Philippine Canadian Inquirer #371

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MAY 17, 2019

VOL. 5 NO. 371


The Commission on Elections (Comelec) en banc, headed by Chairman Sheriff Abas, sitting as the National Board of Canvassers (NBOC), convenes at its headquarters at the Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay City on May 13, 2019. As polling precincts close at 6 p.m., the NBOC starts the official tally of election results for senators and party-list groups that participated in Monday’s polls. AVITO C. DALAN / PNA

Senate to remain independent amid expected victory of PRRD bets BY FILANE MIKEE CERVANTES Philippine News Agency MANILA – Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri on Wednesday said the Senate will remain independent even if the upper chamber will be dominated by

administration allies. Zubiri allayed fears that the chamber would become Malacanang’s rubberstamp, saying that they will carefully scrutinize and not railroad the passage of the administration’s pet bills.


Netizens laud Mike Enriquez for his comments about 2019 polls

18 Dela Rosa to attend lawmaking seminars as first plan if he wins Senate seat

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Canadian among six dead in mid air float plane crash in Alaska


Philippine News

MAY 17, 2019


Mayor Sara can decide on her own on 2022 presidential run: Palace BY AZER PARROCHA Philippine News Agency MANILA — Davao City mayor and presidential daughter Sara Duterte has an “independent mind” and can decide whether she will consider running as president in the 2022 elections, Malacañang said on Tuesday. Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo said he could not tell whether Sara had plans on running despite the warning of her father, President Rodrigo Duterte that presidency could both “educate” and “destroy” her. “We know Mayor Sara has her own independent mind. We have to leave that to Mayor Sara herself,” Panelo said in a Palace briefing. Panelo denied speculations that the President repeatedly mentioned Sara in his speeches as if hinting that she would seek the country’s highest elective post in the 2022 elections. “He (Duterte) doesn’t have to say that because everybody wants her to run. I mean, a lot of people are egging her to run,” Panelo said.

Panelo said the President’s warning was his way of showing concern for his children. “I think that’s a genuine concern for this President. He loves his children; he doesn’t want them to suffer,” Panelo said. “Since he is a father to a daughter ayaw niya sigurong maranasan ng anak niya iyong nararanasan niya ngayon (he doesn’t want his daughter to experience what he’s experiencing now),” he added. Sara, who leads the administrationbacked regional party Hugpong ng Pagbabago, was reelected mayor while her brothers Paolo and Baste won as representative of the first district of Davao City and vice mayor, respectively. Rumors of her planning to run for president in the next elections surfaced anew after many of the administrationbacked candidates made it to the Senate’s Magic 12 based on the partial and unofficial results of the May 13 midterm polls. Anti-political dynasty measures

Panelo, meanwhile, reiterated Duterte’s stance on anti-political dy-

Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio.

nasty provisions in the proposed federal constitution, saying he will leave it to Filipinos to decide via referendumplebiscite. Duterte previously said he was for anti-political dynasties but could not prevent his own children from running for public office. “Ang sinasabi niya yata roon, Pilipino pa rin ang magdi-decide. Kasi mayroong dynasty na maganda, mayroon ding dynasty na masama (What he said before is, it’s up to Filipinos to decide. Because there are dynasties which are good, there are dynasties that are bad),” Pan-


elo said. “We have seen how the Filipinos or the Filipino electorate has rejected dynasties which they feel and believe to be no longer fruitful sa kanila; hindi beneficial sa kanila kaya ni-reject nila (to them, no longer beneficial to them that’s why they reject them),” he added. The Presidential Spokesperson also said it will be up to the Congress to push for anti-political dynasty measures. “We will leave it to the members of Congress, to their good conscience, to whatever they think is good for this country,” Panelo said. ■

New IBP head vows probe into ‘Bikoy’ mess BY BENJAMIN PULTA Philippine News Agency MANILA — The new national president of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) on Monday vowed a full investigation on the fiasco over the organization’s involvement with Peter Joemel “Bikoy” Advincula. Lawyer Domingo Eyon Cayosa assured that they would look into the circumstances of the press conference conducted by Advincula in their headquarters in Pasig City last week. “Be assured that we will responsibly do our job as elected leaders of the organization and safeguard the interests and integrity of the IBP,” Cayosa assured in a statement. The IBP has turned down Advincula’s request for free legal assistance, citing that Bikoy has failed to meet standards. A disbarment complaint was filed on

Friday against Cayosa and his predecessor, lawyer Abdiel Dan Elijah Fajardo, by the Kabalikat party-list before the Supreme Court, accusing the duo of violating Rule 1.02 of the Code of Professional Responsibility for allowing Advincula to use the IBP office to publicly accuse members of the first family and allies of President Rodrigo Duterte of involvement in the illegal drug trade. Rule 1.02 states that “a lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening confidence in the legal system.” The complaint states that the IBP heads committed misconduct in “allowing, tolerating, and abetting” Advincula “in the commission of slander and/or uttering seditious words or speech and in circulating scurrilous libels against the duly constituted authority and a member of his family.” Solicitor General Jose Calida earlier called for the resignation of Fajardo as IBP head. ■

Philippine News

FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


Reiwa era seen to propel PHJapan strategic partnership BY JOYCE ANN L. ROCAMORA Philippine News Agency

Brig. Gen. Edgard Arevalo.


Martial law played key role in securing Mindanao polls: AFP BY PRIAM NEPOMUCENO Philippine News Agency

special joint session in July 2017, granted the extension of martial law until December 31, 2017 at the President’s request. MANILA — Martial Law in Mindanao The Senate and House of Representaproved a vital factor in ensuring the tives, convening in a joint session early relatively peaceful conduct of Monday’s December, granted the Chief Executive’s mid-term elections in the island. request for the extension of martial law “In Mindanao where there are a num- and the suspension of the privilege of ber of identified election areas of con- the writ of habeas corpus for a period of cern, Martial Law proved to be a seri- one year from January 1 to December 31, ous deterrent to lawless groups who 2018. may intend to disturb free polling,” said Also, the AFP spokesperson vigiArmed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) lance on the part of security forces enspokesperson, Marine Brig. Gen. Edgard sured that there will be sufficient forces Arevalo, on Tuesday when asked by re- groups planning to disrupt the polls. porters on what other factors the mili“Vigilance and anticipation enabled tary can attribute the us to immediately act relative non-violent and counteract efelections. forts, anticipated or Aside from this, unexpected, that may Arevalo attributed Martial Law or tend to disrupt the success and relaproved to our planned peaceful tive peacefulness of be a serious and orderly conduct the elections to the deterrent to of the elections,” he peoples’ cooperalawless groups added. tion with the security who may intend When asked on measures laid by the to disturb free why there were no reAFP and the Philippolling. ported New People’s pine National Police. Army (NPA) attacks “And likewise to on the day of the the citizens’ active elections, Arevalo atinvolvement in reporting unusual devel- tributes this to meticulous planning and opments or movements in their locali- preparation by government security ties,” the AFP spokesperson said. forces and the Commission on Elections In a 235-28-1 vote, the Congress, in a (Comelec). joint session on December 12, 2018, ap“Meticulous planning and preparaproved the extension of martial law in tions seamlessly executed by governMindanao until December 31, 2019. ment security forces and the Comelec The AFP recommended another year- and their commanding presence in the long extension of martial law in Mind- polling areas deterred possible NPA anao island to totally neutralize terror atrocities. In Mindanao where there are groups still operating in Mindanao. Mar- a number of identified election areas of tial law in Mindanao was declared on concern, Martial Law prevented seriMay 23, 2017 following attacks launched ous breach of law and order especially by the Maute Group in Marawi City. by various private armed and threat The House of Representatives, in a groups,” he said.

MANILA — Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin, Jr. on Tuesday said the Reiwa era under new Japanese Emperor Naruhito could drive a stronger partnership between Manila and Tokyo. “On the bilateral front, we are confident that the Reiwa era will impart a stronger impetus to our Strategic Partnership,” he said during the reception on the enthronement of Emperor Naruhito. Emperor Naruhito ascended the Chrysanthemum Throne on May 1, effectively ending the Heisei era of Japan. The transition marked the beginning of Reiwa or “beautiful harmony” in place of Heisei, which denotes to the period of “achieving peace.” At present, the country’s top diplomat said the two nations’ ties is already at its “best” form in “all aspects that you could think of.” In 2017, President Rodrigo R. Duterte announced that Tokyo and Manila have entered the “Golden Age of Strategic Partnership,” following the “maximum support” Japan extended to the Philip-

pines, particularly on the rebuilding of war-ravaged Marawi City. After his summit meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in October 2017, the landmark “Joint Statement on Bilateral Cooperation for the Next Five Years” was issued, emphasizing Tokyo’s intention to steadily implement its contribution totaling 1 trillion yen over the next five years through public and private sector efforts. Locsin, for his part, sees the continuous support of Japan to the Philippines under the new emperor. “Japan is the most generous partner of the Philippines, no question about that. Japan just helps and that, of course, will continue under the new emperor,” he told reporters in an interview. Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Koji Haneda confirmed that assistance, majority of which are heavily poured into Mindanao’s development, are continuous in the Philippines. “In the new era of Reiwa, we will engage in our best efforts to further promote stronger ties with the people of the Philippines,” he said in a speech. “Many cooperation projects are likewise in the pipeline,” he noted.


Philippine News

MAY 17, 2019


Persons with special needs among ‘early birds’ in Taguig polls BY GLADYS PINO Philippine News Agency MANILA — For a wheelchair-bound senior citizen and a totally blind man, neither age nor disability can prevent them from exercising their right to suffrage. Federico Jose, 70, and John Michael Malan, 23, were among the firsts to cast their votes at Sta. Teresa Elementary School in Taguig on Monday, May 13. Jose got teary eyed as he shared to the Philippine News Agency his reasons for exercising his right, sans the difficulty, mobility issues ‘so my voice will be heard.’ “I don’t care if it won’t matter, but I am going out now to do my citizen’s duty and be heard,” Jose said. Jose, who has been a Taguig resident since 1970, still hopes for change in the country and that his vote will be a factor for this to happen. As he stepped into the school grounds, Jose was immediately assisted by an

election volunteer and ushered to the courtesy lane room at the school’s ground level, aimed at making Monday’s polls convenient for people with special needs like senior citizens, persons with disabilities (PWDs), pregnant women and those with children. On the other hand, Malan is stepping forward ‘to make sure that I help the right, deserving people get the posts.” Assisted by his sister, the Bagumbayan Village vice president for persons with disabilities (PWDs) chooses the names to shade, as his sister mentions them. Like Jose, Malan appreciated the PWD-friendly election process, where “all possible assistance were extended to us.” Per Commission on Election (Comelec) data, more than 61 million are expected to go out to exercise their right to vote on Monday, May 13. Some 18 million are from the youth sector, while 5.8 million are 60 and above. ■

Election-related violence down by 60%: PNP BY CHRISTOPHER LLOYD CALIWAN Philippine News Agency

He said as of 8 a.m., May 14, a total of 225 incidents of reported vote buying were recorded which resulted in the arrest of 441 violators. Eight minors who were also used for vote buying were resMANILA — Incidents of election-relat- cued by the police. ed violence this year declined by 60 perAlbayalde admitted there were recent as compared to the last elections, ports of “massive” vote-buying during the Philippine National Police (PNP) the May 13, 2019 elections. said Tuesday. “There are several factors on vote PNP chief Gen. Oscar Albayalde said a buying. First, our elections are autototal of 43 incidents with 73 victims were mated. Seemingly, the Comelec (Comrecorded this year, as compared to the mission on Elections) said the VCMs 106 incidents with 192 victims during the (vote counting machines) are incorrupt2016 elections. ible so the tendency “This could be atis for the candidates tributed to our relentto go directly to the less efforts in addressvoters. Another is ing risk factors such Albayalde that we haven’t seen as reducing private admitted there any candidate getting armed groups (PAGs) were reports of suspended or investias well as other gun“massive” votegated for alleged vote for-hire groups of buying during buying,” he said. some candidates,” Althe May 13, 2019 The PNP chief, bayalde told reporters elections. however, admitted in a press briefing. that allegations of He said over 5,500 vote-buying are hard illegal firearms and to prove. other deadly weapons were confiscated Albayalde commended the police by the PNP during the implementation forces for the successful conduct of elecof the election gun ban. tions. Albayalde said they need to boost “I thank, congratulate and commend their communication capability for a the men and women of the PNP for your more efficient reporting of situations on display of courage in the face of all odds, the ground, as well as the coordination the sacrifices you have made during the among the security forces. entire election period, and for your hard The PNP chief also assured that they work in ensuring the peaceful and safe will further strengthen their capability conduct of the elections,” Albayalde said. to address vote-buying and selling ac“There may have been incidents of vitivities in the next elections. olence, vote buying and harassment but Albayalde said unlike the past years, these have all been resolutely and effithe PNP now is more pro-active in ap- ciently addressed by our police units toprehending personalities involved in gether with the AFP and the Comelec,” vote buying. he added. ■


FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019

Philippine News


MAY 17, 2019





Cynthia Villar/Website

Grace Poe/Facebook

VILLAR, CYNTHIA (NP) 24,787,988



JV Ejercito/Facebook

EJERCITO, JV (NPC) 14,039,608

CAYETANO, PIA (NP) 19,382,698

Lito Lapid/Facebook

ANGARA, SONNY (LDP) 17,819,247

Francis Tolentino/Facebook

Pia Cayetano/Facebook


Sonny Angara/Facebook



GO, BONG (PDP-LBN) 20,132,329


Avito Dalan/PNA


Bong Go/Facebook

POE, GRACE (IND) 21,661,935


DELA ROSA, BATO (PDP-LBN) 18,504,606


LAPID, LITO (NPC) 16,661,923


Ramon Bong Revilla, Jr./Facebook

Imee Marcos/Facebook

MARCOS, IMEE (NP) 15,550,027


Senator Koko Pimentel/Facebook

Nancy Binay/Facebook

REVILLA, BONG (LAKAS) 14,330,697







Bam Aquino/Facebook

AQUINO, BAM (LP) 13,925,006

OUT OF 63,662,481

BINAY, NANCY (UNA) 14,277,180

To beat press time, these partial results reflect only 96.79% of Filipino voters as official results are yet to be out as of data compilation.


Philippine News

FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


Senate to... ❰❰ 1

“The Senate as an institution will always continue to remain independent as proven by our track record in passing legislation,” Zubiri told reporters in a text message. “When we see an administration-led measure that is good for the people then we support it, but if we see it needs further study and debate then we don’t force it or rush into it,” Zubiri added. Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon echoed Zubiri’s sentiment, assuring that his bloc would “do everything” to keep the independence of the chamber. “But if the Senate becomes a ‘rubber stamp’, we assure our people that we will not be a part of it... that will be the decision

of the majority,” Drilon said. “Having said that, I have no doubt that any reorganization in the Senate will need the President’s blessing,” he added. Majority of the administration’s senatorial candidates are dominating the top 12 of the senatorial race in the just-concluded mid-term elections on Monday. The figure is based on the partial official tally of the votes from 34 Certificates of Canvass (COCs) by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) sitting as the National Board of Canvassers (NBOC). Hugpong ng Pagbabago (HNP) Senate bets included in the Top 12 are reelectionist Senator Cynthia Villar, who topped the list with 4,092,454 votes, former Special Assistant

to the President (SAP) Bong Go, 3,293,341 (3rd); former Senator Pia Cayetano, 3,251,819 (4th); and former Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Bato dela Rosa, 3,128,061 (5th). Also included are reelectionist Senator Sonny Angara, 3,022,955 (6th); former Ilocos Norte Governor Imee Marcos, 2,850,643 (7th); former Metro Manila Development Authority chairman Francis Tolentino, 2,584,833 (8th); and reelectionist Koko Pimentel, 2,439,571 (10th). Completing the partial official list are reelectionist Senator Grace Poe (2nd), 3,650,288; former Senator Lito Lapid, 2,520,316 (9th); reelectionist Nancy Binay, 2,366,035 (11th) and opposition bet and reelectionist Senator Bam Aquino, 2,335,724 (12). ■

UP-NCPAG dean says Dela Rosa welcome to attend their training programs BY JOANNA BELLE DEALA Philippine Canadian Inquirer THE DEAN of University of the Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG) on Wednesday, May 15, said senatorial candidate Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa is welcome to take training programs under their school. In an interview with Balitanghali, UP-NCPAG dean Fe Mendoza said they were “happy” to hear that Dela Rosa’s plan. “Marami kaming training programs sa national. Meron kaming mga executive courses on policy-making. Ngayon nga, meron na kaming nakahanda para sa 18th Congress kasi palagi naming ginagawa ito. Meron na kaming programa na nakahain para sa House [of Representatives] (We have a lot of programs in the national. We have executive courses on policy-making. Actually now, we have already prepared some for the 18th Congress because we always do this. We also prepared programs for the House of Representatives),” Mendoza said.


“Ngayon sa Senate naman, kung gusto ni senator-elect Bato Dela Rosa na magkaroon ng training, welcome siya (Now for the Senate, if senator-elect Bato Dela Rosa wants to undergo training, he is welcome),” he added. Apart from the UP-NCPAG dean, Mel Sta. Maria, broadcaster and dean of the Institute of Law of Far Eastern University (FEU), is also offering to lec-

ture Dela Rosa about the rule of law and legislation “for FREE” as posted on his Facebook account, if the former top cop “is serious.” These statements came a day after Dela Rosa in an interview said that the first thing he would do once he assumes office as a senator is to attend seminars to know how to make laws and to know what the job of a senator is. ■

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is assisted by an election officer as he inserts his ballot in the vote counting machine at his voting precinct at the Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School in Davao City. SIMEON CELI JR./PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO

Let Comelec explain faulty vote counting machines: Duterte BY AZER PARROCHA Philippine News Agency MANILA — President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday appealed to allow first the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to explain the reason behind the reported malfunctioning vote counting machines (VCMs) during the mid-term elections before government conducts an investigation. “Comelec is an independent body. And if there is any malfunction there or aberration at all in the procedure or process in the conduct of elections, let Comelec first explain to the people before we initiate a sort of investigation that is in recognizance of our independent (commissions),” Duterte said in a chance interview after he cast his vote at the Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School in Davao City. The Comelec earlier admitted that VCM issues tripled in this year’s polls but assured that the number of VCMs that malfunctioned is still “within range.” Comelec spokesperson James Jimenez explained an expected 400 to 600 malfunctioning VCMs out of the total 85,000 VCMs was a “small figure.” Vote-buying

Duterte, meanwhile, said candidates caught vote-buying would be prosecuted to the full length of the law. “If they are caught, they should be prosecuted to the full

length of the law,” Duterte said. He, however, acknowledged the practice of buying votes has been an “integral” part of election in the country since many Filipinos are poor. “Walang hindi nagbibili ng boto dito, maniwala ka. Ituro mo kung sinong di nagbili ng boto (There’s no candidate that doesn’t engage in vote-buying, believe it. Point to me a person who hasn’t engaged in votebuying),” Duterte said. “When you start to give money, that’s not because I’m buying the vote of the fellow. It’s because I’m giving him money to go to the precinto (precinct), cast his vote, and go home. ’Di naman lahat may pera (Not everyone has money),” he added. Aside from the malfunctioning VCMs, vote-buying, and violence in some parts of Mindanao, Duterte said he has yet to receive information about anything that disrupted the conduct of elections. Duterte said he wanted to visit Lanao del Sur following reports of violence and harassment in the area, but prioritized casting his vote. “People will always congregate where I am and political leaders are also there and it might be construed by the many that campaigning beyond the allowable days and rather than risk disqualification,” Duterte said. “Lanao remains to be controllable. I communicate with the Army, police almost every hour and for them to tell me there is something big in the conduct of elections,” he added. ■

Philippine News


MAY 17, 2019


Millions vote in Philippine elections crucial to Duterte Correspondent/Hosts Bea Kirstein T. Manalaysay Joanna Belle Deala Gianna Llanes Arianne Grace U. Lacanilao Violeta Arevelo Babes Newland Graphic Design Shanice Garcia Ginno Alcantara Arlnie Colleene Talain Singca Account Manager Kristopher Yong Director/Producer Boom Dayupay Photographers/Videographers Ginno Alcantara Maria Crizandra Baylon Mariano Luis V. Quintos, Jr. Sales Aireen De Asis Dennis Cruz Operations and Admin Victoria Yong Amelia Insigne Management Alan Yong Victoria Yong For photo submissions, please email For General Inquiries, please email For Sales Inquiries, please email or contact 778-788-4998 Philippine Canadian Inquirer is located at 11951 Hammersmith Way, Suite 108 Richmond, B.C. V7A 5H9 Canada

