l’actualité chimique canadienne canadian chemical news ACCN
march|mars • 2009 • Vol. 61, No./n o 3
A Publication of the Chemical Institute of Canada and Constituent Societies / Une publication de l’institut de chimie du canada et ses sociétés constituantes
march|mars • 2009 • Vol. 61, No./n o 3
10 16 34
Guest Column Chroniqueur invité
letters lettres
News Nouvelles
By Peter Mahaffy, FCIC
Ten Things… … chemists should know about chemical engineering … chemical engineers should know about chemists By Jon-Paul Sherlock, Martyn Poliakoff, Steven Howdle and David Lathbury
Departments 4
Science Matters The Importance of Scientific Literacy By Tony Myres, MCIC
Ten Days in China How Traceability Initiatives Protect Our Food
Industrial Briefs
Recognition reconnaissance
Chemistry in Quebec: The importance of protecting the exclusive nature of the profession
Events Événements
By Jean Lanctot
By Joe Schwarcz, MCIC
By Russell J. Boyd, FCIC
La chimie au Québec : L’importance de protéger le caractèreexclusif de l’exercice
Guest Column Chroniqueur invité
Executive Director/Directeur général Roland Andersson, MCIC Editor/Rédactrice en chef Terri Pavelic Staff Writer/rédacteur Chris Rogers
Life in a Chemical World By Peter Mahaffy, FCIC
an you imagine life without the art and science of chemistry? Can you imagine a world without public appreciation and understanding of the chemistry involved in producing food, medicine, sustainable energy, clean water, manufactured products and climate change solutions? As CIC members, we will soon have the opportunity of a lifetime to catalyze imaginative thinking by chemists, students and the general public about what it’s like to live in a chemical world. The United Nations has just declared 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry and it will be up to each of us in Canadian industry, government laboratories, universities and schools to seize this opportunity to help our colleagues and neighbours understand the many links between chemical reactivity and human activity. IUPAC and UNESCO are at the helm in promoting the International Year and coordinating global activities. In recent years, IUPAC, best known for its work to foster worldwide communications in the chemical sciences, has taken on the challenge of promoting chemistry education and raising awareness and public understanding of chemistry. UNESCO is the educational and scientific arm of the UN, focusing on sustainable development, intercultural dialogue through education, science, culture and communication, the building of peace and the alleviation of poverty. What are some of the messages we can help the world celebrate and focus on during this international year? The UN resolution suggests a few. Chemistry is fundamental to our understanding of the world and the cosmos. Molecular transformations produce medicines, fuels and countless manufactured and extracted products. Education in and about chemistry is critical in addressing challenges such as global climate change, in providing sustainable sources of clean water, food and energy and in maintaining a wholesome environment for the well-being of all people. Why 2011? Two reasons are included in the UN resolution. 2011 represents the 100th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize in chemistry to Mme Maria Sklodowska Curie, providing an opportunity to celebrate the contribution of women to science. The year also marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Association of Chemical Societies (IACS), which was succeeded by IUPAC a few years later. IACS and IUPAC were established to address the needs for international scientific communication and cooperation among chemists by standardizing nomenclature and terminology. Following the example of other successful international years, most activities will be initiated at local, regional and national levels, with IUPAC and UNESCO playing a role in officially launching the year, bringing people together to share ideas and coordinate activities and ensure that resources are available for participation in countries without well established chemical societies. It’s not too early to form a small group at your subject division, local section, company, laboratory, school, university, or community to start brainstorming about ways to visibly join the world in celebrating the art and science of chemistry, and its essential contributions to knowledge, to environmental protection and to economic development. IUPAC has reserved a web site www.chemistry2011.org, which will be launched later this spring for catalyzing and sharing ideas. The rest is up to you and me! ACCN Peter Mahaffy, FCIC, is professor of chemistry at the King’s University College in Edmonton and chair of IUPAC’s Committee on Chemistry Education. He chaired the IUPAC task group to obtain UNESCO and UN designation of 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry and serves as a member of the IYC Management Committee. Further details about the designation of IYC-2011 and the full text of the UN resolution are available by following the link at:www.un.org/observances/years.shtml
4 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
mars 2009
Contributing writers/collaborateurs Peter Mahaffy, FCIC Jon-Paul Sherlock Martyn Poliakoff Steven Howdle David Lathbury Tony Myres, MCIC Russell J. Boyd, FCIC Jean Lanctot Graphic Designer/Infographiste Krista Leroux Communications manager/ Directrice des communications Lucie Frigon Marketing Manager/ Directrice du marketing Bernadette Dacey Awards and Local Sections Manager/ Directrice des prix et des sections locales Gale Thirlwall Editorial Board/Conseil de rédaction Joe Schwarcz, MCIC, chair/président Cathleen Crudden, MCIC John Margeson, MCIC Milena Sejnoha, MCIC Bernard West, MCIC Editorial Office/ Bureau de la rédaction 130, rue Slater Street, Suite/bureau 550 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2 613-232-6252 • Fax/Téléc. 613-232-5862 editorial@accn.ca • www.accn.ca Advertising/Publicité advertising@accn.ca Subscription Rates/Tarifs d’abonnement Non CIC members/Non-membres de l’ICC : in/au Canada CAN$60; outside/à l’extérieur du Canada US$60. Single copy/Un exemplaire CAN$10 or US$10. L’Actualité chimique canadienne/Canadian Chemical News (ACCN) is published 10 times a year by the Chemical Institute of Canada / est publié 10 fois par année par l’Institut de chimie du Canada. www.cheminst.ca. Recommended by the Chemical Institute of Canada, the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the official position of the Institute or of the societies that recommend the magazine. Recommandé par l’Institut de chimie du Canada, la Société canadienne de chimie, la Société canadienne de génie chimique et la Société canadienne de technologie chimique. Les opinions exprimées ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position officielle de l’Institut ou des sociétés qui soutiennent le magazine. Change of Address/ Changement d’adresse circulation@cheminst.ca Printed in Canada by Gilmore Printing Services Inc. and postage paid in Ottawa, ON./ Imprimé au Canada par Gilmore Printing Services Inc. et port payé à Ottawa, ON. Publications Mail Agreement Number/ No de convention de la Poste-publications : 40021620. (USPS# 0007-718) Indexed in the Canadian Business Index and available on-line in the Canadian Business and Current Affairs database. / Répertorié dans la Canadian Business Index et accessible en ligne dans la banque de données Canadian Business and Current Affairs. ISSN 0823-5228
Continuing Education for Chemical Professionals
Process improvement course
2009 Schedule June 1–3
he Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) and the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) are presenting
• Introduction • Implementing a Kaizen Program
a three-day course designed to enhance
• Using 5S
the knowledge and working experience of
• Developing Project Charters
chemists, chemical engineers and chemical
• Identifying Customer Requirements
technologists. This course is designed
• Measuring Baseline Performance
Hamilton, ON
for anyone looking for ways to improve
September 21–23
efficiency. The participants will learn how
laboratory operations and improve
Toronto, ON
to implement a Kaizen Improvement
Registration fees
through a relevant case study.
Program and will apply analytical tools
$795 CIC members $995 non-members
• Identifying Project Y • Basic Statistics • Calculating Sigma
• Mapping the Process • SIPOC • Detail Process Map
$100 students members
• Value Stream Maps
For more information about the course and locations, and to access the registration form, visit:
• Cause and Effect Diagrams
www.cheminst.ca/ profdev
• Analyzing for Root Causes
• Regression Analysis
Denise Nacev, a certified Black Belt and Adult Educator, has 10 years experience in the design and implementation of
Continuous Improvement Programs using
• Improving the Process
Lean, Six Sigma and Kaizen. Denise is an
• Implementation Plans
independent consultant working with
• Piloting the Solution
companies in various industries, including a laboratory environment, to improve efficiencies and profitability.
• Pareto Charts
• Stakeholder Analysis • Developing the Control Plan • Cost Benefit Analysis • Closing Projects
Canadian Society for Chemistry
letters lettres
News Nouvelles
Liability Insurance follow-up
3,3 M $ de plus pour l'Université de Sherbrooke
World’s Smallest Quantum Dot Created in Canada
Trois professeurs de l'Université de Sherbrooke poursuivront des recherches novatrices grâce à des subventions totalisant 3,3 M $ du Programme des chaires de recherche du Canada, annoncées par le ministre d'État, l'honorable Gary Goodyear. Écosystèmes aquatiques, intervention éducative et chimie computationnelle sont les domaines mis en lumière. Yannick Huot devient, pour une première fois, titulaire d'une chaire de recherche du Canada. Il étudiera l'effet des changements environnementaux sur les écosystèmes aquatiques. D'autre part, Yves Lenoir et André Bandrauk, FCIC, voient leur mandat renouvelé pour une période de 7 ans. « Ces chaires permettent d'accroître le rayonnement national et international des travaux menés à l'Université de Sherbrooke dans les domaines de ces chefs de file de la recherche universitaire», a souligné Jacques Beauvais, vice-recteur à la recherche. À travers la nouvelle Chaire de recherche du Canada sur l'observation de la Terre et l'écophysiologie du phytoplancton, M. Huot et son équipe contribueront à la compréhension de l'effet des perturbations humaines sur l'environnement aquatique et permettront d'établir une base scientifique fiable pour le développement de politiques de gestion des bassins versants. Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en intervention éducative depuis 2001, Yves Lenoir consacre ses recherches à l'intervention éducative dans l'enseignement et dans la formation professionnelle initiale et continue des enseignants. La photonique à l'échelle de l'attoseconde a vu le jour au cours des dernières années. Elle permettra de contrôler et de manipuler des molécules par modélisation avec des impulsions laser ultrabrèves, de l'ordre de l'attoseconde. Ce domaine passionne M. Bandrauk depuis plus de vingt ans. Professeur au Département de chimie de la Faculté des sciences, il est titulaire depuis 2001 de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en chimie computationnelle et photonique.
Researchers at Canada’s National Institute for Nanotechnology and the University of Alberta have created a quantum dot composed of a single atom of silicon measuring less than one nanometer in diameter. “Because they operate at room temperature and exist on the familiar silicon crystals used in today’s computers, we expect these single atom quantum dots will transform theoretical plans into real devices,” said Robert A. Wolkow, research project leader. Dots have the ability to bottle-up normally slippery and speed electrons which allows controlled interactions among electrons to be put to use to do computations. Until now, quantum dots have been useable at impractically low temperatures, but the new dots work at room temperature. Dots have previously ranged in size from two to 10 nanometres in diameter. They are typically composed of several thousand atoms and the atom’s electrons are shared and coordinated as if there is only one atomic nucleus at the centre. The single atom quantum dots have also demonstrated another advantage, significant control over individual electrons by using very little energy. Wolkow sees this low energy control as the key to quantum dot application in entirely new forms of silicon based electronic devices, such as ultra low power computers. “The capacity to compose these quantum dots on silicon, the most established electronic material, and to achieve control over electrol placement among dots at room temperature puts new kinds of extremely low energy computation devices within reach.”
Dear Editor, Just read ACCN January 2009, p. 20, regarding liability insurance, a subject close to my heart being I run a consulting company. Since it was unsigned, I assume it was an editorial. Suggestion: As a follow up, run an article reviewing various insurance plans, their cost, and coverage. (Various types of chemists will likely be rated differently: environmental, water, pharmaceutical, nuclear, ...) You should find there are few underwriters and the premiums are prohibitive. For example, we are pharmaceutical consultants but we do not manage patients, however the underwriter rates us (like physicians) as though we are directly managing patients who might die and their estates sue. So, we must pay the high physician rates. We think the underwriter does not understand our business, has not rated our risk correctly, and has simply stuck us in with physicians due to having nowhere else to put us. And we are not covered for work on radio-pharmaceuticals because physicians in nuclear medicine (mostly cancer patients) are rated even higher since most of their patients die. We are not covered for helping with advice on environmental clean up either—why, I am unsure. So, we won't do that work despite the fact that drugs in the environment is an on-going issue with activists. Paul Larocque, MCIC, CChem, FTOPRA
Dear Editor, The article in ACCN January 2009, p. 20, about Professional Liability Insurance was interesting, but suffered from a major deficiency: there was no advice as to where to get this type of insurance in Canada. There wasn’t even a contact person. Jim Bolton, FCIC, PhD.
