Junior Influence The Official Newsletter of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association Spring 2015 This Junior Influence includes: -Bonanza 2015 Information -National Council Meeting Highlights -Heifer Lottery, Semen Donation, Calendar Projects Updates -Fun Facts About the New CJHA National Council Members -Upcoming Hereford Events Across Canada -Scholarship Opportunities - And Much MORE! 2014/2015 National Council President Larissa Lupul barefoot@mcsnet.ca Alberta
Communications Heather Fisher-Leblanc heatherfisher1@hotmail.com British Columbia
Vice President Allison Mastine allison.mastine@gmail.com Quebec
National Delegates
Secretary Samantha Rimke rimke24@gmail.com Manitoba
Quebec Colt Mastine colt_mastine@gmail.com
Saskatchewan Morgan Millham
Ontario Justin McLaughlin
Morgan Heidecker
Maritimes Bree Curry black_gold10@live.ca Wyatt Oulton wy546827@dal.ca
jmam@hotmail.com mheidecker8@gmail.com
Cassandra Gorrill cassandragorrill@hotmail.com
Alberta Brandon Fraser jkfraser@xplornet.com
Manitoba Bennett Foster bennettfoster2@gmail.com
British Columbia Billy Paul billy.p@shaw.ca
Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta 403-275-2662 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior Hereford Association
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
Table of Contents Presidents Report 3 Communications Report 3 CJHA National Council Meeting Report 4 CJHA Project Updates & Deadlines 4 Provincial Reports British Columbia 5 Alberta 5 Saskatchewan 5 Manitoba 6 Ontario 6 Quebec 7 Maritimes 7 Facts About Your New CJHA National Delegates Bennett Foster 8 Billy Paul 8 Cassandra Gorrill 9 Morgan Millham 9 Bree Curry 10 Wyatt Oulton 10 Brandon Fraser 11 Morgan Heidecker 11 Upcoming Junior Events 12 New for Bonanza 2015 12 CJHA “Future of the Breed� Scholarship 13 Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarship 14 Faces of the CJHA Makenna Heidecker, Saskatchewan 15 Kennedy Manns, Manitoba 15
Remember to take the time to personally thank any supporters of the CJHA you may run into during the spring & summer! Without the support of many generous individuals we would not be as successful as we are! 2
Junior Influence
President’s Report
Spring 2015
Larissa Lupul
Greetings Canadian Junior Hereford Members!
I’d like to start off by thanking Meghan Black for being an amazing National Adult Advisor to the CJHA. As many of you know, Meghan has taken a position at a new job so she is no longer our adult advisor. We’ll miss you Meghan!! The CJHA board recently held our National Council Meeting in Calgary from March 6-8. After meeting the new board members I can honestly tell you that we have an extremely enthusiastic and intelligent group of delegates this year. Below is a list of some of the important decisions that were made at our meeting: Bonanza 2015 will be Aerosol-Optional on Friday, July 31: After much discussion, the CJHA Board has decided that Bonanza 2015 will be allowing the use of aerosol products on Friday, July 31. This means that the open grooming competition, showmanship competition, bred and owned, semen donation and commercial shows will be aerosol-optional; juniors are welcome to use aerosol products if they want, but are not obligated to. In order for the Open Show to retain MOE status, it will continue to be non-aerosol, as will the rest of Bonanza. Rule Change for Bonanza 2015: The CJHA Board has changed the wording to Bonanza Rule 24 so that only CJHA members who are Bonanza participants are allowed to work on/help with cattle at Bonanza. Future of the Breed Scholarship: The CJHA Board accepted a proposal from the Keith Gilmore Foundation to bring the Future of the Breed under the umbrella of the Keith Gilmore Foundation. This change will allow us to collect more interest and benefit from their financial knowledge. It will also allow us to double the four award amounts from $500 to $1,000. The selection process will stay the same but the KGF will review the recipients. Appropriate changes were made to the application form. The CJHA would like to thank the Keith Gilmore Foundation for their continued support! T Bar C Invitational: The CJHA has chosen to continue to sponsor a fairway ($750) at the T Bar C Invitational Golf Tournament to show our thanks to them for their extremely generous support. Cool New CJHA Merchandise: There will be drink tumblers and portable USB phone chargers with the CJHA logo on them available for purchase at the Hereford Office soon. Both items would make awesome show prizes!
