04 November 2021

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thursday 04 november 2021


Worldly Okonomiyaki HOME

Expert staging tips


pages of real estate


Knit wits

Overcoming challenges

11-page CWB Awards feature

Award-winning businesswomen demonstrate tenacity




thursday 04 november 2021

contents 20 From the editor

As I write, my beloved father is in his final days in Cairns (where I might be permitted to fly on compassionate grounds if I undertake two weeks’ hotel quarantine, by which time he’ll be gone). Dad is a good man, a true family man. Family is everything to him. He loves his wife of 62+ years, his children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Work-life balance was never an issue for him. It has always been family first. The source of his greatest happiness, joy, reward and purpose in life is his family. For my siblings and me, he has been the dearest dad a child could ever wish for. When you have a father who loves you and provides for you, who ensures his family is safe and secure, who takes care of your needs and even the special extras without ever spoiling you, you are truly blessed. I will hold him forever in my heart. He knows this because I told him via FaceTime. I want to acknowledge the important role that loving dads and father figures play in the lives of our children and community. We salute you. Reasons to be grateful this past week include my father’s lifetime of love and guidance, my mother, silbings, brother-in-law, nieces and nephew for being there in Dad’s final days, and healthcare workers for their care and support.

31 40 47


CWB Award winners TASTE

Worldly Okonomiyaki THE LOOK

Knit wits

on the cover Meet the 2021 Rubik3 Canberra Women in Business Award winners (clockwise from left): Melissa Lacey, Vanessa Schimizzi, Antoniette Gomez, Justine Lennane, Natashia Telfer, and Olga Imbriano. Photo of Vanessa supplied; all other photos by Kerrie Brewer. Art direction by Kim Casera. See cover story, page 20.


Expert staging tips


06 08 12 16 18 31 33 36 40 47 49 100 101 102 103

General news Fit the bill Letters to the editor Sport Have you heard? Taste Time out Winners The look Home Real estate Motoring Puzzles Stars Trades & services

37 107 107 107

ST. ALi Italian Film Festival passes Blue’s Clues toys Sow ‘n Sow flower presses Product of the Year hampers

10 40


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Grassfires cause for concern as bushfire season begins

While the ACT’s 2021-22 bushfire season officially began on Monday 1 November, it’s not bushfires that authorities are immediately concerned about. Higher levels of rainfall have made Canberra’s grasses green, lush and long for the second year in a row as we head into summer. There is an expectation these grasses will dry over the summer months, thereby posing a high risk of grassfires. “All our dams are full, our soil has got a very good moisture content, which means while the Territory is currently green, we’ve seen significant grass growth; this will be our biggest risk this fire season,” ACT Rural Fire Service (ACTRFS) Chief

ACTRFS members Allison Bartlett, Belinda Brooker, Michelle Michie and Katie Tabke at the ACT 2021-22 bushfire season launch on Monday 1 November. Photo: Denholm Samaras.

Officer Rohan Scott said on Monday. Chief Officer Scott urged the community to maintain a level of awareness so as not to engage in dangerous activities that can provoke grassfires – like grinding, welding, driving vehicles with catalytic converters through cured long grass, uncontrolled campfires, and fireworks. Storm season is also on the horizon, but unfortunately lightning can’t be controlled or stopped. “If we can stop everything else, the number of fires will dramatically reduce,” he said. The ACTRFS’s message to Canberrans was for everyone to prepare themselves and their properties for the bushfire and storm seasons ahead. Properties can be prepared by clearing all flammable combustibles, cleaning the gutters, and ensuring you have a hose capable of reaching all areas of your land. People are also encouraged to prepare a survival pack with clothes, essential personal documents, and any necessary medications. ACT Emergency Services Agency (ACTESA) Commissioner Georgeina Whelan said the Agency has seamlessly implemented their 12-month preparedness cycle, meaning they are well placed for the season ahead.

That process has seen the Parks and Conservation department doing hazard reduction by way of slashing, grazing, chemical treatments and burns, where possible, due to favourable weather conditions. Chief Officer Scott felt confident with both the “very good retention rates” and high rates of members upskilling over the off season, particularly given the hurdles the pandemic has presented. He was proud that a lot of women have joined the Service, with a “very active” female leadership group established. The Service has set up monitoring systems for lightning strikes, weekly grass growth and fuel loads, while all ACTRFS brigades have undergone incident management training via desktop exercises. During lockdown, ACTRFS crew members lent a helping hand delivering IT hardware for schooling and food, and conducting compliance checks. ACTRFS enters the bushfire season with 529 active firefighters, at least 50 per cent of whom underwent some form of upskilling. Read an extended version of this story at canberraweekly.com.au - Denholm Samaras

Canberra Liberals leader will go to COP26 in Glasgow Canberra Liberals leader Elizabeth Lee believes the ACT can lead the world in climate action – and she’ll fly to COP26 in Glasgow this weekend to (she says) show off what the ACT can do and bring back ideas that will make it even better. “There’s no doubt about the science around climate change,” Ms Lee said. “We must take action now … because we all want to leave our planet just as beautiful for the next generation.” She will attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference as a delegate of the Coalition for Conservation, an environmentalist forum for conservatives who support decarbonisation. Ms Lee will speak on the UN Globe COP26 Legislators Summit closing panel on how policy makers must accelerate momentum on climate action. She will also speak at the Youth Environment Summit in Edinburgh on the importance of young voices on climate, and tour green ports and wind turbines. Climate is often considered a left-wing issue, and several prominent Federal Coalition politicians are climate sceptics, but Ms Lee believes centre-right political voices should feature heavily in this debate. 6


“It is also our planet; it is also our environment; and it is not an issue that we should play political football with.” She believes the ACT – “already doing a great job in taking strong action on climate change” – can be a world leader in reducing carbon emissions and sustainable technology. “We need to constantly look at new ways to reduce the ACT’s carbon footprint, as well as investing in sustainable, reliable, renewable energy sources that will keep the cost of energy low,” Ms Lee said. She said she was proud all three ACT parties had committed to net zero emissions by 2045, and the Territory had achieved 100 per cent renewable electricity last year. The next phase, she predicted, would be more challenging. In Glasgow, she wanted to show world leaders what the ACT Government had achieved so far, and bring back ideas, emerging technologies, and world-leading approaches that would benefit the ACT. ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury claimed that although Ms Lee had been Canberra Liberals

spokeswoman on climate action for five years, her party did not have a climate policy at the last election, and still had not outlined their agenda to help cut Canberra’s emissions. “I hope [Ms Lee] takes a large notebook, because the Canberra Liberals have a yawning gap in their current response to climate change,” Mr Rattenbury said. The Greens leader also suggested Ms Lee had sounded “disturbingly” like a climate change sceptic in the past. Ms Lee said people needed to take responsibility for human-produced global warming, and listen to different, emerging views from experts and scientists around the world. The Canberra Liberals, she said, would take a climate agenda to the next election. They were committed to preserving and conserving the local environment, taking serious and real action on climate change, and reducing emissions. Ms Lee made no comment on Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s net zero by 2050 climate plan. - Nick Fuller

fit the bill

Greens’ defence policy would neuter Australia As a famous Pole once said “Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła kiedy my żyjemy” (Poland has not yet perished so long as we shall live) and congratulations to the Polish government this week for announcing it will increase the size of its armed forces from 150,000 to 250,000 full time personnel to meet the growing Russian threat. It’s pathetic that the UK (148,500) and German armed forces (183,000) are not similarly increased. Vladimir Putin respects strength and has contempt for the Western European democracies who he rightly sees as weak (Russia has approximately 1,000,000 full time armed service personnel). Which brings me to the announcement this week of the Australian Greens “defence” policy; a policy which, if carried out, would neuter Australia. Key points in the Greens policy are to, amongst other things: Cut defence expenditure by 50% (from the current moderate 2% of GDP down to 1%, like NZ); Cancel the current F35 fighter program; Cancel the new submarine program and cancel the AUKUS agreement; Withdraw us from our alliances (ANZUS, etc.) and make us a neutral

country (i.e. effectively dependent on Chinese and Russian goodwill). As Professor Alan Dupont from UNSW said, “The real agenda is to sacrifice national security on the altar of social and environmental policy”. The Greens policy states in Point 1: “Nonviolent conflict resolution is the most effective way of promoting peace”. China is demonstrating its militarily aggressive behaviour towards Taiwan and its threats to take Taiwan by force. President Xi’s recent statement to the world that “we will smash the heads of any country threatening China against a great wall of steel” is not conducive to “nonviolent conflict resolution”. Point 2 states the Greens believe “global cooperation facilitated by peaceful nonviolent conflict resolution is essential to ensuring human and emotional wellbeing”. If one side wants to smash your head into a steel wall, you can’t get “peaceful nonviolent conflict resolution”. This is beyond fantasy stuff. The Greens have a real chance of forming a governing coalition with the ALP in 2022. Anyone who votes for the


Greens would be voting to destroy our ADF and our freedom. As my old mate Labor MLA Ellnor Grassby used to tell anyone who would listen, “If you can’t bring yourself to vote for the ALP, vote Liberal rather than the Greens”. At least an ALP majority government would contain some mainstream patriotic Australians who support the ADF and don’t want to destroy it, and the same would apply if the current Liberal/National government was returned.. I suggest readers google the Greens “defence” policy, read it yourselves and don’t just take my word for it. A country can have the best education, social security and health system in the world but that’s useless if it can’t defend itself. Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Canberra Weekly.

