l’actualité chimique canadienne canadian chemical news
bio technology ACCN
October | octobre • 2006 • Vol. 58, No./no 9
3 rd World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
Canada—A Platform for Success Patenting Life Forms Odour Management
october | octobre • 2006 • Vol. 58, No./no 9
A publication of the CIC | Une publication de l’ICC
Ta bl e o f C o n t e n t s | Ta bl e d e s m a t i è r e s
Guest Column Chroniqueur invité . . . . . . 2 Canada—A Platform for Success Peter Brenders
Ar ticles
Biotechnology—The Everyday Technology
All in Good Taste
Bioprocessing Strategies for Cell-Factory Systems
Patenting Life Forms
Something in the Air?
Shaping the Future
Letters lettres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Personals Personnalités . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
News Briefs Nouvelles en bref . . . . . . . . 4
Chemfusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Joe Schwarcz, MCIC
CIC Bulletin ICC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
CSChE Bulletin SCGCh . . . . . . . . . . .
Division News Nouvelles des divisions . .
NCW News Nouvelles de la SNC . . . . . 30
student News Nouvelles des étudiants . .
An overview of the biotechnology industry in Canada Peter Brenders
Synthetic solutions mimic nature’s flavours and fragrances.
C. Perry Chou, MCIC, and Murray Moo-Young, MCIC
Elizabeth A. Hayes and Daphne C. Lainson, MCIC
Proper management of industrial odours can improve neighbour relations and minimize environmentalimpact. Jennifer Ahluwalia
Renewable resources take shape in a new generation of polyurethane foam used in the automotiveindustry. Hamdy Khalil
Careers Carrières . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Events Événements . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Canadian Journal of Chemistry enters the electronic age.
Guest Column Chroniqueur invité
Editor-in-Chief/Rédactrice en chef Michelle Piquette Managing Editor/Directrice de la rédaction Heather Dana Munroe
Canada— A Platform for Success
Graphic Designer/Infographiste Krista Leroux
Peter Brenders
iotechnology is a well-established industry in Canada. These days, it is synonymous with achievements in health research, agriculture and nutrition, and industrial biotechnology. The potential these achievements bring with them bodes well for the future of Canadians. Biotechnology processes are integrated with many sectors, including the pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, manufacturing, and chemical industries. The bridging of expertise in the biotech and chemical industries, for example, gives us alternatives to many traditional practices and holds great potential to reduce pollution and waste and provide renewableenergy sources and new options to some chemical processes.
Biotechnology integration Advances in genomics, demand for sustainable manufacturing processes, and higher energy costs are driving the development of industrial biotechnology applications in fine chemistry, polymers, bio-fuels, and forest products manufacturing. Industrial biotechnology is predicted to be a $150 billion business within 25 years. Canada has the raw materials, the talent, the companies, and the research laboratories to compete internationally for a significant portionof the bio-economy. The integration of biotechnology and chemistry includes biotechnology enzymes incorporated into everyday items such as pesticides, detergents, solvents, paints, glues, etc., to create more environmentally friendly options. In the pulp and paper industry, for example, a 10 to 15 percent reduction of chlorineuse can be realized by using biotech processes industry-wide. The potential reductionin energy costs related to bleaching is estimated to be 40 percent, and the petroleum savings when plastics production shifts to bioprocesses is up to 80 percent.
2 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
The pharmaceutical industry is using biotechnology products and processes to develop new treatments for rare diseases. Further understanding of our genetic code will allow a doctor to devise the best course of treatment for each individual based on their genetic makeup. We are seeing a shift from “blockbuster” drugs to treat ailments to personalized medicines and treatments for rare diseases. The agriculture and nutrition sector not only provides new crops that use less herbicides and pesticides—saving farmers both time spent in the field and the cost of maintaining crops—but it gives Canadians access to healthier oilseed crops that are low in trans-fat, and crop varieties designed for biofuels production. In the chemical industry, the use of biotechnology in plastic manufacturing will reduce the reliance on petroleum as the main ingredient. New plastics are made with corn and other plants thanks to biotechnology. This allowsproducts, such as plastic drinking glasses or garbage bags, to biodegrade in landfills—reducing waste and pollution.
The role of chemical professionals in the next wave of technology Chemical engineering is taking on a whole new meaning. Researchers are studying bioremediation and biodegradation of toxic pollutants, microbial enhanced oil recovery, metabolic engineering, and recombinant DNA bacterial cultures, and the production continued on p. 31
Peter Brenders is the president and CEO of BIOTECanada—the national association for the biotechnology industry, and academic and research institutions.
Editorial Board/Conseil de rédaction Joe Schwarcz, MCIC, chair/président Cathleen Crudden, MCIC John Margeson, MCIC Milena Sejnoha, MCIC Steve Thornton, MCIC Bernard West, MCIC Editorial Office/Bureau de la rédaction 130, rue Slater Street, Suite/bureau 550 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2 613-232-6252 • Fax/Téléc. 613-232-5862 editorial@accn.ca • www.accn.ca Advertising/Publicité advertising@accn.ca Subscription Rates/Tarifs d’abonnement Non CIC members/Non-membres de l’ICC : in/au Canada CAN$55; outside/à l’extérieur du Canada US$50. Single copy/Un exemplaire CAN$8 or US$7. L’Actualité chimique canadienne/Canadian Chemical News (ACCN) is published 10 times a year by The Chemical Institute of Canada / est publié 10 fois par année par l’Institut de chimie du Canada. www.cheminst.ca. Recommended by The Chemical Institute of Canada, the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the official position of the Institute, or of the societies that recommend the magazine. Recommandé par l’Institut de chimie du Canada, la Société canadienne de chimie, la Société canadienne de génie chimique et la Société canadienne de technologie chimique. Les opinions exprimées ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position officielle de l’Institut ou des sociétés constituantes qui soutiennent la revue. Change of Address/Changement d’adresse circulation@cheminst.ca Printed in Canada by Gilmore Printing Services Inc. and postage paid in Ottawa, ON./ Imprimé au Canada par Gilmore Printing Services Inc. et port payé à Ottawa, ON. Publications Mail Agreement Number/ No de convention de la Poste-publications : 40021620. (USPS# 0007-718) Indexed in the Canadian Business Index and available on-line in the Canadian Business and Current Affairs database. / Répertorié dans la Canadian Business Index et accessible en ligne dans la banque de données Canadian Business and Current Affairs. ISSN 0823-5228
Letters Lettres
Membership Status Both former CIC chair, Bernard West, MCIC (ACCN, Nov./Dec. 2006, p. 23), and former CSC president, Yves Deslandes, FCIC (ACCN, May 2006, p. 2), appear to believe that their organizations’ activities have increased membership. In fact, the increase in CIC/CSC membership is largely due to the growth of the Toronto Section (doubling from 1,000 to 2,000) and the Hamilton Section. This growth arose from a large group joining to avail themselves of reasonably priced group auto insurance. Growth has had nothing to do with interest in things chemical. This fact, known to the National Office staff and a few (Toronto) members, either was not conveyed to our senior elected officers, or they, having been informed, kept it from the larger membership. This breakdown in communication requires a public explanation along with a confirmation of the true status of CIC membership. A. Papdopoulos, FCIC
Membership Statistics To quote Mr. Papadopoulos’ letter, “the increase in CIC/CSC membership is largely due to the growth of the Toronto Section (doubling from 1,000 to 2,000) ... [which] arose from a large group joining to avail themselves of reasonably priced group auto insurance.” Our membership statistics are shown above. Data can be interpreted many ways. I invite
you to decide on how to benchmark. The CSC membership slid from 3,603 members in 2002 to 3,173 members in 2003. The CSChE membership, however, has continued to climb over the last five years (up over 60 percent). The CSCT membership remains steady. This year, the CIC Board created our 2015 Vision and will be sharing this document in an upcoming issue of ACCN. Within this vision, we have six strategic areas, including fiscal and operational excellence. Yes, our full package membership does offer attractive insurance savings. Members also enjoy CIC conference discounts. Overall, we are happy to learn that members find value. If some of the members seek only one value, that is their perogative. Most of our members agree that the foundation of the CIC rests within the other five strategic areas centredaround our mission to advance chemistry-related science, engineering, and technology for the benefit of society. Cathy Cardy, MCIC, CIC chair
Personals Personnalités
Jan Kwak, FCIC After 36 years as a professor in the department of chemistry at Dalhousie University, Jan Kwak, FCIC, has announced his retirement. Kwak is an internationally recognizedphysical chemist with expertise in the physical chemistry of polymer solutions and related topics. He is an expert in many aspectsof colloid chemistry as well. He recently served as conference chair of this year’s 89th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition held in Halifax, NS, this May.
St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) in Antigonish, NS, proudly welcomes Derek Leaist to its faculty. Leaist is a new Canada Research Chair who holds a Tier 1 Chair in colloid chemistry. He has also been awarded a grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation for laser light scattering equipment for measuring colloid diffusion and size distributions. Leaist’s research involves studies of colloidal systems, which are formed by dispersing microscopic particles in a continuous medium. The unique structure of colloids leads to many scientifically fascinating and technologically useful properties with applications ranging from detergency, petroleum recovery, protein characterization, and the manufacture of food and pharmaceutical products. Leaist will join forces with the strong group of StFX colloid scientists including professors Gerry Marangoni, MCIC, and Rom Palepu, FCIC, who are recognized as leading colloid chemists in Canada. Collaborative research projects will be initiated to discover and characterize novel single- and double-headed detergents with important practical applications related to petroleum recovery. Many opportunities will be providedfor students to contribute directly
to front-line research. This training, combined with StFX’s outstanding undergraduate program, will give students valuable experience in preparation for careers in scienceand technology. Chérif Matta, MCIC, accepted a tenure-track appointment in chemistry at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, NS, effective July 1, 2006.
Government Howard Alper, HFCIC, will be joining Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) as visiting executive. He is currently professor of chemistry and vice-president, research at the University of Ottawa. “I am delighted that … Alper has accepted to put his wealth of experience and wisdom at the service of the developing world by joining IDRC as visiting executive,” said Maureen O’Neil, president of IDRC. While at IDRC, Alper will help link researchers from the South and the North, ensuring that both groups benefit equally from their respective research findings.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 3
Personals Personnalités IDRC’s strong collaboration with Canadian academic and research communities is exemplifiedby its role in the Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI), a partnership of IDRC, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canadian International Development Agency, and Health Canada. GHRI supports research on global health problems. During his tenure as visiting executive, Alper will enhance joint learning and institutional links between IDRC and key Canadian researchand academic communities. Bruce Grindley, FCIC, has been appointed chair of the NSERC Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Grant Selection Committee for a one-year term.
Distinction Keith Peiris, a nanotechnology engineering student at the University of Waterloo (UW), is one of Canada’s Top 20 Under 20™. Peiriswas just 11 years old when he started his company, Cyberteks Design, which provides web development, e-commerce, and multimedia solutions. Since its start
in 1999, the company has attracted many high-profile clients across North America. Some of Cyberteks’ major customers include McDonald’sRestaurants of Canada Limited and RogersTelevision. Cyberteks was listed in the “Top 100 IT companies in Canada” by the National Post Business magazine. Peiris has represented Canada as one of the ten under 40 CEOs of Canada at the APEC Young Leaders and EntrepreneursForum and was a member of the Team Canada Trade Mission to China in 2001. While in high school, he won the gold medal for Web design at the Skills Ontario contest in May 2005. Entering UW, he received the University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship, the Special Nanotechnology Engineering Scholarship, the Leslie Klein Engineering EntranceScholarship, and he collected a federal Canadian Millennium Scholarship this year. Top 20 Under 20 is a national youth awards program presented by Youth in Motionand sponsored by ING Canada, ING Foundation, and Bell Canada. It honours young Canadians who have demonstrated a significant level of achievement, innovation and leadership but have not yet reached the age of 20.
Mark Stradiotto, MCIC, received the 2006 Dalhousie Innovation Award. He is a newly tenured associate professor of chemistry at Dalhousie University. The award is intended to encourage and advance innovative research with strong commercial potential. The winner was selected by InNOVAcorp and the Industry Liaison and Innovation office at Dalhousie. “I’m honoured to receive this award and grateful to the various agencies that enable me to carry out the research it funds,” said Stradiotto at a reception honouring his accomplishment. The award is added to a CV that includes the 2005 Dalhousie University Killam Research Prize, research grants from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and the Dalhousie Undergraduate Chemistry SocietyTeaching Award.
Clarification Soviet cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova, was the first woman to launch into Earth’s orbit in 1963. Sally Ride was the first femaleAmerican astronaut, as identified in the July/Aug. 2006 issue of ACCN, p. 2.