Communications Report Heather Fisher-LeBlanc
A few brief announcements on the topics of publicity and promotion. We are very excited to be sponsoring a fairway in the T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament again this year and have a junior representing us at this event. Also, watch our Facebook for another round of Faces of the CJHA, where we will feature each national delegate, Provincial Advisor and important face to watch for at Bonanza 2015. As well, keep up to date with the association by liking us on Facebook at the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. 3
Junior Influence
CJHA National Council Meeting Report
Spring 2015
Samantha Rimke
On March 6th to 8th, 2015, the CJHA National Council met in Calgary for their spring council meeting. This weekend was fun, educational and successful weekend. We came up with new ideas on how to keep moving the CJHA in the right direction to success. I am proud to say we accomplished this task. The delegates from across Canada received a presentation from Doug Fee about leadership and governance. After an eventful few days of discussion and loads of thought we were able to take a tour from William Torres of Cattleland in Strathmore. Not only did we enjoy the successful educational portion of our weekend but we also spent one night paintballing. I wonder who had the biggest bruises?
fact sheet on Governance and updating the Fitting fact sheet. Be sure to watch for these! Your national delegates are excited for the upcoming year for the CJHA. If you have any questions regarding the CJHA or any upcoming events in your province be sure to contact your provincial delegate. They are more than willing to help you out with anything!
This year we will be offering a few new merchandise items along with some promotional items. Be sure to check out the CJHA store to find out what we will have for you! This year we will be introducing a new
CJHA Project Updates & Deadlines
Semen Donation Project
Heifer Lottery Project
We would first like to thank all the donors who contributed to make this project such a huge success. In 2014, over 200 straws of semen from 60 bulls were awarded to 38 juniors and BC is very excited to be responsible for this project this year. We are hoping to have at least another 60 bulls on offer this year. It is also important to note that starting this year, semen certificates will no longer be provided free of charge, purchasing them will be the responsibility of the junior. Again, thank you to all the donors who have contributed to this great program over the years.
This year Manitoba is organizing the heifer lottery project. We are hoping to get 45 sales for the project this year. The vouchers will be drawn and announced at Bonanza 2015 in Fredericton. To participate in this project all you need to do is be a CJHA member- it is that easy! If you need help signing up to be a CJHA member or have questions regarding the heifer lottery please contact your Provincial National Delegate.
50/50 Project
-This project will be geared by Saskatchewan this year at Bonanza. -There will be a draw every evening at Bonanza in hopes of being a success again this year!
CJHA Calendar Project
Quebec is looking aftter the 2016 Calender Project. If interested in advertising in the 2016 CJHA Calender,please contact your respective National Provincial Delegates. Business cards are $60.00 at full page ads are $600.00.
Fact Sheet
Ontario is excited to take on the job of updating the Fact Sheets this year! We hope to make exciting and informative guides for youth! Keep a look out for the updated “Fitting” fact sheet and for the new “Governance: How to Run an Effective Meeting” fact sheet.
CJHA Auction
Alberta is excited to be organizing the auction at Bonanza this year. If all families participating in Bonanza could bring an item to be auctioned off that would be great! We hope to have some of the auction items posted on our Facebook page and website prior to the auction again this year. See you in Fredericton!
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
Provincial Reports British Columbia Heather Fisher-LeBlanc
First of all, congratulations to the OJHA on a job well done. Bonanza 2014 in Lindsay, Ontario was a great success. British Columbia had three juniors attend, and they all had a great time. Heather and Catherine were joined by Allie and Natasha Barsby and were very excited to see some interest from younger members, and we are very excited to be sending a few juniors out to Fredericton. We hosted a junior show at the 2nd Annual West Coast Hereford show in Aldergrove on September 13th at North Bluff Farms. We had twelve juniors attend representing all age categories, and are very excited to continue this event next year. In March, for the first time in five years, BC was very excited to have two juniors representing the province as National Delegates thanks to Billy Paul! It was a great meeting, and we are very excited about how the CJHA is continuing to evolve to meet the needs and wishes of the Junior Hereford members in our country.