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CIT patisserie chef rises to the top CIT student and patisserie chef Rachel Crawford is one of six local students who recently took home an award after competing in WorldSkills, Australia’s biggest vocational education and training competition.

CIT student and patisserie chef Rachel Crawford spent two years preparing for the National WorldSkills Awards, taking home a gold medal for retail baking. Photo: Denholm Samaras.

Taking out a gold medal in the Retail Baking category, Ms Crawford spent two years preparing for the competition, juggling her commitments by attending CIT twice a week whilst working full time. “It was quite full on, quite intense,” she said. “It’s just trying to memorise the process, tweak tiny variables and every single time doing something slightly different until you get it right.” The competition required the talented chef to make a variety of productions one would learn throughout an apprenticeship as a display of her bakery skills, creating everything from basic white loaves to artisan croissants, sourdoughs, and baguettes. So thorough was Ms Crawford’s preparation, she even developed her very own croissant recipe for the

competition. “I spent many days in this kitchen making sure that everything was right,” she said. Her biggest learning from the painstaking and gruelling experience? “Perseverance.” “Hard work and dedication pay off,” she said. Both Ms Crawford’s parents were chefs by trade; she has been in a kitchen since literally before she could walk. “That just sort of transferred into the sweeter side of things, into pastry,” she said. “As I’ve gotten older and enjoyed the technicality, it’s moved into lamination, like croissants, and sourdough; it’s just kind of a big evolution process!” Over the course of her emerging career, Ms Crawford initially qualified as a patisserie chef before learning breadmaking, and has

spent the last year working as a chocolatier in Braddon. She’s simultaneously studied at CIT over the past four years, furthering her knowledge, skills and qualifications. “Every time I come in, everyone is willing to try my items and give me feedback and it’s just blown me away, it’s why I’ve kept going. “It’s such a great environment and I’ve learnt so much.” Ms Crawford said Canberra has been a fantastic place to further her career; with many smaller patisseries around town, she’s been able to learn a lot from each business where she has worked. “Everywhere I go, there is something new to learn, which I really appreciate … they’re all doing something a little bit different.” - Denholm Samaras

Canberra park honours first naturalised Australian

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In 1949, Jan Jandura Pucek, a Slovak immigrant, became the first naturalised Australian. Jandura Park in O’Connor is named after him, but few know his story. That will change next year. The Embassy of the Slovak Republic has received a $5,450 heritage grant from the ACT Government to establish a Canberra Tracks sign in April. (At the moment, there is only a small sign.) Using augmented reality, visitors will be able to watch a historic video of Jandura receiving his citizenship on their devices, the Slovak ambassador to Australia, H.E. Tomáš Ferko explained. Jan Jandura Pucek left what was then Czechoslovakia in 1939, and moved to Australia to earn money to help his family. He settled in Tidbinbilla, and worked at the eucalyptus oil distillery

there. (Tidbinbilla did not become a nature reserve until 1962.) Jandura had expected to be in Australia only for a couple of years – but when World War II broke out, he was stuck here, and lost contact with his family. He did not see his wife for 10 years. When the Communists took power in 1949, she set out to Australia. In an astonishing coincidence, she recognised her husband’s photograph in a newspaper aboard the ship. The couple were soon reunited. They are survived by a son, who lives in Sydney. An event will be held next year, probably as part of the Heritage Festival in April. Seventeen other projects have also received Heritage Grants, totalling $387,000, said Rebecca Vassarotti, ACT Minister for Heritage. - Nick Fuller

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news To the editor Australia must lead in reducing emissions Bill Stefaniak rehearses standard climate denier lines, arguing our greenhouse gas abatement efforts will make no difference, so we should do nothing (CW 21 October 21, p8). This completely ignores that the current global emissions trajectory would lead to catastrophe, and that any reductions in emissions will incrementally reduce impacts. Australia will be the developed nation most impacted by global heating, with much of Australia at risk of becoming unusable for agriculture or even uninhabitable. It is therefore in our interests to lead in reducing emissions, to provide a credible basis for encouraging other countries to follow suit. Instead, our federal government has been a global laggard, selling out our J. Miller, Curtin nation’s future.

Look to nuclear power Alicia Payne (CW 28 October 2021 p12) trots out the tired old climate alarmist theories once again. Firstly, she wrongly accuses the federal government of neglecting climate action, when records show Australia has lowered its emissions by as much as 30 per cent in the last 20 years, much more than so-called “progressive” countries like Canada and New Zealand. She then states the misleading comment that the ACT is 100 per cent renewable electricity driven. This is the big lie; renewable energy only powers less than 10 per cent of all energy needed by the ACT, the rest is from coal and gas we get from NSW. So, if the ACT was only powered by renewable energy we would basically freeze in the winter, cook in the summer, and not have enough energy to power our homes.

Whilst Ms Payne states we have abundant wind, sun, hydro, and rare earth minerals, she fails to mention the most abundant element we have in the ground that is a power pack of energy and produces no greenhouse emissions – uranium. Many European countries, like France, have been using nuclear power safely for decades, whilst other countries like England that boast about being

Want to share your opinion? Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘To the editor’ in the subject field; include your full name, phone number, street address (NFP) and suburb. Keep letters to 250 words maximum. Note, letters may be shortened if space restrictions dictate.

Australia could face waves of ‘climate refugees’ In the wake of Federal Cabinet’s climate change policy negotiations, a topic less discussed is what will happen when a mass of migrants (aka ‘climate refugees’) flood Australia’s shores after being displaced due to climate change. Dr Ian Fry from the ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society, and the Pacific representative to the UN for the International Council on Environmental Law, shared some sobering statistics. “On average, there are 26 million people per year displaced by floods, storms, and other climate-related disasters, so that’s around 71,000 people per day globally. It’s quite a serious issue,” Dr Fry said. People internationally displaced due to climate issues aren’t classified as refugees in Australia. “If the refugee policies were changed, Canberra would see an increase in international



100 per cent renewable, much like the ACT, tap into France’s nuclear power for the vast majority of their energy needs. In fact, at the moment their power prices are astronomical because the wind is not blowing and they have closed down most of their coal fired power stations. If Ms Pain wants clean energy jobs, maybe she should start looking at nuclear power. I. Pilsner, Weston

migrants displaced by climate change,” Dr Fry said. He said the science tells us cyclones are going to get worse, and we will eventually have to face the fact that severe cyclones will cause climate displacement for Australians. “It’s also highly likely as we keep pushing the boundaries of agriculture, the drought on the lands used for farming will become more severe and a greater section will become unusable.” When it comes to the Australian Government’s climate change targets, Dr Fry is clear: they are totally inadequate. “Cabinet is battling with having a target of net zero by 2050 and the Nationals pushing back on that, but the international community is looking at us to take decisive action,” he said. “It’s in our own national interest.” - Abbey Halter

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Meet the residents of Spoonville at Marigal Gardens Welcome to Marigal Gardens retirement village, where the residents are authors and artists, war heroes and bikers. Recently, a Spoonville has sprouted at the entrance, the joint effort of the retirees and the toddlers of the Early Learning Centre next door.

The residents of Marigal Gardens retirement village in Kambah have recently erected a Spoonville with the help of Urambi Early Learning Centre. Photo: Kerrie Brewer

This was the brainchild of Nelly, the 61-year-old “baby” of the retirement village, and two-year-old granddaughter, Emilija. Spoonville draws in passers-by to a village so colourful, it co-wrote a novel. “My husband and I have been here for four years, coming December,” said Nelly. “I’m known for running the events. “1920s murder mystery nights, different bands coming to preform, doing the lodge up like a cruise ship for a big ‘Maiden Voyage’ last year. And yes, we’ve started bingo.” Nelly’s neighbours include retired sea captain Michael Taylor, who headed the HMAS Vampire, now found at the Australian National Maritime Museum, and Margitta Acker, author of Meat Pies and Mumbling Blokes, who came to Canberra when Lake Burley Griffin was non-existent.

