CGS Outlook Semester One

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CGS FOUNDATION NEWS CELEBRATION OF GIVING In May, we had the pleasure of acknowledging the extraordinary generosity of our CGS Foundation donors at the annual CGS Celebration of Giving. It was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the generous support and express our gratitude for our donors’ contributions. It was also an opportunity to launch The Centenary Project – Towards 2029 and outline an ambitious philanthropic goal as we journey towards the School’s 100th birthday in 2029. Held in the Snow Centre, Dr Garrick, Head of School, and James Willson, Foundation Board Deputy Chair, provided development updates, progress reports and words of thanks to those who have an ongoing impact on CGS. There were also opportunities to tour the School and take a sneak peek into the long-awaited auditorium building site. However, the highlight of the evening was inspirational presentations from CGS Indigenous Scholarship Graduate Marle Ashby, 2020 alumna and current CGS Indigenous Scholar Kouper Miles. Marle and Kouper perfectly articulated the impact a scholarship can have on a young person’s life and the lifechanging opportunities and future aspirations they can give.


JOIN OUR CENTENARY COMMUNITY FOR THE PRICE OF A COFFEE A WEEK We warmly invite you to join our CGS Centenary Community and commit to giving $2,000 over the next seven years (with the first 900 commitments of $2000 or more acknowledged by a plaque on a seat in our new concert hall). A pledge of $25 a month (about a coffee a week) or $300 a year over the seven years until our centenary is just over $2,000. If 1,000 families, or half of the families now in the School, make that commitment, it equates to $2 million, or around 70 full annual tuition fees for Indigenous or equity scholarships in today’s dollars – for the equivalent of a coffee per family a week. If 100 members of our community become Centenary Partners in pledging $20,000 over the next seven years, that’s a further $2 million. Should 10 from our community become Centenary Benefactors, pledging $200,000 to the CGS Foundation in the years towards 2029, that’s another $2 million. And should one become Centenary Patron by matching the other tiers with an extraordinary gift of $2 million, then we meet our goal, funding the full education of dozens of bright young students on Indigenous, equity and other scholarships, and underpinning the next stage of our campus evolution.

Canberra Grammar School was founded in 1929 to educate the children of the then young capital of an ancient country. We have a profound and on-going commitment to ensure that our School always plays its part in the education of generations who will create a just and equitable future for all Australians.

What an extraordinary outcome that would be, and what a thing to celebrate at our centenary, a school proudly leading in opening access to its excellence for bright, capable, motived young Australians, who will use the opportunities and education to build the future that all our children deserve.

As our 100th anniversary approaches, we are delighted to announce the CGS Centenary Project. Our goal, to coincide with our centenary in 2029, is to grow the cumulative total of the CGS Foundation to $20.29 million (including distributions) to make possible the next stages of our campus development and scholarship plans. The Centenary Project’s purpose is underpinned by our aspiration to provide unparalleled excellence and opportunity, and our vision is to see 100 students educated at CGS on Indigenous and equity scholarships, in addition to our current scholars, by the time we reach our 100th year. Along with our campus development programme, it is an ambitious target, but we have shown what we can do when we have a goal and set our mind to it.

– Tammy Foley, Alumni & Philanthropy Manager

We have done much in the past few years, for which we can be proud, even with the pandemic in between. Yet, there is much more to do. We have seven years left to raise the remaining funds to meet our target.


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