Mazinigan January 2020

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Gchi-Mnidoo-Giizis “Big Spirit Moon”

January 2020

Regular Council Monday January 20th @ 10 am Tuesday January 28th @ 6pm

Antler River Elementary Thursday Jan 23, 2020—7:30am Contact Dawn-Estelle Miskokomon— 519-264-2500 or

A demonstration learning event between collaborative partners: children, youth, families, elders, COTTFN Circle of Services (internal and external partnerships)

Come play lacrosse with us... The Strathroy Minor Lacrosse Association is proud to offer Competitive Box Lacrosse and House League Box Lacrosse teams for boys and girls. No experience required. Registration Opens on-line from January 1st, 2020 to March 22nd, 2020. Graduated pricing, so register early to save $$.

Free Try-Lacrosse Camps 1) Wed. January 15, 2020 - 6:00 to 8:00 Adelaide PS 2) Wed. February 12, 2020 - 6:00 to 8:00 - Adelaide PS Please visit or FaceBook for more details.

Finance Corner On December 18th, 2019 Chippewas of the Thames First Nation has received our Financial Management Systems (FMS) Certification from the First Nations Financial Management Board. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible through numerous policy reviews, data requests and records retrievals.

Only a small group of 30 First Nations have achieved FMS Certification to date. COTTFN has demonstrated that we have put in place good financial practices for the long-term. Getting certified brings confidence to community members, lenders, business partners, and others that COTTFN runs its affairs well in a transparent and accountable way. It also opens the door to obtaining low-cost loans by being in good standing with the First Nations Finance Authority, should COTTFN choose to do so in the future.

New member to the Justice Department Aanii/ Boozho, My name is Alanis Deleary, I am 22 years old, and a proud member of Chippewas of the Thames First Nation. I am a recent graduate from King’s University College in the Childhood and Social Institutions program. Over the course of my post-secondary studies, I have been able to build and strengthen my knowledge in areas related to human development and adjustment, addictive behaviours, family law and politics, children’s rights in education, and so forth. I have experience working for the nation in our youth and recreation department as a day camp counsellor and day camp supervisor. Last summer, I was a part of an amazing day camp team and I am so grateful to be working with our community in a way that is fun and fresh. At the beginning of January, I started in my role as the Community Prevention worker and my goals will be to provide relevant, consistent, and accessible programs/services that will support and enhance the lives our community’s children, youth, adults, and elders. My office is in the community centre (Family Services/ Band Rep). I can be reached at 519-298-2622 if anyone has questions about services and programs that are offered. Miigwetch and I hope everyone is having a good start to the New Year.

Women’s Talking/Sharing Circle will be replacing the Mom’s to Mom’s Group Jan 28th Call Cynthia @ 519-289-2622

This circle is for those Grandmothers who are raising their Grandchildren. This group will be about a sharing of minds to enhance our roles of Grandmother. Creating plans of self care, meal planning, support and other ideas that you will bring . Call Cynthia for more details

311 Jubilee Road, Muncey, ON N0L 1Y0 (519) 289-5577 Alarms


Animal Complaints




Attempt/Threat Suicide


Bail Violation

Occurrences 2019 ** Note: the number of calls for service do not reflect the number of charges laid. i.e. a domestic call may result in multiple criminal charges. Missing Person


Trouble with Youth


Missing Person—Located


Unlawfully in Dwelling



Motor Vehicle—Abandoned


Unwanted Person


Breach of Probation


Motor Vehicle Collision


Victim Assistance Program


B-E bus/res/other


Motor Vehicle Compundment




Community Service


Motor Vehicle—Recovered







Neighbour Dispute

911 Call/Hang Up

Criminal Record Checks




Total Calls for Service

Compliance Check

Noise Complaint

Dangerous Conditions




Disturb the Peace


Other Provincial Acts


Person Well-Being Check


Duplicate Occurrences


Phone Calls


Domestic Dispute


Police Assistance


Drive While Prohibited


Police Information


Driver’s Licence Suspension


Police Liaison




Possession of Stolen Property


Emergency Response Team


Property Damage


Family Dispute


Property Found


Family Law Act


Property Lost




R.I.D.E Program




Request Patrols/ Property Check




Sudden Death




Suspicious Person

19 8


Suspicious Vehicle Highway Traffic Act



Impaired Operation




Keep the Peace


Towed Vehicle




Traffic Compliant/Enforcement


Liquor Licence Act


Traffic Hazard


Mental Health Act






Evening Language Classes

Anishinaabe’aadziwin (Language, Culture & Heritage Department) Mino Solstice everyone! We have renamed the Language, Culture & Heritage department to Anishinaabe’aadziwin which means Anishinaabe way of life and encompass all language, culture & heritage. We are still planning winter activities. Here is an update on the work being done Paswe’ Aatigok Adult Immersion Currently, we have two Paswe’ Aatogok adult immersion students doing mentoring work at Enji Maajtaawaad Program with one student in the Early Childcare Educator program. They are now applying their newly learnt language skills in building resources, teaching language in the classroom, facilitating community events, as well as, continuing to learn the language.