“Some of the chats around the bar on a Friday night can be very interesting,” laughed Nelly. No one knows Marigal’s secrets better than Nelly, who pens a column called ‘Getting to Know You’ in the village’s monthly newsletter, sharing the abundance of history between its walls. It was her idea to put together the 21 chapters of real-life memories, experiences and some absolute fiction penned by the residents. Each story is centred on a tree - a symbol of power through age - and will be published this year. But back to Spoonville. When Nelly found the lockdown-born trend on social media, she decided to give it a go and made the first couple. Then one day, a wooden pelican appeared, courtesy of her

neighbour, Bob. The site was taken to by Emilija and her tiny peers, and soon Spoonville had an equally eclectic bunch of residents as Marigal itself. Nelly, with her boundless energy and penchant for Friday nights, said the secret to keeping young at heart is to always stay active, help others, and keep your children and grandchildren close. Presently Marigal Village has 71 villas, and just over 100 residents. The apartments currently being built on site are expected to bring in another hundred or so over the next few years. “I plan on being here for a long time,” said Nelly. “My hope for Marigal is that it continues to be as sociable and friendly as the day we arrived.” - Anja de Rozario

Cancer survivor: Blood donors ‘have saved my life’

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“Acute Myeloid Leukaemia has lifted my life up, thrown me to the ground and spun me on my head,” said Maddy, a 21-year-old cancer survivor from Canberra. After her diagnosis four years ago, Maddy’s life has been a revolving door of hospital visits, receiving dozens of life-saving blood and platelet transfusions. “When I was diagnosed, I felt shocked. I was in total disbelief and lost for words – the world stood still. I will remember that day forever, looking back on a young girl who had no idea how her journey would unfold,” Maddy said. Although now in remission, she said the sense of the disease looming will be something she feels will remain forever. “Remission is a difficult word to explain for me. There is the joy and

strength in conquering cancer, but also like a cloud following me around as a reminder.” To the people who have donated blood and helped save her life, Maddy feels eternal gratitude. “I would just like to say thank you! Your donations aren’t just a bag of blood to me – I am just one person who lives because of a blood donation,” Maddy smiled. Until 14 November, 12,000 new donors are needed, and 33,000 donations are needed each week to meet the demand – one blood donation alone can save up to three people’s lives. Every blood donor until then will receive a limited-edition bandage designed by a wellknown artist. Head to lifeblood.com.au to find out more. - Abbey Halter






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At a glance Canberra United signs two Internationals

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Canberra United has signed two international players, with Ally Haran and Chelsee Washington set to join the squad for the upcoming A-League Women’s season. Haran and Washington join United from Orlando Pride, after the side played their season finale in the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) on Friday. Haran has spent one season with the Pride, the 25-year-old defender also making brief appearances with Houston Dash and North Carolina Courage. “I have had a few conversations with Coach Vicki and I love the way she talks about the team and environment,” Haran said. “I really feel I will be able to fit into their team dynamic this season.” Washington was selected by the Orlando Pride in 2020 out of Bowling Green State University. She made 10 appearances in 2021, and started two matches. The midfielder said she can’t wait to touch down in Australia. “The women’s league in Australia has been known to be a catalyst for development and an overall incredible opportunity for younger players like myself to grow and learn,” Washington said. “I’m especially excited to play for Canberra because from what I’ve seen, this team has an incredible fan base and prioritises unity which are two exciting components to be a part of.” The pair will arrive in Australia at the end of the week and will join the squad on Monday. Canberra United squad signing announcements 2021/22: Michelle Heyman, Emma Ilijoski, Laura Hughes, Allira Toby, Grace Maher, Keeley Richards, Hayley Taylor-Young, Lauren Keir, Margot Robinne, Holly Caspers, Chloe Middleton, Beth Mason-

Jones, Alexia Karrys-Stahl, Mikayla Vidmar, Ally Haran, Chelsee Washington.

Rapana pleads guilty to drink driving Canberra Raiders star Jordan Rapana has allegedly pleaded guilty to a low-range drink driving charge in Queensland from September. Rapana faced the Maroochydore Magistrates Court in October after he was caught driving over the limit along Bradman Avenue, Maroochydore on 27 September. He blew a reading of 0.098 after admitting to police he had been drinking prior to getting behind the wheel. The 2021 Mal Meninga Medallist was fined $500 and disqualified for driving for three months but avoided a conviction. Rapana’s solicitor Dave Garratt said his client is expecting a “huge” fine by the NRL as well as a suspension.

Cavs season cancelled The Canberra Cavalry’s season is over before it begun with the Australian Baseball League (ABL) announcing the cancellation of the 2021/22 season due to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19. Cavalry General Manager Sunny Singh believes that there will still be opportunities for the Canberra public to get its baseball fix. “This is hard for our fans, who have been so wonderful throughout the adversity of the last two years,” Singh said. “We have already started talking with other ABL teams about finding opportunities to have some baseball at the Fort @ MIT Ballpark this summer, and with Covid-19 restrictions allowing, we’ll be making every effort to make sure it happens.”


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GIVIT donation of the week: Trampoline GIVIT is working hard with its registered charities to ensure that children across the ACT affected by domestic violence feel supported and loved. A Canberra based organisation is requesting an extra special something for two young boys who have been through a difficult period. The children are in kinship care and both struggle with sensory issues. One of the best resources they have found to help regulate their bodies and minds is time spent on a trampoline. The organisation is reaching out to the Canberra community requesting a good quality 13-foot (or similar) trampoline with a net. To donate, visit givit.org.au/whats-needed, search category ‘Sporting Equipment’, location ‘ACT’. After you pledge the item, you will be contacted by the relevant organisation to arrange delivery.

Terribly British Day vehicle display Featuring some of the region’s very best British motor vehicles and motor bikes, the 46th annual Terribly British Day will be held on Sunday 5 December 10am-2pm in Queanbeyan Park, Lowe Street. See the Jaguar E-type, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary, and all the famous British marques –Austin, Morris, Triumph, Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Morgan, Bentley and more. A new arrival to the event will be a 1953 Triumph Mayflower making its first official public appearance. Donations during the day will be presented to Respite Care for Queanbeyan. Any COVID-19 restrictions will be complied with.

Share your community event. Email news@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

what's on

The Marymead Auxiliary invites friends of Marymead to a Christmas Morning Tea to be held in the gardens of Government House, Yarralumla on Wednesday 1 December 10am-12noon. Tickets: $40. Please bring a chair or rug and enjoy a wonderful morning spent amongst the beautiful gardens at Government House. There will be morning tea, craft, preserves, raffle and entertainment. Parking will be available in the grounds and morning tea will still be held if it rains. Ticket sales close Wednesday 24 November. More info and bookings: marymead.org.au/upcoming-events

NSW Country Women’s Association The Southern Tablelands Group of CWA of NSW held their AGM via Zoom on 15 October. All executive positions were filled with Karen Pavey (Goulburn Evening Branch) being elected as Group President and State Executive Committee Member, and Jude Nettleingham (Bungendore) as Group Secretary. The Southern Tablelands Group is made up of some 15 branches, including Braidwood, Goulburn, Queanbeyan, Yass and more. Some areas have both a day and evening branch. New members are always welcome.

Christ Church Hawker Coffee/Op Shop Coffee/Op Shop on Saturday 6 November 9am-12 noon at Christ Church Hawker (corner of Beetaloo Street and Belconnen Way). There will be trash & treasure, pre-loved clothes (including children’s and infant’s items), books, a cake stall with homemade jams, and Covid-safe morning teas. Masks required to be worn indoors. More info: 0428 266 658. canberraweekly.com.au

The Zonta Club of Caboolture Queensland is holding an online auction of fine photographic prints and handcrafted wares on 4-16 November. Funds raised will support emergency accommodation for victims of domestic violence in the Caboolture area. Visit www.32auctions. com/craftyarts to treat yourself or find great Christmas gifts, all while supporting a worthy cause.

Another Chance op shop Another Chance op shop at Scullin shops will have 50 per cent off the entire store from Friday 12 to Saturday 20 November. Eight days of great deals, with new stock on display daily. Choose from clothing, books, kitchenware, toys, linen and more. Lots of bargains to be found. Open 10am-4.30pm weekdays and 10am-1pm Saturday.


Marymead Government House morning tea


Crafty Arts for Crisis Accommodation

must do

must see

Lions Clubs Canberra – Lap for Map walks Sponsored by Lions Clubs on behalf of Diabetes Australia, Lap for Map is a family-friendly event to raise community awareness of diabetes on Sunday 14 November, World Diabetes Awareness Day. In Canberra, Lap for Map involves a self-paced, all-abilities walk in three locations: a 4.3km walk around Yerrabi Pond, starting at Yerrabi Pond District Park, Wunderlich Street, Nicholls; a 5km or 2km walk around Lake Tuggeranong, starting at the Community Centre on Cowlishaw Street, Tuggeranong; and John Knight Memorial Park at Belconnen. All walks will start at 10am and finish by 2pm. Walkers are required to register with a gold coin donation; any other donations will be gladly accepted. All funds raised will go to the Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation and Diabetes NSW & ACT. Refreshments available. Lions Club volunteers will host a barbecue at the Yerrabi Pond and Lake Ginninderra events at the end of the walk. To find out more, visit lionsclubs.org/en/blog/Lions-Successfully-Lap-the-Map-forDiabetes-Awareness or find @lionslapthemap on Facebook.

Narrabundah Probus Club After a lockdown hiatus, the next meeting of Probus Club in Narrabundah is Tuesday 16 November 11am at Harmonie German Club. The club meets on the third Tuesday each month and enjoy lunch together afterwards. Next guest speaker is Dr Sue Packer, a former Senior Australian of the Year. An especial interest for Sue is the impact of environment on babies’ brain development and the similarities between very old and very young brains and the care and supports that need to be provided. Members and interested people welcome. More info: call John on 6295 7836.