Brandon Fraser The AJHA had a meeting at the Medicine Hat Pen Show December 19, 2015. At the meeting we started planning for the 2016 Bonanza to be held at Olds Alberta August 9 to 13, 2016. Also we discussed where and when the provincial summer show would be held. It was decided that our provincial summer show will be held at the Wetaskawin Agricultural Society in Wetaskawin AB. This show will be held in conjunction with the Alberta Hereford Association’s Annual General Meeting.
Morgan Millham and Morgan Heidecker So far this year we have held our annual meeting at Agribition to elect our executive and new national delegates. It was decided and voted upon that myself (Morgan Heidecker) and Morgan Milham will be the new SK Junior Delegates. Next was places for executive- Makenna Heidecker is now the SJHA president, vice president is Emma Nicholas, Secretary is myself, Treasurer is Michelle Hordos and our Junior Advisor is Karen McKim. Our Beef-a-rama show will be in Glenavon on July 25th this summer. On March 6-8 we attended the CJHA National Meeting. We discussed the future plans for the CJHA and Bonanza in Fredericton. We have decided on July 31st 2015 that aerosols would be allowed for the grooming show and for the steer and heifer shows. Aerosols on any other day are prohibited. We hope everyone has a good calving season and that many of your Junior attend Bonanza this year!
W.G. Oulton & Sons Ltd.
Victor Oulton 4956 Hwy 14 Martock Windsor, NS B0N 2T0 phone/fax 902 798-4440 cell 902 792-8151 oulton.farm@ns.sympatico.ca
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
Jay & Samantha Rimke The Manitoba Juniors had a great year. We ended the fall show season off at the Manitoba Livestock Expo with about fifteen juniors participating. It was a great show! Our annual meeting took place on January 3, 2015. We had a good group of kids and a couple new members. We discussed our upcoming fundraisers and sponsorship along with our new board. Our new executive includes: President: Samantha Rimke Vice President: Cooper Blaine Secretary: Levi Rimke Treasure: Orianna Hyndman Communication Officer: Langley Blaine Delegates: Samantha Rimke & Bennett Foster Our first show of the season is at the end of March at the Manitoba Winter Fair. We hope to see a few juniors participating. Our next meeting will be in May where we will be planning who is going to Bonanza and our other summer shows here. The Manitoba Juniors are looking forward to the upcoming year and look forward to attending Bonanza in Fredericton.
Cassandra Gorrill Hoping calving season went well for all! The OJHA has started off 2015 with exciting plans for Beefa-Rama 2015. The show is to be held from June 26th to 28th at the Norwood Fairgrounds. In conjunction with the Junior weekend, we are thrilled to have the very respected Lance Leachman on the 27th for a Livestock Selection Workshop. We invite all Ontario Juniors to try and make it out to the fun filled weekend! Another date we would like members to keep in mind is for the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Holiday Inn Waterfront in Peterborough on April 10th and 11th. It’s a great opportunity for members to get more involved with the board and our decisions! Any Juniors looking to expand their herd are invited to check out the East Central Zone’s Whiteface Classic Sale Saturday May 9th at 1:00 p.m. at the Lindsay Fairgrounds. Ontario is also excited to be making plans to attend Bonanza in Fredericton. For any members thinking of making the trip, contact Justin McLaughlin or Cassandra Gorrill for any questions. We’d be more than happy to help you out. Don’t forget all the MOE shows and showmanships to be had at all the fairs this upcoming summer and fall! Wishing everyone the best of luck with breeding season and show season and hope to see you around at all the exciting events!