News Briefs Nouvelles en bref
Anticus Has a “Whey” with Pop Anticus Corporation intends to complete the construction of an automated processing plant in the Montréal/Québec corridorthis year. The plant will be capable of processing at least 4 million kilograms of whey solids and related by-productsthat can be convertedthrough the Prolactis™ process to yield at least 1 million kilogramsof commercially viable yeast for resale. Prolactis is a microbiological process that provides for the bioconversionof lactoseand other sugars into high protein biomassthrough the use of a proprietary bioreactor. Through this process, Anticus is able to transform dairy and beverage related by-products and expired goods into commercially viable water and yeast. The process was developed by a professor at Université Laval, Jacques Goulet, engineer Michel Deblois, and Lucien Pomerleau. Worldwide patents are pending. In order to comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations in most developed countries, cheese processors, beer and soft drink manufacturers, and bottle recyclers are required to safely dispose of any environmentally sensitive by-products that are derived through the normal course of their respectiveproduction cycles. Beverage related by-products, such as whey, can be converted into commercially viable substances. 4 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
News Briefs Nouvelles en bref
President of Propane Expert, André Alie, holds a new recycling propane bottle. Pictured in the background are used bottles that cannot be reused or recycled. 4,000,000 bottles just like them are discarded each year in Canada.
Recycle Your Small Propane Cylinders Campers rejoice! There is finally a solution to the growing problem of recycling small propane cylinders. Propane Expert, one of the first Canadian companies to introduce a program for exchanging and recycling 20 lb. propane cylinders for home barbecues, is launching a similar service for 1 lb. cylinders used mainly for camping and outdoor activities. Small propane cylinders for portable barbecues had become problematic for nationalparks and outdoor activities centres, and there was a possibility that they would be banned. Propane Expert, a company locatednear Ottawa, ON, is launching a new 1 lb. recyclable cylinder and is extending its distribution and exchange program to this new product, complementing its current programfor 20 lb. cylinders. Propane Expert was founded 12 years ago thanks to the environmental concerns of its president, André Alie. “Twelve years ago,
people had to go to specialized sites to fill their propane cylinders. In most cases, these places were hard to find and inconvenient to get to. So, it was simpler and cheaper for people to throw out their cylinders and buy new ones,” Alie explained. “I wanted to simplify the recycling of propane cylinders and make this service more accessible to all users of home barbecues, and that is Propane Expert’s mission in short. We are pleased to be continuing with our mission by extending our program to small propane containers, most of which are currently available only in disposable format.” Propane Expert’s cylinders are available at more than 750 points of sale in Canada, including national retailers such as PetroCanada, Canadian Tire, Réno-Dépôt, and The Home Depot. The cylinders are found outside the premises in metal structures. Consumers simply bring their empty cylinder to the authorized retailer and exchange it for a new one. Thus, the cylinders are in good condition, safe, and clean. The old cylinders are picked up by Propane Expert and taken
for inspection, filling, and cleaning. The recycled cylinders are then put back into circulation and reused. The cost to replace old cylinders with new ones is no more than the cost of the propane itself. Propane Expert, Inc.
Dow and Mitsui Develop Catalyst Systems Dow Chemical announced that it has entered into a joint research agreement with Mitsui Chemicals to further the development of catalyst systems for the production of olefin block copolymers. The agreement will bring Dow’s novel invention, process understanding, and materials expertise of the recently announced olefin block copolymers technology together with Mitsui’s rich catalysis know-how. Camford Chemical Report
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 5
News Briefs Nouvelles en bref
Experts Converge for Biofuels Strategies
Chris Hall (right) and fellow researchers put bioactive components on paper surfaces.
A Facelift for Filters According to University of Guelph researcher, Chris Hall, new filters have a strong potential to improve Canadians’ health and safety. The filters have been developed from biologically active paper and can detect and capture harmfulagents. Hall says the specialized filters he and his collaborators are creating could be used to actively remove water contaminants, purify disease-causing antigens for medical research, prevent undesirable agents from entering emergency blood supplies, protect citizens from bioterrorists, and filter air in cars. “We’re trying to make various reagents that will bind to paper and essentially capture and detect pathogens and organic contaminants,” says Hall. “The real difficulty is getting whatever it is that binds to pathogens to bind to paper too.” Current filters rely mostly on small pores that block contaminants from passing through based on their size, says Hall. But now the goal is to create advanced filters that will actively remove unwanted components in a variety of situations. Most filters are based on cellulose, a carbohydrate that’s the main component in paper. The new filters will feature special proteins that stick to cellulose. The proteins will have two parts—one called a cellulose binding domain (CBD) to bind cellulose, and the other an antibody to bind pathogens and other contaminants. Hall says the protein’s CBD will be borrowed from enzymes that normally bind to cellulose and degrade it. Then, using molecular biology tools, Hall and his team will create “fusion proteins” that replace the degrading
6 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
component with an antibody that recognizes and fuses to harmful agents, anchoring them to the filter surface and preventing them from passing through the paper’s pores. This type of filtering goes beyond just using size to exclude undesirable materials. For example, a SARS-fighting antibody could be linked to paper through a CBD. This paper could then be used to supply healthcare workers with SARS masks that prevent them from inhaling the virus by trapping it first. Hall is investigating antibodies designed to capture and detect several species, including Escherichia coli and Pythium. His first test will be to see whether his fusion proteins can be applied to water filters that specifically target these organisms that cause human or plant diseases. This five-year project is still in its early stages, with preliminary results just beginning to flow in. By the project’s end, Hall hopes it will be possible to print his bioactive agents onto paper to create the novel filters and other similar products. Hall says paper is perfect for many applications because it’s inexpensive, disposable, and can be made sterile. This project is a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada initiative called SENTINEL, a CanadianNetwork for the Development and Use of Bioactive Paper. It brings together a diverse group of researchers who have expertise in the biosurface and biomaterialsciences. This article was written by Robert Fieldhouse,
A panel of executives representing BP, DuPont, and Chevron recently offered perspectives on the intersection of the energy and chemical industries with the industrial biotechnology and life sciences sectors. The panel was part of the third annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing in Toronto, ON. The executives highlighted the need for biofuels and other forms of energy, and the opportunities that their respective companies are pursuing through industrial biotechnology. Justin Adams, director of long-term technology strategy for BP, began the discussionby saying that the key drivers of the energy future will be supply security and environmental constraints. He noted that biofuels can help to meet these challenges, saying, “Biotechnology holds the key to driving down the costs of biofuel production” throughout the value chain, including the development of new feedstocks, novel enzymes, and fermentation technology. “What chemistry did in the 20th century, biologywill do in the 21st,” Adams said. Bill Provine, research manager for DuPont, discussed his company’s strategy for using industrialbiotechnology throughout the value chain, from specialized agricultural feedstocks to biotech enzyme and fermentation processes that produce biobutanol, a new type of biofuel. Richard Zalesky, vice-president of biofuels and hydrogenfor ChevronTechnology Ventures, outlined a partnership with the state of California and Pacific Ethanol to study the use of E85 in state-owned vehicles as well as a collaborationwith the Georgia Institute of Technology aimed at making cellulosic biofuels, biodiesel, and hydrogen viable transportation fuels. The congress was co-organized by The Chemical Institute of Canada, the Biotechnology IndustryOrganization, the American Chemical Society, the National Agriculture Biotechnology Council, the Agri-Food InnovationForum, and BioteCanada.
a SPARK student writer at the University of Guelph, and first appeared in Go.BIO magazine.
Camford Chemical Report
For more information visit www.uoguelph.ca/ research/communications/index.shtml.
For our report on the congress, see p. 25.
News Briefs Nouvelles en bref
DuPont’s Bio-based Polymers DuPont expects to begin production of high-performance thermoplastic resins and elastomer products made from two of its latest bio-based materials innovations in 2007. The products will be targeted for automotive, electrical, electronic, and other industrial markets. DuPont will make intermediates for its Soronaand Hytrel products from corn sugar instead of petroleum, using a patented and proprietary process. The key ingredient in Sorona is Bio-PDO, which replaces petrochemical-based 1,3 propanediol. The new Hytrel offering is produced using a new DuPont polyol made with Bio-PDO. Sorona polymer for industrial applications will be commercially available by mid-2007, and the Hytrel grades based on renewable resources will be available late in 2007. In addition to replacing petrochemicals with renewable resources, the manufacture of BioPDO requires approximately 40 percent less energy than its petrochemical counterpart. This would save the equivalent of about 10 million gallons per year of gasoline, based on annual production volumes of 100 millionlbs. of BioPDO. The new products will contribute to DuPont’s goal of deriving25 percentof revenue from non-depletable resources by 2010. DuPont
Bio Vision’s Biorefinery Bio Vision Technology plans to build the first fully integrated organic materials biorefinery in Nova Scotia. It is intended to demonstrate the inevitable shift in the utilization of world resources to a sustainable and renewable biomassmaterial base. The company will first demonstrate the process with a biofuel pilot plant that will convert renewable biomass (plant material) into feedstocks that can be processed into fuel ethanol and other value-added, cogenerated chemical commodities. The company has been awarded funding for the project from Sustainable Technology Canada. According to Bio Vision, engineering and economic challenges have made it unfeasible to convert wood plant fibres (lignocellulose) into industrially useable sugars on a commercially viable basis. Bio Vision has developed an
integratedsystem with a thermal reactor that uses steam fractionation to hydrolyze lignocellulose. Downstream processeswill convert the output into marketable products such as fuel ethanol, lignin, furfural, and acetic acid. Valueadded products such as biodegradable plastics, building materials, specialty chemicals, cosmetics, lubricants, paints, herbicides, and fertilizers can also be produced from the feedstocks. Bio Vision says its small-scale technology minimizes feedstock transportation costs and makes valuable commodity production possible in rural regions with smaller waste volumes. Bio Vision will produce 30 million litres/ year of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass. There will be a need for a local ethanol source, since there is currently no production in AtlanticCanada, and the federal government has recentlyannounced a nationwide target of five percent ethanol in gasoline by 2010. Camford Chemical Report
Aspen Aerogels Blankets Oil Sands Aspen Aerogels™, the Massachusetts-based developer of the nanotechnology-enabled aerogel blankets, will invest heavily in the oil sands market, beginning with a new laboratory in Edmonton, AB. “Our aerogel blanket is perfectly suited for the oil sands,” said Don Young, Aspen Aerogels’ CEO. “Aspen’s aerogel blanket is superior from a thermal conductivity standpoint when compared to traditional materials currently in use, and typically results in the reduction of installation labour and operating costs.” Aspen’s first shipments of Pyrogel™ 6350 are currently being installed on the high pressure steam lines associated with a major Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage project, currentlyunder construction. Aspen specially designed this grade for use in the rugged oil sands environment. The R-value per inch of the Aspen aerogel blanket is four to six times greater than conventional types of insulation. On the steam lines in question, the use of Aspen’s aerogel blankets has resultedin a three-inch reduction in the insulation thickness. The reduction in insulated pipe circumference typically creates dual benefits—reducing heat loss equal to up to 30 percent at equal touch temperatures and
reducing the size of the pipe rack needed to carry the pipelinesof up to 55 percent. The cost advantages made possible using aerogel blankets begin even before their installationbecause the cost of shipping and staging the blankets is reduced by as much as 85 percent. One truckload of Aspen’s aerogel blanket can insulate the equivalent of seven or more truckloads of conventional types of insulation. This allows fewer inbound shipmentsto lay down areas, and therefore results in fewer runs between the staging area and installation sites. The installation of Aspen’s aerogel blankets is also very straightforward, which means that apprentice labour can be used more efficientlyon a given job. Finally, the number of person-hours per metre of insulation installedcan be cut by nearly 50 percent. This is a significant advantage in areas where the supply of labour is an issue, such as in the oil sands market. Aspen’s aerogel blankets have been in use in the oil and gas industry since 2004. A partial list of Aspen’s oil and gas customersincludeTotal, Exxon Mobil, Shell, ConocoPhillips, Murphy Oil, Stat Oil, Hydro, Devon Canada, Technip, and Saipem. Aspen Aerogels
Alcar’s First Facility Alcar Chemicals will proceed with the construction of a biomass conversion facility in the Montréal, QC, area. The company expects to begin producing polyols from the facility in about a year. Alcar has selected the engineering firm Genivar to complete engineering and construction of the biomass conversion facility. Alcar expects completion by the end of Spring 2007. The intention is to ramp up polyol productionquickly to fill orders on hand. The company’s ethanol reactor is now expected to come on-line by summer of 2007, a full six months ahead of schedule. This should allow the firm to become fully reporting by spring of next year. Additional developments in the Alcar organizational structure include a planned reactor manufacturing facility within the U.S. and a related plan for franchising the technology to crop producers, allowing them to valorize their waste by convertingit into ethanol. Alcar Chemicals Group
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 7
News Briefs Nouvelles en bref
Readers reach for ACCN for news on
who’s who and
what’s what in the Canadian chemical community For finer refiners—pictured left to right are Sylvain Bussières, Papier Masson; Greg Fralic, Metso Automation; and Tom Browne, Paprican.
