A Sawdust Pilgrimage a Quarter Century in the Making
Norwood celebrates 25 years with a party & Sawmill Giveaway
Homesteading in Canada’s Extreme Northern Wilderness
The story of one man who makes his own opportunities
Norwood’s Newest “Frontier”
Making productive, safe sawmilling accessible to EVERYONE
Friends, in the past Dear Fellow Sawyers & happening at Norwood en be s ha at wh on te da to give you a personal up ! Each year, I like to write t really sure where to begin me time! Yes, year. This time, I am no tor y warehouses at the sa n distribution fac o tw ed ov m e W … our U.S. and Canadia t “THE BIG MOVE” Let’s start by taking abou en a smidge of “crazy” in deciding to move both tled into our two new larger set be arguably, there may have t, with a lot of teamwork, we got through it and Bu ly. centers simultaneous . e deliver y facilities in August 2017 cluding sawmills, onto th ceed that in rs, de or all t ge to is ex als mer-ser vice excellence go anks to the new facilities, we can again meet or th One of Norwood’s custo w, No r. de or receiving an truck within 48-hours of e time. th ter target more than 95% of just released new compu ’ve we , lks fo u yo r Fo . on ati asking us for more autom Some sawyers have been re-cutter), both for the LumberPro HD36. (p setworks and a debarker eral excellent new dealers utmost sev th wi d ere rtn pa we , e 17 nduct themselves with th , we’re thrilled that, in 20 On an international front of them is well established, well-respected and co r line-up of Norwood dealer throughout Europe. Each a privilege to add more high-caliber people to ou is honesty and integrity. It – partners. w, second line of sawmills gh, ne a d he nc lau we , 17 20 ou te in ell th st) item of big news – La is newspaper. In a nutsh Last (but certainly not lea d more about the whys and wherefores inside th ng (not sawmilling) are now rti FRONTIER. You can rea new trend … Companies who specialize in impo private-labeled so no one knows em we’ve been watching a sad esigned/Chinese-made machines and getting th n in by the low prices without aw -d dr ese in are o Ch p wh sourcing chea iring sawyers panies nies market them to asp ing side-note, those com their origin. Those compa out capabilities or safety features. As an interest e” somewhere else!) ab ad being given all the facts “Built in America” (which is code-word for “M are s ne vation and suggest their machi ays stood for quality, inno can remain alw s ha d oo rw No e us ca e to wade into this area be doesn’t have to be an either/or situation … W etch for a We have been reluctant it try. But we realized that lid solution to those who can’t quite make the str un co r ou to t en itm m m so co r home while offering a e people a real choice. loyal to our people and ou ed a new brand of sawmills, Frontier, to give thos d Sawmills Norwood. So, we develop g how we build Norwoo gin an ch of n tio ten in ro ze the Norwood legacy. assure you that we have But I want to personally e them. We’re proud of the Norwood team and ak e or changing where we m off, I would like to take th t, loyalty ng ni sig re fo be t, Bu ! n such inspiring suppor I am running out of room I could keep writing but our passionate Norwood owners who have show d team. We will continue to do our of opportunity to thank all iate you standing steadfastly behind the Norwoo ec pr and enthusiasm. We ap and ever y day. ch best to earn your trust ea illing! Until next time, happy m Ashlynne
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Volume 14, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2018
We’ve Moved! We’ve Moved! NORWOOD MOVED BOTH NORTH AMERICAN DISTRIBUTION CENTERS … IN THE SAME MONTH! To better support Norwood owners, we made two big moves in 2017 – Norwood’s U.S. and Canadian distribution warehouses. And just to make it really “fun”, we decided to move both in the same month! In August, we moved Norwood’s US distribution center from Buffalo to Tonawanda, NY (only 15 minutes away). Also in August, we moved Norwood’s Canadian distribution center from Muskoka to Oro-Medonte, ON (about 20 minutes down the road). Combined, we added an extra 30,000 ft² of space to accommodate Norwood’s expanding range of equipment and growing team of sawmill specialists and customer-service members. If you plan on picking up a sawmill, other equipment or parts, Norwood’s new addresses are: Norwood Sawmills U.S.A. 730 Young Street, Unit 900 Tonawanda, NY 14150
Norwood Sawmills Canada
2267 15/16 Side Road East Oro-Medonte, Ontario L0L 1T0
To get more detailed directions, give us a call at 800-567-0404.
New Debarker (Pre-Cutter) Available for LumberPro HD36 Mills Norwood’s new debarker helps remove dirt and small rocks embedded in the bark ahead of the cut. This helps reduce blade dulling, speed up cutting and increase time between sharpening (meaning less time and money spent on blade maintenance). Norwood’s unique debarker design mounts the 12V, ½HP motor on the sawhead platform, positioning its weight directly in line with the sawhead’s vertical up/down plane of movement. This innovative system eliminates the imbalanced forces inflicted on sawheads by traditional direct-drive debarkers where the motor’s heavy weight hangs cantilevered out in front of the blade. The motor’s torque is remotely transmitted to the triple-stacked 5 ½” carbide-tipped circular blades on the debarker head via a high-strength flexible shaft. Stackable blades permit pre-cutting up to 3/8” wide. Linearly adjustable, the debarker accommodates logs 10” (25cm) to 36” (92cm) in diameter. Quickly remove the debarker head for safe storage or transport – simply disconnect the flexi-shaft and a couple of wires. The easily accessible control box features an audible warning sound when the system is ON. NOTE: The debarker can be installed on LumberPro HD36 sawmills manufactured in 2017 and 2018 where the fuel tank is built in to the engine (i.e. there is no auxiliary fuel tank). Earlier models which feature an auxiliary fuel tank cannot accept the debarker because its motor is designed to mount to the sawhead in the same location as the fuel tank. HD36-DB
Debarker (Pre-cutter)
Shipping and taxes extra.