Synapse Worldwide Pty Ltd advertising moment

Three ways to grow and recover your business post-lockdown As Canberra reopens after lockdown, the community is eager to get out once again and make the most of their freedom. Many small businesses suffered big losses during lockdown, so there’s never been a more important time to capitalise on the fact Canberrans are out and about and looking to spend money. Digital strategist and founder of Synapse Worldwide, Sam Gupta, has put together a list of three things every small business can do with their online presence to seize the moment, build momentum, and grow in the months ahead.


Review your website

If the website has not been rebuilt or modified significantly in the last 12 months, Sam says it’s time to review your website. With times changing and the online world advancing rapidly, customers expect more from businesses online. “From being found on Google to ease of placing an online enquiry/order to accepting payments, your customers are used to spending more time online and looking for ways to do business online whenever possible,” he said.


Advertise effectively

According to Sam, running a widereaching advertising campaign across both digital and traditional platforms is a “must”.

“Don't just focus on one type of advertising medium or channel; advertise online and offline,” he said. “One of our clients got multiple enquiries from a single ad in Canberra Weekly during the lockdown.” Ultimately, Sam says building awareness throughout the market is “critical” to achieving business growth. “Take the time to understand your target audience,” he said. “Get in front of them and communicate your message or offer clearly.”


Build online reviews

While word-of-mouth has long been a gold standard, Sam says converting happy customers into online reviews is today just as important when it comes to building trust and securing business. “Regardless of whether you are a longestablished business or a relatively new business, most people turn to online reviews before making a purchase decision nowadays. “Collecting reviews could be a time consuming or hard process at times, but it needs to be done. “People judge the book by its cover but mostly buy after reading the reviews at the back.” With over a decade spent creating online solutions, Sam is well versed in formulating, implementing, and executing digital strategies. Sam’s holistic knowledge base spans digital

Sam Gupta of Synapse Worldwide explains how Canberra businesses can fast track their post lockdown recovery.

marketing, web design, web development, e-commerce websites, web applications, search engine optimisation (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM). Synapse Worldwide is a well-respected name in Canberra, having helped many local organisations grow their businesses through expanding their online reach. Sam understands what it takes to build highperformance websites and web applications, transforming the online presence of many Canberra businesses to better harness and embrace the digital economy. If you’d like a personalised digital solution tailored to your business, contact Sam and the team at Synapse Worldwide on 1300 785 230.

Synapse Worldwide Ph 1300 785 230 W synapse.com.au E sales@synapse.com.au

1300 785 230 | SYNAPSE.COM.AU

cover story

A duet win for Canberra Women in Business Twin winners were named Business Woman of the Year at the 2021 Rubik3 Canberra Women in Business

“When we set out, we never really knew what

(CWB) Awards last Thursday, both of whom embody

exactly it was we were going to do. I just wanted to

the tenacity and boldness shown by female-led

get in there and do it all,” Natashia said.

businesses during the pandemic. CWB Business Woman of the Year winner,

Hospital for a combined 18 years, due to their

juxtaposition of genuine humility and a fiery passion

conditions not fitting the right boxes in the system.

“When they called my name, it was overwhelming. I applied for the Social Impact Award and decided to chuck my hat in the ring last minute. I really didn’t

Natashia and Lisa fought a seven-year battle to educate and get the green light from ACT Health that the four people were not in feasible care. They broke rules and funded care out of their own

expect to win at all. I’d only written my one speech! It

pockets, until finally, all four patients were living in a

was phenomenal, I was in awe of all the women I was

purpose-built home, with assistance provided in all

surrounded by.

aspects of life.

“I do get imposter syndrome. Sometimes I feel like I’m not worthy of this,” Natashia said. National Community Care fights for financial support for those who fall between the gaps of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Natashia had worked across the board in healthcare before finding her calling, although her journey started before then. At just 18, in the middle of her gap year, Natashia was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, “right when I was

“Just because no one stands up to question a rule, doesn’t mean it’s right,” said Natashia. Today, National Community Care has become the go-to company for the “too hard” baskets. Natashia believes that there aren’t enough women in business, “and it’s because we second guess ourselves!” “At the end of the day, nobody ever made me feel like a fish out of water, I put myself there.” A trail blazer through the woods, her advice to

trying to figure out what I was going to do with my

those who follow is simple. “Jump! If it’s truly your


passion, it’s a no brainer.

“Up until that point I honestly thought the purpose

“There’s no such thing as a business failure. If you

of life was having kids.” She was informed that due

see that your business idea is a sinking ship, and you

to her condition, she might not ever be able to have

decide to call it off, then that’s called a smart business


decision. It truly is about having perspective and

Natashia went on to beat cancer after six months of treatment. Ten days after that, she enrolled in a healthcare course at CIT. The light of her new purpose had ignited. “If only I could provide one single person a little bit of the help that I received …” Her future business partner, Lisa Walker, who ran Natashia Telfer, co-founder and director of National Community Care, is joint winner of the 2021 Chamberlains Law Business Woman of the Year award. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

Early on, the women were approached by Atticus, a not-for-profit with four clients living in Canberra

Natashia Telfer of National Community Care, is a to help those deemed too difficult for the system.

Joint winner of the 2021 Chamberlains Law Business Woman of the Year award is Olga Imbriano, founder of Bellelis Australia. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

without me’.

a national nursing agency at the time, approached

revaluating every step of the way.” Joint winner, Olga Imbriano’s energy and innovation has carried her through dark times, ever since she migrated from the Czech Republic. Despite having an extensive background in finance, Olga shared the experience of many migrants in Australia, struggling to find work when her qualifications weren’t recognised.

Natashia with a keen eye. “She said, ‘I just knew you were going places and I didn’t want you going there

(continued page 22)


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2021 Awards WINNER


Branded Graphics is a multi-disciplinary design company. We strategically partner with many different brands and businesses across Government, Private and Not-for-profit sectors to create the extraordinary.



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cover story

(continued page 20)

father was hit by a car. While visiting

Bellelis storefront began to take shape.

Bellelis stocked would be Australian

him every day in hospital, buying new

Knowing she needed more hands,

female and “mum-led” businesses.

She waitressed at a café for a year,

body suits became the last thing she

Olga gave jobs to five other mums in

“Women supporting women

weathering comments about her

could think of.

the community. Many of the mothers

and mums supporting mums,” Olga

Olga would hire in the future were her

insisted, paying forward the leg up she

own customers.

received from Phillipa years ago.

accent and background, until one

“I remembered with my older one,

customer recognised her potential. “Phillipa Leggo. We’re still friends to this day,” smiled Olga. “And we

I used these bodysuit extenders that I couldn’t find in Australia.” extender in the corner of her family

out of this world! She was the one who

room. When friends asked for some

gave me a chance when no one else

too, Olga tried to order the special


buttons online. “I couldn’t find them in Australia,

finance. As she provided support to

and it turned out the minimum you

various businesses, Olga found herself

could order was 1000 pieces!”

dreaming of one day having a shop of her own.

Now her store is rebranding to

Thus, she made her very first

were finalists together this year. That’s

Phillipa brought Olga back into

Later still, 80 per cent of the brands

Bellelis’ first form was an online store selling a single item. After that, Olga’s dream fell into place more

Bellelis was a light inspired by dark

With a wide interest in cloth nappies inspired by lockdown, Olga

leave with her second daughter, her

was further encouraged and the

QT Canberra Young Business Woman of the Year is Vanessa Schimizzi, Branded Graphics. Image supplied.



Can b

e ss


s ne Busi


Located at: Phillip | Belconnen | Queanbeyan Batemans Bay | Ulladulla | Orange

e Wom n in B u rra



times. While Olga was on maternity

Melissa Lacey of Point River Networks, received two awards - Pipeline Talent Indigenous Business Woman of the Year, and Elite Event Technology Innovation Business Woman of the Year. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.




quickly than she could have ever

out a huge loan.”

ea r

“I always thought to start a business I would need to win the lottery or take

sW Y oman of the

cover story the ‘B Eco Family,’ continuously

Woman of the Year: Vanessa

Elite Event Technology

teaching the benefits of eco-friendly

Schimizzi, Branded Graphics

Innovation Business Woman of

baby products. Olga says she’s still

Pipeline Talent Indigenous

the Year: Melissa Lacey, Point River

learning to dream big.