Response: Thanks to all the readers who wrote in and expressed interest in “Why Buy Professional Liability Insurance” (ACCN January 2009 p. 20). We are planning to follow up on this article in the coming months with more information including advice on where to get this type of insurance. Editor
6 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
mars 2009
Université de Sherbrooke
National Institute for Nanotechnology
Send the latest
news to editorial@accn.ca
News Nouvelles
Une base de données facilite la dépollution Les gestionnaires qui doivent confiner ou dépolluer des sites contaminés disposent désormais d'une base de données fort exhaustive et d'un outil de prise de décisions qui les aideront dans leur travail. Ils n'auront qu'à saisir l'information sur le site contaminé dans la base GOST (Guide d'orientation pour la sélection de technologies) pour obtenir des renseignements détaillés sur les technologies de restauration les plus efficaces disponibles. Le GOST est issu de l'expertise multidisciplinaire de l'Institut de recherche en biotechnologie du CNRC (IRB-CNRC), de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC), du Centre d'excellence de Montréal en réhabilitation de sites et de divers partenaires passés maîtres
dans la restauration de l'environnement. Dans le cadre du Plan d'action accéléré pour les lieux contaminés fédéraux, TPSGC a offert un soutien technique et de l'aide en gestion de projets aux ministères responsables des sites contaminés. Le GOST a été créé spécifiquement pour faciliter la gestion des sites pollués qui relèvent du gouvernement fédéral. La base de données comprend des fiches documentaires présentant les avantages et les limites de chaque technologie, des études de cas illustrant l'application de la technologie ainsi qu'une liste des tests de laboratoire nécessaires et une estimation des coûts. Une équipe de l'IRB-CNRC a élaboré le profil des technologies de restaurations destinées aux sites contaminés grâce à son expertise dans les domaines connexes – microbiologie, hydrogéologie, géographie, géologie, chimie, génie et agronomie. Le Centre d'excellence de
Montréal en réhabilitation de sites et d'autres partenaires possédant un savoir-faire dans le même domaine ont fourni l'information nécessaire à la rédaction des fiches. « Définir les paramètres de la base de données s'est avéré un véritable défi, compte tenu des permutations possibles », avoue Martin Désilets, qui pilote l'équipe de l'IRB-CNRC. « Bien qu'il ait été créé pour les responsables fédéraux des sites contaminés, cet outil s'avérera d'une utilité inestimable pour l'industrie canadienne qui se spécialise dans la dépollution des sites et pour les chercheurs universitaires, conclut M. Désilets. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de le mettre à la disposition de tout le monde. » Reproduit du CNRC à l’œuvre, hiver 2009 Source de la photo : Conseil national de recherches du Canada
march 2009 Canadian Chemical News 7
News Nouvelles
US Stimulus Package Includes Unprecedented Funding for Science and Technology The US$787 billion stimulus package was agreed upon by both the House of Representatives and the Senate on February 13 and signed into law on February 16. It is estimated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) that the bill contains $21.5 billion for federal research and development (different organization’s estimates vary depending on what is considered science and technology). Much of the money will go towards funding for a mix of basic and applied research. The National Institute of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation, the DOE Office of Science and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are four organizations receiving funds. The focus of the funding will be basic research, biomedical research, energy R&D and climate change programs. Infrastructure such as equipment and laboratories in universities and federal facilities will also receive $3.5 billion in funding. The news is critical for Canadian researchers because forging bilateral partnerships has
8 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
mars 2009
never been more important. Agencies in the US must find funding opportunities within the next 18 months. The NIH will receive the most money in the bill only after highways, schools and states. Even though most of the money is expected to pay for up to 15,000 more grants, the 27 health institutes currently issue 45,000 grants at an average of $360,000 a year. Administration at the NIH has said that priority will be given to projects that could be completed in two years, although most are typically funded for four to five. Embassy of Canada in Washington
Amendments to the TDG Act Proposed A proposed amendment to The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act of 1992 has been introduced in the House of Commons. Bill C-9 looks to enhance safety and security in the transportation of dangerous goods. Included in the amendments are enhancements to the existing Emergency Response Assistance Plan (ERAP), requirements for security plans and clearances as well as training and screening of personnel working with dangerous goods. Canadian Chemical Producers' Association
Chemical Insititue of Canada
2008 Financial Statements By mid-April 2009, the complete audited financial statements of the CIC, CSC, CSChE and CSCT will be available in both official languages on the CIC Web site and on request from the executive director. The statements will also be available at the annual general meetings of the Institute and the constituent societies.
États financiers 2008 Dès la mi-avril 2009, les états financiers vérifiés de l’ICC, de la SCC, de la SCGCh et de la SCTC seront disponibles dans les deux langues officielles sur le site Web de l’ICC et sur demande auprès du directeur général. Les états seront aussi disponibles aux assemblées généralesannuelles de l’Institut et de ses sociétésconstituantes.
Continuing Education for Chemical Professionals
Laboratory Safety course 2009 Schedule June 1–2
Hamilton, ON August 24–25
Montréal, QC September 21–22
Toronto, ON
he Chemical Institute of Canada
(CIC) and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology (CSCT) are
presenting a two-day course designed to enhance the knowledge and working experience of chemical technologists and chemists. All course participants receive the CIC’s Laboratory Health and Safety Guidelines, 4th edition. This course is intended for those whose responsibilities include improving the operational safety of chemical laboratories, managing laboratories, chemical plants or research facilities, conducting safety audits of laboratories and chemical plants. During the course, participants are provided with an integrated overview of current best practices in laboratory safety.
Registration fees
$550 CIC members $750 non-members
$75 students members
• Introduction • Occupational Health and Safety Legislation • Safety Policies, Training and Audits • Hazard Classification Systems • WHMIS, NIOSH, and beyond • Hazardous Materials • Flammable and Combustible Materials • Corrosive Chemicals • Toxic Materials • Reactive Materials • Insidious Hazards • Compressed Gases • Cryogenic Liquids • Radiation
October 5–6
Edmonton, AB
• Physical Hazards
Instructor Eric Mead, FCIC, a former instructor with the chemical technology program at SIAST, has taught and practised laboratory workplace safety for more than 30 years. A former chair of the Chemical Institute of Canada, Mead has been commended for his work on behalf of the
For more information about the course and locations, and to access the registration form, visit:
chemical industry.
www.cheminst.ca/ profdev
“The chemical field and profession are built on a foundationof trust with society. An integral part of that trust is the safe operationof facilities
• Fire • Glassware • Electrical Hazards • Machinery • Storage • Chemical Storage • Chemical Inventory • Storage Methods for Specific Hazard Classifications • Chemical Spills and Waste Disposal • Spill Containment and Cleanup • Spill Control Kits • Properties of Wastes • Large Chemical Spills
includinglaboratories, whether industrial,
• Hazard Assessment and Control
academicor government. The educationof
• Identification and Control
engineers, scientists and technologistsmust
• Eye and Face Protection
reflect that level of trust. We all share in the
• Head, Feet and Body Protection
responsibilityfor safe and ethical research,
• Hearing and Breathing Protection
chemical processing and analysis." —Eric Mead
• Fume Hoods and HVAC • Machinery
Canadian Society for Chemical Technology
News Nouvelles
Dalhousie University mechanical engineering students and the "Maritime Mileage Machine"
Dalhousie Students to Compete with Fuel Efficient Vehicle Six senior mechanical engineering students at Dalhousie University have created a super fuel efficient vehicle and are entering their creation in the Shell Eco-marathon Americas. The event, held at the Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, CA, from April 15 to 18, challenges high school and post-secondary students
Agricultural Biotechnology Continues Growth The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) has released its annual report that stated agricultural biotechnology is being used by 13.3 million farmers in 25 countries.
10 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
mars 2009
from all across North and South America to design and build a vehicle that will drive the farthest using the least amount of energy. The grand prize includes thousands of dollars in prize money. The team from Dalhousie has built the “Maritime Mileage Machine” out of Kevlar and has included three Olympic-racing wheelchair tires. The sleek design hopes to out-do a previous record set by the school of 420 km per litre on regular unleaded gas. The all-time record for the Shell Eco-marathon Americas is 1,445 kilometres per litre.
“The main thing is to keep it simple and efficient,” explains Matthew Harding, the team’s manager. Other members include Liam Jeffrey, Craig Arthur, Chad Batterton, Brad Marcus and the driver Carmen McKnight. “The whole point of the competition is maximum fuel economy.” The vehicle’s driver will drive lying in a hammock-like seat with a headrest to prop up her head. The car can be controlled using handles on either side of her body. At around seven miles long, the race lasts approximately 45 minutes per circuit.
The report showed the United States is the largest planter of biotech crops with 154.4 million acres planted in 2008. The study states, “Biotech crops have already substantially reduced agriculture’s environmental footprint by reducing pesticides, saving on fossil fuel use and decreasing carbon dioxide emissions and soil loss through less plowing. In particular, from 1996 to 2007 biotech crops saved
359,000 metric tons of pesticides [and] in 2007 alone, carbon dioxide savings were 14.2 billion kg, equivalent to removing 6.3 million cars from the road.” Perhaps most importantly, of the 13.3 million famers using biotech crops, 90 percent are small and resource-poor farmers in developing countries.
