November 2017 ISSUE
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Resident Appreciation Week Residents of CAMPUSONE October In Review
Resident Appreciation Week You, the residents, are at the heart of CampusOne. Your enthusiasm, experiences, and diversity make CampusOne a great place to live. From free coffee to supermarket bingo, there will be planned events and surprises to show you our appreciation. Moreover, we want to hear your voices! Check your email for the survey from and please take the time to complete it. Not only will your feedback go to improving the residence experience at CampusOne, you will also be entered to win several amazing prizes. Desiree Fuller, Residence Life Coordinator Nick Holmberg, Residence Life Coordinator
November Events Dear WISEONE Building Updates & Reminders Contact Us
CONNECT CORNER If you would like to be our next Resident of CampusOne, click here.
RESIDENTS OF CAMPUSONE Homesickness is quite common for first year students but after living away from family for five years, Aleena Dewji has figured it out. “Don’t lock yourself up in your room and don’t be scared to meet new people… if you don’t put yourself out there, no one is going to come to you.” Becoming independent is a part of growing into an adult and starting a life of your own. Dewji says CampusOne offers its residents diversity and freedom. “I want to have a fun time in residence… here I have that liberty and there’s so many nice people here. I want to make sure I know everyone and they know me,” Dewji said.
NOVEMBER BUILDING WIDE EVENTS Campus Quizine Take a break from studying to join our quiz night! Teams will get together and compete for the title of Trivia Masters.
Campus Cram Grams Make your own study kit and send one to a friend! Arm yourself with pens and highlighters. Final exams are coming.
November 27th
4th Annual Long Night Against Procrastination Presenter: Writing & Learning Centre When: 8 pm – 8 am Where: OCADU, 100 McCaul
Getting Back on Track: Managing Procrastination & Increasing Motivation Presenter: Academic Success Center When: 5:15 pm – 7:00 pm Where: U of T, Robarts Library, 4th Floor
Applying Citation and Personal Content Management Tools Presenter: ACE Seminar When: 12:00 pm Where: U of T, 35 St. George Street, Room 117
Grad Escape: Cooking Class Presenter: Student & Campus Community Development When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Where: Loblaws, 60 Carlton St
Remembrance Day 2017 Click here for a schedule of services and events happening around the city to commemorate our veterans.
DEAR WISEONE Dear WISEONE, Doing my laundry is a chore, literally and figuratively. People leave their clothes in the machines long after their cycle is over. Hauling down my laundry basket only to find that machines are full of clean laundry is unbelievably frustrating. I know it is disrespectful to touch other’s things, but it is disrespectful to waste other’s time. I already hate doing laundry! Help! Sincerely, Throwing in the Towel Laundry is not a fun task to begin with and working up the motivation to do the chore only to be thwarted by people that haven’t timed their laundry is extremely annoying. That being said two wrongs do not make a right. Removing someone’s clothing from a machine is a residence no-no. Not timing
your laundry is too! My advice is be a good example. Time your laundry on your phone and be prompt. Encourage your floormates, roommates, and friends to do the same. And remember: no one is perfect. Life has a funny way of making you forget your laundry in the washing machine. Dear WiseONE, When I moved here, I thought that I would be friends with my roommates. I couldn’t wait to grab coffee together, complain about assignments together, binge Netflix together. The keyword being TOGETHER. The reality sucks! We never hang out and lately one of my roommates has been leaving passive aggressive notes about noise, cleanliness, you name it. I don’t need them to be my best friends; but, I don’t want
to walking on eggshells in my own home. Sincerely, RoomHATE Dear RoomHATE, I’m sorry that your roommates don’t seem to share your dream of friendship. Living with other people is probably one of the most difficult things you can do! Often expectation and reality do not match. However, that doesn’t mean that you have change your entire lifestyle to make others happy. Your noteleaving roommate might be nervous around conflict or just communicates differently than you. Try to find time to sit down and discuss the problems face to face. If you are worried about conversation, invite your Don. Good luck! Have a question for WISEONE? Ask it by clicking here.
BUILDING UPDATES CampusOne is a Silver LEED certified building. We have green technology throughout our building.The rainwater collection system saves rainwater the roof and uses it to flush toilets on the lower floors. The entire building is lit with LED lights, which last longer and use less energy than traditional bulbs. In addition, the hallways and lounges use motion sensors to detect when light is needed in these areas and keep them off when no one is around. Even some of our roof is green! Literally! Parts of our roof have ground cover plants that insulate the building from intense temperatures and help with drainage after rain and storms. Keep an eye out for more green initiatives.
REMINDERS Meal plans funds do NOT expire at the end of the term. They are valid until May 31st, 2018. All meal plan funds for the year were loaded onto the card when you received it. To avoid any undue notices, please make sure your rent installment balance is current. December, January, and February rent installments are free! If you have set your RentMoola Account to recurring payments, please remember to adjust your settings; so, you don’t get charged.
FOLLOW US CampusOneRes CampusOneRes
(647) 288-0827 Simon Zarzour General Manager RESIDENCE LIFE
Desiree Fuller Residence Life Coordinator Floors 2A-13 Nick Holmberg Residence Life Coordinator Floors 14-25 LEASING
@CampusOneRes CampusOneRes
Meredith Lister Area Leasing Manager FINANCIAL
Lily Hu Bookkeeper