Welland Recreational Canal Corporation Master Plan 2014

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Welland Recreational Canal Corporation


a conceptual guideline to ‘point the way’ and encourage further high-level, detailed planning and the development and enhancement of the Waterway and Canal Lands








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W R CC Master P l an F i v e Ye a r R e v i e w

The Executive Summary The Master Plan is a living document intended to direct the Welland Recreational Canal Corporation’s Board of Directors. This document and information session is a review of the Welland Recreational Waterway Master Plan after five years of the Board of Directors guiding the work of the Canal Corporation: investment, development, care and maintenance of the Waterway and Canal Lands.

History of the Master Plan The Master Plan for the Welland Recreational Waterway was initiated in November of 2006 and adopted by Council of the City of Welland in June of 2008. The plan was derived from a combination of region-wide stakeholder groups and residents through interviews, workshops, community forums, individual submissions and input sessions and comments received from Councillors of the City of Welland, Welland Recreational Canal Corporation Board and Staff, and City of Welland Staff. This information was evaluated alongside a parallel review of dozens of reports, plans and studies that have been prepared over the years since the canal was bypassed in 1972; the history of the development and use of the Welland Canal and its impact on the City of Welland; a high level physical analysis of the land and water that comprises the Recreational Waterway; and research into other similar environments around the world. This Master Plan contains many recommendations, both big and small. Some that require extensive capital investment and research to realize and maintain and a good number of recommendations focused on programs, events and other activities. In addition, some of the recommendations provide for shifts in philosophy and policy direction, and recommend policy development to make a better Waterway, a Waterway that is more intrinsic to a higher quality of life for Welland citizens. Some recommendations involve research and planning initiatives to test opportunities and provide sufficient detail to make accurate decisions and to bring those opportunities to reality. The Master Plan, as seen over the first period of implementation, is meant as a living document and as a means for creating partnerships and improving the Waterway with other partners: the City of Welland,


Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

the Niagara Region, both Provincial and Federal levels of government, non-profit groups, and commercial investors who have and can continue to work in concert with the WRCC to systematically implement the Master Plan over many years. The Master Plan is intended to be a conceptual guideline to ‘point the way’ and encourage further high-level, detailed planning and the development and enhancement of the Welland Recreational Waterway.

MASTER PLAN FOCUS: The Next Five Years

Community • Enhancing the Age-Friendliness of the trails and park areas within the Canal Lands

• Increasing Accessible spaces and amenities • Increasing public fishing locations

• Delivering expanded community programming through canoe rental program • Improving linkages to nearby neighbourhoods • Delivering information to the community about fishing • Increasing the number of public launch areas for passive use access Enhancements • Improving urban fishing initiatives and habitats • Developing and delivering community waterway based aquatic centre for swimming, leisure, social gatherings, and general activities • Providing community gardens, pavilions, social spaces • Improving signage provisions for trail users, buildings and venues Sustainability • • •

Delivering new revenue generation opportunities (solar electricity park, revenue positive development projects) Delivering a Council supported reforestation strategy Continuing to deliver the flatwater centre, community centre and amphitheatre as intended while expanding programming where possible to deliver venues to an even greater diversity of members of the community from a broader variety of demographics

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Core The Goal To create an exciting, attractive, well used and sustainable Recreational Waterway that is fully integrated into the fabric and life of the City of Welland - a distinctive and memorable place where people want to be and commerce wants to invest; a place where residents and visitors actively participate in a wide variety of arts, culture, sports, leisure and recreation activities, experiencing a unique natural and recreational environment within an urban area. Mandate • Protect the land and water that make up the Welland Recreational Waterway • Foster public awareness of the Recreational Waterway and Canal Lands • Foster public use of Recreational Waterway and Canal Lands for citizens and visitors alike • Develop the Recreational Waterway for the benefit of the community - economically, recreationally and environmentally Statement of Values and Commitments • To be a transparent, responsive organization with the highest level of integrity and accountability • We are inspired by our belief in the role the Welland Recreational Waterway can play in the quality of community life • We are committed to being a champion and a driver of community, recreational and competitive sport initiatives that promote a healthy life style for citizens of all ages • We are committed to leaving a legacy; to being an influential organization providing significant synergies and ongoing support to the community through the Recreational Waterway Objectives Seven objectives were adopted in 2008, to provide among other things, metrics by which to measure the activities and undertakings of the Canal Corporation in relation to the Welland Recreational Waterway`s Master Plan and sister documents supported by the City of Welland such as: the City of Welland`s Strategic Plan; Parks, Recreation and Culture Plan of the City of Welland: and Welland’s Economic Development Plan. These objectives, and their review, continue to serve as the foundation for action and development of the Waterway. The review process allows for fine tuning of objectives to meet current needs, changing demographics, and opportunities. The reviewed and updated objectives provide the bridge to effective policy direction for future planning and decision-making over the next five years and long into the future. 4

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These seven objectives are the underlying foundation of the Master Plan for the Recreational Waterway. Their adoption does not prevent the pursuit of other objectives that may arise over the life of this living document. The overall objectives were derived from input received at the Community Input Sessions and further filtering and grading by the WRCC Board of Directors, cross-referenced with City of Welland plans and priorities and the review has been conducted by the WRCC Board of Directors and staff with input from the community through surveys, correspondence and social media portals.