Dalhousie University
Council for Biotechnology Information
New Cleantech Report Highlights Industry Potential With estimates for global demand for cleantech solutions already at US$1 trillion, a new report released by the OCETA and the RussellMitchell group offers frameworks and analysis for policy makes, stakeholders and company leaders. The report also offers an understanding of the “commercialization gap” facing many cleantech companies. The report is based on over 60 surveys of Ontario cleantech companies and 31 interviews with CEO’s. The report explains that the global market for clean technology products and services looks to have high and sustained growth for years to come. The report also highlights three main areas government should consider for economic development: commercialization capacity and management development, domestic demand development and investment opportunity development. In a follow-up release, the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation highlighted the reports crediting of the province’s $3 billion innovation agenda for providing many of these companies with early stage R&D support. “By turning our world-class research into world-class businesses we can become a cleantech powerhouse. We’re committed to continue working with companies that want to compete globally and create good jobs for Ontario families,” said John Wilkinson, Minister of Research “Encouraging the development and adoption of clean technologies right here in our own province is the right thing to do for our environment—and our economy. Soon, I will be introducing a new Green Energy Act designed to support home-grown innovation, create thousands of green sector jobs and make Ontario a world leader in renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation,” said George Smitherman, Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure. OCETA and Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation
BC Waste Regulations Updated The removal of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Act Class 9 Environmentally Hazardous Substances from the TDG regulations may cause regulation compliance problems. In many provinces, alignment between TDG and waste regulations, including spill reporting, were complete. With the removal of Class 9, it appears things will change. The province of British Columbia has changed its spill reporting requirements to include wastes that are hazardous by BC criteria, but are no longer TDG Class 9. The new BC environmental requirements went into effect December 9, 2008. Canadian Chemical Producers' Association
Chemical Insititue of Canada
CIC can help with your career! Being a member of one of the CIC Societies has its advantages during uncertaintimes: • If you lose your job, and have been a fullfee member for at least one year, the CIC will waive your membership fees. This option is available for up to two years; • Unemployed members can attend the annual CSC or CSChE conferences at the same price as an undergraduate student. They can stay informed on what’s going on in the scientific community and participate in career-building events; • Local Section activities are valuable networking opportunities. Most positions are not advertised; • Take advantages of our range of Career Services. See details at
articles en français! editorial@accn.ca
march 2009 Canadian Chemical News 11
News Nouvelles
Industrial Briefs
Chemists Turn Raw Biomass Into Biofuel Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed a two-step method to convert the cellulose in raw biomass into a biofuel. The key to the process is the first step, in which cellulose is converted into the “platform” chemical 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), from which a variety of valuable commodity chemicals can be made. “Other groups have demonstrated some of the individual steps involved in converting biomass to HMF, starting with glucose or fructose,” said Ronald Raines, professor in the Department of Biochemistry and the Department of Chemistry. “What we did was show how to do the whole process in one step, starting with biomass itself.” The unique solvent system that makes the conversion possible was developed by Raines and graduate student Joseph Binder. The mix of solvents and additives has a strong capacity for dissolving cellulose. Cellulose, as one of the most abundant organic substances on the planet, is a promising biofuel. The approach used by Raines and Binder uses chemicals small enough to bypass the lignin molecules, which hold the plant cell wall together. Step two involves converting the HMF into a biofuel, 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF). The entire process converts nine percent of the cellulose into biofuel. “The yield of DMF isn’t fabulous yet, but that second step hasn’t been optimized,” said Raines. Raines and Binder have also tested their process on pine sawdust. “Our process is so general I think we can make DMF or HMF or any type of biomass,” said Raines. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Canadian Society for Chemistry
Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) presents the Spring 2009 CIC Career Fair at the 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition
Spring 2009 CIC Career Fair Sheraton Hamilton Hotel and Hamilton ConventionCentre Hamilton, On • May 30–June 1, 2009
12 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
mars 2009
Tundra Oil & Gas Limited announces Daniel A. MacLean has been appointed president and chief executive officer of Tundra Oil & Gas. MacLean served most recently as Tundra’s vice-president, Reservoir Engineering and has 28 years prior experience in the oil and gas industry, primarily with the Chevron organization on both domestic and international assignments. MacLean holds undergraduate degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering and a Masters in business administration. The Canadian Chemical Producers’ Association (CCPA) announces that on January 1, 2009, Lorna Young joined CCPA as the new BC regional manager replacing Brian Lockhart who retired. Young, who retired from Methanex in 2008, worked on TEAP II and was the Methanex representative who managed the BC Regional Response Center. Waters Corporation announces it has acquired all of the remaining outstanding capital stock of privately held Pittsburgh-based Thar Instruments Inc., the world’s largest supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) manufacturer, for an undisclosed amount. Thar’s SFC and extraction systems are used to separate, isolate and quantify chemical compounds. Thar’s SFC is considered a leading “green” analytical and purification technology. Similar to liquid chromatography, SFC typically uses carbon dioxide as the main mobile phase. Thar’s products are used in pharmaceutical, life science, chemical and petrochemical companies, as well as government agencies, research institutions and universities. Microbix Biosystems Inc. announces that it continues its advance toward the sustained profitability, after announcing results for the first quarter ending December 31, 2008. “The company has improved the fundamentals of its core business and we are approaching major milestones in our product pipeline…” said William J. Gastle, CEO of Microbix. Microbix recorded a net loss of $583,668 or a 1 cent a share compared to a loss of $944,987 or 2 cents a share in the same period in fiscal 2008. The loss was due to ongoing investment in SST development and commercializing the new Urokinase product, Kinlytic. Therapure and LFB Biotechnologies announces the development services contract has been agreed upon between the companies. The contract is for the development of a manufacturing method for an innovative plasma therapeutic protein. Therapure will develop a manufacturing process to enable the large scale production of this important biologic for clinical trials. The project will be jointly managed by research and development teams from both companies. LAB Research Inc. announces the nomination of Carl A. Spalding as chair of its Board of Directors. Spalding will replace Karsten Skydsgaard who wished to step down to focus on other professional obligations. Spalding brings extensive operational experience and contacts in the global pharmaceutical and contract research organization industries. Biosyntech announces that Amine Selmani has resigned from its Board of Directors effective January 23, 2009. Selmani founded BioSyntech and was its chief executive officer from 1995 to 2004. Selmani will remain available as an advisor to the Board. BioSyntech is a medical device company specialized in the development, manufacturing and commercialization of advanced bioterapeutic thermogels for regenerative medicine and therapeuticdelivery.
Chemfusion Joe Schwarcz, MCIC
What’s to Worry About?
hy does a shower curtain get sucked in when taking a shower? How do two-in-one shampoos work? If nothing sticks to Teflon, how do they get it to stick to the pan? These are the typical kinds of questions I used to get. But, my oh my, how times have changed. These days a question about shower curtains is likely to be about the release of phthalates, with shampoos about the presence of parabens and as far as non-stick cookware goes, I’m more likely to get sticky questions about health risks than cooking properties. In general, questions tend to be in the “how much should I worry about” category. Depending on what’s been in the news, the concern may be over fire retardants in upholstery, drug residues in drinking water, formaldehyde in bras, diisocyanates in mattresses, bisphenol A in canned food, trichloroethylene in groundwater, dioxins in meat, mercury in vaccines, pesticide residues in food or radiation emanating from granite countertops. Curiosity about what we can do with chemicals has been replaced by fear of what chemicals can do to us. All of this is very understandable, given that loss of health is our greatest fear in life. So, what can we do to prevent illness? Lifestyle factors such as proper nutrition, weight control and exercise are important. We also know that radiation, cigarette smoke and occupational exposure to certain chemicals can impact on health. But, until recently, not much attention has been paid to exposure to the tiny amounts of chemicals that show up in the environment as a result of
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chemical innovations introduced since the end of the Second World War. Thousands of chemicals that never existed before are now produced in dazzling amounts, and sometimes show up in unexpected places. Like our bodies. Almost daily media reports alert us not only to the presence of these chemicals, but to their potential for undermining our health. Why is there so much interest in these environmental contaminants of late? For several reasons. First, we used to have bigger fish to fry. When you are concerned about improving food production, controlling malaria or battling infections, you tend not to sweat the small stuff. Especially if you don’t even know that the small stuff is there. Now, thanks to recent advances in technology, we know. Of course it was always reasonable to suspect that our massive chemical production must leave some sort of environmental footprint, but we didn’t worry much because of our reliance on the mantra of toxicology, namely that “only the dose makes the poison.” We assumed that if we couldn’t detect it, it couldn’t be doing any harm. Times have changed. Chemicals can now be detected at levels of parts per trillion, or sometimes even lower. And we have accumulating evidence that some, especially those that can mimic the effect of hormones, can produce physiological effects at such incredibly small concentrations. There is something else that we now have. Much better information about disease incidence and disease patterns. Rates of childhood cancer have increased since the 1950s, as have prostate and breast cancers, both of which have a hormonal connection. Some of the increase undoubtedly can be attributed to better diagnostic techniques, but something else seems to be going on as well. The question is what? And there are experts aplenty who claim to know the answer. But the problem is that they all have different answers. Research these days has become very specialized. Scientists who study the effects of bisphenol A released from plastics, for example, may know nothing about the work being done on phthalates or on brominated diphenyl ethers or on beryllium or on electromagnetic radiation. Indeed, they may not even be aware of the existence of these fields of research. They live in separate “worlds,” the only common feature being the presence in each of these worlds of scientists, physicians or self-proclaimed experts who claim that our health problems are caused by their pet culprit. You can take your pick from plasticizers,
dioxins, chlorates, air particulates, perfluorooctanoates or a slew of others. Since we are exposed to most of these to some extent, if the claims of harm were all true, we would be dropping like flies. Of course this is not to suggest that such environmental contaminants cannot have an effect on our health. Almost surely they can. But teasing out which ones, and under what conditions they may cause harm, is a daunting task, with many possible pitfalls. For example, a type of rat, known as the Sprague Dawley, is commonly used to evaluate compounds that may either mimic or block the activity of natural hormones. This rodent, though, has been bred to reproduce in a prolific fashion, and has a hormonal constitution that may be more resistant to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Probably not a good model for humans. Any alteration in the genes that make up DNA upon exposure to a chemical is also a basis for determining toxicity, but we now know that certain chemicals can significantly affect the functioning of DNA without altering its structure. The burgeoning field of epigenetics deals with the notion of chemicals turning genes on or off without affecting their structure. A chemical, such as bisphenol A, may for example deactivate a gene that codes for the production of a protein that helps protect a cell from cancer. Epigenetic research will probably be able to help focus our worries. So what is the point of all of this? That it is far more complicated to answer questions about health than about the behaviour of shower curtains. As for individuals who think their pet toxin is responsible for all of society’s ills, well, they could use a cold shower. And for me, my worry is that I’m not sure what to worry about. But I don’t think worrying about everything is the answer. “Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” “Worry is like a rocking chair—it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere.” If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you'll die a lot of times. ~Dean Smith ACCN Joe Schwarcz, MCIC, is the director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society. He hosts the Dr. Joe Show on Montréal’s radio station CJAD and Toronto’s CFRB. The broadcast is available at www.CJAD.com.
92nd CanadianChemistry Conferenceand Exhibition
92e Congès et exposition canadiensde chimie
Undergraduate Student Poster Competition
Concours d'affiches des étudiants de 1er cycle
Are you working on a research project and want to share your results? Do you have a paper to present at a Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference and would like to present it again in poster format? Are you interested in presenting a poster for the first time? Here is an opportunity to show your peers and chemical professionals what you can do. The CSC’s 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition will be taking place May 30–June 3, 2009 in Hamilton, ON. We invite you to participate in the undergraduate Student poster competition that will be organized during this event. Posters will be accepted in the general areas of analytical, biological and medicinal, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Two awards will be given in each area. The awards will be presented at the Chemical Education DivisionAwards Receptionheld on Wednesday, June 3, 2009. Some travel assistance is available to undergraduate students attending the conference.
Travaillez-vous présentement à un projet de recherche et souhaitez-vous partager vos résultats? Présentez-vous un exposé à un Congrès pour étudiants de 1er cycle en chimie de la Société canadienne de chimie (SCC) et aimeriez-vous le présenter à nouveau sous forme d’affiche? Aimeriez-vous présenter une affiche pour la première fois? Voici l’occasion de démontrer à vos pairs et aux professionnels en chimie ce dont vous êtes capable. Le 92e Congrès et exposition canadiens de chimie de la SCC aura lieu du 30 mai au 3 juin 2009 à Hamilton (Ontario). Nous vous invitons à participer au concours d’affiches des étudiants de 1er cycle que se tiendra durant l’événement. Les affiches peuvent être présentées dans les domaines de la chimie analytique, biologiqueet médicale, inorganique, organique et physique. Deux prix seront remis dans chaque domaine. Les prix seront remis lors de la réception de remise des prix de la Divisionde l’enseignement de la chimie qui se tiendra le mercredi 3 juin 2009. Une aide de voyage est disponible pour les étudiants de 1er cycle qui assistent au congrès.
Eligibility This competition is open to current undergraduate students, or students who graduated within the last four months, in all branches of chemistry. Posters may be based on research done as part of an undergraduate course, co‑op project, or summer job in a university, government or industrial setting. Graduate students, who have not completed more than two semesters of their graduate studies program, may present a poster on work done as an undergraduate student on the condition that the poster topic is different from their current research topic.
Abstract Submission Dates Abstracts must be submitted on-line beginning December 17, 2008; the deadline for receipt of abstracts for the Undergraduate Student Poster Competition is midnight (EST), Thursday, April 16, 2009. Please visit the conference Web site (www.csc2009.ca) for more information about poster specifications, travel assistance, conference registration, and accommodation.