It’s our passion 800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com
Big-Dimension Sawing in Canada’s North —By Dave Boyt
hil Andree set up his homestead near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He is typical of the tough, independent residents of the area. “We’re about 8 hours south of the Arctic Circle, he explained, and there’s not a whole lot between here and the North Pole.”
“This is where men are men and women are... well... scarce. Who in their right mind would decide to settle down here and build a farm? It is brutal here— minus 50 degrees (-58°F) in February.” A grader operator in the oil fields by day, Phil runs a Norwood LumberMan MN26 sawmill evenings and weekends—often by electric lights— to stretch out the short winter days. “I’m up at 5:00, come home around 5:00 in the evening, have supper, then go out in the bush and cut lumber for an hour or two,” he explained. The evening I called Phil, he had just come in after such an evening of sawmilling in -20°C (-4°F) degree weather. “Yeah, this is where men are men and women are... well... scarce,” he laughed, “Who in their right mind would decide to settle down here and build a farm? It is brutal here— minus 50 degrees (-58°F) in February.” “Everything is lumber and oil in these parts,” says Phil. A lot of sawmills cut rig mats for heavy equipment. They are 2x12s, 3 layers thick, ten feet wide, by forty feet long. “We make highways through the bush out of lumber so we can drive heavy equipment and tractor trailers back through there. Thousands of these pads get moved every day.” Cutting lumber for these “boardwalk” roads keep loggers and sawyers busy. But Phil had other plans for his Norwood sawmill.
Sawing in Sub-Freezing Temperatures
“When I moved to Alberta, I figured I needed a sawmill for the lumber to build a workshop and barn for a lambing operation,” Phil explained. “I started out with the idea of building a mill myself, but decided to save time and buy one. I looked at the Norwood mills,” he continued, “I was impressed with the mill, and it was reasonably priced.” Putting a sawmill together in sub-freezing temperatures proved a challenge, and Phil says that he and his wife, Cindy, had to take frequent breaks to warm up. “I had my wife reading the instructions as I put it together so I wouldn’t screw up,” he recalled. “It was
probably -20 (-4°F) or so when we assembled it, but everything went together.” Looking back, Phil says he wishes he had bought Norwood’s larger HD36 hydraulic sawmill. “Some of my logs really push the limits of the MN26,” he said. Phil notes that the Briggs & Stratton engine stands up well to the rugged environment. “No matter how cold it is, I just pull the choke on, give it a pull or two, and it starts up every time,” he said. “With electric start, guys get spoiled,” he laughed. With the mill in place, Phil’s next task was to accumulate a supply of logs for his barn.
Free Logs! Salvaging Spruce Too Big for the Mechanical Harvesters
“We have excellent spruce in these parts,” Phil explained. “A lot of them are more than 100 feet tall, and over 30 inches in diameter at the base.” Loggers use mechanical harvesters that cut the trees, strip off the branches, and buck them to sixteen-foot lengths. “The logs that are too big for the local mills, they give to me. Free lumber!” With his job as a grader operator, Phil says he knows where the good timber is, and his tenton trailer equipped with a grapple loader make short work of salvaging the oversize logs. “It takes me about an hour to get out to the bush, half hour to load up, then an hour back home,” he says.
Large-Dimension Milling
“All my lumber is 16 feet long, between 25 and 30 inches diameter, the way it comes out of the bush,” Phil said, “My skid-steer will barely pick some of it up.” Phil says he has found milling to have a learning curve. “I’ve hit the log stops, but you just put on a new blade and away you go. Anything I broke, I did it by pushing it too hard,” he added. Phil says that a sharp blade and a good flow of water/antifreeze are the keys to cutting frozen logs. When asked how cold it has to be before he’ll stay inside, he replied simply, “There’s no such thing as too cold. There’s too much work to get done. You just man up and do it. I run the sawmill, and Cindy keeps bringing me out coffee.” Cindy also took lots of pictures and videos, and the pictures with this article are to her credit.
“There’s no such thing as too cold. There’s too much work to get done. You just man up and do it.” The irony of using the smaller MN26 sawmill with a 13-horsepower motor to cut logs too big for the much larger commercial mills isn’t lost on Phil, and he uses the capability of his mill to good advantage. “Lots of times I had to cut a bit off to where I could get it through the throat, cutting right to the edge of
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2018
the blade guides”, he said, “I spend a lot of nights cutting, but I get a lot of enjoyment milling all my own lumber.” While he occasionally has help at the mill, Phil won’t let anyone else actually run it. Besides Cindy, Phil’s best helper is the equipment. “I’ll use my skid-steer and grapple to throw a log up on the mill and cut it down to 2 x 12s. Just keep going at it,” he said. The skid-steer also comes in handy when unloading sixteen-foot 10-inch beams off the mill. To handle oversized timber, “you have to have good support equipment, especially when you’re working by yourself,” he explained.
Building a Barn to Last the Test of Time Under Heavy Loads
“I found a picture of the barn I wanted to build, and away I went,” Phil recalled, “I knew that I wanted heavy timbers in the barn. The beams are full 10-inch by 10-inch. All my lumber is true 2” by 12”, so when you look at my barn, you think it’s been there a hundred years. It’s oldschool. Really beefy.” The 32-foot by 50-foot barn is unusual in Phil’s part of Alberta. “There aren’t that many big barns around here,” he explained, “People would rather cover their equipment than their animals.” Milling the lumber was just one of the challenges of the project. For example, the foundation posts had to be set seven feet deep just to get below the frost line. Positioning the
posts and beams required occasional help, but the skid-steer and knuckle beam loader did all the heavy lifting. “I can’t believe the amount of lumber that went into my barn,” Phil exclaimed, “The barn siding alone ran 4,500 linear feet of 1x10s.”
