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VOL. 5 NO. 66
MAY 31, 2013
Email:natiesotana@yahoo.ca www.sotanacanadaimm.com
Communist rebels kill 7, wound 7
Abolish the Senate?
Safety First: Tips on Travel, Tornadoes, Scams
Soho: gang rape’s not a joke
Manila: “The Gates of Hell”
NDP, Liberals bombard Harper on Senate scandal BY JOAN BRYDEN AND JENNIFER DITCHBURN The Canadian Press
NO POLL FRAUD. Comelec Chairman Sixto Brillantes Jr. fields questions from the media regarding the reported “60-30-10” pattern that raised doubts
about the integrity of the recent election results. (See page 14 for full story)
Taiwan to insist on criminal liability
❱❱ PAGE 6 Taiwan to insist
❱❱ PAGE 18 NDP, Liberals
One Pinay becomes the most beautiful in Canada ❱❱ PAGE 19
TAIPEI—Taiwan and the Philippines will discuss the results of their respective investigations into the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman in the northern Philippine waters on May 9, but Taipei will insist on criminal liability if warranted, according to an official of Taiwan’s Ministry of Justice. “Each team will come out with
separate reports and in case of major differences, we will again meet to discuss the result, but we will insist on the criminal liability of those who are guilty,” Chen Wen-chen, director general of the International Cross– Straits Legal Affairs, told the Inquirer in an interview Tuesday. She also said she expected no “major difference in the findings because we are looking at the same evidence.”
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BY NANCY C. CARVAJAL Philippine Daily Inquirer
OTTAWA—The House of Commons took on the aura of an inquisition Tuesday as Stephen Harper was grilled for the first time in Parliament about the role his office played in the Senate spending scandal. Eschewing the histrionics and partisan broadsides that normally dominate question period, opposition leaders posed short, sharp, relentless queries about when the prime minister learned his chief of staff had personally footed the $90,000 bill for Sen. Mike Duffy’s invalid Home - canadianinquirer.net - Powered by Discuz! http://www.canadianinquirer.net expense claims. Theonslaughtelicitednonewinformation as Harper stuck resolutely to his story that Wright acted on his own, without informing
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