Business Woman of the Year:


Melissa Lacey, Point River

Bookssorted Social Impact

products I make myself. I’m keeping


Business Woman of the Year:

that as my baby,” she laughed. “The

Solace Creations Small Business

Antoniette Gomez, Exhale

name is a combination of Bella,

Woman of the Year: Justine

Coaching & Consulting

which my husband called me when

Lennane, Gumnut Dance

“Bellelis will still represent the

- Anja de Rozario

we met, and my daughter’s name, “You don’t need a huge amount time. This came from one of the hardest times of my life. You just need to go with the flow and start

QT Canberra Young Business Woman of the Year • Schae Zarew, The Strength Syndicate • Vanessa Schimizzi, Branded Graphics *

Elite Event Technology Innovation Business of the Year • Justine Lennane, Gumnut Dance • Lakshmi West, Digital Design Partners • Mandy Snashall, Digital Design Partners • Melissa Lacey, Point River Networks* • Sunita Kumar, Daana's Pantry • Victoria Pearce, Endangered Heritage

with whatever you dream about.” The CWB 2021 award winners are: Chamberlains Law Business Woman of the Year: Olga Imbriano, Bellelis Australia;

QT Canberra Young Business

Chamberlains Law Business Woman of the Year • Angela Griffiths, Latorta • Carina Zeccola, Griffin Legal • Olga Imbriano, Bellelis* • Natashia Telfer, National Community Care* • Philippa Leggo, Scott Leggo • Rachel Reid, Flazeda

Solace Creations Small Business of the Year • Antoniette Gomez, Exhale Coaching & Consulting • Bianca Prichard, Jindii EcoSpa • Gillian Horton, Colleen’s Lingerie and Swimwear • Justine Lennane, Gumnut Dance* • Manjula Mishra, Simply Lentils

of money, and there is never a right

Community Care

The finalists in the 2021 Rubik3 Canberra Women in Business Awards were:

Pipeline Talent Indigenous Business Woman of the Year • Belinda Kendall, Curijo Pty Ltd • Melissa Lacey, Point River Networks*


and Natashia Telfer, National

2021 CWB awards finalists

Bookssorted Social Impact Business Woman of the Year is Antoniette Gomez, Exhale Coaching & Consulting.

Solace Creations Small Business Woman of the Year is Justine Lennane, Gumnut Dance. Photos: Kerrie Brewer.

Bookssorted Social Impact Business of the Year • Antoniette Gomez, Exhale Coaching & Consulting* • Kelli Donovan, PurePod Sustainable • Natashia Telfer, National Community Care *category winner





Experts in all things design, Branded Graphics is a


Canberra-based creative design company with a


down to earth and approachable philosophy.

Whether you’re buying or selling residential,

Director and designer of Branded Graphics, Vanessa Schimizzi, has been running the show for

new development

over a year now, and said it’s because of her loyal

or investment

clients and the great Canberra network that her

properties, Maria

business started flourishing.

Selleck Properties is the agency

“I actually started the business through COVID and it really took off! We were really successful through it,

for you. With an

and I think having everything online and being able to

aim to create clients for life with the finest service

work remotely really helped,” Vanessa said.

in Canberra, the talented team of like-minded individuals are ready and waiting to assist and the

Her experience as a woman in business has been

agency is 100 per cent locally owned.

amazing, and she loves meeting different people

“Commitment to our clients is paramount to

and networking, working on projects she didn’t think would ever be possible, and helping people build

new business venture to take a leap of faith because

our philosophy and practice. With Maria Selleck

their business and succeed in any way she can.

that’s when the magic happens.”

Properties, you’ll experience an outstanding team

“I think it’s not about being the best, it’s just

When you contact Branded Graphics, you’ll

about believing in yourself when others don’t and

be dealing with Vanessa directly, and will receive

to achieve the most successful results possible,”

saying yes to opportunities that sound daunting,”

affordable and expert dealings.

Maria Selleck said.

Vanessa said. “I want to inspire people who are thinking about a



dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and


W: mariaselleck.com.au


T: 6162 1234

advertising feature THE POP YOUR BUSINESS CONFERENCE local Canberran, Bec McFarland, has found the solution to Canberra’s lack of big-name business events – she’s hosting her own! “I’m so ridiculously excited!

Selling a home can be one of the most important decisions you may make. At Maria Selleck Proper�es we strive for top, stress-free customer service, professionalism and integrity in everything we do.

I hear a lot from clients and colleagues that nothing ever happens in Canberra and business owners are tired of travelling to Sydney and Melbourne,” Mrs

and features speakers from all around

McFarland said.

the country sharing their ideas and

“With that in mind, I created an amazing annual event in Canberra and I’m looking forward to bringing

advice to support the attendees who are growing their businesses. Headlining the event is Melbourne

high profile speakers to the city and

brand expert Suzanne Chadwick,

sharing them with a local business

along with a long list of talented


individuals. The Pop Your Business

The Pop Your Business

Conference will be held on 11-12

Conference is promoting business

March 2022.

growth with integrity and intention,

W: popyourbusiness.com/conference

11-12 MARCH 2022 OVOLO NISHI CANBERRA More information and ticket purchase at popyourbusiness.com/conference


Maria Selleck Proper�es is renowned for achieving record sales (Maria has personally achieved 70 record suburban and regional record price sales) and outstanding sales results, with a clear emphasis on placing clients’ interests first.

Award winning entrepreneur and

Sell for more with Maria Selleck Properties Call Maria Selleck 0417 258 803/6162 1234

mariaselleck.com.au REIACT Residen�al Salesperson of the Year Award 2020 | REIACT Best Small Agency of the Year, six �mes REIA Na�onal Award, Best Small Residen�al Agency of the Year 2013 | REIACT Hall of Fame, Best Small Residen�al Agency 2012 | REIACT Small Agency Print Adver�sing Award, twice | CWB Businesswoman of the Year 2011 | CWB Best New Business 2010

The Conference

BUSINESS GROWTH WITH INTEGRITY & INTENTION 50% off tickets already sold! Don't miss out!



advertising feature NATIONAL COMMUNITY CARE




National Community Care (NCC) is

Simply Lentils is vegetarian heaven,

providing quality care to those within

with a vast range of pre-mixes made

the Canberran community who often

from ground lentils and pulses, bursting

find themselves going unheard,

with warmth and aromatic spices to

unseen and forgotten.

boost immunity and gut health.

NCC is a niche company sitting

“Having lived in Australia for

between the health sector and the

over a decade I have rarely seen

disability sector, bridging the gap for

pulses or lentils on Aussie plates.

clients stuck between the two, by

Not because lentils aren’t grown in

providing daily care, social supports,

Australia, but because the culinary

community access and complex

culture here doesn’t view them as a

clinical nursing care within the home. Most recently they have

main ingredient,” says director and including aged care, disability, acquired

extended their purpose into Support

brain injury, and now director of National


Community Care ACT.

Co-founder Natashia Telfer is

professional chef, Manjula. Her latest range, Wholesome &

give Simply Lentils a try too, for their

Nutritious plant-based convenience,

Meatless Monday dinners. For a

is NOT another fake-meat brand.

limited time only, Canberra Weekly

a mother, cancer survivor, and a

needs first is one of their greatest

Manjula knows that vegans value

readers can use their exclusive

Canberra Women in Business 2021

assets and can be yours too.

variety, and they don’t want another

coupon code, CW10, to get a 10 per

Business Woman of the Year.

To experience quality care, call

brand offering fake burgers and

cent discount on their dinners.

6242 4978 or visit


Shop online at

Her team’s ability to put client

She has worked within the healthcare sector for almost two decades, in roles


She encourages flexitarians to


Looking for plant-based food, which is

TASTY, EASY & NUTRITIOUS? Just add water and cook ✓ ✓ ✓

Create savoury pancakes, crepes, burger, nuggets, ayurvedic Indian meal, un-meatballs and more!! Ready in minutes, great for camping and travel. Dry lentil & pulses-based premix, can be stored in pantry.

LENbites™ (Nuggets/Burger Premix) Yogi Bowl™ (Ayurvedic Khichari Meal Premix) LENcakes™

(Savoury Pancake Premix)

Some of our local stockists

Ainslie IGA I Chifley Grocers I POP Canberra I As Nature Intended Bharat International I Capital Region Farmers Market I Haig Park Village Markets

@simplylentils ORDER on our Website – www.simplylentils.com.au Home Delivery in ACT (FREE DELIVERY for orders above $60)

Use COUPON CODE – CW10 for 10% discount 26


Source of protein

Made in CBR

advertising feature

JINDII ECOSPA: A NURTURING OASIS A wellspring of health, wellbeing and selfcare in the Heart of Canberra. Promoting reconnection to your inner sanctum through mindfulness and soulenriching, grounding treatments. Inspired by the surrounds of the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Jindii EcoSpa is a nurturing oasis to escape life’s hectic pace and just “be”. Infusing locally sourced botanicals, our garden sanctuary provides spa rituals to inspire a deep connection to nature and self. Inspire. Replenish. Connect. T: 6257 8777 | W: jindii.com.au

Inspire. Replenish. Connect.

Australian National Botanic Gardens | Canberra | 02 6257 8777 | www.jindii.com.au canberraweekly.com.au


advertising feature DIGITAL DESIGN PARTNERS:





Winner of Small Business Woman of


the Year Award for 2021, Justine

Many organisations suffer low staff

Lennane is the owner and director of

morale and customer satisfaction

Gumnut Dance and said she’s proud

caused by daily exposure to irritating,

to be using pressure-free dance

cumbersome processes and repetitive

classes to build up children’s

data entry; systems that don’t talk to

confidence and self-esteem.

each other, processes that don’t work,

“These days it’s very competitive,

interfaces that don’t make sense,

solve service challenges for

but at Gumnut Dance we don’t do

services that don’t deliver.

organisations, personnel, customers,

exams, competitions or end of year

DDP are a local Canberra company

and wider society. Are you looking for

concerts because I don’t think kids

who partner with organisations to

a team of service improvement ninjas

need the pressure at a young age,”

identify ways to streamline, re-design

who want to understand your

Justine said.

and automate business processes and

business, your customers, your

operations so they align to staff and

people, and your systems to help you

with special needs and try to be

back in the studio with strict COVID

customer needs.

achieve sustainable transformational

gender neutral as much as possible. I

protocols and a vaccinated teaching

change? Look no further than DDP.

come from a teaching background, so


improvement and the innovative use

Connect online at

it’s more about dance education,

of technology, DDP designs and

www.ddpco.com.au today!

creativity and imagination.”

builds tailored solutions for a wide

T: 0403 888 350

range of clients. We empathetically

E: info@ddpco.com.au

Through human-centred process

“We’re very inclusive of children

Lockdown has been a tough time for Justine, but she’s excited to be

Canberra’s leading creative dance education for kids! At Gumnut Dance we provide a fun, pressure-free dance education, and help kids develop their sense of self through creativity and imagination… All while boosting their confidence, coordination, social skills and self-esteem… Inspiring them into a life journey of dance and learning.