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BY RACHEL LA CORTE The Associated Press MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Filipinos began casting their vote Monday in midterm elections highlighted by a showdown between President Rodrigo Duterte’s allies who aim to dominate the Senate and opposition candidates fighting for checks and balances under a leader they regard as a looming dictator. Nearly 62 million Filipinos have registered to choose among 43,500 candidates vying for about 18,000 congressional and local posts in the high-stakes elections in one of Asia’s most rambunctious democracies. Many see the elections as a crucial referendum on Duterte’s rise to power with a brutal crackdown on illegal drugs that has left thousands dead, his unorthodox leadership style, combative and sexist joke-laden outbursts and contentious embrace of China. “President Duterte’s name is not on the ballot but this is very much a referendum on his three years of very disruptive yet very popular presidency,” Manila-based analyst Richard Heydarian said. The outcome of the polls would show whether the Filipino populace affirms or rejects Duterte’s authoritarian-style leadership in an Asian bastion of democracy, Heydarian said. The most crucial race is for 12 seats in the 24-member Senate, which Duterte wants to fill with allies to bolster his legislative agenda. That includes the return of the death penalty, lowering the age for criminal liability of child offenders, and revising the country’s 1987 constitution primarily to allow a shift to a federal form of government, a proposal some critics fear may be a cover to remove term limits. Military and police forces were on full alert to respond to any violence, especially in security hotspots that include the entire southern region of Mindanao, and help prevent cheating amid intense local political rivalries. Two suspected grenade blasts were reported in southern Maguindanao province, including one shortly before voting started at 6 a.m.. There were no reported injuries from the explosions. Commission on Elections spokesman James Jimenez said the elections season has been peaceful so far compared to past years. Police say 20 people have died in poll-related violence, out of 76 reported casualties. In Manila’s financial district of Makati, former Vice-President Jejomar Binay protested after his ballot was rejected by an automated counting machine, one of

Residents troop to the Corazon Aquino Elementary School in IBP Road, Batasan Hills, Quezon City to cast their votes for the mid-term election on May 13, 2019. A total of 18,072 elective seats are up for grabs, including 12 slots for senator and 61 for party-list representatives. OLIVER MARQUEZ/PNA

several similar complaints. At least two mayoral candidates have been put in police custody elsewhere, including one for alleged elections fraud. Opposition aspirants consider the Senate the last bastion of checks and balances given the solid dominance of Duterte’s loyalists in the lower House of Representatives. Last year, opposition senators moved to block proposed bills they feared would undermine civil liberties. Duterte’s politics and key programs, including his drive against illegal drugs that has left more than 5,200 mostly urban poor suspects dead, have been scrutinized on the campaign trail and defended by close allies running for the Senate, led by his former national police chief Ronald dela Rosa, who first enforced the crackdown when the president took office in mid-2016. Aside from the drug killings, Duterte’s gutter language and what nationalists say is a policy of appeasement toward China that may undermine Philippine territorial claims in the South China Sea, have also been the cause of protests and criticism. A May 3-6 survey by independent pollster Pulse Asia showed 11 of Dutertebacked senatorial candidates and four other aspirants in the winning circle, including only one from the opposition. The survey also showed some favourites had narrow leads and a considerable number of voters were undecided, indicating a probability the results could change. The survey of 1,800 respondents had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points. Duterte himself remains hugely popular based on independent ratings surveys. Divided, cash-strapped and without a unified leader, opposition aspirants are

fighting an uphill battle to capture the few Senate seats they need to stymie any hostile legislation. Many Filipinos seem more open to authoritarianism due to past failures of liberal leaders, Heydarian said. Such a mindset has helped the family of former dictator Ferdinand Marcos to make a political comeback. Among many dirt-poor Filipinos, however, the concern is day-to-day survival. “Martial law is scary but we’re more afraid of dying in hunger,” Arturo Veles, a jobless father of six, told The Associated Press. Wiping away tears, Veles spoke outside his family’s shanty in the humid squalor atop Smokey Mountain, a longclosed dumpsite in Manila’s Tondo slum that remains a symbol of the country’s appalling poverty. His asthma-stricken wife, Agnes, said that not one congressional candidate had treaded the flystrewn and trash-littered path to their cluster of crumbling huts, probably because of the smell and filth. Arturo Veles said the poor always suffer the most, indicating he and his wife would not vote for administration candidates. “They only see the poor, those using and selling drugs. That’s the only thing they see, not the depth of our poverty.” Village guard Jose Mondejar, who lives in a Tondo community heavily festooned with elections streamers and posters, backed Duterte’s anti-crime campaign, saying it has reduced crimes, including daytime robberies by drug addicts of passing cargo trucks, by about 70 per cent in his neighbourhood. ■ Associated Press journalists Bullit Marquez, Joeal Calupitan and Aaron Favila contributed to this report.

Philippine News

FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


Professor, writer drew flak for insulting Filipino cuisine BY JOANNA BELLE DEALA Philippine Canadian Inquirer

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte shows his marked index finger after casting his vote for the midterm elections at his voting precinct at the Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School in Davao City. SIMEON CELI JR./PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO

Duterte insists matrices are ‘true’ BY AZER PARROCHA Philippine News Agency MANILA — President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday insisted that the matrices released by Malacañang showing how the Liberal Party, the Magdalo group, and media outlets are conspiring to discredit him are “true.” The plotters, who have been named in the matrices, have denied such allegation but Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo and the President himself have insisted that they have been verified. “Totoo yung matrix, pati yung spectral analysis ng boses nila (The matrix is true, even the spectral analysis of their voices),” said Duterte in a chance media interview after casting his vote at the Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School in Davao City. Duterte did not elaborate on the “voices” he was referring to. He also said there were “communications” recorded that could validate the matrices but did not confirm or deny if they were obtained through wire-

tapping. “Yes, wiretapping is against the law. Sino ang nag wire tap (Who wiretapped)? I really do not know,” Duterte said. “Finished product na yan e (It’s already a finished product). Only if you use it in court, it cannot be accepted as evidence,” he added. Earlier, Panelo claimed that VERA Files president Ellen Tordesillas’ activities revealed “a very active collaboration” between the groups of former Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, blogger Eduardo “Cocoy” Dayao, exiled communist rebel leader Jose Maria “Joma” Sison, Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, website developer Rodel Jayme — the narrator in the “Ang Totoong Narcolist” videos linking Duterte’s family and allies to the drug trade — Bong Banal, and other Liberal Party groups and supporters. Last week, Duterte said he has no plans to file cases against personalities and groups conspiring to discredit his family, allies and his administration. “I’m not interested to file cases,” said Duterte in a campaign rally in Bohol on May 8. ■

writer Kate Walton who described Filipino food as “def[initely] the worst on the region.” Minutes after posting her tweet, Walton A FOREIGN professor and found herself under fire. writer found themselves in hot “Lol Filipino Twitter saw my waters over their tweets critireply to @TomPepinsky about cizing Filipino cuisine. Filipino food, and now they’re In a tweet last May 4, Cornell mad,” she said in another tweet. University Professor Tom Pe“Sorry but Filipino food is pinsky, who teaches comparabland. I’ll choose spicy food tive politics, political economy, over it any day,” she continued. and Southeast Asian (SEA) Walton, later on, apologized politics, ranked to the Filipinos Southeast Asian for her tweet, national cuibut stressed that sines, with Viether comment nam on the top Sorry but Filipino food is bland. I’ll was about “food of the list. It was choose spicy food over it any day. preferences and followed by Lao, poorly-phrased.” Singaporean/ “What I meant Malaysian, Thai, was that Filipino and Burmese. food is my least Filipino cuisine, which per- you’re not talking about regions favourite in the region. I apologise haps does not suit his taste, was and is effectively generalizing, for my bad wording,” she said. placed at the bottom. you don’t see the irony in that?” She added that she will be “List is objectively correct, Twitter user @JhoannaL- keeping her tweets regarding but ignores regional and eth- ynnCruz, for her part, asked Pe- her opinion on Filipino cuisine nic sub-cuisines,” the professor pinsky who “broke” his heart in because she does not want to be said in another tweet, which the Philippines for him to put accused of “hiding.” sparked even more outrage the Filipino cuisine last among “I won’t be engaging any more from Filipino netizens. the nine countries he ranked. on this topic, though. I’ve apoloReacting to Pepinsky’s list, “This is so not objective,” she gised and there’s not much else I Twitter user @pcnsnji said, “A said. can do,” Walton said. Caucasian–a race who were litBut while others were slamming Pepinsky’s tweet, as of writerally swimming in their own Pepinsky for his list, others sided ing, has garnered 340 retweets sh*t in the Middle Ages while the with him like Indonesia-based and 1,506 likes. ■

empires of the East thrived in cultural and culinary excellence– would actually know what good food is and have the audacity to pit the treasures of the Orient against each other???” Netizen @dixdaxda, meanwhile, told the professor, “As someone who proclaims to know SEA politics, how did you think this was a good idea? Do you have some sort of food credential as well? By acknowledging that


Philippine News

MAY 17, 2019


Dela Rosa to attend lawmaking seminars as first plan if he wins Senate seat BY JOANNA BELLE DEALA Philippine Canadian Inquirer AS HE is likely secured to get a Senate seat based on the partial and unofficial senatorial race results, the country’s former top cop Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa said he plans to join lawmaking seminars first as his preparation before assuming office if he wins. Dela Rosa said this in an interview with CNN Philippines on Tuesday, May 14, where he was asked what is the first thing he will do as a Senator. “Ewan ko kung meron bang seminar d’yan, or anong bang training d’yan para matutuhan ko kung paano gawin ‘yung batas, [kung] ano bang trabaho namin d’yan sa Senado. Kung merong ganon, I’ll take that opportunity para matuto ako, para pag-aralan kung ano ‘yung magiging actions (I do not know if there are seminars or training out there where I could learn how to make law, [or like] what will be our job in the Senate. If there is any, I’ll take that opportunity so I could learn and study what actions should be taken),” he said. The Senate hopeful, however, said he will not take seminars at the University of the Philippines (UP) because, according to him, they are “anti-military.” “Ayokong pumunta d’yan, anti-police ’yan (I do not want to go there. They are anti-police),” he also said. Apart from planning to take part in lawmaking seminars, Dela Rosa also said he will consult with his fellow senatorial candidates Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel and Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito. “Magtawag-tawag ako kanila Koko Pimentel, kay JV Ejercito kung ano ba talagang trabaho

ng senador (I will call Koko Pimentel and JV Ejercito to ask what is the work of a senator). What do I need to prepare,” he said. Dela Rosa currently ranked fifth with 18,424,175 votes based on the partial and unofficial results from the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) as of 9:25 a.m. on Wednesday, May 15. Pimentel and Ejercito, meanwhile, are in 11th and 13th spot, respectively, with Pimentel garnering 14,272,196 votes and Ejercito with 13,991,010 votes. “Magdasal na lang ako na sana si JV makaakyat, si Koko ’wag nang bumaba (I will just with some of them reminding pray that JV’s ranking will go him that he is not in on-theup, and that Koko’s won’t go job training and that he should down),” Dela Rosa said. have taken seminars before In the ongoing partial and seeking a Senate seat. unofficial count, the Senate “Sana bago ka tumakbo, naihopefuls who are poised to land sip mong gawin yan. Para kang a Senate seat aside from Dela pumasok sa cr para tumae tapos Rosa and Pimentel are Cynthia wala kang tubig or tissue hahaVillar, Grace Poe, Christopher hahahha ang kalat ‘di ba (Be“Bong” Go, Pia Cayetano, Juan fore you run [for Senate,] you Edgardo “Sonny” Angara, Man- should have thought of doing uel “Lito” Lapid, Maria Imelda that already. It is like you went Josefa “Imee” Marcos, Francis Tolentino, Ramon “Bong” Revilla, Jr, and Each country has its own Nancy Binay. country conditions, economic With all these circumstances, people have candidates different travel history. poised to land a Senate seat, the former top cop was asked, “What kind of a Sen- to the bathroom to take a dump ate will it be?” but there is no water or tisTo this, Dela Rosa said the sue hahahahahaha. It is messy, Senate will be “very supportive” right?),” netizen @probiothicc and “very cooperative” with the tweeted. administration of President Meanwhile, Twitter user @ Rodrigo Duterte. JasperMedina200 said, “‘Yan tayo eh mag aaral kung kailan Netizens react sasabak na sa giyera. SamantaHours after issuing his re- lang may overqualified naman marks, Dela Rosa became the na abogado na sina [Florin] Hilsubject of netizens’ criticisms, bay, [Romulo] Macalintal,[Jose


Manuel “Chel”] Diokno at [Lorenzo “Erin”] Tañada [III]. Kawawang Pilipinas (This is what I’m saying. You only study when you are about to go to war. Meanwhile, there are overqualified lawyers like Hilbay, Macalintal, Diokno, and Tañada. How pitiful the Philippines is)!” While they criticize Dela Rosa’s statement, some netizens, however, lauded him for being “honest” that he still needed guidance for him to do his job better. One of those who sided with the former top cop was Facebook user Doi Lao, saying, “at least this guy is honest enough to learn more. Remember, skills and knowledge can be taught, but not wisdom and attitude.” Lao also noted that Dela Rosa earned a Masters of Public Administration degree and Ph.D. in development administration from the University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP). “I am not for Bato but this totally makes sense,” he explained, adding, “the same

people bashing and poking fun at him are the same self-proclaimed Intellectual Elitist!” Far Eastern University (FEU) professor Philip Jay Alcoberes, who claims to be Dela Rosa’s former classmate at the USeP, also came to the defense of the senatorial candidate, saying that he remembers Dela Rosa as a “persevering” and “determined” student. “Just like us, he also participated and led in class discussions and wrote tons of papers,” he wrote in his Facebook post. “He was very promising because he spoke from the heart and mind with his heavy ‘Bisaya’ accent. He was so grounded just as if he was not (literally) a big ‘muscled’ guy in uniform,” he added. Alcoberes believes that Dela Rosa, whom he said “has gone a long way,” can do “more” for the Philippines should he win in the elections. ■

Philippine News

FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


No results affected in election server glitch BY JOYCE ANN L. ROCAMORA Philippine News Agency MANILA — The Commission on Elections (Comelec) assured Tuesday that no election result was compromised amid the issues encountered by the transparency server on the night of election day.

“Hindi affected ‘yong resulta ng ating transparency server (The transparency server’s result was not affected). In fact, during the investigation by our IT team, the server is still receiving results from the VCM (vote counting machine),” Commissioner Marlon Casquejo said in a press briefing at the National Board of Canvassers’ headquarters in Pasay City.

The Comelec official blamed the delay on the deluge of data transmitted all at once by the VCM, a few minutes after the polls closed. Around 6 p.m. on May 13, he said the so-called File Transfer Protocol (FTP) received a deluge of data causing a glitch that resulted in the delay during the pick-up of results. “This FTP application is en-

Postponement of new senators’ proclamation ‘unlikely’: Comelec BY FERDINAND PATINIO Philippine News Agency MANILA — While the Commission on Elections (Comelec) respects the right of those calling to defer the proclamation of winning senatorial candidates, the ceremony will push through as scheduled next week, the commission’s spokesperson said Wednesday. “They can make a call if they want. That’s their right, but in terms of likelihood, it’s unlikely that anything will be suspended on the basis of their unsubstantiated allegations,” poll body spokesperson James Jimenez said in an interview. “So it’s unlikely na magkaroon ng (that there will be a) suspension on the basis of allegations alone. Apart from the fact that in this particular case, these allegations of fraud are largely speculative,” the poll body official added. Jimenez was reacting to the statement of an official of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines - National Secretariat for Social Action (CBCP-NASSA), calling for a delay in the proclamation of winners in the senatorial race due to alleged electoral fraud. CBCP-NASSA executive secretary, Fr. Edwin Gariguez, said there should be no proclamation of winning senatorial bets until the alleged irregularities have been investigated and resolved. “We demand for an independent and impartial investiga-

tion of the alleged fraud and manipulation of automated canvassing by the Comelec and Smartmatic,” Gariguez added. Smartmatic has been the service provider of the automated polls in the country since 2010. It was the supplier of the vote counting machines (VCMs), which were first utilized in the 2016 elections and was reused in last Monday’s polls. As of Tuesday night, majority of the administration’s senatorial candidates dominate the Top 12 of the senatorial race. The figure was based on the partial official tally of the votes from 34 Certificates of Canvass (COCs) by the Comelec, sitting as the National Board of Canvassers (NBOC). Hugpong ng Pagbabago (HNP) Senate bets included in the Top 12 are re-electionist Senator Cynthia Villar, who topped the list with 4,092,454 votes; former Special Assistant to the President (SAP) Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go, 3,293,341 (third); former senator Pia Cayetano, 3,251,819 (fourth); and former Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Bato dela Rosa, 3,128,061 (fifth). Also included are reelectionist Senator Sonny Angara, 3,022,955 (sixth); former Ilocos Norte Governor Imee Marcos, 2,850,643 (seventh); former Metro Manila Development Authority chairman Francis Tolentino, 2,584,833 (eighth); and re-electionist Koko Pimentel, 2,439,571 (10th). Completing the partial official list are re-electionist

Senator Grace Poe (second), 3,650,288; former senator Lito Lapid, 2,520,316 (ninth); re-electionist Nancy Binay, 2,366,035 (11th); and opposition bet and re-electionist Senator Bam Aquino, 2,335,724 (12th). The NBOC officially convened on Monday but only began canvassing the votes on Tuesday afternoon. Meanwhile, Comelec Commissioner Rowena Guanzon said they are open to the conduct of an independent investigation regarding the issues reported on Election Day. “We are willing to undergo third party audit. All they can see is that the Central Server is fully functioning while the Transparency Server only temporarily hanged up,” Guanzon said in a separate interview. The poll body official said she will also recommend the withholding of the payment for the suppliers of Secure Digital (SD) cards, S1 Technologies, Inc., and Silicon Valley Computer Group, due to the number of cards that have been found to be corrupted. “This is my personal view. The supplier of the SD cards, we won’t pay them fully. I also want the procurement process reviewed, as well as their delivery of the SD cards. Because that was the real culprit,” Guanzon said. It was reported that 1,665 (1.9 percent) SD cards out of the 85,769 were found to be defective and needed replacement last Monday. ■

tirely separate with our transparency server, it won’t affect our transparency server,” he said. Casquejo likened the incident to bottleneck traffic situations in expressways. “Like in South Luzon Expressway, in a normal situation, the gates remain open so there is no traffic congestion. It so happened during the elections,

the data came in bulk there had been a delay on the picking up of results,” he said. The Comelec’s transparency server transmitted part of the unofficial election results at around 6:15 p.m. on Monday before it went silent for about seven hours until the next transmission at 1:19 a.m. the next day.

Poe vows to champion people’s interest BY FILANE MIKEE CERVANTES Philippine News Agency MANILA — Senator Grace Poe on Wednesday vowed to champion the interest of the people while remaining independent as she is poised for re-election in the Senate. Poe grabbed the second top spot in the senatorial race based on the partial official tally of votes of Monday’s midterm polls from the Commission on Elections. “When we step on the halls of the Senate anew and face the people, we shall carry nothing

but their interest and well-being,” Poe said in a statement. “We vow to remain independent, discerning and equitable, bearing in mind and heart that we owe the people our position,” she added. Poe noted that she ran an independent campaign without any political party or a deep well of resources, and with only a few organized groups. She thanked her supporters for backing her senatorial bid. “Our win is a triumph of independence for the Filipino people who stood by our side. Our sincerest gratitude for the overwhelming mandate,” she said. ■


Philippine News


MAY 17, 2019


Otso-Diretso spokesman on malfunctioned VCMs: This is unacceptable BY JOANNA BELLE DEALA Philippine Canadian Inquirer OTSO DIRETSO coalition spokesperson Barry Guttierez on Monday, May 13, called on the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to explain complaints of malfunctioning vote counting machines (VCMs) in Monday’s elections. “This is unacceptable, especially since these same VCMs were supposedly tested less than a week ago,” Gutierrez said in a statement. “One would expect that with greater experience with automated elections, COMELEC would perform better. Instead, the opposite is happening. We demand an explanation,” he added. The COMELEC had said that around 400 to 600 VCMs encountered issues yesterday which, Gutierrez noted, is

thrice the number of 188 VCMs replaced in the 2016 elections and is “equivalent to an estimated 500,000 potentially disenfranchised voters.” “This is only part of a bigger context where COMELEC has consistently failed to safeguard the citizens’ right to engage in the electoral process,” he said. Naming a few, Gutierrez cited the COMELEC’s rejection of their request to sponsor debates during the election campaign, the alleged numerous reports of unmailed ballots which led to the disenfranchisement of overseas voters, and the poll body naming a “majorityaligned party as the dominant minority party of these elections, defying the principles of democracy, the law, and common sense.” “COMELEC has yet to grant us—a major national political party representing the oppo-

sition– access to their mirror servers, minutes before polling centers close,” he said. Gutierrez added that COMELEC is yet to hold administration-allied candidates to account whom the coalition said have “blatantly and rampantly flouted election laws.” At the same time, he also mentioned that the VCMs malfunctioned on the same elections that President Rodrigo Duterte said vote buying has been an “integral” part of elections in the Philippines, and that ‘no one does not buy votes.’ “Simple lang ang sagot namin dito: Sino ba talaga ang may bilyon-bilyon na ginastos sa kampanya, at may kapasidad na bumili ng boto? Hindi po kami ‘yun (Our answer here is simple: Who really spent billions of pesos for the campaign and has the capacity to buy votes? It is not us). All we want is a fair shake,” Guttierez said.

