February 2009

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l’actualité chimique canadienne canadian chemical news ACCN

February| février • 2009 • Vol. 61, No./n o 2



of Food Safety


Protecting Market Access A Publication of the Chemical Institute of Canada and Constituent Societies / Une publication de l’institut de chimie du canada et ses sociétés constituantes


February| février • 2009 • Vol. 61, No./n o 2

8 Feature




Guest Column Chroniqueur invité By Kathryn Warden


letters lettres


News Nouvelles


Industrial Briefs




Recognition reconnaissance


Events Événements


58th CSChe conference 58e congrès de la SCGCh


careers carrières

Joe Schwarcz, MCIC

By Guiping Lu, PhD and Yolanda Fintschenko, PhD


Departments 4

Fundamental Food Safety Workflow Design


Fundamental Food Safety Workflow Design


Non-Food Chemical Contaminants: Challenges in Laboratory Analysis

By Guiping Lu, PhD and Yolanda Fintschenko, PhD

By Nilmini Wijewickreme, PhD


Keeping Track: How Traceability Initiatives Protect Our Food By Chris Rogers



Guest Column Chroniqueur invité

U of S a research leader in improving food safety for Canadians

Executive Director/Directeur général Roland Andersson, MCIC Editor/Rédactrice en chef Terri Pavelic Staff Writer/rédacteur Chris Rogers

By Kathryn Warden


ood-related illnesses such as E. coli and salmonella are a serious and growing problem, with more than 87 million North American cases of food-borne disease every year and at least 5,000 deaths. But as the recent widespread listeriosis outbreak in Canada showed, staying one step ahead of these emerging diseases is a major challenge for researchers. Part of the problem is that many of the pathogens of greatest concern today were not recognized as causes of food-borne illness even 20 years ago. “Food-related illnesses are becoming more common, and as antibiotic resistance grows, we need to be looking at new defences,” says Andrew Potter, director of the University of Saskatchewan’s Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO). Fortunately, VIDO, a world leader in vaccine development for both animals and humans, is at the forefront of efforts to develop a family of vaccines to fend off the bad bugs and protect both animals and humans. The goal of the VIDO team led by Potter and Wolfgang Koester, who both hold NSERC industrial research chairs in food safety, is to prevent colonization of animals by human pathogens such as E. coli O157 (the cause of the 2000 outbreak in Walkerton, ON which killed several people and made hundreds ill), C. jejuni, and Salmonella enterica. Now, in the wake of the listeriosis outbreak from tainted deli meat at an Ontario meat-packing plant, Potter says VIDO is looking at adding the Listeria bacterium to the list of animal vaccine targets under their $4-million food safety research program. “These events have prompted us to evaluate the need for this type of vaccine-related research to address food safety issues,” says Potter, noting there is currently no vaccine against Listeria. Reducing the prevalence of Listeria in foodproducing animals could “significantly improve the overall safety of our food production, processing and distribution system,” he says. In the case of E. coli 0157, VIDO played a key role in finding a vaccine to control the bacteria in cattle so as to help control its spread to humans. Building on groundbreaking work by the University of British Columbia, colleague Brett Finlay, Potter transformed his work for humans into a vaccine for livestock. The vaccine reduces the amount of E. coli 0157 shed by cattle, thereby reducing potential for food and water contamination. Potter anticipates it will take a similar array of partners—industry, government, agricultural producers and a large team of scientists, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and technicians—to conquer the Listeria threat. Like E. coli which has been popularly labeled as “hamburger disease”, Listeria can be transmitted directly to humans via contaminated food or indirectly by environmental contamination. Though healthy people exposed to Listeria are rarely affected by the bacteria, it is more likely to cause death than other bacteria that cause food poisoning—particularly in high-risk individuals like the elderly, children, and pregnant women. Potter stresses Canada's capacity to respond to new and emerging pathogens will be greatly enhanced by the $140-million International Vaccine Centre (InterVac), a containment level 3 facility (CL3) now under construction adjacent to VIDO. The centre will be one of only a few CL3 labs in the world that can handle livestock. “VIDO/InterVac will reshape the landscape for infectious disease research in Canada, securing Saskatchewan’s international leadership in vaccine development and providing unparalleled research, teaching and student training opportunities,” said Potter. As well, vaccines will be available to Canadians at a greatly accelerated rate due to the new PanProvincial Vaccine Enterprise (PREVENT) headquartered at VIDO, he said. “We are confident that with InterVac and PREVENT we'll be developing new health solutions for both human and animal diseases that will improve food safety for Canadians.” ACCN Kathryn Warden is the director of Communications at the University of Saskatchewan.

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Contributing writers/collaborateurs Kathryn Warden Guiping Lu Yolanda Fintschenko Nilmini Wijewickreme Ed Krol, MCIC David Palmer, MCIC Graphic Designer/Infographiste Krista Leroux Communications manager/ Directrice des communications Lucie Frigon Marketing Manager/ Directrice du marketing Bernadette Dacey Awards and Local Sections Manager/ Directrice des prix et des sections locales Gale Thirlwall Editorial Board/Conseil de rédaction Joe Schwarcz, MCIC, chair/président Cathleen Crudden, MCIC John Margeson, MCIC Milena Sejnoha, MCIC Bernard West, MCIC Editorial Office/ Bureau de la rédaction 130, rue Slater Street, Suite/bureau 550 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2 613-232-6252 • Fax/Téléc. 613-232-5862 editorial@accn.ca • www.accn.ca Advertising/Publicité advertising@accn.ca Subscription Rates/Tarifs d’abonnement Non CIC members/Non-membres de l’ICC : in/au Canada CAN$60; outside/à l’extérieur du Canada US$60. Single copy/Un exemplaire CAN$10 or US$10. L’Actualité chimique canadienne/Canadian Chemical News (ACCN) is published 10 times a year by the Chemical Institute of Canada / est publié 10 fois par année par l’Institut de chimie du Canada. www.cheminst.ca. Recommended by the Chemical Institute of Canada, the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the official position of the Institute or of the societies that recommend the magazine. Recommandé par l’Institut de chimie du Canada, la Société canadienne de chimie, la Société canadienne de génie chimique et la Société canadienne de technologie chimique. Les opinions exprimées ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position officielle de l’Institut ou des sociétés qui soutiennent le magazine. Change of Address/ Changement d’adresse circulation@cheminst.ca Printed in Canada by Gilmore Printing Services Inc. and postage paid in Ottawa, ON./ Imprimé au Canada par Gilmore Printing Services Inc. et port payé à Ottawa, ON. Publications Mail Agreement Number/ No de convention de la Poste-publications : 40021620. (USPS# 0007-718) Indexed in the Canadian Business Index and available on-line in the Canadian Business and Current Affairs database. / Répertorié dans la Canadian Business Index et accessible en ligne dans la banque de données Canadian Business and Current Affairs. ISSN 0823-5228


letters lettres

News Nouvelles

Recognizing Professionals­ Dear Editor, I couldn’t agree more with Terence Peel’s comments (ACCN November/December, 2008) that a national professional association of chemists would better represent the interests of chemists and inform the public, but until the provinces are willing to yield control it simply won’t happen. Even if they wanted to, it would require a change to the “British North America Act” and any move in that direction would open a Pandora’s box of political maneuverings with each premier using the occasion to add on whatever beef they might have with the Act. So it looks like we are stuck with the status quo and I, as a chartered chemist in the province of Ontario, a chartered chemist in the U.K., a chartered scientist in the EU, a Canadian Certified Environmental Practitioner and a “Qualified Person” for the performance of Environmental Site Assessments in Ontario, will soon be a “Disqualified Person” following the Ontario government’s announcement to remove the chartered chemist from the list of qualified persons. The reason given, of course, is that chemists are not licensed in the province. I guess I’m just not chartered enough! Perhaps there could be a glimmer of hope if the provinces could strike an agreement similar to the “Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment” and in a spirit of cooperation (and common sense) get their heads together and recognize chemists and other professionals for the professionals they are. George Duncan, President, A&A Environmental Consultants Inc.

What Do You Think? editorial@accn.ca



articles en français! editorial@accn.ca

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février 2009

DEI reveals soft tissues such as the lungs and muscles that are obscure in the conventional X-ray radiograph. Photos courtesy of D. Champman, University­of Saskatchewan.

New X-ray Techniques Produce Clear Results A University of Saskatchewan (U of S)led research team at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron captures its first X-ray images using the BioMedical Imaging and Therapy facility (BMIT), which is unique to North-America. “Our entire team was just thrilled with what we saw—the images we’re getting on BMIT are as good as any I’ve gotten at any other synchrotron. That’s quite an achievement given that we had our first X-rays down the beamline less than a month ago,” said Dan Chapman, U of S Canada Research Chair in X-ray Imaging and BMIT team leader. The team took X-ray images of a mouse using a technique called diffraction-enhanced imaging (DEI) co-discovered by Chapman,

GenoLogics to Deploy a Lab and Integrated Data Management at Joint BioEnergy Institute GenoLogics announces that the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI), a U.S. Department of Energy bioenergy research center based in Emeryville, CA, is deploying its lab and integrated data management solution for multiple sciences. GenoLogics lab and data management solutions are designed to provide an integrated view of data from the type of sciences and technologies the JBEI employs. GenoLogics will improve the data quality and integrated analysis that is needed to advance research at JBEI because it will pre-configure integrations across many instruments combined with the GenoLogics reporting engine.