Join our waitlist for 2022 info@gumnutdance.com.au 28



Gumnut Dance also runs birthday parties, discos and holiday programs. W: gumnutdance.com.au T: 0438 863 144

advertising feature FIND YOUR PERFECT FAN AT




If you’re looking to save on air

Solace Creations Double Glazing has

conditioning this summer while still

been a proud sponsor of the Canberra

keeping cool, best to head down to

Women in Business awards for the

Project Lighting showrooms, where you’ll

past three years, and was a finalist in

find a huge range of new ceiling fans.

the Australian Window Association

Their range includes sleek and stylish

Showroom of the Year for 2021.

designs, high air flow options, and the

“I fully appreciate what women go

award-winning Aeratron DC range, which

through when they are starting up and

features the world’s quietest ceiling fan,

running their own business,” owner

the AE2+. If you prefer to shop online, you

Karen Porter said.

can visit their website to view their

Like many other businesses,

comprehensive range, and receive free

Solace Creations has felt the weight of

contactless delivery across the Canberra

pandemic restrictions this year, and

area. Or call their sales staff at your local

Karen was heartbroken to shut her

comfortable their house is after we’ve

store to discuss which options would best

showroom during the lockdown, and

installed their windows. We try to

suit your requirements. With stores in

to have to stand down some of her

make our customer experience the

Phillip, Belconnen, Queanbeyan,

staff. Fortunately, everything returned

best,” Karen said.

Batemans Bay, Ulladulla and Orange, you

to normal once the construction

can be sure to find a Project Lighting store

sector could reopen.

close to your home, or coast house. W: projectlighting.com.au

“I just love seeing our clients’ faces admiring how beautiful and

“We get to make people’s homes more comfortable and also do our part for the planet.” W: solacecreations.com.au

Digital Design Partners

With over 30 years of experience designing and delivering business and digital transformation, we partner with clients to share our insights, design holistic solutions and successfully implement rapid, sustainable service transformation.


Contact us to learn more



Leverage our expertise to streamline your business, improve staff productivity and increase customer satisfaction.




advertising feature FLAZÉDA REINVESTS IN ALTERNATE ARTS It was an “exciting honour” for Rachel Reid, founder of Belconnen-based social enterprise alternate performing arts hub, Flazéda, to qualify as a Canberra Business Woman of the Year finalist. Having started alternate performing Latorta sources high quality caking products from Australia and around the world.

EVERYTHING FOR YOUR NEXT CAKE WHAT’S a party without cake?...

Productions, six years ago, Ms Reid

performances and cabaret shows by

founded Flazéda in January as a dance

night, and can be hired out for parties and functions.

Our team of professional cake

studio, licensed venue and production

Declarations of love without chocolate?...

decorators provide advice and tips so

house, and has been working tirelessly

Or a special dinner without dessert?

everyone can achieve success in their

since to build it.

Trends may come and go but baking as a

baking and decorating projects.

love language is here to stay.


arts performance business, Jazida

For Christmas and Teacher gifts,

Latorta specialises in ingredients

consider the hugely popular cookie

and equipment for the cake decorator,

trend where cookie embossers have

the baker, and the chocolatier. We have

made it so easy to create stunning

over 4000 products tailored to meet

effects with minimal effort.

every need for home cooks, hobbyists,

Latorta is located at Shop 17 Majura

and professionals. We welcome you to

Park Shopping Centre, Canberra Airport.

browse our store and let your food

Phone 6257 1248 or visit

dreams run wild.



“I work in the arts industry and I

Flazéda proudly reinvests profits back into creating performance and learning opportunities within the alternate arts

challenge you to find an industry hit


harder during COVID,” she said.

Unit 4/68 Emu Bank, Belconnen ACT

The venue hosts classes and workshops by day, ‘dinner and a show’

T: 0433 727 857 W: flazedahub.com

“Do what you love and success will follow. Passion is the fuel behind a successful career.”

– Meg Whitman


Worldly Okonomiyaki

Button Mushroom & Prawn Okonomiyaki Serves 4 200g button mushrooms, finely sliced 100g shiitake mushrooms, finely sliced


100g enoki mushrooms, trimmed, separated

Okonomiyaki is a Japanese savoury pancake-meets-omelette that delights locals and tourists alike. In its motherland, it typically consists of cabbage, meat, and seafood, but its simple construction means your palate can travel the world with Okonomiyaki, just by switching the ingredients. These recipes give you Latin-Japanese fusion, and an Aussie, Aussie, Aussie take too.

2 cups finely shredded Chinese cabbage

Feast by Miguel Maestre, Published by Plum, RRP $39.99, Photography by Jeremy Simons.

Okonomiyaki with Chimichurri Serves 2 80g plain flour 2 eggs 200g (2 cups) shredded cabbage 3 spring onions, green parts only, finely sliced 1 chorizo sausage, finely sliced on the diagonal 2 Tbsp crumbled Greek feta (optional) Your choice of coriander leaves, shichimi togarashi, furikake, and Japanese mayonnaise (kewpie), to serve Chimichurri 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 long red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped Juice of 1/2 lemon Small handful of flat-leaf parsley leaves Small handful of coriander leaves 80ml (1/2 cup) extra-virgin olive oil Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper

To make the chimichurri, place all the ingredients in a blender and blitz to your preferred consistency. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary. Mix together the flour, eggs and 100ml of water in a bowl to form a smooth batter. Fold in the cabbage and spring onion. Heat a medium frying pan or barbecue hot plate over high heat. Add the batter and use a scraper to shape it into a circle about 20cm in diameter. Cook for 5 minutes, allowing the water and cabbage to steam and a crust to form on the bottom. Flip the pancake over and cook for another 5 minutes. At the same time, cook the chorizo slices in the pan or on the hot plate until crispy. Dress in 1 Tbsp of the chimichurri. Slide the pancake onto a plate and top with the crispy chorizo and feta, if using. Drizzle with 2 Tbsp of chimichurri and serve hot, topped with your choice of toppings. Store any leftover chimichurri in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

200g green prawn meat, finely chopped 1 1/2 cups flour 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup milk 1/2 cup cold water Pinch of salt 1/4 tsp white pepper 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup Japanese mayonnaise (Kewpie is available at Woolworths) 2 tbsp salt reduced soy sauce 1/4 cup finely sliced shallots Place mushrooms, cabbage, and prawn meat in large bowl. Sift flour over mushrooms and cabbage mixture and toss gently to coat evenly with flour. Add eggs, milk, and water, and stir gently to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Heat barbecue plate to medium-high and drizzle with 2 Tbsp of oil. Scoop 1/4 cup measurement of mushroom mixture onto the barbecue plate to form eight small pancakes. Barbecue for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden and cooked through. Transfer to a plate and keep warm. Repeat with remaining mixture. To serve, top each pancake with 1 tsp of mayonnaise, drizzle with soy sauce and garnish with green onions. Recipe and image provided by Australian Mushrooms. Find more at australianmushrooms.com.au canberraweekly.com.au