Keith Gilmore Foundation Check out the website! While online you can download Scholarship Applications www.keithgilmorefoundation.com
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
Allison Mastine The QJHA is planning for several juniors to be in attendance at Bonanza 2015 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. If any Quebec juniors are interested in attending or would like more information, contact the Quebec Delegates, Allison or Colt, or the Quebec Adult Advisor, Paul Mastine. This summer’s junior event, the Quebec Junior Beef Show, is planned for July 3rd- 5th, 2015 at the Brome Fairgrounds. It is a great learning experience, an opportunity to meet new people, and great practice before Bonanza. Information regarding the junior show can be found on the website http:// quebecjuniorbeef.wix.com/qjbs or on the Quebec Junior Beef Show Facebook page. Feel free to contact the Quebec Delegates if any questions or concerns. We look forward to connecting with many Hereford juniors at the Quebec Junior Beef Show and Bonanza.
Maritimes Wyatt Oulton
Greetings from the Maritimes. Hope everyone is halving a good start to the New Year as well as a good start with the new calves hitting the ground. We are looking forward to our annual round up which will be held in Dundas hosted by the PEI Hereford club on May 29th to the 31st. As for past shows the Maritimes show season ended in November, with the Royal Winter fair in Toronto with great representation from the east. With Herefords participating from all three provinces participating in the 4-H show as well as the Open show. We are all working towards getting everything lined up for our Bonanza this year in Fredericton being held on July-29th to Aug 1st.
Larissa Lupul
780-645-5858 barefoot@mcsnet.ca
Foisy, Alberta
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
Facts About Your New CJHA National Delegates 1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have attended four Bonanzas (Medicine Hat, Saskatoon, Old’s and Brandon) 2. What’s the name of your first calf or favorite cow? The name of my first heifer was “Betty”. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel and why? One place I would like to travel one day, is Australia. I think it would be neat over there just seeing how things are done and the difference in the Bennett Foster, Manitoba Delegate agriculture industry as compared to Canada. 4. Why is being on the National Council something you have chosen to be a part of? I have chosen to be a part of the National Council because I would like to gain more knowledge about agriculture and the Hereford Breed. 5. What are some of your future plans? Some of my future plans include going to college to get my welding tickets. Then taking over the family farm and continue raising polled Herefords. 1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have attended one Bonanza. 2. What’s the name of your favourite animal or first calf? My favourite animal is Hirsche Herefords MVP. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel and why? I would like to visit Europe to see the variations in breeds overseas. 4. Why is being on the National Council something you have chosen to be a part of? I have chosen to join the National Council because I want to contribute to the Hereford community as much as possible.
Billy Paul, British Columbia Delegate
5. What are some of your future plans? My future plans are to go to University and study for an agricultural science degree and run an operation of Hereford Cattle of my own.
Grant Ph: 403-593-2217 Craig Ph: 403-651-9441 Email: grantspix@gmail.com Web: www.grantspix.com
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have attended six and Fredericton will be my seventh. 2. What’s the name of your first calf or favorite cow? My first show calf was named Kaitlyn. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel and why? I would love to travel to Ireland to adventure through its timeless beauty and maybe find a few castles. 4. Why is being on the National Council something you have chosen to be a part of? I have chosen to be a part of the National Council because I am passionate about agriculture and the Hereford breed especially and would like to use my skills and the opportunity to represent the Juniors from my province at the National level, as well as learn about what goes into running a national association. Cassandra Gorrill, Ontario Delegate 5. How has Bonanza benefited you? I hope to finish off my schooling at the University of Guelph and apply to the Ontario Veterinary College. I also plan to keep growing my own herd and building and exhibiting them at every chance.
1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have attended 8 bonanza’s since 2006. 2. What’s the name of your favourite animal or first calf? My first calf was named Robin. She was a yearling heifer that I took to my first bonanza in 2006. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel and why? I would like to travel to Europe or Australia. I think it would be great to travel to some place over seas and see the old world 4. Why is being part of the National Council something Morgan Millham, Saskatchewan Delegate you have chosen to be a part of? There are two main reasons I was chose for this position. One I am one of the older members of the SJHA and two I wanted to participate in the behind the scenes of the CJHA. 5. What are some of your future plans? First off I would like to finish High School. Then I would like to try to get into university, I still have not chosen what I would like to study. For the cattle side of my life, I will stay a CJHA member for as long as I can and do whatever I can to improve myself and the Hereford breed.