Paprican and Metso Join Forces
w w w. a c c n . c a
Next Month Forensic chemistry
8 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
Metso Automation and the Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada (Paprican) have reached a three-year agreement for the testingand further development of advanced refinercontrol technology aimed at increasing the efficiency of mechanical pulp mills. The advancedrefiner control technology is designedto provide energy savings and reduce overall operating costs, while maintaining product quality and increasing throughput. Both companies expect that the integration of Paprican’s new technology with Metso Automation’s Advanced Quality Controls will have significant economic benefits for the industry. Metso is a global engineering and technology corporation. Paprican is a leading not‑for-profitresearch and technology institute. Collaborationbegan in early 2006. Both partners have rapidly identified opportunities offered by the combination of Metso’s refiner control systems and Paprican’s scientific research expertise in the area. Metso has agreed to financially support the development of the technology and its future enhancements.
“We are thrilled with this agreement that brings together two of the best refiner technologies available,” said Danny Cloutier, director of operations, pulp and paper solutions at Metso Automation. “Paprican brings us the fundamental scientific understanding of what is going on within the refiners, which has been proven in early mill testing. Since their Wallenberg Prize achievement, Paprican is internationally recognized for the quality of its science development in this area and we are pleased to have come up with this mutually beneficial agreement between our organizations.” “It is great to work with Metso Automation’s experts, who have developed advanced knowledge of control and automation on a wide scale,” said Tom Browne, program manager of mechanical pulping at Paprican. “Their control know-how, combined with Metso’s ability to rapidly deploy new technologies, makes them the right partner for this project. Our common goal is to come up with the most advanced and the most complete refinercontrol process ever made available to the industry ...” Paprican
en thousand years ago, if you wanted the latest in apparel, you went shopping in a field. You would cut yourself some hemp stalks, bundle them in stacks and leave them exposed to the elements for a few weeks. Then you would peel the fibres from the softened stem, wash them, and hand weave them into the latest fashion. And you would have done all that without realizing that you were making use of biotechnology. Huh? Biotechnology ten thousand years ago? Sure! After all, biotechnology is nothing more than the manipulation of living organisms to do practical things, or produce useful products. In the case of hemp fibres, the living organisms doing the job are naturally occurring bacteria and fungi that regard the hemp stalks as a source of food. All they need is some water to wash down their meal, which is amply provided by dew. Hence the term “dew retting,” which I suppose is less disturbing than the more applicable “dew rotting.” Separating the useful fibres from the hemp stalk is not a simple matter. They are glued to each other, as well as to the inner wood and the outer bark, by pectin, a sticky polymer composed of chains of some 300 to 1,000 units of galacturonic acid. It is highly stable, at least until it encounters enzymes called pectinases. Enzymes are the specialized protein molecules produced by living cells that act as catalysts in a variety of chemical reactions essential to life. In this case, it is bacteria and fungi that produce pectinases to help break down pectin in their food supply into digestible morsels. And when it comes to “retting” hemp, we reap the benefits of microbial action in the form of loosened cellulose fibres that can be woven into fabric. Amazingly, such fabrics have been found in tombs dating back to roughly 8,000 BC! But it’s not only fabric that can be made from hemp fibres. The oldest known piece of paper was fabricated out of hemp some 2,000 years ago. The Gutenberg Bible was written on hemp paper, as were most books until the late 19th century when pulp from trees took over because it was easier to produce. Waiting around until microbes finish dining on hemp stalks is not an industrially attractive process. There is also the problem that hemp fibres are very strong and items made from them tend to be rough in texture. That was fine for canvas on covered wagons, or for ropes on sailing vessels, but we look for softness as
far as clothing goes. So chemists got into the game and searched for improved ways to break down pectin and soften the hemp fibre. A number of methods were developed, based mostly on steeping the fibres in an alkaline solution composedof sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate. This not only broke down pectin, but also removed lignin—a substance that toughens plants by adding rigidity to cell walls. But there is a problem with such chemical processing. It requires energy and dealing with the chemical residues. That’s why there is great interest in getting back to nature and using biotechnology. Not only getting back to nature, but improving upon it! Perhaps methods can be found to use pectinases without waiting for bacteria and fungi to attack the harvested hemp stalks. Why not isolate the enzymes from microbes and apply them directly to the harvested stalks? After all, this is done in other industries. Virtually all the apple juice we drink makes use of this form of biotechnology. Pectin, as we have seen, is the “mortar” that binds plant cells together. Juices, stored in the cells, are more readily squeezed out if this mortar is removed. That’s why the fruit juice industry uses pectinases, obtained from the aspergillus fungus, to maximize the amount of juice that can be squeezed. These enzymes also help clarify the juice. Haziness comes from suspended pectin particles, which can be broken down by pectinases. Since the 1960s, the wine industry has also made use of this technology, and now it is being applied to hemp. Wing Sung, a researcher with the National Research Council of Canada Institute for Biological Sciences has studied pectinases. He has worked out conditions of temperature and acidity that allow pectin in hemp to be efficiently degraded. A Vancouver company, Hemptown Clothing, hopes to commercialize the process and produce soft, white hemp clothing that can compete with cotton. Unlike cotton, hemp can be grown without pesticides and herbicides and rain water provides enough irrigation. It also absorbs carbon dioxide five times more efficiently than the same acreage of forest, so it can even play a role in battling the greenhouse effect. The future may bring us pectinases that work better than the ones produced by nature. Sung has demonstrated this possibility by geneticallyengineering a novel version of an enzyme called xylanase that has already found widespread application in the pulp and paper
Biotech 10,000 Years Ago?
Chemfusion Joe Schwarcz, MCIC
industry. One of the problems with pulp is its brown colour, due to the presence of lignin. The traditional way to tackle this problem has been to bleach the pulp with chlorine. In 1985, Finnish researchers improved the process when they discovered that xylanase (isolated from a fungus) can help release lignin by breaking down xylan (a carbohydrate similar to pectin) that traps lignin in the pulp. The use of xylanase helped reduce the amount of chlorine needed, but it did not eliminate the problem of PCBs and dioxins that form as by‑productsof chlorination. A switch to chlorine dioxide from chlorine solved this problem, but required pulp mills to raise their operating temperature. Unfortunately, xylanase did not work at the higher temperature! Sung went to work and, using genetic engineering, modified three of the amino acid components of xylanase. Today, the engineered enzyme is known as Biobrite®. It saves millions in production costs and has helped eliminate worrisome by-products of pulp bleaching. Maybe there is an altered pectinase in our future as well, as biotechnology comes to the aid of modern shopperslooking for greener products.
Popular science writer, Joe Schwarcz, MCIC, is the director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society. He hosts the Dr. Joe Show every Sunday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Montréal’s radio station CJAD. The broadcast is available on the Web at www.CJAD.com. You can contact him at joe.schwarcz@mcgill.ca. october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 9
Biotechnology— The EveryDay Technology An overview of the biotechnology industry in Canada
he Canadian biotech industry is home to almost 500 companies, 72 percent of which are private. The majority of our companies are small or medium-sized enterprises, with dozens of leading academic and research institutions. We have highly skilled people committed to building our value and potential. Biotech activities involve 2,500 organizations and over 200,000 jobs across the country. Annual revenues reach nearly $4 billion dollars with R&D expenditure at around $1.5 billion. Over the past ten years, Canada has seen important investments into our knowledge infrastructure totalling roughly $13 billion dollars, generating huge benefits to the country as a competitive nation. The majority of Canadian biotech companies are engaged in health research, with Canada among the top five nations in terms of health revenues by country. However, Canada is demonstrating its strengths in food processing and the environmental sectors. When compared with the U.S., the U.K., Japan, and India, Canada is ranked number one. And, in terms of biotech crop plantings, we are fourth in the world with 14.3 million acres, behind the U.S., Argentina, and Brazil.
Peter Brenders
Canada is ranked among the top three nations—on par with the U.K. and behind the U.S.—in terms of biotechnology market capitalization with $15 billion. In fact, the main cash flow for Canadian biotech firms derives from product sales, with research funding and royalties comprising the remaining two-thirds. Venture capital investors are continuing to recognize the potential of biotechnology in Canada across all sectors. In 2005, 91 companies in the life sciences sector benefited from nearly $447 million invested. Many of our companies were established 20 to 25 years ago and are now bringing products to the global marketplace. The expertise offered by this level of experience is another element of the Canadian biotech industry’s success. Geography offers us another huge advantage. Canada’s trading relationshipwith the U.S. is envied throughout the world. We are no more than a one hour flight from 90 percent of major U.S. cities or clusters. The nature of our economy and business environment allows us a unique value to anyone looking to build access into the U.S. marketplace. Clusters of expertise in health or agriculture or industrial biotechnologyare found across Canada from Victoria to St. John’s.
Canada’s current biotechnology business environment
Canada’s future business environment
It’s no surprise other industries are incorporating the efficiencies biotechnologyresearch can deliver. It’s good for business!
BIOTECanada and PricewaterhouseCoopers annually survey the biotech industry to take a snapshot of where the industry sees itself in the
10 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
coming years. In the Canadian Life Sciences Industry Forecast 2006, respondents indicated they are seeking more than $10 million in their next round of financing and most expect to receive it from Canadian and U.S. venture capitalists as well as strategic partners. The forecast also found the industry is focusedon achieving their revenue and profit objectives. Sixty percent of respondents said the most important action the Canadian industry can take to better compete globally is to keep focusing on success in their current business. Second highest is recruiting experienced management followed by implementing mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Canadian companies are looking to increase M&A activity, thereby increasing Canada’s ability to compete globally. Alliances that allow Canadian companies to operate globally will further enhance the ability to commercialize products at home and abroad. The 2007 forecast survey was launched in September of this year. More informationis available at www.biotech.ca.
Financial support The fundamentals of start-up financing are in place in Canada from public and private sources. But in order for Canada to compete globally, companies need sustainable funding to see them through clinical trials and the regulatory approval process. Federal investment has put Canada among the top five countries globally in terms of government spending on biotechnology R&D. With a number of federal funding agencies such as the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Genome Canada, and the National Research Council of Canada, small Canadian companies and research institutions are able to take advantage of opportunities to nurture their discoveries into commercialized products. On average, the federal government invests $582 million in biotechnology annually, and overall R&D investment has grown three-fold since 1997 to $1.5 billion.
Investment is a key priority for many Canadian companies, making the importance of ongoing support to the industry essentialfor Canada to maintain its level of success to date. Biotechnology is the everyday technology—it touches all aspects of our lives. The adoption of its products and processes in all sectors, including the chemical sector, will strengthen both industries in Canada.
Peter Brenders is the president and CEO of BIOTECanada, the national association for the biotechnology industry, as well as academic and research institutions. He joined BIOTECanada in February 2005. Previously, he was the Health Affairs executive at Genzyme Canada, and vice-president of Market Access and Health Economics for Schering Canada Inc. where he was responsible for the company’s external and government relations. Brenders also worked in the Ontario Ministry of Health and in the health consulting practice at KPMG.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 11
Synthetic solutions mimic nature’s flavours and fragrances. 12 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
All in Good Taste Photo by Martin Heffer, courtesy of HortResearch Science
ew research designed to build scientific understanding of fruit genes could revolutionize the way foods, cosmetics, and perfumes are created. Researchers at a New Zealand-based life sciences company, HortResearch Science, say they have fine-tuned the science of gene discovery to such a degree that they can now accurately determine which genes create the individual flavours and fragrances found in fruits and flowers. When combined with traditional biofermentation techniques—the same process that helps bread rise or grape juice to become wine—it should be possible for the natural tastes and aromas of fruit to be recreated. Accordingto HortResearch industrial biotechnology scientist, Richard Newcomb, that’s exciting news for the world’s food, perfume, and cosmetic producers, who have for years sought synthetic solutions to mimic nature’s flavours and fragrances in products ranging from ice cream to shampoo. Newcomb addressedthe World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing in Toronto, ON, July 14, 2006. His presentation was titled “The Discovery of Enzymes From Fruit for Flavour and Fragrance Bioproduction.” “While manufacturers have largely been successful in copying natural tastes and scents, they generally do so either through a chemical synthesis process or extraction from harvested raw ingredients. Neither approach is ideal. Chemical synthesis requires heat and pressure, so it is reliant on increasingly expensiveand polluting fossil fuels for energy. What’s more, chemical synthesis can never truly recreate nature—the flavour or fragrance will typically be slightly different from that found naturally in fruits and flowers. “Extraction is expensive and produces only limited quantities of product, reducing the number of commercially viable options for the extract,” says Newcomb. Biofermentation, however, can produce large amounts of a desired compound at a low cost and with little environmental impact. And because biofermentation uses the actual genes that plants use in the wild, the resulting flavour or fragrance compound has exactly the same molecular makeup. It is, as the scientists say, “nature identical.” While the possibility of fermenting genes to produce compounds has been well understood for many years, science has generally lagged behind in identifying which genes
are needed to produce the desired outcome. HortResearch has now overcome this issue by using research initially intended to speed up the process of fruit breeding, says Newcomb. “Through decades of fruit breeding research, HortResearch has developed extensive fruit gene and compound databases. Now we have developed techniques that help determine which genes create each compound, and how those compounds combine to create a flavour or fragrance. It’s a complicated and time-consuming process. Some fruit flavours, for example, may be comprised of over 30 different compounds, each in a precise volume. “Much of this information is fed back into the breeding program, allowing naturally bred new fruit varieties with desired traits to be quickly recognized among young breeding populations that frequently number in the tens of thousands. “However, it is also possible
… biofermentation uses the actual genes that plants use in the wild, the resulting flavour or fragrance compound has exactly the same molecular makeup for us to isolate genes that produce desirable flavour and fragrance compounds for use in industrial biotechnology applications.” HortResearch has proven the bioproduction concept can be used to produce fruit flavours and fragrances by perfectly recreating a fruit compound called alpha-farnesene, responsible for the distinctive aroma of green apples. The company has filed international patent applications on the use of the applicable gene in creating the fragrance, and for another plant gene responsible for making a compound that smells like the heady scent of red roses. Newcomb says HortResearch scientists are continuing to seek new gene/compound combinations that they believe will find ready demand in the marketplace. “Alongside colour, flavour and fragrance rank as some of the most important guides to
the natural world. The ability for manufacturers to recreate them exactly as they occur in nature will open new opportunities for high-quality, novel products and foods.” While many biofermented compounds will undoubtedly end up in non-food consumer products such as cosmetics or household cleaners, Newcomb is confident they will also play a role in the expanding health food market. “Researchers are finding ever-greater numbers of foods and food compounds that can enhance human heath and wellbeing. The trouble is, they don’t always taste very good—and until they do, it will be difficult to encourage consumers to make them part of their regular diet,” he says. “Adding synthetic flavours destroys the credibility of any health food, so natural flavours produced through bioproduction would be a huge advantage to the health industry.”