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Kingston’s new Onzieme Hatted Canberra chef Louis Couttoupes has develop ed his massively popular pop-up, Kiosk, to its final form – Onzieme – all midst the 2021 lockdowns. “Kiosk for me was always a trial run for a permanent restaurant; I wanted to know if the Inner South was receptive to the kind of food I wanted to make. “What began as market research into the Inner South ended up being so much more than that, after we weathered and adapted to the 2019 bushfires, and both ACT lockdowns.” After finally opening on Tuesday 19 October, delayed a month due to lockdown, Onzieme is now booked for Fridays and Saturdays up until December. “It’s been a great response from the community in Kingston, after

being quiet for such a long time.” Couttoupes said that Onzieme has seen plenty of old customers from Kiosk, as well as some new faces. Here are a few things you can look forward to at Onzieme: a walk-in-friendly outdoor space, for snacks after work, transitioning into full dining as the weather warms; sodas made inhouse, inspired by the seasonal produce of the kitchen; an ever-changing menu currently featuring smoked duck with sour plum sauce, and Kiosk-favourite: Wood oven roasted cabbage; their breezy, French-bistro style street level location, surrounded by trees, with the windows open in the warmer months; and the secret underground dining area providing Berlin bunker bar vibes. - Anja de Rozario

time out

Canberra’s institutions, museums, galleries reopen On Friday 29 October, the ACT’s health restrictions eased to allow Canberra’s cultural institutions, museums and galleries to reopen to the public. The National Museum of Australia, National Portrait Gallery, National Gallery of Australia, National Film and Sound Archive, and Canberra Museum and Gallery all told Canberra Weekly how they were reopening and what they have in store for the months ahead. National Museum of Australia The bouzoukis were on hand and perhaps a few snifters of ouzo were clinked behind closed doors to a cheer of ‘yamas’ as the National Museum of Australia reopened to the public on Friday 29 October. There was a strong sense of anticipation for Museum staff ahead of the 17 December opening of the long-awaited summer blockbuster exhibition, Ancient Greeks: Athletes Warriors and Heroes. Closed for 11 weeks due to the ACT’s lockdown restrictions, Museum director, Dr Mathew Trinca, said he was relieved to reopen the institution to the public. “Museums exist to be open,” he said. “It’s a landmark moment when we can reopen, we can welcome people back onsite and start having our staff back onsite in earnest.” For weeks prior to Friday, staff have been working on the plans and arrangements to allow the Museum to reopen in line with all public health requirements. Dr Trinca said the process of reopening is more difficult than that of closing. “The act of closing is hard enough, but the planning, the preparation and the work that goes in to being properly arranged and prepared for welcoming people back onsite is a very great deal,” he said. Deemed an essential worker over lockdown, the Museum director spent a lot of time working in solitude on site, having the colossal building practically to himself. He described it as an “eerie” time to be in the building with the security staff and no one else. “To think that several weeks ago the place felt shuttered, cold, dark and now there’s a real sense of light that’s flooding back into the place as we open up, it’s quite stark,” he said. Ancient Greeks will feature over 170 iconic objects from the British Museum’s collection

including the marble statues and ornate amphorae Greece is known for, and will enjoy an extended four-month stay in Canberra. Many of the items have never been to the Antipodes nor the southern hemisphere before. Dr Trinca was thrilled Ancient Greeks will go ahead, noting large-scale cultural events like it will be important for Canberra over the months ahead. “We’re so delighted that we’ve been able to save this show,” he said. “Canberra needs a big blockbuster exhibition like this over the summer.” Initially slated to open December 2020, in August the exhibition was pushed back to 17 December 2021 due to logistical complications relating to transporting the priceless works amid a pandemic. Tickets for Ancient Greeks can be booked now via nma.gov.au

National Portrait Gallery The National Portrait Gallery also reopened on Friday, and to celebrate offered free entry to the National Photographic Portrait Prize 2021 exhibition last weekend. (continued next page)

National Museum of Australia director, Dr Mathew Trinca, said he was relieved to reopen the institution to the public after ACT lockdown restrictions eased on 29 October. Photo: Denholm Samaras.

The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia will welcome people back from Friday 5 November, returning with a rich Arc Cinema program. File photo. canberraweekly.com.au


time out (from previous page) Their collection displays are also open for viewing, as is the shop and café. All visitors must pre-book for one of the hourly sessions available daily. Each session will have a maximum of 270 people allowed as per the one person per four square metre rule. There is no time limit on how long patrons can spend at the Gallery. Visit portrait.gov.au for more.

National Gallery of Australia The National Gallery reopened to the public at 10am last Friday after being closed for 11 weeks since 5pm on 12 August. All visitors are required to book free general entry tickets, which can be done online or in person at the Concierge Desk in the Gallery foyer. On display are two new exhibitions – part two of Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now, and Project 1: Sarah Lucas – which opened just prior to the lockdown, as well as highlights from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art collection, and collection displays Towards Abstraction and Emotional Body.

Tickets are also now on sale for the National Gallery of Australia’s major exhibition, Jeffrey Smart, celebrating the expatriate Australian artist’s 100th birthday. It will open to the public on 11 December. Visit nga.gov.au for more.

National Film and Sound Archive The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia will welcome people back from Friday 5 November, returning with a rich Arc Cinema program sure to attract an eager cinemagoing audience. Highlights include a Laura Dern retrospective on 19-21 November, a screening of David Lynch’s 1984 version of Dune on 12 November, Justin Kurzel’s new Australian Indie Nitram, based around the events leading up to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, on 25 November, and Rolf de Heer’s 1993 Australian global indie hit, Bad Boy Bubby, on 26 November. Alongside the cinema program, visitors can once again enjoy the Archive’s interactive onsite experience, Hive, as well as Starstruck: On Location, and their daily Vintage Australia program. Tickets are on sale for the November Arc season

now; see the full program at nfsa.gov.au

Canberra Museum and Gallery (CMAG) Canberra Museum and Gallery (CMAG) also reopened to the public on 29 October with three new exhibitions. The National Gallery Touring exhibition Spowers & Syme, Brenda Croft’s hand/made/held/ ground, and Mandy Martin: From Queanbeyan to New York: 1978-1984 / Art & Life are all on display at the Civic venue. Spowers & Syme celebrates the artistic friendship of Melbourne artists Ethel Spowers and Eveline Syme. Mandy Martin: From Queanbeyan to New York: 1978-1984 / Art & Life, developed by CMAG, takes us to an early point in Martin’s career and presents little known but extraordinarily sensitive works created when she first arrived in the Canberra region. Brenda Croft’s mixed media installation, hand/ made/held/ground (2019) reimagines customary objects – jimpila (spearhead) and kurrwa (stone axe) – originally created on Gurindji homelands. CMAG is open Monday to Saturday 10am-5pm; visit cmag.com.au for more

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time out

Book talk Your local, independent bookshop in Kingston Canberra’s newest independent bookshop - stocking a large range of quality new books for readers of all ages.

Jeff Popple reviews three new Australian crime novels. More of Jeff’s reviews can be found on his blog: murdermayhemandlongdogs.com The Way It Is Now by Garry Disher Text, $32.99

Ned Kelly Award winner Garry Disher has been producing high quality Australian crime novels for over 30 years and his latest, The Way It Is Now, is another terrific read. Suspended police detective, Charlie Deravin, has returned to the old family beach shack on the Mornington Peninsula to lick his wounds and reshape his life. He decides to spend his free time investigating his mother’s mysterious disappearance 20 years ago. When new evidence is unearthed, he finds himself at odds with the police, who suspect his father of murder, and his life at risk. A well written and gripping mystery.

Crocodile Tears by Alan Carter Fremantle Press, $32.99

We sell pages for all ages




Crocodile Tears is the fifth book in Alan Carter’s superb series about Western Australian detective Philip ‘Cato’ Kwong, and finds the policeman struggling in his job and relying too much on prescription drugs. Worn out, Cato is on the verge of quitting, but a new case involving the brutal murder of a former copper invigorates him and sets him on a blood-soaked trail that leads to Timor-Leste. It also reacquaints him with shadowy intelligence operative Rory Driscoll, who has a price on his head and some unreliable ‘whistle blowers’ in his care. A first-rate thriller and one of the year’s best books.

Magnus Nights: The Helios Incident by Bryn Smith Hawkeye, $26.95

Bryn Smith makes a dazzling debut with his dystopian thriller Magnus Nights: The Helios Incident. Set in a near-future, technology-rich megacity, it features an engaging pair of detectives who have to battle corruption, deceit and some outlandish villains in order to maintain a level of peace in their drug-fuelled metropolis. There is plenty of wild action, slick dialogue, and touches of humour as the pair try to track down the source of illegal plasma weapons that are causing havoc on the streets. A highly entertaining tale set in a vividly described future world. A must for fans of cyberpunk thrillers.

Canberra Weekly competition winners The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are: Fusspot tea: R. Edmondstone, Harrison; G. Kispeti, McKellar. Smiggle vouchers: S. Mostyn, Calwell; M. Dunn, Bonner; C. Lee, Evatt.




Gallery Lavande earrings: C. Roe, Evatt; P. Hyatt, Dickson; I. McKenzie, Fisher; T. Jobson, Monash; K. Smith, Harrison; K. Hosking, Waramanga; E. Peardon, Amaroo; J. Molony, Aranda.

Now showing Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten (M) Thousands of years ago in China, Xu Wenwu (Tony Leung) discovers the powerful and mystical ten rings. Growing in power and influence throughout the ages, Wenwu gives up his life as a warlord after falling in love with Ying Li (Fala Chen), the guardian of a mythical village. Flashing forward to current day San Francisco, the pair’s son, Sean (Simu Liu) works as a valet with his best friend Katy (Awkwafina), where the past soon catches up to them. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is now in its fourth phase with this its 25th entry. While yet another familiar Hero’s Journey inspired superhero origin story, Shang-Chi is a celebration of not only Asian culture, but Asian cinematic history too. In the mythical village of Ta Lo,

influences of martial arts movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and House of Flying Daggers are apparent. These set pieces are like ballet routines, enhanced by their surrounds. Once in San Francisco, the action is reminiscent of Jackie Chan’s urban brawlers, complete with Buster Keaton routines. Shang-Chi’s backstory is dense, but the exposition is eased due to the likeability of our leads. Rather than a traditional romantic sub-plot, the duo are directionless platonic friends who journey to discover their roots to find a path towards their futures. Verdict: Like Black Panther, an excellent celebration of culture, lending authentic diversity in front of, and behind, the camera. 4 stars. Viewed at Dendy Cinemas Canberra. - Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net

WIN! ST. ALi Italian Film Festival passes The ST. ALi Italian Film Festival is the biggest Italian film festival in the world and returns to cinema screens this month with the best new Italian films as well as classic gems of Italian cinema. The Festival will open with the Australian premiere of The Ties (Lacci), pictured, which opened last year’s Venice Film Festival. It also features the Australian premiere of 2021 Cannes Directors’ Fortnight winner, A Chiara, the latest film by Jonas Carpignano (Mediterranea, A Ciambra). The ST. ALi Italian Film Festival opens in Canberra on 17 November and runs till 12 December at Palace Electric. More information: www.italianfilmfestival.com.au Courtesy of Palace Films, CW has 5 x ST. ALi Italian Film Festival double passes to be won.