Objective 1 To increase connectivity to, through and across the Waterway

Existing Objectives: • Objectives remain valid

Addition to Objectives: • Work to expand the role of Greater Niagara Circle Route and the Niagara Region as a partner in managing the trail system and funding its long term maintenance and infrastructure concerns and opportunities • Increase access points along the banks, where feasible, for public launch of passive recreational uses like canoes and kayaks General Comments: • Linking neighbouring communities to the trail system is a main focus of the Canal Corporation over the next five year horizon Actions: • Formalize new property by Hwy 406 into Canal Lands and include in new mappings • Establish specific projects and work to make them shovel ready for funding opportunities Objective 2 To increase visibility of the Waterway

Existing Objectives: • Objectives remain valid

Addition to Objectives: • Increasing the visibility of the Canal Corporation through marketing of the Waterway • Increasing the visibility of the Waterway within the Niagara Region and its myriad of uses and easy connection to the region with the new 4 lane Highway 406 expansion and connectivity of other cities to Welland Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014


General Comments: • Physical visibility remains a challenge with buildings built with the front entrances facing away from the waterway, new designs, Community Improvement Plans and development considerations that explore opportunities to increase the physical visibility of the Waterway should be given consideration Actions • Communicate with, work closely with, participate in meetings and request audience with Building Department, Economic Development Office to foster the idea and value of the Waterway and increasing the visibility of the Waterway through general planning, site planning and charges and development considerations

Objective 3 To increase the quality of the Waterway’s natural environment


Existing Objectives: • Objectives remain valid • The addition of Naturalization to point # 2: “continuing with the bank stabilization program, utilizing bioengineering techniques and naturalization wherever possible and suitable” Additional Objectives: • Improving the level of harmony of the Waterway and Canal Lands with ecological systems connected to the corridor including facilitation of partnerships with groups working to improve, save or enhance habitats for indigenous flora, fauna, and ecosystems; example protecting and enhancing bee population, etc. General Comments: • Merritt Island has seen very little in the way of enhancements over the last five years but remains one of the City`s busiest parks, possibly as a result of the Niagara Region Water Plant construction, certain enhancements can be made • Additional work to make Merritt Island age-friendly is an important consideration over the immediate future


Actions: • Continue course

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Aquatic Existing Objectives: • Reword Point # 1 to reflect the continued work by the City of Welland to curb storm water run-off and to effectively manage storm water before it reaches the Waterway through storm water management policies • Remove Point # 7 as the water quality of the Waterway is exemplary and existing systems are proven to be working well; replace with objective to continue working with the Niagara Region and the City of Welland to maintain adequate emergency spill procedures and protocols for the Waterway • Objectives remain valid

Additional Objectives: • Increase the awareness of the cleanliness of the water

General Comments: • Recognition of the lack of and establishment of an action plan for emergency spill response was an important undertaking by staff in the last term

Actions: • Continue course

Objective 4 To greatly increase the use of the Recreational Waterway

Existing Objectives: • Objectives remain valid

Addition to Objectives: • Increasing visibility of the Canal Corporation through marketing and promotion of the Waterway • Enhancing the Age-Friendliness of the trails and parks within the Canal Lands • Increasing Accessible spaces and amenities General Comments: • Physical visibility remains a challenge with buildings built with the front entrances facing away from the waterway, new designs, Community Improvement Plans and development considerations that explore opportunities to increase the physical visibility of the Waterway should be given consideration

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Actions: • Expand promotion and advertising of the new community based uses, building upon the success of the canoe rental program, community centre activity, expanding urban fishing initiatives • Continue course

Objective 5 To reflect and express the history and cultural identity of the City of Welland and the Waterway

Existing Objectives: • Objectives remain valid • Amend point # 3: “partnering and/or hosting festivals and themed events to celebrate and experience the history and cultural diversity of the community” to “assist/support hosting festivals and themed events to celebrate and experience the history and cultural diversity of the community” Addition to Objectives: • Increasing visibility of the Canal Corporation through marketing and promotion of the Waterway General Comments: • The Canal Corporation is best suited to be in a supporter role; providing experience, sharing or letting equipment, reallocating resources to assist heritage and cultural groups already established by the City and identified in other plans and strategies like the Parks, Recreation and Culture Plan of the City of Welland


Actions: • Continue course • Historical signage behind City Hall requires revival

Objective 6 To ensure that the Recreational Waterway, users and adjacent lands are mutually compatible

Existing Objectives: • Objectives remain valid

Addition to Objectives: • None at this time

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General Comments: • Delineation of the Waterway, as a development zone remains a consideration to be presented and adopted by the City of Welland as an incentive zone for developers and improvements Actions: • Continue current course • Request a copy of the Official Plan, areas that refer to the waterway, to provide to the Board of Directors for review and consideration for future discussions