“I bet I’ve cut over $50,000 in lumber. I couldn’t have been able to afford the lumber without the mill.” The barn is an important part of Phil’s next business venture of raising lambs for meat. Between the frigid weather and predators (“wolves the size of horses”), the sheep stay in the barn year ‘round, which means he needs room for feed, as well as the livestock. “I store hay in the loft. I’ve got 600 square bales coming in tomorrow. The grain bins are in the loft, as well, and both hay and grain are gravity fed down to the feed troughs. Phil estimates that he stores about thirty tons of hay and grain in the loft, so those “beefy” posts and beams are there for more than appearance! Even with his time and expense, Phil estimates that the Norwood MN26 sawmill has paid for itself twice, just building this barn. “I bet I’ve cut over $50,000 in lumber. I couldn’t have been able to afford the lumber without the mill,” Phil said, “If I were to do it again, I’d get a bigger mill, but I would get a Norwood. They’ve been really good.” Phil has more plans for his sawmill in the near future. “I’ve got another barn to build when this one’s done,” he said, “I’m probably going to sell this sawmill and get the larger HD36 with hydraulics.” “A year and a half ago, there was nothing here,” he reflected. “Now I’ve got a house, a 30 x 40 shop, and a 32 x 50 barn. I’ve got enough guys wanting me to mill lumber for them that I could be doing this full time.” It’s a good thing that the summer days that far north are 18 hours long. Phil is going to need every moment!
My Sawmill Experience Down Under —By Norman Gray, Norwood sawmill owner
’ve always had a passion for timber and wood and have worked with it for most of my life. I have lost count of all the things I have made over the years.
I always bought timber, as it was my only source. As my job progressed, and when I had access to a farm in 2004, I started to dabble in milling with a small chainsaw mill. It was so satisfying to turn what was just a log doomed to be burned as firewood, into something I could use. I used the posts and beams I cut to build a few sheds. I started considering a full-size mill about 2009 because I could see the advantages of a quicker system. I bought a swing mill in 2011. It is a simple system and suited to the heavy Australian hardwood and the dimensional timber I was cutting. There is something very satisfying about turning a customer’s logs into something they can use. Later, I looked at band saw mills to process smaller logs and more uniqueshaped logs that were simply not viable to cut up with swing-mill. I finally got my Norwood LumberMate LM29 and was over the moon. I was a complete novice with the bandsaw; it is a new set of skills to learn with cuts, blades and sharpening, but it is all common sense. I am thoroughly enjoying the experience and it has opened up so many more uses for my logs. I bought it specifically for pine, camphor, cedar and silky oak. I have also cut Australian hardwood on the LM29 which is a challenge for any saw. But the
Norwood can do it – just take your time and keep the blade sharp. The Norwood complements my swing mill – very versatile, it does both smaller and unique logs much easier, in less time and with less waste which is important for me in smaller camphor. I make furniture and build fences. It is so very satisfying to be able to follow the whole process from felling the tree, to transporting the log, milling it, drying it, surfacing it and turning it into a finished project. The added bonus is, most of my logs are saved from firewood or chippers, thus maximizing our resources. Happy sawing everyone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. —Norman
800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com
Norwood Garage Sale 2018
1993 – 2000
LumberMate 2000
2000 – 2010
LumberLite LL24
2004 – 2010
LumberMate Pro MX34
2010 – 2013
LumberLite ML26
2010 – 2013
LumberPro HD36
2013 – Present
LumberMate LM29
2013 – Present
LumberMan MN26
2014 – Present
LumberMate MK3 & MK4
Engines ENGE-15HPK
Engine - 15hp Kohler engine (Includes muffler)
(50% OFF)
Norwood Blade Sharpener (Standard)
(25% OFF)
Cam Dogs (LM2K) (Set of 2)
(25% OFF)
Cam Dogs (LM2K) (Single)
(25% OFF)
Counter-balance spring - Complete assembly
(75% OFF)
Leveling feet (Set of 2)
(25% OFF)
Log Dog/Log Rest Kit
(50% OFF)
Log Loader/Log Repositioning/Ramp Package
(35% OFF)
Trailer Package
(25% OFF)
Detachable 2-ft Extension
(40% OFF)
Fuel tank (auxiliary plastic)
(40% OFF)
Hydraulic Pump System (Manual)
(40% OFF)
Leveling Stands (Set of 10)
(40% OFF)
Leveling Stands (Set of 10) (Extra 2 req’d for each 4´ ext)
(25% OFF)
Leveling Stands (Set of 2)
(25% OFF)
Saw Carriage Cover - Norwood Green
(40% OFF)
Rapid Dogging & Rolling System (Set of 2)
(40% OFF)
Trailer Sub-frame & Support Jacks for 4ft-extension
(25% OFF)
Saw Carriage Cover - Norwood Orange
(40% OFF)
Blade Maintenance Equipment 41180
HD36 & MX34
HD36, MX34, LM29, MN26 & ML26 41295
LM29, MN26 & ML26
Log Handling & Log Skidding
Come-along (1t Winch) c/w 12’ cable (Mighty Mule)
(60% OFF)
Log Hog 3-Point Hitch Log Skidder
(20% OFF)
PortaMill PM14 - Chainsaw Sawmill
(20% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium (1¼” x .042 x 144” x 7/8”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ½” Goldline Premium (1 ½” x .042 x 144” x 7/8”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ½” Goldline Premium (1 ½” x .042 x 144” x 7/8”) (Single)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ½” Goldline Premium (1 ½” x .042 x 144” x 7/8”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium (1 ¼” x .042 x 144” x 3/4”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium (1 ¼” x .042 x 144” x 3/4”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium (1 ¼” x .042 x 167” x 7/8”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium (1 ¼” x .042 x 167” x 7/8”) (Single)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium (1 ¼” x .042 x 167” x 7/8”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium (1 ¼” x .042 x 167” x 7/8”) (Box of 5)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 ¼” Goldline Premium (1 ¼” x .042 x 167” x 7/8”) (Box of 5)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 1/2” Goldline Premium (1 1/2” x .042 x 167” x 7/8”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
Blades - Norwood 1 1/2” Goldline Premium (1 1/2” x .042 x 167” x 7/8”) (Box of 10)
(35% OFF)
PortaMill PM14 PM01
(1 ¼” x .042 x 144” x 3/4”) (Single)
New $33.80 $21.97 (35% OFF) BLDS-GP11434 Blades - Norwood 1 1/4” Goldline Premium (1 1/4” x .042 x 167” x 3/4”) (single) * Taxes, shipping and freight insurance extra. Items purchased from the garage sale are non-refundable, non-returnable and are not covered under warranty. Prices are valid for a limited time only, and items offered only while supplies last. Allow extra time for delivery depending on the location of the item that you order. Assembly required for most items, including demo models.