Otso Diretso Spokesperson Barry Guttierez. ATTY. IBARRA "BARRY" GUTIERREZ / FACEBOOK

“We look forward to institutions as esteemed as the COMELEC ensuring that the playing field is level, that election laws are effectively enforced, and that the results of these elections truly reflect the will of our people,” he continued. Aside from the coalition, Senator Risa Hontiveros also

expressed alarm and disappointment over the reported malfunctioning of VCMs and asked the COMELEC to fully explain the reason behind the issue. She also wants the COMELEC to disclose the number of voters disenfranchised as a result of this setback. ■

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FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019

Netizens laud Mike Enriquez for his comments about 2019 polls BY JOANNA BELLE DEALA Philippine Canadian Inquirer NETIZENS LAUDED veteran Kapuso broadcast journalist and radio host Mike Enriquez for airing out his candid comments on national television about the 2019 midterm polls, making him one of the trending topics on Philippine Twitterverse on Tuesday, May 14. Enriquez was reporting on GMA’s “Eleksyon 2019” special coverage, alongside with his fellow news anchors Mel Tiangco and Jessica Soho. In a video clip of him that circulated online, Enriquez can be seen having an interview with GMA’s resident television analyst Richard Heydrian about the unofficial senatorial race results, “Professor Richard, wala pa rin sa kalaunan, wala pa ring tunay at malaliman na pagbabago at reporma tayong maaasahan (until now, there is still no real and deep change or reform that we can expect). Same-same,” he said, while the names of Senate hopefuls flashed on the screen. In another clip showing Enriquez talking with Tiangco and Soho, the “Imbestigador ng Bayan” was heard saying that he wanted to conduct an interview with the leading candidates.

“Gusto ko silang singilin, anong maasahan namin sa inyo (I want to charge them, what can we expect from you)?” he told his fellow broadcasters. Tiangco then replied, “Maniningil ka na (You are going to charge them already)?” to which Enriquez answered, “Yes! Para magkaalaman. Ngayon pa lang magkaalaman na para habang umuusad ang kanilang termino, nache-check natin ‘yung ginagawa nila versus ’yung ipinangako nila (So we would know [what to expect]. We should know it by now so that while their term is moving forward, we are able to check what they are doing versus what they have promised).” “Ganun lang ka-simple ‘yon (It is that simple),” he added. Tiangco, however, told Enriquez to give the candidates time to enjoy their victory, but the latter responded, “Ah ganon? Tama kayo. Pero ‘yung mga nagugutom at mga walang tirahan at walang panggamot ‘pag may sakit, subukan mo na sabihan sila ng ‘konting panahon pa, tiis-tiis lang (Really? You’re right. But those who are hungry, homeless, and cannot afford medication when they are sick, try to tell them, ‘Hang on a little longer, endure it first).” Enriquez’s frank comments,

Journalist Mike Enriquez.

however, did not stop there as one more video showed him uttering the words, “Kung kalahati lang sa mga ipinapangako ng mga kandidato ay magkatotoo, kalahati lang hindi siyento porsyento, aba’y napakagan-


dang lugar nitong Pilipinas (If at least half of what the candidates promised comes true, even just the half, then what a beautiful place the Philippines would be).” Soho, on the other hand, was

seen trying to calm Enriquez down, while Tiangco declared a commercial break. Many netizens, who perhaps are also frustrated with the election results, cannot help but hail Enriquez for throwing “truth bombs” on-air. “The fact that news anchors are trained to remain calm, keep their cool while on screen, and yet veteran journalists like Mike Enriquez decided that he was just NOT HAVING IT today says a lot about the state we live in now,” Twitter user @JanusNovio said. Netizen @meg_alfmenist, meanwhile, said Enriquez’ comments left her in awe. “D*mn we need more Mike Enriquez, the way he spilled those truth beans proves us that not all journalists are biased. He fights for the truth, exercising their Serbisyong totoo. Woah I salute you Sir!” she wrote. Also hailing the broadcaster, social media user @iamjeddee tweeted, “MIKE ENRIQUEZ IS NOT HAVING IT. HE SNAPPEDT! He’s channelling the Filipino voter who is sick and tired of all this bullsh*t results.” Enriquez, known for his straight-to-the-point commentaries and integrity, is a multiawarded anchor of GMA’s 24 Oras and Super Radyo dzBB. ■

Over 650K poll materials removed in ‘Oplan Baklas’: NCRPO BY CHRISTOPHER LLOYD CALIWAN Philippine News Agency MANILA — The Philippine National Police (PNP) has removed more than 650,000 election campaign materials in Metro Manila as part of the ‘Oplan Baklas.’ Major Gen. Guillermo Eleazar, director of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO), said police officers helped remove 654,859 election materials in places outside common poster areas designated by the Commission on Elections (Comelec). “Whether or not the candidates won the Monday’s elec-

tions, they should all serve as role models in cleaning up the campaign materials which came from them in the first place,” he said in a interview. “Let us do away with the bad practice in the past of just leaving behind the campaign materials in areas where they placed them after the elections. These campaign materials came from them so I think it would not be too much for them to take the initiative of taking these campaign materials back and disposing them properly,” he stressed. Eleazar said that they are now coordinating with the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) for the final conduct of the operation.

The goal, according to Eleazar, is to clean up the entire Metro Manila of campaign posters and other materials. Eleazar said that he is planning to tap policemen to assist the MMDA in removing the campaign posters. As such, he said he is enjoining the candidates to join them. Meanwhile, Eleazar commended his men for intensified security and safety measures that resulted in the generally peaceful 2019 mid-term elections. “I would like to express my gratitude to our policemen, the AFP, other security agencies and volunteers for their vigilance during the election period. Our collaborative

forts and sacrifices contributed to the success of the Midterm Election,” the Metro Manila top cop said. “I extend my great appreciation to the public for their overflowing support and cooperation. Our desire to vote and be lead by responsible leaders was achieved satisfactorily,” he added. During the liquor ban, authorities arrested a total of 411 suspects who sold, furnished, offered, bought, served, and took liquor. Apprehended suspects are still under the custody of the arresting units. For this year’s elections, NCRPO strictly implemented “Oplan Kontra Bigay” or AntiVote Buying and Vote Selling

Campaign. The alleged vote buying incidents uncovered by NCRPO police officers garnered a total of 136 arrested persons wherein 84 were vote buyers and 52 vote sellers. Over 39,000 checkpoints were established in Metro Manila in compliance with the election gun ban, which resulted in the arrest of 1,158 violators. He said a total of 1,129 operations by law enforcers resulted in the confiscation of 663 firearms from January 13 to May 14 while 39 persons were arrested during checkpoints and 1,119 persons were arrested in other incidents. ■


Canada News Social media giants ignore law, don’t take Canada seriously: MPs BY JOAN BRYDEN The Canadian Press OTTAWA — Politicians are increasingly concerned that social media giants have become so big, powerful and rich that they are effectively above the law — at least in a small country like Canada. Their concern was on display last week at a meeting of the House of Commons access to information, privacy and ethics committee, where Liberal MPs raked Google over the coals for its decision not to run any political ads during this fall’s federal election campaign, rather than comply with a new law that requires them keep an online ad registry. “Here’s my frustration,” Toronto Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith told Google Canada representatives Jason Kee and Colin McKay. “You have a company that makes billions of dollars and looks at … a small jurisdiction in Canada and says, ‘Your democracy doesn’t matter enough to us, we’re not going to participate.’ But if a big player decided to change the rules, I guarantee that you would follow those rules. “But we are too small for you. You are too big, you are too important and we are just not important enough for Google for you to take us seriously.” “I’d contest that observation,” responded McKay. He and Kee maintained the decision was strictly a technical one: Google engineers could

not, in the short time frame required by the government, come up with a system that would reliably detect partisan and issue-oriented ads during the campaign and ensure they were all archived along with information identifying the source of the ads. Following the last U.S. presidential election, when a spotlight was shone on the use of social media to spread fake news, sow dissension and manipulate the election outcome, Kee said Google created a template for political ad registries that it used in last fall’s U.S. midterms and will deploy in India and the European Union. But he said it’s not compatible with the specific requirements of the Canadian law, about which he said Google was not consulted. Kee said Google will try to comply with the registry law by the next election in 2023. It was clear Liberals on the committee weren’t buying the explanation. It was equally clear their frustration with social media giants extends well beyond Google and the political ad registry. Quebec MP David Graham accused Google and Facebook of ignoring Canadian copyright law. And another Quebec Liberal, Frank Baylis, linked the ad registry and copyright issues, arguing that Google makes billions by posting ads on content it obtains for free because copyright law doesn’t apply to social media platforms. “The minute you start controlling these ads, you move from being a platform to proof

positive you’re a publisher and once you’re a publisher, you’re subject to copyright and all that,” Baylis said, maintaining that’s the “real reason” Google has opted out of the political ad registry, not “this technical mumbo-jumbo” offered by the company. Kee said that was “not remotely” the case. Facebook has decided to comply with the ad registry law but the committee had another bone to pick with that company. It adopted unanimous motions to summon Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg to appear at the second meeting of the international grand committee on big data, privacy and democracy, which the Commons committee is hosting in Ottawa on May 28. The grand committee involves parliamentarians from Canada, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Belgium, Bra-

zil, France, Ireland, Latvia and Singapore. The summons came after the Facebook duo failed to respond to an invitation to appear. Zuckerberg has testified at a congressional committee in Washington following last year’s Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which the personal data of some 87 million Facebook users was improperly shared with the political consultancy firm. But he refused to appear at the grand committee’s first meeting in the U.K. and has repeatedly ignored invitations to appear before the Canadian committee to discuss Facebook’s handling of Canadians’ private information. Federal privacy commissioner Daniel Therrien last month concluded that Facebook violated Canadian privacy laws by failing to ensure Cambridge Analytica got clear consent to use individuals’ personal infor-

mation. He is going to court to force Facebook — which maintains Canadians were not affected by the scandal and that it has since made “dramatic improvements” to protect users’ privacy — to comply with privacy laws. In an interview, ErskineSmith noted that social media giants fought against the European Union’s general data protection regulation, which imposed strict new rules for protecting individuals’ privacy and stiff fines for companies that fail to do so. But once the law went into effect, they complied with it because the EU, unlike Canada, “is a substantial jurisdiction that they can’t ignore.” More recently, he said the giants have professed to be in favour of stronger, governmentimposed rules on privacy and ❱❱ PAGE 35 Social media

Canada News

FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


Ontario public NDP unveils parts of health cuts will climate plan in motion as endanger the public the Green Party edges closer BY THILINA BANDARA PHD Community and Population Health Sciences University of Saskatchewan, The Canadian Press

make public health a target for cuts. David Hemenway, professor of health policy at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, suggests that in the United States reductions in public health resources are not ONTARIO RECENTLY an- only dangerous to society, they nounced that it will reduce are predictable due to the nonfunding towards public health personalized, politically unagencies across the province to popular and long-term nature the tune of $200 million. of up-front investment into The Ford government also public health interventions. proposes to reduce the amount In the United Kingdom, of public health units from 35 public health budgets are also down to 10 over the next two reportedly considered a “poyears. litically soft target,” especially This has caused an uproar after the 2008 global financial in the province, crisis. and generated Cuts to public anger from bighealth in Canada city mayors, conoccur in an alcern from local ready resourcehealth officials We will strapped enviand expressions continue to ronment. The of public proevaluate the Canadian Institest — due to the appropriate tute for Health amount of funddegree of Information ing being cut monetary policy reports that the and the speed at accommodation public health which these cuts as new data system repreare occurring. arrive. sented only 5.5 The cuts come per cent of total as a surprise to health expendimany and will tures in 2017. create a period of This is depublic vulnerability, as officials spite public health being arguscramble to reorient around a ably responsible for the largest new fiscal environment. contingent of patients in the This is an issue worth careful health-care system: everybody. consideration. Not only is public health essential for a healthy Public health investment pays state in general, but we are in a for itself moment in time that requires As microbes are becomespecially strong public health ing resistant to treatment, infrastructure. income inequality increases, the climate shifts, measles rePublic health averts large-scale emerges around the world and disasters substance abuse devastates a As Toronto’s medical officer generation, public health ofof health, Dr. Eileen de Villa ficials need not only resources, explained to the Toronto Star, but the confidence to mount public health is invisible in its meaningful long-term initiaeffectiveness. That is because tives to protect the public. public health personnel are And they don’t do it alone. in charge of large-scale issues Public health also serves as like environmental hazard a connection point for other mitigation, disease preven- agencies who must work totion, food safety and health gether to tackle these “wicked” surveillance. problems. When these health issues are And while public health deals managed correctly, large-scale with the threats of today, this disasters are averted. Ironically, it’s exactly these merits that ❱❱ PAGE 17 Ontario public

BY MIA RABSON The Canadian Press OTTAWA — NDP leader Jagmeet Singh intends to cut Canada’s greenhouse-gas emissions almost in half over the next decade as he stakes out a claim to being a climate-change champion in the looming federal election. Singh presented a motion in the House of Commons Monday, laying out eight broad strokes of the party’s climatechange platform. The motion asks for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to declare “an environment and climate emergency” as well as pledge to cut emissions more deeply, eliminate government aid to the fossil-fuel industry and cancel the planned expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline. “We want to reflect the urgency people are feeling,” Singh said in an interview with The Canadian Press. That urgency for him means a slow end to the Canadian oil sector, which Singh says is on its way out whether Canadians like the idea or not. “This is the direction the world is headed,” he said. The motion comes a week after the Green Party earned a resounding victory in a Vancouver Island byelection that most political observers ?— Singh included — believe was a message from voters to politicians to start taking climate change more seriously. Singh, however, insisted Monday’s motion is not an attempt to beat back Green support, which would affect both NDP and Liberal fortunes in the fall. In fact, he said whatever message voters were sending last week in Nanaimo-Ladysmith, it was to the governing Liberals, not the NDP, even though the NDP had won the seat in 2015. “When voters want to send a message it’s to people making the decisions,” he said. “It’s encouraging to see people sending a message on climate change.” In question period Monday Singh said the Liberals are

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.

ing it out with the Conservatives over the carbon tax but the two parties are cut from the same cloth on climate change. The Liberals’ existing targets for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, Singh noted, are the same ones the former Conservative government proposed six months before the 2015 election. Liberal Sean Fraser, the parliamentary secretary to the minister of the environment, said the NDP motion to declare a climate emergency is well timed since the Liberals already have a plan to hold a debate on the “rising climate emergency” in Canada this week. The Nova Scotia MP wouldn’t say whether the Liberals would support the motion because he didn’t know all the details of it. “I expect, given that this motion was tabled just a few days after we had our own announcement that there would be a debate about climate change as an emergency, I expect that this is more political gamesmanship than it is actually an attempt at substantive policy debate,” he said. Last October, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned drastic cuts to emissions are needed in the next decade to prevent global warming from becoming catastrophic. That report suggested the Liberals’ target under the Paris climate-


change agreement, which would mean cutting annual greenhouse-gas emissions by about 28 per cent compared to what they are now, is nowhere near enough. Singh won’t put a specific number on his targets yet but he agreed the motion is “subtly suggesting” the NDP would aim for the UN targets, which would mean Canada has to cut emissions almost in half by 2030. The Liberal government’s climate plan, including its carbon tax in four provinces, getting rid of coal as a source of electricity and subsidizing the purchase of electric cars, still leaves Canada nearly 90 million tonnes shy of hitting the existing goal. To slash more deeply would require more drastic action in Canada’s energy sector. Producing and refining oil and gas accounts for about one-quarter of all Canada’s emissions, but also more than six per cent of the country’s economic activity and more than half a million direct and indirect jobs. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has warned of the separatist angst growing in Alberta as the energy sector has struggled in recent years, but Singh said the NDP would ensure there is a plan to transition Alberta workers to the new-age economy. “We need thousands and thousands of people to work to fight climate change,” he said. ■


Canada News

MAY 17, 2019


Visa rejections frustrate efforts to bring in more international students BY ANDY BLATCHFORD The Canadian Press

Statistics show Canada’s trade deficit has shrunk to $3.2 billion in March BY GIANNA LLANES Philippine Canadian Inquirer ENERGY SECTOR-LED exports have risen faster than the imports in Canada, statistics showing that the country’s merchandise trade deficit shrank to $3.2 billion in March as compared to $3.4 billion in February. The Ottawa-based research reflected showed the export jump offset a 2.5 percent rise in imports, which is the reason for narrowing down the nation’s trade deficit. In a report by CIBC economist Royce Mendes, it stated, “The headline trade deficit looked ugly in March, but the details were at least slightly prettier,” referring to the oil production restraint in Alberta. He added, “But, even outside of that sector, growth in outbound shipments has been sluggish in recent years, suggesting the need for a weaker Canadian

dollar over the medium-term to increase Canada’s international competitiveness.” Yet, despite the improvement for March, the country is still experiencing its biggest quarterly trade deficit in almost three years. The current number masks the downward revisions from the two months prior, with nearly $900 million in exports wiped away, which is a major reason that the national bank expects no economic growth in the beginning of the year. There were nine different categories that reflected export gains, according to Statistics Canada, including higher crude oil production. The growth of energy products rose to 7.7 percent, while motor vehicles and parts gained 5.6 percent. On the other hand, Canada’s trade surplus with United States President Donald Trump’s administration increased to $3.6 billion in March compared to just $3 billion in February. ■

each year. The economic impacts of foreign students rival Canada’s exports of auto parts, aircraft and lumber. Pakistan’s High Commission in Ottawa has urged federal government officials to address what its spokesman calls a “very high” visa rejection rate for the Asian country’s students. “Canadian universities are popular among Pakistani students, but due to visa difficulties increasing numbers of students is turning towards other countries,” Nadeem Kiani said in an email. “Consequently, Canadian universities are losing both high-quality students and revenue.”

OTTAWA — At a time when Canada is attracting more students from around the world, there are concerns qualified applicants from certain countries are getting turned away because of its visa process. Most students have been coming to Canada in recent years from India and China. Fazley Siddiq, a University of New Brunswick professor who served as dean of the business department, said visas have been a headache for applicants from countries like Pakistan and Nigeria. “It’s frustrating for the students, it’s frustrating for u n i v e r s i t i e s ,” Each country has its own Siddiq said. country conditions, economic “The security circumstances, people have checks were so different travel history. stringent that no one could make it. Or at least, in my experience, very few were For example, Kiani pointed given visas.” to numbers in government He added that the issue has documents obtained through been of particular concern in access-to-information law that Atlantic Canada, where some show 2015 student permit apuniversities are desperate for plications from Pakistan had international students and a success rate of about 32 per “bend over backwards” to at- cent. The student-permit suctract them. cess rate for applicants from Siddiq said the situation has India that year was more than improved for applicants from 68 per cent, say the data. Nigeria, but those from PakiImmigration Minister stan have continued to see more Ahmed Hussen said the aprefusals — in some years eight proval rate for visas for PakiPakistanis received acceptance stani nationals has gone up unletters from his department but der the Liberal government. none could get a visa. Hussen also said the governCanada wants to draw in ment will soon announce an exmore international students as pansion to a program — known a way to diversify classrooms as the student direct stream and increase the economic ben- — to include applicants from efits they bring, which already Pakistan. The program, which amount to billions of dollars already covers applicants from

China, India, the Philippines and Vietnam, is designed to speed up the processing of student visas. A spokesman for Hussen said all applications are assessed in a fair manner, based on the merits of the case and in accordance with Canadian law. “You can’t compare one country to another,” Hussen said in an interview. “Each country has its own country conditions, economic circumstances, people have different travel history.” The application decisions are made by visa officers. Therefore, a key to helping more students receive permits, Hussen said, is connecting the schools directly to visa offices and embassies to explain the government’s criteria. It’s also important for applicants to demonstrate they can support themselves financially while in Canada, he said. Denise Amyot, the head of Colleges and Institutes Canada, said it’s often difficult for students from emerging economies to show that they have financial means to pay for their stays. More collaboration between visa offices and post-secondary institutions is also important to ensure applications are complete, she said. “(The visa officers) don’t have a lot of time when they examine an application, so as soon as there’s a doubt they could reject it,” Amyot said. “That’s we need to ensure as much as possible that all the info is there and it’s clear, and that there’s integrity to whatever information is there.” ■ With files from Teresa Wright

Canada News

FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


Alberta premier Jason Kenney says provincial carbon tax will die May 30 BY DEAN BENNETT The Canadian Press EDMONTON — Premier Jason Kenney says Alberta’s carbon tax has about two weeks to live. Kenney says the Carbon Tax Repeal Act is to be introduced during next week’s legislature sitting and will have a proviso to end the tax by the end of the month. “By May 30th there will no longer be an Alberta carbon tax,” Kenney said Monday at a news conference outlining some of the legislation coming from his new United Conservative government. An end to the tax brought in by the former NDP government will put an estimated $1.4 billion a year back in the pockets of taxpayers, he said. The levy is charged on home heating using fossil fuels and on gasoline at the pumps. Ending the tax would open the door to the federal government imposing its tax, as it has done with four other provinces that wouldn’t bring in their own carbon pricing: Ontario, New Brunswick, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was in Edmonton last Friday, wouldn’t say if his government would immediately charge the federal tax if Alberta ditched its own, but stressed that no province will be exempt. Opposition Leader Rachel Notley said the repeal “sets the stage for a made-inOttawa, a made-by-Justin-Trudeau carbon plan to be imposed on Albertans. “I don’t think it’s wise,” the NDP leader said. “And we will certainly make the case vigorously that it’s not wise.”