DEADLINE: April 16
Admissibilité Ce concours est ouvert aux étudiants actuellement au 1er cycle, ou aux étudiants qui ont obtenu leur diplôme moins de quatre mois auparavant, dans tous les secteurs de la chimie. Les affiches peuvent traiter de la recherche effectuée dans le cadre d’un cours de 1er cycle, d’un projet coopératif ou d’un emploi d’été dans un environnement universitaire, gouvernemental ou industriel. Les étudiants des cycles supérieurs qui n’ont pas complété plus de deux trimestres de leur programme peuvent soumettre une affiche portant sur le travail effectué en tant qu’étudiant de 1er cycle, à condition que le sujet de l’affiche diffère de celui du sujetde recherche actuel.
Dates de soumission des résumés Les résumés doivent être transmis en ligne à compter du 17 décembre 2008. La date limite de réception pour le Concours d’affiches des étudiants de 1er cycle est le jeudi 16 avril 2009 à minuit (HNE). Veuillez consulter le site Web du congrès (www.csc2009.ca) pour de plus amples renseignements sur les caractéristiques des affiches, l’aide de voyage, l’inscription au congrès et l’hébergement.
Canadian Society for Chemistry
DATE LIMITE : le 16 avril
ARticle: 10 things
By Emily Moore, MCIC
The following article was passed to me by a friend who, I think, was trying to help me understand my own “split personality.” As a graduate of Queen’s engineering chemistry program, I like to think that I can approach a problem as both a chemist and an engineer. I found this article an interesting read which, despite its depiction of the particular situation in the United Kingdom, rang true to my own North American experience. After finishing my doctorate in physical chemistry, I went to work at the Xerox Research Centre of Canada (XRCC), which is responsible for Xerox’s materials research program. XRCC prides itself on engineers and chemists collaborating from early on in the development process, because working together with different skills and approaches accelerates product delivery. However, even in this environment it is not uncommon for chemists and engineers to get a little frustrated with each other along the way. As with any relationship, there is always a lot of work required to understand the different needs and perspective of the other partner. I think this article helps to elucidate those differences. Hope you enjoy it! Emily Moore, MCIC, was at the Xerox Research Centre of Canada from 1997 to 2008. She is now director of Technology Development at Hatch, an engineering consulting firm in Mississauga, ON.
Ten things…
… chemists should know about chemical engineering Jon-Paul Sherlock, Martyn Poliakoff, Steven Howdle and David Lathbury
t is said chemists and engineers talk a different language. Beyond the molecular frontier, the seminal book about challenges to chemistry and chemical engineering, makes no distinction between the disciplines, referring to the whole field as the ‘chemical sciences’ in reflection of the integration between the two fields already achieved in the US. In the UK, the view prevails that chemistry has little contact with chemical engineering, particularly at university level. In industry the level of integration is greater, driven by the tangible benefits of close collaboration. All good process development chemists and engineers will know the following ten things chemists should know about chemical engineering, but they are worth re-iterating for both chemists and engineers alike.
1. Chemical engineers think differently Chemical engineers have a different but complimentary knowledge base. However, they also think and approach problems differently. It is not just what they know, but how they apply it. This diversity of thinking and perspective introduces some beneficial challenge into process
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development. Chemical engineers have a different perspective on scaleup, derived from their ability to predict using mathematical models and their understanding of equipment and manufacturability.
2. Scale-up should be predictable Chemical engineers typically believe that scale-up problems can be anticipated provided the critical variable is properly understood. For example, the number of theoretical plates affects batch distillations and laboratory equipment usually has more than plant equipment. Therefore, modelling the physical properties and equipment provides a better basis for understanding than several laboratory preparations. To support science-based scale up it is essential to acquire data.
3. Measure the right thing Chemical engineers are trained to work quantitatively, using data to support plant design. This approach works equally well for process design, providing the right variables can be measured (e.g. the example
above). This sometimes presents a challenge as it requires a data-rich environment typically absent in early process development and engineers must be adaptive and proactive in this regard. They do not have the same laboratory flexibility but can be equally creative through hypothesis, prediction, and use of scenarios.
4. Physical rate processes are affected by scale A process is dependent on the intrinsic chemistry, which is independent of scale, and physical transport phenomena; momentum, mass and heat transfer, which are affected by scale. A linear reaction profile indicates a mass transfer limitation and scale-up of such a reaction profile may not go as planned. This is increasingly important in multiphase systems or if the intrinsic chemical reaction rate is fast. Transport of reagents between phases or fast reactions may generate different concentration distributions at scale and affect yield and quality. A molecule does not know whether it is in a 25 ml flask or a 10 m3 vessel, it will simply behave as determined by its surroundings.
5. Things can take much longer as equipment gets bigger When moving from laboratory to plant it is not possible to keep all contributing parameters the same. In trying to keep one the same, others may be impacted detrimentally. The time required for charging reagents, to adjust temperature, to transfer materials, to disengage gases, separate liquid phases or filter solids could all change on scale due to equipment limitations or geometry. Changing vessel dimensions will change heat transfer rates. As surface area to volume ratios reduce on scale-up, exothermic reactions run in semibatch mode, under isothermal conditions will require longer reagent addition times, which may affect quality.
6. Agitator speed does not determine the extent of mixing Mixing in stirred tanks is a complex science and is affected by many equipment and process-related parameters. It is therefore important to determine whether the process is sensitive to mixing before scale-up. Ensure lab vessels are baffled, use high agitator speeds (1000 rpm) and mimic vessel geometries.
Be clear on what the specific mixing duty the process requires.
7. Equipment provides opportunity as well as limitations Chemical engineers are trained to design a chemical plant and understand how it works. This can mean placing restrictions on the chemistry, particularly when processes are being sited in a multi-product plant. Examples include materials of construction that cannot be readily changed, difficulties storing and charging hazardous reagents, being unable to control temperatures at ±0.1°C. However, timely and appropriate equipment selection could deliver an engineering solution that is better than developing sub-optimal chemistry. Additionally, the operating envelope defined by standard laboratory equipment is restrictive with respect to pressure and temperature when compared to a commercial plant. To utilise this wider envelope, alternative laboratory technologies should be considered.
8. Balanced reaction equations support better communication Using tools such as those developed by BRITEST allow chemists and engineers to collaborate and work with a common language. Ensuring reaction schemes represent what is actually reacting and what is being produced demonstrates good process understanding. It allows the effects of scale to be appreciated and equipment selection considered.
9. Thermodynamics is not just maths; things really are governed by it Equilibria can be explained by thermodynamics. This approach allows the extrapolation of data to new compositions and prediction from the behaviour of chemically-similar systems. It can be used to prevent azeotropic solvent swaps ending where they started and to better understand a number of other operations dependent on phase equilibria.
10. Chemical engineers don’t bite and know more than ten things … There is an optimal time for a chemist to collaborate with a chemical engineer, but it is not definable. However, it is far worse to miss
an opportunity by holding off on a discussion than to talk things through early and get the most from the collective knowledge a chemist and chemical engineer will bring.
… chemical engineers should know about chemists
To a large degree, the differences between UK chemists and chemical engineers are driven by our current education system. The UK chemical engineering degree seems to be tailored for the oil and gas industry—for good reason, as that's where most of them will get jobs. The chemical engineers that end up in the pharmaceutical industry, however, are underprepared both in the basic scientific method of hypothesis testing and also in practical skills. Conversely, in terms of the deficiencies of chemists, there is some truth in the charge that we don't think quantitatively enough. It doesn’t help that physical chemistry is taught in the undergraduate course as a stand-alone element, and not in the context of what a practising organic chemist needs to know. This lack of education causes many of the communication issues between chemists and chemical engineers. There is often a disconnect between the chemist who is trying to understand what's going on from a fundamental mechanistic view, and the engineer who needs some data to plug into his or her equations. What tends to happen is that engineers who want to help need to get their data first—and as many UK engineers lack the practical skills to generate the data themselves, they ask the chemists to do a whole host of experiments to generate it. The conversation is quickly march 2009 Canadian Chemical News 17
ARticle: 10 things terminated by the chemist who says they don’t have time. So, in the pharmaceutical industry, you have very busy chemists, well versed and happy with the semi-qualitative world of mechanistic organic chemistry, who are being, to their minds, 'pestered' by the more quantitative engineers who need data but can't guarantee a solution. It's not surprising that this relationship doesn't always work out for the best. To help that relationship, here are ten things that chemical engineers should know about chemists.
1. Chemical structures matter How hard can it be to choose a replacement compound for a particular application? Sadly, small changes in the structures of organic compounds can have huge effects on their properties. Different isomers of compounds can react quite differently and can have quite different physical properties, such as toxicity and smell. Chemists often intuitively know some (but not all!) of these effects, but can’t understand everything about what gives a compound its particular properties. No wonder there are surprises.
2. Chemists are in danger of being overwhelmed by vast numbers of compounds
C CMembership
So many compounds have been discovered— and so many more lie undiscovered—that chemists are totally overwhelmed. Many of their models, rules and theories do not universally apply to all compounds. But with knowledge of their limitations, these tools can be invaluable in bringing some order to an otherwise jumbled mass of facts.
3. Trust a chemist’s intuition
8. Chemists are friendly!
Data-demanding engineers should remember that chemists can have a good idea of how a compound will react even if all of the kinetic and thermodynamic data are not available— chemical intuition is important.
Chemists interact very effectively and profitably with many disciplines; medicine, pharmacy, biology, material science, astronomy. And engineering.
4. Chemistry isn’t only qualitative… Chemists can look at things quantitatively too; computational chemistry has made remarkable advances in recent years. Computers can help to predict properties of simple compounds without even making them.
5. …but chemists prefer experimental verification There are so many exceptions to these predictive methods that chemists are loath to accept the results of calculations without experimental verification. Most have a healthy scepticism about calculations. This often makes chemists take less rigidly defined positions than engineers when discussing problems.
6. Don’t underestimate analytical chemistry Analytical chemistry and spectroscopic methods are hugely important, but sometimes don't seem so obvious to our engineering colleagues.
7. Chemists are not anti-automation Most chemists do appreciate the need to automate chemical reactors in many areas.
9. Disconnect isn’t global In general we find that chemical engineers in continental Europe and the US know a lot more chemistry than their UK counterparts. It’s not clear why this should be so.
10. Education points the way Many chemists are really keen to collaborate with chemical engineers; some of the grandest challenges facing humanity can only be solved by such interaction. Shared appreciation and education is vital. Projects designed to cross the disciplinary divide, such as the University of Nottingham's Dice (Driving innovation in chemistry and chemical engineering) project, are invaluable if we want to reach this goal. ACCN The chemical engineering side was written by John-Paul Sherlock, process engineering team manager for AstraZeneca R&D in Charnwood, UK. The chemist’s side was based on discussions between Martyn Poliaskoff and Steven Howdle at the University of Nottingham, and David Lathbury at AstraZeneca.
“Republished with permission from The Chemical Engineer (www.tcetoday.com) and Chemistry World (www.rsc.org/ ChemistryWorld).”
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mars 2009
ARticle: Scientific Literacy
t is well understood that literacy plays a major role in the career and personal life of individuals and in the degree of success they achieve. According to Statistics Canada, “Traditionally, literacy has referred to the ability to read, understand, and use information. But the term has come to take on broader meaning, standing for a range of knowledge, skills and abilities relating to reading, mathematics, science and more. This reflects widespread and deep changes that have taken place in technology and in the organization of work over the past quarter century. The ability to use and apply key mathematics and science concepts is now necessary across a wide range of occupations.”1
But Exactly How Important is Literacy? Literacy2 is fundamental for learning in school. It has an impact on an individual's ability to participate in society and to understand important public issues. And it provides the foundation upon which skills needed in the labour market are built. Technology, and the science behind it, permeates all aspects of our lives, from how we work and communicate to what we shop for and
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By Tony Myres, MCIC
how we pay our bills. The complexity of today's world means that individuals need to have some level of proficiency in reading, mathematics and science in order to understand and participate fully in economic and social life. A population's literacy skills also have a bearing on how well a country performs economically. The world we live in today is vastly different from that of a generation ago. Technological change has transformed the way in which work is done; competition in many industries is global in nature; and the industrial structure of the Canadian labour market has rapidly evolved from a manufacturing and agricultural base to one based on services. These changes have, in turn, brought rising skill requirements. Countries that are successful in endowing their populations with strong skills are usually in a better position to meet the economic challenges of operating in a globalized information economy. Finally, having a population that has strong literacy skills also places a country in a better position to meet the complex social challenges that it faces. For example, strong literacy skills are linked to better health outcomes for individuals. A highly literate population will be better able to deal with issues of governance in a highly diverse society.