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2018
New Custom-Track for the PortaMill PM14 If you own a Norwood PortaMill, or plan to get one, there is now a customengineered track specifically for your sawmill.
Track System (10ft/305cm)
Track custom-designed specifically for the PortaMill PM14. Engineered to maximize stability during cutting, the track system is built of precisionextruded aluminum rails coupled with powder-coated steel crossers. The additional rigidity makes the custom PortaMill track ideal when you are ready to take your chainsaw milling to the next level. Another advantage is you can mill as long as you want simply by adding optional track extensions. Plus, long ladders are not always practical getting into remote locations or where storage space is limited – you can disassemble the track system into 5ft (152cm) lengths giving you greater flexibility to take your PortaMill just about anywhere. (Item No. PM03)
Track System Extensions (5ft/152cm)
Easily extend your custom-designed PortaMill track to mill logs and boards as long as you need. Each 5ft (152cm) extension bolts onto the end of your track. (Item No. PM04) Additional log clamping/cross bunk kits sold separately (Item No. PM14-BUNKKIT). TIP: To keep your PortaMill performing well, ensure that both your sawbar and ripping chain are in good condition. These are wear items and, periodically, must be replaced. When it is time to replace them, consider Norwood’s SabreBar and SabreChain. PM03
Track System (10ft/305cm)
Track System Extension (5ft/152cm)
Shipping and taxes extra.
Computer Setworks Now Available for HD36 & MX34 Models To increase your output, particularly to process large volumes of dimensional lumber, consider adding Norwood’s new Computer Setworks to your LumberPro HD36 or LumberMatePro MX34 (Item No. LM34-PSH-5000SW). “Mark” your first cut to give the computer its original point of reference. After each cut, the computer will then automatically raise the sawhead to the correct height to safely return to the starting point. Press “Set” and the sawhead automatically descends ready for the next cut to your programmed board thickness. Versatile and Easy-to-Use: Quickly change board thickness from one cut to the next – The computer comes pre-programmed with 10 different depth-of-cut settings. Or easily reprogram any of your ten pre-sets to cut your own specialty dimensions. You can also change the program to saw in inches or millimeters in increments of 0.001” or 0.1mm. Self-Calibrating: Supremely precise, the computer continuously measures the lineal position of the sawhead to evaluate accuracy. Based on tight-tolerance parameters, the computer calculates overage/shortage and automatically re-calibrates itself to remain accurate to within 1/32” without the need for manual intervention. Optional Remote Operation: The standard control panel installed at the operator’s station allows you to both program and operate the setworks. Add an optional cabled pendant to operate the computer-controlled sawhead remotely. (Item No. LM34-PSH-001-SW) LM34-PSH-5000SW
Power Feed & Power Sawhead c/w Integrated Digital Setworks
Power Feed - Pendant for Integrated Setworks
Shipping and taxes extra.
800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com
Norwood Launches Exciting New Line of Affordable Mills: Frontier Sawmills Norwood is answering the need for even more affordable entry-level milling options with the new line of Frontier Sawmills.
Since Norwood was founded a quarter of a century ago, we have dedicated ourselves exclusively to portable sawmills and small-scale forestry equipment. We’ve never diluted our mission or commitment to excellence by moving into the arena of industrial-sized wood-processing equipment, or mass-produced machines such as wood chippers or log splitters. Our passion and specialty are personal portable sawmills, period.
desperately wanted to join the ranks, but simply couldn’t afford or justify it. What is more, a few companies whose specialty is not sawmilling but rather importing and marketing, are now bringing in Chinese-designed and Chinese-made machines and selling them, private-labeled, as their own sawmill “brand”. Setting aside for the moment the question of their features or functions, they neither comply with international safety standards, nor are they expected to meet defined high standards of quality. Aspiring sawyers have been, and continue to be, taken in by the low prices of those imports and slick marketing, unaware of the machines’ origins, true capabilities, safety-features or durability over the long haul. In short, they were not being given a fair choice.
We have tried very hard to offer portable sawmill solutions to fit almost everyone’s budget. But, even so, there was a gap that existed between our family of loyal sawmill owners, and those who
The dilemma, therefore, has been how to help the people who, no matter how much they want to own a Norwood, simply cannot make that happen. They deserve, just as much as anyone else, to unlock the possibilities that can only come when you own your own solid, dependable and safe sawmill.