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have attended two Bonanza’s. The first was Held in Truro, NS and the other in Sainte-Hyancinthe, Quebec. 2. What’s the name of your favourite animal or first calf? The name of my favourite heifer was Whisper. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel and why? I would like to travel to Agribition in Regina, Saskatchewan. It would be a great learning experience and a chance for me to see what is all out there especially in the Hereford Breed. 4. Why is being part of the National Council something you have chosen to be a part of? This is my first year on the board. I chose to be a part of it because I find it helps promote the Hereford Breed as well as I get to help make decisions and five my input on decisions being made.
Bree Curry, Maritimes Delegate
5. What are some of your future plans? I plan on attending NSCC in September of 2015 for Continuing Care and then upgrading to a Licensed Practical Nurse. 1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have attended 9 Bonanzas, this year at the Maritimes will be my 10th. 2. What’s the name of your favourite animal or first calf? My favourite calf is Maude. I took her to my second Bonanza in 2003 in Quebec. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel and why If I were to travel I would choose to go to Europe to see castles.
Wyatt Oulton, Maritimes Delegate
4. Why is being part of the National Council something you have chosen to be a part of? I want to be on the National Council to make connections with other Hereford Breeders from across Canada. 5. What are some of your future plans? I plan on hopefully owning my own farm in the future and continuing to breed Hereford cattle. Andy Schuepbach Ph: (403) 625-4693 Fax: (403) 625-1500 Cell (403) 625-6316 Hans Ulrich Ph: (403) 625-2237 Box 2044 Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 Practical, Efficient Cattle are our Livelihood andy@lilybrookherefords.com www.lilybrookherefords.com
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have been to two bonanzas. I attended the Medicine Hat and Saskatoon Bonanzas. 2. What’s the name of your favourite animal or first calf? My first show heifer was GH Adams Avatar Sazzy 317X . I still have her and I am still showing her progeny. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel and why? I would like to travel to Romania to see where my grandmother’s family came from. 4. Why is being part of the National Council something you have chosen to be a part of? I wanted to gain leadership skills and meet new people with interests that are similar to mine.
Brandon Fraser, Alberta Delegate
5. What are some of your future plans? I am planning on going to University and hopefully vet school to become a large animal vet.
1. How many Bonanzas have you attended? I have attended 3 Bonanza’s- Saskatoon SK, Brandon MB, and Olds AB. 2. What’s the name of your favourite animal or first calf? My favourite animal is Heidecker Ruby 5A; a bred heifer I showed at Agribition this past fall. 3. Where is one place you would like to travel and why? I would love to travel and see as much as I can, but in specific, Germany because that is where my family originated from. 4. Why is being part of the National Council something you have chosen to be a part of? I accepted the opportunity to be a SK delegate because I wanted to experience the type of workload and commitment it takes to be successful on a National Board, as well as meet more youth in the Agriculture and Hereford Industry.
Morgan Heidecker, Saskatchewan Delegate
5. What are some of your future plans? I plan to receive a degree in Agriculture and Bioresources from the University of Saskatchewan, which is where I’m headed to this fall.
Dennis & Andrea Babiuk
Phone: (780) 657-2270 Cell: (780) 603-1079 Email ncx@xplornet.ca
Box 102 Brosseau, AB T0B 0P0
Quality Cattle For Sale At All Times
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
Upcoming Events & Deadlines May
23-24.......8th Annual T Bar C Invitational, Saskatoon, SK
15.............Deadline for the CJHA “Future of the Breed� Scholarship!!
TBA..........MJHA Spring Meeting
31-August 2....Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up, Neepawa, MB
28-August 1....Bonanza 2015, Fredericton, NB
1...............Deadline for Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarships 1...............Deadline for Bonanza 2014 Registrations
12-13.......Manitoba Hereford Association Summer MOE Show and Junior Show, Lundar, MB
15............Manitoba Field Day, St. Ambroise, MB
19-21.......AJHA Provincial Show and AGM, Wetaskiwin AG Grounds
New for Bonanza 2015!!
ENTRY DEADLINE IS JUNE 1, 2015. Entries postmarked after this date will not be accepted!