University of Saskatchewan professor and former CLS executive director William Thomlinson and U.S. researcher Zhong Zhong. DEI uses the unique properties of synchrotron X-rays to produce images of soft tissues such as muscle, organs and tumours that do not readily absorb X-rays, making them cloudy or invisible to conventional X-ray radiographs and mammograms. DEI imaging is proving to be a valuable tool in visualizing cancer, imaging bone cartilage and understanding the structure and function­ of reproductive organs. Other techniques planned for development at BMIT include the delivery of precise beams of high energy X-rays for the treatment of cancer. “This is great news, both for the BMIT team and the Canadian Light Source,” said CLS executive director Josef Hormes. “BMIT is such an important facility, not just for the CLS but for the future investigation and treatment of diseases that have an impact on Canadians and people around the world.” “The BMIT team is profoundly grateful to staff of the CLS who have worked extremely hard over the past several years to bring this facility to fruition. In the coming months, we’ll be working closely with the CLS, the U of S and the Saskatoon Health Region to build the local, national and international research capacity of this world-class facility,” said Chapman. Canadian Light Source

“The GenoLogics solution has the capabilities we require to integrate data from different sciences and technologies, while tracking samples across multiple experiments and projects all in a single lab and data management system,” said Paul Adams, JBEI’s VP of Technology. “The GenoLogics system will also allow us to easily generate reports showing data from multiple sciences and automate our data pipelining for integrated analysis.” “Our multi-science informatics platform is ideal for the alternative energy research the JBEI is conducting, as it seamlessly aggregates data from different applications and integrates the data in a contextually relevant way,” said Michael Ball, CEO of GenoLogics. “As the life sciences market matures, it is becoming more common for our clients to require a common data management system that can be deployed across different sciences, technologies and facilities.” GenoLogic

News Nouvelles

U.N. declares 2011 International Year of Chemistry The United Nations has adopted a resolution proclaiming 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry. In charge of the events will be International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultura Organization (UNESCO). The U.N. resolution, submitted by Ethiopia that called for the year, will celebrate the achievements of chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of humanity. “The International Year of Chemistry will give a global boost to chemical science in which our life and our future are grounded,” president of IUPAC, Jung-IL Jin said. “We hope to increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry, increase young people’s interest in science and generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry.” A U.N. release described chemistry as fundamental to humanity’s understanding of the world and the cosmos and that molecular transformations are central to the production of food, medicines and fuel. Throughout the year, celebrations of the art and science of chemistry and its essential contributions to knowledge will take place, while also highlighting contributions to environmental protection and economic development. 2011 will also be the 100-year anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize in chemistry to Sklodowska Curie. The organizers hope this will provide an opportunity to celebrate the contributions women have made to science. IUPAC endorsed the plan to obtain proclamation of 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry in 2007. “I welcome the opportunity to celebrate chemistry, one of the fundamental sciences,” director-general of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura said. “Raising public awareness about chemistry is all the more important in view of the challenges of sustainable development. It is certain that chemistry will play a major role in developing alternative energy sources and in feeding the world’s growing population.” United Nations

Chemists Show Alternative to Combustion Must be Found A new paper by Jeff Gaffney and Nancy Marley at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock details the history of combustion and its effect on the environment. The study shows that combustion pollutes the environment and affects health negatively. “We have been aware for some time that in order to avoid, or at least minimize the air quality and climate impacts of fossil fuel combustion, alternatives must be put in place,” Gaffney and Marley conclude in the paper. “No matter how dire the predictions associated with inaction, there has been major resistance to change.” The byproducts of combustion of organic fuels include the major combustion products of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O), along with a variety of trace gasses and aerosol emissions that have many impacts

on air quality, human health and climate, the paper states. “Successful application of new technologies such as fuel cells or electric vehicles will be the development of the infrastructure and the commercialization and replacement of the current fleets,” Gaffney and Marley said. “After all, the internal combustion engines have the benefit of 100 years of evolution and infrastructure development. Therefore, even with the current environmental pressures, the establishment of alternative vehicles in the market will not occur overnight and will likely require government support considering the magnitude of the investment required.” Gaffney currently leads a national scientific project on natural radioactivity in aerosols— airborne particles in the atmosphere, to examine their sources, transport and lifetime in the air. Marley is directing study of aerosol optical properties, including scattering and absorption, focusing special attention on carbonaceous aerosols that include black soot. University of Arkansas at Little Rock

february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  7

News Nouvelles

Thermo Fisher Solutions Could Be Used to Identify Dioxins

Prenatal Exposure to Certain Chemicals Linked to Higher BMI in Toddlers A study by the NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in the U.S.) has associated exposures in early life to endocrine-disrupting chemicals like pesticides, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), hexachlorobenzene, dioxin-like compounds and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to increased body weight. The study was conducted using a random sample of 138 mother-infant pairs living in Flanders, Belgium. Follow-up for the study occurred until the children were three years old. The study measured BMI as SDS (standard

K-Dow Deal Canceled The deal that would have seen the creation of the K-Dow has been scraped. Dow Chemicals and the Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC), a subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation signed a joint venture formation agreement that was to see K-Dow become

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deviation scores) of children ages one to three, as well as pollutants measured in cord blood. Higher PCB levels were associated with higher BMI SDS in children between ages one and three. Higher DDE levels showed a slight increase in BMI SDS in three-year-old children, with a somewhat stronger association in children of smoking mothers than of nonsmoking mothers. The study concluded that simultaneous intrauterine exposure to endocrine disruptors may compound the weight-enhancing effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy. “There is a known correlation between BMI during the preschool years and adult BMI,” wrote lead study author Stijn L. Verhulst and colleagues. “This is the first study demonstrating that environmental pollution may influence BMI during the critical first few years of life.” Environmental Health Perspectives

the leading global supplier of petrochemicals and plastics. The Associated Press reported deal was stopped in late December 2008 by the Supreme Petroleum Council of Kuwait, the country’s highest oil authority. In a statement, the Cabinet said the venture was “very risky” due to the downturn of the global economy and low oil prices. Dow Chemicals

With the recent recall of Irish pork products on December 6, 2008, Thermo Fisher Scientific announces that its high-resolution gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) solutions are suitable for dioxin analysis in foods. Pork products from Ireland were recalled in December after it was determined that they contained elevated levels of dioxins. The Irish recall later lead to the Chinese government banning all imports of pork from Ireland. Dioxins are formed during the combustion process such as during waste incineration and are well known to increase the likelihood of cancer with long term exposure. Tests on some of the contaminated pork products revealed 200 times the recognized safety limits for dioxins set by the U.S. EPA and the European Commission. “Thermo Fisher Scientific is dedicated to making the world a healthier, cleaner and safer place,” said Dr. Stuart Cram, who is leading the Food Safety Program within Thermo Fisher Scientific. “Our capabilities in dioxin analysis and detection exemplify the technological capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific, with our commitment to food safety in terms of support and consulting will enable scientists to address these contamination issues as they occur.” The directives for detection of dioxins require limits of quantification to be 80 percent lower than the lowest reported level in the EPA standards. As a result, this requires very demanding detection limits and selectivity and sensitivity to confirm the presence of dioxins. Thermo Fisher Scientific announces that their DFS High Resolution GC/MS (HRGC/ HRMS system) achieves these lower detection levels of detection required for dioxins. They state that even difficult sample types with heavy matrix effects can be successfully analyzed. In addition, the Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum GC can be employed to screen for dioxins. By identifying foods that do not contain dioxins, the number of samples that must be analyzed using HRGC/GRMS is reduced, significantly lowering the cost for laboratories to conduct these analyses. Thermo Fisher Scientific

Continuing Education for Chemical Professionals

Laboratory Safety course 2009 Schedule June 1–2

Hamilton, ON August 24–25

Montréal, QC September 21–22

Toronto, ON


he Chemical Institute of Canada

(CIC) and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology (CSCT) are

presenting a two-day course designed to enhance the knowledge and working experience of chemical technologists and chemists. All course participants receive the CIC’s Laboratory Health and Safety Guidelines, 4th edition. This course is intended for those whose responsibilities include improving the operational safety of chemical laboratories, managing laboratories, chemical plants or research facilities, conducting safety audits of laboratories and chemical plants. During the course, participants are provided with an integrated overview of current best practices in laboratory safety.

Registration fees

$550 CIC members $750 non-members

$75 students members


• Introduction • Occupational Health and Safety Legislation • Safety Policies, Training and Audits • Hazard Classification Systems • WHMIS, NIOSH, and beyond • Hazardous Materials • Flammable and Combustible Materials • Corrosive Chemicals • Toxic Materials • Reactive Materials • Insidious Hazards • Compressed Gases • Cryogenic Liquids • Radiation

 Day

October 5–6

Edmonton, AB

 Day


• Physical Hazards

Instructor Eric Mead, FCIC, a former instructor with the chemical technology program at SIAST, has taught and practised laboratory workplace safety for more than 30 years. A former chair of the Chemical Institute of Canada, Mead has been commended for his work on behalf of the

For more information about the course and locations, and to access the registration form, visit:

chemical industry.

www.cheminst.ca/ profdev

“The chemical field and profession are built on a foundation­of trust with society­. An integral part of that trust is the safe operation­of facilities­

• Fire • Glassware • Electrical Hazards • Machinery • Storage • Chemical Storage • Chemical Inventory • Storage Methods for Specific Hazard Classifications • Chemical Spills and Waste Disposal • Spill Containment and Cleanup • Spill Control Kits • Properties of Wastes • Large Chemical Spills

including­laboratories­, whether industrial­,

• Hazard Assessment and Control

academic­or government. The education­of

• Identification and Control

engineers­, scientists and technologists­must

• Eye and Face Protection

reflect that level of trust. We all share in the

• Head, Feet and Body Protection

responsibility­for safe and ethical research­,

• Hearing and Breathing Protection

chemical processing and analysis.­" —Eric Mead

• Fume Hoods and HVAC • Machinery

Canadian Society for Chemical Technology

News Nouvelles

Industrial Briefs

Ian Smith Awarded Order of Canada for MRI Advances The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for the National Research Council (NRC) announces that Ian Smith has been inducted into the Order of Canada. Smith, director general of the NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics, is being recognized for his groundbreaking work in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and its global contributions to health care. Smith is a world leader in the field of biodiagnostics and was instrumental in the advancement of a movable MRI system that allowed surgeons to do non-invasive scans before, during and after surgery. Smith has also been involved in the development of technologies that reduce the invasiveness of surgical procedures, which improves the effectiveness of treatments and therapies while limiting possible complications from surgery, factors that are central to the well-being of Canadians and others around the world. “It is a privilege to share in the success of the NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics and the Winnipeg biomedical cluster,” said Smith. “I feel a great sense of satisfaction in knowing that I have contributed to improving the health of Canadians and helped to build a stronger medical devices industry that brings greater wealth and prestige to Canada and NRC.” “Smith is an outstanding example of how a highly motivated scientist can move innovative research discoveries into the public realm for the good of all Canadians,” said minister Clement. National Research Council Canada Award, Order of Canada award

Up to 50 Percent of Biotechs Face Collapse in ’09 A poll commissioned by BIOTECanada warns that unless action is taken by the Canadian government, 50 percent of biotech companies in Canada could run out of money in 2009. The poll conducted by Nanos Research during January 2009, found that 86 percent of those surveyed identified biotechnology as important to the nation’s future economic prosperity. “The failure of substantial numbers of Canadian biotech companies will mean the loss of thousands of high-value jobs, years of public investment in our research infrastructure and potentially hundreds of new discoveries,” said Peter Brenders, CEO of BIOTECanada. “These firms are not suffering from structural problems or bad business decisions, they simply need investment and Canadians are telling us they want to see government action to save the sector.” BIOTECanada is proposing a revenue-generating, three-point action plan of targeted measures that create incentives for greater investment in Canadian firms and generate long-term competitiveness and job retention. BIOTECanada