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2018
Norwood sawmills are built in the U.S.A. and Canada and, the reality is, we cannot make them here and retain high quality standards for any less cost. Nor do we want to – the hard-working and loyal team of people who make all our parts deserve the fair wages and benefits they earn. We will not pull our production out and send it offshore. The dilemma, therefore, has been how to help the people who, no matter how much they want to own a Norwood, simply cannot make that happen. They deserve, just as much as anyone else, to unlock the possibilities that can only come when you own your own solid, dependable and safe sawmill. They needed a real choice. We had to find an innovative solution. After considerable deliberation, we decided to launch a new line of sawmills – Frontier. We tasked our engineering team to design a simple yet productive and rugged sawmill that we can reliably build to high quality standards overseas. And, so, the first Frontier sawmill was born … the Frontier OS27.
Ashlynne Dale, President of Norwood Sawmills states, “We infused the Frontier with a few of Norwood’s key patented innovations. For example, the backbone of the Frontier is our patented laminated sawmill head giving it the strongest and most rigid core possible. We also built in our patented auto-locking sawhead which, because it saves the owner hundreds of needless repetitive operations per day, has a real impact on daily production numbers. You can’t find that kind of engineering in the Chinese-made mills sold by the import companies. The exciting result is a rugged little mill, just perfect for entrylevel sawyers.” Norwood sawmills, and where and how they are made, do not change. Frontier is a second line of mills that offers solid sawmilling solutions at a price more accessible to aspiring sawyers who have been, until now, sidelined. While Norwoods include more patented functions, have higher production numbers and offer more optional attachments, Frontier sawmills are solid, easyto-use, accurate and meet international safety standards. When asked if it was challenging to decide to build a mill offshore, she nodded saying, “It was a tough decision. We’re proud of our team here. But we realized it doesn’t have to be an either/ or situation … We could remain loyal to our people and our home while offering a solution to those who couldn’t quite make the stretch for a
Norwood. Of course, the other thing was, if we were going to do it, we knew we have to do it right. It all comes down to attention to detail at every stage: design including functionality and safety, quality of fabrication and service.” Ms. Dale went on to say the Frontier is built in limited numbers to assure their high level of quality. “Our engineers have been personally
travelling overseas to supervise the making of the Frontier, inspecting the initial production runs for an additional level of quality control. We are proceeding slowly – The first Frontiers are being made in small batches to make sure everything gets done right.”
Norwood sawmills, and where and how they are made, do not change. Frontier is a second line of mills that offers solid sawmilling solutions at a price more accessible to aspiring sawyers who have been, until now, sidelined. Because we are ramping up production slowly, Frontier sawmills are selling out and people are having to wait until the next run comes off the production line. In the interim, new owners are putting down a small deposit to hold their place in line. As soon as we are confident that quality standards are reliably where we need them to be, we will move to full production so that, like with the Norwoods, we can ship customers’ new sawmills to them within 48 hours of receiving their order.
If you think a Frontier may be the answer to your sawmilling needs in the budget you have been waiting for, please feel free to visit Frontier online at
or call us at 800-567-0404 to learn more.
The price for Frontier OS27 is $3495 ($4295 CDN) but, during this roll-out stage, the OS27 is available at a special launch price of only $3195 ($3987 CDN) (for a limited time only) (shipping and taxes not included).
800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com
Norwood’s 2017 Photo Video Challenge The family of Norwood sawmill owners are spread out through 100 countries worldwide. Aside from owning a Norwood, they share core qualities – resourcefulness, creativity and passion. We launched Norwood’s Annual Photo & Video Challenge to pay respect to the remarkable men and women who choose to invest in their own futures and the future of their families when they choose to invest in a Norwood. Thank you to everyone who submitted entries to this year’s Challenge. You are our inspiration to keep pushing the boundaries of sawmill innovation. We have five categories, including one dedicated to videos. Each category offers three prizes of Norwood credit that can be redeemed toward future orders for Norwood equipment factory-direct from Norwood:
Homes, Cabins & Outbuildings (EXTERIOR) Aaron Berry
Emmet Moore Mitchell Guier
Homes, Cabins & Outbuildings (INTERIOR) Rick Bearss
Rick and Cauis Durfeld
Aaron Berry
Furniture, Cabinets & Fine Woodworking
991st Prize: $500.00 992nd Prize: $300.00 993rd Prize: $100.00
The 2017 winners are!! … Mark Trozzo- JM Rustic
Wayne Duckett
Emily Folkerts
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2018
Norwood Sawmills in Action (Photos)
Norwood Sawmills in Action (Video)
David Cataffo
Derrin Carelli
Bill Lieter
John Wray
Jim Kaiserlik Rick Bearss
The Challenge will be back on in 2018! Keep your cameras and phones close at hand whenever you’re running your sawmill or are building awesome projects with all the wood you’ve milled. Submit your photo and video entries via Facebook or our website starting in August 2018. We’re looking forward to seeing photos and videos of you, your Norwood sawmill and your projects throughout the year.
Pro-Sawyer-Savvy Reference Book: In this FREE 142-page book you’ll discover…
“The Ultimate Guide to Portable Sawmills” –
Seven Essentials you The MUST know to choose the right
portable sawmill for YOU. Don’t make an expensive mistake! Follow these important guidelines and get it right the first time.