And informed debate is needed to help us determine how best we can allocate scarce resources across competing priorities, such as education, health, investment in infrastructure and social programs.3
What is Scientific Literacy? Some Definitions Statistics Canada in their study of the performance of Canada’s youth in science, reading and mathematics as part of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) defines scientific literacy as: “An individual’s scientific knowledge and use of that knowledge to identify questions, to acquire new knowledge, to explain scientific phenomena, and to draw evidence-based conclusions about science-related issues, understanding of the characteristic features of science as a form of human knowledge and enquiry, awareness of how science and technology shape our material, intellectual, and cultural environments, and willingness to engage in science related issues, and with the ideas of science, as a reflective citizen.” 4 The Council of Ministers of Education defined scientific literacy as “an evolving combination of the science-related attitudes,
Scientific literacy is rooted in the most general scientific principles and broad knowledge of science.
Canada 2009 SCI Canada Annual Awards Ceremony and Dinner The Canadian section of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) will confer four awards in recognition of major achievementin service, industry, and leadership at the 2009 SCI Canada Annual Awards Ceremony and Dinner. “These awards acknowledge outstanding contributions to development and implementation of strategies that have resulted in the strengtheningof Canadian industry, academic, or research institutions in the field of chemistry.” Graham Knowles,SCI Awards Chair and GKCI President The event will be held on Thursday, March 26, 2009, at the Sheraton CentreToronto Hotel, 123 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON. To register, please visit www.cheminst.ca/sci_awards. For more information, please contact scidinner@cheminst.ca or call Michelle Moulton at 613-232-6252, ext. 229.
skills, and knowledge, students need to develop inquiry, problem-solving and decisionmaking abilities, to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world around them.” 5 Robert Hazen in his paper entitled “Why Should You Be Scientifically Literate” puts it more simply as: “a mix of concepts, history, and philosophy that help you understand the scientific issues of our time”. To Hazen, a long-time advocate and leading promoter of scientific literacy, it means a broad understanding of basic concepts (see The Joy of Science, The Teaching Company, 2009).6 Scientific literacy is definitely not the specialized, march 2009 Canadian Chemical News 21
ARticle: Scientific Literacy jargon-filled esoteric lingo of the experts and Hazen notes that one doesn’t have to be able to synthesize new drugs to appreciate the importance of medical advances! Scientific literacy is rooted in the most general scientific principles and broad knowledge of science. Hazen considers the scientifically literate citizen as one who possesses facts and vocabulary sufficient to comprehend the context of the daily news. Put another way, “If you can understand scientific issues in magazines and newspapers (if you can tackle articles about genetic engineering or the ozone hole with the same ease that you would sports, politics or the arts) then you are scientifically literate”. There are two important but separate aspects of scientific knowledge that should not be confused, doing science, which is the practice of scientists and using science, which in one way or another in actuality or potentially is in the domain of everyone. It is here that scientific literacy plays such a vital role.
Canadian Initiatives In September 1993, the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada endorsed the Victoria Declaration, which outlined a plan for future directions in Canadian education. The Declaration presented the following beliefs held in common by all Ministers: “We believe that education is a lifelong learning process. We also believe that the future of our society depends on informed and educated citizens who, while fulfilling their own goals of personal and professional development, contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of their community and of the country as a whole. (...)We jointly want to have the highest quality education based on shared and relevant goals, and to demonstrate accountability for achieving them. Above all, we want all citizens to have a fair and equitable opportunity in whatever educational and training endeavours they may pursue.” In February 1995, the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada adopted the Pan-Canadian Protocol for Collaboration on School Curriculum. The protocol acknowledges that education is a provincial and territorial responsibility, while recognizing that interjurisdictional co-operation can contribute to improving the quality of education in the country. In keeping with the protocol, participating jurisdictions believe that sharing human and financial resources can increase the quality
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and efficiency of the curriculum development processes in Canada. The Common framework of science learning outcomes K to 12 (hereinafter called the framework) was the first joint development project initiated under the protocol. The framework set out a vision and foundation statements for scientific literacy in Canada, outlined general and specific learning outcomes, and provided illustrative examples for some of these outcomes. The framework provided common ground for the development of curriculum within each participating jurisdiction, and resulted in more consistency in the learning outcomes for science across jurisdictions. Other potential benefits include a greater harmonization of science curriculum for increased student mobility, the development of quality pan-Canadian learning resources,
Canadian universities produce almost three times as many graduates in the social sciences, business and law as they do in science and collaboration in professional development activities by teachers of science. Each jurisdiction will determine when and how the framework is to be used.7
Vision for Canada The framework is guided by the vision that all Canadian students, regardless of gender or cultural background, will have an opportunity to develop scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is an evolving combination of the science-related attitudes, skills, and knowledge students need to develop inquiry, problemsolving, and decision-making abilities, to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world around them. Diverse learning experiences based on the framework will provide students with many opportunities to explore, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, appreciate and understand the interrelationships among science, technology, society and the environment that will
affect their personal lives, their careers and their future. In light of the vision for scientific literacy and the need to develop scientific literacy in Canada, four foundation statements were established for this framework. These delineate the four critical aspects of students' scientific literacy. The learning outcomes in this framework are stated in relation to these foundation statements as follows: Foundation 1: Science, technology, society and the environment (STSE). Students will develop an understanding of the nature of science and technology, of the relationships between science and technology and of the social and environmental contexts of science and technology. Foundation 2: Skills. Students will develop the skills required for scientific and technological inquiry, for solving problems, for communicating scientific ideas and results, for working collaboratively and for making informed decisions. Foundation 3: Knowledge. Students will construct knowledge and understandings of concepts in life science, physical science and Earth and space science, and apply these understandings to interpret, integrate and extend their knowledge. Foundation 4: Attitudes. Students will be encouraged to develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of scientific and technological knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society, and the environment.
Environmental Literacy It has been asked that if the people of Canada are so well educated, as we appear to be since Canada topped the rankings of all OECD countries in terms of the number of citizens holding university degrees, then why does Canada rank so low in terms of environmental performance ranking 28th out of 30 countries in the OECD?8 While scientific literacy cannot be entirely to blame the answer may, in part, lie in the fact that Canadian universities produce almost three times as many graduates in the social sciences, business and law as they do in science.9
Health Literacy A report commissioned by the Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) and released in September, 2007 provided Canadians with a country-wide
ARticle: Scientific Literacy snapshot of how we are faring as a country in terms of health literacy.10 The report maps out the distribution of the estimated 60 percent of adult Canadians who are believed to possess low health-literacy rates. Health literacy refers to individuals’ ability to access and interpret information relating to their own health, and the capacity to make well-informed decisions about their basic health. This can include the ability to read and act upon written health information (such as the appropriate use of prescription medications), the proper skills to communicate their health needs to physicians, or sufficient listening skills to understand the instructions they receive.
Scientists and science graduates should be encouraged to undertake media training “Over the past 20 years, research has shown a strong link between literacy, education levels and relative health,” said Dr. Paul Cappon, president and CEO of the Canadian Council on Learning. “The evidence shows a clear relationship between formal education levels and health status. Due to our aging population and growing pressures on our health-care system, there is an urgent need to address the level of health literacy across our country,” said Cappon.
Role of the Media—Making it More Science Friendly
Celebrities and the Media
The almost ubiquitous presence and accessibility of news media (newspapers, TV, radio, Internet, etc) to people in North America means that this is most often their main source of information about the world and hence a powerful force in moulding public perception about issues. However, this may not be good since a 2006 report from the UK by the Social Market Foundation (SMF), an independent research group, has accused the UK media of sensationalizing science. It says irresponsible reporting can undermine public confidence in science and government, and on issues such as vaccination may even cost lives. The think-tank blames inaccurate reporting for the scare that led some parents to refuse the MMR vaccine and
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cast a pall of parental mistrust over vaccination in general. Their report, Science, Risk and the Media: Do the Front Pages Reflect Reality?, notes that journalists tend to seek black and white stories and look for certainties that science cannot provide.11 Good stories are not necessarily good science. The expert group made several recommendations for improving scientific understanding among the public: 1. Newspapers and broadcasters should employ more science graduates; 2. Scientists and science graduates should be encouraged to undertake media training; 3. Universities should offer multidisciplinary science degrees which include issues of ethics; and 4. Policymakers need a better understanding of public perceptions of risk. In the US in a report from the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), “Good Stories, Bad Science: A Guide for Journalists to the Health Claims of ‘Consumer Activist’ Groups,” analyzed the claims of four groups— the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).12 In an attempt to encourage journalists and the public to more carefully evaluate health warnings ACSH suggests some questions that can be used to evaluate the scientific validity of claims made by these and similar groups. The booklet is available at: www.acsh.org/publications/ pubid.1130/pub_detail.asp.
mars 2009
Celebrities love the media and vice versa and the combination of the two in celebrity backed campaigns can have a powerful impact. Witness for example, LiveAid in 1985 and Live8 in 2005. However, some campaigns with celebrity endorsement have done more harm than good, for example, linking the MMR vaccination to autism, says the charity Sense About Science. It has produced a pamphlet listing public statements made by celebrities about subjects such as organic foods, pesticides, food additives, cancer. As a counterpoint it lists the views of reputable scientists on whether the claims are misleading. The pamphlet Sense About….Science for Celebrities emphasizes the major responsibility of celebrities to be well informed before they make public statements on health issues, products or treatments so as
not mistakenly to mislead people or, in other words, “check the facts”.13 A notable North American campaign against the use of Alar on apples because of potential concerns (cancer risk) for the health of children had the famous actor Meryl Streep as its spokesperson. Headlines such as “Meryl Streep Takes the Lead on Environmental Health” fed into a hysterical public response which cast a shadow over the safety of apples.14 Apple growers began losing money, whether or not they were using Alar and pressured the chemical industry into stopping the marketing of Alar for use on foods. At about the same time the US EPA ordered a phase-out of its use. Many health authorities, including the American Medical Association concluded that “The Alar scare of three years ago shows what can happen when science is taken out of context or the risks of a product are blown out of proportion. When used in the approved, regulated fashion, as it was, Alar does not pose a risk to the public’s health. The cost was enormous both in terms of the needless anxiety caused for thousands of parents and financially to the apple industry and the taxpayer.15
Where Are Our Scientific Heroes? In an editorial in The Scientist decrying the absence of scientific heroes it was noted that a poll of the Top 100 Americans included only four scientists, Einstein, Sagan, Salk and Tesla, all of whom are dead. A similar British survey found 12 scientists in the list of “100 Great British Heroes” but only one, Stephen Hawking, is alive. In another poll in the UK, teenagers were hard pressed to come up with the name of a single contemporary scientist and produced names such as Madonna, Chemical Ali and their science teacher!