Monday Evening Languages classes were held from October to December 2019 which was facilitated by the Paswe’Aatigok students to help build language resources. Unfortunately, Monday language classes were not well attended, so we are taking a pause for January and will be restarting evening language classes beginning in February 2020 and ending in May 2020. Classes will be held every 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. During the month of February, language learning will focus on preparing traditional foods. Yum, Yum!!

Anishinaabemowin Toy Bingo Also, in December, the students held an Anishinaabemowin Toy Bingo which raised $2,956 and will go towards field trips to learn about other language immersion programs. A Chi Miigwech goes out to our bingo volunteers who help and made this toy bingo a successful event. Our volunteers were, Russell Peltier, Warren & Cheryl Huff, Nelson Edmonds, Aakode’eh McGahey, Jason Sakers, and Gene Hendrick, Sandra Briden. Also, a big Chi Meegwech to the many donations we received from the Chippewa departments and suppliers as follow: Elway Electronic Swish Maintenance Ltd

Paradise Bingo Spriets Associates

Mount Brydges Abattoir Forest City Fire Protection

Big Bear Creek Gas Bar Antler River Trading Co. T.E. Wealth Chippewa Health Centre Employment & Training Chippewa Education Gloria Doxtator Enji Maajtaawaad Program Chippewa Administration Ontario Works Union Gas Gary Fields Homes French Busing Ontario Ltd Thompson & Field Cabinets Country Estate Fence Inc Sydenham River Concrete Ltd CPE Services Ltd JL Excavating Strathroy Inc Feasey Painting Ltd Kamar Siding Inc Eco Insulation Air Resources Ltd McNaughton Home Hardware Nsitaajgewinan miinwaa edniziying (Treaties, Lands & Environment)

Anishinaabe’aadziwin Committee The Chippewas of the Thames First Nations are accepting applications until Friday, February 7, 2020 for the Anishinaabe’aadziwin (formerly known as Language, Culture & Heritage) Committee. We are looking for three Chippewas of the Thames members consisting of an elder, a language learner and a youth. A committee honorarium will be provided. Please complete and forward application to Chippewas of the Thames Administration Office; attention to Gina McGahey-Director. Meetings will be held once a month to review, discuss and provide direction related to: a) Anishinaabemowin Language Revitalization & Initiatives b) Public Awareness & Cultural Sensitivity c) Community Cultural Events E.g. Pow Wow d) Partnership Relationships with other First Nations/organizations e) Researching of community history initiatives f) Funding & Policy development g) Infrastructure Development Storytelling Workshop in February 2020 The Anishinaabe’aadziwin dept along with the Paswe’Aatigok immersion students will be hosting a Storytelling workshop on February 14-15, 2020 at the Community Centre. This workshop will provide interactive activities using storytelling through art and word bundles, as well as, traditional teachings on the “Return of the Anishinnabe Spirit Horse” There will be an actual Spirit Horses at the event. Also, there will be an interactive session on how to create and tell stories through computer games. Please bring your laptop and/or IPad to the session.

Check out the Language Website Come visit our new language website. There is lot of information regarding the language from Enji Maajtaawaad Early Years, Antler River and the Culture & Language department. It will give you new updates on the Language Challenge, Lunch & Learn sessions, Evening Language classes and Anishnabemowin Bingo Nights. Also, just tap on the Quizlet icon and download the App and you can learn new language word phrases each month. Check us out at

Contact Info: Anishinaabe’aadziwin Department Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Telephone: (519)289-5555 Gina McGahey, Director Nancy Deleary, Cultural Coordinator Monty McGahey, Language Specialist




Anishinaabe’aadziwin Committee—APPLICATION FORM

________ (evening)


Off-Reserve Member □


Email: _______________________________________________________________ Check One: Elder: (50+) □ Youth: (16-25yrs) □ Language Learner Check One: On-Reserve Member □ What is your interest in applying for this Committee? _ ______ __________________________________________

The Anishinaabe’aadzziwin department have been fortunate to secure two buffalo hides and we are looking for community members interested in learning how to make rawhides to create big drums for the community. If you are interested, please contact Nancy Deleary asap. Location, date and time TBD.

Anishnabemowin Bingo Monday, January 20, 2020 Antler River ElementaryCafeteria 5:30pm – 7:30pm JACKPOT $200 Bring Your Bingo Dabbers!!


What other Committees have you been involved with?