Biotechnology at HortResearch HortResearch is a New Zealand-based research and development company using biotechnology to develop innovative solutions in the fields of human health and performance, biosensors, insect controls, new fruit varieties, and fruit-derived industrial technologies. The company has earned considerable acclaim as the name behind the development of numerous successful fruit cultivars including ENZA JAZZ™ brand apples and the world’s first intelligent fruit labelling system, ripeSense™ now marketed by RIPESENSE Limited. HortResearch has one of the world’s largest fruit gene databases—a significant resource for the development of innovative fruit and fruit-derived products with novel flavour and health functionality. They have shared 150,000 apple gene sequences with researchers worldwide, accelerating research progress in plant biotechnology. Meanwhile, in-house gene discovery initiatives underpin their own fruitbreedingprogram, which is deploying markers to developthe next series of novel fruit varieties. Utilizing their fruit gene and compound database, they are producing naturalflavour and fragrance compounds and working on enzymes involved in the synthesis and breakdown of Vitamin C, sugars, and starch.
HortResearch Science
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 13
Bioprocessing Strategies for Cell-Factory Systems C. Perry Chou, MCIC, and Murray Moo-Young, MCIC
Far-reaching effects
Upstream bioprocessing—expression systems
Bioprocessing strategies are essential to the effective translation of basic biotechnology discoveries into practical applications. They impact significantly on the economic feasibility of biomanufacturing and bioremediation operations, and the efficacy of biomedical treatments and agricultural practices. While this is not a new realization,1 rapid, ongoing advances in the life sciences—especially molecular biology and genetics—are creating a renewed interest in bioprocessing researchfor the development of new and improved cell-factory systemsfor biomanufacturing.2, 3 In this brief overview, we review the current state of research dealing with the major bioprocessing concerns in biomanufacturing. These concerns are illustrated with examples from research activitiescarried out at the Canadian Cell-Factory Bioprocessing Research Networkat the University of Waterloo (UW) in Waterloo, ON.4 Figure 1 illustrates the three essential stages of a typical biomanufacturing process—upstream, midstream, and downstream bioprocessing operations. In turn, these reflect the relevance of three corresponding systems for cellular expression, bioreactor, and product purificationas discussed below. The multidisciplinary tools are based on genetics, molecular biology, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering.
The Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterial host system for recombinant protein production is currently acknowledged as the cell-factory workhorse. Using penicillin acylase (PAC) with a unique protein formation mechanism (Figure 2) as a model protein, genetic strategies for the construction of E. coli strains for high-level gene expression can be targetedon the basis of enhancing transcriptional/translational efficiency and “balancing” protein synthesis flux throughout the protein formation pathway.5, 6 An important area of concern is in vivo protein misfolding by which the aggregated periplasmic PAC precursors tend to hinder the formation of active PAC and even cause physiological stresses upon gene overexpression, and the problems can be alleviated by protease and/or chaperone functions.7, 8 Recently, there has been a growing interest in the yeast Pichia pastoris as a host system. Compared to E. coli, this yeast has the potential advantages of extracellularly secreting gene products and having a post-translational processing mechanism.9 In our case, we are exploring its potential for producing the enzyme lipase for the production of biodiesel from oil feedstocks. Compared to current chemical technology, this transesterification route offers benefits for more specificity and relatively mild reaction conditions. These studies demonstrate that developing proper host/vector systems via genetic manipulation plays a critical role in effective biomanufacturing.
14 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
Midstream bioprocessing— bioreactor systems
Figure 1. Outline of a typical cell factory system illustrating interactions between the three key elements of bioprocessing: (A) strain development, medium formulation, assays; (B) product QA/QC, validation; (C) bioreactordesign, scale-up, optimization; (D) process integration, economic sensitivity analysis.
Figure 2. Synthesis and maturation of PAC in E. coli: The structural pac gene encodes a cytoplasmic precursor (preproPAC) composed of a signal peptide (S), a subunit (a), connecting peptide (C), and b sub-unit (b). After translocation, another PAC precursor (proPAC) appears in the periplasm. Periplasmic processing, which involves a series of proteolytic steps, follows to remove the connecting peptide and the two sub-units become available for assembling mature PAC. Over-expression of pac in E. coli tends to be limited by the accumulation of insoluble proPAC in the periplasm.
Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, NIH
Figure 3. Bioprocess flow sheet for the production of a therapeutic biopharmaceutical scanning electron micrograph of E. coli, grown in culture and adhered to a cover slip
Although bacteria and mammalian cells are the hosts of choice for cell factories, fungal systems still account for a significant portion of economic returns in the biomanufacturing marketplace. These systems are the best antibiotic and bulk enzyme producers. 1 our team recently developed a bioprocessing strategy for improved simulation of the physico-chemical characteristics of fungal filamentous fermentation broths, which allow the convenient evaluation of oxygen transfer requirements in the aeration-agitation operation of bioreactor systems. These requirements are often of overriding importance to biomanufacturing economics. This strategy has been successfully tested for the production of the drug cyclosporin, which must overcome the complex rheological constraints of the fermentation broth.10, 11 A major bioprocessing advance was made with the application of fed-batch protocols for bioreactor operations. These generic strategies can enhance biomanufacturing productivity several fold. We have developed protocols based on readily manageable operations such as dissolved oxygen monitoring and automatic control.12, 13 Medium composition optimization is also of increasing concern, driven by the current regulations related to restrictions on the use of components from animal sources. Recipes for replacements with plant-derived sources can be effectively developed with the aid of factorial designs and statistical analyses.14
Downstream bioprocessing— purification systems The high levels of product purity required for therapeutic products warrants innovative downstream bioprocessing strategies. For example, in one case study of a pre-clinical trial product, our team developed a series of steps to ensure a stable low-endotoxin purified product as illustrated in Figure 3. The protein is expressed as a GST fusion. Release and purification of the target protein moiety are simultaneously conducted when the fusion protein adsorbs on the GST affinity chromatography column. The highquality protein product that was produced has recently been verified to be active in several in vitro and in vivo biological assays.
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The study demonstrates not only the impact of host/vector construction on subsequent midstream and downstream processing, but also the close linkage among these bioprocess developing stages.
Overall bioprocessing— integrated systems Although aspects of each of the three essential cell factory bioprocessing stages have been discussed separately, it is evident that eventually any changes in a given element impact the other two (Figure 1). Also, a particular stream could become relatively unimportant, e.g. upstream as in biomedical or agricultural applications. Successful development of bioprocessing for biomanufacturing relies on an integrative approach on all the stages. Therefore, it is important to include the bioprocessing tools (often computer-aided) in a tool kit for the integration and optimization of a total cell-factory system for economic sensitivity analyses, which indicate commercial feasibility or identify areas for further research.2, 15
Conclusion The recent surge in the need for bioprocessing expertise in industrial biotechnology is reflected in the want ads of journals and magazines. Unfortunately, most universities do not have the critical mass of multidisciplinary resources to adequately meet the current challenges. The pooling of facilities and expertise between universities, as exemplified by the Canadian Cell-Factory Bioprocessing Research Network,4 is a fairly uncommon scenario unique to Canada. Compared to the complementary areas of the life sciences, the bioprocessing arena is not expected to produce spectacular new discoveries. Rather, the development of improved tools that meet the challenges of industrial biotechnology is expected to be the norm for this increasingly important industrialsector in terms of corporate wealth creation and job employment generation in OECD countries.3 Our research group at UW is aimed in this direction.
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References 1. M. Moo-Young, Comprehensive Biotechnology: The Principles, Applications and Regulations of Biotechnology in Industry, Agriculture and Medicine (Pergamon/ Elsevier, 1985). 2. BIO.COM newsletter, May 17, 2006. 3. S. Aldridge, “Biomanufacturing Faces New Set of Challenges,” GEN 24, (2004), p. 1. 4. The Canadian Cell-Factory Bioprocessing Research Network (Cellnet; www. cellnet.ca). 5. C. P. Chou, C. C. Yu, J. H. Tseng, M. I. Lin, H. K. Lin, “Genetic Manipulation to Identify Limiting Steps and Develop Strategies for High-Level Expression of Penicillin Acylase in Escherichia coli,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 63 (1999), p. 26372. 6. W.J. Lin, S.W. Huang, C. P. Chou, “DegP Coexpression Minimizes Inclusion Body Formation upon Overproduction of Recombinant Penicillin Acylase in Escherichia coli,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 73 (2001), pp. 484–492. 7. K. L. Pan, H. C. Hsiao, C. L. Weng, M. S. Wu, C. P. Chou, “Roles of DegP in Prevention of Protein Misfolding in the Periplasm upon Overexpression of Penicillin Acylase in Escherichia coli,” Journal of Bacteriology 185 (2003), pp. 3020–3030. 8. Y. Xu, C. L. Weng, N. Narayanan, M. Y. Hsieh, W. A. Anderson, Scharer J. M, et. “Chaperone-Mediated Folding and Maturation of Penicillin Acylase Precursor in the Cytoplasm of Escherichia coli,” Appliedand Environmental Microbiology 71 (2005), pp. 6247–6253. 9. D. R. Higgins, J. M. Cregg, Pichia Protocols (New Jersey: Humana Press, 1998). 10. N. Benchapattarapong, W. A. Anderson, F. Bai, M. Moo-Young, “Rheology and Hydrodynamic Properties of Tolypocladium Inflatum Fermentation Broth and its Simulation,” Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 27 (2005), pp. 239–247.
11. L. P. Wang, D. Ridgway, T. Y. Gu, M. Moo-Young, “Bioprocessing strategies to improve heterologous protein production in filamentous fungal fermentations,” Biotechnology Advances 23 (2005), pp. 115–129. 12. H. J. Huang, D. Ridgway, T. Y. Gu, M. Moo-Young, “Enhanced Amylase Production by Bacillus subtilis Using a Dual Exponential Feeding Strategy,” Bioprocess Biosystems Engineering 27 (2004), pp. 63–69. 13. W. Skolpap, J. M. Scharer, P. L. Douglas, M. Moo-Young, “Fed-Batch Optimization of α-Amylase and Protease-Producing Bacillus Subtilis Using Markov Chain Methods,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 86 (2004), pp. 706–717. 14. R. Gheshlaghi, J. M. Scharer, M. MooYoung, P. L. Douglas, “Medium Optimization for Hen Egg White Lysozyme Production by Recombinant Aspergillus niger Using Statistical Methods,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 90 (2005), pp. 754–760. 15. Superpro Designer: Intelligen Inc. (www. intelligen.com).
C. Perry Chou, MCIC, is an associate professor at the University of Waterloo, and Canada Research Chair in Novel Strategies for HighLevel Recombinant Protein Production. Murray Moo Young, MCIC, is a professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo, director of the Canadian Cell-Factory Bioprocessing Research Network, and president of the International Society for Environmental Biotechnology. Reprinted with permission from Biotechnology Focus.
