CGS Outlook Semester 1 2020

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WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A DEFENCE FAMILY If a culture is defined by possessing distinctive knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, language, customs, and capabilities, then Defence families can be described as a cultural group. At first glance, however, they are not easily recognisable. You cannot recognise a Defence family or Defence child purely by appearance. There are, however, some distinctive experiences and lifestyle challenges that create this unique culture. Defence families are a strong unit; they move, they change, they are presented opportunities to experience new things, they are flexible, and they are resilient. They can also be lonely, without a home, and continually wondering what will be next. Constant comings and goings of parents causing family disruptions coupled with long deployments can all increase family stress and feelings of isolation. On return, parents and children can face heightened anxiety created by reunion and reintegration.

Educators who have strong relationships with students or constantly communicate with the family are more likely to identify times of need and may be able to extend extra support during this vulnerable stage. The School values genuine partnerships between families and educators to achieve the best learning outcomes for students and values the efforts and collaborative decision-making.

Student mobility can be concerning and can contribute to difficulties in school engagement and lower achievement. Some children may experience interruptions in their academics each time they move for a posting. Frequent moves, long periods of separation, isolation from extended family support networks, and deployments affect education, health, and wellbeing. Therefore, having positive supports to help students develop resilience and coping strategies for mobility and parental absences plays an immense and integral role in childrens’ development.

Enter the Defence School Mentor! School Defence Mentors work with schools to help the staff understand and minimise the impact of mobility on education and to build the capability of the school in supporting Defence students and their families. Defence School Mentors also enhance awareness and appreciation of the unique Defence lifestyle. There is a large Defence family population at CGS, and the School is highly committed to supporting them. Defence School Mentors can also serve as a point of contact for families.

CGS WELCOMES NEW DEFENCE SCHOOL MENTOR Ms Alison Larwill joined the School in March 2020 as the Defence School Mentor. Defence School Mentors help schools to understand and minimise the impact of mobility on education and to build the capability of the school in supporting Defence students and their families.

38 | CGS OUTLOOK | Semester One 2020

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