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Saskatchewan Angus Association - 2023 Board of Directors
President Chad Hollinger Neudorf, Saskatchewan 396.331.0302 hollingerlandandcattle@gmail.com
1st Vice-President
Jordan Sies Grayson, Saskatchewan 306.728.1299 sieser94@hotmail.com
2nd Vice-President
Kim McLean Regina, Saskatchewan 306.230.1681 kim.mclean@sasktel.net
Executive Director
Brennan Schachtel Marshall, Saskatchewan 306.821.2504 eyehillb@gmail.com
Past President
Michelle Potapinski Hodgeville, Saskatchewan 306.677.7540 windy.willows@sasktel.net
Troy Frick Neudorf, Saskatchewan 306.728.8911 northernviewangus@imagewireless.ca
Adrian Jungman Duck Lake, Saskatchewan 306.221.6864 akjungman@sasktel.net
Cathy Monteith Edam, Saskatchewan 306.317.2048 honeybrookangus@gmail.com
Marlene Monvoisin Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan 306.648.8200 jpmfarms@sasktel.net
Wade Olynyk Goodeve, Saskatchewan 306.730.7673 olynyk44@gmail.com
Randy Tetzlaff Viscount, Saskatchewan 306.231.6969 tetz@sasktel.net
Jim Wright Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan 306.304.7711 wrightranch@sasktel.net
Junior Director Tanner Lowe Meacham, Saskatchewan 306.270.4266 tpl44@icloud.com
Canadian Director Roger Reynolds Emerald Park, Saskatchewan 306.536.6112 erreynolds@accesscomm.ca
Canadian Director Rob Garner Simpson, Saskatchewan 306.946.7946 nordallimousin@sasktel.net
Canadian Director Sheldon Kyle Redvers, Saskatchewan 306.452.7545 sheldon@kenrayranch.com
Honourary President Doug Howe Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Spring is finally here! I hope this finds everyone well, and that everyone has had a successful calving season. As we move into breeding, I think it is safe to say that this spring we have seen many record-setting bull sales across the country. It’s exciting to think cattle prices are at all-time highs. With rising operating costs and higher costs of production, I say it’s about time that we see our product, “Beef” at new record highs.
The Saskatchewan Angus Association has an exciting, event filled summer ahead. This year it is our turn to host the National Convention. It will be held June 8-10 in Saskatoon. We invite everyone to join us as it is looking to be an exciting few days. I want to thank all of the organizers; these events take countless hours of planning and preparation to make happen. A special thank you also needs to go out to all of the sponsors that have graciously donated to our event. You will find a list of them in this issue of the Edge - please take the time to acknowledge them and to support their businesses when the opportunity arises.
As summer moves forward into July another big event will be held in Swift Current the 20th-22nd. The National Junior Angus Show “Showdown” will see Juniors from across the country come together to compete in all sorts of competitions, from the conformation classes to the annual cook off. It is an excellent event for your juniors to attend.
Into August we have the much anticipated, and ever popular Saskatchewan Angus Summer Tour. We look forward to joining you and many others in the East-central area of the province August 9th-10th for what promises to be yet another excellent must attend event. We are also excited to have the Canadian Angus Association’s Verified
Angus Beef BBQ Competition as part of the wrap up to the tour in Dysart Thursday night. Make sure you register early with our tour hosts to help with the planning process!
At our April board meeting we also decided to move our Annual General Meeting to October 20th in conjunction with the Masterpiece Sale and to update the process for selecting our Commercial Producer and Breeder of the Year. Check out the
by Chad Hollinger
nomination information also printed in this issue of the Edge and get your nominations submitted.
The Saskatchewan Angus Association recently developed a new Strategic plan, that will help forge a path and direction for the association for the next number of years. Thank you to all who provided input.
See you in Saskatoon in June!