Only seven percent in the survey considered scientists to be “cool and fun”. Certainly science seems to have an image problem especially with young people. Only seven percent in the survey considered scientists to be “cool and fun.” Teenagers value the role of science in society but feel scientists are “brainy people not like them,” suggests
march 2009 Canadian Chemical News  25
ARticle: Scientific Literacy research from The Science Learning Centre in London. A survey asked 11,000 pupils for their views on science and scientists. Around 70 percent of the 11 to 15 year olds questioned said they did not picture scientists as “normal young and attractive men and women.” The research examined why numbers of science exam entries are declining. About 80 percent
School science must move beyond elitism and serve the broad public interest of developing critically literate citizens. Scientists and scientific communicators in all sectors must engage more fully in meaningful ways with the public. of pupils thought scientists did “very important work” and 70 percent thought they worked “creatively and imaginatively.” Only 40 percent said they agreed that scientists did “boring and repetitive work.” Over three quarters of the respondents thought scientists were “really brainy people.” Among those who said they would not like to be scientists, reasons included: “Because you would constantly be depressed and tired and not have time for family,” and “because they all wear big glasses and white coats and I am female.” One of the report’s co-authors, Dr Stylianadou said: “These results are worrying for UK science but also hold out hope. Young people see science as important and exciting. But they don't see themselves doing it. If we can keep young people positive about science but help them to see the full range of scientific careers, more of them may realize that a career in science can be satisfying—and for them.” Over the period from 1991 to 2004 the percentage of children taking advanced level (A-level) physics dropped by 34 percent and for chemistry the decline was 16 percent.16
26 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
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The challenge is how to make science a more attractive career path for today’s young people. Changes in education are crucial but surely the development of credible role models (that are clever and cool too!) would help. Strangely enough, although perhaps not in an age of reality television, there are moves afoot to develop new scientist personalities. FAMELAB is a national talent competition in the UK to find talented scientists and engineers who can share their enthusiasm and knowledge with the public in an interesting and entertaining way.17 The aim of the competition is to encourage scientists and engineers to inspire and excite the public imagination with a vision of science in the 21st century. It is a search for the new voices of UK science and engineering who will be able to develop their ideas and presentation skills for an adult audience.
Conclusion: Science, Democracy and Effective Governance In a democracy there is an expectation that the collective actions of an informed populace will be to the benefit of both individuals and the community. It could be argued that progress in science has been and continues to be one of the greatest cultural achievements of the modern era. Given the complexity of global scale problems now, science perhaps as never before is needed to help resolve them. This means that we face a future increasingly dependent not only on people with scientific expertise but also on a populace having the knowledge, skills and attitudes supportive of the scientific endeavour. This does not mean putting science on a pedestal (scientism) or denying the importance of other ways of developing knowledge but it should contribute through critical and rational thought to enabling democracy and effective governance to prevail. It means developing the scientific thinking skills to enable people not only to discern junk science from the real thing but also to help them contribute in the public square. School science must move beyond elitism and serve the broad public interest of developing critically literate citizens. Scientists and scientific communicators in all sectors must engage more fully in meaningful ways with the public. As a society we face many challenging and controversial issues involving science, biotechnology, biological and chemical warfare, nuclear energy, environmental sustainability to name but a few.
The debate, decisions and policies developing around such issues will likely be better balanced, of higher quality and more defensible if scientifically literate people are involved.
References 1. www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/ 81-004-x/200404/6853-eng.htm 2. www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/81-004-x/ def/4068716-eng.htm 3. www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/ 81-004-x/200404/6853-eng.htm 4. www.pisa.gc.ca/81-590-E.pdf 5. www.cmec.ca/science/framework/ 6. www.teach12.com/ttcx/ CourseDescLong2.aspx?cid=1100 7. www.cmec.ca/science/framework/ 8. www.mun.ca/educ/faculty/mwatch/ fall05/elshof.htm 9. “Canada trails world in science grads”, Ottawa Citizen, September 19, 2007. www2.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/ story.html?id=9c05ed71-4cb1-4debaf83-dd6385f9abc2 10. www.ccl-cca.ca/CCL/Reports/ Other+Reports/HealthLiteracy.htm 11. www.smf.co.uk/science-risk-and-themedia-do-the-front-pages-reflectreality.html 12. www.acsh.org/publications/pubid.1130/ pub_detail.asp 13. www.senseaboutscience.org.uk/pdf/ ScienceForCelebrities.pdf 14. www.usatoday.com/news/ health/spotlighthealth/ 2002-10-18-streep-healthy-kids_x.htm 15. www.acsh.org/publications/pubID.865/ pub_detail.asp 16. news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/ education/4630808.stm 17. www.famelab.org/competition/ #grand_final ACCN Tony Myres, PhD, MCIC, has had a lifelong interest in promoting scientific literacy. For his contributions in the fields of environmental and public health he was awarded the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002. After retiring he was named in 2005 Health Canada's first scientist emeritus in recognition of a career dedicated to translating science into public health policy in Canada. Currently, he is a private consultant in public health sciences in Ottawa.
Chemical Insititue of Canada
Nominations are now open for the
ChemicalInstitute of Canada
2010AWARDSAct now!
Do you know an outstanding person who deserves to be recognized?
The Chemical Institute of CanadaMedal is presented as a mark of distinctionand recognition to a personwho has made an outstanding contributionto the science of chemistryor chemical engineering in Canada. Sponsored by the Chemical Institute of Canada. Award: A silver medal and travel expenses. The Montréal Medal is presented as a mark of distinction and honour to a residentin Canada who has shown significant leadership in or has made an outstandingcontribution to the professionof chemistryor chemical engineeringin Canada. In determining the eligibility for nominations for the award, administrative contributions within the Chemical Institute of Canada and other professional organizations that contribute to the advancement of the professions of chemistry and chemical engineering shall be given due consideration. Contributions to the sciences of chemistry and chemical
engineering are not to be considered. Sponsoredby the Montréal CIC Local Section. Award: A medal and travel expenses.
Macromolecular Science and EngineeringAward is presented
to an individual who, while residing in Canada, has made a distinguished contribution to macromolecularscience or engineering. Sponsored by NOVA Chemicals Ltd. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The CIC Award for Chemical Education is presented as a mark of recognitionto a personwho has made an outstanding contribution in Canada to education at the post-secondary level in the field of chemistry or chemicalengineering. Sponsoredby the CIC Chemical Education Fund. Award: A framed scroll and a cash prize.
The deadline for all CIC awards is
July 2, 2009 for the 2010 selection.
Nomination Procedure Submit your nominations to: Awards Manager Chemical Institute of Canada 130 Slater Street, Suite 550 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2 T. 613-232-6252, ext. 223 F. 613-232-5862 awards@cheminst.ca
Nomination forms and the full Terms of Reference for these awards are available at www.cheminst.ca/awards.
march 2009 Canadian Chemical News 27
ARticle: ten days in china
Ten Days in China I n November 2008, a diverse group of 18 Canadians visited three cities in China as members of a Chemical Institute of Canada delegation. The theme was sustainability, with an emphasis on green chemistry. The tour, organized by the People to People Citizen Ambassadors Program, was led by CSC past-president Russell J. Boyd, FCIC. The group of 12 delegates from the three constituent societies of the CIC and their six guests came from seven provinces, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It was pan-Canadian, with much experience in chemistry, chemical engineering and chemical technology. People to People International was founded in 1956 by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower to serve the peaceful interests of all countries. It became a private, nonprofit organization in 1961 and since that time has organized hundreds of international delegations for professionals and students in many fields, including agriculture, arts and humanities, business and economic development, education, health and medicine, law, and science and technology. The delegation convened at Vancouver airport on the evening of November 9, departed in the wee hours of November 10 and arrived in Beijing on Tuesday, November 11. We were met at Beijing airport by our national guide, Yang Jie (Jill), who was with us from the moment we arrived in Beijing until we departed from Shanghai. Jill was always attentive and helpful. Her role as an interpreter during the professional meetings was essential. Under her tutelage, we became a “sticky rice group” and avoided becoming a “bunch of loose noodles”.
28 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
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By Russell J. Boyd, FCIC
The tour included seven professional meetings for the delegates, three in Beijing, two in Guilin and two in Shanghai. The delegates met with senior members and representatives of the following organizations, institutions and companies: Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, Beijing Chemical Industry Research Institute, Beijing Hauteng High Tech Company, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Yanjing Liquan Beer Company (yes, we enjoyed some free samples), Shanghai Chemical Industry Association, and East China University of Chemical Technology. At every professional meeting our delegation was warmly received by our hosts. The meetings generally began with a few formalities that soon gave way to free and open discussions of many topics pertaining to sustainability. A common reaction among the delegates is that we share many of the same concerns about the environment, climate change and the prospects for a sustainable future as do our Chinese counterparts. We were delighted to learn that Responsible Care®, which was pioneered in Canada 25 years ago, is well-known in the chemical industry in China. We met several chemical engineers who will be participating in the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering in Montréal in August 2009. Our tours of research facilities and universities demonstrated that China is a technologically advanced nation and that the often used label of a developing nation only applies to some rural areas and the working conditions in some factories. As we travelled through the cities and between the cities we were impressed with the quality of the
Russell J. Boyd, FCIC, is the Alexander McLeod Professor of Chemistry at Dalhousie University and the past president of the Canadian Society for Chemistry.
Challenges for a
Changing World
8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering(WCCE8) is being held in
Montréal, QC, August
23–27, 2009.
Industrial Program The Congress theme “Challenges for a Changing World” addressesthe importantchallenges of the 21st century. Research and discussionon this theme will be demonstrated throughout the IndustrialProgram. • Financing Industrial Research and Development • Process Intensification for Sustainable Manufacturing • XTL (X to Liquid) • Technologies in Comparison (TiC) • Process Safety and Loss Management • Improving our Transportation System •N orth American Sustainability—Panel Discussion on Opportunities and Barriers for Energy Sustainability • LNG Papers can be sent through Hermes Conference Centre via the WCCE8 Web site. Details are available at www.wcce8.org/call_for_
papers_instructions.html. You can view the full technical and industrialprograms at
www.wcce8.org or sign up to receive more information on the congress at www.wcce8.org/onlineform.html. Montréal is a scenic and vibrant multi-cultural city with a European flavor, and is renowned for its cultural and artistic life with remarkable restaurants and an excellent hotel network. Montréal is easy to reach by air with direct flights from the U.S.A., Latin America, and Europe, and from Asia through the Vancouver and Toronto hubs. We look forward to receiving your paper and seeing you in Montréal.