Objective 7 To be a catalyst for urban renewal and economic development

Existing Objectives: • Change the word ‘catalyst’ in the objective to a derivative of ‘influence’ • Objectives remain valid

Addition to Objectives: • Managing and maintaining what has been created/completed to date; programs, facilities, ‘venues’ General Comments: • The first five years of implementing the Master Plan has successfully focused on and delivered the infrastructure to improve the Waterway, there is more to do but access to recreation on the Waterway and opportunities for economic impact because of the Waterway and activities on the Waterway has improved dramatically; a balanced but shifting focus to introduce a wider audience from the community at large to the Waterway should be the focus of the next period of the Master Plan development Actions: • Continue current course • Update objectives and increase direct actions related to improving image of the Waterway and assist departments at the City with improving image of municipality where engaged to do so

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The Northern Reach • Information is still valid • Include lands purchased in Thorold, now part of Canal Lands

Merritt Island • Information is still valid

The Woodlawn Road Activity Node • Ideal area to complete a planning study • This section needs to be updated to include improvements made: o Community Boathouse o Trail Signage o Parking Areas o Access Docks • The PenFinancial Credit Union Flatwater Community Centre now creates a focal point within this area • Possible partnership could be created for the area within the wetland between the waterway and the Seaway Mall to create a natural sanctuary • Possibly create an access point and parking area from Woodlawn Road on south west side of waterway for the Community Centre

Note: Request information and site plan from the City of Welland on McCormick development

The Aqueduct Linkage • Addition of connections to the trail • Encourage development that faces the waterway on Chippawa Street

The Downtown Node • Some items have been completed within this area: o Merritt Park Amphitheatre o IlluminAqua o Canal Terrace • Change the wording to include appropriate maintenance of the historic bridge -- support/lobby/encourage • Identify the Canal Lands property by the new development at Merritt Park • Information within this section needs to be updated Note: Contact Region to inquire if we can access the bridge reserve or maintenance


funding for graffiti control. Contact consultant doing CIP for King Street

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The Community Recreation Linkage

• • • •

Move flatwater rentals from this section to the Woodlawn Road Activity Node to reflect its current location Move the area of land between Lincoln Street and Ontario Street from this section and into the Downtown Node; reclassify Update section to include scuba park Possibly create access to the water from both sides of the waterway in this area of land through a beach area on the east bank behind the arena

o Example: Sugar Beach in Toronto o Ties in the Welland Youth Arena to become utilized year round o Leaves west bank for development opportunities o Would relieve pressures on the current Lincoln Street dock area which has denser residential component o Cost would be significant to complete this project correctly

-- note this would be a Council project, not within WRCC budget - Council could create this Waterway pool instead of putting money back into expensive infrastructure of public pools

The Flatwater Sport Activity Node • This section needs to be updated to include improvements made: o Flatwater Centre o Parking Areas o Entrances o Dog Park o Feeder Canal

The Southern Linkage • Include the opportunity and attempt to procure the land from the Seaway • Indicate the existing issue of the high cost of accessing municipal services (sewer) to consider for any future developments in the area of the boathouse and launch

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HISTORY OF THE WATERWAY In 1997, ownership of the old canal was transferred to the City of Welland, with a fund earmarked for its care and maintenance. The future rested in the powers of the municipality and the process of transforming the old canal into a recreational waterway from the southern tip of the City to the northern boundary was free to begin. The City of Welland managed the care and development of these lands from 1997 through to 2007, at which time active management of the Canal Lands was transitioned to the Welland Recreational Canal Corporation (WRCC). The (WRCC) was established in 2001 to provide a vehicle to protect the trust fund, which to this day remains under the control, investment and direction of the City of Welland and to transition into a managing body that would assume stewardship of the old Canal and adjacent lands. The current lands and water under jurisdiction of the WRCC (owned and/or leased by the City of Welland) totals over 1,035 acres; approximately 635 acres of land and roughly 400 acres of water stretching from Port Colborne/Welland in the south to the northern boundary of Welland/Thorold, containing the former shipping canal. Over the past five years of actively managing the Waterway, the WRCC has managed many accomplishments, improvements and continues to believe in the role the Waterway can play in the lives of Welland residents.

HISTORY OF THE TRUST FUND The $15.8 million fund from Public Works Canada, provided to maintain the asset was comprised of $12.3 million for maintenance, $300,000 earmarked to complete an environmental audit and $3.2 million held as a reserve against potential liability to clean a list of designated lands (save one small parcel, the liability associated with these lands has since been released due to sale by the City of Welland). The Trust Fund, since its inception, has been managed and under the control of the City of Welland. This means that all spending, investment and direction of monies into and out of the Trust Fund have been at the direction of Council of the City of Welland or by the municipal staff budgeting process. Given that the origin of the Trust Fund was an amount representing 15 years’ worth of maintenance costs, the fact that there is still more than $13 million dollars in the fund means that there has been the demonstration of prudence by various Councils and municipal staff members to maintain the fund balance long term.


Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

The Licensing Agreement, which provides the Canal Corporation the various authorities required to maintain and develop the Canal Lands and Waterway, does not provide for any powers for the Canal Corporation to use the Trust Fund without Council direction.