Life Forms Elizabeth A. Hayes and Daphne C. Lainson, MCIC
18 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
iotechnology is a constantly evolving industry that is heavily reliant upon patent protection for its commercial development and continued growth. Most biotechnology companies rely upon patents as valuable assets to provide, among other things, a source of revenue through licensing and sale of patented technology. The term “biotechnology” is broadly used in patent law to cover a wide variety of inventions. A convenient definition is found in Article 2 of the 1992 United NationsConvention on Biological Diversity, “ … any technological application that uses biologicalsystems, living organisms, or derivativesthereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.” Patenting a biotechnology invention is no simple matter, largely because patent laws were developed long before the biotechnology revolution arrived, and biotechnological inventions do not neatly fit within these laws. A further complicating factor is that patent laws differ between different countries and what may be patentable in one country may not be patentable in another.
patent laws were developed long before the biotechnology revolution arrived In most countries, a patentable invention is one that is: new; not obvious to the skilled person over known technology; useful; and acceptable subject matter (e.g. a product, a process for producing a product, a method of using a product). For biotechnological inventions, the subject matter criteria is often more difficult to meet than for other inventions, and it is this criteria that varies most between countries of the world, especially for biotechnology products directedto living matter. Products of biotechnology can be either non-living or living. Generally, “non-living” products are the structural components of living organisms (e.g. proteins, antibodies, enzymes, and DNA), and are, for the most part, patentable subject matter. “Living” products, on the other hand, may or may not be patentable. In patent law, a distinction has been drawn in most countries between unicellular and multicellular organisms. Unicellular
Subject matter
Canada U.S. Europe
Non-living products
Single cells
Diagnostic methods—humans
Diagnostic methods—animals
Therapeutic methods—humans
Therapeutic methods—animals
x = non-patentable subject matter = patentable subject matter
Figure 1. A snapshot version of the application of patent laws to biotechnological subject matter organisms, or “lower life forms,” are considered to include a single cell, a cell cluster (e.g. algae, fungi, molds, yeasts), and cell lines (e.g. hybridomas), while multicellular organisms or “higher life forms” are living organisms having more than one cell and which include plants, animals, and humans. Prior to 1980, all living organisms were considered a part of nature, and therefore, not patentable. However, in 1980 the U.S. Supreme Court changed this view regarding lower life forms, finding that genetically modified bacteria were patentable. It was found that as long as sufficient input by humankindwas involved in the “invention,” the subjectmatter was patentable. A similar decision followedsuit in Canada in respect of a microbialculture system composed of different forms of fungi. Most other countries also consider lower life forms patentable. The question regarding the patentability of higher life forms has been more controversial. The Supreme Court of Canada has found that while a higher life form is not patentable subject matter, a genetically modified plant gene and cell are patentable. Thus, a patent cannot be obtained for a genetically modified mouse, but should be obtainable for a genetically modified gene or cell of a mouse. On this issue of non-human higher life forms, Canada diverges from the patent practices of most other developed nations, including the U.S., Europe, and Japan. Methods of using and processes for making products of biotechnology are also generally considered patentable, such as methods of using enzymes, etc., processes for producing plants and animals, and fermentation processes. By contrast, there is wide variability around the world over whether medical and diagnostic processes, and methods of treating
humans or animals (e.g. a method of administering a drug, or a method of surgery) are patentable. For instance, in Canada diagnostic methods are patentable, while methods for medically treating an animal or human being are generally considered not patentable. One reason given for this by Canadian Courts interpreting the meaning of “invention” is that a method of medical treatment requires the exercise of professional skill and judgment that is outside of what the patent law is designedto protect. Figure 1 shows that the U.S. patent system is presently the most accommodating to biotechnology inventions. This figure also shows that in securing patent protection, biotechnologycompaniesneed to be aware of the different interpretations and approaches taken among different countries in securing patent protection. Failing to appreciate these differencesmay be critical to the kind of patentprotectionobtained, and therefore to the commercial growth and activity of a biotechnology company. So, before starting a technological development, consider what is the invention to be protected, and how it can be done, country by country.
Elizabeth Hayes is a qualified U.S. patent agent with an MEng in biomedical engineering from McGill University. Daphne C. Lainson, MCIC, is a lawyer and patent agent, with a focus in procuring patent protection for chemical inventions. She received her MSc in chemistry from Queen’s University. Both Hayes and Lainson are associates with the intellectual property law firm of Smart & Biggar.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 19
Something in the Air?
Jennifer Ahluwalia Proper management of industrial odours can improve neighbour relations and minimize environmental impact.
he chemical industries deal with a wide range of environmental issues, but one that has recently seen rising importance is that of odour. While environmental legislation in most jurisdictions has always had provisions to protect the public from adverse odour impacts, recent activities at the regulatory level indicate that more emphasis is being placed on the acceptable degree of impact that facilities are permitted to have on their neighbours.
Figure 1
20 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
The evaluation of environmental issues such as noise and air quality is relatively straightforward, with clear objective targets and standards. In contrast, odour issues are more challenging since both the quantification of impacts and the enforcement of remedial action tend to be subjective. This means that companies will shy away from addressing odours in the early stages of a project and focus on environmental issues with clearer regulatory criteria. Under the same logic, companies also tend to underestimate the power that encroachingresidential developments can have on their ability to operate. The bottom line is that the enforcement of dealing with odour-related issuesis complaint driven. Many companies with long-standing operations tend to take the view that since it has been “business as usual” for some time, members of the surrounding community have either come to accept the odour impacts of their facility or that no odour problemsexist. The contrary may be true. There have been cases where a long-accepted manufacturing operation suddenly comes under community pressure simply because it has attracted attentionto itself. This is often enough to tip the scale, and neighbours begin to perceive odours from the plant as objectionable even though they have not changed for years. It can also be that a new “sensitive receptor”—the term used for a school, hospital, housing development, or other such real estate development—comes to the area. Newcomers may not be accustomed to industrialodours, and so they complain. This is becoming
more of an issue as greenbelt legislation is limiting the amount of suburban sprawl, forcing more new housing developments to be constructed on infill properties that may be close to industrial operations. The new condominum tower planned for a location downwind of a chemical plant may soon be filled with residents who don’t appreciate the associated odours. To deal with this, members of the chemical industry need to pay attention to developments planned for their neighbourhoods. Actions such as applying for variances or filing an objection are best taken when a proposed development is still in the planning stages. By the time the bulldozersmove in to clear the land for a new housing complex, it is too late. Companies should watch for applicationsfor variances to municipalplans and zoning change applications to find out when there may be a new sensitive receptor that may force changes to their way of doing business. Worldwide, there are many different approaches used for jurisdictional odour management. Among the most common are: • nuisances or avoidance laws; • chemical-specific ambient concentration criteria or point of impingement criteria based on odour; • whole odour point of impingement criteria (assessed using odour threshold values); • minimum separation distances that are industryspecific; • quantitative odour emission criteria. Ontario has recently proposed new odour-based, compound-specific point of impingement limits for total reduced sulphur, n‑Butanol, Toluene, and Isobutanol—all compounds of interest for the chemical industry. When dealing with whole odour, the Ministry of Environment in Ontario recommends applyinga concentration limit (at sensitive receptors only) of one odour unit (expressed as OU or ou/m3 ). This concentration represents the concentration at which 50 percent of the population would detect an odour. Olfactometric-based emissions, in odour units, are quantified by collecting air samples directly from the source and analyzing them via an odour panel. The resulting emissions can then be modelled to demonstrate compliance at the sensitive receptors. The trend in odour assessments seems to be towards a five-dimensional approach
referred to as frequency, intensity, duration, offensiveness, and location (FIDOL). Both Ontario and the Greater Vancouver Regional District in British Columbia, for example, appear to be moving in this direction. By adopting this matrixed approach to evaluating odours, some of the subjectivity of odour impact assessmentscan be eliminated. Inconsistent and inappropriate comprehension of how industrial odours occur generally leads to great expense and in some cases, to orders or convictions under environmental legislation. These outcomes can be avoided or mitigated by taking a stepwise approach to assessing, defining, and solving individual odour issues as they occur. The aim is to ensurethat the problem is clearly understood and solutions are developed to address the root cause of the odour releases. For such an important issue, with the potentialto force changes to a company’s way of doing business, measuring whole odours (the “I” in FIDOL), relies on a surprisingly
Companies need to be aware of the odours they may be emitting low-tech method—the human nose. Panelsof individualswho representthe general public are asked to evaluate collected samples of the exhaust air at various concentrations, to determine how objectionable they are. Currently, there are two whole-odour analysis (olfactometric) protocols used—namely the American Society for testing and Materials (ASTM) and the European Union methods. Within Ontario, there is much debate over which method yields the most realistic results. Since the aim of an odour assessment is to ensure that the problem is clearly understood and quantified, and to develop solutions to addressthe root cause of the issue, a sound approach includes the following assessment and evaluation processfor odours. First of all, the odour sources need to be identified. Once identified, sources are sampled and analyzed (chemically or from a whole odour perspective). Dispersion modelling (computer-based modelling) is then used to predict off-property and/ or sensitive receptor concentrations. The impactsare then assessed possibly using the
FIDOL approach, and/or specific regulatory limits. The final step is to find a solution. The development of a solution (if required) is based on data collected duringthe earlier steps of the assessment (see Figure1). Sometimes, the “fix” may involvebetter dispersion, but increasingly, the optimalsolution is found through reducing the levelsof odour released. This might include improvementsin the capture of odour emissions so that they can be treated, possibly by treating the releases through thermal means or bio-filtration, or changing the processes and inputs. Companies need to be aware of the odours they may be emitting. While people who work at a plant may be used to the smell to the point that they do not even notice it, this may not be the case for the general public. To inventory their odour emissions, companies should list all of the chemicals involved in their operations and check this list against that from their provincial jurisdiction to see if there is any potential for odours problems. If there is potential impact, the company should have a qualified professional help to quantify the odour releases and model the dispersion of the odour. The particular method chosen does not matter as much as making sure that the method is defensible and based on sound assumptions. Proper attention to odour impacts can help ensure that good relations with neighbours are maintained, so that management time does not get unnecessarily diverted from the company’s priorities. Jennifer Ahluwalia is an air quality engineer in the Mississauga, ON, office of Golder Associates Ltd. She is responsible for the preparation and delivery of air quality, permitting, and environmental services to industrial and government clients in Canada. Projects include environmental impact assessments and screening reports, industrial air pollution risk assessment and regulatory compliance, atmospheric dispersion modelling, and the management of environmental emissions source testing. You can reach her at jahluwalia@golder.com.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 21
Renewable resources take shape in a new generation of polyurethane foam used in the automotive industry. Hamdy Khalil
he search for chemicals derived from renewable resources to replace or complement fossil feedstock is intensifying.1 Encouraging the use of sustainable, environmentally sound, renewablenatural resources was an important goal of a recent United Nations-sponsored conference.2 As a global manufacturer of polyurethane-based automotive products, Woodbridge Foam Corporation has taken the initiative to explore the use of chemicals derived from natural resources in its products. Currently, polyurethane-based materials are used quite extensively in the construction and assembly of automobiles. The following examplesare all made of polyurethane: • body coatings; • windshield structural adhesives; • acoustical and noise absorbing materials; • instrument panels;
• bumpers; • under-hood foam and casings; • sun visors; • headliner foam; • parcel trays; • seat cushions; • headrests and armrests; • side- and head-impact protection engineered foam. Without exception, all of the above-listed products must meet elaborate and strict standards demanded by automotive manufacturersor legislated by the federal government. Polyurethane foam parts (headliners, seat cushions, headrests, armrests, acoustical floor carpets, side- and head-impact protection engineered foam) occupy the largest volume of the car interior. The chemistry of polyurethane foam includes the reaction of polyisocyanates
22 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
Above: The author (centre) and associates display Woodbridge Group foam products at this year’s World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing.
The use of products derived from renewable resources in automotive manufacturing is on the rise with polyols in the presence of catalysts, surfactants, blowing agents, fire retardants, reinforcing agents, and colourants if desired.
Examples of isocyanates The polyols are polyhydric materials with high molecular weight resulting from the catalyzed polyaddition of propylene oxide and ethyleneoxide to molecules like glycerin, sorbitol, or sucrose. The reaction between polyol and isocyanate produces the urethane link.3
O ll ∼∼∼--NH–C–O∼∼∼ Recently, major technological advances have been made to chemically convert soybean oil to polyol, which can be used in the manufacturing of polyurethane foam.4 In collaboration with Cargill Corporation, Woodbridge has pioneered the use of polyols derived from soybean oil in the manufacture of various polyurethane foams for a multitude of automotive parts including: • seat cushions; • headrests and armrests; • headliners; • side- and head-impact protection; • lamination foam. Table 1 shows the properties obtained for a headrest in comparison to specification. Table 2 shows the properties obtained for a front seat cushion in comparison to control and specification. It must be emphasized that we used the polyol derived from soybean oil as a partial replacement of petroleum-based polyol. Currently, Woodbridge and Cargill are working on the next generation polyol that will allow us to substitute a much higher amount of petroleum-based polyol. We believe that the inclusion of bio-based products in new cars
Foam containing bio-based polyol for head restraint applications WFC Bio-based head restraint foam @ 25% by wt. bio content Physical properties Test Units
Specification: WSB-M2D402 A3 Test method Limits
ASTM D3574 (Test A)
Bio-based 48
Tensile strength
ASTM D3574 (E)
82 min.
