2020 ANNUAL REPORT Welcome to the 2020 Speckle Park AGM. Amidst the current social and health challenges, we are happy to offer the opportunity to our membership to join online this year. Enclosed you will find the 2019 Financials, Business Reports and New Business carrying on within the 2020/2021 year. With most of our major events and intiatives at stand still for this year, we use it as an opportunity to develop a long term stratigic plan for the development of Speckle Park Data. As we all know, one of our challenge points has been proof on paper in the way of data. The Board is
eagerly working on strategies to help breeders market cattle with quantitative proof points that the buyer demands.
DIRECTOR'S ROLES The Board of the Canadian Speckle Park Association works as the elected parties charged with managing the affairs of the Association on behalf of the membership. Each individual brings a unique perspective and skillset, ensuring growth and sustainability of the Speckle Park breed.
Ken Friesen- President Andrew Metcalfe- Vice President Curtis McAleer- Director Josh Vogel- Director Wade Meakin- Director Cory Ducherer- Director Heather Brundige- Member At Large
AGM AGENDA Meeting Start: 1:30pm MDT 1. Call to order: Identification of members and introduction of members and guests. 2. President’s Opening Remarks 3. Approval of the Agenda as circulated 4. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of June 15, 2019, in Lloydminster,SK 5. Reports: Presidents, Financials, Youth, Business Review 6. Correspondence - None 7. New Business: Registrar Change 8. Business arising from the 2019 Minutes : Scrotal Circumference 9. By-Law Amendments 10. Election of Two Directors 11. Adjournment
2019 MINUTES Canadian Speckle Park Assocation Annual General Meeting Lloydminster, AB June 15, 2019 at 9:26 am Minutes pg 1/4 1) President Andrew Metcalfe opened the AGM at 9:26 am 2) President’s opening remarks and welcome 3) Approval of the agenda.-Elgin Craig made a motion to approve the agenda as circulated at this time-Ken Malterer seconded-Motion was carried 4) Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of June 16, 2018, in Cambridge, Ontario-Tracey Foster moved that the minutes of the annual general meeting from June 16, 2018 in Cambridge Ont. be approved as circulated.-John Cartwright Seconded-Motion was Carried 5) Reports a. Presidents report by Andrew Metcalfe b. Financial report by Ken Friesen-Josh Vogel makes a motion to amend the 2018 motion to audit the previous year financial report to instead have a Notice to Reader for previous year financials.Tanya Malterer seconded-Motion Carried-Kaitlin Malterer made a motion to amend the 2019 financial report as circulated-Kat Sauter seconded-Motion Carried c. 4-H Program report read by Whitney De Decker d. Business Manager Report by Whitney De Decker e. Deb Verbonac from AdFarm gave a presentation on Strategic Marketing tools f. Whitney DeDecker read letter sent by Laura Bodell in regards to the Journal-Ken Larson made a motion to accept reports as readGary Kiziak seconded -Rob Harasymchuk made a motion to amend agenda to have Michelle Miller present now -Barry Ducherer seconded -Motion Carried
2019 MINUTES Canadian Speckle Park Assocation Annual General Meeting Lloydminster, AB June 15, 2019 at 9:26 am Minutes 2/4 5) Reports (continued) g. Michelle Miller from Neogen had a presentation about switching from microsatellite to SNP for DNA and genomic testing. She also answered some questions regarding the scur gene in relation to the horn gene. 6) Break for lunch 7) Business arising from the 2018 minutes a. 2017 By-law approvals – no discussion b. 2018 By-law Review – no discussion c. Scrotal Circumference Discussion - discussion about the progress chart for scrotal size 8) New business a. Youth program changes· We will be scrapping the $50 rebate· Implementing a program with two $500 bursaries available to be put towards agricultural education. Open to all Jr with Speckle Park projects.· Was mentioned that the association could set aside a certain amount to put towards the youth program· A thank you given to those who have donated to the youth fund in the past year. b. DNA Lab transition 9) By-Law Amendments: Members present voted on seven (7) by-law resolutions. A by-law amendment must receive an affirmation vote of (2/3) of the members present at an annual meeting. Not all members were always present to vote on each amendment.