Getting rid of the carbon tax was a central policy pillar in Kenney’s successful campaign last month to win the election. He defeated Notley’s party, achieving a strong majority. Kenney ridiculed the NDP carbon fee as a thinly veiled tax grab that penalizes consumers while having no effect on greenhouse gas emissions. He also held the levy up as a symbol of what he has said was an interventionist NDP government that was stifling economic recovery by imposing additional fees and red tape. On the campaign trail, Kenney promised to file an immediate court challenge on the constitutionality of the federal carbon tax if he won the election. He promised to file the court papers by April 30; however, his cabinet was not sworn in until that day. In the two weeks since, no challenge has been filed. Kenney said Monday the lawsuit has been delayed and may not be filed at all. He said his government wants to review court decisions in Saskatchewan and Ontario before it decides if it will challenge the federal tax in court. The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal recently ruled in a split decision that the federal tax imposed on provinces without a carbon price of their own is constitutional. The Ontario government is waiting for a decision on its court challenge. “The right thing for us to do is wait and see what the Ontario Appeal court decides,” said Kenney. “We can take both of those decisions into account as to whether or not to launch our own separate challenge or whether just to support (the) Saskatch-

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney.

ewan and Ontario governments in what will be inevitable appeals to the Supreme Court.” Kenney’s platform promised he would create jobs and move Alberta’s oil- and gas-based economy forward by reducing regulations and cutting taxes. On Monday he said a bill to cut corporate income tax by one-third will also be rolled out next week.

activity also reduces future burdens that the province will have to pay for in the form of overcrowded hospitals — an issue the Ford government is specifically looking to remedy. A systematic review of the cost effectiveness of public health interventions suggests that cuts to public health activities for the sake of cost-saving represent a false economy. This is because public health interventions pay for themselves in future health-care costs at a staggering 14.3:1 ratio. Findings like these reveal a deep and re-occurring misunderstanding of what constitutes value in health-care spending. Rife with confusion and instability It is difficult to articulate the level of discrepancy between the current Ontar-

It is likely to follow Kenney’s plan to reduce the 12 per cent corporate tax by one percentage point on July 1, and then cut it again by one point in the first days of 2020, 2021 and 2022, to ultimately bring it to eight per cent. His government also aims to bring in a bill to reduce the current $15 an hour minimum wage for workers 17 and younger. ■

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io administration’s priorities and best practice in public health. Ceasing funding to some supervised injection sites while loosening public alcohol consumption restrictions is an exemplary case of such a paradox. The most recent cuts continue this narrative of a new direction for public health infrastructure in Ontario, one that is rife with confusion, restructuring and instability. A deficient, paranoid public health system may create short-term budget savings, but will create huge problems in the long term. ■ This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Disclosure information is available on the original site.

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Canada News


MAY 17, 2019

Canadian among six dead in mid air float plane crash in Alaska


BY LAURA KANE The Canadian Press


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shore, where they were rescued and taken to hospital, Kahle said. The survivors were in fair or good condition, said Marty West, a spokeswoman VANCOUVER — Six people are now for PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical confirmed dead in the midair crash of Center. two sightseeing floatplanes in Alaska, Local emergency responders worked including one Canadian, the U.S. Coast with state and federal agencies and priGuard said late Tuesday. vate vessels to help rescue and recover The U.S. agency released the latest victims. numbers after two more bodies were re“It’s been a long day and the crews covered from the crash site. have been working really hard to rescue The crash happened Monday after people and recover the deceased,” said the planes carrying cruise ship tourists Deanna Thomas, a spokeswoman for the collided near the southeast Alaska town local government, the Ketchikan Gateof Ketchikan. Fourteen Americans, one way Borough. Canadian and one Australian were inJerry Kiffer of the Ketchikan Volunvolved, the Coast Guard said. teer Rescue Squad said several of the Global Affairs Canada said Canadian passengers had been removed from the consular officials in Seattle were in con- beach by the time his crews arrived on tact with local authorities to gather ad- Monday. ditional information and provide assis“Obviously, we had some injuries — tance as needed. broken bones, lacera“Our thoughts and tions, back injuries, sympathies are with but everybody was the family and loved reasonably calm,” he ones of the Canadian told the news confercitizen who died in The way it’s ence Tuesday. Alaska,” the departsupposed to The debris field ment said, adding it work, so you was about 300 mecould not identify do not have a tres wide and 800 the victim for privacy collision, is you’re metres long, with reasons. supposed to keep doors, seats and lifeThe Royal Princess a real sharp visual jackets strewn in a cruise ship left Vanwatch for other way that indicated couver for Anchorage airplanes. an aircraft had come on Saturday and is to apart in the air, Kiffer return on May 25. said. Coast Guard ComTaquan Air said mander Michael the company has susKahle said earlier Tuesday that crews pended operations while the crash is inwere searching both the water and the vestigated. shore of a remote area called George In“We are devastated by today’s incilet for the two missing — the Canadian dent and our hearts go out to our pasand Australian. sengers and their families,” it said in a He said the area is en route to the statement. Misty Fjords National Monument, a It’s not known how the planes collidpopular and active spot for sightseeing ed. U.S. National Transportation Safety flights. Board investigators arrived from WashOne of the planes was a single-engine ington, D.C., Tuesday afternoon. de Havilland Otter operated by Taquan Larry Vance, a former investigator Air and was returning from a wilderness with the Transportation Safety Board of tour sold through Princess Cruises of Canada, said the planes would not have the Misty Fjords, the company said. been advised by air-traffic control and It was carrying 10 guests from the instead would have been flying under viRoyal Princess and a pilot, who were all sual flight rules. Americans, the statement said. “The way it’s supposed to work, so you The other plane, a Havilland DHC-2 do not have a collision, is you’re supBeaver, was operating an independent posed to keep a real sharp visual watch flight tour carrying a pilot and four for other airplanes,” Vance said. guests, of which two were American, one In places where congestion is expectwas Canadian and the other was Austra- ed, such as tourist areas, operators often lian, the company added. develop procedures to avoid crashes, The pilot and nine passengers on the Otter were able to make their way to ❱❱ PAGE 21 Canadian among

World News

FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


Washington now 1st state with long term care program BY RACHEL LA CORTE The Associated Press OLYMPIA, WASH. — Washington is the first state in the nation to establish a program to help offset the costs of longterm care, under a new law signed Monday by Gov. Jay Inslee. Starting in 2025, the program promises a benefit for those who pay into the program, with a lifetime maximum of $36,500 per person, indexed to inflation, paid for by an employee payroll premium. Inslee, surrounded by a large group of lawmakers and advocates of the measure, called it a “win for all Washington workers.” “This benefit will be available for those who need it when the time comes to face the fact that daily living presents some challenges, and you need just a little help,” he said before signing the measure. “This is going to make sure that help is there without bankrupting your family.” Under the new law, premi-

ums of 0.58% of wages will start being collected from employees by 2022. Starting Jan. 1, 2025, people who need assistance with at least three “activities of daily living” such as bathing, dressing or taking medication could tap into the fund to pay for things like in-home care, home modifications like a wheelchair ramp and rides to the doctor. To be eligible, workers will have had to have paid the premium working at least 500 hours per year for three of the previous six years in which they’re seeking the benefit or for a total of 10 years, with at least five of those paid without interruption. According to AARP of Washington, 70% of residents 65 and older will require some type of assistance to live independently. Only an estimated 7 million to 8 million Americans have private long-term care insurance, which is costly and generally requires applicants to pass a health screening. Many assume that Medicare covers long-term

I signed legislation today that made Washington the first state in the nation to adopt Public Option health care. This ensures that all Washingtonians have access to high-quality health insurance that they can afford. @GOVINSLEE/TWITTER

care, but that’s not the case except for limited care for skilled nursing or rehabilitation. Qualifying for public coverage under Medicaid, which covers low-income people, involves spending down lifetime savings. Democratic Sen. Guy Palumbo said that the bill is “not only the morally right thing to do, but it’s also fiscally responsible for the state of Washington.” “Rather than making people buy their way down into pov-

erty, we’re trying to do the right thing to make sure they can age with dignity,” he said. Washington isn’t the only state that has contemplated long-term care, but it moved the fastest on creating a defined insurance policy. Hawaii has adopted a public cash benefit for caregivers of the elderly. California is considering a ballot initiative on a public long-term care financing program.

Michigan and Illinois are beginning to study public programs for those not on Medicaid, and Minnesota’s human services department has proposed two alternative private financing options, according to Howard Gleckman, a senior researcher at the nonpartisan Urban Institute think-tank. Last year, voters in Maine rejected a referendum that would have provided home care to all seniors and disabled people regardless of income. “Medicare for All” bills, introduced by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Democratic Reps. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state and Debbie Dingell of Michigan, expand coverage for long-term care, emphasizing home and community based services. About two-thirds of adults favour a long-term care program similar to Medicare, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll last year. That includes 76% of Democrats and 56% of Republicans. ■

Priorit-eyes your eyes for Vision Health Month DID YOU know an estimated 1.3 billion people worldwide are living with some form of vision impairment, and certain ethnicities have a higher risk for vision impairment and eye disease? In fact, people of Asian descent are at a significantly greater risk for developing certain eye diseases, such as angle-closure glaucoma, which can be irreversible if left untreated. Approximately 80 per cent of all vision impairment is avoidable but frustratingly, in Canada, research shows awareness for vision health is poor. In fact, a 2018 study revealed that the majority of Canadians (59 per cent) experience symptoms of potential eye disease, yet only half of these people (54 per cent) reported they had seen a health care professional to ensure proper eye health. While we typically understand the importance of visiting a doctor for an annual check-up and seeing a dentist for bi-annual cleanings, many don’t realize the importance of getting their eyes checked on a regular basis. An eye exam by a licensed optometrist is like a “physical” for your eyes so it’s important that we all have lifelong relationships with their optometrist, as early detection is key in preventing eye disease progression, vision loss or even blindness.

Symptoms to watch out for include: having difficulty reading, sitting close to the TV or holding a book too close, closing one eye to read or watch TV, frequent eye rubbing, sensitivity to light or excessive tearing, avoiding using a computer because it hurts the eyes, having trouble seeing the board at school, or a sudden drop in grades. Besides ensuring proper vision, underlying health conditions can often be first detected through an eye exam. Early warning signs for conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, vascular disease, thyroid disease, brain tumors and diabetes can all be identified at early stages by an optometrist. Optometrists can also detect whether cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy – the top four causes of vision loss in seniors – are present. How often Canadians should get their eyes checked, depends on their age but many may be surprised to know that infants as young as 6 months old should be visiting the optometrist. The evidence-based guidelines developed by the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) recommends the following: o Infants and Toddlers (Birth to 24 months) - First eye examination between the ages of 6 and 9 months o Preschool Children (2 to 5 years) - At least one eye examination between the ages of 2 and 5 years o School Age Children (6 to 19 years) – Annually o Adults (20 to 39 years) - Every two to three years o Adults (40 to 64 years) - Every two years o Adults (65 years or older) – Annually Vision changes can change your whole life. If you’re overdue for a check-up or notice any changes in your vision, visit Theodore & Pringle Optical or your local optical department at Real Canadian Superstore, Loblaws, Zehrs, Fortinos, Your Independent Grocer, Atlantic Superstore and Dominion stores in Newfoundland.


World News

MAY 17, 2019


N. Korea fires 2 suspected UN humanitarian missiles in possible new warning chief says 4.3 million in Cameroon need aid BY KIM TONG-HYUNG, HYUNG-JIN KIM AND FOSTER KLUG The Associated Press

SEOUL, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF — North Korea fired two suspected short-range missiles toward the sea on Thursday, South Korean officials said, its second weapons launch in five days and a possible warning that nuclear disarmament talks with Washington could be in danger. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said the weapons flew 420 kilometres (260 miles) and 270 kilometres (167 miles), respectively. It said it is working with the United States to determine more details, such as the types of weapons that were fired. North Korean state media said Friday that leader Kim Jong Un helped guide the firing of the missiles Thursday and learned about “various longrange strike means,” but the statement from the propaganda services didn’t provide more specifics on the type of missiles fired. What was launched Thursday is a crucial detail, as North Korea is banned by the United Nations from testing ballistic missiles. Such a test could result in more sanctions, and the North’s so far unsuccessful push for large-scale sanctions relief is at the heart of the current diplomatic impasse with Washington. South Korea’s military said earlier that at least one projectile was launched from the Sino-ri area of North Pyongan province, an area known to have one of North Korea’s oldest missile bases where a brigade operates mid-range Rodong missiles. It later said there were two launches from the nearby town of Kusong, where North Korea conducted its first successful flight tests of its Hwasong-12 intermediaterange missile and Hwasong-14 intercontinental ballistic missile, both in 2017. Kusong is also home to missile test facilities that were critical to the development of North Korea’s solid-fuel Pukguksong-2, which was successfully flight-tested for the first

BY EDITH M. LEDERER The Associated Press

Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

time in February 2017, in the North’s first missile test after President Donald Trump took office. The latest launches came as U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun visited South Korea, and hours after the North described its firing of rocket artillery and an apparent short-range ballistic missile on Saturday as a regular and defensive military exercise. North Korea also ridiculed South Korea for criticizing those launches. President Donald Trump said he was not happy about North Korea’s recent military tests. Trump told reporters at the White House on Thursday that “we’re looking” at the situation “very seriously right now.” He said the weapons were smaller, short-range missiles, but added: “Nobody’s happy about it.” Trump, who has met with Kim twice now, said: “I don’t think they’re ready to negotiate.” South Korean President Moon Jae-in urged North Korea to refrain from actions that could impede diplomacy. In an interview with the KBS television network, Moon also said Seoul will explore various options to help revive the talks, including providing food aid to the North and pushing for his fourth summit with Kim. “I want to tell North Korea once again that it’s not ideal to repeat actions that create various interpretations of its intent, raise concern and risk throwing cold water on the atmosphere of dialogue and negotiations,” said Moon, a liberal who fa-


cilitated contacts between the United States and North Korea last year. Moon’s office earlier said the North Korean launches were “very concerning” and detrimental to efforts to improve inter-Korean ties and ease military tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Some analysts have said that if North Korea resumes testing the kind of longer-range banned ballistic weapons that it fired in unusually large numbers in 2017 — when many feared a U.S.-North Korea stand-off could end in war — it may signal that North Korea is turning away from diplomacy. The tensions in 2017 were followed by a surprising diplomatic outreach by North Korea in 2018, when Kim attended summits with the South Korean and Chinese presidents and with Trump. But North Korea has not received what it wants most from its summitry: relief from punitive sanctions imposed over its nuclear and missile programs. A summit earlier this year between Trump and Kim ended in failure, with the United States saying that North Korea was not offering to take enough disarmament steps in return for the widespread sanctions relief it sought. In Geneva on Thursday, North Korean Ambassador Han Tae Song likened the economic sanctions to “crimes.” Just ahead of the Thursday launch, senior defence officials from South Korea, the United States and Japan met in Seoul ❱❱ PAGE 33 N. Korea fires

CAMEROON IS facing worsening violence and conflict and the number of people needing humanitarian assistance has increased 30 per cent from last year to 4.3 million people, the U.N. humanitarian chief said Monday. Mark Lowcock told an informal Security Council meeting on the humanitarian situation in the central African nation that this means one in six Cameroonians need aid — more than half of them children. The United States organized the informal meeting over objections from the council’s three African members — and strong opposition from the Cameroonian government. Cameroon is divided along lines created during colonialism by European powers and was first ruled by Germans and then divided among the French and British. As a result, there are English- and French-speaking regions, with English speakers estimated at about 20 per cent of the population. English-speaking separatists in the Northwest and Southwest regions allege years of marginalization by the government of the largely Frenchspeaking country. President Paul Biya, in power since 1982, has branded the separatists as terrorists. Hundreds have been killed as fighters from a number of armed groups battle government forces and attempt to economically paralyze the regions. Lowcock, the undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs, said eight of Cameroon’s 10 regions are affected by one of three concurrent humanitarian crises. He said the situation in the Northwest and Southwest regions “has rapidly deteriorated” as a result of fighting, and “the level of the crisis today is more alarming than ever,” and continues to deteriorate. “In 2018, 160,000 people were estimated to need humanitarian assistance in the Northwest and Southwest regions,”

he said. “Today, there are more than 1.3 million people, or at least eight times as many, in need — and that amounts to a third of the local population.” He said a half million people are internally displaced and thousands of homes and entire villages have been destroyed across the two regions. In the East and North regions, meanwhile, Cameroon is hosting more than 270,000 refugees from the conflict in Central African Republic, putting “a significant burden” on already very poor host communities, Lowcock said. And, he said, in the Far North region, which is affected by the Lake Chad basin crisis, about 1.9 million people, including at least 100,000 refugees from Nigeria, “need urgent assistance.” Lowcock said the biggest challenge is lack of funding, noting that last year the U.N. appeal for Cameroon was among the least-funded globally. This year, he said, the U.N. and nongovernmental groups are seeking $299 million to reach 2.3 million people, one-third of them in the Northwest and Southwest regions. So far, only $38 million has been received. Cameroon’s U.N. ambassador, Michel Tommo Monthe, defended the government and denied it is provoking violence. He said it is engaging in dialogue with opposition figures, but he stressed that it must deal with separatism, “terrorism and insurrection — and we will face that.” “We want to be helped,” he said, but “we don’t want people working for Cameroon. We want people who work with Cameroon. That’s very different. We’re not half dead. We’re standing tall and we want people who will work with us to put an end to this.” ■


FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019

Maduro’s foes fill embassies in Venezuela as crisis deepens BY JOSHUA GOODMAN The Associated Press CARACAS, VENEZUELA — From the lush tropical garden of the Chilean ambassador’s residence, Venezuelan opposition leader Freddy Guevara takes a much-anticipated call from a foreign diplomat and asks him to protect a fellow lawmaker fleeing President Nicolas Maduro’s latest crackdown. “Gracias, Gracias ambassador. In the name of all of us,” said Guevara speaking into his cellphone as he sits down for a rare interview inside the diplomatic compound that has been his uneasy and isolating home the past 18 months. “You probably think this was all staged for you, right?” he chuckles while tapping out a text message sharing the good news to someone in his party. “But the last few days have all been like this.” As Venezuela’s crisis deepens, more and more government opponents are on the run, facing arrest for their role in a failed military uprising last week when opposition leader Juan Guaido briefly took control of a highway with a small cadre of troops seeking to topple Maduro. But instead of going into exile, or to jail as another silenced martyr of the movement to oust Maduro, many dissidents are pounding on the doors of foreign embassies in a throwback to the dark days of the 1970s, when far bloodier military dictatorships in South America hunted down their opponents. In the past 10 days, as Maduro has mopped up from the upris-

ing, three lawmakers have taken refuge in the ambassadorial residences of Italy and Argentina, while opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, who defied house arrest to partake in the putsch, is now living with his family in the Spanish ambassador’s residence. Others are hiding out in undisclosed missions while 18 national guardsmen who answered Guaido’s call to rebel are holed up in Panama’s embassy. None have requested asylum, even though countries in Latin America have a tradition of granting such status to political outcasts showing up at their diplomatic missions, allowing them to enter instead as “guests” in a sort of limbo waiting for Maduro to fall. For Guevara, that’s allowed him to remain politically active, holding frequent strategy sessions with Guaido and other members of their Popular Will party. “I’m like the ghost in a haunted house: I can’t leave but if you want to come over you can talk to me,” he says. Guevara’s decision to seek refuge inside the ambassador’s residence was part necessity, part political strategy. The 33-year-old cut his political teeth during student protests against Hugo Chavez a decade ago and quickly rose through the opposition’s ranks after several of its stalwarts were jailed or exiled. As vicepresident of the oppositioncontrolled congress, he was one of the leaders of anti-Maduro protests in 2017 that led to more than 130 deaths. When the government finally quelled the unrest, Guevara was high on the list of organizers they went after.