s r e p a P r Ca l l f o , 2009
Closes March 31
infrastructure that has been put in place in the past decade or so. In large cities, it is not uncommon to be constructing as many as seven new subway lines at a given time in a single city. The Chinese political and economic system allows them to concentrate resources and to get things done in a way that we are simply unable to duplicate. Whereas one of our cities may discuss building a bridge over a river or building a tunnel under a harbour for decades, Shanghai has built 18 crossings (bridges and tunnels) across the Huangpu River in the last 15 years! Although China has made tremendous economic advances, the air pollution we witnessed upon arrival in Beijing demonstrated the significant challenges China faces on the environmental front. One delegate remarked that the air pollution in Beijing was the worst he had experienced and that the air quality was higher in the chemical plants and foundries in which he had worked. During the course of our tour, we learned that China is taking aggressive measures to reduce pollution by the chemical industry. In both Beijing and Shanghai, they are developing industrial parks with infrastructure suitable for heavy industry. By clustering the industries together into big industrial parks, they are encouraging companies to use the waste and byproducts of other companies. They are also working with large, multinational chemical companies that have pollution control technology. Furthermore, we understand that the tax polluting factories are at a higher rate in order to promote the success of those that are less polluting. We heard that as old factories and chemical plants are replaced, there is a commitment to try to reduce the impact on the environment. It was apparent that the recent global economic problems were being felt in China and no doubt the situation has deteriorated since the middle of November. In the face of mass unemployment and social unrest, it is likely that the environment may be a lower priority than the economy. While the delegates were engaged in professional meetings, the guests were immersed in the culture and history of China. The guests also had many opportunities to observe and discuss the environment with their local guides. One day in Beijing, the guests visited a private home where the owner proudly showed off his new electric heater that the government had installed as part of a plan to replace coal as a fuel for home heating. The electricity for the heater is provided from coal-burning power plants that operate at higher combustion temperatures and can be equipped with a range of air pollution and particulate controls. Elimination of household burning of coal should lead to a significant improvement in air quality and reduce the long-range transport of mercury to Western Canada. We enjoyed a cultural day in each of the three cities. The many incredible images etched in our minds include Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall at the Juyongguan, the famous limestone mountains along the Li River, the Bund in Shanghai and so many more. A full account of our experiences in Beijing, Guilin and Shanghai would easily fill an entire issue of ACCN. It would be impossible, however, to capture in words the many incredible sights, memorable interactions, wonderful meals and heart-warming laughs we enjoyed as a group of diverse Canadians travelling through China. As one guest wrote, “our trip to China was a moment in time that I will always remember”. ACCN
march 2009 Canadian Chemical News 29
ARticle: La chimie au québec | Chemistry in Quebec
La chimie au Québec : L’importance de protéger le caractère exclusif de l’exercice
Chemistry in Quebec: The importance of protecting the exclusive nature of the profession
By Jean Lanctot
’Ordre des chimistes du Québec, l’un des 45 ordres régis par le Code des professions et l’un des 25 qui s’est vue conférer un droit exclusif d’exercice, constitue un modèle unique au Canada. Bien que l’Alberta ait récemment officiellement reconnu l’Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA)1, les membres de l’Ordre des chimistes du Québec sont les seuls chimistes qui se sont vus octroyer un monopole d’exercice dans le domaine de la chimie. Lors de la réforme de 1973 qui a mené à l’adoption du Code des professions, le législateur québécois a conclu que la nature des actes posés par les chimistes et la latitude dont ils disposent en raison de la nature de leur milieu de travail habituel sont telles qu’en vue de la protection du public, ces actes ne peuvent être posés par des personnes ne possédant pas la formation et la qualification requises pour être membre de l’Ordre des chimistes (art. 25 du Code des professions). Le système professionnel québécois repose sur une délégation des pouvoirs de l’État vers des organismes autonomes contrôlés par les professionnels : les ordres professionnels. Ceux- ci assument donc à la fois un rôle réglementaire et un rôle de contrôle de l’application des lois professionnelles et de règlements qui en découlent. L’Ordre des chimistes a donc une mission, la protection du public, qui guide l’ensemble de ses actions, que ce soit en matière d’accès à la profession, d’inspection professionnelle, de discipline ou de contrôle de l’exercice illégal de la profession. Être membre de l’Ordre des chimistes du Québec, c’est donc assumer pleinement un statut de professionnel reconnu et donc participer à la mission de l’Ordre par l’exercice de la chimie selon les normes reconnues par ses pairs.
30 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
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he Ordre des chimistes du Québec, one of the 45 orders governed by the Professional Code and one of the 25 granted exclusive practice rights, is unique in Canada. While Alberta recently officially recognized the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA),1 the members of the Ordre des chimistes du Québec are the only chemists to have been granted the exclusive right to practice chemistry. With the 1973 reform that led to the adoption of the Professional Code, the Quebec government concluded that the nature of the acts performed by chemists and the latitude they are given due to the nature of their usual work are such that, in order to protect the public, these acts cannot be performed by individuals without the training and qualifications required to be a member of the Ordre des chimistes (section 25 of the Professional Code). Quebec's professional system is based on a delegation of government powers to independent organizations controlled by the professionals: the professional orders. As such, the latter play a regulatory role as well as exercise control over the application of professional laws and regulations. Therefore, the Ordre des chimistes has a mission, to protect the public, that guides all of its actions, whether in terms of access to the profession, professional inspections, discipline, or control of the illegal practice of the profession. Being a member of the Ordre des chimistes du Québec therefore means fully assuming the status of recognized professional and, as such, participating in the Ordre's mission by practicing chemistry according to the standards recognized by one's peers.
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Chemical Insititue of Canada
ARticle: La chimie au québec | Chemistry in QuebeC
L’Ordre des chimistes s’est d’ailleurs montré proactif en matière de définition et de détermination de normes professionnelles. Ces dernières années, le Conseil d’administration de l’Ordre a adopté plusieurs lignes directrices susceptibles d’orienter le chimiste dans sa pratique quotidienne. Le champ d’exercice de la profession de chimiste, défini à l’article 1b) de la Loi sur les chimistes professionnels, constitue le cadre d’action de l’Ordre des chimistes du Québec. Au cours des dernières années, l’Ordre n’a pas ménagé que ses efforts pour contrer ceux qui tentent de s’approprier les privilèges et avantages propres aux chimistes. Les tribunaux ont reconnu qu’un tel contrôle entre dans le cadre de la protection du public 2. Par ailleurs, depuis une douzaine d’années, l’Ordre des chimistes a mené pas moins de soixante-dix poursuites partout au Québec, obtenant de très nombreuses déclarations de culpabilité par les tribunaux de juridiction pénale. Dans la plupart des cas, les milieux visés étaient amenés à modifier leur façon de faire et à se conformer à la Loi sur les chimistes professionnels. Dans un dossier en particulier, l’affaire Chimitec3, la Cour d’appel du Québec précisait que la Loi sur les chimistes professionnels est « destinée à protéger le public » et que « dans l’objectif de cet objectif, le législateur a confié aux chimistes l’exercice de la chimie professionnelle ». Même placé en situation de judiciarisation, l’objectif premier de l’Ordre est, lorsque cela est possible, de faire en sorte qu’à l’avenir l’exercice de la chimie se réalise en conformité avec la loi. Au même titre que l’Ordre des ingénieurs ou le Collège des médecins s’assurent du respect de leur loi constitutive respective, l’Ordre des chimistes est déterminé à ce que l’exercice de la chimie au Québec soit effectué par des personnes compétentes : les membres de l’Ordre des chimistes du Québec. Certes, le mandat confié par le législateur comporte de nombreux défis et exige de l’Ordre qu’il y consacre les énergies nécessaires. En contre partie, ce faisant, l’Ordre s’assure ainsi que le public bénéficie des services compétents, rendus par des professionnels responsables. ACCN
References 1
n 2001, était adopté un règlement, le Professional Chemists E Regulation, intégrant l’Association au Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act. 2 Corporation professionnelle des physiothérapeutes au Québec c. Laurier, [1982] C.S. 781, 786. 3 Ordre des chimistes du Québec c. Chimitec, C.A. 26 février 2001. Me Lanctot œuvre essentiellement en droit administratif avec une concentration particulière en droit professionnel et disciplinaire. Depuis plus de 20 ans, Me Lanctot représente plusieurs ordres professionnels en tant que procureur et conseiller juridique. Il est procureur de l’Ordre des chimistes du Québec depuis 1990.
32 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
The Ordre des chimistes has been proactive in terms of defining and determining professional standards. In recent years, the Board of Directors of the Ordre has adopted several guidelines to direct chemists in their daily practice. The practice of professional chemistry, defined in section 1b) of the Professional Chemists Act, constitutes the framework for the Ordre des chimistes du Québec. In recent years, the Ordre has spared no effort to thwart those who try to appropriate the benefits and privileges specific to chemists. The courts have recognized that this type of control is intended to protect the public.2 In the past 12 years, the Ordre des chimistes has filed no fewer than 70 lawsuits throughout Quebec, obtaining numerous guilty verdicts by the penal courts. In most cases, the defendants were required to change their methods and comply with the Professional Chemists Act. In the specific case of Chimitec,3 the Quebec Court of appeal stated that the Professional Chemists Act “is designed to protect the public” and that “in keeping with this objective, the legislator has granted chemists the right to practice professional chemistry.” Even when engaged in a lawsuit, the Ordre's main objective, where possible, is to ensure that the future practice of chemistry takes place in compliance with the law. In the same way that the Ordre des ingénieurs or the Collège des médecins ensures the observance of their respective incorporating Acts, the Ordre des chimistes is determined that the practice of chemistry in Quebec should be performed by competent individuals, namely members of the Ordre des chimistes du Québec. Of course, the mandate granted by the legislator involves many challenges, which the Ordre will need to work diligently to overcome. However, in doing so, the Ordre ensures that the public receives competent services provided by responsible professionals. ACCN
mars 2009
I n 2001, the Professional Chemists Regulation was adopted, incorporating the Association into the Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act. 2 Corporation professionnelle des physiothérapeutes du Québec vs. Laurier, [1982] S.C. 781, 786. 3 Ordre des chimistes du Québec vs. Chimitec, C.A. February 26, 2001. Mr. Lanctot works mainly in the field of administrative law with an emphasis on professional and disciplinary law. He has acted as attorney and legal advisor to several professional orders for over 20 years, and has worked as legal counsel for the Ordre des chimistes du Québec since 1990.
Recognition reconnaissance Canadiancompany provides innovative new flax products for human food, personal care and animal care markets.
Dennis Hall, FCIC Dennis Hall, FCIC, University of Alberta, was named the 2008 winner of the Steacie Prize. The award is presented annually to a scientist or engineer of 40 years of age or less for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada. Hall is an organic chemist working on applications of compounds known as boronic acids and esters. “While today’s chemists can make virtually any molecule they choose, the real challenge is figuring out which molecule will serve a useful, specific purpose, then finding a way to produce that compound efficiently,” says Hall.
Natunola President and CEO, Nam Fong Han, FCIC (centre) receives the award from MP Guy Lauzon. Natunola Health Biosciences Inc. is the winner of the 2008 Award of Excellence for Innovation in Agriculture and Agri-Foods. This is one of the most prestigious awards within the agricultural and agri-food industry. It recognizes an individual, organization or business that made an innovative contribution to the agri-food sector. Natunola built the world’s first dehulling plant for flaxseed. This all
Philip Jessop, FCIC, Queen’s University and Canada Research Chair in Green Chemistry has been awarded the Polanyi Award which is given for outstanding advance in the natural sciences or engineering. The award is worth $250,000 and is presented annually by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. Jessop and his research group have developed a reversible method of bringing together oil and water using carbon dioxide as a trigger and then separating them again, whenever needed, using aid. This has potential as an environmentally safe alternative to existing oil recovery and manufacturing processes that currently produce large quantities of oil byproducts. ACCN
Chemical Insititue of Canada
CIC’s National Chemistry Week (NCW)
Photos courtest of UWO
ational Chemistry Week 2008 took place October 18–25 with activities carried out by volunteers across the country. Ottawa hosted a chemistry display at the Canada Museum of Science and
34 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
mars 2009
Technology, including a chemistry show. The Simon Fraser University professors performed their annual 'The Three Prof's Most Excellent Chemistry Adventures', which is always enjoyed by a large audience of young people,
students and their families. Students and professors from The University of Western Ontario provided a display and experiments to the passers-by at White Oaks Mall bringing chemistry to the shoppers. High schools celebrate Mole Day, and host contests, quizzes and other activities for their students. Whatever the activity, Canadians shared in the fun and educated a wide variety of people, promoting chemistry, its applications and the profession. National Chemistry Week and the CIC’s Public Understanding of Chemistry (PUC) program as a whole would not take place without the hundreds of volunteers who host these events each year. A thank you is also important for the organizations that sponsor these events locally and nationally with financial or in-kind sponsorship. You are invited to join into the next National Chemistry Week, which takes place October 17–24, 2009. Host an activity, talk to the general public about your work or bring a friend or family member along to the events that are taking place in your region. Visit for more details. ACCN
Recognition reconnaissance
Events Événements
The 2008 National Public Understanding of Chemistry Sponsors
BASF H. L. Blachford Ltd. Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. NOVA Chemicals Corp. Rohm and Haas Canada Inc.
Anachemia Science Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. Recochem Inc. Rhodia Canada Inc.
Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association Diagnostic Chemicals Ltd. ERCO Canada Genzyme Diagnostics P.E.I. Inc.