HISTORY OF OPERATIONS The Canal Lands as we know them today did not begin being managed by today`s Canal Corporation until 2008. 2008 marked the first annual budget presented by the WRCC to Council for adoption and the first year in which the Canal Corporation was responsible for the operations of the Corporation and the care and maintenance of the Canal Lands. While taking on this change in responsibility, the Canal Corporation continued to stress the importance to Council to disentangle costs associated with the Canal Lands from the City into two completely different and reportable streams, with audited financial statements that reflected the costs of managing this 1,000 acre property. Over the course of 2008 through 2010, the Canal Corporation and City of Welland began and concluded this process of disentanglement so that any and all costs associated with the care and maintenance of the Canal Lands were reportable, transparent, identified and planned for on a go forward basis. Everything from hydro installations, water, gas, vehicles, fuels, staffing and asset care was moved to identified accounts at the WRCC and borne solely and reported on solely by the WRCC. By 2010, the final year of disentanglement, the WRCC had taken on its own employees, independent accounting responsibilities, independent audit procedures, fiscal policies, and quarterly reporting procedures to Council of the City of Welland. Today, the Canal Corporation is maintaining an average operating budget of $650,000 since taking over management. The final year of the disentanglement from the City resulted in the highest annual operating budget as the WRCC identified previously shared or unidentified costs borne by the City and moved them to the Canal Lands so they could be properly reported on and so that both Board and Council could determine values and make proper forecasts. Under the WRCC’s active management, there has been considerable savings realized in areas such as grass cutting and maintenance; consultants fees, security, and insurance and key areas have been identified that had not been actively cared for or managed in the first decade of the CIty owning the Canal Lands such as reforestation and trail maintenance.

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014



Stewards of the Waterway

WRCC has created 20 jobs since 2006

WRCC started in 2006 with just ONE staff member


12 Seasonal Staff

8 Year Round Staff

Local clubs operating on Welland’s Waterway; compared to 1 club in 2007 South Niagara Rowing Club, South Niagara Canoe Club, Notre Dame Rowing Club, Open Water Swimmers, Niagara Scuba Divers


FOUR WEBSITES Sharing information with the public

Projects Brought to Fruition


• Flatwater Centre • Canal Terrace • Feeder Canal • Amphitheatre • Parking Improvements • Scuba Park • South Course • Community Boathouse

Events have taken place on the Waterway since 2008

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

BUILDING A BUSY WATERWAY One of the mandates given to the Canal Corporation by Council was to increase usage of the Waterway. There were 8 events in 2006 and more than 40 in 2014.

Events Over The Years


International events on the horizon taking us into


Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014


USER GROUPS Over 70+ user groups using the Waterway and venues.

Merritt Island Welland Volunteer Fire Co. #1 , Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Robs Run for Rotary, Walk of Life, Heats in Harmony Walk, Autism Foundation, 5th Annual Julia’s Journey Walk, Kidney Foundation, Diabetes Foundation, AIDS Fundraiser, Rose Festival, Terry Fox Run, YMCA of Niagara, Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee, Home Depot, Food Festival, South Niagara Rowing Club (SNRC), Notre Dame College School, Welland Minor Basketball Association, Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Niagara,...

Merritt Park Niagara Jazz Festival, Private Weddings, Culture Days, Wellspring Church, Welland Public Library, Notre Dame College School, IlluminAqua Arts and Culture Series, Welland Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, Smoke-Free Niagara,...

On the Water South Niagara Rowing Club, ROWONTARIO, Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA), Don Rowing Club, South Niagara Rowing Club (SNRC), South Niagara Canoe Club (SNCC), Notre Dame Rowing Club, Multi Sport Canada, Aktiv Life Inc., Central Ontario Rowing Association (CORA), Balmy Beach Canoe Club, Ontario Canoe Kayak Sprint Affiliation (OCSRA), Dragon Boat Canada, Brock Rowing Club, Fearless Females, Niagara Divers’ Association (NDA), Toronto 2015 Pan Am Pan American Games, CanoeKayak Canada National Team Members, Welland Heritage Council & Multicultural Centre, Rotary Club of Welland, Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Niagara, Niagara Services for Youth (RAFT), Multisport Canada Inc., City of Niagara Falls, Rouge Valley, Western Ontario Division, Rowing Canada Aviron Junior National Team, Bethlehem Housing and Support Services, Convergys, Metis Nation of Ontario, Diabetes Prevention Foundation, Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre, Brain Cancer Research, Welland Masters Swim Team, Brock Aquatics, Masters Swimming Canada (MCS),...

At the Flatwater Centre Private Functions, ROWONTARIO, Francophone Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AFMO), Niagara Industry Association (NIA), South Niagara Rowing Club (SNRC), City of Welland – Election Polls, Economic Development Event, Niagara Tourism Network, Canadian Armed Forces, Canadian Federation of University Women, Toronto 2015 Pan Am Pan American Games, South Niagara Canoe Club (SNCC), Ministry of Transportation, Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA), Dragon Boat Canada, Welland Heritage Council & Multicultural Centre, Regional Chamber Event, Lyme Disease Fundraiser, District School Board of Niagara, (OCSRA), Niagara Catholic District School Board, Smoke-Free Niagara,...


Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

DOLLARS RAISED Since taking over active management of the Waterway in 2008, the WRCC has raised over $10 Millon in funding towards programs, projects, events and infrastructure.

Total Dollars Raised Through WRCC OVER $10.4 MILLION



Programs Infrastructure

Origins of Dollars Raised Canada Heritage CERF Niagara Club 2000 Niagara Government of Canada Sport Canada John Howard Society Province of Ontario - Ministry of Tourism Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority Niagara Region Ontario Trillium Foundation PenFinancial Credit Union Province of Ontario - Ministry of Citizenship Province of Ontario - Ministry of Sport Tourism Partnership of Niagara Local Contractors

Dollars Raised by the WRCC for Programs and Projects OVER $3.4 MILLION 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

$ Each Year $ To Date $ 95,494 $ 95,494 $ 377,100 $ 472,594 $ 201,586 $ 674,180 $ 86,172 $ 760,352 $ 415,087 $1,175,439 $2,081,018 $3,256,457 $ 190,791 $3,447,247

Dollars Raised Each Year

Dollars Raised To Date

This represents $27 raised for every $1 invested by the City

Dollars Raised for WRCC Infrastructure OVER $6.6 MILLION

$ Each Year

$ To Date

2009 $ 650,000 $ 650,000 2010 $ 350,000 $1,000,000 2011 $5,600,000 $6,600,000 This represents $1.5 raised for every $1 invested by the City

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TRANSPARENCY One of WRCC’s statement of values and commitments is: To be a transparent, responsive organization with the highest level of integrity and accountability.


2008 the year disentangelment

from the City’s Operating Budget began; completed in 2010

WRCC Financial Statements are available online (2005-2013)


Board Meeting Minutes All minutes are available to the public online

50 + 160 +

Presentations and reports to Council in the past 7 years

15 6

Number of Media Releases, Public Service Announcements Etc.




The number of WRCC board members that steer all decisions

1. canalcorp.ca 2. illuminaqua.com 3. wifc.ca 4. wdbrc2015.ca

Council Members represent the electorate by sitting on the WRCC Board of Directors


of the WIFC Official Programme was released in 2014, involving 27 educational pages outlining the exciting happenings of the year ahead on the Waterway


Number of accounts on financial statements increased from 10-19 accounts for clearer reporting

The WRCC operates the above websites to educate the public and keep them informed of the exciting events on the Waterway and Canal Lands.

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

VALUE Delivering value for every operating dollar is very important to the WRCC and we are always striving to do more with less. The WRCC prides itself on the value for the dollar it provides to its fellow citizens while maintaining the Canal Lands and Waterway to a very high standard.

Where Money Is Spent Maintenance 86% $569,539 Land $456,618 Water $ 64,253 Buildings $ 48,668

Marketing & Promotion 2% $11,000

Vehicles 1% $5,000 Utilities 4% $25,001

Insurance 5% $34,000 Administration 2% $16,859

2007 and prior, Canal Lands were made up to 875 acres and average budget from 2003-2007 was just over $700,000.

165+acres have been added to the Canal Lands since 2007, the average budget from 20082014 was just over $650,000.

The average operations budget from 2008-2014 is $650,000 With 635 acres of land, operating costs are currently at $19.97 per week, per acre for the nine months the lands and trails maintained.

Since the establishment of the 15 year maintenance fund in 1997, 16 kilometres of asphalt trail, four buildings, 165 acres of land, a playground, two historical parks, an amphitheatre, and various equipments and assets have been added to the inventory of items required to be maintained pertaining to the Canal Lands.

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CANAL LANDS One of the WRCC mandates is: Protect the lands and waterways that make up the recreational waterway.

1.3 MILLION+ square metres of calm, clean water 1,035+ acres of land and water

15 45 23

Benches have been added along the Waterway since 2008 Waste receptacles have been added in high volume areas to curb litter Picnic tables added to increase opportunities for waterside family outings


kilometres of trails

0 8

The number of watercraft available to work on the water when the WRCC took over management. (There is now a full fleet to clean and maintain the Waterway)

Agencies, Boards, and Organizations that WRCC Representatives regularly sit on to be better positioned to improve the Waterway and seize opportunities

The Memorial and Commemorative Program enables individuals, families or groups to remember loved ones by the installation of Memorial and Commemorative benches and small plaques along the recreational trails


Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

GIVING BACK Since 2009, the WRCC has provided more than $110,000 in volunteer honourariums to over 40 organizations.