Guevara said he was tipped off about his impending arrest on charges of instigating violence by a Supreme Court magistrate and narrowly sneaked out the back door of his apartment building as feared SEBIN political police were arriving. He appealed for protection from Chile in the hope that it would drive home to Venezuela’s neighbours, many of whom were reluctant to confront Maduro but now recognize Guaido as the country’s rightful leader, the spillover risks from a spiraling political and economic crisis. “Every lawmaker living inside an embassy is a permanent reminder for that country, its media and its people that Nicolas Maduro isn’t just a problem for Venezuelans,” said Guevara. “Imagine if Nancy Pelosi had to run to an embassy because President Trump wanted to send her to prison, or the head of congress in France had to hide inside the Spanish embassy because of Macron.” He was welcomed with open arms by Chile’s then-ambassador, Pedro Ramirez, who had already taken in Roberto Enriquez, president of the conservative COPEI party. Two years later, Enriquez is still living in the compound. At one point, Ramirez was also sheltering five judges whose appointment to the high court by congress was disallowed by Maduro. The jurists, who did request asylum, later abandoned the residence and slipped across the border after Maduro’s government denied them safe passage into exile. For Ramirez, who had served as a Cabinet minister in the socialist government of Salvador

also entirely possible they were both going in the same direction, and one was climbing up and the other was descending.” Steve McCaughey, executive director of the Florida-based Seaplane Pilots Association, said the two types of planes involved are popular and flown all over Alaska and the world. There’s very little or no re-

duction in visibility that comes with having floats instead of wheels, he said. McCaughey said there were many unanswered questions and he was awaiting the outcome of the investigation, but he wondered whether atmospheric conditions played a role. Weather in the area where the crash happened included

Venezuelan opposition leader Freddy Guevara. FREDDY GUEVARA CORTEZ / FACEBOOK

Allende, it was an opportunity to return a favour: When Allende was overthrown in 1973, Ramirez was arrested and spent three years in jail before being exiled to Venezuela, which took in tens of thousands of Chileans following the coup. Ramirez considered himself an admirer of Chavez but quickly came to view his successor Maduro as a dictator after returning to Venezuela as ambassador in 2014. “Venezuela for me is like a second home,” said Ramirez from Chile’s capital. “It pains me to watch what’s happening. It’s almost indescribable.” Clearly Guevara is better off than the 857 Venezuelans, including two fellow lawmakers, considered political prisoners by local human rights groups. Giant tortoises and loud-squawking “guacharaca” birds roam a tropical garden complete with a pool where he works from every day. Embassy employees cook his meals, power up a generator during frequent blackouts and resolve daily chores that are a timeconsuming burden for even better-off Venezuelans in a collapsed economy marked by hyperinflation and widespread shortages. But for all the comforts, the deprivations are real too: He

can’t travel to visit family living abroad and he’s already missed two friends’ weddings where he was supposed to serve as best man. He’s also not allowed overt political activity, although Chile’s foreign ministry made him available to The Associated Press for a rare interview. His own plans are also on hold. Recently he asked his fellow activist girlfriend to get married, convinced that he could no longer allow Maduro to dictate the course of his life. He’s confident they’ll be able to get married in a post-Maduro Venezuela — freed from what he calls his “golden cage” — by the end of the year. “Part of resisting a dictatorship is just living your life,” he said. Meanwhile, he draws strength from jumping rope and a book of daily prayers that was a favourite of Abraham Lincoln and that he bought at the U.S. National Archives in Washington. “Freedom is something intrinsic to our common humanity — it’s not enough to just have a roof over year head, a bed and food,” he says. “That’s helped me understand why communism goes against human nature. … As the Bible says, ‘Man doesn’t live on bread alone.’” ■

high overcast skies with southeast winds gusting at 14 kilometres per hour. “They call it Misty Fjords for a reason,” McCaughey said. Starting next January, the Federal Aviation Administration will require all American aircraft to have tracking devices called ADS-B, which send out signals that show the aircraft’s

position. McCaughey said most commercial planes, especially those in high-traffic environments, already have this equipment. If they don’t, it would be their last season flying without it, he said. ■

Canadian among... ❰❰ 18

such as flying at a different altitude depending on direction, he added. “You can assume right off the top that they never saw each other,” he said of the Alaska crash. “The worst-case scenario is they were coming straight at each other and hit head on. It’s

With files from The Associated Press.


World News

MAY 17, 2019


Facebook removes fake Italian accounts ahead of EU election BY KELVIN CHAN AND FRANCES D’EMILIO The Associated Press ROME — Facebook shut down phoney Italian accounts and pages spreading fake news ahead of European Union parliamentary elections, prompting opposition lawmakers to call Monday for tougher laws to curb online misinformation. “We have removed a number of fake and duplicate accounts that were violating our authenticity polices,” the social network said Sunday. It also took down pages that were posting false information as well as some that had started as nonpolitical pages and built up followers, only to then switch names to become political sites. Facebook acted last week after being tipped off by the leftleaning campaign group Avaaz, which said in a statement that its investigation found 23 Italian Facebook pages spreading false information such as made up quotes and “divisive” anti-

migration, anti-vaccine and anti-Semitic content. “This is more proof that lies designed to sow hate and division in our societies are being spread deliberately on social media ahead of the EU elections,” Avaaz campaign director Christoph Schott said. Opposition senators in Italy including former Premier Matteo Renzi said they will soon submit to Parliament a proposed law to more adequately prevent and more efficiently combat fake news. Avaaz said the pages had about 2.5 million followers, and more than a dozen of the pages supported the rightwing League Party or the populist 5-Star-Movement. News of the shuttered pages “show the urgency of an intervention by Parliament,” said a statement signed by nearly 40 Democratic senators. But the leader of the far-right League Party, Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, downplayed concerns about the account deletions.

“There is so much fake news even in official newspapers,” said Salvini, who posts constantly on Facebook and said he would “guarantee that the elections are regular.” He added that Facebook “does its business and it does it well. What I care about is that the elections are crystal-clear, transparent, well organized.” His populist rival in the government, fellow Deputy Premier Luigi Di Maio, told journalists that there was no sign any pages managed by his 5-Star-Movement had been shut. Facebook is stepping up efforts to combat fake news and hate speech around EU elections scheduled for May 23-26, in which voters in the bloc’s 28 nations will be able to cast ballots for hundreds of candidates. The company has come under increasing pressure since 2016, when Russia’s use of social media to meddle with the U.S. presidential elections came into focus. CEO Mark Zuckerberg initially downplayed Face-

book’s role in Russia’s influence operation, but the company later apologized. The Silicon Valley company has set up an EU election operations centre in Dublin staffed with engineers, data scientists and researchers to monitor for abuse related to the vote. Experts say other groups are copying from Russia’s disinformation playbook.

“One thing to look out for in Europe will be domestic actors doing what the Russians had already been doing,” said Ben Nimmo, a researcher at the Atlantic Council. “Everyone’s seen what the Russians did. It’s not going to be any stretch of imagination to say, ‘If the Russians did it, why can’t I?” ■ Chan reported from London.

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Entertainment ‘Ang Probinsyano’ Will Smith calls ‘Aladdin’ now on Netflix remake highlight of his career BY GIANNA LLANES Philippine Canadian Inquirer THE FIRST season of longrunning ABS-CBN primetime action drama Ang Probinsyano is officially on streaming app Netflix under its international title Brothers. Fifty episodes of the teleserye, which began airing on September 28, 2015, and is still ongoing on its seventh season, have been made available to Netflix users. Each episode runs 30-35 minutes. Eric John Salut, head of ABS-CBN’s Advertising and Promotions Dreamscape first announced the news on Twitter, posting a screenshot of the show’s inclusion on the app, captioned in Filipino, “Philippine teleserye ‘Ang Probinsyano’ is now on Netflix with an international title, ‘Brothers!’ Congrats Coco Martin, ABSCBN, and Dreamscape.’” Netizens were quick to react to the news, @_theRal laughing, “The immortal probinsyano being more immortal on Netflix,” while @itsmejralinas states in Filipino, “Wait, it’s serious that Probinsyano is on Netflix?” @ Brielismyname adds, “This is not a drill. Ang Probinsyano is now on Netflix. Type ‘brothers’ on the search bar.”

Many also expressed their opinions on the Philippine series’ new title, @bofukeypok stating, “I’m still baffled on why Ang Probinsyano’s’ international title is “Brothers” when something like ‘The Countryman’ would have been leagues better because he is from the country (province) and he is a man serving his country.” According to Kantar Media, Ang Probinsyano is still the most watched television show across the Philippines. It is based on actor-turned-politician Fernando Poe, Jr.’s 1997 film of the same name. Coco Martin, who stars in the hit series, stars as both Cardo Dalisay and his late twin brother Ador. Cardo is forced to take his sibling’s position in the police force after Ador dies of a drug bust operation. Eddie Garcia, Edu Manzano, Alessandra de Rossi, Christopher Roxas, Yassi Pressman, Susan Roces, John Prats, Joel Torre, and Joey Marquez are among the other members of the cast. Ang Probinsyano holds the record for the longest running action drama series in the history of Philippine entertainment. While it fights to be the longest running teleserye, as it continues to close its run to the four years and six months of Mara Clara. ■

Screenshot of "Ang Probinsyano" selected for streaming on Netflix. @ERICJOHNSALUT/INSTAGRAM

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AMMAN, JORDAN — Hollywood star Will Smith says that Disney’s live-action remake of “Aladdin” was “one of, if not the best experience” of his accomplished 30-year career. Speaking to reporters in Amman, Jordan on Monday at the regional premiere, Smith, who plays Genie, said the musical movie “called upon every talent I cultivated” throughout decades as an actor, rapper and media personality. Smith, who vaulted to fame with the 1990s sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air,” suggested that his provocative performance involves singing, comedy bits, action sequences and even Bollywood-style dance numbers — “everything short of boxing.” The film pays homage to the Academy Award-winning origi-

"Aladdin" stars Naomi Scott, Will Smith, and Mena Massoud. @DISNEYALADDIN/INSTAGRAM

nal 1992 animated film starring the late Robin Williams, who played the memorable voice of Genie. Smith said Williams’ performance in the original

film “revolutionized what actors thought we could do in these kinds of movies.” ❱❱ PAGE 25 Will Smith

Angel Locsin pays tribute to late boyfriend Miko Sotto BY GIANNA LLANES Philippine Canadian Inquirer THIRTY-FOUR-YEAR- OLD Kapamilya actress remembers her ex-boyfriend Miko Sotto, who passed away more than 10 years ago, by paying tribute to him on what would have been his 37th birthday last Friday, May 10. In a photograph shared with her 10.9 million followers on Twitter, Angel offers flowers and a candle to the late Miko, captioned in a mix of English and Filipino, “Happy birthday, Mikolet. Stay steady over there.” Angel has been consistently visiting Miko’s grave on both his death anniversaries and birthdays. On his 10th year

death anniversary last 2013, Angel shared that it was “the saddest day of [her] life,” adding to her fans, “I will never forget it. Please include him in your prayers.” Miko passed away in December 2003 at the age of 21 after accidentally falling from the balcony of his Mandaluyong condo. He had been dating Angel for about six months at the time. When talking to Philstar a year later, Angel elaborates on her relationship with the matinee idol, saying, “Miko and I never had any Valentine date because we went steady for only six months. We didn’t reach Valentine’s day,” continuing, “I have to move on. I have to. I had to let go no matter how hard and painful it was. They told me

that if you grieve and grieve for a dear departed, if you don’t let go, it’s sad wherever he may be; it can burden his journey to eternal life. I have to go on living so Miko will go on living with The Lord, so he’ll be happy.” She concludes, “It made me realize how short life is, that we’re all living a borrowed life. That’s why we should do what God wants us to do; we should not mess up our lives by making enemies or harboring ill feelings. Also, if you love someone, show him while he’s still alive because you might wake up one morning and realize that it’s too late. Enjoy life. You’ll never know when God will call you.” Currently, the former “Darna” star has been in a relationship with producer Neil Arce since February 2018. ■



MAY 17, 2019


Mariel Rodriguez-Padilla is pregnant with baby #2 BY JOANNA BELLE DEALA Philippine Canadian Inquirer A DAY before the country honors every mothers and mother figures, 34-year-old actress Mariel Rodriguez-Padilla announced that she is expecting her second baby with husband Robin Padilla. Facing the ‘madlang people’ on “It’s Showtime� on Saturday, May 11, a teary-eyed Mariel happily shared what she calls a “special news� that she and her husband learned just a few months ago. “Si Isabella po ay magiging ate na (Isabella will be a big sister soon),� the television host said, receiving applause and cheers from the crowd. “I’m three months pregnant with baby number two, she continued. During the show’s Mother’s

Day special, Mariel recalled how she treated Mother’s Day as another ordinary day, however, the winds of change have begun to blow when she became a mother to Isabella. “Doon ko po nalaman na iba po talaga ang hirap at ang saya ng pagiging isang ina (That is when I learned that the challenges and happiness of being a mother is really different),� she said. “Sa career ko po, ang dami ko na pong nasubukan, pero (In my career, I have tried many things already, but) none is as rewarding or even comes close to the job of being a mother. Iba po talaga (It is really different),� she added. Mariel praised and acknowledged all the hard work and sacrifices mothers will earnestly do for the sake of their children. “Ultimo naliligo ka na lang iniisip mo pa, ‘ano bang ipa-

pakain ko sa anak ko ngayong araw?’ ‘Di ba? Iisipin mo, ‘naayos ko na ba ‘yung damit na isusuot niya? Ano bang schedule namin today?’ Lahat ng ‘yon ginagawa natin nang buong puso (Even when you are taking a bath you are still thinking, ‘what should I feed my child?’ Right? You will ponder, ‘Did I already prepare their clothes? What is our schedule for today?’ We are doing all of those whole-heartedly),� Mariel said. The actress then thanked the public for being so understanding when she had to take time off from show business while pregnant with her firstborn. “Thank you for letting me enjoy motherhood,� she said. Mariel’s co-�It’s Showtime� hosts congratulated her upon hearing the good news, with Vhong Navarro saying, �Maraming nag-iiyakan ngayong mga nanay na nanunuod

The perfect Mother’s Day gift

đ&#x;’? hello baby #2 đ&#x;’•

satin sa mga sinabi mo (Many mothers who are watching us right now are crying because of what you have said), Ma. Again, congratulations.� At the end of Mariel’s speech, “Asia’s Queen of Songs� Pilita


Corales, along with “Queen of Soulâ€? Jaya, “The Queen of R&Bâ€? Kyla, and Dulce performed “A Million Thanks To Youâ€? as they give appreciation and gratitude to all mothers out there. â–

Felicity Huffman pleads guilty in college admissions scheme BY ALANNA DURKIN RICHER The Associated Press BOSTON — “Desperate Housewives� star Felicity Huffman pleaded guilty Monday in the college admissions bribery scheme, the biggest name to do so in a scandal that has exposed the lengths to which some wealthy parents will go to get their children into top universities. The Emmy-winning actress, 56, could face prison time after she admitted to participating in the nationwide scam, in which authorities say parents bribed coaches, rigged entrance exams or both to game the admissions system. Huffman pleaded guilty in federal court to paying an admissions consultant $15,000 to have a proctor correct her older daughter’s answers on the SAT. She also considered going through with the plan for her younger daughter before ultimately deciding not to, authorities say. The consultant, Rick Singer, arranged for the cheating by

having students obtain permission for extra time on the exams through diagnoses for things like learning disabilities, and then taking the exams at his testing centre, prosecutors say. In court, Huffman explained her daughter had been seeing a neuropsychologist for years and getting extra time on tests since she was 11 — an apparent attempt to explain that her daughter’s doctor had no part in the scheme. “I just didn’t want to create the impression that neuropsychologists have any part in this,� a tearful Huffman said before stopping to collect herself. Sentencing was set for Sept. 13. Because she agreed to plead guilty, prosecutors said they would recommend four months in prison, but the judge could also choose not to put her behind bars at all. She arrived at court holding the hand of her brother Moore Huffman Jr. and did not say anything to journalists. In court, she wore a grey dress and a sweater and sat flanked by her attorneys while her brother watched from the front row. Her husband, actor William H.

Macy, didn’t attend. Huffman had apologized in a statement last month and said she will accept the consequences. She said she “betrayed� her 18-year-old daughter, who was not aware of her plan. “This transgression toward her and the public I will carry for the rest of my life. My desire to help my daughter is no excuse to break the law or engage in dishonesty,� Huffman said. Investigators have said Macy, 69, was with her when admissions consultant Rick Singer explained how he could arrange for the cheating because he “controlled� a test centre. Both Huffman and Macy agreed to the plan, authorities say, but Macy has not been charged. Prosecutors have not explained why. California businessman Devin Sloane also pleaded guilty Monday to paying $250,000 in bribes to get his son into the University of Southern California as a fake water polo recruit. Officials say he bought athletic gear online and worked with a designer to create a bogus photo of his son playing the sport for the application.

Huffman and Sloane are among 14 parents who agreed to plead guilty in the biggest admissions scandal ever prosecuted in the U.S., known as “Operation Varsity Blues.� The scandal involving prestigious schools across the country has also embroiled prominent college coaches. The parents are accused of paying Singer to bribe coaches in exchange for helping their children get into schools as fake athletic recruits. Singer also paid off entrance exam administrators to allow someone else to take tests for students or fix their answers, authorities say. Some parents and coaches who have agreed to plead guilty are co-operating with prosecutors against current or future co-defendants, but Huffman is not known to be among them. Singer has pleaded guilty to charges including racketeering conspiracy. He began working with authorities last year and secretly recorded his conversations with actress Lori Loughlin, Huffman and other parents in the hopes of getting a lenient sentence. Some parents have decided

to fight the charges, including Loughlin and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giannulli, who have pleaded not guilty to paying $500,000 in bribes to get their daughters into the University of Southern California as crew recruits even though neither of them is a rower. Loughlin and Giannulli, who are also charged with money laundering conspiracy, have not publicly commented on the allegations. Huffman was a star of the popular ABC series “Desperate Housewives,â€? which won her an Emmy Award in 2005. She was nominated for an Oscar for playing a transgender woman in the movie “Transamerica.â€? Experts differ on whether Huffman’s swift acceptance of responsibility will leave her with an acting career. After she agreed to plead guilty, Netflix officials said a film starring her, “Otherhood,â€? would not be released as planned in April and a new date would be determined. A limited series featuring Huffman on the Central Park Five case is expected to debut this month. â–


FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


‘Pikachu’ tries to dethrone the ‘Avengers,’ but just misses BY LINDSEY BAHR The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — “Pokemon Detective Pikachu” gave “Avengers: Endgame” a run for its money this weekend at the box office, but the superheroes managed to hold onto the throne once again. The Walt Disney Co. said Sunday that the Marvel blockbuster earned an estimated $63.1 million from its third weekend in North American theatres, bringing its domestic grosses to $723.5 million, surpassing the totals for “Black Panther” and “Avengers: Infinity War.” Internationally, it added $102.3 million, bringing its global total to just shy of $2.5 billion where it remains the second biggest worldwide release of all time behind “Avatar” ($2.8 billion.) But three weeks into “Avengers” dominance, the market finally had some room for another film to make a substantial impact. Warner Bros. managed to draw a significant audience to its liveaction “Pokemon Detective Pikachu,” which opened on 4,202 screens and earned an estimated $58 million from ticket sales. “What a terrific result,” said Jeff Goldstein, Warner Bros. head of domestic distribution. “It’s so much fun to watch ‘Detective Pikachu’ have this kind of opening.” And there’s no bad blood that “Endgame” powered past “Pikachu” in the end. “It was fun to win Friday night, but as they say in golf, you play your own game and I’m thrilled with our result,” Goldstein added. It even beat “Endgame” internationally by a very slight margin with $103 million. Ryan Reynolds voices the popular Pokemon character in the film, which notched a record of its own: Biggest video game adaption opening. The pre-


vious record-holder was the Angelina Jolie “Tomb Raider” from 2001, which opened with $47 million, not adjusted for inflation. “Typically movies based on video games haven’t been all that successful,” Goldstein said. It was a mixed bag for other newcomers looking for a piece of the market, including two women-led comedies strategically launching on Mother’s Day: “The Hustle” and “Poms,” which both attracted an overwhelmingly female audience. “The Hustle,” a gender-flipped spin on “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” with Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson, landed in third place with $13.6 million despite lacklustre reviews. Less lucky was the Diane Keaton cheerleading comedy “Poms,” which grossed only $5.1 million in its debut against similarly negative reviews from

Will Smith... ❰❰ 23

When first asked to take on the role of Genie, Smith said he demurred, intimidated by the big shoes to fill. But he said his son Jaden convinced him not to pass up the opportunity. “He was the first person that really saw the excitement around the idea of what I might do with it,” Smith said. Inspired by Williams’ performance, which Smith said “didn’t leave too much room for improvement,” he tried to capture a similar sort of nostalgia, inflecting the human Genie with 1990s “hip hop energy.” The adaption was mostly shot in the vast Jordanian desert of Wadi Rum, fa-

mous in the West as the backdrop for 1962’s “Lawrence of Arabia,” with its immense rock formations and rolling sand dunes. Smith said the film aimed to “be a love letter to the region,” and encourage young viewers to visit the Middle East. Production designer Gemma Jackson, acclaimed for her work on the HBO series “Game of Thrones,” constructed the fictional country of Agrabah as a composite of Arabian and South Asian landscapes, intended to conjure lavish oriental fantasies. “Aladdin,” directed by Guy Ritchie, premieres in the United States on May 24, and a day earlier in the Middle East. ■

critics. “Poms” placed sixth behind the thriller “The Intruder” ($6.6 million) and the Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron rom-com “Long Shot” ($6.1 million), which are both in their second weekends.