Tensile heat–aged
ASTM D3574 (K)
75 min.
ASTM D3574 (E)
80 min.
ASTM D264 (DieC)
450 min.
FLTM BN 116-03
70 min.
2 min.
3 min.
Tear strength Fogging
Resiliency Flammability
ASTM D3574 (H)
40 min.
ISO 3795/SAE -369
100 min.
Table 1
Load and physical properties for control and bio-based polyol in FSC Physical properties Spec. (Ford WSB-M2D402-A3) Class A3 IFD Density Tensile Strength Heat–aged tensile strength Elongation Tear resistance
FSC Control Bio-based polyol
kPa (min.)
% min.
% min.
N/m (min.)
75% Compression set
% min.
75% Humid–aged compression set
% min.
Sag factor
% min.
Percent recovery
% min.
2.5 80
2.6 88
2.7 94
Aged load loss, 65% def.
% min.
mm/min. (max.)
Table 2 will presenta new, differentiated, and more favourableimage of the automotive industry to the public. As polyurethane foam producers, the challenge for Woodbridge is to manage the speed of development and the economics of the future generations of polyols to completely replace petroleum-based polyol. Stay tuned for further developments!
References 1. M. Eissen; J. O., Metzger; E. Schmidt; and U. Schneidewind, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 41 (2002), 414. 2. “Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,” Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992. www.un.org/ esa/sustdev, accessed, December 4, 2005. 3. For a comprehensive documentation of polyurethane chemistry and technology see Gunter Oertel, editor, Polyurethane Handbook, second edition (Munich, Hasner Publishing, 1994). 4. Z. Petrovic, A., Guo, I. Javni and Wei Zhang, “Method of Making Natural Oil-based Polyols and Polyurethanes Therefrom,” U.S. Patent #6,686,435.
Hamdy Khalil is the global director of R&D and product development for Woodbridge Foam Corporation. He received his PhD in chemistry from the University of Windsor.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 23
The Canadian Journal of Chemistry enters the electronic age.
RC Research Press is proud to announce that the electronic edition of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry (CJC) now includes a complete set of searchable back issues, joining the ranks of the larger publishers such as the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society. This was accomplished, in part, thanks to contributions from the Canadian Society for Chemistry and the Canadian Council of University Chemistry Chairs, along with the kind donation of a complete set of copies from the library of the University of Western Ontario. This joint venture has received accolades from librarians and generated a huge amount of interest in the journal from the scientific community around the globe. As a publishing house, NRC Research Press fully recognizes that the advent of electronic back issues and Web access have revolutionized the process of research, and that the chemistry community in particular is a strong advocate of this format of information delivery and retrieval. The ease of access allows users to find relevant material quickly and efficiently; researchers can build on historical information and integrate legacy content into their papers through reference linking; and libraries can guarantee simultaneous access to multiple users while reducing the storage required for their collections. Because the CJC has such a strong citation half-life (more than ten years), it was a prime candidate to join the ranks of the digitized journals. The CJC has a long, proud history. In fact, this year the CJC is celebrating 55 years of publishing under its present title. Originally founded in 1929, the Canadian Journal of Research branched off in 1944 to form the rudiments of what would eventually become the Canadian Journalsof Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. The modern title that we now recognize as the Canadian Journal of Chemistry emerged in 1951 from the Canadian Journal of Research, Section B, ChemicalSciences. The digitization of the back issues began with the 1951 volume, the birthdate of the CJC. The move to digital archives began in earnest last year at NRC where all of the binding was removed from the hard-bound copies and each paper was scanned to PDF format. This was the easy part of the process. A contract was then awarded to an outside company to input all of the metadata information (title, authors, abstract, citation, etc.), which was formatted meticulously to go into a database and onto a Web site: http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cgi-bin/rp/rp2_vols_e?cjc. Digital object identifiers were retroactively assigned to each paper, and the numbers were registered with CrossRef, an international publisher’s organization that enables reference linking among publishers’
24 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
sites. With a single click, researchers will be able to link from a reference in another publisher’s journal to an article in the CJC backfiles. The PDF files were then processed further to enable the functionality associated with Adobe Acrobat software. For example, the full-text articles are now searchable using Acrobat Reader. In addition, once the files were complete, Google crawled the site and indexed the fulltext CJC backfiles. Though this search engine is less accurate, Google has really opened up this content to the world. We are now working with Google Scholar, Google’s academic search product, to enhance the precision of their search engine when accessing the CJC. Recognizing that the Chemical Abstracts Services’ Scifinder Scholar service is a critical tool for the chemistry community, NRC has also been working closely with the ACS to improve currency and access. We are now automatically providing metadata issue by issue to the ACS to be loaded on their various services. This automatic process replaces a previous manual approach and has decreased the time to access by approximately two months. We are also working with the ACS to reduce the number of steps in moving from a Chemical Abstractsreference, through Chemport, to our actual article. To further improve currency through Scifinder Scholar, we are workingwith the CSC executive in approaching the ACS to allow an articleby article loading of CJC content. Rather than closing the issue and then sending all articles off to the ACS, we would send each article when available on the CJC Web site to the ACS. Again, this would make the research available more quickly through Scifinder Scholar. This is not so much a technical issue as a policy issue with the ACS. Throughout its publishing history, NRC has always enjoyed a close relationship with the CSC. This relationship was officially recognized
CIC Bulletin ICC in 2004 with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between NRC and the CSC. This year, Stan Brown, FCIC (Queen’s University), joined the editorial board of the CJC as the society representative, while CJC senior editor, Rob Lipson, MCIC, reciprocated by representing the journal interests at the CSC board meeting. This enabled a welcome exchange of ideas and perspectives designed to strengthen the bond between the two organizations. In recognition of the relationship between NRC and the CSC and in acknowledgement of the financial and moral support of the society, all CSC members have free access to the back issues through a special username/password. After a year dedicated to building on the past, NRC Research Press is now looking towards the future. In the coming year, we will see a transition to full-text HTML for the CJC, with internal navigational links and reference linking. The HTML product will be built on a new XML workflow designed to maximize the number of potential products, make the production process more efficient, and guarantee a more robust archive. The new XML production platform will enhance the currency and accessibility of CJC content to the world. By the spring of 2007, NRC Research Press will also begin to roll out the first phases of a new Web site design for its journals. Over the next year we will completely rebuild the site and create a more functional and flexible host for the CJC. Publishing is entering an exciting new era. Built upon a firm base of excellent peerreviewed articles and encompassing all of the ease of access, complexity of presentation, and linking and searching capabilities afforded through new technologies, NRC ResearchPress, as Canada’s largest publisher of scientific and technical information, is constantly striving to improve its products and respond to the needs of its clients. We gratefully acknowledge all the authors, reviewers, editors, and readers who have contributed to its success in the past. We look forward to working with the national scientific communityto produce the highest quality product.
NRC Research Press
The CIC Gets Into the Swing of Things
… at the Third Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
Linked for survival, participants took the plunge on “The Swing” at a conference reception.
he Toronto harbour was the site of the Third Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing in July 2006, co-organized by The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), American Chemical Society (ACS), BIOTECanada, National Agricultural Biotechnology Council, EuropaBio, and the Agri-Food Innovation Forum. This was Canada’s first time hosting the (aptly named) World Congress, attracting approximately 1,100 people from 38 countries. Participation has grown each year, demonstrating the importance of biotechnologyin all sectors of business today. This conference drew people
from many backgrounds to share ideas on a wide range of topics from bio-plastics to public relations, and nutraceuticals to national defence. The conference opened with the AgriFood Innovation Forum. The theme was “Celebrating Excellence in Canadian Industrial Bioproducts.” Seven presenters shared their diverse experiences in growing Canada’s bio-based economy. David Layzell, president and CEO of BIOCAP Canada Foundation, opened the event with Canada’s Green Advantage—a broad overview of the potential of Canada’s agriculture sector. Maurice Hladik, director of marketing of IOGEN; Jack Grushcow, president and CEO
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 25
CIC Bulletin ICC of Linnaeus Plant Sciences Inc.; and Mike Kotelko, vice-president of Highland Feeders presented very different perspectives on biofuels and energy. The second portion of the forum focusedon polymers, chemistry, and fibres. Anne Cascadden of Auto 21; Leon Magdzinski, a forestry industry consultant; and John Oliver of Maple Leaf Bio-Concepts all enlightenedlisteners on the new applications and methods for traditional materials. Three full days of sessions were offered in six different programs—biofuels and energy, feedstocks for bioprocessing/biomaterials, biochemicals, manufacturing, bioprocessing and novel applications, and emerging issues in industrial biotechnology—offering insights from more than 200 presenters, ten of whom were CIC members. Whether presenters shared success stories, explained industry trends and barriers, or facilitated knowledge transfer, the common thread was that now is the time for industrial biotechnology and bioprocessing. Scientific progress, the volatility in energy supply and price, national security, policy initiatives in the European Union and Asia, and the need for increased efficiency to compete globally, are all factors contributing to the growth in industrial biotechnology. Internal and external pressures are creating a demand for “greener” processes and products, which are transforming society. In addition to sessions, 11 plenary speakers addressed audiences. One speaker in particular caught my attention. Brazilian researcher and entrepreneur, Fernando Reinach, is CEO of Alellyx and director of Votorantim. Reinach began his presentation by stating, “First, I want to tell you all that in Brazil, you cannot buy gasoline.” Audiences were treated to an overview of Brazilian ethanol production, policy, and research. He emphasized the point that unless North American cars are made differently from those of the same make and model in Brazil, then they too can run on ethanol. Reinach suggested that one difference might be that the engines are made of different materials—and that explains why the auto industry insists that North American cars aren’t ready to run on ethanol. Participants were also treated to a fashion show. Bio-based clothing made with industrial biotechnology was graciously modelled by BIO staff and professional models. This event showcased the enormous scope of
26 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
biotechnologyand proved that the possibilities for bio-products are astounding. The World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing also provided an avenue for people to get to know one anotheron a personal level. In addition to business partnering that provided opportunity for communication and collaboration, there were three evening receptions. While two were very lavish events held at the hotel, a more casual and relaxed event was held at an entertainment facility. Many outdoor activitieswere available, but The Swing was definitely the most eye-catching. The bravest of the brave strapped on harnesses linked to other daredevils and were suspended 125 feet in the air, only to be released to freefall and then swing through the air. It was truly a bonding experience for conference attendees, with definite professional implications—after risking your lives together, it is much easier to create a business relationship! My personal experience literally followed the theme of the World Congress, linking biotechnology, chemistry, and agriculture to create new value chains, as I was linked to others representingthose sectors, in a chain-like formation of high value. The growing participation in the World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing is proof of the increasing relevanceand importance of this third wave of biotechnology that we, in the sciencecommunity, are riding. Innovationsin industrial biotechnology are created by linking the sectors of chemistry, biotechnology, and agriculture. They will foster sustainable development and improve the world in which we live. The CIC and Constituent Societies will strive to connect the scientists and engineers working in the increasingly multidisciplinary world of science. The CIC will support the professionals in these fields through the expansion of programs and activities in biotechnology, the development of new strategicrelationships, and the strengthening of existing ones. Looking ahead, future priorities of the CIC include developing allianceswith biotechnology organizations and the consideration of adding a new BiotechnologyConstituent Society. Kristin Crane, MCIC
CIC Bulletin ICC 2 2
1. Welsh exhibitor John Carvell, Aber Instruments, providesan international presence. 2. Kristin Crane, MCIC, CIC; Peter Kelly, ACS; Roland Andersson,MCIC, CIC; and Philip Schwab, BIOTECanada 3. Bio-fabrics go haute couture! 4. Enjoying some conference camaraderie— JaniceTranberg, Ag-West Bio; Philip Schwab, BIOTECanada; Peter Brenders, BIOTECanada; and Rory Francis, Prince Edward Island BioAlliance. 5. What industrial biotechnology has to offer— fuel, food, and fashion.