Reveals what you must know to maximize the return on your portable sawmill investment … Have you got yours?
you can turn your portable sawmill into a profitable How business. It’s surprisingly easy when you follow these
Norwood’s sawmilling know-how book, “The Ultimate Guide to Portable Sawmills” has been receiving enthusiastic reviews like this one: “I can’t believe you even included chapters on wood drying, sawing patterns, and lumber grading. That’s terrific!” Norwood has been engineering and building portable sawmills for 25 years. We’ve learned a thing or two about sawing! But, we felt, making the most efficient portable sawmills in the world is not enough. Norwood’s goal is to help sawyers get the most out of their forestry resources. And, to do that, they need more than just the best machines – they need knowledge. So, we packed a bunch of sawmill-savvy into one single, handy, reference book – “The Ultimate Guide to Portable Sawmills”. We’re offering you the chance to get your hands on this comprehensive book, created for you by experienced sawyers and sawmill experts. And, we’ll cover the entire cost of this 142-page full-color book – we just ask you to cover the small shipping fee and we’ll
send it to you immediately. If you’re planning to get your own Norwood someday, you should absolutely want to step up your milling skills as much as you can. In the old days, maybe your father or grandpa would pass on their knowledge to you. These days, that’s a lot harder to come by. There’s simply no substitute for specific, expert advice from men who know and love working with wood. That’s what you’ll find on every single page of “The Ultimate Guide to Portable Sawmills”. If you love wood, and think the best day ever is one where you make the sawdust fly, you owe it to yourself to add this to your arsenal of tools and equipment.
THREE steps. PLUS, you’ll also get THREE proven business models for getting started. This is how you can make your portable sawmill quickly pay for itself!
insider tips and ideas for building your world from the Fun ground up. From trestle tables to cabins, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this chapter will ignite your creativity and help you get started with a project for your home.
what you need to know to prepare for that Exactly first log. Follow these expert strategies and you’ll soon
be celebrating milling your first log on your portable sawmill. HINT: “Begin with the end in mind.” These crucial preparations will make this easy as can be – and can make all the difference between that “uh-oh” feeling and happy milling!
so much MORE including: A wealth of information Plus, about drying your wood, sawing patterns, and an introduction to lumber grading!
To get yours – Order online at www.NorwoodSawmills.com/UltimateGuide-Portable-Sawmills-Book
800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com
Philosophy of a Tree-Hugging Sawyer —Dave Boyt
very now and then, I get criticized for operating a portable sawmill service as just another crazy lumberjack whacking down trees, clearing forests, and destroying habitat. I’m sure other sawmill operators have had similar experiences, so let me set the record straight. First of all, I consider myself to be an environmentalist. The photovoltaic panels on the roof of my passive solar house are kicking out 4.3 kW as I write this. I have been a vegetarian for over five years (yet still have the strength to pick up a chain saw), and my daily driver is a tiny Chevy Aveo. I also have a degree in Forestry, am a certified Master Logger, president of the Missouri chapter of the Walnut Council, and manage the 2006 Missouri Tree Farm of the Year. Although I do plant somewhere around 500 trees per year, most regeneration comes from existing trees, under a sustainable, uneven age management plan. Hopefully this gives an idea of my commitment to environmental stewardship. Running a portable sawmill fits in perfectly with this commitment. First of all, it allows me to get the maximum value out of every tree. Rather than having a logging crew come in, I can select individual trees that are either dying, or need to be thinned to allow better trees to grow with more vigor. I use small, low-impact equipment to pull logs out of the woods, only when the ground is hard to avoid damage. Most people would walk right past an area where I had worked and not even notice any disturbance. Large commercial loggers, with hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in equipment, simply cannot afford to take the time to do this.
The portable band saw mill makes it possible to recycle these logs into lumber, and gives me the satisfaction of knowing every board I produce is one less that will come from a commercial lumber mill that has only profit as a motive. Lately, my logging equipment has been sitting idle most of the time. Tree services supply me with a steady stream of urban logs, and salvaging trees uprooted by the all-too-frequent storms (including tornados) that rumble across southwest Missouri keeps me pretty busy. Most of this salvaged wood would otherwise be chipped for mulch, cut up for firewood or buried in a landfill. The portable band saw mill makes it possible to recycle these logs into lumber, and gives me the satisfaction of knowing every board I produce is one less that will come from a commercial lumber mill that has only profit as a motive. Operating a band saw mill is, in many
ways, similar to organic gardening. First, it is local – Woodworkers especially like having an option to use local species that never make it to lumberyards, such as honey locust, sycamore, Osage orange or elm. Not every board is perfectly clear, just as not every tomato in an organic garden is free of blemishes. As a fellow sawyer put it, “you take what the tree gives you.” What the local trees give is character, and woodworkers love it. The sawmill lets me bring out that character, and I often have to stop and wipe the sawdust off a board so I can marvel at the beauty of the wood that would have gone to waste without a sawmill operator like me to save it.
The thin kerf of the band (only 1/8” thick) produces about 1/3 the sawdust of a commercial mill, which means more boards out of every log.
Band saws get the most out of every log. The thin kerf of the band (only 1/8” thick) produces about 1/3 the sawdust of a commercial mill, which means more boards out of every log. Just as organic gardeners strive to get the most possible out of a limited piece of land, band saws get the most out of every log. The thin kerf of the band (only 1/8” thick) produces about 1/3 the sawdust of a commercial mill, which means more boards out of every log. Nothing goes to waste at my sawmill. The slabs heat our home and several others in the winter. Sawdust goes to a composting area. It is particularly satisfying to cut lumber that will be used for chicken houses, bee hives, raised bed frames—and produce compost— for local organic farmers to use to grow produce which they sell at the local farmer’s market. Small band saw mills conserve fuel resources, as well. The thin sawblade requires about 1/10th the power – and less fuel – than commercial mills. Even after a full day of running my mill, I have yet to empty the three-gallon gas tank. Let’s talk transport! – Using local logs to be sold locally means trucking in logs and transporting lumber is kept to a minimum. In many cases, when working on a customer’s site, logs and lumber never even leave the property!
