25 head out west to Olds, AB for Bonanza. Special thank-you to Kevin Hyndman for driving the semi and cattle out to Bonanza for us. There were 12 juniors and 25 head of cattle in the Manitoba stall. Some highlights of the show for Team Manitoba were winning Team Marketing, Teegan Hyndman winning Junior and Overall Aggregate, Levi Rimke winning Reserve Champion Senior Yearling Heifer, Bennett Foster receiving the CJHA KGF “Future of the Breed” Scholarship and Samantha Rimke receiving the KGF Hereford Youth Scholarship, Major Jay Fox Ambassador Award and being inducted into the CJHA Honour Roll. The juniors had a blast out west and cannot wait for Bonanza in Abbotsford, BC in 2017. Juniors are back to school now and we can’t wait for the fall shows to start up in October. We wish you all the best with weaning and fall production sales. See you all at the Manitoba Ag Ex this fall!
Justin McLaughlin
HI all, we hope your summer shows were a success, and your fall shows are going well. This summer in Ontario was a good one. Our elected executive this year is Cassandra Gorrill as president, Adam Smith as Vice President, Alex Stone as secretary, and Justin McLaughlin as Treasurer. For Beef-A-Rama this year it was held in Stratford, Ontario. We had 25 juniors attend and about 50 head of cattle shown. At Bonanza this year in Olds we had 13 juniors attend and 15 head of cattle shown. Thank you to Alberta for putting on a good Bonanza that so many juniors and cattle there. We are currently planning the Junior show at the Royal winter fair, so if you wish to register for showmanship at the Royal please contact our adult advisor, Lois Batty, at cedarwood11@live.com. From all of Ontario we wish luck at all of your fall shows.
Allison Mastine
The Quebec Juniors have been busy in action at the Quebec Junior Beef Show, where we had 60 juniors participate. QJHA member, Allison Mastine was Grand Champion Showperson, and Mercedes Mastine was the Honourable Mention Showperson. Team Quebec was well represented out in Olds this summer at Bonanza 2016, where we had 3 juniors, Allison Mastine, Jade Ouellet, and Mercedes Mastine attend and participate. A big congratulations goes out to Mercedes Mastine for winning Peewee Overall Aggregate. While the Delegates work on finishing up the fact sheets, the juniors look forward to Expo Boeuf, where the Hereford Open Show will take place the Saturday or Thanksgiving weekend, and the Junior show will take place the Sunday. The Quebec Junior Hereford Members will be putting on a few fundraisers in preparation for Bonanza 2018.
Maritimes Allison Booth
This year’s round up show was held at the Oulton’s in Martock Nova Scotia. 25 members from all three Maritime Provinces were in attendance. Champion male went to Mitchel Best and Champion female went to Peter Beckers. Champion show person was Wyatt Oulton. Bonanza in Olds was a blast, we had the Maritimes very well represented with 4 Jr. members. Our new Executive starting in January will be Mitchel Best.
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
Bonanza 2017 in Abbotsford BC!! Join us for the Canadian Hereford Association’s Annual General Meeting and the National Junior Hereford Show of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association! Visit and meet fellow breeders, support our enthusiastic Juniors and experience Beautiful BC! Watch http://www.hereford.ca/4_bonanza.php or the CJHA Facebook for details.
Upcoming Events & Deadlines October 1st ..........Nova Scotia Provincial 4H Show ...............................Winners from the Maritime Provincial shows will compete at TD bank Royal Classic Beef Show Nov 5th & 6th October 8-9..........Expo Boeuf, Victoriaville, QC October 26-29......Manitoba AgEx, Brandon, MB ...............................October 27 Western National Sale, Brandon, MB November 27........Saskatchewan Junior Hereford Association AGM - following the Hereford Show at Agribition. December 2..........Manitoba Good as Gold Sale, Brandon, MB December 20........ Deadline for Semen Donation - have all applications postmarked and sent to Morgan Millham for a draw. February 15..........Deadline for CJHA Honour Roll Applications to be sent in. July 17-21..............Bonanza 2017, Abbotsford, BC
The Canadian Junior Hereford Association would like to congratulate
brothers Ken and Billy Paul on winning Supreme Champion Female at the Interior Provincial Exhibition on September 4th in Armstrong, BC with GH Uptown Destiny 25A. This win qualified them for the RBC Supreme at Agribition in November. We would like to wish them the best of luck!