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The Ontario Chemistry Value Chain Initiative (OCVCI) announces they have hired Murray McLaughlin as its new president and CEO. McLaughlin’s knowledge of the bio based industry and his government and industry contacts will be extremely valuable in his new role. QSV Biologics Ltd, an international GMP biologics contract manufacturer, announces the appointment of William Cochrane, O.C., M.D. as chair of its board of directors. Cochrane’s career encompasses the fields of medicine, biomedical research, education, government and business, spanning Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. Cochrane was the founding dean of medicine for the University of Calgary. Cochrane was chair and CEO of Connaught Laboratories Ltd. and saw the company grow to become the world’s second largest vaccine company under his leadership. Queen’s University announces that a new natural health product launched in Canada had its beginnings at the university. VIVIMIND™, a nutraceutical that has been shown to protect memory function, is the result of more than 15 years of scientific research, including clinical trials with more than 2,000 people in Canada, U.S. and Europe. VIVIMIND™ is based in part on research into amyloid proteins by Robert Kisilevsky, Walter Szarek, FCIC, and Donald Weaver, FCIC, at Queen’s University. Theratechnologies, a Canadian biopharmaceutical company, announces the departure of Pierre Caudrelier as chief medical officer. Caudrelier joined Theratechnologies in August 2007 and worked actively in the completion of the Phase III clinical program evaluating tesamorelin in HIV-associated lipodystrophy. Novadaq Technologies Inc., a developer of real-time imaging and image guidance systems for use in the operating room, announces a strategic restructuring including senior management changes and the completion of a staff reduction of 25 employees. The company expects savings from the restructuring efforts to reduce annual operating expenses by approximately $1,750,000. SemBioSys Genetics Inc., a biotechnology company developing protein pharmaceuticals in crop plants, announces James Szarko as the company’s new president and CEO. Andrew Baum, who held the position before Szarko, will join Botaneco Specialty Ingredients Inc, a SemBioSys subsidiary as their president and CEO. Welichem Biotech Inc., a company developing therapeutic drugs in the fields of autoimmune diseases and cancer, announces the appointment of Yue Zhao as chief financial officer of the company. Yue obtained her certified general accountant designation from Canada in 1996 and her MSc in finance from the University of British Columbia. Oncolytics Biotech Inc., a Calgary-based company focused on the development of oncolytic viruses as potential cancer therapeutics, announces it has been granted its 31st U.S. patent entitled “Reovirus for the Treatment of Neoplasia.” “This U.S. patent expands and strengthens our proprietary position for REOLYSIN®,” said Mary Ann Dillahunty, VP of intellectual property for Oncolytics. “The pharmaceutical composition claims cover the formulation being used in our ongoing clinical trials.” Protox Therapeutics, a company that develops novel receptor targeted fusion proteins, announces the initiation of a double-blinded placebo controlled Phase II study of PRX302 in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). “Results from our open-label Phase II study demonstrated that PRX302 has the potential to establish a new standard of care for the treatment of BPH,” said Fahar Merchant, president and CEO of Protox.

Chemfusion Joe Schwarcz, MCIC

The Truth About Absinthe


t’s annoying when facts can get in the way of a good story. Like the one about Vincent Van Gogh mutilating his ear in a thujoneinduced fit. Thujone is a naturally occurring compound found in wormwood, one of the plants used to flavour absinthe, the legendary liquor that enthralled artists and writers during the latter years of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th. The “green fairy,” as it was called, contained up to 75 percent alcohol by volume, but its real kick was supposedly due to the “special” sensations induced by thujone. I have often told the story, pieced together from accounts in the scientific and popular literature, of Van Gogh being driven over the bend by thujone, with the compound possibly even contributing to his suicide. As a finale, I would recount how Paul Gachet, Van Gogh’s personal physician, looked after his funeral, and unknowingly adorned the grave with a wormwood bush that grew roots, eventually enveloping the casket. Van Gogh, I would say, was in the clutches of thujone in death, as he had been in life. Alas, recently uncovered facts suggest that we have to look elsewhere in an attempt to rationalize the artist’s irrational beviour. Thujone was not the culprit! As it turns out, absinthe’s naughty reputation isn’t scientifically-justified. Its status as a wicked, mischief-causing beverage can be traced not to carefully controlled experiments, but to a guinea pig, a murderer, some puritan prohibitionists and the French wine industry!

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Here’s that story. Factual, at least as far as I can make out. Absinthe was first formulated in Switzerland around 1790 by distilling an alcoholic brew infused with botanicals and herbs that included anise, hyssop, lemon balm, Florence fennel and of course Artemisia absinthium, or wormwood. The classic green colour is due to chlorophyll extracted from herbs added to the distillate. While it isn’t clear who first came up with this concoction, we do know that the recipe ended up in the hands of Major Henri Dubied who claimed that it enormously enhanced his sexual performance. The Major then sold the recipe to his son-in-law, Louis Pernod, who seconded the bedroom effect, added a claim of “indigestion remedy,” and began mass production in 1797. Whether because of these purported special properties, or because of its high alcohol content, absinthe became very popular, especially among artists who took to indulging daily, and excessively, during “l’heure verte.” There was talk of enhanced creativity, but there were also murmurings about psychotic episodes, hallucinations, and according to some, permanent brain damage. Tracking down the origin of these accusations is difficult, but absinthe likely served as a convenient scapegoat for the inebriated antics associated with the bohemian community. The flames of innuendo were fanned in 1864 when Valentin Magnan carried out the firstever investigation of wormwood oil. Magnan placed a guinea pig in a glass cage with a sample of wormwood oil, and another one in a cage with a supply of alcohol. As might be expected the latter animal lapped at the alcohol until he became drunk, but unexpectedly, the guinea pig exposed to just the vapours of wormwood oil went into convulsions. This primitive experiment drove the first nail into the coffin that would bury absinthe 50 years later. Magnan went on to isolate thujone from wormwood and confirmed its toxic potential by showing it caused convulsions followed by death in a dog. When the good doctor claimed to have evidence (never confirmed) that alcoholics who consumed absinthe were more likely to exhibit delusional behaviour and convulsions, the writing for the demise of absinthe was on the wall. The French wine industry, noting the increasing popularity of a competitor, was happy to jump on the antiabsinthe bandwagon alongside prohibitionists. And then came a catalytic moment.

A horrendous crime shook Europe in 1905. Jean Lanfray, a Swiss labourer murdered his pregnant wife and two children in a drunken rage after she refused to polish his shoes. He had consumed seven glasses of wine, six of cognac, two crème de menthes, coffee with brandy and two shots of absinthe. Ignoring the stunning alcohol consumption, prosecutors claimed a clear case of “absinthe madness,” a condition never scientifically demonstrated. Lanfray escaped the death penalty because “absinthe made him do it,” but couldn’t escape his own conscience, eventually hanging himself in his prison cell. The case set off an epidemic of moral indignation and triggered petitions to ban absinthe. By 1915 most countries with the notable exceptions of the U.K., Spain, Portugal and Sweden had made the sale of the drink illegal. The stated reason was that thujone in absinthe incited peculiar behaviour. The myth that the original version of absinthe contained dangerous amounts of thujone persisted for almost a century. This despite nobody having actually determined the thujone content of absinthe before blaming the drink for misdeeds. The amount thought to be present was actually estimated from what was known to be present in wormwood. Poorly estimated, as it turns out. Now, for the first time, vintage bottles of absinthe have been chemically analyzed and found to contain about 25 mg thujone per litre, the same as in the currently available “low thujone” versions. Claims had been made previously about 250–350 mg per litre. Interestingly, we now know that even these levels are way below those that cause convulsions or hallucinations. Why then did so many absinthe imbibers experience such dreadful effects? Simple. They were plain drunk. So it seems that while thujone did not drive Van Gogh into the grave, the facts about this compound have buried my story about the artist being in its clutches. And if anyone wants to try some “preban” absinthe, it is available. A bottle will set you back about $300. But don’t worry. It will not trigger any ear mangling. ACCN Joe Schwarcz, MCIC, is the director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society. He hosts the Dr. Joe Show on Montréal’s radio station CJAD and Toronto’s CFRB. The broadcast is available at www.CJAD.com.

ARticle: Food Safety Workflow

Fundamental Food Safety Workflow Design By Guiping Lu, PhD and Yolanda Fintschenko, PhD



he recent melamine outbreak in infant formula from China and dioxins contamination in pork products from Ireland put food safety in the spotlight. Driven by recent reports of contamination in the news, consumers are questioning the safety of their food—something unheard of five–10 years ago: “Are the foods I buy safe? Where do my food products come from? How many of them have been tested?” To comply with the regulations and for brand protection, the food industry is investing to ensure that only safe food products reach consumers. As government, industry and consumer recognize the importance of food testing as part of a comprehensive food safety program, higher volumes of food samples will require testing. The challenge to mitigate this increase in workload is to reduce the analysis time and flag any issues as early as possible while maintaining high

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quality analysis for an expanding range of compounds to be tested. For example, in 1999 only 102 pesticides were regulated by E.U. for lettuce, while in 2008, 435 pesticides had regulated MRL (maximum residue level) set for this crop. Since lettuce cannot remain for several days in port waiting for prolonged testing, choosing a method with a fast turnaround time is critical. The need for regulatory compliance of the data coupled with the growing number of tests has created a need for manufacturers to implement data management systems such as Laboratory Information Management Systems or LIMS to store, track, and report information.

Workflow of food safety testing Food safety testing is a multi-step process, which includes sampling, sample preparation, sample analysis, data analysis and reporting as shown in Figure 1. Sampling is one of the most critical steps because it

Bottle Bottle neck neck


Sample Sample Preparation

Sample Sample Analysis Analysis

Report Report

Call for Nominations The NSERC John C. Polanyi Award

Sampling 6%

27% Data management

Sample preparation 61%

Bottle Bottle neck neck

6% Analysis

Figure 1. Workflow for analysis of food safety compounds.

must be random to ensure that a good representation of the total product population is analyzed. Without correct sampling, the final results would be useless even if all other steps were performed correctly. Traceability is also critical so that the results match the sample. If not immediately analyzed, collected samples need to be stored properly to prevent crosscontamination and degradation of analytes. During sample preparation, the samples are treated to extract the analytes of interest out of the matrix and remove interfering compounds. After preparation, the sample is ready for analysis using either a scientific instrument or other tools. Finally, the data is analyzed and the results are reported. Sample preparation and reporting/data analysis are usually the bottlenecks of the workflow. These two steps respectively account for about 61 percent and 27 percent of the total time, while sample collection and analysis only take up 12 percent of the total time. Improving the efficiency of sample preparation and reporting will increase laboratory productivity dramatically. Newly introduced technology has enabled automated sample preparation for some analytes in certain matrices. For analysis of 54 antibiotic and acaricide compounds in honey, the TurboFlowTM technology automates sample preparation and shortens the total analysis time from five hours to 30 minutes using Liquid Chromatography, (Thermo Scientific Application Note 20-0307). For reporting and data management using a Laboratory Information System, the Thermo

Scientific Nautilus with its workflow oriented data management system, will offer significant productivity gain and reduce the turnaround time for food safety analysis.

