Imagine No Bullying - Case for Support

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A $1 million campaign to create safe environments free of violence bullying, abuse, exploitation - through prevention, education and response. The tragic deaths of bullying targets have created a flood of outrage and support that has fast become a driving force in finding a solution to this growing problem. Education is the key to prevention, and the Canadian Red Cross programs do just that. Based on research, years of proven practice and current legislative requirements, Red Cross programs help create and maintain positive, inclusive environments through education, awareness and support. The Imagine No Bullying Campaign is an initiative of the Ontario Zone of the Canadian Red Cross. It will expand the reach of Red Cross violence and abuse prevention programs, such as Beyond the Hurt, across the province in order to provide children, youth and teachers with the tools needed to effectively identify and stop bullying.

“I am empowered to make things better - one child at a time.” - Adult Advisor,

Ferndale Woods Elementary School, Barrie


HOW THE RED CROSS WILL HELP A study by the University of Guelph found that 50

bullying episodes but intervene only 10 per cent of the

per cent of elementary aged students don’t feel safe

time. When intervention does occur, 57 per cent of the

at school. As 29 per cent of Ontario youth report

time bullying ceases within 10 seconds. What does

being bullied regularly at school, it is not hard to

this mean? Children and youth can be effective in

understand why.

stopping bullying, but we must provide them with the

Something needs to be done to make our schools safer and the Red Cross is taking the steps necessary to do just that.

skills and tools necessary to do so in an acceptable, respectful way.

Providing the tools

Going Beyond the Hurt Established in 2002, the Red Cross Beyond the Hurt program is a comprehensive approach to bullying and harassment that focuses on building capacity with youth and school staff. Youth and educators are trained, via a peer facilitation model, to identify, understand and stand up to bullying. These youth then deliver Beyond the Hurt workshops to their peers. The program also engages and empowers students and teachers to work collaboratively and creatively to make schools safer through additional initiatives outside of the classroom student-led workshops.

Each team of youth facilitators is supported by two adult advisors who take the two-day training alongside their students. Teachers and those interacting with young people can also be trained as Youth Facilitator Prevention Educators. This builds capacity and increases sustainability by allowing them to train students within their schools and communities to become Beyond the Hurt facilitators. It ensures youth, teachers and school staff can confidently prevent and confront bullying and harassment by providing them with the resources and techniques necessary to understand and respond to these situations.

Proven in practice

Does it work? PREVNet, a national network of leading researchers and organizations, working together to stop bullying in Canada, found that peers are present during most

A study that evaluated the effectiveness of Beyond the Hurt, showed positive changes within schools where the workshop had been held. Overall, schools

“ I was bullied for four years of my life in elementary school. In high school I took advantage of my size and bullied others. Now I have changed and want to help both sides - to stop bullying or prevent bullying - because I can connect to both sides and understand them. ” - Student, St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Secondary School, Dufferin-Peel District School Board


BREAKDOWN identified greater student knowledge of bullying, whole

One in five Canadian

school interventions were incorporated, and feedback

youth report being bullied regularly.

indicated students felt safe at school. Further, students were taught leadership and presentation skills that prepared them to go into classes, present to parent groups and the media to share what they had learned and to pass along skills and information necessary to reduce bullying.

$255 donation to

How you can help


Funds raised through the Imagine No Bullying Campaign

the Red Cross trains 1

will see this invaluable Red Cross program reach more communities across the province and allow for program delivery in both French and English. One student trained through Beyond the Hurt has the potential to reach 60 of their peers and each adult trained as a Youth Facilitator Prevention Educator reaches 600 youth in their school

youth facilitator who will go on to deliver bullying prevention presentations to 60 peers.

or community. Bullying is not a school issue; it is a community issue that enters into schools. Even small towns have a big need for bullying and abuse prevention programs. The Red Cross is here to provide those programs. With your support, we can help stop bullying before it starts. Together, we can create safe, respectful places where children and youth can live, learn and thrive. Every

Most children are bullied by someone they know, usually a classmate, a friend

or an acquaintance

rather than by a stranger.

child and every youth has the right to feel respected and safe. Help us move to a place beyond the hurt where bullying is a thing of the past. Help us make a difference.

65% of respondents to Kids Help Phone’s 2011 cyberbullying survey reported having been the targets of cyberbullying at least once.



The Canadian Red Cross has been identified as the top humanitarian service organization for the public, corporate Canada and governments on both domestic and international fronts. 3

The Canadian Red Cross is a leader in violence and abuse prevention in Canada. Our programs promote healthier relationships and safer communities that are free from abuse, bullying, violence and sexual exploitation. Implementing Violence Prevention

Preventing Violence Against Children and Youth

A step by step process to establish safe environments for young people through risk assessment, policy development, codes of conduct, and education and support services

Child abuse prevention education for young children, youth, adults, and First Nation communities

Violence is preventable and Prevention Education is the key to reduce the number of children and youth impacted by violence and abuse. RespectED offers comprehensive violence and abuse education in a variety of delivery formats to participants of all ages.

As incidents of violence and abuse continue to threaten the safety and well-being of children in communities across the country, the Canadian Red Cross is committed to teaching adults how to create safe environments for children. Promoting Healthy Youth Relationships

Preventing Bullying and Harassment

Understanding and preventing violence in youth dating relationships

Bullying and peer harassment prevention education and training for youth and adults

Educating students and adults about healthy and unhealthy relationships through the Canadian Red Cross RespectED program, seeks to shed the myths, fallacies and social structures that foster intimate partner violence, and replace them with healthier attitudes and expectations about relationship interaction, sexuality and violence.

Bullying among children and youth is a serious problem affecting children of all ages across the country. The Canadian Red Cross is committed to ending bullying, not only in schools, but in online spaces and in other areas where children and youth connect.


Canadian Red Cross - Ontario Zone Department of Philanthropy Phone: 1-866-886-4174 Email: Website:


2 3

Statistics Canada,

Kids Help Phone, “Cyberbullying: Reality Check” (2012)

Environics Marketing Study. (2008, April). Public Safety Canada Public Survey.


NO BULLYING “The ongoing relationship that we have been able to build with members of the Red Cross has been incredible. From our perspective, this is a true partnership that is making a difference in the lives of our students.” - Marcia Brennan, teacher, Bishop Tonnos Catholic Secondary School

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