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
Facts About Your Outgoing CJHA National Delegates Cassandra Gorrill - Ontario 1. How long did you sit on the National Council for and for which province? I sat on National Council for two years for Ontario. 2. What have you learned/benefited from by being on the National Council? I’ve gained a lot of knowledge about all the people and time it takes to run an organization like ours, and the dedication it takes to make it a success. I’ve also gained more interpersonal communication skills and networking domains. 3. What is your favorite Bonanza Memory? My favourite memory of Bonanza was in Lindsay, ON when I had the opportunity to host all of my friends from across Canada in my hometown and serve them our awardwinning, hometown pride, Kawartha Dairy ice cream. 4. What are your future plans? Aside from obviously continuing to farm and grow my herd with my family, I plan to wrap up my undergrad at the University of Guelph in Animal Science and apply to the Ontario Veterinary College, or Masters by thesis in genetics. 5. What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford Enthusiasts? The best advice to give to all of the young Hereford enthusiasts, is to get involved and make friends! The people you meet today in the industry will have a lasting impact on you, and your adventures at shows and through the projects will help build and shape your herd for the future.
Wyatt Oulton - Nova Scotia 1. How long did you sit on the National Council for and for which province? I sat on the Maritimes National Council when I was in high school for a few years and took a year off when I went away to study at Dalhousie’s Agricultural Campus and then started again on a two year term ending this year. 2. What have you learned/benefited from by being on the National Council? I have benefited greatly sitting in this position in many different aspects such as public speaking, being able to work and co-operate in groups as well as voicing your opinions to a group. It also opened up a lot of networking doors to the Hereford industry. 3. What is your favorite Bonanza Memory? My favourite Bonanza memories were the infamous water fights with the Ontario kids in the late 2000’s 4. What are your future plans? My future plans as of right now are to hopefully have the opportunity to work and travel to some different pure bred or commercial cattle operation to gain more insight and additional experience seeing what works well for other producers to one day bring back to the family farm. 5. What advice would you give to fellow Junior Hereford Enthusiasts? If I could give some younger members some advice, it would be to not let an opportunity that you may have right now such as becoming more involved with 4h or the Jr breed associations or whatever your interests may be, to engage yourself in that and you could surprise yourself what you may learn or the connections that you can make.
The Jim Family
Marie, Kam & Pam Jim Little Fort, B.C. V0E 2C0 Phone (250) 674-1516 Fax (250) 677-4474 Kee & Camille Jim Kym Jim Kyn & Melissa Jim (403) 995-3580 (403) 358-8935 (780) 897-7079
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
CJHA Honour Roll Congratulations to the 2016
Honour Roll Recipients
Justin McLaughlin, ON; Samantha Rimke, MB; Coleman Nixdorff, AB; Brandon Fraser, AB The CJHA Honour Roll is to recognize Juniors who have made a substantial contribution to the Junior Hereford industry for
the betterment of the breed. The CJHA National Council shall annually consider and select inductees to the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Honour Roll as nominated from the Provincial general membership with the top two from each province being brought forward to the National Council for consideration. Nominations 1. Nominations should be addressed to the National Adult Advisor at the CHA office. They must be received prior to the March Council meeting of the current calendar year to be included for selection. 2. Provincial Associations are reminded each year to submit their top two Honour Roll Nominations. 3. Nominations should be submitted and signed by the two persons who are members in good standing with the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. One of the two delegates must sign the nomination before it is sent into the Canadian Hereford Association head office. 4. Persons making a nomination should carefully consider how the nominee is to be presented. And they should pay close attention to the importance of each section as indicated by the scoring system. 