In smaller releases, “Tolkien,” a biopic about the “Lord of the Rings” author starring Nicholas Hoult opened in ninth place on 1,495 screens with $2.2 million, while the documentary “The Biggest Little Farm” debuted in five locations and earned $101,012. And while not every film was a hit this weekend, the diversity of content is important to the marketplace, noted Paul Dergarabedian, the senior media analyst for Comscore. Overall, the industry-wide box office continues to get stronger as the year goes on. The weekend is up around 23%, and the year is down around 9%. Three weeks ago, pre”Endgame,” that year-to-date deficit was at 17%. “It should never be about just one type of movie,” said Dergarabedian. “That used to be the thing about summer, it was about drawing in the 18-24 year olds with superhero movies and action movies. In today’s world, summer offers a much more eclectic and diverse mix and that’s paying dividends for Hollywood.” And May has more big movies to come, including “Aladdin,” “Rocketman,” “John Wick 3: Parabellum and “Godzilla: King of the Monsters.” “May could be a monster at the box office,” Dergarabedian said. ■

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Lifestyle EASY BREEZY:

Planning ahead can make your picnic just that BY KATIE WORKMAN The Associated Press AS THE weather warms up, many of us start thinking about enjoying our meals outdoors. But a seamless, successful picnic takes some planning. Having a checklist and some ideas for what foods work best can keep the easy-breezy notion of a summer picnic just that. Whether you are looking to create a simple alfresco lunch or a more stylish meal, a potluck menu for a group or a romantic repast for two, be prepared. I have learned the hard way that garbage bags and bottle openers don’t just appear in fields. The carriers

Anything from a classic picnic basket to a sturdy, flat-bottomed bag to a metal or plastic bin or box. Include some sort of cooler. The food

Choose simple dishes that require no fussing over at the picnic. Steer clear of fragile foods, and take items that won’t get soggy, are delicious at room temperature, can stand up to some time in the sun, and can be eaten with your hands or just a fork — it’s hard to cut things on a paper plate balanced on your lap. Usually, picnics don’t have the prescribed flow of a regular indoor meal. It’s quite acceptable and lovely that someone might be munching on a piece

of frittata while others are eating cookies. But if you plan on a more leisurely afternoon, you may want to put out some nibbley things to start. Cheese plus bread or crackers are always welcome, supplemented by olives, cornichons, nuts, dried fruit, and condiments like fig jam or chutney. If you make a crostini topping or two, put that out along with some toasted baguette slices brushed with olive oil and let people assemble their own. Think about a dip and some cut-up vegetables. There are lots of interesting salsas to make or buy to pair with chips. If you are bringing a lettuce salad or anything that can wilt quickly, pack the dressing separately and toss it there. Sturdier grain and vegetables salads can be made and dressed just before leaving (some grain, pasta or potato salads can happily be made up to a couple days ahead of time). Sandwiches are always good, but pack them tightly so they don’t fall apart. Fried chicken, grilled or roasted chicken (so good cold), salads featuring proteins like chicken or tuna, quiches, frittatas — truly, anything you are happy eating at room temperature is fair game. Include at least one vegetarian and one gluten-free option if you think those might be needed. Avoid desserts that need to be cut and plated, like pies and ❱❱ PAGE 35 Planning ahead

Toronto-based pop-up museum opens its doors to public BY JOANNA BELLE DEALA Philippine Canadian Inquirer YOU KNOW it is officially summer when your friends start to change their posts on social media from work/school-related stuff to shots of beautiful sunrises on the beach, girls on bikinis, sun-kissed selfies, food, and of course, ‘obligatory’ photos of the airplane wing from a window seat. Scrolling through your feed, you’re probably sitting there, hoping that you could also board the plane too and capture different travel destinations with Instagram-able factor but you can’t for some reasons. Get rid of that frowning face of yours as you can still get a glimpse of ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ sights worthy of your Instagram feed with this newly-opened museum in Toronto, Canada. Located at 322 1/2 Queen Street West, “This Is Eye Candy” museum (from the name itself ) offers you captivating backdrops that perfectly fit your selfies and outfit-of-theday (OOTD)! This pop-up museum, as it describes itself, is a “familyfriendly experience that brings together the vibrant, the inspired, and the epic” which will fuel your imagination and make you “embrace the adventurous bone” living within you. Inside this place, you can actually experience boarding a “private jet,” toasting champagne, and taking the mandatory photo of the plane’s wing through your window while you

Please hesitate to reach out to me. #brb #eyecandy #toronto #queenwest @NOOSHINSAIRAFI/INSTAGRAM

sit there looking like an owner of a multi-billion dollar company. Keep up that ‘billionaire-fora day’ image as you go inside a bank vault, containing a pile of gold bars! You can also make your Instagram followers crave for food with this mouthwatering rooms: a candy room filled with gummy bears, double bubble, ring pops, and suckers, and the pizza room where you can find a “larger-than-life slice” pepperoni and cheese pizza. On the other side of the museum, you can feel the ‘Japanese-vibe’ when you hop in a white cruiser amid the falling surreal pink cherry blossoms. These are only a few of the Insta-worthy rooms that can be found within the museum; there are a lot of “expertly-lit” rooms to discover that will sat-

isfy your feed goals without requiring you to pay as much as your friends’ travel expenses. The museum opens its door to the public from 11:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., seven days a week including holidays. To fully experience “This is Eye Candy” without any inconvenience, you must be mindful of the things you should not bring like selfie sticks, tripods, large umbrellas, strollers, and weapons of any kind. Although outside food and drinks are prohibited, the museum has a full food-and-beverage booth at the end of the exhibit just in case you get hungry while strolling around the premises. Visitors are encouraged to take photos as plenty as they can, however, bringing professional accessories is not allowed without approval. ■


FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019


No to bone buying: A dog twist on PH midterm elections BY BEA KIRSTEIN T. MANALAYSAY Philippine Canadian Inquirer POLITICS IS indeed the talk of the town now (or of the country), especially that on Monday, May 13, Filipinos can exercise their right to vote. Other than the Facebook statuses of “voting in the Philippine Elections 2019” or everyone’s versions of their indelible-inked-soaked finger nails, a certain page caught the attention of voters and non-voters. Might I mention, dog lovers too? Just in time, the Philippine Pawlitics is winning the votes of many dog lovers this election day on its Facebook and Twitter pages. Though created last year, this page’s gimmick for the season is so on-point that it did not need to participate in the campaign period because, for sure, all its candidates will win. Time to read this fun and pun-filled campaign: Sporting the patriotic campaign of “Buto na mga Ka-Doggo! No to BONE buying!” the page launched the bets that are running for Senadog. For the very first in their list is, ballot number five, Aw Aw Alejano. This Doberman wishes to be known as the Doggo ng Pilipino. Will your votes be

casted on him? How about a saint for a candidate? St. Bernardo Ang Gara at ballot number eight who claims that “ang gara ng ulam” is also ready to boop you for your vote. But the barks do not stop there, with Bark Aquino also in the house at ballot number nine! A Corgi with his signature thick black round-framed glasses, he makes sure for you to bring “Bark sa Senadog.” Apparently though, someone has a clear intention of being after your “bone.” Here comes American Bulldog General Buto, who sports the campaign, “Galit ako sa Bato, gusto ko Buto” at number 24. Now, it’s not yet time to go, with Pom Go. This Pomeranian at number 34 is surely cheering himself with his slogan, “Go, Pom Go!” On another note, Bark is not the only Corgi contender for the Senadog. At number 22, Neri Corginales is more proud with his dog roots. Someone is also more vocal; enter Chow Diokno at ballot number 25, a Chow Chow proudly saying, “Tahol ng Katarungan… Aw aw.” With no intention of losing from his opponents is this Golden Retriever, JV Ejercipaw at number 26, claiming to be “The GoodBoi.”


Following is another Golden Retriever, but this time, with glasses and is a more immortal version – Juan PAWnce Enrile, who wishes you, “Gusto ko happy tayo!” For sure, as long as there is tail-wagging involved! Ballot number 32 Larry Gadog, a Shi Tzu wants to keep it short and simple with his, “Mga Doggo!” signature. A Jack Russell Terrier is not only asking for head-pat but to ‘give her your paw’ these elections, Grace Paw at number 55.

While, Nancy Be Nice, a Poodle at number 15 reminds you, “Ka kulay mo, ka doggo mo.” Someone’s name is more straight to the point to ask for your buto, with a Shiba dog, named Bone Revilla, running for the Senadog at number 16. A bit late with the introduction, but Philippine Pawlitics made sure to not forget Samira Gooddog, who runs for “2 peace chimken” in that iconic turbanlike wrap. Partylists were not excluded

in this elections, with the page also introducing Ako Bantay Partylist, Chimken Muna Partylist, and Wow Doggo Partylist. As of writing, these were the only candidates and partylists that the page introduced. However, the netizens’ reaction to these posts align to the page’s aim, “Philippine Pawlitics help Filipinos share their insights about electoral candidates in a fresh and light way. No need for political wars. We’re here to boop pawliticians!” ■

What helps prevent dementia? Try exercise, not vitamin pills BY MARILYNN MARCHIONE The Associated Press IF YOU want to save your brain, focus on keeping the rest of your body well with exercise and healthy habits rather than popping vitamin pills, new guidelines for preventing dementia advise. About 50 million people currently have dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type. Each year brings 10 million new cases, says the report released Tuesday by the World Health Organization.

Although age is the top risk factor, “dementia is not a natural or inevitable consequence of aging,” it says. Many health conditions and behaviours affect the odds of developing it, and research suggests that a third of cases are preventable, said Maria Carrillo, chief science officer of the Alzheimer’s Association, which has published similar advice . Since dementia is currently incurable and so many experimental therapies have failed, focusing on prevention may “give us more benefit in the shorter term,” Carrillo said. Much of the WHO’s advice

is common sense, and echoes what the U.S. National Institute on Aging says . That includes getting enough exercise; treating other health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol; having an active social life, and avoiding or curbing harmful habits such as smoking, overeating and drinking too much alcohol. Evidence is weak that some of these help preserve thinking skills, but they’re known to aid general health, the WHO says. Eating well, and possibly following a Mediterranean-style diet, may help prevent

tia, the guidelines say. But they take a firm stance against vitamin B or E pills, fish oil or multi-complex supplements that are promoted for brain health because there’s strong research showing they don’t work. “There is currently no evidence to show that taking these supplements actually reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, and in fact, we know that in high doses these can be harmful,” said the WHO’s Dr. Neerja Chowdhary. “People should be looking for these nutrients through food ... not through supplements,”

Carrillo agreed. The WHO also did not endorse games and other activities aimed at boosting thinking skills. These can be considered for people with normal capacities or mild impairment, but there’s low to very low evidence of benefit. There’s not enough evidence to recommend antidepressants to reduce dementia risk although they may be used to treat depression, the report says. Hearing aids also may not reduce dementia risk, but older people should be screened for hearing loss and treated accordingly. ■



MAY 17, 2019


Netizens poke fun on school names to express feelings BY JOANNA BELLE DEALA Philippine Canadian Inquirer


Rihanna to launch groundbreaking new fashion label with LVMH BY MESFIN FEKADU The Associated Press

Jacobs and more, while its wine and spirts includes Moet & Chandon and Dom Perignon. The company has also backed Rihanna’s ultra-successful cosmetics brand, Fenty Beauty. Arnault said “everybody knows Rihanna as a wonderful singer, but through our partnership at Fenty Beauty, I discovered a true entrepreneur, a real CEO and a terrific leader.” “She naturally finds her full place within LVMH,” he continued. “I am proud that LVMH is leading this venture and wish it will be a great success.”

A release date for Rihanna’s new Fenty line with LVMH was not announced, but a website where consumers can eventuNEW YORK — Rihanna certially purchase the line launched fied her status as a cultural fashFriday. The new line “is centred ion icon with her groundbreakon Rihanna, developed by her, ing new deal with LVMH Moet and takes shape with her vision Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the in terms of ready to wear, shoes world’s largest luxury group. and accessories, including comThe pop star, born Robyn Rimerciality and communication hanna Fenty, announced Friday of the brand,” according to a that she will debut a line called press release. Fenty this spring through “Celebrity fashion brands LVMH. Her luxury house will have been around a long time be based in Paris. and led by singers, but in the The 31-year-old singer bepast they’ve tended to be done comes the first via licensing, person since wholesale distri1987 to launch bution and often a new house more with mass with LVMH (the I couldn’t imagine a better partner retailers or delast person was both creatively and business-wise, partment stores. Christian LaCand I’m ready for the world to see What’s different roix). Rihanna is what we have built together. about this Rihanalso reportedly na project is her the first woman partner, which is to create an origthe world’s larginal brand at LVMH and the Fashion has been synony- est luxury group, which has exfirst woman of colour at the top mous with Rihanna’s name pertise across a range of leather of an LVMH maison. since the Grammy-winning goods, perfumes, fashion, beau“Designing a line like this with superstar launched her music ty — so it really raises the bar for LVMH is an incredibly special career in 2005. She has collabo- celebrity-led fashion brands,” moment for us,” Rihanna said rated with brands like Armani, Miles Socha, editor-in-chief of in a statement. She added that Puma, Dior and more to launch WDD, said in an interview with Bernard Arnault, the chairman products and lines, and she de- The Associated Press. and CEO of LVMH, “has given buted her lingerie line, Savage Rihanna, a native of Barbame a unique opportunity to X Fenty, last year. Her Fenty dos, expressed her excitement develop a fashion house in the Beauty collection disrupted about the epic new deal in an luxury sector, with no artistic the beauty industry when it Instagram post Friday. limits. I couldn’t imagine a bet- launched in 2017, offering 40 “Big day for the culture,” she ter partner both creatively and foundation shades and bring- wrote. “Thank you Mr. Arnault business-wise, and I’m ready ing in more than $500 million for believing in this little girl for the world to see what we by the end of last year. The suc- from the left side of an island, have built together.” cess of it forced other cosmetic and for giving me the opporLVMH’s leather and goods di- brands to be more inclusive and tunity to grow with you at @ vision includes Louis Vuitton, launch more foundation colour LVMH. This is proof that nothChristian Dior Couture, Celine, shades, while Fenty even ex- ing is impossible. Glory be to Kenzo, Givenchy, Fendi, Marc tended to 50 shades. God.” ■

AMIDST ALL these electionrelated social media posts we see every time we refresh our Facebook or Twitter feed rises a viral thread that will surely give you a break from the usual. Remember the hilarious “surname war” that started with a student from Far Eastern University (FEU) who complained about having an unusual surname? The one that went viral as it triggered many netizens to share their ‘evenmore-awkward-surnames’ on the post? Well, there is a new thread circulating among the netizens (mostly students) but this time they don’t poke fun on themselves, they poked fun on the name of their school’s name as they struggle their way through the end of the academic year in a fun and witty way. The thread was born when netizen @jameelamarcelo, who studies at the University of Santo Tomas (UST), tweeted a combination of the name of her school and what she felt about being a student of it, which resulted to “University of santo too much breakdowns.” As of writing, her post has obtained 1,792 retweets and 9,300 likes since she tweeted it last May 5. Perhaps going through the same struggle, netizen @Lliam—Don sympathized with her feelings as he quote retweeted her post saying, “University of the philippinipilit ko nalang tapusin tong sem na to (I’m striving to finish this semester).” Facebook user Dana Jacinto, who is studying at Ateneo de Zamboanga University, took a screenshot of netizen @ Lliam—Don’s tweet and posted it on her wall along with a caption, “Ateneo De Ko na kaya (I cannot do this).” Dana’s post on Facebook, which currently has 9,600 reactions, 23,000 shares, and 234 comments as of press time, prompted more people to extract their creative juice as they

vent out their stress and frustrations at school. “Don pablo lorenzo memo-rize ng memorize para sa (for the) exams,” Facebook user Justeen Jacinto said. Probably missing a lot of what has been happening due to acads, netizen Roey Vivo Regondola wrote, “DE LA SALLEIII NYO NAMAN AKO SA MGA GIMIK NYO PURO NA LANG AKO ARAL (Include me on your hangouts, all I was doing was studying).” Arjan Denver, meanwhile, commented, “University of Nueva Easyhan nyo lang naman finals next week (make next week’s finals easy).” Also riding the hype train is Janine Fontelara saying, “University of Sto. Patungo di ko na kasi alam (Where will this go, I do not know where this is going)!” Lucky for Facebook user Alden Chuidian who cannot anymore relate to these rants because he said, “De La Salleamat at nakatapos na ako (Glad that I already graduated).” He continued, “Pero tiisin nyo yan. Mamimiss nyo mag-aral (But bear with it. You are going to miss studying), promise.” On Saturday, May 11, Design Pirate PH posted another screenshot of these posts on its Facebook page, launching a new chain of thought but this time, it is a combination of their school’s name and their “hugots.” “Cagayan State Unever see my worth,” said Madonna Grace Austria Gaba-Barasi. Dhelxxkie Rivera, meanwhile, commented, “Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuerte mo na sa kanya, naghanap ka pa ng iba (You are already lucky to have her, yet you still look for someone else).” Adding his entry in the comment section, Marc Michael Ferranco wrote, “Technological University of the Philiin mo naman ako (choose me), please.” As of writing, Design Pirated PH’s post has 6,400 reactions, 2,700 shares, and 1,400 comments. Guess it will take some time for this thread to come to an end at this rate. ■


Sports For the 6th time, June Mar Fajardo is Philippine Cup BPC BY GIANNA LLANES Philippine Canadian Inquirer CEBUANO BIG man June Mar Fajardo bagged his sixth Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) Philippine Cup All-Filipino Best Player of the Conference (BPC) award before leading the San Miguel Beermen to tie the best-of-seven finals series at the Smart Araneta Coliseum last Wednesday, May 8. The six-foot-eleven center totalled 1,165 points, topping the categories with 460 statistical points, 484 media votes, 71 players votes, and 150 votes from the PBA office.

In reaction to obtaining another BPC award, Fajardo shared, “I’m just blessed to be surrounded by people who continue to guide me. And for these awards, I don’t think about them and all the championships I’ve won. I just keep them within my heart, but I don’t let them get into my head,” adding, “Teams study me all the time and throw all kinds of schemes on me to try to stop or contain me, so I also have to improve, work hard and find ways how to counter them. So every time I enter the court, my mindset is as if I’ve not won a championships, a Best Player award or an MVP.”

On the same day, the 29-yearold awardee saw 32 minutes of action against the Magnolia Hotshots for Game Four of the Finals, finishing as Player of the Game with 31 points and 14 rebounds. Breaking the record as the player with the most number of conference awards, Fajardo bested out Sean Anthony from NorthPort Batang Pier, Roger Pogoy from Talk N’ Text Katropa, Mo Tautua also from NorthPort, and Stanley Pringle from GlobalPort. Besides six Best Player of the Conference awards, Fajardo has also gotten five Mythical Five Team citations, seven All-

June Mar Fajardo.

Star Games appearances, and four PBA All-Defensive team awards. He now has his sights set on another Most Valuable


Player title to his collection with his team fighting for the top crown in the Philippine Cup championship. ■

Leonard hits winning basket and Raptors headed to conference finals vs. Bucks BY LORI EWING The Canadian Press TORONTO — Kawhi Leonard’s jump shot from the corner at the buzzer lifted the Toronto Raptors to a thrilling 92-90 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers — and into the Eastern Conference Finals for just the second time in franchise history. Leonard had 15 of his 41 points in the fourth quarter, and corralled the ball with four seconds left before the launching the winning basket. The Raptors face the Bucks, who dispatched Boston in five games, in the Eastern Conference final, beginning Wednesday in Milwaukee. Serge Ibaka had 17 points and eight rebounds, while Pascal Siakam finished with 11 points and 11 boards, and Kyle Lowry had 10 points despite playing most of the night with a taped left thumb he sprained early in the second quarter. Marc Gasol grabbed 11 rebounds to go with seven points.

Joel Embiid led his team with 21 points as all five Philadelphia starters finished in double digits. JJ Redick added 17 points and Jimmy Butler had 16. The see-saw series had some wild momentum shifts, with a couple of blowouts on both sides. The Raptors set a franchise record for margin of victory in the post-season with their 125-89 Game 5 rout, but rather than comfortably close the series in six games in Philly, they dropped a 112-101 decision in Thursday’s Game 6 at Wells Fargo Center. Sunday’s game certainly wasn’t pretty, particularly by post-season standards. The Raptors shot 21 per cent in the first quarter, and the No. 1 three-point shooting team in the league since the Gasol trade in February, might as well have been masquerading as the worst. They missed their first eight three-point attempts before Ibaka finally connected a minute into the second. The lead changed hands six times in the first half, but neither team led by double digits.