Many private sawyers put their “waste” to good use, burning slabs as firewood and using sawdust for compost or animal bedding.
Private landowners have minimal impact on the forest when they selectively harvest trees from their woodlots.
Some people operate small sawmills as a hobby. Woodworkers use them to provide unique local wood for their projects. Those of us who run a sawmill for income have the good fortune to combine business with pleasure. So, if you find yourself in the crosshairs of the same criticism, politely suggest to the person that, to help do their part for the environment, they should seriously consider retaining the services of people like yourself to mill their lumber locally in the sustainable and responsible way we small sawmill operators do, and give the big lumber yard a pass.
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2018
Sawyers maximize the yield from each log, planning their cuts to produce the most lumber.
Community-Owned Norwood Sawmill Set to Triple Income for Africans in Remote Villages
Norwood LumberPro HD36 portable sawmill has opened up a new and lucrative source of revenue for some of the world’s poorest people. Tanzania’s first Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSCTM) deployed their first certified community-owned Norwood sawmill to rural villages in Tanzania.
A tool for change – Local economic empowerment and responsible forest stewardship The sawmill is contributing towards local economic empowerment and creating incentives for forest conservation because, in tandem with responsible forest management, making a portable sawmill available to the communities can triple the income-generating potential of their own natural resources. This, in turn, will help Tanzania to meet its global climate, biodiversity and sustainable development goals. Until recently, barriers such as insufficient startup capital, financial means, equipment, skills and market access have prevented communities from adding value to their local hardwoods through further processing. “There are very few buyers for logs, but huge demand for sawn timber. This is where the money is,” advised Makala Jasper, CEO of the Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative (MCDI).
Timber-sawing trials identify Norwood as best choice to maximize recovery MCDI and partners, including World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Tanzania), local government authorities and communities, experimented using different methods of small-scale sawn timber production. They trialled pit-sawing,
renting sawmills and locally-made processing facilities with circular saw blades before progressing to a portable commercial-scale sawmill by Norwood Sawmills. “We trialled different methods of producing sawn timber. These increased local incomes by 18%, but the technology was out-dated, not efficient and lacked safety measures. Now, confident that sawn timber production was the way to go, we sought funding for a modern sawmill,” explained Makala Jasper. The sawmill, funded by the Addax and Oryx Foundation through MCDI, is entirely owned by communities and will be transported between villages to meet local demand. The Norwood bandmill can process five to six cubic metres of timber daily with exceptionally high recovery of 55.5%, compared to just 30% recovery of log volume with other machines. “We aim to use everything harvested, including branches and off-cuts, so recovery could get as high as 70%,” continued Jasper.
Workers and communities set to benefit from their own sawmill The official handing over and launch took place in Ngea, one of the first villages set to benefit from the sawmill. Hon. Ngubiagai, Kilwa District Commissioner, led the first public demonstration. He presented certificates to 19 trainees, including 10 community members from five villages, who qualified as sawmill operators and saw doctors following two weeks of training by Tanzania Forest Industries Training Institute.
This is a game-changing opportunity, which will secure jobs for those involved in sawn timber production – their incomes will increase by up to 75%. And the benefits extend beyond the jobs created. Communities can now sell their hardwood timber directly into national and international markets where they can secure higher prices from buyers who pay a premium for FSC-certified timber. Each village is projected to generate more than TZS 150 Million (USD $68,000) from FSCcertified timber sales in the first year alone. They will, in turn, use the proceeds to fund local development projects that improve access to basic services such as clean water, education and healthcare. “This will improve the wellbeing of Tanzanian people,” concluded Makala. Responsible communitymanaged forestry represents a key agricultural sub-sector that will set Tanzania on course to achieve economic empowerment. This sawmill, the first of many, signifies a modest yet meaningful step towards achieving the Government of Tanzania’s goal to transition to a more industrial economy that better serves those living below the poverty line.
800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com
… AT NORWOOD’S OPEN HOUSE & CELEBRATION OF WOOD (It’ll be a “Sawdust Pilgrimage” a quarter-century in the making) Mark your calendar, plan the trip and join us at Norwood’s 2018 Open House & Celebration of Wood on June 2nd
This one will be extra special:
2018 is Norwood’s 25th Anniversary! It’s time to celebrate together!! This will be the first time ever that the annual Norwood Open House is hosted in Canada. This event will mark the official grand-opening of Norwood’s new Canadian distribution center. We’ll have lots in store to see and do: TRY
Try your hand running the whole Norwood line-up: a. LumberProHD36 (manual and hydraulic), b. LumberMate LM29, c. LumberMan MN26, d. PortaMill PM14 chainsaw sawmill, e. Log Moulder LX26, f. Sharpeners and setter, g. Log skidders and harvesting tools
Learn from professional sawyers and craftsmen.
Witness a post and beam log cabin being built.
Get a first-hand look at the all-new Frontier OS27 sawmill.
Check out the new computer setworks and debarker for the HD36.
Throw an axe! Yes! You can try your hand (or arm) at axe throwing!
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2018
See professional wood-carving at a master level.
Tour Norwood’s new Canadian distribution facility.
Watch a factory technician build a mill in the “Assembly Zone”.
Discover new woodworking projects you can do at home like planters, benches, tables and more.
Take home furniture and wood products on display for sale by local artisans.