2019 MINUTES Canadian Speckle Park Assocation Annual General Meeting Lloydminster, AB June 15, 2019 at 9:26 am Minutes 3/4 9) By-Law Amendments: a. By-Law Amendment #1· Be it resolved, that CSPA By-Law SECTION 19. BREED IMPROVEMENT be amended to include a new subsection #7 will read as follows:· All registered females sold at public auction for breeding purposes be DNA tested for Myostatin, Polled and Coat colour and be made available for buyer awareness. For – 50 Against – 0 Abstained – 1 CARRIED b. By-Law Amendment #2· Be it resolved, that Section 4 DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES, Subsection 1 be amended to include new item(i) which will read as follows:· A Director acts as such without remuneration, provided that basic and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the affairs of the Association may be reimbursed. For – 50 Against – 0 Abstained – 0 CARRIED c. By-Law Amendment #3· Rob Harasymchuk makes an amendment to make the “they” “he/she"· Merl Zweifel seconded· 51 Voted for change For – 49 Against – 0 Abstained – 2 CARRIED d. By-Law Amendment #4· Josh Vogel made amendment to make the “they” “he/she”· Curtis McAleer seconded· 51 voted for change For – 44 Against – 2 Abstained – 1 CARRIED e. By-Law Amendment #5· Cory Ducherer made a motion to leave the pronouns the same capitalization and titles will be as amendment proposed· Josh Vogel secondedFor – 50 Against – 0 Abstained – 0 CARRIED
2019 MINUTES Canadian Speckle Park Assocation Annual General Meeting Lloydminster, AB June 15, 2019 at 9:26 am Minutes 4/4 9) By-Law Amendments: f. By-Law Amendment #6 For – 51 Against – 1(?) Abstained – 0 CARRIED g. By-Law Amendment #7For – 51 Against – 0 Abstained – 0 CARRIED 10) Election of two officers a. Curtis McAleer and Andrew Metcalfe re-elected b. Merl Zweifel made a motion to destroy the ballots c. Philip Watson Seconded d. Motion Carried 11) Barb Zerebeski suggested a motion be made to change the method of Financial reporting. Ken Friesen made a motion to have Larry Thiessen prepare a financial Notice to Reader report for the Association next year. Elgin Craig seconded. Motion was carried 12) Sean McGrath talk about entering information to get the EPD’s started 13) Elgin Craig moved to adjourn the meeting. Curtis Mcaleer seconded. Motion Carried
2019 ATTENDEES Canadian Speckle Park Assocation Annual General MeetingLloydminster, AB June 15, 2019 at 9:26 am Andrew & Christine Metcalfe Ken Friesen Wade Meakin Dan & Heather Brundige Dan Brundige Cory Ducherer Curtis McAleer Josh Vogel Wayne & Arlene Gould Maureen Bexson Craig & Deonne Brown Tyler & Melanie Calvert Susie Jack Gary & Nancy Kiziak Michael & Karen Luciak Ken & Tania Malterer Kaitlin Malterer Wayne Meakin Rick Goulet Wilf Sunderland Robert & Cindy Szkaluba Calvin & Robin Young Elgin & Joan Craig Phillip & Glynis Watson Kat Sauter Wanda Chibri Tannis Chibri Tony Freimark George & Gudrun Delange
Barry & Elaine Ducherer Carla Ducherer Harv & Fran Fehr Jason & Sara Goodfellow John & Dale Herbert Rob & Janice Harasymchuk Gale Janzen David & Arlinda Johner Justin Johner & guest Jack Nelson Dustin McAleer Don & Glenda Bell Roland Chibri Dale Chibri Christine Pike Darla Sauter Tracey Foster & Todd McAleney Stephanie Fradette Glen & Barbara Zerebeski Merl Zweifel John & Margo Cartwright Whitney De Decker Deb Verbonac (Guest) Michelle Miller (Guest) Sean McGrath (Guest)
PRESIDENT'S REPORT In 2019 I took on the role as the president of the Canadian Speckle Park Association. Thank you to Andrew Metcalfe for the previous two years as president of the Association and in assisting me in the role I currently hold. It has been an exciting time in the Speckle Park business and the enthusiasm in the breed is very evident. There has been a strong showing at cattle exhibitions and interest in the breed across the country. In the past year there have been 11 production and consignment sales, as well as the first breed sale in the USA. We as a board have had regular monthly conference/zoom meetings, 2 in person meetings, and additional conference calls to deal with matters of the association – continuing challenges with CLRC, sorting out agreement and understanding of the CSPA arrangement with the Speckle Park Journal, audit from CRA, breeders from other countries having issues with their associations and registering animals, working through the rebranding of our association, website, logo, print and marketing material, as well as setting up feedlot trials . We as an Association have spent time and money to build on the integrity of our breed by going with Neogen on the DNA profiling: 50K SNP, genetic condition testing for myostatin, colour and horn genes. As the breed continues to grow in members and cattle numbers, the board has looked at working together with other Associations to simplify and build cost effective measures to provide to the membership. We spoke with four beef breed Associations and got proposals back from two on allowing the CSPA to work alongside them in regards to registering cattle. We also looked at registry software and programming required to take on our own registry. We are all set to make the change subject to our bylaws passing at the annual meeting. Although 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone due to Covid 19 the cattle markets and futures look reasonably strong heading into the fall run. The CSPA is a growing Association with all the challenges of the larger beef breeds. The board has worked hard with the limited resources, staff and funding to take on all the matters of running a beef breed Association. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow board members and our business manager for the time and effort they have put towards making the Canadian Speckle Park Association stronger, more accountable and being a larger benefit to our membership with youth programs, registry, marketing information and access to the board as issues arise.Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to grow and gain market share in the beef business. Yours truly, Ken Friesen
FINANCIALS SNP Transition CSPA Supported the transition from Microsatellite to 50K SNP throughout 2019 & 2020. The $14 microsatellite testing fee for calendar year calves will continue to be covered until December 31st, 2020. The Association has funded $44,621.00 between May 1st, 2019-Aug 31st 2020 in DNA Incentives.