When Gasol scored on a floater at 9:28 in the third quarter, Toronto took its biggest lead of the game — nine points. The Sixers responded with a 16-0 run to go up by seven, but the Raptors replied and Ibaka’s layup with 7.7 seconds left in the third gave Toronto a 67-64 lead with one quarter left. A Scotiabank Arena crowd, that included former Raptors point guard Jose Calderon, was on its feet for most of the final nailbiting 12 minutes that

saw Leonard score five straight points to put Toronto up by five with 4:48 to play. Toronto’s defence locked down in the final couple of minutes. Leonard broke a tie with a long two-pointer, then Lowry stole the ball off Tobias Harris and Siakam finished with a layup that had the ear-splitting crowd roaring their approval and put Toronto up by four heading into the final minute. A free throw by Butler and two from Embiid with 12.1 sec-

onds made it a one-point game. Leonard was fouled and missed one of his free throws and then Butler sprinted downcourt for the tying layup with 4.2 seconds to play. On the final thrilling play, Leonard took an inbound from Gasol and shot from just in front of the Raptors bench. He connected. The arena exploded. The Jumbotron panned to the hundreds of bundled-up, celebrating fans watching the game outside the arena in Maple Leaf Square on a chilly 6 C night. A loss would’ve been deemed a big disappointment for a squad that team president Masai Ujiri rebuilt specifically with a big but short-term goal in mind — a berth in the NBA Finals — acquiring Leonard and Danny Green for much-loved DeMar DeRozan last summer, and then acquiring Gasol for Jonas Valanciunas at the trade deadline. Among the questions that hinge on these playoffs is the future of Leonard. ❱❱ PAGE 36 Leonard hits


Business China retaliates on tariffs, stock markets go into a slide BY JOE MCDONALD AND PAUL WISEMAN The Associated Press BEIJING — Sending Wall Street into a slide, China announced higher tariffs Monday on $60 billion worth of American goods in retaliation for President Donald Trump’s latest penalties on Chinese products. Duties of 5% to 25% will take effect on June 1 on about 5,200 American products, including batteries, spinach and coffee, China’s Finance Ministry said. With investors worried about the potential economic damage on all sides from the escalating trade war, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 617 points, or 2.4%, and the technologyheavy Nasdaq plunged 270 points, or 3.4%, its biggest drop of the year. Earlier, stocks fell in Europe and Asia. “We appear to be in a slowmotion train wreck, with both sides sticking to their positions,” said William Reinsch, a trade analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a former U.S. trade official. “As is often the case, however, the losers will not be the negotiators or presidents, but the people.” Beijing’s move came after the U.S. raised duties Friday on $200 billion of Chinese imports to 25%, up from 10%. In doing so, American officials accused China of backtracking on commitments it made in earlier negotiations. The same day, trade talks between the two countries broke up without an agreement. On Twitter, Trump warned Xi that China “will be hurt very badly” if it doesn’t agree to a trade deal. Trump tweeted that Beijing “had a great deal, almost completed, & you backed out!” The rising trade hostilities could damage the economies of both countries. The tariff increases already in place have disrupted trade in such American products as soybeans and

medical equipment and sent shockwaves through other Asian economies that supply Chinese factories. Still, the two countries have given themselves something of an escape hatch: The higher Chinese tariffs don’t kick in for 2 1/2 weeks. The U.S. increases apply to Chinese goods shipped since Friday, and those shipments will take about three weeks to arrive at U.S. seaports and become subject to the higher charges. Also, both countries have in- pricing, losing an opportunity dicated more talks are likely. to support our families and our Top White House economic communities.” adviser Larry Kudlow said SunTrump told reporters Monday that China has invited U.S. day that a new program to reTrade Representative Robert lieve U.S. farmers’ pain is “beLighthizer and Treasury Secre- ing devised right now” and tary Steven Mnuchin to Beijing. predicted that they will be “very But nothing has been sched- happy.” The administration last uled. And Trump said Monday year handed farmers aid worth that he expects to meet Chi- $11 billion to offset losses from nese President Xi Jinping in trade conflicts. late June at the G-20 summit in Trump seemed to suggest Osaka, Japan. that the aid will make up for or The president has repeatedly partially cover the $15 billion insisted that increased tariffs that he said represented “the on Chinese goods don’t hurt biggest purchase that China has American consumers. But Kud- ever made with our farmers.” In low, head of the president’s Na- fact, U.S. farm exports to China tional Economic Council, ac- approached $26 billion in both knowledged over the weekend that U.S. consumers and businesses will bear some of The U.S.-instigated trade war the costs. against China is just a hurdle in “Both sides China’s development process. will pay,” he told It is no big deal. Fox News. In the U.S., prices of soybeans, targeted by Chinese 2012 and 2013 and came in at tariffs last year, fell Monday to $19.5 billion in 2017 before his a 10-year low on fears of a pro- trade war began taking a toll on tracted trade war. agricultural sales to China. In a statement, American The president’s allies in ConSoybean Association Presi- gress scrambled to limit the dent Davie Stevens, a soybean damage to farm country. farmer from Clinton, Kentucky, Republican Sen. Chuck expressed frustration that “the Grassley of Iowa said it is time U.S. has been at the table with for U.S. allies to “get in the China 11 times now and still game” to push China to the nehas not closed the deal. What gotiating table. “China needs that means for soybean grow- to get with it,” he said. “You ers is that we’re losing. Losing can’t move these goalposts like a valuable market, losing stable they’re moving them and

pect to be respected.” The highest tariffs announced by China will apply to industrial chemicals, electronic equipment, precision machinery and hundreds of food products. Beijing is running out of U.S. imports to penalize because of the lopsided trade balance between the world’s two largest economies. Chinese regulators have instead targeted American companies in China by slowing down the clearing of shipments through customs and the processing of business licenses. Oxford Economics calculated that the higher tariffs will reduce the U.S. economy by 0.3% in 2020, a loss of $490 per American household. S i m i l a r l y, forecasters have warned that the U.S. tariff increases could set back a Chinese recovery that had appeared to be gaining traction. Growth in the world’s second-largest economy during the Januarythrough-March period held steady at 6.4% compared with a year earlier, supported by higher government spending and bank lending. The tensions “raise fresh doubts about this recovery path,” Morgan Stanley economists said. The latest U.S. duties could knock 0.5 percentage points off annual Chinese economic

growth, and that could widen to 1 percentage point if both sides extend penalties to all of each other’s exports, economists say. That would pull annual growth below 6%, raising the risk of politically dangerous job losses. China’s state media tried to reassure businesses and consumers that the ruling Communist Party has the means to respond. “There is nothing to be afraid of,” said the party newspaper People’s Daily. “The U.S.-instigated trade war against China is just a hurdle in China’s development process. It is no big deal.” Trump has threatened to extend tariffs to the remaining $300 billion or so in Chinese tariffs that haven’t been targeted yet, but told reporters Monday: “I have not made that decision yet.” The president started raising tariffs last July over complaints China steals or pressures foreign companies to hand over technology and unfairly subsidizes Chinese businesses that are striving to become global leaders in robotics and other technology. A stumbling block has been U.S. insistence on an enforcement mechanism with penalties to ensure Beijing carries out its commitments. ■ Wiseman reported from Washington. Jill Colvin and Catherine Lucey in Washington contributed to this story.


FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019

Drop in gov’t expenditure growth held back PH in Q1: DOF PHILIPPINE NEWS AGENCY MANILA — In the first quarter of 2019, the Philippine economy grew by 5.6 percent, lower than the 6.5 percent registered in the same quarter of last year and 6.3 percent of the previous quarter. This is due to the huge drop in government expenditure growth to 0.08 percent (in nominal terms) compared with 25.4 percent in the same period last year, the Department of Finance (DOF) said in its latest Economic Bulletin released on Monday. From the expenditure side, the lower growth can be traced to a moderated growth in both government consumption and capital formation/investment, which grew by 7.4 percent and 6.8 percent respectively, compared to 13.6 percent and 10.3 percent in the same quarter of last year. The slowdown in capital formation is explained by the significant contraction in public construction by 8.6 percent compared to 22.6 percent

growth in the same quarter of 2018. This is slightly tempered by 8.6 percent growth in private construction compared to 8.1 percent in the same quarter of 2018. From the supply side, agriculture has decelerated to 0.8 percent in the first quarter. This confirms that El Niño has affected the sector. Industry also slowed, weighed down by mining and quarrying, slowdown in manufacturing activities, and construction. Note that growth in manufacturing and construction are much lower than GDP’s. Government economists concluded by saying that underspending of PHP69.5 billion in the first quarter of the year reduced GDP growth by 1.6 percent of GDP. This was offset by election spending of candidates and lower consumer inflation by the combined impact of about 0.7 percent of GDP, boosting household consumption by 6.3 percentin real terms. If the budget were approved as scheduled and disbursements were made promptly, GDP growth in the first quarter would have risen to 7.2 percent. ■


Why criminals look to Canada to launder their money through real estate BY CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS The Canadian Press NEWS THAT some $5 billion was laundered through British Columbia’s real estate market in 2018 comes as no surprise to experts, as Canada’s weak money-laundering laws make it an attractive spot to park illgotten cash. Kevin Comeau, author of a recent C.D. Howe report on money laundering, says people in corruption-prone states who seek to hide the source of their wealth can’t just buy a big house in their community, so they often look to cache it abroad. “Autocracies, kleptocracies, developing and transitioning nations — they’ve got corruption from politicians and they’ve got crime from drugs and human trafficking. They can’t keep that money in their own country without the risk of it being confiscated by someone closer to power,” Comeau said. They often start by mixing ill-gotten gains with legitimate proceeds — from a restaurant or other cash business — and depositing them in a bank. “What’s a bank to do? Go down and start counting the dishes?” he asked. The funds are then funnelled through a series of shell compa-

nies and trusts registered in tax havens such as the Seychelles or British Virgin Islands. These states have tiny corporate taxes and, like Canada, offer anonymity by allowing the real, or “beneficial,” owner to go undisclosed. With some of the weakest money-laundering laws among liberal democracies, Canada stands out as a place to launder cash, said Comeau, a retired lawyer and member of Transparency International Canada’s working group on beneficial ownership transparency. Houses, mansions and whole floors’ worth of condominiums can act as a kind of bank account in bricks-and-mortar form, with the purchase made by a numbered corporation, incorporated in Canada by an offshore lawyer and owned by layers of shell companies in various tax havens. “It’s easy as pie,” said Comeau. “You can do it in about five minutes and you don’t have to disclose anything.” International money launderers typically leave the properties vacant, driving up real estate prices and hollowing out neighbourhoods, said Garry Clement, former national director of the RCMP’s Proceeds of Crime Program. Renting the property out would involve a cheque or email

transfer, which usually necessitates an account at a Canadian bank for the receiver and leaves them exposed to anti-moneylaundering screens. “For organized crime lords, $5 million is pocket change,” Clement said, noting the lack of incentive for rental income. The property ownership timeline is typically mediumto long-term, rather than the quick cash turnarounds available through casinos and luxury car purchases, he said. “Most of it’s for parking money.” Last year some $7.4 billion overall was laundered in B.C., out of a total of $47 billion across Canada, according to Thursday’s report by an expert panel led by former B.C. deputy attorney general Maureen Maloney. “But Ontario is notorious for being a money-laundering front,” Clement said, adding that other provinces are far from immune. More than $3 trillion in dirty money entered the international finance system last year, according to Comeau. The British Columbia government introduced legislation last month aimed at preventing tax evasion and money laundering by shining a spotlight on anonymous real estate owners, making the province an antimoney-laundering “leader in Canada,” he said. ■

Palace confident of achieving 2019 GDP growth target BY EJ ROQUE Philippine News Agency MANILA — Malacañang on Thursday night expressed confidence that the target gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate for 2019 will be achieved. “President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and the Cabinet have been thoroughly briefed and apprised by our economic managers on the situation, and the Palace therefore remains confident that we will still reach our full-year 2019 economic target of 6 (percent) to 7 percent,” Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo said in a statement.

The Philippine economy expanded by 5.6 percent in the first quarter of 2019, slower than the 6.5 percent growth recorded during the same period last year. “The economic momentum is on our side. The future looks bright despite the prophets of doom and the negative forces that try to mislead our countrymen into believing an opposite outlook, who however refuse to bite,” he said. Panelo said the slowdown in the recent first-quarter GDP growth figures was due to the 2019 budget impasse between the houses of Congress. “The 5.6 percent GDP growth that registered in the first quar-

ter of 2019 was caused by the budget impasse, which has now been resolved, as well by

a nearly flat agriculture output posting 0.8 percent, which contributes about a tenth to GDP,

as a result of the adverse effects of the El Niño phenomenon,” he said. Panelo, also Chief Presidential legal counsel, said issues resulting from the delay in the passage of the budget are “now a thing of the past.” “The delay in our infrastructure program because of the budget deadlock during the first quarter is now a thing of the past. Soaring inflation has been decisively addressed. We expect higher growth in the next few quarters as the ‘Build Build Build’ Infrastructure Program starts to gather steam and domestic consumption, as a result of deflation, starts to pick up,” he said. ■


Technology Google promises better privacy tools, smarter AI assistant BY RACHEL LERMAN AND MATT O'BRIEN The Associated Press MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. — Google announced new privacy tools Tuesday intended to give people more control over how they’re being tracked on the go or in their own home, part of a broader effort by big tech companies to counter increasing scrutiny of their data collection practices. The company also announced updates for its artificially intelligent voice assistant as well as a cheaper Pixel phone and a rebranding of his smart-home products. CEO Sundar Pichai kicked off the company’s annual developer conference by noting that the company wants to do more to stay ahead of “constantly evolving user expectations” on privacy. That focus echoed throughout the day, with the company demonstrating how many of its artificial intelligence capabilities — including some facial recognition and voice searches — are beginning to be processed on devices, rather than by constantly sending information to company servers. Some critics, however, say Google’s privacy updates sidestep more substantial changes that could threaten its ad-driven business model. “They’re sort of marginal improvements,” said Jeremy Tillman, president of Ghostery, which provides ad-blocking and anti-tracking software.

“They are not bad, but they almost seem like they’re designed to give the company a better messaging push instead of making wholesale improvements to user privacy.” Data privacy and security at Google and its Big Tech counterparts have been under the microscope for more than a year now. Facebook dedicated much of its own conference last week to connecting people though more private channels rather than broadly on the social network. Google announced smaller but tangible changes across many of its products. The company makes billions of dollars annually by selling digital ads that are targeted at the interests people reveal through their search requests and data collected by Google apps and services. For instance, the company said it will extend an “incognito mode” feature to its Google Maps and search apps. When activated, the app won’t record user searches or movements, analogous to how the same feature works in its Chrome browser and YouTube now. The latest version of Google’s Android phone software will also alert users when apps may be exploiting access to phone location data, which Stephanie Cutherbertson, an Android senior director, called “some of your most personal information.” Android Q, as the new operating system is currently known, will also let users restrict apps’ access to location more generally — for instance,

by only allowing apps currently in use to gather the data. (Some apps record location data continuously in the background.) Location data has been a sore subject for Google. In 2018, an Associated Press investigation found that Google continued storing phone location data even when users turned off a “location history” setting in Android. The company also revealed plans to overhaul Chrome to let users rein in so-called tracking cookies, which are bits of software that follow people around on the web. The move, which could have major repercussions for the digital advertising industry, would require companies to identify cookies used by third-party websites and advertisers to track users. In coming months, Google said that change will enable users to clear most of those tracking cookies without disturbing others that keep users logged into sites or that personalize website settings. Chrome currently only allows people to clear all cookies. Competing browsers such as Apple’s Safari and Mozilla’s Firefox already build in privacy tools to block sites from tracking online activity. To Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the privacy measures remain unimpressive. “Unless the Federal Trade Commission is prepared to bring enforcement actions against companies, these promises to protect privacy matter very little,” he said.

On the AI front, Google said its digital assistant will get a series of updates this year, including one that lets it book rental cars and movie tickets. Google says its assistant will be able to make the bookings using online forms on Android phones later this year. The technology behind this, called Duplex, was announced with much fanfare last year when Google demonstrated it making a call to book a restaurant reservation. The Google Assistant will get shrunk down so that it can work directly on a phone, eliminating the need to communicate with Google’s cloud servers to understand and act on certain commands. The phone-only capability will be available on new Pixel phones later this year. Google also announced a new, cheaper Pixel phone and a larger smart home display called the Nest Hub Max. Both are packed with AI capabilities, including many that take place

on-device without sending information to servers. That might give Google slightly less information about its customers, said Gartner analyst Werner Goertz. But Google collects information across its many products, and it might not even greatly miss the data it foregoes, he said. The Nest Hub Max signals the integration of Nest into Google. The $229 display screen is similar to last year’s Google Home Hub, now renamed the Nest Hub, although the new product adds a camera made for video calling that can be turned on and off. The hub can also be set to recognize different household members using facial recognition — again all the device itself, not in the cloud. ■ O’Brien reported from Providence, Rhode Island. AP Technology Writer Michael Liedtke contributed reporting from San Francisco.


FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019

Facebook auto generates videos celebrating extremist images BY DESMOND BUTLER AND BARBARA ORTUTAY The Associated Press WASHINGTON — The animated video begins with a photo of the black flags of jihad. Seconds later, it flashes highlights of a year of social media posts: plaques of anti-Semitic verses, talk of retribution and a photo of two men carrying more jihadi flags while they burn the stars and stripes. It wasn’t produced by extremists; it was created by Facebook. In a clever bit of self-promotion, the social media giant takes a year of a user’s content and auto-generates a celebratory video. In this case, the user called himself “Abdel-Rahim Moussa, the Caliphate.” “Thanks for being here, from Facebook” the video concludes in a cartoon bubble before flashing the company’s famous ‘thumbs up.’ Facebook likes to give the impression that it’s staying ahead of extremists by taking down their posts, often before users ever even see them. But a confidential whistleblower’s complaint to the Securities and Exchange Commission obtained by The Associated Press alleges the social media company has exaggerated its success. Even worse, it shows that the company is inadvertently making use of propaganda by militant groups to auto-generate videos and pages that could be used for networking by extremists. According to the complaint, over a five-month period last

year, researchers monitored pages by users who affiliated themselves with groups the U.S. State Department has designated as terrorist organizations. In that period, 38% of the posts with prominent symbols of extremist groups were removed. In its own review, the AP found that as of this month, much of the banned content cited in the study — an execution video, images of severed heads, propaganda honouring martyred militants — slipped through the algorithmic web and remained easy to find on Facebook. The complaint is landing as Facebook tries to stay ahead of a growing array of criticism over its privacy practices and its ability to keep hate speech, live-streamed murders and suicides off its service. In the face of criticism, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has spoken of his pride in the company’s ability to weed out violent posts automatically through artificial intelligence. “In areas like terrorism, for al-Qaida and ISIS-related content, now 99% of the content that we take down in the category our systems flag proactively before anyone sees it,” Zuckerberg said in an earnings call last month. Then he added: “That’s what really good looks like.” Zuckerberg did not offer an estimate of how much of total prohibited content is being removed. The research behind the SEC complaint — though based on a limited sample size — suggests it is not as much as Facebook has implied. The complaint is aimed at spotlighting the

shortfall. Last year, researchers began monitoring users who explicitly identified themselves as members of extremist groups. This wasn’t hard to document. Some of these people even list the extremist groups as their employers. As a stark indication of how easily users can evade Facebook, one page from a user called “Nawan al-Farancsa” has a header whose white lettering against a black background says in English “The Islamic State.” The banner is punctuated with a photo of an explosive mushroom cloud rising from a city. The page, still up in recent days, apparently escaped Facebook’s systems, because the letters were not searchable text but embedded in a graphic block. Facebook concedes that its systems are not perfect, but says it making improvements. “After making heavy investments, we are detecting and removing terrorism content at

a far higher success rate than even two years ago,” the company said in a statement. “We don’t claim to find everything and we remain vigilant in our efforts against terrorist groups around the world.” Facebook says it now employs 30,000 people who work on its safety and security practices, reviewing potentially harmful material and anything else that might not belong on the site. Still, the company is putting a lot of its faith in artificial intelligence and its systems’ ability to eventually weed out bad stuff without the help of humans. The new research suggests that goal is a long way off. Hany Farid, a digital forensics expert at the University of California, Berkeley, who advises the Counter-Extremism Project, a New York and Londonbased group focused on combatting extremist messaging, says that Facebook’s artificial intelligence system is failing.