Method selection It is important for food safety laboratories to select the right method to meet the goal of the analysis and the operating requirements of the laboratory for productivity and cost efficiency. Often several methods are available and selection is dependent on each particular problem and final goal of the analysis. For example, when large numbers of samples have to be monitored for potential contamination, sample throughput will be the highest priority and so a fast screening method would be chosen. However, when a sample is suspected to be contaminated with an illegal compound such as malachite green, the selectivity of the method will be the key criterion since accuracy is the top requirement. In this case, a method that can be used to confirm the identity of malachite green will be used. In most cases, screening and confirmation will be combined.

Case Study 1: Melamine Analysis Melamine is an industrial chemical that is used as a binding agent, flame retardant and in the manufacturing of cooking utensils and plates. It has a high nitrogen content, (66 percent by weight) and has been used as a fertilizer in some parts of the world. It was added to animal feed as a “cheap” protein source in China before October 2008. Melamine has never been an approved additive for pet and human food. This compound was intentionally added to pet food and infant formula to mimic protein by producers in China. Melamine itself is relatively non-toxic at low dose with an oral LD50 of 3,248 mg/kg based on rat data. The toxicity of melamine is due to the formation of insoluble crystals between melamine and cyanuric acid (a byproduct of melamine) and

The NSERC John C. Polanyi Award is given to an individual or a team whose research, conducted in Canada, has led to a recent outstanding advance in an NSERCsupported field of the natural sciences or engineering. The research leading to the advance must have been funded at least partially by an NSERC grant. Award: a research grant of $250,000 Deadline: March 2, 2009 For information: www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Prizes-Prix/ Polanyi-Polanyi/Index-Index_eng.asp

Appel de candidatures Le Prix John-C.-Polanyi du CRSNG Le Prix John-C.-Polanyi du CRSNG rend hommage à un chercheur ou à une équipe de chercheurs en soulignant une percée remarquable réalisée récemment au Canada en sciences naturelles ou en génie. La recherche qui est à l’origine de la percée pour laquelle la personne ou l’équipe est mise en candidature doit avoir été appuyée au moins partiellement par le CRSNG. Prix : une subvention de recherche de 250 000 $. Date limite : le 2 mars 2009 Renseignements : www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Prizes-Prix/ Polanyi-Polanyi/Index-Index_fra.asp

february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  15

ARticle: Food Safety Workflow Table 1. Comparison of methods for melamine analysis Method

LOQa Advantage Selectivity µg/kg

Screening/ Confirmation



10-50 µg/kg

Both melamine and cyanuric acid


2-2.5 hrs /sample

GC-MS or 10-100 High GC-MS/MS µg/kg sensitivity

Melamine, cyanuric acid, ammeline and ammelide


2.5-3 hrs /sample


0.1-1 mg/kg



1.5 hrs /sample


0.01-1 mg/ kg Low cost per (LODb)

Melamine assay


<1 hr /sample

High sensitivity

High throughput

a LOQ, limit of quantification; b LOD, limit of detection

can cause the development of kidney stones in pets and babies. Besides melamine and cyanuric acid, two melamine-related compounds, ammeline and ammelide (Figure 2), were also found in adulterated pet food. Due to the severe consequence of melamine adulteration in milk products, government food safety agencies around the world including China AQSIQ, U.S. FDA and E.U. FSA have established 1 mg/ kg and 2.5 mg/kg MRL for melamine in baby formula and milk products respectively. Since melamine has been used as a fertilizer and was added to animal feed, other products also have the possibility of













Cyanuric acid







Figure 2. Structures of melamine, cyanuric acid, ammeline­and ammelide. melamine contamination. In fact, it was reported that the eggs exported from China to Hong Kong were contaminated by this compound. The testing list for melamine now extends beyond milk products or products with milk powder as an ingredient to meat, poultry, egg and vegetables. Since the outbreak of melamine contamination in pet foods in March of 2007, the U.S. FDA

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has published six methods for melamine analysis, utilizing LC-UV (FCC HPLC-UV method), GC-MS or GC-MS/MS (FDA LIB 4423), and LC-MS/MS (FDA LIB 4396, 4421 and 4422). Many manufacturers also have developed ELISA (enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay) kits for detection of melamine using antigen-antibody reaction. Table 1 lists the major characteristics of these different methods. Recently the FDA has published several methods for the detection of melamine and cyanuric acid in milk and milk products using liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The LC-MS/MS method for melamine involves SPE cleanup, which removes interfering compounds in dirty matrices such as seafood and meat. In the Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) mode, the LC-MS/MS method is able to reach low LOQ (limit of quantification) of 10-50 µg/kg for melamine. The GC-MS method requires a derivatization step to convert melamine and its related compounds cyanuric acid, ammeline and ammelide to GC amenable derivatives, which are analyzed by GC-MS. In Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) mode, the GC-MS method can obtain LOQ of about 100 µg/kg for melamine. Using SRM of GC-MS/MS, the method can reach a lower LOQ of 10 µg/kg. The Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum triple stage quadrupole system for GC and LC is the only mass spectrometer that enables Highly Selective Reaction Monitoring (H-SRM), which significantly reduces matrix effects leading to the quick and efficient analysis of complex samples such as animal tissue and processed foods. The TSQ Quantum Ultra™ triple stage quadrupole system coupled with the Thermo Scientific Accela high-speed chromatography system has been used with the FDA LC-MS/MS method to monitor melamine and its hydrolytic products in processed foods. Thermo

Fisher provides two GC-MS/MS solutions for melamine analysis—the ITQ series and TSQ Quantum GC. The Thermo Scientific LC-MS/ MS solution has yielded accuracy and precision values for FDA methods that are well within the guidelines of the FDA for analytical method development and analysis. The LC-UV method is fast and does not need sample cleanup for melamine in milk products. If upgraded to UHPLC, the LC-UV method can detect melamine within two minutes in a LC run. Thermo Scientific provides the Accela UHPLC with a PDA detector, as a liquid chromatography system capable of separations at normal LC pressures, as well as high pressure separations up to

Food safety testing is challenging and important for protecting public health. 15,000 PSI, greatly increasing throughput and maintaining applications flexibility. The ELISA method is fast and easy to use. Up to 96 samples can be run within two hours in a microplate by using ELISA. The results from ELISA have a possibility of cross-reaction with related compounds. If there is a non-detect, no further analysis is necessary. Other tests may have to be run if it is detected in order to meet regulatory requirements and ensure that a cross-reacting compound did not cause the response. Thermo Fisher evaluated two commercial melamine ELISA kits: AgraQuant® Melamine Sensitive Assay and Abraxis Melamine Plate Kits. The results can be viewed at http://www.thermo.com/ eThermo/CMA/PDFs/Various/File_9761.pdf. With all these methods the analytical figures of merit and results can be stored in the Thermo Scientific Nautilus LIMS to automate alerts for food quality and safety, method performance, laboratory




Figure 3. General structure of dioxins (n+m=10).

february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  17

ARticle: Food Safety Workflow performance­, and quality of analysis. Any results that fall outside the specifications are automatically flagged and data is centralized for easy access and reporting.

Case Study 2: Dioxins Analysis

Challenges for a

Dioxins, also called polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), are a group of organic compounds with one to 10 chlorines attached to biphenyl (Figure 3). Theoretically there are 209 congeners of dioxins, with TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin) being one of the most toxic dioxins to human. Dioxins are environmental pollutants, generated by the incineration of chlorinated compounds, such as trash burning.

Changing World

8th World Congress of Chemical­ Engineering­(WCCE8) is being held in


Montréal, QC, August

Table 2. Comparison of methods for dioxins analysis

23–27, 2009.

Method LODa Advantage Screening/ Time Confirmation

Industrial Program The Congress theme “Challenges for a Changing World” addresses­the important­challenges of the 21st century. Research and discussion­on this theme will be demonstrated throughout the Industrial­Program. • Financing Industrial Research and Development • Process Intensification for Sustainable Manufacturing • XTL (X to Liquid) • Technologies in Comparison (TiC) • Process Safety and Loss Management • Improving our Transportation System • North American Sustainability—Panel Discussion on Opportunities­ and Barriers for Energy Sustainability • LNG Papers can be sent through Hermes Conference Centre via the WCCE8 Web site. Details are available at www.wcce8.org/call_for_

papers_instructions.html. You can view the full technical and industrial­programs at

www.wcce8.org or sign up to receive more information on the congress at www.wcce8.org/onlineform.html. Montréal is a scenic and vibrant multi-cultural city with a European­ flavor, and is renowned for its cultural and artistic life with remarkable­ restaurants and an excellent hotel network. Montréal is easy to reach by air with direct flights from the U.S.A., Latin America, and Europe, and from Asia through the Vancouver and Toronto hubs. We look forward to receiving your paper and seeing you in Montréal in 2009.

s r e p a P r Ca l l f o 09

, 20 Closes March 31 18   L’Actualité chimique canadienne

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HRGC- ppt to ppq High Confirmation HRMS sensitivity

15-55 hrs/sample prep 55 min/run/sample

HRGC- Low ppt LRMS

High Screening throughput

15-55 hrs/sample prep 50 min/run/sample

Cell based Low ppt Low cost Screening bioassay to low ppb per assay

15-55 hrs/sample prep 17 hrs/assay

a LOD, limit of detection

The environment around waste incineration facilities has high potential for dioxins contamination­. The recently reported contamination in pork was believed to be due to the animal’s consumption of tainted feed. The feed was believed to be contaminated when it was dried using oil containing dioxins for the drying oven, allowing residue to be deposited on the feed. Dioxins can cause cancer, severe reproductive and developmental problems for people. Due to their toxicity, EPA has established MRLs for dioxins at 1 to 5 µg/kg in solids and 0.5 to 5 µg/kg in extract.