WIFC Contributions to Youth Programs


22nd Niagara Cub Scouts, 9th Welland Scouting, Balmy Beach Canoe Club, Banook Canoe Club, Boston Pizza #514, Brock University - Rowing Club, Brock University - SPMA Council, Burloak Canoe Club, Canadian Red Cross Society, CanoeKayak Canada, Cascades Canoe Club, Central Ontario Rowing Association, Coaches Association of Ontario, Cobourg Canoe Club, Cobourg Dragon Boat and Canoe Club, Darlene Kisur-dePagter, First Scouts Niagara, Girl Guides of Canada - Welland Division, Hungarian Hall - Welland, James Takeo Panton, Leander Boat Club, Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council, McMaster Dragon Boat Club, Mic Mac AAC, Mississauga Canoe Club, Navy League of Canada Niagara Branch, Niagara Centre Skating Club, Niagara College, Niagara Community Foundation ,Niagara Falls Skating Academy, North Bay Canoe Club, Notre Dame Rowing Club, Ontario Amateur Wrestling Association, Ottawa River Canoe Club, Parrot Heads of South Niagara, Peninsula Paddlers Kayaking Club, Pickering Rouge Canoe Club, Richmond Hill Canoe Club, Rideau Canoe Club, Ridley College Rowing, Robin Nisbet, Rose City Kids, Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, Sea Cadets, South Niagara Canoe Club, South Niagara Rowing Club, St. Catharines Jets Girls Soccer Club, St. Catharines Rowing Club, The Don Rowing Club, The Hope Centre, The London Rowing Club, The Optimist Club, Viking Canoe-Kayak Club, Welland 9th Scouts, Welland Heritage Council, Welland Humane Society, Welland Minor Basketball Association, Welland Optimist Club, Welland Saints c/o Wendy Dyson, Welland/Port Annual Contribution Contribution to Date Colborne Shriners, West Northumberland Girls Hockey Association, Western Ontario Division Canoe Kayak Canada, Women’s Place of South Niagara Inc.


Community fundraising events have taken place during Summer 2014


kilometres it took for the Canoe Niagara knapsacks and water bottles to travel to a Rehabilitation facility in Dominican Republic & Guatemala in March 2014

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014


THE WATERWAY Recognized as a leader in the sport tourism industry with multiple award nominations and world-wide recognition. A century after the first recorded photograph of a canoe race on the waterway, Welland has returned to its roots. Building on the idealistic qualities the waterway possesses for recreational use, the Old Canal has been turned into a prized national asset – a jewel for flatwater sports!


The Waterway has a very robust and varied population of fish popular to anglers from all over, including:

• Perch • Pan Fish • Bass

metres wide

35ft. basin-like characteristics making ideal location for flatwater sports

16ft. average visibility in the water demonstrating excellent water clarity

Photo reveals a Canoe Race in the Canal at Welland Old Boys Gathering

dated from 1906

The waterway is a freshwater basin filled from Lake Erie and as our source of municipal drinking water is tested and proven clean on a daily basis

average high temperature of the water in the summer

In the year 2028

The healthy fish and plant populations in the waterway provide for natural filtration

North & South Course of Welland’s Waterway total 12 kilometres



years old In 1972, the rerouting of the canal to the east was completed creating the recreational waterway

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

WELLAND CANOE RENTAL PROGRAM With FREE rentals for youth, an annual Open House BBQ event, fun family activities, season memberships and community groups, the waterway has been hustling with activity in 2014.

4007 84 Open for

total renters for 2014 (Average of 44.5 renters/day)


received FREE rentals in 2014

2904 CANOE



756 hours


} 2522

young individuals took advantage of this NEW programing in 2014








marked the first year for the membership program



total boats rented this season (percentage of those rentals below)





The Welland Canoe Rental Program continued its hours on weekends in September for the FIRST time

August is most popular month for rentals

Individuals participated in group rentals such as: • Diabetes Prevention • Convergys • Metis Nation of Ontario

• ESL Students • Private Functions • Niagara Native Friendship Centre

LOCATION: PenFinancial Credit Union Flatwater Community Centre 108 Thorold Road East, Welland Ontario

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MERRITT PARK AMPHITHEATRE Returning Merritt Park to historical roots as a center in the City for music, arts and culture reminescent of the band shell once located in this beautiful downtown park.

Amphitheatre Completed In


On July 5, 2014

(100% funded by provincial grant)

750 } Waterside Seats

Bigger than the Sean O’Sullivan Theatre at Brock

Mark Masri returned to the floating stage to film his PBS Special

The 2014 Season featured 12 performances including 4 local musicians and artists JUNE 13





The Strumbellas Jordan Raycroft

Chelsea Crites Whitney Rose The Abrams Brothers

Mark Masri Special Guests

Katey Gatta Bobby Bazini Florence K

Andi Diaz Beams Jimmy Rankin


Performers have taken the stage



Of those have been local musicians & artists

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

ILLUMINAQUA OVER THE YEARS Since its inception, IlluminAqua has introduced and celebrated local, national and international award winning musicians and artists to concertgoers from around the globe.