Bonanza 2015 will be Aerosol-Optional on Friday, July 31: After much discussion, the CJHA Board has decided that Bonanza 2015 will be allowing the use of aerosol products on Friday, July 31. This means that the open grooming competition, showmanship competition, bred and owned, semen donation and commercial shows will be aerosoloptional; juniors are welcome to use aerosol products if they want, but are not obligated to. In order for the Open Show to retain MOE status, it will continue to be non-aerosol, as will the rest of Bonanza.
Rule Change for Bonanza 2015: The CJHA Board has changed the wording to Bonanza Rule 24 so that only CJHA members who are Bonanza participants are allowed to work on/help with cattle at Bonanza.
Yearling & two year old bulls must be handled with a ring at ALL times. No humbugs! One change to Bonanza is the Great Griller Competition. This year it is called the Ultimate Burger Competition where teams will cook burgers instead of steaks!
Open Grooming & Showmanship --> the same animal must be used for these competitions. NO BULLS ALLOWED! 12
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
CJHA “Future of the Breed� Scholarship APPLICATIONS DUE MAY 15, 2015!
The CJHA Board accepted a proposal from the Keith Gilmore Foundation to bring the Future of the Breed under the umbrella of the Keith Gilmore Foundation. This change will allow us to collect more interest and benefit from their financial knowledge. It will also allow us to double the four award amounts from $500 to $1,000. The selection process will stay the same but the KGF will review the recipients. Appropriate changes were made to the application form. The CJHA would like to thank the Keith Gilmore Foundation for their continued support!
Eligibility Requirements
1. Applicant must be an active member of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. Applicant must be currently enrolled in a post-secondary program or in their #nal year of high school as of January 1st, 2013 2. Applicant may receive award only once. 3. Applicants must be enrolled on a full-time basis in the post-secondary program of their choice at the time the award is received. 4. Applications must be postmarked no later than May 15th of the year of application. 5. Applicants must include a copy of all post-secondary or high school transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
1. A seven-member selection committee will be appointed to independently review the applications, which will be evaluated on a point system. 2. Four scholarships will be awarded each year. Applicant may apply for other awards and scholarships in the same year, for which the applicant is eligible. 3. The $500 awards will be presented to each recipient during the awards banquet of the CJHA Hereford Bonanza.
Scoring Criteria
Each applicant will be ranked out of 100 points. The two successful applicants will score the most points out of 100. Academic Performance /30 Commitment to the Breed /50 -previous contributions and accomplishments /30 - future plans /20 Reference /20 Total /100
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
Keith Gilmore Foundation Scholarships
Hereford Youth Scholarship
Keith Gilmore Prize for Beef Cattle Innovation
Purpose: Support excellence in ongoing studies in any undergraduate program leading to a career related to the livestock industry
Purpose: Support excellence and leadership for applicants in advanced studies leading to a career in the beef industry. Areas of study are broadly defned but include areas such as animal science, range management, forage and feeding, genetics, communications and business.
Award amount: $2500 Number awarded per year: up to 4 per year Eligibility: applicants must 1) current or past member of CJHA or have a connection to the Hereford cattle breed demonstrated through a letter of recommendation from an active member of the Canadian Hereford Association, not related to the applicant, 2) be registered for ongoing studies in an undergraduate program at a college or university (entering into the second, third or fourth year at the time of receiving the award) in any program leading to a career in the livestock industry. A person may only receive this scholarship once. Application Process: application materials include: 1) High School Transcripts 2) Post-secondary transcripts 3) Standardized resume outlining extracurricular activities 4) Two letters of reference from individuals not related to the applicant 5) Written statement of 500 words or less outlining career goals 6) Demonstration of registration in an education program related to the livestock industry Selection Process: Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Keith Gilmore Foundation Board. Criteria include demonstration of 1) academic achievement, 2) volunteer activities, 3) leadership potential within the livestock industry.
