Geolog, Summer-2019

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Volume 48 Number / Numéro 2 Summer / Été 2019

Medals and Awards National Awards Logan Medal Cees van Staal The Logan Medal, the highest award of the Geological Association of Canada is presented to an individual for sustained distinguished achievement in Canadian earth science. The medal is awarded to Cees van Staal for achieving unprecedented resolution in orogenic analysis, through integrated structural, stratigraphic and metamorphic geology, mafic and felsic rock geochemistry, high-precision geochronology, seismic sounding, and comparison with active Circum-Pacific tectonics, as applied to the Canadian Appalachian orogen and its extensions. Citation: Rooted in 36 years of geological mapping in the Appalachians of New Brunswick and Newfoundland, Cees van Staal has raised the spatial and temporal resolution of tectonic analysis to a level that is unprecedented in orogenic belts of comparable complexity, regardless of age. His plate tectonic history is a template applied in the U.S. Appalachians and the Irish-British Caledonides. It was developed through longstanding collaborative integration of micro-, macro and map-scale structural analysis, volcanic and granite geochemistry, metamorphic thermobarometry, highprecision geochronology, and comparison with active tectonics in the western Circum-Pacific. Raised in the rich traditions of structural geology and geophysics at the Free University in Amsterdam, Cees followed Paul Williams to New Brunswick for his Ph.D., a structural analysis of the giant Brunswick deposit that predicted orebody geometry. Joining the GSC in 1985, Cees

extended his mapping in the Bathurst area, where he documented a plunging refolded nappe complex containing the only known blueschist belt in the northern Appalachians, and within which backarc volcanics are thrust beneath diverse arc-related rocks, Cees interpreted the nappe complex as the floor of an Ordovician marginal sea off the leading edge of Gondwana-derived Ganderia, which collapsed during Silurian accretion at the active margin of greater Laurentia. In 1991, Cees began mapping the largely unknown south coast of central Newfoundland. With petrologist Joe Whalen, he documented island arc accretion, slab breakoff, subduction flip and arc reversal on the Ganderian margin prior to marginal sea opening, and on the Laurentian margin prior to Ganderia’s arrival. His ‘four-arc’ model was applied Cont’d on p. 4

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