Marketing & Rebranding The Association invested into the marketing and rebranding of the Association in 2019. With the support of AdFarm, a new logo, website, brand standards guide and display was developed. For 2019 & 2020 the Association invested $53,000 & received CBBC funding support of $20,476.04 to assist with our marketing initiatives.
Youth Program CSPA has had an impressive kickoff to our youth fund. Over $32,1050.00 has been raised in 2019-2020 for the continued development of youth fund projects Between 2019 & Summer 2020, $13,130 has been gone back to our youth in awards, bursaries, show prizes and setup.
YOUTH PROGRAM As our breed continues to grow, we have seen a tremendous growth and support in the youth sector of our breed. Over the last year and a half, we have had over $30,000 generously donated towards our youth programs! Many thanks to multiple sale groups and individual producers.This last year we made the decision to award a few bursaries to benefit the youth involved in Speckle Park. In light of the generous donations designated towards the youth, the board made the choice to award all 10 of the 2019 bursary applicants. Each year the association sends out a token award to 4-H members who have had a Speckle Park project. The number of tokens sent out has been steadily going up each year. In 2019 the CSPA sent out 150 tokens to 4-H members all across the country! At the 2019 AGM we had our first Junior Heifer show. It went over very well and is something that I strongly felt we needed to continue each year. 2020 brought with it some different challenges with Covid 19. One of which was the cancellation of all in-person activities. So, set in motion the CSPA Virtual Jr Show! We really had no way to gauge how many entries we would have. I was hoping we would have at least 20 entries. Well, I was very excited to see how many participants we ended up with! We had a total of 42 participants, 24 purebred heifers, 14 commercial heifers, 29 Photography submissions, and three contestants that did showmanship only.I was incredibly proud of all the kids and the effort put in to show their heifers and share their photography skills! Investing in our youth, is investing in our future – the future of our industry and the future of our breed!
100 500 50
2020 YTD
Transfers 770
2020 YTD
Exports 689
627 600
544 40
2020 YTD
5 0
2020 YTD
Steady Growth- On track to surpass 2019 numbers for registrations and transfers despite early year challenges. Increased sales and marketing opportunities Adapability to current social awareness with focus on virtual sales
Brochure Prints will be available in both english and French. PDF Versions will be available online for members to print as well as at tradeshow events. All Marketing content will be posted on the CSPA Website to download.
Utilizing branding tools to develop new marketing content. Increasing Photography catalogue with CSPA owned photos Developing content that promotes breed education and awareness Establishing trials to provide data from controlled feedlot trials for accuracy with fact driven proof points in Marketing.
Continued Improvement Based of Membership feedback to website: improve website navigation simplicity, formatting of membership directory Reqistration Process and finding information on how to register/membership opportunities challenging Communications- confusing to members on the information flow between CLRC & CSPA
NEW BUSINESS CSPA Registry Changeover The Canadian Speckle Park Board of Directors have voted to become our own registrar moving head office to Calgary, AB. With continued growth of the Association, the board has actively looked for ways to increase member services/experience and maximize the capabilities of all functions of the Association. The Association Changeover WILL NOT take affect until the 2020 By Law Amendment is approved by AgriFood Canada. Once the By-Law is passed, we will announce the Registry Transition Timeline.
Why are we changing registries? One of the biggest challenge points of the Association is customer service and communication. By centralizing our services to 1 location, the registry move will benefit membership in the following ways: Improved Customer Experience for Members Superior Online Registry Program allowing members to be self sufficient with most registrations. Increased Transparency between Office Registrar, Business Manager & Board of Directors. Realign Association Communications and Functions to maximize Employee Efficiencies. Redirect Association priorities from concern resolution to a proactive planning mindset. Streamline Information collection to aid in Data management and EPD Development. Increased Revenues and future assessment of Member fees for reduction of registry costs.