The Fantastic Artists 2007 Niagara Symphony

2008 Niagara Youth Orchestra, Mandolin Orchestra of Niagara, Rodger Nizik Trio, Rodney Appleby, Jill Barber, Cowboy Junkies, Fiddlers3, JP Cormier, Monica Ling Lin, Destino Tenors, The Lost Fingers, The Prddle Concern, Ron Sexsmith, Bharath and his Rhythm Four, Duke Robillard

2009 Elton Lammie, Michael Gabriel, Destino Tenors, Norbert Lepage at la Clan, Chakador, Justin Hines, Lindi Ortega, David Francey, Kathleen Edwards, Sukkapunch, Street Pharmacy, The Joys, Ladies of the Canyon, Tom Fun Orchestra, Roxanne Potvin, Nikki Yanofsky, Leslie Pike, Leahy Family

2010 Dan Kozar, Maneli Jamal, Mark Masri, Chin Anjetti, David Francey, Colleen Brown, Don MacLean, Caracol, Andy Kim, David Myles, Natalie MacMaster

2011 The Heartbroken, Steven Page, Spinny Brothers, Matt Andersen, Niagara Symphony, Elton Lammie, Mark & Breton Lalama, Molly Johnson, Sarah Dufresne, Nathan Rogers, Ashley Maclsaac

2012 Whitehorse, The Jim Cuddy Band, Meaghan Smith, Jill Barber, Colleen Brown, Ray Bonneville, Jimmy Marando Band, Michael Ciufo, Cory Cruise, Serena Pryne, Tara Oram

2013 Matt Andersen, Harrison Kennedy, Steve Strongman, Devin Cuddy, Steve Hill, Downchild Blues Band, Adrianna Polito, Matt Dusk, Roger Clown, Emily Claire Barlow, Street Pharmacy, Jon and Roy, Current Swell, The Treasures Band, Sarah Harmer, Classic Albums Live: Abbey Road, New Kid in Town, Melissa Bel, Daniel Romano, Skydiggers, Cory Cruise, Bowfire, Karrnnel, David Myles

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014


WIFC VENUE Capitalizing on what is regarded as the best flatwater course in Canada, the Welland International Flatwater Centre was created to provide needed infrastructure for community programming and economic benefits to local businesses through event hosting.



Metre North Course

Capital Investment

$5.6 Million Funded By Federal Goverment

2000 1


operational state-of-the-art facility of the TO2015 PanAm/ PanAmerican Games venue

Metre South Course

500 12

permanent seats



trees planted when building was completed



With indoor training in winter and outdoor events in spring, summer and fall, the facility is used year round

Months a Year Independently controlled variable speed water tanks where athletes can train in the off-season


Public Washrooms were created at the venue and are available to community users


Different markers along the course that allow athletes to track their times through the Finish Lynx Timing System with Split Timing Capability

World Championships • • • • •

FINA Open Water Championships ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships IDBF World Dragonboat World Championships ICF Canoe Polo World Championships Commonwealth Rowing Championships

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

TANK Legacy for community clubs was the driving force behind creation of a multi-use, multi-sport training facility; the moving water tank is the centrepiece of that legacy.



Different flatwater disciplines: canoe, kayak, sweep rowing, sculling, & dragonboat


Dragonboaters at the same time


Number of unique participants per year that the program has the capacity to serve

8 24 Rowers can scull or sweep

Combined HP over each channel, down and around again - like a treadmill.

* That’s more HP than the average car


Average number of minutes of each training session in the tank

100,000 litres of water

Used in each side of the tank *That’s about 5,263 water cooler jugs to fill



Canoe/Kayak users can utilize the tank at the same time

The tanks are powered by 6 variable speed high efficiency motors


of gym space outfitted with training equipment & ergometers, providing space and capacity for physical literacy and fitness programs for local clubs and community programming

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014


2014 AT A GLANCE From community-based initiatives, to training sessions, to hard fought competitions and championships, the activities around the Welland Recreational Waterway and Canal Lands will continue to be a catalyst for economic benefit to local businesses and broader community engagement.


Canoe/Kayak Regattas


Athletes participated in flatwater camps/clinics/races

3 7

Dragon Boat Regattas

Swimming Events




Rowing Regattas held on WIFC waters


The WRCC was recognized by the Canadian Sport Tourism Association as the finalists in 2 categories at the 2014 Prestige Awards - which annually recognizes the best in the Canadian sport tourism industry

The International Canoe Federation awarded the 2018 Canoe Polo World Championships to Welland, Ontario. The 5 day event will take place at the WIFC in August 2018 and is expected to attract over 30 countries with approximately 60 teams. On May 10, the WRCC and the Welland Arts and Culture Advisory Committee announced their partnership in creating a spectacular and artistic legacy for the City of Welland through the Canoe Art Project


Triathlon Events The Welland Canoe Rental Program intiated its new youth program - FREE rentals to those 16 years of age and under

Scuba Diving Fundraiser

October 18, 2014 is the 1st official day of the Welland Indoor Paddle Tank Programming


The 1st edition of the WIFC Official Programme was released in 2014, involving 27 educational pages outlining the exciting happenings of the year ahead on the Waterway

Announced FREE programming for Big Brothers Big Sisters in 2015 and beyond in celebration of the organizations 50th anniversary

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

2015 ON A NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL SCALE The Waterway will be an attraction for individuals around the globe in 2015 for various flatwater sports. Alongside the multitude of community events and programming that take place annually along the waterway and canal lands, Welland will play host to various international events and the public is encouraged to be a part of the wonder.