He says the company is not motivated to tackle the problem because it would be expensive. “The whole infrastructure is fundamentally flawed,” he said. Another Facebook autogeneration function gone awry scrapes employment information from user’s pages to create business pages. The function is supposed to produce pages meant to help companies network, but in many cases the they are serving as a branded landing space for extremist groups. The function has allowed Facebook users to like pages created for al-Qaida, the Islamic State group, the Somali-based al-Shabab and others, effectively providing a list of sympathizers for recruiters. At the top of an auto-generated page for al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, for instance, the AP found a photo of the bombed hull of the USS Cole — the defining image in AQAP’s own propaganda. The page includes the Wikipedia entry for the group and had been liked by 277 people when last viewed this week. Facebook also faces a challenge with U.S. hate groups. The researchers in the SEC complaint identified over 30 auto-generated pages for white supremacist groups, whose content Facebook prohibits. They include “The American Nazi Party” and the “New Aryan Empire” A page created for the “Aryan Brotherhood Headquarters” marks the office on a map and asks whether users recommend it. One endorser posted a question: “How can a brother get in the house.” ■

away from the United States and support North Korea’s position more strongly, said Du Hyeogn Cha, a visiting scholar at Seoul’s Asan Institute for Policy Studies. Following the collapse of the Trump-Kim meeting, North Korea demanded that South Korea proceed with joint economic projects that have been held back by U.S.-led sanctions against the North. By firing weapons that directly threaten South Korea but not the U.S. mainland or its Pacific territories, North Korea also appears to be testing how

far Washington will tolerate its bellicosity without actually causing the nuclear negotiations to collapse, Cha said. “To the United States, the North is saying ‘don’t push me into a corner.’ To South Korea, the North is saying the interKorean peace agreements could become nothing if Seoul fails to coax major concessions from the United States on behalf of the North,” Cha said. Some observers say North Korea may fire more missiles, including medium-range ones, to increase the pressure on the

United States. Cha said North Korea isn’t likely to fire longerrange missiles, such as its Hwasong-12 intermediate-range missiles and Hwasong-14 and 15 intercontinental ballistic missiles, unless it intends to completely abandon diplomacy since it is certain to invite new U.N. sanctions. North Korea last conducted a major missile test in November 2017 when it flight-tested the Hwasong-15 and demonstrated the potential capability to reach deep into the U.S. mainland. Experts think North

Korea still needs more tests to make its ICBMs viable. Kim in a New Year’s speech said he hopes to continue his nuclear summitry with Trump, but would seek a “new way” if the United States persists with sanctions and pressure against North Korea. Following the collapse of his second summit with Trump in February, Kim said he is open to a third meeting, but set the end of the year as a deadline for Washington to offer mutually acceptable terms for an agreement. ■

N. Korea fires... ❰❰ 20

to discuss North Korea’s earlier launches on Saturday and other security issues. Details from the meeting weren’t immediately announced. Experts who analyzed photos from North Korean state media say it’s clear that the North tested a new solid-fuel missile on Saturday that appears to be modeled after Russia’s Iskander short-range ballistic missile system. With the consecutive weapons launches, North Korea is pressuring South Korea to turn

MAY 17, 2019



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Travel Strong Rio Grande tourism in New Mexico expected THE ASSOCIATED PRESS RIO GRANDE DEL NORTE NATIONAL MONUMENT, N.M. — Rafting and angler guides are predicting a good season for Rio Grande tourism in New Mexico thanks to strong runoff generated by a good snowmelt this year. A healthy snow patch this winter is feeding the Rio Grande with much-needed water after long dry spells stemming from drought, the Santa Fe New Mexican reports . This year, the National Weather Service in Albuquerque predicts runoff to be at least 148% of normal through June. Water levels were 50% of normal in 2018. Parts of rivers were bone dry or only inches high. Fish — such as trout in the Pecos River — died off and long

sandbars formed along oncewet areas. “Everybody says it’s gonna be a huge year and I think they’re right,” said Britt Runyon of Dixon, New Mexico-based New Wave Rafting. Other rafting guides in Northern New Mexico agree. So do anglers, who expect a good summer of fishing even though the Rio Grande is still moving too high and fast for them to start casting their lines. “It’s a momentary restoration of the process that made the river what it is,” said Steve Harris, a river guide and conservationist who oversees the non-profit Rio Grande Restoration project, designed to keep the river healthy. “It’s good,” Harris added, “but it’s not the solution to our drought.” Those who raft, fish, kayak or depend on the river for irrigat-

Social media... ❰❰ 14

the spread of hate and misinformation. And Karina Gould, Canada’s minister of democratic institutions, has been signalling that regulations are coming because she’s been disappointed by social media platforms’ efforts to self-regulate. But said Erskine-Smith: “The problem is, unless we have global co-operation in establishing those new rules, we’re still going to open the door to companies saying, selectively, ‘This jurisdiction is too small, the market isn’t large enough to warrant changing our rules so we’re just going to ignore it.”‘ Digital media expert Taylor Owen said that’s certainly true when it comes to regulation of political ads. But he said it will be more difficult to arrive at internationally co-ordinated regulations on harmful speech and competition, where laws are much more nationally specific. Still, Owen said there’s no

Island within the Rio Grande from the North Valley in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

ing crops understand that. But for them, the ample spring runoff is nevertheless a blessing. In addition to tourism, strong runoff is predicted to help the ecosystem around the river and its banks. University of New Mexico biology researcher Rebecca Bixby said the increased flow will help


the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow lay eggs and spawn. With some overbanking, or flooding, the river also will provide water to the cottonwood trees lining the shores and replenish the groundwater in the bosque adjacent to the Rio Grande.

Mike Ruhl of the Fisheries Management Division of the state Game and Fish Department said this year’s runoff will help the river clean out gravel bars where trout spawn and draw woody vegetation, like fallen trees, into the river, which will create logjams that are “great for fish habitat.” ■

• Picnic basket or other portable container • Cooler with ice or cold packs • Picnic blanket (preferably waterproof in case the ground is damp) • Picnic chairs • Portable picnic table • Plates • Cups • Utensils (eating and serving) • Napkins • Paper towels (and maybe wet wipes) • Dishtowels (these can be used to anchor dishes in transport, and also for cleanup) • Drinks (including plenty of water) • Bottle opener and/or corkscrew • Cutting board (also useful as a level serving surface, perfect for drinks) • Sharp knife • Salt, pepper, condiments (leftover ketchup, mustard or mayo packets from take-out can be put to use!)

• Suncreen and insect repellent • Hats • Garbage/recycling bags • Flashlight • Games and activities: Frisbees, balls, bubbles, water guns, etc. • Extra containers or sealable bags for leftovers, utensils, etc.

Planning ahead... reason why Canada alone could not beef up its laws, as other countries have done, to impose steep fines on social media giants that violate privacy laws or don’t go far enough to constrain disinformation and hateful content. And, judging by the markedly hostile tone MPs in the governing party have adopted lately, he thinks that’s coming soon. Whereas politicians initially embraced social media as a positive means to engage with voters, most western governments, including Canada’s, have come to a “radically different” view, said Owen, Beaverbrook chair in media ethics and communication at McGill University’s Max Bell school of public policy. “The tone and the attitude of government is fundamentally changing. There is no trust anymore,” he said. ■

❰❰ 26

cakes. Go with pre-cut durable sweets like brownies, bar cookies, drop cookies. Grapes, cherries, cut melon and strawberries are good, packable fruit offerings. As for drinks, bring an assortment in cans or bottles. If you are going to a park, make sure glass bottles and/or alcohol are allowed; boxed or canned wine may be your friend, and there are some good ones out there. Maybe pack a thermos or two of iced tea or lemonade. Keep drinks chilled with lots of ice. Disposable or reusable?

We are all trying to be greener. And for a smaller group, at least, reusables are often more attractive and eco-friendly. Bring an extra bag for recycling. Make that list!

Here is a sample checklist, to prevent those “did anyone pack the napkins?” moments:

Packing your picnic

Put the heaviest, sturdiest items on the bottom of your container, and the lighter, more delicate items on top. Have your picnic blanket accessible — it’s the first thing you’ll want to unpack. Chill drinks and perishable foods before you pack them. And finally, of course, leave the picnic site the way you found it. Shake those last few crumbs off the blanket, but otherwise nobody need know you were there. ■





MAY 17, 2019



‘Convergence approach’ to address lack of PH gateways: DOT BY JOYCE ANN L. ROCAMORA Philippine News Agency

PANDIT : SRI SAI RAM in Surrey Pandit: SRI SAI RAM, Born in Astrologer’s Family. He Can Tell Your Past,Present & Future. He Is Expert In Palm Reading, Face Reading, Horoscope & Numerology, Vastu Shastra, Lucky Numbers And Gems.

ter, which means 97 percent of tourists arrive by air. That makes it vital for us to build more gateways as well as improve the existing ones we already have,” she MANILA — As an archipelagic state, said. building gateways and improving the To date, the country has 12 interexisting ones in the Philippines is vital national gateways that service the 49 to further boost the growing tourism Tourism Development Areas in the industry in the country, Tourism chief Philippines, eight of which have already Bernadette Romulo-Puyat said Thurs- undergone rehabilitation and improveday. ments. She said the DeIn 2018, new airpartment of Tourports such as the ism (DOT) continues Mactan-Cebu Interto coordinate and national Airport that Being an implement a “concan accommodate archipelago, vergence approach,” 12.5 million passenour country where they work in gers per year, and the depends on partnership with Bohol-Panglao Intereither sea other government national Airport with or air travel agencies. an annual capacity of for intra and “Under our con3 million passengers international vergence program, were inaugurated. travel. we are working with “Being an archithe Department pelago, our country of Transportation depends on either sea (DOTr) in the conor air travel for intra struction, rehabilitaand international tion and upgrading travel,” Romulo-Puyof our domestic and international air- at said. ports,” she said in a speech during the “With better airports, seaports and Tourism Summit 2019 in Manila. roads, we not only bring in local and She said the DOT and the DOTr are international tourists to these destinaalso working to develop more ports that tions but we also provide rural areas tourists can use to travel from island to with improved transportation, access to island. goods, employment opportunities, and “The Philippines is surrounded by wa- livelihoods,” she added. ■

Leonard hits... ❰❰ 29


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Both coaches talked pregame about the magnitude of a Game 7. “I think you would tend to think that in a long coaching career this is really, really, really big, biggest moment ever, but I think back to when I was getting ready to coach the Manchester Giants versus the Birmingham Bullets back in 2000, it meant a lot to me in the moment,” Toronto’s Nick Nurse said. “I can’t imagine it meaning any more. I’ve had a lot of those times in my career and it feels similar.” Sixers coach Brett Brown said his staff of 14 had spent the previous night dining at swish Yorkville restaurant Sotto Sotto. “I will be on a mission personally to help our players get through this,” Brown said. “To have a demeanour of solid. That’s my role in a game like today. To help our guys, to tell them the truth when things aren’t going the way that we want, and to steady the ship. Keep the boys in the boat.” The Raptors shot just 5-for-24 in the

first quarter, including 0-for-8 from behind the arc, yet still managed to build a seven-point lead when Green poked the ball away from Embiid and finish with a dunk eight minutes into the game. Leonard led the way with eight points in the quarter, and Toronto took an 18-13 lead into the second. A three-pointer by Harris capped a 14-2 Philly run in the second that gave the visitors a four-point lead. But the Raptors fired back with an 11-3 run punctuated by a Lowry three-point play that saw Toronto head into the lockerroom at halftime up 44-40. The Raptors had played in five previous Game 7s, most recently in 2016 when Lowry scored 35 points to help Toronto beat Miami to move on to the conference finals. The Raptors lost 88-87 to Philadelphia in the 2001 conference semifinals when a Vince Carter jump shot at the buzzer bounced off the rim. The Sixers went on to play Milwaukee in the conference final. ■


Food A spicy, smoky Jamaican jerk starts with bold ingredients AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN

Cheesecake without the fuss? Enter the no bake cheesecake AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN WE LOVE a tall New York-style cheesecake but there’s no denying it’s a bit of a project. It’s also incredibly rich and decadent. Sometimes we want the essence of a cheesecake with less fuss, and we want the tang of a cream cheese-based cake without the weight—something lighter and creamier to finish a meal. Enter no-bake cheesecake: The filling is lightened with whipped cream and the absence of eggs makes for a less rich cake. We achieved the best flavour and texture when we stuck to the tried-and-true combination of heavy cream and cream cheese thickened with gelatin. Allowing the gelatin to hydrate in a portion of the cream and then bringing it to a boil in the microwave fully activated its thickening power. Lemon juice, lemon zest, and a little vanilla added just enough spark to perk up the tangy cream cheese. And with a few simple tweaks, we created a peanut butter lover’s variation, using Nutter Butter cookies in the crust and

a generous dose of peanut butter in the cake. Serve with Fresh Strawberry Topping (recipe follows), if desired. Icebox cheesecake

Servings: 10-12 Start to finish: 45 minutes active cooking time Crust: • 8 whole graham crackers, broken into 1-inch pieces • 1 tablespoon sugar • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Filling: • 2 1/2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream • 2/3 cup (4 2/3 ounces) sugar • 1 pound cream cheese, cut into 1-inch pieces and softened • 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest plus 2 tablespoons juice • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • Pinch salt For the crust: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 F. Pulse crackers and sugar in food processor until finely ground, about 15 pulses. Transfer crumbs to

bowl, drizzle with melted butter, and mix with rubber spatula until mixture resembles wet sand. Using your hands, press crumb mixture evenly into bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Using bottom of measuring cup, firmly pack crust into pan. Bake until fragrant and beginning to brown, about 13 minutes. Let crust cool completely in pan on wire rack, about 30 minutes. For the filling: Sprinkle gelatin over 1/4 cup cream in 2-cup liquid measuring cup and let sit until gelatin softens, about 5 minutes. Microwave until mixture is bubbling around edges and gelatin dissolves, about 20 seconds; whisk to combine and set aside. Using stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, whip remaining 1 1/4 cups cream and sugar on medium-low speed until foamy, about 1 minute. Increase speed to high and whip until soft peaks form, 1 to 3 minutes. Fit stand mixer with paddle, reduce speed to medium-low, add cream cheese, and beat until combined, about 1 minute, scraping down bowl once (mixture may not be com❱❱ PAGE 38 Cheesecake without

Spicy, smoky Jamaican jerk is one of the world’s great barbecue traditions. Meat (traditionally chicken or pork) is rubbed with an intensely flavoured liquidy paste made from fiery Scotch bonnet chiles, allspice berries, herbs, and spices, and then it is smoked over pimento wood. Our jerk marinade has plenty of bold ingredients, including habanero chiles (in place of the Scotch bonnets), scallions, garlic, lime zest, and mustard for zingy brightness, and brown sugar, nutmeg, and ginger for warm sweetness. It’s potent enough to infuse the chicken in just 30 minutes. We substituted easy-to-find hickory chips for the traditional pimento wood, and we smoked allspice berries, thyme, and rosemary along with the wood chips to give our chicken a great authentic flavour that mimicked pimento’s sweet, herbal smoke. Jerk chicken

Servings: 4 Start to finish: 1 hour, 45 minutes Jerk Marinade • 1 1/2 tablespoons coriander seeds • 1 tablespoon allspice berries • 1 tablespoon black peppercorns • 1-3 habanero chiles, stemmed, seeded, and quartered • 8 scallions, chopped • 6 garlic cloves, peeled • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil • 2 tablespoons soy sauce • 2 tablespoons grated lime zest (3 limes), plus lime wedges for serving

• 2 tablespoons yellow mustard • 1 tablespoon dried thyme • 1 tablespoon ground ginger • 1 tablespoon packed brown sugar • 2 1/4 teaspoons salt • 2 teaspoons dried basil • 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg Chicken: • 3 pounds bone-in chicken pieces (split breasts cut in half crosswise, drumsticks, and/or thighs), trimmed • 2 tablespoons allspice berries • 2 tablespoons dried thyme • 2 tablespoons dried rosemary • 2 tablespoons water • 1 cup wood chips (preferably hickory), soaked in water for 15 minutes and drained For the jerk marinade: Grind coriander seeds, allspice berries, and peppercorns in spice grinder or mortar and pestle until coarsely ground. Transfer spices to blender jar. Add remaining ingredients and process to smooth paste, 1 to 3 minutes, scraping down sides of blender jar as necessary. Transfer marinade to 1 gallon zipperlock bag. For the chicken: Add chicken pieces to bag with marinade and toss to coat; press out air and seal bag. Let sit at room temperature for at least 30 minutes while preparing grill, flipping bag after 15 minutes. (Marinated chicken can be refrigerated for up to 24 hours.) Combine allspice berries, thyme, rosemary, and water in bowl and set aside for 15 minutes, until moistened. Using large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil, wrap soaked chips and moistened allspice mixture in 8-by-4 1/2 inch foil packet. ❱❱ PAGE 38 A spicy


MAY 17, 2019


Perfect burgers depend on the right meat. Here’s a pro tip AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN SOMETIMES SIMPLE is best, and for quick weeknight burgers or a backyard barbecue for a crowd, store-bought ground beef is certainly convenient. But with so many options available in supermarkets, we knew we would need to find the right cut of beef with the ideal amount of fat to produce tender, juicy burgers. Generically labeled “ground beef” can be a combination of different cuts with little beefy flavour that yields fatty, greasy, or mushy burgers. Hoping for better luck with singular cuts of meat, we tested ground sirloin, round, and chuck. Ground sirloin left us with dry burgers and ground round was flavourless and gristly, but 85% lean ground chuck gave us burgers with rich flavour and a tender, moist texture. Our first few batches of burgers puffed up like tennis balls,

but we quickly figured out that slightly indenting, or dimpling, the centre of each burger helped the burgers cook to a perfectly even thickness. You can serve these burgers simply with classic condiments, lettuce, and sliced ripe tomatoes. Classic beef burgers

Servings: 4 Start to finish: 30 minutes

• 1 1/2 pounds 85% lean ground beef • 1/2 teaspoon table salt • 1/4 teaspoon pepper • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, if using skillet • 4 slices cheese (4 ounces) (optional) • 4 hamburger buns, toasted if desired Divide ground beef into 4 equal portions, then gently shape each portion into 3/4 inch-thick patty. Using your fingertips, press centre of each patty down until about 1/2 inch thick, creating slight divot.

— For a skillet: Season patties with salt and pepper. Heat oil in 12 inch skillet over medium heat until just smoking. Transfer patties to skillet, divot side up, and cook until well browned on first side, 2 to 4 minutes. Flip patties, top with cheese, if using, and continue to cook until browned on second side and meat registers 120 F to 125 F (for medium-rare) or 130 F to 135 F (for medium), 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer burgers to platter and let rest for 5 minutes. Serve burgers on buns. — For a charcoal grill: Open bottom vent completely. Light large chimney starter filled with charcoal briquettes (6 quarts). When top coals are partially covered with ash, pour evenly over grill. Set cooking grate in place, cover, and open lid vent completely. Heat grill until hot, about 5 minute s. Clean and oil cooking grate. Season patties with salt and pepper. Place patties on grill, divot side up, and cook until well browned on first side, 2 to 4 minutes. Flip patties, top with

cheese, if using, and continue to cook until browned on second side and meat registers 120 F to 125 F (for medium-rare) or 130 F to 135 F (for medium), 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer burgers to platter and let rest for 5 minutes. Serve burgers on buns. — For a gas grill: Turn all burners to high, cover, and heat grill until hot, about 15 minutes. Leave all burners on high. Clean and oil cooking grate. Season patties with salt and pepper. Place patties on grill, divot side up, and cook until well browned on first side, 2 to

A spicy...

Cheesecake without...

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(Make sure chips do not poke holes in sides or bottom of packet.) Cut 2 evenly spaced 2 inch slits in top of packet. — For a charcoal grill: Open bottom vent halfway. Arrange 1 quart unlit charcoal briquettes in single layer over half of grill. Light large chimney starter one-third filled with charcoal briquettes (2 quarts). When top coals are partially covered with ash, pour on top of unlit charcoal, keeping coals arranged over half of grill. Place wood chip packet on coals. Set cooking grate in place, cover, and open lid vent halfway. Heat grill until hot and wood chips are smoking, about 5 minutes. — For a gas grill: Remove cooking grate and place wood chip packet directly on primary burner. Set grate in place, turn all burners to high, cover, and heat grill until hot and wood chips are smoking, 15 to 25 minutes. Turn primary burner to medium and turn off other burner(s). Clean and oil cooking grate.

Place chicken skin side up on cooler side of grill, as far away from fire as possible, with thighs closest to heat and breasts farthest away. Cover (positioning lid vent over chicken if using charcoal) and cook for 30 minutes. Move chicken skin side down to hotter side of grill. Cook until browned and skin renders, 3 to 6 minutes. Using tongs, flip chicken pieces and cook until browned on second side and breasts register 160 F and

thighs and drumsticks register 175 F, 5 to 12 minutes. Transfer chicken to serving platter, tent with foil, and let rest for 5 to 10 minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature with lime wedges. Nutrition information per serving: 430 calories; 214 calories from fat; 24 g fat (4 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 160 mg cholesterol; 1723 mg sodium; 12 g carbohydrate; 3 g fiber; 4 g sugar; 42 g protein.

pletely smooth). Add lemon juice, vanilla, and salt and continue to beat until combined, about 1 minute, scraping down bowl as needed. Increase speed to medium-high and beat until smooth, about 3 minutes. Add dissolved gelatin mixture and lemon zest and continue to beat until smooth and airy, about 2 minutes. Pour filling into crust and spread into even layer with spatula. Wrap cheesecake tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate until set, at least 6 hours or up to 24 hours. To unmould cheesecake, wrap hot, damp dish towel around pan and let stand for 1 minute. Remove sides of pan and slide thin metal spatula between crust and pan bottom to loosen, then slide cheesecake onto platter. Serve. Fresh Strawberry Topping • Makes about 3 cups • Total time: 1 hour, 30 minutes • This topping is best the day it’s made. Do not use frozen

4 minutes. Flip patties, top with cheese, if using, and continue to cook until browned on second side and meat registers 120 F to 125 F (for medium-rare) or 130 F to 135 F (for medium), 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer burgers to platter and let rest for 5 minutes. Serve burgers on buns. Nutrition information per serving: 497 calories; 258 calories from fat; 29 g fat (11 g saturated; 1 g trans fats); 112 mg cholesterol; 868 mg sodium; 23 g carbohydrate; 1 g fiber; 4 g sugar; 34 g protein.

strawberries in this recipe. • 1 1/4 pounds strawberries, hulled and sliced thin (4 cups) • 1/4 cup (1 3/4 ounces) sugar • Pinch salt • 1/2 cup strawberry jam • 1 tablespoon lemon juice Toss strawberries, sugar, and salt together in bowl and let sit, stirring occasionally, until berries have released their juice and sugar has dissolved, about 30 minutes. Process jam in food processor until smooth, about 8 seconds. Simmer jam in small saucepan over medium heat until no longer foamy, about 3 minutes. Stir warm jam and lemon juice into strawberries. Let cool completely, about 1 hour. Serve at room temperature or chilled. Nutrition information per serving: 346 calories; 263 calories from fat; 29 g fat (17 g saturated; 1 g trans fats); 95 mg cholesterol; 196 mg sodium; 18 g carbohydrate; 0 g fiber; 16 g sugar; 4 g protein.


FRIDAY MAY 17, 2019

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