Proposed Head Office: Canadian Hereford Association 5160 Skyline Way NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Proposed Hours of Operation: Monday-Wed 7am-4pm, Thursday 7am-12pm MDT Office Registrar: Ciara Mattheis CSPA would like to welcome Ciara Mattheis as our future Office Registrar. Ciara's primary responsibility will be for Animal Registrations & Customer Service. Ciara will also transition to supporting Website Updates & increasing membership
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you a little bit about myself.I grew up on an acreage in BC where I was passionate about horses, cattle and agriculture from the beginning. I was very active in BC 4-H and through my high school years became even more involved with the program from a national level. I moved to Alberta at the end of high school to pursue a diploma in Livestock Production at Olds College, where I then continued my studies and completed with a Bachelors Degree in Agribusiness. I spent 3 years following my schooling at the Canadian Angus office where I learned the importance of accuracy and attention to detail in relation to maintaining a herdbook. I very much enjoyed the registry department which is ultimately why I have returned to this field of work . My husband and I run a small mixed Ranching operation we are building from the ground up with our two young children in the Didsbury, AB area that we hope to expand on in the years to come. I look forward to working with Speckle Park and getting to know the membership. Ciara Mattheis
C-Gen Online Registry Program C-Gen brings a user friendly, secure client based platform to CSPA. Utilizied by numerous registries of various species, it is most notably used by The Canadian Charolais Association & Canadian Simmental Association.Â
Animal Registration Page
Weaning Weight Entries Easily record data on weaning weights and cow herd at weaning.
Expedited EPD Development C-Gen software EPD's created with Sean McGrath. Future capability with data entry supported by Members will allow for live EPD'sÂ
HerdBook Accuracy of Animals in Production Wide selection of disposal codes to accuratley reflect overall numbers of active animals in the CSPA herdbooks while still maintaing pedigree information for online lookup.
DNA Ordering and Results Order & Print your own DNA Forms. No delay in receiving DNA Test kits to send Hair Samples to Neogen
Select Animals for DNA Applications
Print DNA Kit Forms
Mail Hair Sample & Forms to Neogen
Lab Results reported real time to your CSPA Account
C-Gen In-Office Improvements Reduction in Office staff hours processing registrations increasing staff efficiency. Local Company with prompt response in the event of software program fixes. Remote program access to approved office users allowing Business Manager & Board of Directors to be informed and more knowledgable regarding all Registry inquiries; Financial, Registration, DNA, Membership etc.
BUSINESS FROM 2019 Scrotal Circumference Update: Scrotal Circumference increases presented at the 2017 AGM and subsequently voted on by the Board of Directors were to take effect last year. CSPA inquired as to the status of the updates on the Vet forms provided for Scrotal evaluation. WCABP had not been notified by CSPA of any intention for Speckle Park to increase scrotal size prior to the inquiry by our current board. Their Association feels that more data is needed to warrant an increase on the Vet examination forms. The Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners will review the Speckle Park Data at the end of 2020 and assess if Speckle Park Measurements warrant increase on their forms. Also taken into consideration was the large run of vet examination booklets already sold with the old data. The Canadian Speckle Park Association will continue to recognize the minimum increase approved in 2017 as the Breed Standard guidelines, supporting the goal of the WCABP forms minimums being revised. An up-date to the assessment results will be provided in January.
BY-LAW AMENDMENTS 2020 Proposed By-Law Amendments The proposed By-law amendments will be voted on at the Association’s Annual General Meeting in Sherwood Park, Alberta, on September 12, 2020. According to the Association’s By-laws (Section 8 Amendments, 1) the By-laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at an Annual General Meeting. Please be mindful that what follows is only proposed by-law amendment which does not become effective until voted upon and approved by the members at the annual meeting AND SUBSEQUENTLY APPROVED BY THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE. All amendments to CSPA By-laws become effective the day of Ministerial approval or at a subsequent date if so stated in the by-law.