However, when a sample is suspected to be contaminated with an illegal compound such as malachite green, the selectivity of the method will be the key criterion since accuracy is the top requirement. E.U. Commission Directive 2002/70/EC have prescribed performance criteria of analytical methods for dioxins in which the LOD has to be in the 10-12 g range. High resolution GC (HRGC), or low resolution MS (LRMS) such as ion-trap and triple-quadrupole MS, along with cell based bioassay (EPA method 4425) can reach such low LOD and be used for screening dioxins. The cell-based bioassay utilizes a human cell line (101L) with a reporter gene, firefly luciferase. In the presence of dioxins, the enzyme luciferase is produced, and its reaction with luciferin can be detected by measuring relative light units on a luminometer. This method

requires several hours to prepare the human cell line 101L culture and a 16 hr incubation time of sample extract with the cell line culture in a culture plate. For confirmation, HRGC-HRMS (EPA 1613B) is the only choice to meet the requirements of both EPA and E.U. regulations due to the fact that LRMS is unable to separate isomers of dioxin congeners and

The toxicity of melamine is due to the formation of insoluble crystals between melamine and cyanuric acid. dioxin-like PCBs. For confirmation of dioxins, EPA method 1613B (requiring HR GC-HRMS) or equivalent will be the choice. The Thermo Scientific DFS High Resolution GC/MS is the most advanced instrument for high sensitivity dioxin and dioxin-like PCB analysis in applications providing legally defendable data, having performance specifications with a signal to noise of better than 800:1 for the injection of 100 fg of TCDD on the DFS which clearly demonstrates the outstanding performance characteristics of this instrument. The Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum GC and ITQ™ can be employed to effectively screen for dioxins in food. Through screening foods that do not contain dioxins, the number of samples that must be analyzed using HRGC/HRMS is greatly reduced significantly lowering the cost for laboratories to conduct these analyses.

Quality control Any method, whether it is developed from scratch or adapted from a published article, has to be validated in the laboratory if it is used the first time, or for the same analytes in different matrix. Recovery, LOD and LOQ for analytes of interest should be obtained in method validation. Auditable record keeping is required for validation, reference and records management. Many detection techniques are subject to matrix effects so quantification should be based on a matrix-matched calibration curve. Quality control samples such as solvent blank, standard control, positive and negative controls must be run routinely to test instrument and method performance. The E.U. prescribes the performance criteria for analytical methods for different food safety compounds. LIMS are a tool laboratories can apply to ensure that the methods follow Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and regulatory guidelines.

Summary Food safety testing is challenging and important for protecting public health. With currently available technologies, careful selection of the right tools will enable food testing laboratories to reach the goal of the analysis efficiently. Driven by the demand in Food Safety testing, technology and techniques will continue to be developed to enhance accuracy and productivity, to ensure the safety of the consumer. ACCN

 Chemical Insititue of Canada

CIC can help with your career! Being a member of one of the CIC Societies­ has its advantages­ during uncertain­times: • If you lose your job, and have been a fullfee member for at least one year, the CIC will waive your membership fees. This option­ is available for up to two years; • Unemployed members can attend the annual­CSC or CSChE conferences at the same price as an undergraduate student. They can stay informed on what’s going on in the scientific community­ and participate in career­-building­ events; • Local Section activities are valuable networking­ opportunities­. Most positions are not advertised­; • Take advantages of our range of Career Services. See details­ at


Yolanda Fintschenko, PhD, is a Manager, Food Safety Technologies at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Guiping Lu, PhD, is a Food Safety Application Specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific.

february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  19

ARticle: Food Safety Lab Challenges

Unknown Non-Food Chemical Contaminants: Challenges in Laboratory Analysis


ood contamination by chemicals is increasingly becoming a worldwide public health concern and a leading cause of food trade issues internationally. Most recently, the multi-billion dollar dairy industry was severely impacted when it was disclosed that chemically hazardous melamine was found in milk products. Despite the fact that in most countries the dairy industry is highly regulated from farm to retail sale, it certainly was an unexpected situation for the consumers and regulators to find that a completely non-food chemical compound, melamine, had come into the spotlight as a contaminant in dairy products. Most often, unexpected contaminations are initially identified by the government laboratories during food analysis for regulatory

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By Nilmini Wijewickreme, PhD

compliance checks. Once such findings become public, as the next stage of action, the affected industries commonly choose to conduct their own investigations on their potentially questionable products. Since government laboratories typically do not conduct analyses for industry requests, it is critical that private laboratories are adequately positioned to perform such analyses which are often requested to be undertaken under extremely tight turn around times. Preparing a laboratory for the analysis of a previously unknown chemical contaminant is a challenging task. The process requires that the private laboratory has a team of experts, a sound quality assurance system, and a method validation/verification system in place for the new undertaking to move swiftly and effectively. The success of a

given analysis method depends on the laboratory’s approach in rapidly identifying and tackling the unexpected outcomes during extraction and instrument analysis steps.

Method Development The very first step in developing a new method involves a thorough literature search of the “unknown” compound. It is important to obtain as many analytical methods as possible that are available to analyze similar or related compounds. This would allow an experienced analyst to “narrow down” a method that is suitable for extracting and quantifying the analyte of interest from the matrix.

Preparing a laboratory for the analysis of a previously unknown chemical contaminant is a challenging task. Most of the government agencies have validated methods available for the industry to use in emergency situations; however, a common challenge is that such readily available methods may not be validated for the specific matrix and/or that the required detection limits may not be suitable for all matrices. Therefore, validating an existing method to include additional matrices would require some form of method development. Several key steps involved in developing an analytical method are described below.

Canada 2009 SCI Canada Annual Awards  Ceremony and Dinner The Canadian section of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) will confer four awards in recognition of major achievement­in service, industry, and leadership at the 2009 SCI Canada Annual Awards Ceremony and Dinner. “These awards acknowledge outstanding contributions to development and implementation of strategies that have resulted in the strengthening­of Canadian industry, academic­, or research institutions in the field of chemistry.” Graham Knowles,SCI Awards Chair and GKCI President The event will be held on Thursday, March 26, 2009, at the Sheraton Centre­Toronto Hotel, 123 Queen Street West, Toronto­, ON. To register, please visit www.cheminst.ca/sci_awards. For more information, please contact scidinner@cheminst.ca or call Michelle­ Moulton at 613-232-6252, ext. 229.

Sample Extraction Techniques With the ongoing rapid improvements in technology, instruments play a major role in laboratory analysis; however, it is important to be mindful that classical wet chemistry extraction procedures become critical when a chemist is asked to develop a method to identify an unknown. With regulations becoming increasingly more stringent and clients demanding rapid turn around times, there are a number of new sample preparation techniques that have been developed to reduce the laborious extraction steps and to increase the sample throughput. Some of february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  21

ARticle: Food Safety Lab Challenges these new techniques include supercritical fluid extraction, (SFE), solid-phase extraction (SPE), accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE). In spite of these potential efficiencies, selecting an appropriate extraction technique from the above to address a given analytical problem would still be a challenging task. Apart from the new technologies employed, traditional sample extraction principles such as liquid-solid and liquid-liquid extraction techniques still provide the basis for all new extraction techniques; as such, the selection of a given technique would essentially require determining the suitability of a given basic extraction principle to the matrix to be analyzed.

Liquid-Solid Extraction The liquid-solid extraction technique is commonly used to separate compounds in a solid. In liquid-solid extraction, a solvent is added to a solid and the insoluble material is separated by gravity or vacuum filtration while the soluble material is dissolved in the added solvent. By varying the type or sequence of solvents added, or by varying the pH, this technique can be used to separate complex solid mixtures. The filtered solution can be injected onto a gas chromatograph (GC) or liquid chromatograph (LC) after evaporating the solvent and re-dissolving the residue in an appropriate solvent.

Liquid-Liquid Extraction The liquid-liquid extraction method is used to separate a compound using two immiscible liquids. Usually, one phase is kept aqueous (hydrophilic) and the other is kept organic (hydrophobic). In this process, the solutes in the complex partition between the two phases are in an equilibrium process. For example, cholesterol is a non-polar organic compound. A liquid-liquid extraction procedure is used to separate this compound from food matrices. In the extraction process, toluene is used as the organic phase and a mixture of potassium hydroxide, ethanol, and water is used as the more aqueous phase. Being hydrophobic, cholesterol readily partitions in to the organic toluene phase. The partitioning of a solute between phases can also be changed by manipulating the pH of the aqueous layer.

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It is important to check and ensure that filter papers, clean up columns, and test tubes used during the extraction and extract clean up procedures have less affinity for the analyte of interest. If this is not considered, the analyte can be lost during extraction due to adherence or reaction with the active sites on solid phase columns and test tubes leading to lower recoveries.

Instrument Analysis Once the sample extraction is complete, the extract has to be analyzed using a suitable instrument. Selecting an appropriate instrument for analysis depends on the chemical properties of the analyte. For example, GC is suitable for identifying organic volatile and semi-volatile components in a product. In order to quantify non-volatile molecules using a GC, samples need to be derivatized

One solution to overcoming matrix effects is to have matrix-matched calibration solutions. to make them volatile; however, incomplete derivatization can be a limitation of GC analysis methods requiring derivatization. On the other hand, if an LC with a mass spectroscopy detector (MSD) is used, it would allow separation of a variety of non-volatile organic and inorganic compounds. The LC/MSD analysis technique involves the separation of compounds in the LC and then vaporizing and ionizing the compounds in the peaks so that the charged ions can be separated by molecular weight as they pass through a spectrophotometer. One drawback in LC/MSD technology is that it requires considerable expertise in both liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy to apply the technique to complex matrices, especially, to recognize and avoid “matrix suppression” during instrument analysis.

What is Matrix Suppression during instrument analysis? Chemicals that are present in a sample matrix can interfere with the analyte of interest and,

in turn, influence the quantification of the analyte leading to “matrix suppression”. In this situation, the matrix suppresses the actual measured value of the analyte compared to the calibration solutions prepared only in reagents. Subtle effects of matrix suppression are often evidenced when using an LC/ MSD technique in positive ion mode. LC/MSD can quantify the analytes by protonating the molecules (i.e. (M + H+)). However, the molecules other than the analyte that form protonated ions such as (M + Na)+ and (M + NH4)+ can suppress the protonated analyte molecules. Therefore, the final concentration of the analyte can be less than what is actually present in the sample. One example chromatogram depicting matrix suppression is given below. As shown in Figure 1, vitamin B6 standard at a concentration of 0.107 ng/uL in a solution of buffer has a response of 2.08 x 106. The same concentration of vitamin B6 in a food matrix as shown in Figure 2 has a response of 1.08 x 106. This example clearly shows the suppression effect of matrix on instrument response during sample analysis. Experienced analysts can effectively identify the matrix suppression effects. One solution to overcoming matrix effects is to have matrix-matched calibration solutions. Since matrix matched calibration standards have calibration standards prepared in the same matrix, the suppression of ions by the matrix is similar in both sample and standard solutions, thereby cancelling the effect.