• 3 Days of 2015 National Dragon Boat Championships • 3 Days of 2015 Pan American Dragon Boat Championships & World University Dragon Boat Championships • 5 Days of 2015 International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) 12th World Dragon Boat Racing Championships

4 days of competition of Canoe/Kayak Sprint for the Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games


PARTICIPANTS • 4000+ Accredited participants expected for the 2015 IDBF World Dragon Boat Racing Championships • 2000 athletes will compete at the National Dragon Boat Championships • 500 athletes competing in the Pan American and World University Dragon Boat Championship


• 1st time World Dragon Boat Championships have been hosted in Canada • 1st back-to-back National Dragon Boat Championships hosted in Welland

• 30+ countries during 2015 IDBF World Dragon Boat Racing Championships • 7 countries will compete in 2015 Pan American Dragon Boat Championships & World University Dragon Boat Championships

Economic Impact $50,000,000+ in Welland and the Niagara Region in 2015

• 1st year to host two International Championships in the same calendar year

3 YEARS AWAY from hosting the 2018 Canoe Polo World Championships at the Welland International Flatwater Centre North Course

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014


YOUTH SUCCESS Another one of the mandates given to the canal corporation by council was to develop the recreational Waterway for the benefit of the community.

In 2014, Trinity Arsenault, 14 years of age, successfully swam across Lake Ontario in 27 hours and raised funds for Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart Program. The Welland International Flatwater Centre (WIFC) North Course was privileged enough to be a training venue for the young teen’s open water swim preparations - the youngest swimmer to cross Lake Ontario.

Maddi LeBlanc participated in a 10 kilometre stand up paddleboard ride down the recreational waterway to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society for brain cancer research.

Niagara Divers’ Association (NDA) annually hosts ‘Dive for a Cure’, raising funds for the Canadian Cancer Society at the Welland Recreational Waterway Scuba Park.

In 2014, two SNRC alumni were a part of the winning Canada’s Men’s Coxed Four Crew - Trofym Anderson and Jacob Koudys. Both have been training in Welland with local clubs since 2006 and is now a World Champions.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Niagara is a community agency that supports children and youth to achieve their full potential through positively mentored relationships that exemplify mutual respect, trust and care. Partnering with the organization since 2009, the Welland Recreational Canal Corporation (WRCC) annually donates their Rental Centre flatwater sporting equipment as well as hosts a BBQ for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Niagara


Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014

Notre Dame Rowing Club annually hosts a Paddlepalooza event for Niagara Resource Service for Youth (The RAFT) at the PenFinancial Credit Union Flatwater Community Centre. The event provides youth throughout the region with the opportunity to experience rowing, with lessons in flatwater sports from Notre Dame Rowing Club members, as well as have the opportunity to paddle along the waterway and use the Welland Canoe Rental Program equipment.

Development camps are held by various flatwater sport organizations throughout the course of a flatwater season at the Welland International Flatwater Centre North and South Course - playing a critical role in building the capacity of flatwater sports and allowing the individuals to flourish as athletes. In 2014, there were 1210 athletes that participated in development programming on Welland’s Waterway.

Over one hundred youth, between the ages of 13 -16, participated in the Fallapalooza 2014 Training Camp at the Welland International Flatwater Centre North Course. Four youth from the local club, South Niagara Canoe Club, took advantage of this amazing opportunity. The individuals received training on and off the water from CanoeKayak Canada National Team Athletes, including Adam van Koeverden – 4 time Olympic medalist. With many world championship titles to their names and Olympic experience, the camp featured various talented National Team athletes: Brady Reardon, Sam Roworth, Paul Bryant, Alana Bray-Loughead, KC Fraser, Drew Hodges, Marianne Fraser, Hunter George, and Aaron Rublee. This provided the opportunity for young athletes to learn from National Team athletes still competing at a high performance level, who the youth themselves aspire to be like one day, and gain valuable insight into becoming the best paddlers they can be.

Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014


ECONOMIC IMPACT AT CANOE NIAGARA 2013 The following summary presents the actual expenditures, GDP, job creation, tax generation and economic impact figures for Canoe Niagara in 2013.


The number of different businesses Canoe Niagara 2013 purchased goods and services from



Business were located within the Niagara Region

72 were Local, with their home base being Welland 40 were based in the Niagara Region 13 Nationally based 13 Provincially based LOCAL


Canoe Niagara STEAM Actual


City of Welland/ Niagara Region

Rest of Ontario

Intitial Expenditure



$ ---

Gross Domestic Product




Wages & Salaries




Employment (Full-year jobs)





$ 826,137

$ 619,066

$ 207,071


$ 605,890

$ 485,183

$ 120,707


$ 327,611

$ 262,661





$ 392,728

Total Economic Impact


$ 8,785,934

$ 3,953,544



Welland Recreational Canal Corporation | Master Plan 2014


Welland Recreational Canal Corporation 60 East Main St., Welland ON, Canada L3B 3X4 | Phone: (905) 788-9511 | canalcorp.ca

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