Proposed By-Law Amendment #1 Be it resolved that Section 9 HEAD OFFICE be amended with the inclusion of a new subsection #3: #3) The head office of the Association shall be in the City of Calgary, in the Province of Alberta. Explanation and Rationale: Adhering to by-law standards, the geographical location should be included in the CSPA by-laws. The proposed amendment comes before the members under the signatures of The CSPA Board of Directors: Ken Friesen, Andrew Metcalfe, Josh Vogel, Curtis McAleer, Wade Meakin, Cory Ducherer, Heather Brundige
BY-LAW AMENDMENTS 2020 Proposed By-Law Amendments Proposed By-Law Amendment #2 Be it resolved that Section 9 of the by-laws which currently reads: 1) The head office of the Association shall be at such place in Canada as the Board of Directors may determine and the location of the office for the registration of pedigrees shall be as determined from time to time by the Canadian Speckle Park Association’s Board of Directors. 2) The Association’s articles of incorporation and the Association’s by-laws shall be kept at the head office and shall be made available to the members to examine at all reasonable times. The Association’s business records and books of accounts shall also be kept at the head office and will be made available to the members to inspect at a preset date during the year. Be amended as follows: 1) The head office for the purpose of pedigree registration and administration of the Association shall be at such place in Canada as the Board of Directors may determine. 2) The Association’s articles of incorporation and the Association’s by-laws shall be kept at the head office and shall be made available to the members to examine at all reasonable times. The Association’s business records and books of accounts shall also be kept at the head office and will be made available to the members to inspect at a preset date during the year. Explanation and Rationale: Head office will now be the location for registration of pedigrees as well as administrative affairs of the association. The proposed amendment comes before the members under the signatures of The CSPA Board of Directors: Ken Friesen, Andrew Metcalfe, Josh Vogel, Curtis McAleer, Wade Meakin, Cory Ducherer, Heather Brundige
BY-LAW AMENDMENTS 2020 Proposed By-Law Amendments Proposed By-Law Amendment #3 Be it resolved that Section 26 of the by-laws which currently reads: A register shall be kept at the office of the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation and shall be known as the Canadian Speckle Park Association Herd Book. It shall be published by the Canadian Speckle Park Association at such time as decided by the Board of Directors. Be amended as follows: A register shall be kept at the head office of the Canadian Speckle Park Association. It shall be known as the Canadian Speckle Park Association Herd Book and will be published by the Canadian Speckle Park Association at such time as decided by the Board of Directors. Explanation and Rationale: In accordance with Section 9.1 of the By-Laws, the CSPA Board of Directors has made the decision to relocate our registry to Calgary, AB. We will have our own registrar, renting office space from the Hereford Association and using the C Gen online registry software. Although the Board has the authority to move our office, for the Association to complete the transfer, we must amend section 26 to move the herdbook records. Supporting By-law 9.1 as shown below: 1) The head office of the Association shall be at such place in Canada as the Board of Directors may determine and the location of the office for the registration of pedigrees shall be as determined from time to time by the Canadian Speckle Park Association’s Board of Directors. The proposed amendment comes before the members under the signatures of The CSPA Board of Directors: Ken Friesen, Andrew Metcalfe, Josh Vogel, Curtis McAleer, Wade Meakin, Cory Ducherer, Heather Brundige
DIRECTOR ELECTION This year, there are 2 positions open for election. Please read the following important information regarding voting for this year's positions.
2019 Board of Directors Terms Andrew Metcalfe- June 2022 Curtis McAleer- June 2022 Josh Vogel- June 2021 Ken Friesen- June 2021 Wade Meakin- June 2020 Cory Ducherer- June 2020 The Board of Directors consists of six elected directors who each hold office for three year terms. A Member at Large is appointed for a one year term by the directors at their first meeting following the AGM. 2020 Director Nominees Kelsey Knott, Ardrossan Alberta Glen Zerebeski, Blaine Lake Saskatchewan Tracey Foster-Duriez, Fort St John British Columbia Heather Brundige, Bonnyville Alberta Cory Ducherer, Neilburg Saskatchewan CSPA Bylaws Regarding Election of Directors Section 7. Elections 1.The election of directors shall take place at the annual meeting. 2.The ballot must contain at least as many names as directors required to be elected. 3.If any member votes for either more or less than the number of directors required, the ballot shall not be counted. 4.Voting papers shall be sent to the members at least three (3) weeks prior to the annual meeting. In the case where a member is unable to attend the annual meeting, he may submit his vote on such paper and submit it to the Business Manager prior to the election and it shall be opened and counted on the day of the said election by the Business Manager in the presence of two scrutineers previously appointed by the Board of Directors. 5.The envelope used to return the mail ballot shall bear the words "voting paper" and be placed within a second envelope which exhibits a return address (including the name/names of whose votes are enclosed within) 6.In the case where a person submits a mail in ballot but attends the meeting in person, the mail in ballot is considered void.
2021 AGMÂ In-Person Saskatoon, SK Live Youth Show Tours Hospitality Events
See you next year!