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Saskatchewan Junior Angus Report . . .
Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association Board of Directors
Reegan Frey - President Oxbow, SK - 306.485.6788 reeganafrey@gmail.com
Kylie Willms - Vice-President Dundurn, SK - 306.380.4595 Kyliewillms101@gmail.com
Sienna Bohrson - Secretary Hanley, SK - 306.213.7771 siennabohrson@icloud.com
Tanner Lowe - Junior Director Meacham, SK - 306.270.4266 tpl44@icloud.com
Directors at Large
Baxter Blair McLean, SK - 306.699.7807 baxterblair17@gmail.com
Chase Bruynooghe Outlook, SK - 306.860.9715 chase.bruynooghe@xplornet.com
Jessica Davey Saskatoon, SK - 306.230.7409 jessicadavey@gamail.com
Dylan Frey Oxbow, SK - 306.485.6787 dfrey5145@gmail.com
Rayel Kaczmar Grenfell, SK - 306.451.0075 rayelkaczmar14@gmail.com
Hillary Sauder Hodgeville, SK - 306.677.7542 hsauder12@gmail.com
Eric Smith Mankota, SK - 306.264.7331 eric.smith33@icloud.com
Allyson Tetzlaff Viscount, SK - 306.231.6968 allytetz@gmail.com
Connor Tetzlaff Viscount, SK - 306.231.6904 connortetzlaff01@gmail.com
The Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association Directors are working hard on ideas for the upcoming year. We hope to find new ways to involve more Saskatchewan Angus Juniors in the association and industry. As the future of our breed, the Saskatchewan Junior Angus Board understands the importance of our involvement and we hope to engage and excite all Junior members.
Our Annual General Meeting was held via Zoom on May 3, 2023 where we held elections for board positions. Myself, Reegan Frey was elected President, Kylie Willms was elected Vice President, Sienna Bohrson was elected Secretary and the following are our current Directors at Large: Baxter Blair, Chase Bruynooghe, Jessica Davey, Dylan Frey, Tanner Lowe, Rayel Kaczmar, Hillary Sauder, Eric Smith, Allyson Tetzlaff and Connor Tetzlaff. These positions offer many opportunities for Juniors to become more involved in the Association to gain knowledge, skills, and experience. Thank you to retiring directors Brandy Fettes and Callie Steen.
The Guiding Outstanding Angus Leadership (GOAL) Conference was an absolute blast this year in Toronto, Ontario. We would like to thank the Saskatchewan Angus Association and the Saskatchewan Livestock Association for sponsoring bursaries for 13 Saskatchewan Junior Angus members to attend. These bursaries allowed our Juniors to fly to Toronto for the annual GOAL conference. The main function of the conference is to get Juniors involved and excited about the Angus breed while making connections and learning from speakers from across North America.
We are also very excited for the upcoming Canadian Junior Angus 23rd annual summer show, Showdown 2023. The show will be in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, July 20-22. This event is a great place to network with fellow Junior Angus members from across Canada while taking part in the many competitions including, conformation, showmanship, print marketing, sales talk, judging, team judging, photography, literature, art, scrapbooking, graphic design, public speaking, Angus cook-off, and Angus Spirit of Youth, plus the grand aggregate awards. Entries are open and the registration form is available online. The deadline for entries is June 1 and the late entry deadline is June 20th.
Looking further into the fall, we will once again be hosting our provincial Junior Angus Show at the Lloydminster Stockade Roundup - stay tuned to our social media for more information coming later in the summer.
The Saskatchewan Angus Association offers two $1000 scholarships each year to Saskatchewan Junior Angus members. These scholarships greatly assist juniors in their post-secondary education journeys, helping juniors to achieve their educational goals. These scholarships are held in trust until junior members have completed their first semester of schooling. The deadline is set for November 15th to apply for this scholarship.
Canadian Junior Angus also has many opportunities regarding awards, scholarships, and bursaries. There are also bursaries available for travel to CJA events, education outreach, and more. Check out the website at cdnangus.ca for more information on these opportunities available throughout the year.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association, please feel free to contact myself or one of our board members. If you are interested in joining as a member or on the board, we’d be more than glad to have you!
by Reegan Frey