5. A complete biography of the nominee is required with particular emphasis on involvement in the Hereford industry. Selection 1. Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Delegates will review submissions to ensure they have met guidelines. 2. Copies of all submissions are provided to the National Delegates of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association for review and scoring. 3. Canadian Junior Hereford Association National Adult Advisor will compile the results prior to Bonanza, and submissions receiving average scores greater than 75 are accepted for induction to a maximum of four each year. 4. The nominees are notified prior to Bonanza so that the presentation can be made at the Banquet. Inductees are asked to review and approve a biography prepared from the nomination materials and a head and shoulders picture is REQUESTED at that time. 5. Nominations that were not accepted for induction based on the average scoring are returned to the nominator along with the average scoring and a thank you letter reminding them that they may wish to resubmit with a more thorough description in areas where the nomination scored BELOW average. 6. Any National Council Delegates that happen to be nominated must exit the room when their nomination is being presented. 7. Presentations by National Delegates about their nominees must encompass why the nominee is a worthy addition to the CJHA Honour Roll. Applications that are simply read will score an automatic zero on the “Presentation from Board Member” section. Presentations 1. An “Honour Roll” Certificate, suitably inscribed to recognize the honour, is presented to each inducted member. 2. Presentations are made by the president of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. If possible, the presentation is made at Bonanza.
2016 CJHA KGF “Future of the Breed” Winners APPLICATIONS for 2017 are DUE MAY 15, 2017!
Congratulations to this year’s CJHA “Future of the Breed” Scholarship Winners! The three recipients are Bennett Foster, MB; Jillian Just, SK and Alexa Bricker, AB. A BIG thank you to our judges across Canada and the KGF Board Trustees whom are responsible for the selection of our scholarship! Application forms can be found on our website!
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
Faces of the CJHA Austin Fraser, Nova Scotia
Austin Fraser is the son of Adam and Christy Fraser of New View Farms in Pictou County Nova Scotia. Anyone who knows New View Farms knows that they are known for their Shorthorn genetics not exactly for the Hereford breed. That may come to change with the enrollment of Austin Fraser into CJHA and MJHA. He purchased his first Hereford heifer from his Aunt Carrie Braun at Braun Ranch in Simmie Saskatchewan. His fist heifer BR 106z Miss Hart 150B which he exhibited at bonanza last year in Fredericton New Brunswick is now a proud momma to bull calf NVF 028x Domino Sensation 6D. They have been hitting the show sting hard again this year. Certainly keep your eye out for this new Hereford breeder around at shows in the Maritimes and at future bonanza’s to come.
Faces of the CJHA Dunsmore Brothers, Ontario
The OJHA would like to recognize Andrew, Spencer and Nicholas Dunsmore of Bob and Sharon Dunsmore of Dunsmore Family Farms in St. Paul’s Station, ON for their recent and active involvement in the CJHA. The boys grew up in 4-H, exhibiting beef cattle at local fairs, and got involved in the OJHA and the CJHA a couple years ago. Since then, they have attended local fairs with their Hereford projects, and Beef-a-Rama 2015 and 2016, as well as Bonanza 2016. Prior to Bonanza in Olds, AB, Nicholas, Spencer and Andrew each purchased heifers from farms in Saskatchewan. Before Bonanza began, they each stayed at the farms to help and work with their purchases. These heifers will add to the each of the boy’s herd sizes. Nicholas currently owns 2 head, Spencer owns 3, and Andrew owns 10 Herefords in total. As they continue to grow their individual herds, they continue to exhibit at local fairs, as well as Mark of Excellence shows around the province and the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. At the 2015 RAWF, Nicholas won the Dream Team draw where he picked a heifer calf from a group entered by fellow breeders. Nicholas continued to achieve this past year at Beef-a-Rama 2016 where he took home Reserve Junior Showman. The OJHA looks forward to the contributions of these young men, especially Andrew and Spencer who are directors on the provincial board.