Interested in a career in sawmilling and forestry? Find out more about the Forestry Technician diploma courses offered by Fleming College where students gain meaningful experience in arboriculture, sawmilling, lumber grading and scaling, etc …
As a Guest, You’ll Qualify to Win Valuable Prizes & Savings:
Get your name entered into the draw to win a brand-new Norwood LumberMan MN26 band sawmill. Just let us know you’re coming no later than May 14th by signing up at
and check in at the Open House by 1:30pm*.
All guests will qualify to win valuable prizes such as cant hooks, Norwood hats, etc … Draws will be held throughout the day. To enter, check in at the Open House as soon as you arrive.**
Take advantage of savings on equipment and attachments only available at Norwood’s Open House & Celebration of Wood.
You Won’t Go Hungry: We’ll be roasting a pig (or two) so plan on enjoying lunch while you’re visiting. Plus, a local maple producer will be offering maple treats for sale including maple syrup and maple candy.
* and **: For full contest rules, visit www.NorwoodSawmills.com/2018_Open_House_Contest_Rules
SAWDUST PILGRIMAGE!! Ontario, Canada may seem far way. But there are already people planning to join us from Norway, Italy, France and Australia! This will be a “sawdust pilgrimage” where passionate sawyers and woodworkers come together, learn and enjoy the fellowship of other others afflicted with the same incurable disease known as “sawdust in the veins”. We hope that you and your family can join us!!
Norwood Sawmills Canada 2267 15/16 Side Road East Oro-Medonte (Hawkestone), ON L0L 1T0 Saturday, June 2, 2018 9:30 – 5:30 Casino Rama (www.casinorama.com) Best Western Plus Mariposa Inn & Conference Centre www.bestwestern.com Comfort Inn Orillia (www.comfortinnorillia.com) Econo Lodge Orillia (www.choicehotels.com) Knights Inn Orillia (www.wyndhamhotels.com) Stone Gate Inn (www.stonegateinn.com) Highwayman Inn & Conference Centre www.highwaymaninn.com Horseshoe Valley Resort (www.horseshoeresort.com)
800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com
Here’s How You Buy Your Sawmill TODAY Here’s How You Buy Your Sawmill TODAY With NONO PAYMENTS forfor SIXSIX MONTHS! With PAYMENTS MONTHS! Is this for real? Yep, sure is. You can now finance your Norwood with PayPal Credit.
If you have a PayPal account and live in the USA, this might be perfect for you. Let’s face it. Sometimes you may need a little financial breathing room, but you’d love to get started with your new Norwood sawmill right now. Whether you long to build your dream cabin, or can clearly see how you could turn trees into money with a thriving business of your own…a Norwood sawmill is what it takes to make those dreams a reality for you.
Here’s How It Works: 1. You can apply for PayPal Credit online at https://www.paypalcredit.com/index.html 2. You will enter your date of birth, and the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. 3. You will get an instant answer! 4. When you’re approved, you will see PayPal Credit as a payment option when you purchase through PayPal.
That’s how quick and easy it is!
There are a few more reasons you may want to use PayPal Credit. 1. There’s no annual fee. 2. You can take six months with no interest or payment. After that, you will have a monthly payment. 3. You can manage your account entirely online. 4. Your PayPal Credit account does not show up on your credit reports.
You can get more information on PayPal credit at https://www.paypalcredit.com/index.html. Once you apply and get approved, you’re good to go! Just call us at 1-800-567-0404 to get your quote and your invitation to pay via PayPal, and then settle up online using your PayPal Credit*. That’s all there is to it! Before you know it, you’ll be happily milling logs with your new Norwood sawmill. * Note, your PayPal shipping address must be verified by PayPal.
U.S.A. Factory Warehouse
Norwood Sawmills U.S.A. Inc. 730 Young Street, Unit 900 Tonawanda, NY 14150
Call us TOLL-FREE at
From anywhere in the U.S.A. or Canada Monday to Friday between 8:30a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET Visit Norwood online
www.NorwoodSawmills.com Or e-mail us at info@
CANADA Factory Warehouse
Norwood Industries Inc. 800.567.0404 2267 15/16 Side Road East Oro-Medonte, ON L0L 1T0
UNITED KINGDOM Official Norwood Dealer Norwood Sawmills UK c/o Global Recycling Ruston Road, Unit 7 Grantham, NG31 95W
+44 (1476) 568 384
SOUTH AFRICA Official Norwood Dealer
Norwood Sawmills Africa Inc. c/o Austro +27 (0) 83 284 4455 1125 Leader Avenue, Stormill EXT 4 info@NorwoodSawmills.co.za Roodepoort, Gauteng P.O. Box 1914, Florida, 1710 South Africa
AUSTRALIA Official Norwood Dealer Norwood Sawmills Australia c/o Geoff’s Tools Pty. Ltd. 51 Leighton Place, Unit 51 Hornsby, NSW 2077 The color orange as it relates to sawmills, edgers, skidders & related equipment is a registered trademark owned by Norwood Industries Inc. (“Norwood”) in multiple jurisdictions. The trade-names Norwood®, LumberPro®, LumberMate®, LumberMan®, LumberLite®, PortaMill®, SkidMate®, BladeMate®, Sabretooth® & MultiMate® are registered trademarks owned by Norwood in multiple jurisdictions. Functional & design elements of Norwood sawmills and log handling equipment are protected by registered patents & pending patents in multiple jurisdictions.
1300 406 984
Disclaimer: Specifications, designs, descriptions, illustrative material and prices in our literature, website and price list are as accurate as known at the time of publication, but are subject to change without notice. Illustrations may include optional equipment and accessories and may not include all standard equipment. Our literature, website and price list have been compiled for worldwide circulation; while general information, pictures and descriptions are provided, some illustrations and text may include product features, options and accessories not available in all regions.
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2018