In Memoriam
Camille Sandorfy est décédé le 6 juin 2006, à l’âge de 85 ans. Il naquit à Budapest (Hongrie) en 1920. Il obtint son doctorat de l’Université de Szeged en 1946, avant d’entreprendre des études postdoctoralesà Paris sous la direction de Louis de Broglie et de Raymond Daudel. En 1951, il vint au Canada, au CNRC, comme boursier postdoctoralavant de se joindre, en 1954, au département de chimie de l’Université de Montréal. Il prit sa retraite en 1987 et devint professeur émérite en 1988. Spectroscopiste et théoricien, M. Sandorfy fut le premier à appliquer la méthode des orbitales moléculaires aux molécules polyatomiques saturées, notamment aux hydrocarbures aliphatiques. Il est également connu pour ses études sur la nature des liaisonshydrogène, contribuant ainsi, entre autres, à la compréhension du mécanisme de l’anesthésie générale. M. Sandorfy s’est mérité, tout au long de sa carrière, de nombreux prix et distinctions : le prix du livre scientifique du Québec (1964), membre de la Société royale du Canada (1967), Médaille Léo-Parizeau de l’Acfas (1973), Prix Marie-Victorin du Québec (1982), Médaille de la World Organization of Theoretical Chemists (1990), Médaille de l’Institut de chimie du Canada (1993), membre de l’Académie des scienceshongroises (1993), Officier de l’Ordre du Canada (1995) et Chevalier de l’Ordre nationaldu Québec (1995). Au cours de sa carrière, Camille Sandorfy a publié plus de 280 articles scientifiques, un livre, qui a été traduit en plusieurs langues, et a formé un grand nombre de diplômés qui se retrouvent aujourd’hui à des postes de commande de la société. Il a eu une immense influence sur les communautés scientifiques québécoise, canadienne, et internationale.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 27
CSChE Bulletin SCGCh
CSChE Awards / Prix de la SCGCh The Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering is proud to recognize outstanding work carried out by members of the Canadian chemical engineering community through its awards program. La Société canadienne de génie chimique est fière de souligner le travail remarquable de membres de la communauté canadienne de génie chimique par l’entremise de son programme de prix.
CSChE Award in Industrial Practice Prix de la pratique industrielle de la SCGCh The CSChE Award in Industrial Practice is presented for a distinguished contribution to the application of chemical engineering or industrial chemistry to the industrial sphere. The award consists of a plaque and a cash prize of $1,500. Le prix de la pratique industrielle de la SCGCh est présenté pour souligner une contribution importante à la pratique du génie chimique ou de la chimie dans un contexte industriel. Le lauréat recevra une plaque accompagnée d’une bourse de 1 500 $.
holds the title of Distinguished University Professor as well as the Dofasco chair in process automation and information technology. He is a cofounder of the McMaster Advanced Control Consortium that is sponsored by many international companies. MacGregor is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, and has received many awards for his work in applied statistics and chemometrics, among them: the Shewhart Medal and the W. G. Hunter Award from the American Society for Quality, and the Herman Wold Medal from the Swedish Chemical Society. He is a member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and has received many awards from engineering societies, among them: the Century of Achievement Award from the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, the Computing and Systems Technology Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the Guido Stella Award from the World Batch Forum.
D. G. Fisher Award Prix D.-G.-Fisher Sponsored by / Parrainé par the department of chemical and materials engineering, University of Alberta, Suncor Energy Foundation, and Shell Canada Limited. John F. MacGregor, MCIC Department of chemical engineering McMaster University John MacGregor received his PhD degreein statistics, his MSc degrees in both statistics and in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin, and his bachelor of engineering degree from McMaster University. After working in industry for several years as a process specialist with Monsanto Company in Texas, he joined the department of chemical engineering at McMasterUniversity in 1972. He currently
28 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
The D. G. Fisher Award is presented to an individual who has made substantial contributions to the field of systems and control engineering. The award is given in recognition of significant contributions to any, or all, of the areas of theory, practice, and education. Le Prix D.-G.-Fisher est décerné à une personne qui s’est distinguée par ses contributions dans le domaine du génie des systèmes et des contrôles. Il couronne les apports importants dans certains ou tous les domaines suivants : la théorie, la pratique et l’éducation.
Sirish L. Shah, FCIC Department of chemical and materials engineering University of Alberta Sirish Shah was born in Nairobi, Kenya. He received a BSc degree in control engineering from Leeds University in 1971, a MSc degree in automatic control from University of Manchester School of Mathematics in 1972, and a PhD degree in process control (chemical engineering) from the University of Alberta in 1976. During 1977, he worked as a computer applications engineer at Esso Chemicals in Sarnia, ON. Since 1978, he has been with the University of Alberta where he currently holds the NSERC-Matrikon-Suncor-iCORE SeniorIndustrial Research Chair in Computer Process Control. In 1989, he was the recipient of the Albright and Wilson Americas Award of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering in recognition of distinguished contributions to chemical engineering. He has held visiting appointments at Oxford University and Balliol College as a SERC fellow from 1985 to 1986, at Kumamoto University, Japan as a senior research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in 1994, and at the University of Newcastle, Australia in 2004. The main area of his current research is process and performance monitoring, system identification, and designand implementation of soft
CSChE Bulletin SCGCh sensors. He has recently co-authored a book titled, Performance Assessment of Control Loops: Theory and Applications. He has held consultingappointmentswith a wide variety of process industries and has also taught many industrialcourses and workshops.
Process Safety Management Award Prix de gestion de la sécurité opérationnelle Sponsored by / Parrainé par AON Reed Stenhouse Inc. The Process Safety Management Award is presentedas a mark of recognition to a person who has made an outstanding contribution in Canada to the Process Safety Management (PSM) Division of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, recognizing excellence in the leadership and dedication of individuals who have led Canada in the field of process safety and loss management (PSLM). Le prix de gestion de la sécurité opérationnelle est décerné à une personne qui s’est distinguée par ses activités au sein de la division de la gestion de la sécurité opérationnelle de la Société canadienne de génie chimique. Il reconnaît le leadership et le dévouement des personnes qui ont été des chefs de file dans le secteur canadien de la gestion de la sécurité opérationnelle et des pertes.
has a management science degree from the Universityof Waterloo and a degree in executive business from The University of Western Ontario. He is presently an adjunct industrial professor at the University of Alberta. Wilson initiated the industrial safety and loss program in 1989 and was director for 11 years. This program was very strongly backed by major industries across Canada both philosophically and financially. Prior to this time, Wilson worked for approximately 30 years in the oil, gas, and chemical industry as a chemical engineer, and finally as an executive with Syncrude Canada Ltd. He has also carried out consulting projects around the world.
R. S. Jane Memorial Award Prix commémoratif R.-S.-Jane The R. S. Jane Memorial Award is the premier prize of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering and is awarded for exceptional achievement in the field of chemical engineering or industrial chemistry. Le prix commémoratif R.-S.-Jane est le prix principal présenté par la Société canadienne de génie chimique pour souligner la contribution remarquable au domaine du génie chimique ou la chimie industrielle.
35 years, with emphasis on materials for use in blood contact. These are required for devices such as vascular grafts, coronary stents, and heart valves. Both mechanistic investigations and materials development work have been carried out. Mechanism studies have emphasizedprotein interfacial interactions with broad implications for biocompatibility generally. Materials work includes the development of novel polyurethanes and surface modification (chemical grafting, self-assembled monolayers, cold plasma methods). His work has resulted in more than 230 publications. In addition to his research and teaching activities he served as chair of the department of chemical engineering, and has been a key contributor to the development of biotechnology and biomedical engineering programs at McMaster, including the chemical engineering and bioengineering undergraduate program. He also played a role in the establishmentof McMaster’s new School of Biomedical Engineering (MSBE), and is currently the director of the MSBE. He received the Clemson Award for Basic Research of the U.S. Society for Biomaterials in 1994, and an honorary doctorate of the University of Paris (Paris XIII) in 1996. He was named Distinguished University Professor of McMaster University in 2001 and became a Fellow of the Royal Societyof Canada in 2004.
Syncrude Canada Innovation Award Prix d’innovation Syncrude Canada Sponsored by / Parrainé par Syncrude Canada Limited
John L. Brash School of Biomedical Engineering McMaster University Laird Wilson, MCIC Faculty of engineering University of Alberta Laird Wilson graduated from chemical engineeringat Glasgow University. He also
John L. Brash was educated at the University of Glasgow (BSc, PhD). He has been a faculty member in the department of chemicalengineeringat McMaster University since 1972. He has worked in biomaterials and biocompatibility research for some
The Syncrude Canada Innovation Award is presented annually to a resident of Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of chemical engineering before the age of 40. Le prix d’innovation Syncrude Canada est décerné annuellement pour souligner une contribution importante au domaine du génie chimique par un ingénieurchimiste de moins de 40 ans.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 29
CSChE Bulletin SCGCh
Division News | Nouvelles des divisions
The 12th Symposium on the Latest Trends in Organic Synthesis (LTOS-12)
Suzanne Kresta, MCIC Department of chemical and materials engineering University of Alberta Suzanne Kresta (BSc, UNB, 1986; MSc, Leeds (U.K.), 1987; PhD, McMaster, 1992) joined the department of chemical and materials engineering at the University of Alberta in January 1992. She is co-editor of the awardwinning Handbook of Industrial Mixing and the author of a number of widely cited paperson turbulent mixing in stirred tanks. She holds a number of awards, most recently the Senior Moulton Medal (IChemE, 2005) for the best paper of a mature nature published by the Institute (Kresta, S. M, G. L. Anthieren and K. Parsiegla, 2004, “Mixing Effects in Silver Halide Precipitation: Linking Theory with Practice using a MultiMechanismModel,” Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 82, 1117–1126 ); and the North American Mixing Forum Award for Excellence and Sustained Contributions to Mixing Research and Practice, 2004. She has consulted widely with industry, and recently completed a sabbatical year split between work on the undergraduate design curriculum in collaboration with CoSyn (Edmonton), and some new aspects of mixing theory, in collaboration with CNRS (Toulouse, France). Her husband, Jim, and two daughters think mixing is very cool, but they prefer to take Mom hiking and skiing in the mountains, or to quilt with her in the attic that Dad built.
omas Hudlicky of the department of chemistry at Brock University organized the 12th Symposium on the Latest Trends in Organic Synthesis (LTOS-12) held at Brock, August 9 to 12. Over 120 organic chemists from Canada, the U.S., Europe, and Japan participated in this conference, which has been held on a biennial basis since 1984 at Virginia Tech and the University of Florida. Brock hosted LTOS-11 in 2004 when the conference venue was moved to Canadian soil. Twenty invited speakers and over fifty posters contributed to the scientific program. The conference closed with a banquet at Pond Inlet and a rock concert by “The Shrubbers,” three of whom (Tomas Hudlicky, Roger McLaughlin, and Costa Metallinos) are faculty members in chemistry at Brock.
NCW News | Nouvelles de la snc
October 14-21 Are YOU Celebrating NationalChemistry Week? Send your photos and stories about your favourite experiments and activitiesto editorial@accn.ca. On the opposite page you will find an easy activity for children aged 9 to 11. It is reprinted with permission from Let’s Talk Science. You can find this and other exciting experiments at www.letstalkscience.ca.
30 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
NCW News | Nouvelles de la snc
Public Understanding of Chemistry 2006 Thank you to the Sponsors (as of August 24, 2006)
Gold BASF Canada CIC Chemical Education Fund Dow Chemical Canada Merck Frost Canada Ltd.
E x p e rim e nt
chemical reactions
Adult supervision is required for all students performing this activity
What you need: • • • • • • •
container; paint brushes; cup; paper; lemon juice; water; tincture of iodine (5 percent) can be purchased at a drug store
What to do: 1. Pour 125 mL of water into a container; 2. Add about 10 drops of tincture of iodine to water and stir; 3. Squeeze lemon juice into a cup; 4. Dip paint brush into lemon juice and write a message on a piece of paper. You will not be able to see it clearly; 5. After paper dries, dip another paintbrush in the iodine solution and brush over message; 6. The paper surrounding the message should turn bluish-purple and the message should be clear to read.
Investigate: • Dissolve a vitamin C tablet in water and use the solution to write a message. Does it work? • Will orange juice work just as well? Grapefruit juice?
What’s happening: Lemon juice is almost colourless and the vitamin C in the lemon juice combineswith iodine to form a colourless molecule. However, paper contains starch and this combineswith the iodineto form iodine starch molecules, which are bluish in colour. The combination of coloursenables you to see the message.
Anachemia Science H. L. Blackford Ltd. NOVA Chemicals Corp. Rechochem Inc. Rhodia Canada Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd.
Bronze Bruker BioSpin Ltd. Cognis Oleochemicals Canada Limited Cognis Canada Corp. CropLife Canada L. V. Lomas Limited Maxxam Analytics NAEJA Pharmaceutical Inc. Seastar Chemicals Inc. Syngenta Crop Protection (Canada) Inc.
