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Due to our student and family culture, Canberra Grammar School has very little problem with student non-attendance. Occasionally, issues arise that are related to health, mental health or family issues.
If an issue of non-attendance arises, the normal procedure is explained.
Primary School
1. Primary School Administration assistants alert Campus Directors of unapproved absences that extend beyond a week, are of a health or pastoral concern and/or any unexplained absences of longer than two days
2. Campus Directors investigate the issue and take steps to encourage and, as needed, assist parents/ caregivers in returning a student to School
3. Campus Directors inform the Head of Primary School of non-attendance issues, involving him/her in the return to School strategy as needed
4. If non-attendance continues, the Head of Primary School will request a formal meeting with the student and parents to outline the requirement to attend School and that of the Directorate
5. Outside agencies such as CAMHS or Care and Protection may be utilised depending on the specific circumstances. Referrals to these agencies will be made by the Head of Primary School in conjunction with the School Counsellor
6. If non-attendance continues then the Liaison Unit of the Education and Training Directorate (ETD) would be contacted to discuss next steps and the Head informed; and
7. The Head of Primary School in consultation with the Head of School would then request intervention from the Registrar of Non-Government Schools as per ETD protocols if non-attendance remains a problem.
Senior School
1. Head of Student Houses become aware of the problem (either through the school roll marking procedure or via notification)
2. Head of Student Houses investigate the issue and take steps to encourage return to school
3. The School Counsellor is notified and becomes involved in assisting a return to school
4. The Counsellor and Head of Student Houses will, as deemed necessary, visit the student and parents in their home to encourage a return to school
5. The Head of Senior School will also be involved at this stage (or afterwards if it is not successful) and will request a formal meeting with the student and parents to outline the requirement to attend School and that the Directorate will need to be notified if non-attendance continues
6. Outside agencies such as CAMHS or Care and Protection may be utilised depending on the specific circumstances. Referrals to these agencies will be made after consultation with the Head of Senior School and the School Counsellor
7. If non-attendance continues then the Liaison Unit of the Education and Training Directorate (ETD) would be contacted to discuss next steps; and
8. The School would then request intervention from the Registrar of Non-Government Schools as per ETD protocols if non-attendance remains a problem.