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Electricity Canada is Ready for Our Energy Future
Electricity Canada: The Grid 2022
Julia Muggeridge
Vice President, Communications and Marketing, Electricity Canada
Most people experience rebranding as a “What the…!?” situation. It’s that moment when you find yourself saying, “Why does my dishwashing powder have a new logo!?” or “Is this really my CIBC branch!?” It’s a moment of surprise and puzzlement.
On March 1st, 2022, the Canadian Electricity Association became Electricity Canada. There is a new name, a new logo, new colours, and a new tagline.
So why the change?
In early 2021, we interviewed a number of members of our Board of Directors, our Public Advisory Panel, internal staff members and executives in the energy sector and asked them about our brand. We weren’t concerned about the colours or the logo. We wanted to know if “Canadian Electricity Association (CEA)” was effectively demonstrating our leadership in the energy sector. We asked if "CEA" in its current form communicates our role in the climate change conversation.
What we found from those stakeholder conversations was that the existing CEA brand was quiet and safe.
We needed a brand that was bolder and more aligned with our leadership role in the Net Zero conversation.
What we heard was that we need to be doing everything, exploring every innovation to achieve Canada’s Net Zero targets. To do that we can’t be safe. We can’t blend in. We have a “loud and proud” message about electricity to tell government, stakeholders, the media and our customers. This new brand will help us deliver and broaden this message. Becoming Electricity Canada allows us to attract a more diverse audience. Removing the word "association" allows us to strengthen our activities which in addition to lobbying, include education and other services. We believe a more vital name will show the breadth of what we do.
Then there’s the look and feel of the brand. We looked at the various national organizations clustered in downtown Ottawa and, within that bubble, it was a sea of greens, blues, reds and yellows. We needed to stand out. (Moreover, electricity doesn’t actually have a colour so we can choose what colour we like!) That’s why our new icon is pink—it stands out, and says we aren’t here to do business as usual.
But the biggest and most important change – the one that signals why this rebrand is so important – is our tagline, “Our Energy Future”. Because it’s the truth. Electricity will be our energy future, especially as we decarbonize our economy in the coming decades. It’s a tagline that’s honest, truthful, inspirational and positive, which is something we all need right now. It’s something we can all stand behind.
Rebranding is often surprising. But for us, this rebrand came at the perfect time. We need to tell Canadians that electricity and climate change are connected, and electricity is part of the solution. We need to do this boldly and courageously.
We are Electricity Canada, and we represent Our Energy Future!