Guest Column Chroniqueur invité
continued from p. 2
and upgrading of biomass-derived oils. Since the 1980s, oil-eating microorganisms have been on the scene and used to clean oil spills around the world. The growth of biochemistry also leads to advances in plant molecular genetics, DNA synthesis, and bioinformatics. Many universities training the next wave of chemical professionals have integrated biotechnology and chemical engineering in the programs they offer, facilitating the design of better pollution reduction facilities, and the creation of chemical processes that have less impact on the environment. See p.10 for Peter Brenders’ overview of the biotechnology industry in Canada.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 31
student News | Nouvelles des Étudiants
Canada scores high in International Chemistry Olympiad 2006
ased on the results of the Canadian Chemistry Olympiad Finals held in Toronto from May 28 to June 4, 2006, four Toronto students were chosen to represent Canada at the international competitions. These students with their team leaders Jean Bouffard, MIT, Boston, MA and Jonathan Pellicelli, The University of British Columbia, travelled to the 38th International Chemistry Olympiad in Gyongsan, Korea on July 2 to 11, 2006 for the competition. All four students are now bringing home medals. Peter Lu, University of Toronto Schools, received a gold medal; Kent Huynh, University of Toronto Schools, and Charlie Wang, University of Toronto Schools, received silver medals; Dmitry Pichugin, William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute, was a bronze medalist. Congratulations to the team! For more information about he CanadianChemistry and Physics Olympiad visit www.cheminst.ca/outreach/chemolympiads/cicfrm_ index__e.htm and for details on the InternationalChemistry Olympiad visit their site at www.cheminst.ca/outreach/chemolympiads/ cicfrm_index__e.htm.
Words from a Team Member
team along with three of my fellow Torontonians. Then, in June, we flew first to Vancouver, BC, where we underwent three days of intense laboratory training before finally arriving in Gyeongsan, South Korea, on July 1, 2006. In South Korea, we had the fantastic opportunity to meet chemistry students, like ourselves, from across the globe. Sixty-seven national delegations, including Canada, were present at the competition and it was simply amazing to meet so many aspiring young chemists from all around the world and to share with them both cultural experiences and chemical interests. Over the course of our ten days in South Korea, we went on numerous cultural outings, ate many fabulous authentic Korean meals, and (painstakingly) wrote two five-hour-long examinations, one practical and one theoretical. The event closed with a final ceremony on July 11, where all the medalsand special awards were presented. The 38th International Chemistry Olympiad was definitelya very memorable experience. Guang Yi (Peter) Lu Gold medalist Canadian team member International Chemistry Olympiad
Welcome Students! Dear Students,
From left to right: Charlie Wang (silver medalist), Peter Lu (gold medalist), Grace Kim (South Korean guide), Jean Bouffard (head mentor), Jonathan Pellicelli (mentor), Kent Huynh (silver medalist), and Dmitry Pichugin (bronze medalist). I first heard about the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) from my high school chemistry teacher at the end of my grade 10 year. A student from my school, Adam Lerer, had won a bronze medal at the 36th IChO the year before and was going to the 37th IChO as Canada’s team leader that summer. Though, at the time, I was not particularly engaged in the subject of chemistry, I was neverthelessfascinated by the idea of competing in an international-level competition and thus began my preparations in the hopes that I may too join the Canadian national team. Through a combination of textbooks, practice examinations, and university courses at the University of Toronto, I was able to muster up enough chemical knowledge by May to make it to the national
32 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
As you receive this issue of ACCN, you will be well settled in to the fall term. Whether you are studying chemistry or chemical engineering, you are probably finding your plate pretty full—between lectures, labs, and tutorials. Sometimes, when the clock is ticking on your next lab write-up, you might be wondering, “Did I choose the right discipline? What is this subject that I am studying? Will there be a job waiting for me when this is all over?” Only you can answer the first question—though I will say that chemistryand chemical engineering are two very broad disciplines that are going through a really exciting time. Chemistry is often called “the central science”—and the skills you are developing now are needed in everything from creating new materials, to discovering new drugs, to finding green energy sources, and harnessing the petroleum energy resources scattered across our country. As you focus on the fundamental building blocks in your country, you can look to The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) to help you gain a perspectiveon the dynamic environment around you. The CIC is uniquely positioned to get you the information on what is happening nationally and internationally—through its Web site, conferences, student chapters and, of course, this magazine! From nanotechnology to the oil sands, from biochemistry to pulp and paper—look to the CIC to follow the emerging trends. Welcome to a great profession and enjoy your studies! Emily Moore Director, Student Affairs and Outreach Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering
Cutting the cake. Standing left to right: Victor Doerksen, Minister, Alberta Innovation and Science; Indira Samarasekera, president, University of Alberta; Pierre Coulombe, president, National Research Council of Canada; Nils Petersen, director general, NRC NINT. There is a little-known yet powerful theorem in chemistry dealing with grand-openings, glitzy press conferences, and the like. Simply put, it states that there is a direct proportion between the significance of the aforementioned celebratory event and the size of the cake served to its attendees. I like to call it Joel’s Law, if you will. With that said, it is safe to say that the cake served at the official opening of the National Institutefor Nanotechnology (NINT) in Edmonton, AB, on June 22, 2006, was the absolute biggest cake I have ever seen. It was a caloric behemoth, spanning two large tables—large enough to feed an army! Coincidentally, there also happened to be an army (albeit a hungry one) in attendance to commemorate this momentous occasion. Crammed under a tent to escape a light rain, I marvelled at the uniqueness of the situation that Canada’s Quietest Space had placed us in. Students and professors, blinking and rubbing their eyes as they adjusted to the rarity of natural light, rubbed shoulders with bigwigs dressed in suits and ties, who in turn posed for pictures in front of a considerable media presence. Everyone seemed to be breathing an air of contagious excitement, questions racing around our heads. What discoveries would come out of this new building that we were huddled around? Would we tell our grandchildren of this day? Did that cake in fact have chocolate cream filling on the inside? A hush fell over the crowd as dignitaries from all stakeholders involved took the stage. As Preston Manning, chair of the board of trustees of NINT and notable ex-politician, addressed the crowd in both official languages, the crowd gasped—Preston Manning can indeed speak French, quite eloquently! NINT has come to be due to the hard work of a large number of people, and the program of speeches celebrated this foundation while framing the potential of such an institute to continue to build Canada’s contribution to the burgeoning field of nanotechnology. With all the buzz of possibility sparking everyone’s imagination, I was half expecting the crowd to stand up, don sparkling white lab coats, and march over to the building and begin making these discoveries ourselves. Luckily, no politicians were expected to operate a transmitting electron microscope or any of the other shiny new toys in NINT. For a gala grand opening, everything was just as it should have been—big speeches, photo opportunities, and a packed, enthusiasticaudience. And the cake? Delicious! Joel Kelly, MCIC King’s University College
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from your company, classroom, or laboratory to
NRC has its cake and eats it, too
NINT Opens with a Bang!
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student News | Nouvelles des Étudiants
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 33
Careers Carrières
Tenure-Stream Appointment in Bio-organicChemistry The University of Toronto at Mississauga, Department of Chemical & Physical Sciences, invites applications for two tenure-stream positions in bioorganic and biological chemistry at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 2007. Applications will be accepted in all areas of bioorganic and biological chemistry with preference given to research interests that complement the present strengths of the department in membrane biochemistry, biomacromolecules, protein structure and function, nucleic acid-peptide interactions, gene regulatory networks, biosensor technology, and molecular and tissue imaging. Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in chemistry, a strong academic background, an outstanding research record and potential for excellence in teaching. The successful candidates for the above two positions will be expected to undertake active and innovative research programs as well as teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The successful candidates will be located in the Department of Chemical & Physical Sciences, University of Toronto at Mississauga, and will also be full members of the Graduate Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. The University of Toronto at Mississauga is generously equipped with chemistry-specific instrumentation, including high-field (500 and 600 MHz) solids and liquids NMR, EPR, MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometers. An academy of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine will be established at the University of Toronto at Mississauga in 2007 and its establishment offers the possibility for collaboration with academic and clinical medical faculty. Further information can be found at www.utm.utoronto.ca/cps and www.chem.utoronto.ca. The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Applications will be accepted until October 20, 2006. Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy and interests, an outline of their proposed research, and should arrange to have three confidential letters of recommendation sent on their behalf to: Professor G.W.K. Moore, Chair, Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry Search Committee Department of Chemical & Physical Sciences, University of Toronto at Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 1C6. Email: chem2006@utm.utoronto.ca
34 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
Department of Chemistry Queen’s University Assistant Professor of Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry, Queen’s University, invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in the area of computational/theoretical chemistry, one of four areas targeted for development by the Department. Applicants will be expected to have demonstrated superior abilities in prior research work and to exhibit potential for excellence in teaching and research. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.The position is subject to final budgetary approval. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching experience and philosophy, and a statement of research interests including research proposals. It is the responsibility of applicants to have letters from at least three referees sent directly to the address below.The deadline for completed applications, including letters of reference, is November 10, 2006. The nominal starting date is July 2007, but an earlier or later start is possible if mutually agreeable. Applications and letters of reference should be sent to: Dr. Robert P. Lemieux, Acting Head, Department of Chemistry, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6. Further information about this opportunity can be obtained by contacting the Acting Head at 613-533-2649 or depthead@chem.queensu.ca. Additional information on the Department of Chemistry can be found at www.chem.queensu.ca. The academic staff at Queen’s University are governed by a Collective Agreement between the Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) and the University which is posted at <http://www.qufa.ca>. The University invites applicationsfrom all qualified individuals. Queen’s is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplac and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. In accordance with Canadian immigrationrequirements, all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadiancitizens and permanent residents will be given priority.
Careers Carrières
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering of the University of British Columbia invitesapplications for a tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Professor level starting July 1, 2007, or soon thereafter. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering or a closely related field, and have a strong commitment to high quality undergraduate and graduate teaching in the environmentalengineering or process engineering options of the Department’s undergraduate program. Relevant industrial experience would be an asset and eligibility for registration as a ProfessionalEngineer is essential. Excellent teaching and communication skills are required. The successful candidate must possess the skills, background and motivation needed to build an independent research program of international recognition. Preferred areas of research include environmental engineering, sustainability, green engineering, and renewable energy. Applicantswith expertise in other areas that complement current activities in the Department will also be considered. Applications, including curriculum vitae, a short statement of teaching and research interests, and the names and addresses of at least three references, should be sent to: Dr. Kevin J. Smith, Head Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering The University of British Columbia, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1Z3 The deadline for receipt of applications is November 15, 2006. The position is subject to final budgetary approval. The University of British Columbia hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified persons to apply. However, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of British Columbia offers an undergraduate program leading to the B.A.Sc. degree with options in Biological, Environmentaland Process Engineering. Graduate programs leading to the degrees of M.Eng., M.A.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. are offered in several important areas of chemical engineering, including fluidization, pulp and paper, biotechnology, environmental engineering, biomedical engineering, thermodynamics, transport phenomena, electrochemical engineering, polymer processing, catalysis and process control. The Department has close connections with U.B.C. interdisciplinary centres such as the Clean Energy Research Center, the Michael Smith Laboratories, the Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory, and the Pulp and Paper Centre. Details about the Department and its current research programs are available at http://www.chml.ubc.ca.
october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 35
Careers Carrières
Employment Wanted
Chemist seeks position. PhD in analytical chemistry. Experience in atomic spectroscopy, AAS, GFAAS, hydride generation, cold vapors, ICP-AES, ICP-AF and chromatography GC, HPLC, EC. Research and development of analytical methods environmental mentoring. Analysis of trace and ultra trace of elements and substances in different kinds of matrixes. Please contact mssalman1953@yahoo.com
Sim & McBurney Patent & Trade-mark Agents Sim, Lowman, Ashton & McKay, LLP Barristers & Solicitors
The Advanced Sciences Group Michael I. Stewart Patricia A. Rae, Ph.D. Kimberly A. McManus, Ph.D.
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We protect all innovations in biotechnology, proteomics, pharmaceuticals and chemistry on a global basis. Please contact us at Sim & McBurney and Sim, Lowman, Ashton & McKay LLP 330 University Avenue, Sixth Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1R7 Telephone: 416-595-1155 Fax: 416-595-1163 E-Mail: mailsim@sim-mcburney.com or mailsim@sim-lowman.com
36 L’Actualité chimique canadienne octobre 2006
Events ÉvÉnements
Canada Conferences May 26–30, 2007. 90th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Winnipeg, MB, www.chimiste.ca/conferences/csc_annual_e.htm May 29–June 1, 2007. International Chemical Recovery Conference— “Efficiencyand Energy Management,” Québec, QC, 514-392-6964 October 28–31, 2007. 57th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, AB, www.chemeng.ca/conferences/csche_annual_e.htm October 19–22, 2008. 58th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Ottawa, ON, www.chemeng.ca/conferences/csche_annual_e.htm August 23–27, 2009. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering and 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Montréal, QC, www.wcce8.org
U.S. and Overseas December 27–30, 2006. CHEMCON 2006, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Gurajat India, www.iicheank.org/arc.htm September 16–21 2007. 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6) Copenhagen, Denmark, www.ecce6.kt.dtu.dk
The CanadianSociety for Chemical Technology
The Norman and Marion Bright Memorial Award is awarded to an
Nomination forms and the full Terms of Reference for this award
individual who has made an outstanding contribution in Canada to the
are available at www.chem-tech.ca/awards/csct_index__e.htm.
furtherance of chemical technology. The person so honoured may be either
Important ...
a chemical sciences technologist, or a person from outside the field who has made a significant and noteworthy contribution to it advancement.
Submission deadline is October 31, 2006 october 2006 Canadian Chemical News 37