_______________________________________________ Please indicate whether or not you are available to attend Committee Meetings during the day or evening? _____ Office Use: Date Received: _____________________

Making Rawhide For Big Drums

Secondary Student News Secondary lunch days: H.B.Beal- January 7& 21, 2020 SDCI-January 8 & 22, 2020 Saunders- January 9 & 23, 2020

Do you need help with Math, English or any other subjects? Or to complete assignments, come on out to the Home-work hang-out on Wednesdays 3:30-6:oop.m. A teacher will be on hand to assist students.

EXAMS START JANUARY 24-30, 2020 PA DAY JANUARY 31, 2020 SEMESTER 2 STARTS FEBRUARY 3, 2020 Natasha Kechego Chippewas of the Thames Board of Education 324 Chippewa Road Muncey, ON N0L 1Y0 T: 519-289-0621 F: 519-289-0633

Grade 8 Parent Information Nights January 16, 2020 SDCI 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. Saunders 7:00p.m.-9:00p.m. Letter was sent home with your child

Please update any new information if it has changed such as phone numbers, addresses. If you have any questions regarding your son/daughter academics, please feel free to give me a call at the education office.

For more info Contact Amy Henry—519-476-9855 Transportation Coordinator

January 20-21, 2020 - First Aid/CPR 9am– 4:30 pm January 30, 2020 - Safe Food Handling 9am— 4:30

The Guild of Indigenous Arts January 2020

Seating is limited so please register with Sonya @ 519-289-5555 ext 256

Workshops: January workshops included Moccasin Making with Maxine Hendrick, and a rescheduled Regalia Belt class with Mitch Riley.

I don’t know about the rest of you but I am so glad that 2019 is over! I am looking forward to the workshops and other proWorkshop registration fee: grams that the Guild is introducing in 2020. Unfortunately the Guild has had to introduce a fee for the workshops. We are asking $5 to help cover materials and honWOW Drop-In Program: orariums. If you are unable to pay this fee please contact me Work on Whatever projects you’ve been trying to finish: sewand we can make arrangements. ing, beading, workshop projects, whatever! Other than a few dates there are no classes in Portable #1 If there is a workshop you are interested in (teaching or as a this winter so we are starting a drop-in program. Monday to participant) please let me know and, hopefully, we can arThursday, 10am to 4pm (on dates that I am in the office). range something. Sewing machines are available to those that have taken previous workshops and know how to safely use the machines. Check out our Facebook page: Guild of Indigenous Arts Instagram: guildindigenousarts (will be updating soon) Call for artists: Website: (will be updating soon) The Guild is looking for local artists that are interested in sharing their knowledge and skills to lead workshops. The Guild The Guild store is open 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. will pay for materials. Instructors are paid an honorarium. Our phone number is: (519) 962-9707. We are located at 320 Chippewa Road, portable #1 (beside Guild consignment fee: the Community Centre). As of January 1, 2020 The Guild of Indigenous Arts changed the consignment fee to 25%. The Guild uses this money to Thanks, help cover materials and honorariums. Keithera Riley Guild store facilitator

By Pass Line 519-289-5241 then Enter Extension # Chief

Toll Free Line—1-866- 550- 5539 Jacqueline French


Executive Administrator

Mike Deleary


Council Secretary Policy Analyst Communications Coordinator Human Resources Manager Finance Director

Candace Doxtator Jennifer Mills Ashley Albert Annette Howlett Brenda French

227 236 244 230 247

Comptroller Jr Finance Clerk Finance Assistant BBC Trust Admin Indian Registry/Estates Administrator Membership Assistant Housing Manager Housing Intern Economic Development Culture Director

Greg Graham R. Shane Fisher Leona Grosbeck Courtney Riley Beulah Kechego Skloud Riley Frank French Brittney Kechego Dwayne Kechego Gina McGahey

238 231 246 222 273 237 245 242 240 235

Culture Coordinator Maintenance for the Seniors Centre Public Works Director Public Works Assistant Director of Employment & Training Office Manager Client Care Coordinator Transportation Coordinator Facilitator for the Artists Guild

Nancy Deleary Thomas French Allan Farrell Eldon French Angela Fisher Kim Smith Sonya Henry Amy Henry Keithera Riley

225 (p)519-264-3293 (c)519-319-4609 243 229 239 224 256 226 1-519-636-2786

Special Projects: Tobacco A/Lands & Environment Director Interim Lands Manager Consultation Coordinator Consultation Coordinator

Rolanda Elijah Kelly Riley Theodore Albert Fallon Burch Rochelle Smith 249 250 251 252

Treaty Research Treaty Research Coordinator Sr. Environment Officer

Brandon Graham Victoria Deleary Emma Young

248 253 254

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