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
Friends of Bonanza Recipients The Reid Family, Saskatchewan
The Reid Family is a sixth generation Hereford Breeder in Canada running The Cliffs Farm. David and Kathy, along with their children and grandchildren are the oldest Canadian Hereford Breeders registering purebred Hereford Cattle under a single sir name since 1889. Lead by David and Kurtis, The Cliffs Farm has begun to expand and become prominent in the livestock showing circuit over the past 10 years. This resurgence in the farming operation is kindled by an absolute passion for the livestock industry, junior Hereford program and love for the Hereford breed. David was the adult advisor of the Saskatchewan Junior Hereford Association for many years sharing his passion and knowledge of the Hereford breed with the junior association. David is also a director on the Canadian Hereford Board. Kyle, Kurtis and Kaitlyn were very active in the CJHA, being delegates on the board and mentoring the youth of tomorrow. Griffin will be representing the third generation of Canadian Junior Hereford members within the Reid family. David attended the first ever Bonanza and has been attending ever since. The Reid Family is committed to helping promote the Canadian Junior Hereford Association in any way possible. The CJHA would like to congratulate the Reid family on being the recipients of the 2016 Friends of Bonanza Award, and we thank you for your dedication and hard work towards our junior program over the past several years.Â
Stock Show University Demo Bonanza Members got the opportunity to visit Remitall West, where they were introduced to a special surprise. Callyn Hahn, Dean of Stock Show University graced our presence with a Fitting Demonstration. Callyn grew up raising purebred Shorthorn cattle, while also dabbling in club calf genetics. Callyn attended Blackhawk Community College and Kansas State University, where she participated on the Livestock Judging Teams, before working for Sullivan Farms, and becoming Dean of Stock Show University. Although Callyn has done her fair amount of travelling, it was the first time she had been to the Western part of Canada, and the first time she had been to a Bonanza. Callyn provided the juniors with hands-on opportunities, demonstrations, and some cool Sullivan’s Supply/Stock Show University Promotional Items. Her passion and dedication towards teaching definitely showed the next day, as Callyn was one of the Open Grooming Judges at Bonanza. We would like to thank Callyn Hahn for her time and dedication towards our Junior Program!
Andy Schuepbach
Practical, Efficient Cattle Are Our Livelihood!
Andy Schuepbach
Phone: 403 625-4693 Cell: 403 625-6316
Phone: 403 625-4693 Cell: 403 625-6316
Box 2044, Claresholm, Alberta, Canada, T0L 0T0
Box 2044, Claresholm, Alberta, Canada, T0L 0T0
Practical, Efficient Cattle Are Our Livelihood!
Dedicated fax: 403 625-1500
Dedicated fax: 403 625-1500
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
Junior Influence
Fall 2016
CJHA Going Electronic By 2017, we intend to transfer all our communications to electronic formats. Therefore, we need your EMAIL ADDRESSES! When filling out paperwork to CJHA, please provide your current email address or if possible send an email to libby@hereford.ca and your address will be added to your CJHA membership profile. By using social media technology; Facebook and Twitter, we hope to more effectively communicate to our membership all the activities, events and programs, CJHA has to offer in a more timely fashion. Reducing paper, printer and mailing use, will also help us reduce costs while at the same time lessen the burden on our environment.
Due 1 January 2017
Your CJHA National Council Fee for 2017 is $20.00 Please complete and return this form in the enclosed envelope along with your cheque or money order made payable to the “CANADIAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION”. All council fees are processed through the computer facilities of the Canadian Hereford Association and then turned over in their entirety to the Canadian Junior Hereford Association.
Your council fee entitles you to: 1. Participate in all national and provincial junior events, including Bonanza, Beef-o-Ramas, Round Ups and other junior shows. 2. Your name will be entered into Heifer Lottery 2017. 3. Participate in the annual Semen Donation Program organized by your National Council that enables you to access semen donated by Canadian Hereford breeders from some of the top bulls in the industry. 4. Participate in other CJHA activities, events and projects organized by your National Council or your Provincial Council. 5. Be eligible to apply for the “CJHA Future of the Breed Scholarship”.
We look forward to seeing you at this year’s events!!
Canadian-Junior Hereford Association