Method Validation Once a method is developed, the next stage is to validate the method. Method validation is the process of establishing that a given method is suitable for its intended use through careful experimentation. There are many guidance documents set up by official organizations to conduct method validations. Some parameters determined during validation process are the Limit of Quantification (LOQ), Limit of Detection (LOD), linearity, accuracy, precision, etc., of the method. The underlying purpose of validation is to have a robust method for analysis of the compound. As described above, having a sound method is essential for the production of reliable results, and the knowledge and experience of laboratory personnel has a key role in the development and validation of robust

91st Canadian­Chemistry­ Conference­and Exhibition­

91e Congès et exposition­ canadiens­de chimie­

Undergraduate Student Poster­ Competition

Concours d'affiches des étudiants­ de 1er cycle

Are you working on a research project and want to share your results? Do you have a paper to present at a Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference and would like to present it again in poster format? Are you interested in presenting a poster for the first time? Here is an opportunity to show your peers and chemical professionals what you can do. The CSC’s 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition will be taking place May 30–June 3, 2009 in Hamilton, ON. We invite you to participate in the undergraduate poster competition

Travaillez-vous présentement à un projet de recherche et souhaitez-vous partager vos résultats? Présentez-vous un exposé à un Congrès pour étudiants de 1er cycle en chimie de la Société canadienne de chimie (SCC) et aimeriez-vous le présenter à nouveau sous forme d’affiche? Aimeriez-vous présenter une affiche pour la première fois? Voici l’occasion de démontrer à vos pairs et aux professionnels en chimie ce dont vous êtes capable. Le 92e Congrès et exposition canadiens de chimie de la SCC aura lieu du 30 mai au 3 juin 2009 à Hamilton (Ontario). Nous vous invitons à participer au concours d’affiches des étudiants de 1er cycle que se tiendra durant l’événement. Les affiches peuvent être présentées dans les domaines de la chimie analytique, biologique­et médicale, inorganique, organique­ et physique. Deux prix seront remis dans chaque domaine­. Les prix seront remis lors de la réception de remise des prix de la Division­de l’enseignement de la chimie qui se tiendra le mercredi 3 juin 2009. Une aide de voyage est disponible pour les étudiants de 1er cycle­ qui assistent au congrès­.

that will be organized during this event. Posters will be accepted in the general areas of analytical, biological and medicinal, inorganic­, organic, and physical chemistry. Two awards will be given in each area. The awards will be presented at the Chemical Education Division­Awards Reception­held on Wednesday, June 3, 2009. Some travel assistance is available to undergraduate students attending the conference.­

Eligibility This competition is open to current undergraduate students, or students who graduated­ within the last four months, in all branches of chemistry. Posters may be based on research done as part of an undergraduate course, co‑op project, or summer job in a university, government or industrial setting. Graduate students, who have not completed more than two semesters of their graduate studies program, may present a poster on work done as an undergraduate student on the condition that the poster topic is different from their current research topic.

Abstract Submission Dates Abstracts must be submitted on-line beginning December 17, 2008; the deadline for receipt of abstracts for the Undergraduate Student Poster Competition is midnight (EST), Thursday, April 16, 2009. Please visit the conference Web site (www.csc2009.ca) for more information about poster specifications, travel assistance, conference registration, and accommodation.

DEADLINE: April 16 

Admissibilité Ce concours est ouvert aux étudiants actuellement au 1er cycle­, ou aux étudiants qui ont obtenu leur diplôme moins de quatre mois auparavant, dans tous les secteurs de la chimie. Les affiches peuvent traiter de la recherche effectuée dans le cadre d’un cours de 1er cycle, d’un projet coopératif ou d’un emploi d’été dans un environnement universitaire­, gouvernemental ou industriel. Les étudiants des cycles supérieurs qui n’ont pas complété plus de deux trimestres de leur programme peuvent soumettre une affiche­ portant sur le travail effectué en tant qu’étudiant de 1er cycle­, à condition que le sujet de l’affiche diffère de celui du sujet­de recherche actuel.

Dates de soumission des résumés Les résumés doivent être transmis en ligne à compter du 17 décembre 2008. La date limite de réception pour le concours d’affiches des étudiants de 1er cycle est le jeudi 16 avril 2009 à minuit (HNE). Veuillez consulter le site Web du congrès (www.csc2009.ca) pour de plus amples renseignements­sur les caractéristiques des affiches­ , l’aide de voyage, l’inscription au congrès et l’hébergement.


Canadian Society for Chemistry

DATE LIMITE : le 16 avril

ARticle: Food Safety Lab Challenges

API-ES, Pos, SIM, Frag: Var

3.708 - VitB6

MSD1 170, EIC=169.9:170.9 (70726VB\004-0401.D) 225000 200000 175000 150000 125000 100000 75000 50000 25000 0
















Figure 1. LC/MSD Chromatogram of a vitamin B6 standard (concentration of 0.107 ng/uL) in a solution of buffer MSD1 170, EIC=169.9:170.9 (70726VB\023-2501.D)

API-ES, Pos, SIM, Frag: Var


3.738 - VitB6

200000 175000 150000 125000 100000 75000 50000 25000 0








Figure 2. LC/MSD Chromatogram of a vitamin B6 standard (concentration of 0.107 ng/uL) in a food matrix.w analytical methods. As such, there are a number of critical factors to consider when selecting a laboratory for analytical needs.

Selection of a laboratory for analytical needs The first question in this regard should be whether the lab has ever analysed samples for the particular analyte. Selecting a laboratory with accreditation would provide “peace of mind” knowing that accreditation reflects a given laboratory’s commitment to quality. Accreditation has specific criteria and procedures to determine not only the laboratory’s technical competence but also includes requirements for overall management of the laboratory. ISO/IEC 17025 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” is an international standard for accrediting a laboratory’s competency for listed methodologies published on the accreditation body’s website that is specific to a laboratory’s testing or calibration activities. For a customer looking for technical competence in a laboratory, ISO/IEC

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17025 accreditation specifically addresses a laboratory­’s ability to produce precise and accurate test results. This is achieved by regular examination of the accredited facility by technical experts who evaluate: • Technical competency of personnel – Even though a lab hasn’t done the specific test, an experienced scientist or analyst can solve unusual problems in analytical­ chemistry; • Validity and appropriateness of methods; • Traceability of measurements to national­ standards; • Suitability, calibration and maintenance­ of equipment; • Appropriate testing environment; and • Adequate quality assurance and quality­ control procedures Accredited laboratories undergo audits that specifically evaluate each test method in addition to their quality system and the technical competence. The performance of test methods are evaluated through regular analysis of proficiency testing (blind) samples provided by recognized organizations such as AOAC, CFIA, NIST, FAPAS, etc.

Based on the above, even without prior experience in analyzing a targeted compound, an accredited laboratory is in a better position to undertake such analysis than a non-accredited laboratory. As such, the Accreditation status of the laboratory would serve as one of the key parameters to consider in selecting a laboratory. In some cases, although the specific test method is not accredited, testing samples using an accredited laboratory will be a mandatory regulatory obligation (e.g., melamine testing). There are two major laboratory accreditations programs in Canada: a) Standards Council of Canada (SCC) b) Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation­ (CALA). Availability of methods to analyze nonfood chemical contaminants is increasingly becoming an important factor in ensuring food safety. Careful attention to method development and validation are critical considerations in addressing this concern. The prudent approach is to employ qualified laboratories with appropriate accreditation. ACCN Nilmini Wijewickreme is director of the Food Safety Division at CanTest Ltd.

ON-LINE SERVICES Renew your CIC membership­for 2009 on-line 

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We want to help simplify your busy schedule with our on‑line services, restricted to members only. Ensure­ your current e-mail address has been entered on your “Profile” page. To access on-line renewal and member services, go to https://secure.cheminst.ca/default.asp. For the protection of your personal information, the on-line membership­services are restricted to CIC members only, and you will be asked to log on your own personal secure account with a username and password. The “username” is composed of the first letter of your first name and the five (or less for short surnames) first letters of your surname. The middle name is not used (e.g. “John A. Dalton” would become: jdalto). The “password” is your CIC membership reference number­, which you can find written on all correspondence from the CIC, including your membership card (e.g. 223 or 27890). Once you have logged on the first time, you will be required­to change your password to something other than your membership number. If you forget your password­, you have the option to request your password to be reset to your membership number. If you experience any difficulty, call CIC Membership Services­at our toll-free number 1-888-542-2242, ext. 230, or e-mail membership@cheminst.ca. The CIC values your privacy and encourages membership­ networking.

Chemical Institue of Canada

ARticle: Traceability

Keeping Track: How Traceability Initiatives Protect Our Food


ood safety is at the top of everyone’s mind these days. Understanding what goes in your food is important, and the lab work required to ensure food safety is key, but what happens in a crisis? How did your dinner make it to the dinner table? Where did it go, what did it eat, where was it processed? Enter OnTrace, a not-forprofit corporation formed in response to recommendations from the Ontario On-Farm Safety Strategy, a collaboration of Ontario industry and government representatives. OnTrace is dedicated to creating a comprehensive system of traceability in the province. Talk to a traceability expert and they will tell you that their job has very little to do with science. Their job involves being able to track where food goes, where it has gone, and above all else, provide a flow of information. When battling food contamination, time is of the essence. Without immediate access to the proper information, food inspection authorities are fighting a losing battle. The longer it takes to trace a contaminated lot or batch, the harder it becomes to contain a problem. If the source of the contamination is feed, having reliable information on the origins of the feed, where it was shipped, and which animals consumed the feed is necessary for the proper control of the situation. Since traceability systems act as the guidance systems for food inspection officials, it is clear how important it is to preserving and protecting food. A quick look at the headlines from the past year and it's easy to understand the reasons why implementing a comprehensive traceability system has become so important. From melamine being added as a supplement in food, to the home-grown listeria crisis, to the dioxins recently found in pork exports from Ireland, traceability systems can not only protect the customer but the industry. When contaminated products are found, a robust traceability system makes it easier to perform targeted, isolated recalls which protect the food industry in Canada.

