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From The Director Of Strategic Operations Ms Kerri Rock
The Strategic Operations Team works closely with the Senior Executives to lead critical strategic and operational initiatives across all areas of the School. Deploying our resources and capital and improving operational efficiency and technologies that can automate processes and functions form the basis of our remit. The Strategic Operations Office has become known for its timely service delivery, faster implementation of quality projects and processes, and a place where stakeholders are confident in receiving the necessary expert knowledge to make a change and move forward.
Another key focus of this office is to champion, promote and implement new projects within the Global Education environment so that our students are ready for the world. This includes upskilling students with the soft skills needed to participate actively in our world today. And giving them access to world-class speakers and thinkers to help them grapple with the real-world problems that all citizens of the world are challenged by and to encourage agency where we empower our students to empower others to enact change.
The key personnel in the Strategic Operations Office include:
• Director of Strategic Operations – Ms Kerri Rock
• Administrative Assistant - Executive Leadership – Ms Erum Hamza
• Head of Education Technology – Ms Anna Hu
• Head of Admissions – Ms Huma Cheema
• Head of CGS Centre for Global Citizenship & Australian Studies – Ms Elizabeth Allsop
Education Technology Department
2022 has been another busy year in Education Technology, keeping all systems running and updated while developing and trialling enhancements. Kerri Rock led the team until the arrival of Anna Hu in March. This year’s updates include upgrading the Wi-Fi and Edge Switches and the Internet and LAN redundancy across the School. The initial stages of M365 implementation with the migration of on-premise document storage and the pilot of M365 Class Teams and Department Teams have begun. Our student BYOD Model has been reviewed in line with CGS 100 Strategic Plan, and the initial phase to move to an Apple Ecosystem across the School is in the planning stages.
CGS Connect has had a minor refresh to its navigation as part of the software update, and enhancements have been made to Academic Reporting in the Primary School and the Student dashboard. 2022 has also seen the development and implementation of the Staff Dashboard and the Flexible Rubric for the IB Diploma assessment program. With all these changes, the Service Desk and the integration teams have been up-skilling and supporting staff with new systems, services and projects.