May 26–29, 2009. 2nd Georgian Bay International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry (CanBIC-2009) Parry Sound, ON, www.canbic.ca. May 30–June 3, 2009. 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, ON, www.csc2009.ca.
Canada’s National Crystal Growing Competition
long-running favourite of National Chemistry Week is the National Crystal Growing Competition. High school students compete to grow the largest, best quality crystal. There is even a category for the teachers to try their skills. Competitors win cash prizes for their school to help purchase chemistry supplies or equipment.
July 5–9, 2009. 13th International IUPAC Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry(POC09), Montréal, QC, www.poc09.com. July 20–24, 2009. 7th CanadianComputational Chemistry Conference, Halifax, NS, www.bri.nrc.ca/cccc7. August 23–27, 2009. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, QC, www.wcce8.org. August 15–19, 2010. 3rd International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, Ottawa, ON, www.icgc2010.ca.
U.S. and Overseas Conferences August 1–9, 2009. IUPAC 42nd Congress and 45th General Assembly, Glasgow, U.K., www.iupac2009.org. September 27–30, 2009. Engineering our Future, Perth, Australia, www.chemeca2009.com. December 15–20, 2010. Pacifichem 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, www.pacifichem.org.
Best overall crystals in order of ranking
Best Overall Cavtegory 1st place: Lina Zhang and Rongjia Liu, Harry Ainlay High School, Edmonton, AB 2nd place: Erica Rutz, Fellowes High School, Pembroke, ON 3rd place: Milka Anbesse, Christiane Dizon, Kaitlyn Chan, St-Joseph College School, Toronto, ON Best Quality Category: Josée Aziz, Michelle Dillon, Katrina Albert, Natalie Georges, Rebecca Roufael, Collège catholique Samuel-Genest, Ottawa, ON
Did You Know all issues of ACCN prior to 2009 are free to view on‑lineat www.accn.ca?
Best Teacher’s Crystal Category: Aura Pombert, Harry Ainlay High School, Edmonton, AB ACCN march 2009 Canadian Chemical News 35
Recognition reconnaissance
Chemical Insititue of Canada
2009–2010 CIC Board of Directors Nominations Nominations pour le Conseil de direction de l’ICC The Nominating Committee, appointed under the terms of CIC By-Law Ar ticle X, Section 1, has proposed these candidates to serve as the Institute officers for 2009–2010. Further nominations are solicited from the membership for the positions of chair and vice-chair. They must be submitted in writing, must have the written and signed consent of the nominee to serve if elected, and must be signed by no fewer than 25 members in good standing of the Institute (CIC By-Law Ar ticle X, Section 3 (d)). The deadline for receipt of any additional nominations is Monday, March 30, 2009. If any elections are required, ballots will be mailed in April. Those elected-whether by ballot or accla‑ mation-will take office following the annual general meeting of the Institute on June 1, 2009, in Hamilton, ON. En vertu de l’article X, section 1, du règlement de l’ICC, le Comité des candidatures propose la candidature ces personnes aux postes d’administrateur pour 2009–2010. Les membres sont invités à soumettre d’autres candidatures pour les postes de président et de vice-président. Celles-ci doivent être présentées par écrit, être accompagnées du consentement écrit et signé par le candidat à remplir la charge s’il est élu, et doivent être signées par au moins 25 membres en règle de l’Institut (article X, section 3 (d) du règle‑ ment de l’ICC). La date limite pour soumettre d’autres candidatures est le 30 mars 2009. Advenant qu’un scrutin soit nécessaire, les bulletins seront postés en avril. Les personnes élues par scrutin ou par acclamation entreront en fonction après l’assemblée générale annu‑ elle de l’Institut, qui aura lieu le 1er juin 2009, à Hamilton (Ontario). 36 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
mars 2009
David Dolphin, FCIC, O.C. Chair 2009–2010 Emeritus Professor Department of Chemistry The University of British Columbia As the former vice-president of technology development at Quadra Logic Technologies, Dolphin was instrumental in the discovery, development, and commercialization of Visudyne™, and the establishment of one of Canada’s most renowned university spin-off companies, QLT Inc. Visudyne has already saved the vision of hundreds of thousands of people afflicted with “wet” age-related macular degeneration. Visudyne is the most successful ophthalmic product ever registered. It has been approved in more than 70 countries; more than 600,000 patients have been treated and more than $3,000,000,000 of the drug has been sold. Dolphin holds more than 160 patents (38 of them issued in the US) and has been internationally recognized for his industrial research. In 2002, (along with Julia Levy) was awarded the Prix Galien. In 2004, he was designated a Hero of Chemistry by the American Chemical Society. Dolphin obtained his PhD at the University of Nottingham in 1965 and then moved to Harvard University where he spent a year as a postdoctoral Fellow with Nobel Laureate Robert Burns Woodward. He then joined the faculty of the chemistry department at Harvard where he stayed for a decade before moving to The University of British Columbia (UBC) in 1974. He is an Emeritus University Killam Professor and the QLT/NSERC Industrial Research Professor in Photodynamic Technologies at the
UBC in Vancouver, Canada. Before joining QLT, he was the acting dean of science at UBC, and he has been acting vice-president of research at UBC in 1999–2000 and in 2005. He is the author and editor of 18 books on spectroscopy, chemistry, and biochemistry and has published over 400 research papers. Dolphin is a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada and of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He was elected a Guggenheim Fellow in 1980 and awarded a DSc from his alma mater of Nottingham University, in 1982. In 1990, he was awarded the Gold Medal in Health Sciences by the Science Council of British Columbia, was the 1993 recipient of the Syntex Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry and in the same year, he was the recipient of the Bell Canada Forum Award. He was appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2001. He received the Friesen Rygiel Prize in 2002, and in the same year he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (London). In 2004, he received the CSPS Award of Leadership in Canadian Pharmaceutical Sciences. In 2005, he was awarded the NSERC Herzberg Gold Medal, the Council’s highest honour. In the spring of 2006, Dolphin was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Hadi Mahabadi, FCIC Vice-Chair 2009–2010 Vice-President & Centre Manager Xerox Research Centre of Canada Hadi Mahabadi, FCIC, is Vice-President of Xerox and Director of the Xerox Research Centre of Canada (XRCC) for Xerox Corporation. He
Canadian Society for Chemistry
Nominations are now open for the
CanadianSociety for Chemistry
2010AWARDSAct now!
Do you know an outstanding person who deserves to be recognized?
The Rio Tinto Alcan Award is presented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contributionin the fields of inorganic chemistry or electrochemistry while working in Canada. Sponsored by Rio Tinto Alcan. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The Alfred Bader Award is presented as a mark of distinction and recognition for excellence in research in organic chemistry carried out in Canada. Sponsored by Alfred Bader, HFCIC. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry is presented to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who has made an outstanding contributionto inorganic chemistry while working in Canada, and who is within ten years of his or her first professional appointment as an independent researcher in an academic, government, or industrial sector. Sponsored by Strem Chemicals Inc. Award: A framed scroll and travel expenses for a lecture tour. The Boehringer Ingelheim Award is presented to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant whose PhD thesis in the field of organic or bioorganic chemistry was formallyaccepted by a Canadian university in the 12-month period preceding the nominationdeadline of July 3 and whose doctoral research is judged to be of outstanding quality. Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The Clara Benson Award is presented in recognition of a distinguished contribution to chemistry by a woman while working in
Canada. Sponsored by the Canadian Council of University Chemistry Chairs (CCUCC). Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The Maxxam Award is presented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution in the field of analyticalchemistry while working in Canada. Sponsored by Maxxam Analytics Inc. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The R. U. Lemieux Award is presented to an organic chemist who has made a distinguished contribution to any area of organic chemistry while working in Canada. Sponsored by the Organic Chemistry Division. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The Merck Frosst Centre for Therapeutic Research Award is presented to a scientist residing in Canada, who shall not have reached the age of 40 years by April 1 of the year of nomination and who has made a distinguished contribution in the fields of organic chemistry or biochemistry while working in Canada. Sponsored by Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The Bernard Belleau Award is presented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of medicinal chemistry through research involving biochemical or organic chemical mechanisms. Sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb Canada Co. Award: A framed scroll and a cash prize. The John C. Polanyi Award is presented to a scientist for excellence in research in physical, theoretical or computational chemistry or chemical physics carried out in Canada. Award: A framed scroll.
The Fred Beamish Award is presented to an individual who demonstrates innovation in research in the field of analytical chemistry, where the research is anticipated to have significant potential for practical applications. The award is open to new faculty members at a Canadian university and they must be recent graduates with six years of appointment. Sponsored by Eli Lilly Canada Inc. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize, and travel expenses. The Keith Laidler Award is presented to a scientist who has made a distinguished contributionin the field of physical chemistry while working in Canada. The award recognizes early achievementin the awardee’s independent research career. Award: A framed scroll. The W. A. E. McBryde Medal is presented to a young scientist working in Canada who has made a significant achievement in pure or appliedanalytical chemistry. Sponsored by Sciex Inc., Division of MDS Health Group. Award: A medal and a cash prize.
Deadline The deadline for all CSC awards is July 2, 2009 for the 2010 selection.
Nomination Procedure Submit your nominations to: Awards Manager Canadian Society for Chemistry 130 Slater Street, Suite 550 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2 T. 613-232-6252, ext. 223 F. 613-232-5862 awards@cheminst.ca
Nomination forms and the full Terms of Reference for these awards are available at www.chemistry.ca/awards.
Recognition reconnaissance joined Xerox in 1981 and has held a variety of managerial positions and is currently responsible for managing Xerox materials and ink jet research and technology development. He has been instrumental in the development and delivery of breakthrough materials technologies such as novel toners, inks, photoactive materials that have been introduced into the market since 1990. Mahabadi has been involved in various aspects of managing innovation and commercialization in Canada and serves on a few national and provincial committees/ task forces. He has served on a few advisory boards and is currently a member of the Board of Directors at the Ontario Centre of Excellence and the Board of Governors of the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD). Mahabadi has received many awards including two of Xerox’s highest awards, the Xerox President's Award, the corporation's highest honour for individual achievement and the Xerox's Chester F. Carlson Award for the highest number of US patents. He has also received several national and international awards including University of Waterloo’s 2008 Alumni Achievement Medal and was ranked as first among Print Action Magazine’s 50 most
38 L’Actualité chimique canadienne
mars 2009
influential Canadians in graphic art communications for 2008. Mahabadi received his PhD in the field of polymer engineering from the University of Waterloo in 1976 and held various academic positions before joining Xerox. He published over 100 scientific articles and received over 70 US patents. Mahabadi is a member of several scientific societies. He was elected as a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and served as secretary and chair of the CIC Macromolecular Science and Engineering Division.
Statement of Policy As today’s global economy is transitioning to a “knowledge based economy”, Canada’s science and technology policies should be formulated to maximize performance and well being of Canadians. This means more efforts towards growth in Canadian high technology industries and high skilled work force needed to increase this transformation speed. In this view, higher investments in R&D, commercialization, education and training as well as
new managerial skills and work structure in Canada are essential. The CIC and its constituent societies are well positioned to contribute in a significant way to this important transformation by: 1) ensuring that chemists, chemical engineers, chemical technologists and related interdisciplinary professionals are educated and trained to face current and future challenges and opportunities. Opportunities in teaching, conducting effective R&D and commercialization in advanced chemical science and technologies, especially in emerging areas such as green chemistry and processing, nano and smart materials and renewable sources of energy; 2) ensuring that the chemical professions at all levels maintain their key role in this transformation; 3) actively participating in ongoing efforts by government, industries and universities in encouraging young Canadians to pursue the field of science, engineering and technology and more specifically the field of chemistry and chemical engineering; 4) actively working with universities, and colleges, government organizations and industries to encourage increased investment in the key emerging chemical fields that have major impact on knowledge-based economy in Canada. ACCN
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