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By Chris Rogers

Despite its seemingly obvious benefits, traceability can be a contentious issue. There are no sweeping guidelines from the Canadian government mandating traceability, and the problems with many agricultural initiatives are that participation has been on a voluntary basis. And with traceability, every person involved in the food industry immediately becomes more accountable. It’s a false sense of vulnerability though the science behind traceability has reached a point where the origins of the problem will eventually be found, it is just a matter of time. The work that is involved in building relationships with every level of the supply chain mainly revolve around the three major concerns: liability, protection of privacy and cost. Traceability programs involve a system of sharing information at every level but there are questions about who can access the data, when, where, why and how. The agreements that are being created do not simply give traceability systems such as OnTrace carte blanche said Nick Albu technology director at OnTrace. This is not to say that traceability initiatives such as OnTrace haven’t met with success. In fact, according to Albu they are getting excellent voluntary response from these groups. “It is not fast. There are hurdles. We’re starting from scratch, building agreements, but once the agreements are in place, in the event of an emergency, we can now act,” he explains. Once the agreements are in place, Albu believes that they will help more than just consumers. “I think it will do two things,” states Albu. “It will protect the farmers and producers who are not contaminated and it will open up market access.” Market access is a term discussed readily amongst traceability experts. When a crisis such as contaminated beef breaks out, it jeopardizes the entire Canadian beef industry because other countries are quick to stop importing any beef from Canada. With traceability, isolated outbreaks

can remain isolated. “It reduces cost by providing more accurate, targeted recall of the product or animals and avoiding the complete wipeout of an industry or a growing season,” said Albu. “If I am a farmer that did not use the contaminated feed, I’m thrown in that same pail with everybody else,” said Albu. “A benefit here would be if there was a robust traceability system, the places that are not affected by the emergency can continue on ­ with their business.” The benefits of a traceability system are clear; it means protection... of both the consumer and the industry. It seems easy; clear and desirable benefits should translate into fast implementation of a system. Yet, the challenges to creating a traceability system are numerous. First, participation from all parties involved in the value chain is key. “In agriculture… it’s all voluntary along the line,” said Albu. “Without a high level of participation, effectiveness of any traceability system is going to be diminished. If you think of the long value chain, where chemicals are going into a farm, to product that is on the shelf, if one piece along that value chain decides not to participate, the entire system will be reduced in its effectiveness.” Second, the complexity of a traceability system makes its implementation difficult. Albu explains that traceability is extremely similar to inventory tracking. “Traceability is conceptually simple, but complex to implement because of all the

participants in the chain and all the changes that happen to food as it moves from farm, to processor, to retailer, to restaurant,” said Albu. Third, is the information being used, credible and reliable? The information that comes from all sources is ideally checked by a third party auditor for quality and reliability. If this step is missed, the system is flawed. Understanding who must be involved in a comprehensive system ensures the proper information is always available. “There are some key transition points where the product is moved from one major point in the chain to the next,” said Albu. The logical places where OnTrace can track the transactions include, when the products are moved from farm to auction, to a processor or to a retailer, and also the truckers, shippers and receivers. “The intent here is to try and make it nonintrusive,” said Albu. “We’re not trying to add another level of work to this. Things are moving anyways and we’re trying to use those logical transfer points as places where we can record the information.” Albu explains that timeliness is critical. When dealing with food contamination and safety, making phone calls and having people look through binders of paper won’t cut it. OnTrace’s mandate requires a new system to be written. To ensure timeliness, they must make all the information that is currently available, electronic. Where does an organization begin to approach such a daunting task? Albu explains that many producer groups already have good systems in place, such

as dairy farmers, chicken farmers and egg producers. “They deal with food safety all the time and they deal with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency all the time,” said Albu. “Now, the ministry of agriculture and the other folks that are responsible for responding in an emergency need to react just as quickly, no matter where the emergency is. Instead of having a different protocol for every single kind of food group that is having an emergency, they are looking for a single point of contact.” Ideally, the traceability system will eventually allow for an agent responsible for food safety to notice an emergency, log into the system and get the information they need. Minutes are precious in the event of an emergency. With information being their biggest asset, and time their enemy, testing a traceability system becomes very important. Testing a traceability system, explains Albu, involves a lot of table-top discussion. Get every key organization together and create a mock scenario. “You find gaps,” Albu said. “And the job is to go out and fix those gaps before the emergency actually happens.” To completely understand food safety and the people involved, it is critical to see the micro view at the lab level, where food inspection is completed. However, the people responsible for getting the inspectors to the right place, fast, can be equally important. They not only protect the consumers of Canadian food products, but the Canadian food industry itself. ACCN

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Chemical Insititue of Canada

C CMembership


february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  27

Recognition reconnaissance Michael Charles, FCIC, has been named as a fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). Charles’ career spans over 50 years in Canada including positions in consulting, researching, educating and as an academic administrator. Charles was chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto from 1975 to 1985, and was appointed vicedean and then dean of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto.

Jesse Zhu, FCIC, The University of Western Ontario, has been named Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) in 2009. Zhu is a world Jesse Zhu, FCIC expert in particle technology and has made major contributions to the application and understanding of the field. His work has contributed in particular

to the materials, pharmaceutical and environmental industries, with several technologies licensed in Canada and abroad. Zhu has been an active member of the Canadian chemical engineering profession and has fostered excellent ties between the engineering and scholarly communities in Canada and China. Zhu is also a Fellow of the CIC and of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.

Lorrie A. Kirshenbaum, has been recognized as the Manitoba and N o r t h We s t e r n Ontario CIC local section’s distinLorrie A. Kirshenbaum guished chemist for 2008. Kirshenbaum is the Canada Research Chair in Molecular Cardiology, and is with the St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre. Kirshenbaum delivered his presentation, “How to Mend a Broken Heart.” The presentation took place at the Manitoba and North

Western Ontario section’s student awards night where outstanding students were recognized by the local universities and the CIC.

Marya Cokar, ACIC, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, has been awarded the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (Calgary Section) Scholarship for 2007–2008. The scholarship is awarded annually to students entering their third or fourth year in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Calgary, based on academic merit and demonstrated leadership ability in extracurricular activities.

Memorial University has presented the Canadian Society for Chemistry 1996 Conference and Exhibition Scholarship for 2008–2009 to the following students: Gabrielle Burke, Jonathan Mong, Melanie Hurley. The funds were made available to Memorial University students following the successful 1996 CSC Conference in St. John’s, NL. ACCN

Canadian Society for Chemistry

Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) presents the Spring 2009 CIC Career Fair at the 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition

Spring 2009 CIC Career Fair Sheraton Hamilton Hotel and Hamilton­ Convention­Centre Hamilton, On • May 30–June 1, 2009


28   L’Actualité chimique canadienne

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Recognition reconnaissance

Nominate Your Faculty Advisor Soumettez la candidature de votre conseiller Has your Faculty Advisor taken an active role in working with your Student Chapter throughout the year? Why not recognize him or her with one of the Faculty Advisor Awards? Three awards are given annually, one per Society. Terms of Reference are available at www.cheminst.ca/ faculty_advisor. Nominations due March 30, 2009. Votre conseiller aux étudiants a-t-il joué un rôle actif dans votre chapitre étudiant au cours de l’année? Récompensez son travail en soumettant sa candidature pour le Prix du conseiller de l’année. Trois prix sont octroyés chaque année, un pour chaque société. Les conditions de mise en candidature se trouvent à www.cheminst.ca/faculty_advisor. Les candidatures doivent nous parvenir le 30 mars 2009. ACCN

CCPA Merit Awards On October 21, at their Annual General Meeting, the Canadian Chemical Producer's Association (CCPA) presented its Merit awards to Jim Hanna, MCIC, of Rohm and Haas, and Dave Schwass, MCIC, of NOVA Chemicals. CCPA’s Merit Award was established in 1986 to honour the dedication of individuals for their work on CCPA issues.

Events Événements

Canada Conferences May 26–29, 2009. 2nd Georgian Bay International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry (CanBIC-2009) Parry Sound, ON, www.canbic.ca. May 30–June 3, 2009. 92nd Canadian  Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, www.csc2009.ca. July 5–9, 2009. 13th International IUPAC Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry­(POC09), Montréal, QC, www.poc09.com. July 20–24, 2009. 7th Canadian­Computational Chemistry Conference­, Halifax, NS, www.bri.nrc.ca/cccc7. August 23–27, 2009. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering­, Montréal, QC, www.wcce8.org. August 15–19, 2010. 3rd International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, www.icgc2010.ca.

U.S. and Overseas Hanna has been instrumental to CCPA’s TEAP program. He is one of the longest standing, most involved member company representatives working with CCPA today and has earned the respect of his colleagues at both CCPA and its member companies.

Jim Hanna, MCIC

Schwass has played a leadership role in the development and successful implementation of CCPA’s climate change strategy and the Federal Government Cogeneration Strategy. In addition, he has provided leadership for CCPA on the Alberta Environment’s Cogeneration Strategy and the Alberta Environment’s Technology Fund. ACCN

Conferences August 1–9, 2009. IUPAC 42nd Congress and 45th General Assembly, Glasgow, U.K., www.iupac2009.org. September 27–30, 2009. Engineering our Future, Perth, Australia, www.chemeca2009.com. December 15–20, 2010. Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, www.pacifichem.org.

Dave Schwass, MCIC

In Memoriam The CIC extends its condolences to the families of: James C. E. Fuller, MCIC; Harry C. Freeman, MCIC; H.W. Habgood, FCIC; George Just, FCIC; K.E. MacPhee, FCIC; Allen A. Sheppard, FCIC; Donald W. S. Westlake, MCIC.

Did You Know all issues of ACCN prior to 2008 are free to view on‑line­at www.accn.ca?

february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  29

58th CSChe conference 58 e congrès de la SCGCh

Students Recognized for Engineering Presentations


lose to 500 undergraduate and 200 graduate students attended the 58th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Ottawa, ON in October 2008. Students cheered on peers from their university as they presented at the various student competitions. Undergraduate student awards were presented at a ceremony following the Monday morning plenary lecture, in front of all the conference delegates. include design, research and engineering practice. Dan Wickramasinghe, ACIC, of the University of Toronto placed first with his paper “Thermolysis of Sulphur Compounds to Model H2S Generation in Crude Oil.” “Transformation of Fats and Oils into Biodiesel and Propylene Glycol” by Solie Gendreau and Marisol Perez Ramas of Université de Sherbrooke won second place. McGill’s Mabel Fulford placed third, with her paper entitled, “Chemical Engineering Bridging the Gap to a Sustainable Future.”