Award amount: $10,000 Number awarded per year: up to 2 per year Eligibility: applicants must be entered in senior undergraduate (entering the fnal year), veterinary, or postgraduate studies. A person may only receive this scholarship once. Application Process: application materials include: 1) Post-secondary transcripts 2) Standardized resume outlining extracurricular activities 3) Three letters of recommendation from individuals not related to the applicant 4) Written statement of 1500 words or less outlining career goals 5) Demonstration of registration in an education program related to the livestock industry Selection Process: Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Keith Gilmore Foundation Board. Criteria include demonstration of 1) academic achievement, 2) volunteer activities, 3) demonstration of leadership within livestock industry
General Information
1. Closing date for applications is June 1. 2. Copies of grades and references to be included with applications and winner must have grades confrmed by their university or college. 3. Selection is based on academic merit, contribution to school and/or community and an indication of career objectives and involvement and accomplishments in Youth Programs. 4. All questions must be answered or marked “not applicable� (please print or type). 5. Only successful applicants will be advised prior to September 1 6. A career in the feld of agriculture includes Veterinary Medicine. 7. Completed applications should be mailed and postmarked no later than June 1. (Faxes and emails are not accepted.) Mail to: THE KEITH GILMORE FOUNDATION 5160 SKYLINE WAY NE, CALGARY, AB, T2E 6V1
Deadline: June 1, 2015
Junior Influence
Faces of the CJHA
Spring 2015
Makenna Heidecker, Saskatchewan
Makenna Heidecker is 15 years old and is the youngest of four kids to Lyal and Michell Heidecker on Triple H Farm. She attends Three Lakes School, in Middle Lake and is a grade 10 student who upholds a high honor average and is involved in many sports teams. Makenna won a Bronze medal in the Provincial in Track and Field competition last year and hopes to do just as good and even exceed last year’s results. She enjoys training for club track, watching movies, being outside, and watching hockey games in neighboring towns with her older sister Morgan. Makenna has attended three Bonanzas and is the 2015 SJHA President this year. In 2011 she advised a group of PeeWees to first place in Little League Grooming at Bonanza. Some things she’s gotten out of the SJHA program and Bonanza is time management skills, being creative with grooming animals, leadership and teamwork skills, and of course making new friends. Makenna believes the best thing about Bonanza is the lessons you take away and the friends you make. Makenna is happy to be a part of the SJHA and one day hopes to be a SJHA National Delegate.
Faces of the CJHA Kennedy Manns, Manitoba
Kennedy Manns was born in the middle of calving season, 2005. Kennedy resides on the Manns Hereford Ranch in Firdale, MB with her Mom, Dad and little brother, Rory, and attends grade four in the neighboring town of Austin. For her 10th birthday, Kennedy’s birthday list included books, luggage, the seasons of M*A*S*H on DVD, Muck boots and mole traps. This list is Kennedy’s personality to a tee! Kennedy loves to travel and enjoyed attending Bonanza in Lindsey, Ontario in 2014 with her Dad where she won first place for her speech about Marie Antoinette. Her first bonanza was in Brandon in 2013. She would love to attend in 2015 but has decided to go to Quebec on a train with her Mom instead. She has big plans to make it to Bonanza 2016. She is active in 4-H and spends her after school hours bottle feeding twins, loving up her heifers’ calves and eyeing up possible new show heifers. This will also be her first year with a steer in 4-H. When Kennedy is not helping on the farm, she keeps very busy with swimming lessons, drama classes, and archery. She has recently taken up trapping with her Auntie Heather Manns and thinks that she could save money for her Quebec trip if someone would pay her to mole trap this spring and summer. She enjoys taking care of animals and sometimes thinks she would like to be a veterinarian when she grows up; Or a Volcanologist; Or a surfer…if she wasn’t so afraid of sharks. She despises watching her brother play hockey, and names all of her heifers and steers after famous musicals, singing sensations, or volcanoes. Kennedy has met so many new friends through the Junior Hereford Association and through 4-H. The provincial MB Hereford juniors are fantastic role models who make Kennedy feel like part of an extended family. There are many show dates and bonanzas in Kennedy’s future!
Sunnybrook Farm Audrey & Peter Kidney 506-328-3604 506-328-2003 Weston, NB
Junior Influence
Spring 2015
Canadian Junior Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta 403-275-2662 www.hereford.ca Canadian-Junior Hereford Association