Mark DeMelo (right) and Milena Sejnoha, MCIC, (left) present the first place team from University of Western Ontario with their certificates. The SNC-Lavalin Plant Design Competition, sponsored by SNC-Lavalin Inc. highlights the top three teams who submitted design projects carried out in their final year of the chemical engineering program. These teams presented their projects before their fellow students and a panel of judges. Suanne Mahabir, Karen Lenkiewicz and Luke McIntyre of the University of Western Ontario placed first with their project, “Manufacture of Polylactic Acid—Biodegradable Plastic from Renewable Sources.” Second place went to Allyse Kreiser, Kevin Mamer and Kevin Sundquist of the University of Saskatchewan, for their project “Low-Temperature Crystallization Unit for Sulphate and Perchlorate Removal from a Closed System Sodium Chlorate Plant.” Justin Bourret, Marie-Claude Cassista, Mélissa Gaucher, Julie Poudrier and Évelyne Smaers, of Université de Sherbrooke presented their project “Production de bactéries pour des fins de traitement des eaux usées” and placed third. The top team has been invited to represent Canada at the International SNC-Lavalin Plant Design Competition in Montréal, QC in August 2009.

The Reg Friesen Student Oral Competition, sponsored by the CIC Chemical Education Division, encourages students to present papers of general interest concerning the following: critical evaluation of their educational experiences; innovative learning/teaching strategies and materials; other topics that address chemical engineering education. First place was awarded to Fran Lasowski, of McMaster University, who spoke about “Evaluating the Co-op Experience: A Critical Look at Terms in Academia and Industry.” Andrew Szeto, of the University of Ottawa placed second with his paper “The Chemical Engineering Experience: The Past, the Present and the Future.” Universities also competed for the Spirit Award. This is a specially designed award to encourage increased participation at all of the undergraduate events during the conference. Students are awarded points for their university for answering questions relating to each student event. McMaster University was given this year’s prize. Graduate Students also showcased their research in the CSChE Graduate­Student Poster Competition. Forty-three students competed in this year’s poster competition.

Winners were: First place: Mustafa Al-Subawi, The University of Western Ontario, for his poster “Catalytic Cracking of Decalin over FCC Catalysts in a MiniFluidized CREC Riser Simulator.” Second place: Elena Brei, University of Toronto, “Adhesion Proteins in Microbial Floc Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS).”

Dan Wickramasinghe, ACIC, of the University of Toronto receives first place in the Robert G. Auld Competition. The Robert G. Auld Student Paper Competition, sponsored by the Robert G. Auld Fund and Imperial Oil Ltd., gives students the opportunity to discuss their work in different aspect of chemical engineering. This can

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Third place: J. Harvey, McGill University, “Improving Biocompatibility of Coronary Stents: Immobilization of Fibronectin 316L Stainless Steel for Controlled Tailoring of Biomaterial-Cell Interactions.” University of Ottawa Green Technology Prize. Heather L. McKenzie, University of California, “Integrated High Throughput Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis in 96 Well Plates.”

february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  31

Recognition reconnaissance

Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop Ed Krol, MCIC, chair and David Palmer, MCIC, vice-chair

Student Award Winners


he first Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop (WCMCW, www.wcmcw.ca) was held September 26–28, 2008, at the University of Saskatchewan. The WCMCW brought together western Canadian researchers interested in different aspects of the pharmaceutical sciences to meet and learn about common research interests and establish cross-disciplinary collaborations. The WCMCW also provided training opportunities for postdoctoral, graduate and undergraduate researchers interested in the pharmaceutical sciences. There were 44 participants at the WCMCW including 25 graduate students and five undergraduate researchers. The workshop began with a Friday evening mixer and the weekend scientific program consisted of 15 oral presentations and 23 poster presentations. The oral presentations were highlighted by three plenary speakers. Brian Hasinoff, MCIC, Canada Research Chair in Drug Development (Pharmacy, Manitoba) opened the program with a talk on “Dexrazoxane—Drug or Prodrug?”. Todd Lowary, MCIC, (Chemistry and Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Carbohydrate Science, Alberta) opened the Saturday afternoon session with a talk on “Characterization of mycobacterial galactofuranosyltransferases.” After the afternoon oral presentations on Saturday, an open poster session was held, highlighted by awards for outstanding posters in the categories of: PhD (Xia Wang, Saskatchewan), MSc (Li Wang, Saskatchewan) and undergraduate (Daniel Kozera, Winnipeg). Runners up for the poster presentations were Eduardo Sánchez-Larios (Saskatchewan, PhD), Wanpeng Sun (Saskatchewan, PhD) and Ryan Snitynsky (Saskatchewan, BSc).

Invited speakers and conference chairs. L to R: Ed Krol, MCIC, WCMCW chair; Todd Lowary, MCIC; Paul Wood; Allan Rey, MCIC; Brian Hasinoff, MCIC; David Palmer, MCIC, WCMCW vice-chair.

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Li Wang

Eduardo­Sánchez-Larios Brian Fahlman

On Sunday morning a special presentation was made by Allan Rey, MCIC, of Apotex Pharmachem who presented an overview of the pharmaceutical industry and discussed “Opportunites in the pharmaceutical industry in Canada.” Paul Wood of Phenomenome Discoveries (Saskatoon) opened the Sunday morning oral presentations with a talk on “The Potential Utility of Multi-Functional Aldehyde Trapping Agents in the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases.”. A final award was presented for outstanding student oral presentation, which was given to Brian Fahlman (PhD, Saskatchewan). Building on the success of the meeting, the organizers (Ed Krol, MCIC, chair and David Palmer, MCIC, vice-chair) plan to host a second WCMCW in 2010. The organizers would like to thank the CIC Chemical Education Fund for providing cash prizes for the student research presentations. The WCMCW was also supported by the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck Frosst, Phenomenome Discoveries, K’Prime, Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Division of CSC, ApotexPharmachem and the University of Saskatchewan Office of the Provost, College or Pharmacy & Nutrition and the Department of Chemistry.

Student award winners. L to R: Ed Krol, MCIC; Ryan Snitynsky; Wanpeng Sun; Xia Wang; Daniel Kozera; David Palmer, MCIC.

CLIMATE CHANGE - DEAL WITH IT! / CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE … AGISSEZ! Over 100 papers and presentations on: / Plus de 100 communications sur : Impacts / Les impacts - Monitoring / Suivi - Modeling / Modélisation Mitigation / Réduction - Adaptation / Adaptation Education / Éducation - Standards / Normes - Policy and Regulation / Politiques et réglementation

Sponsors / Commanditaires Principal

Platinum/ Platine

Plenary Sessions & Speakers / Sessions plénières et conférenciers Big Picture / Vision globale

Adaptation / Adaptation

Darrel Danyluk, World Federation

John Boyd, Golder Associates David S. Scott, Author of/Auteur de “Smelling Land” David Layzell, ISEEE, U of Calgary Sam Rosenbloom, US Department of Energy

of Engineering

Robert Tremblay, Insurance Bureau of Canada

Lawson Oates, Toronto Public Works David Pearson, Laurentian


Banquet / Banquet

Duncan Hawthorne, Bruce Power

Mitigation / Réduction

Gold / Or

Al Cormier, Electric Mobility Canada Stephen Kaufman, CCS - ICO2N Thelma Gee, Waterfront Toronto Hans-Holger Rogner, Nuclear Energy, Vienna, Austria

Smart Tech. / Technologies intell. Thomas Garrity, Siemens Malcolm Metcalfe, Sempa Power


Cathy Mannion, Energy Regulation, Ireland

Alexandre Sorokine, Oak Ridge Laboratories, USA

Closing / Fermeture

The Rt. Hon. Ed. Schreyer, Former Governor General of Canada Richard Normandin, Vice President, National Research Council Marc Rosen, President, Engineering Institute of Canada

Friends / Amis

Conference Partners / Partenaires de la conférence





Details and registration / Renseignements et inscription www.cctc2009.ca Early Birds by 9 April, 2009/ Pré-inscription par le 9 avril 2009

careers carrières

Tenure-Track Position in Analytical Chemistry The Department of Chemistry at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, invites applications for a tenure-track position in Analytical Chemistry at the rank of assistant professor to commence on July 1, 2009. The successful candidate will possess a PhD in the field of Analytical Chemistry or a closely related field. Post-doctoral experience is expected. The candidate will have demonstrated potential as an effective teacher and possess a strong record of research contributions and other related scholarly activities. Practical experience with various mass spectrometers such as ICP-MS, LC-MS, GC-MS and TGA-MS would be an asset. Teaching responsibilities will include undergraduate classroom and lab instruction as well as curriculum development in the area of analytical/environmental chemistry. Duties will also include graduate-level teaching. The successful candidate will develop a strong, externally-funded research program in his/her field and play an active role in the administrative life of the Department of Chemistry, the Faculty of Science and the University in general. The Department of Chemistry offers a nationally-accredited Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry (Major and Honours). Undergraduate students are actively involved in faculty research and graduate students are enrolled in the Masters of Science in Applied Science Program. As well, the Department includes a number of faculty active in Green Chemistry research. Faculty in the Department have access to advanced instrumentation, including LC-PDA/MS, GC-FID/ MS, ICP-MS, TGA-MS, GFAAS, SEM/EDX, Potentiostat (CV, ASV, etc.), DSC, FT-NMR, FT-IR, single crystal x-ray diffractometer, and various spectrophotometers, all with excellent technical support. All laboratories and research spaces in the Department have been completely renovated over the past two years as part of a major renovation of the Science Building funded by the University. Review of applications will begin after January 31, 2009, and continue until the position is filled. The application package should include a current curriculum vitae including a list of publications, statement of teaching philosophy, a detailed research proposal in NSERC format, and the names and contact information of at least three referees. The application should be sent directly to: Dr. Marc Lamoureux Chair, Department of Chemistry Saint Mary’s University Halifax, NS, B3H 3C3, CANADA Alternatively, electronic submissions of applications (.PDF files only, please) may be sent directly to: marc.lamoureux@smu.ca In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this position is directed in the first instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Saint Mary’s University encourages applications from women, aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and individuals with disabilities. Rank and salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications as outlined in the Saint Mary’s University Collective Agreement.

34   L’Actualité chimique canadienne

février 2009

february 2009 Canadian Chemical News  35

 9 0 0 2 , 1 3 h c r a M Closes

8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering

Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the XXIV interamerican congress of chemical engineering

Montréal, QuEbec, Canada • August 23-27,




Challenges for

a Changing Wor


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