Enter to win

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 12 November 2021 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.

The CSO is assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body




time out Exploring similarities between birth and death on stage

From last month through to January, Canberra playwright Emily Clark will be developing her preliminary idea for a play via The Street’s Early Phase 2021 program. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.



Canberra playwright Emily Clark is one of four playwrights chosen by The Street Theatre to participate in their Early Phase 2021 program, which enables her to develop a preliminary idea for a theatre work. From October through to January 2022, Clark, alongside fellow local playwrights Liam Budge, Farnoush Parsiavashi, and Maura Pierlot, will work with The Street to investigate, clarify and articulate their ideas. Collectively, they will share their concept development process and individually work with a coach to prepare to pitch their work to a panel of Australian live theatre producers. Clark went to The Street with an idea to explore the transitional spaces we occupy before lifechanging events, be they birth or death. She told Canberra Weekly her personal interest in the resonances between birth and death experiences stemmed from a “serious restlessness” she experienced at the end of her pregnancy. “It was almost torturous to just calmly get on with everyday life not knowing what was coming and where it was going to sit, how it was going to feel, and how it was going to change our lives,” she said. “My grandmother passed away a bit before I was having a baby, and somehow I sandwiched the two experiences together because I think her having passed made me want to have a baby.” Those combined experiences led to Clark considering the similarities between life and death. “After having my daughter, I had a bit of fear, a new kind of fear and reverence for life,” she said. “I was suddenly a nervous driver and previously I’d been someone who drives overseas on the wrong side of the road.” Prior to starting the program,

Clark’s vehicle for investigating her subject matter was through three central female characters: one a death doula, one a woman in her 60s who is dying, and then her daughter, who is pregnant and doing that on her own, therefore needing the support of her mum. “I’ve got the kernel of this idea and I really want to clarify it,” she said. “I’m looking forward to working with people I’ve admired for a long time from afar, I’ve got a real reverence for dramaturgs,” she said. “They’re just magnificent story engineers.” Clark said she still has some more research to do before making any firm calls, part of which includes end-of-life doula training she is undertaking at TAFE. Through the training, Clark plans to meet and interview a few people who have worked in palliative care in Nowra. “I want to interrogate what it is to know that you’re dying, what is that? That’s hard, and I don’t think in a creative space we’ve really looked at that,” she said. “I think there’s a burden on people who are dying to actually almost hide the fact they are dying to protect the living, and that just must be the most isolating, liminal space imaginable.” Given the heaviness of the subject matter, Clark said she would be sure to include some levity and positivity in the work. “It’s heavy when you’re looking at writing a play about death, but I’m hoping that it’s offering is more that this can be done better,” she said. “It can be about connection, about taking stock of life together and feeling like that life is honoured at the end, and that healing can take place rather than this clamped down space where people aren’t allowed to talk about their fears.” - Denholm Samaras

What’s on

CANBERRA YOUTH THEATRE: Presents a stage production of Carpe DM by The Emerge Company, at Gorman Arts Centre, Braddon, 12-13 November; canberrayouththeatre.com.au

NATIONAL CAPITAL ART PRIZE 2021: Finalist exhibition at 11 Federation Square, Nicholls until 14 November; nationalcapitalartprize.com.au

A STINKY FONDUE 70S DRESS UP PARTY: A groovy fondue night at Contentious Character vineyard, Wamboin, 13 November 6.30pm; contentiouscharacter.com.au

BEAVER GALLERIES: The Deakin venue hosts Tom Moore’s exhibition Glassorama-BioDrama! Diorama all the ding-dong-day! and Michael Schlitz’s Pictures from the mindfield, 4-21 November; beavergalleries.com.au

BILK GALLERY: The Carwoola art space hosts new group exhibition Solstice, 13 November-18 December; bilk.com.au ART SONG CANBERRA: Sarahlouise Owens (soprano) and Ronan Apcar (piano) present Bright Star concerts at Wesley Music Centre, Forrest, 14 November 3pm and 4.15pm; trybooking.com

NFSA: The Archive will reopen to the public from 5 November with a full Arc Cinema program of screenings throughout November; nfsa.gov.au ART EXHIBITION: By French-Australian artist Marie Barincou, AThR, titled Self-Care & the art of wellbeing, 5 November-10 December at Alliance Française of Canberra, Turner; afcanberra.com.au PHOENIX COLLECTIVE: The Canberra string quartet will perform new show Tales of War at Wesley Church, Forrest, 5 November 7pm; phoenixcollective.com.au SMITH’S ALTERNATIVE SPRING SERIES: The iconic City West venue hosts musical performances every Saturday and Sunday afternoon through to 28 November; smithsalternative.com WRITING FICTION WITH EWA RAMSEY: An online workshop on writing a catchy opening scene, delivered in three two-hour blocks on 6, 13 and 20 November; book via Eventbrite. FLAZEDA: A host of alternate performing arts classes have recommenced at the Belconnen dance studio; flazedahub.com/learn UNCALIBRATED SPACE: New exhibition by local artist Rory Gillen at Tuggeranong Arts Centre, 6 November-16 December; tuggeranongarts.com PIALLIGO ESTATE: Host a Bottomless Brunch on 7 November 10.30am and a Spring High Tea on 14 November at 10am and 2pm; thepialligoestate.com.au

The Wharf Revue at Canberra Theatre, 8-20 November.

CAN OF WORMS: The Wharf Revue’s Jonathan Biggins, Drew Forsythe and Phillip Scott and guest Mandy Bishop are back playing Canberra Theatre, 8-20 November; canberratheatrecentre.com.au BIG BIKE FILM NIGHT: An uplifting and inspiring 2021 short film collection, at Dendy Canberra, 8 November 6.30-8.45pm; bigbikefilmnight.nz NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY: The Living Memory – National Photography Portrait Prize exhibition has been extended until 16 January 2022; portrait.gov.au WEDNESDAY LUNCHTIME CONCERT: Pianist Mark Jurkiewicz performs Impromptu Schubert Wednesday 10 November, 12.40-1.20pm at the Forrest venue; trybooking.com/BUYPH AARWUN GALLERY: Two new exhibitions, Johnny Romeo’s Colossal Youth and Bernard Ollis’ Being There, 11 November-5 December; aarwungallery.com CANBERRA POTTERS: Their Watson gallery hosts the 2021 Members’ Exhibition, 11 November5 December; canberrapotters.com.au KYEEMA GALLERY: The Hall gallery hosts Past & Present Works by artist Ruth Dodd until 11 November; capitalwines.com.au

WESLEY MUSIC CENTRE: The Forrest venue hosts Characterful Clarinet featuring Helena Maher on clarinet and pianist Lucus Allerton, 17 November 12.40pm; trybooking.com/BVDNX STRONGER THAN FICTION: The documentary film festival is back screening System K, a film on street artists in Kinshasa, Friday 19 November 7pm at Dendy Canberra; strongerdocs.com DIGITAL COLLAGE WORKSHOP: Presented by Simon Ward, this NGA online program will teach participants new skills via free program, Blender, 20 November 10-11.30am; book via nga.gov.au BOOK LAUNCH: Author Michael Burge’s new work Tank Water will have a launch event moderated by Nigel Featherstone at The Book Cow, Kingston, 24 November 5pm; bookcow.com.au A CHRISTMAS CAROL: The Charles Dickens classic is brought to life by Canberra Rep at Canberra Rep Theatre, Acton, 26 November5 December; canberrarep.org.au BELCO ARTS: Get up close and marvel at original illustrations from Graeme Base’s book The Worst Band in the Universe at Belconnen Arts Centre, 26 November-6 February; belcoarts.com.au Send your free entertainment listings to: arts@canberraweekly.com.au with ‘what’s on’ in the subject field. Deadline is 10 days prior to Thursday edition date.

2022 is coming...




the look

Knit wits Lockdown has inspired a crochet frenzy. The hip and fashionable are knitting their own crop tops, miniskirts, totes, and yes, cardigans too. At the tail end of lockdown, when everyone can finally show off their candy-coloured crochet couture, seek inspiration from knitwear that transitions into the warmer months. WITH FASHION AND BEAUTY EDITOR, ANJA DE ROZARIO

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YouTuber ‘Bestdressed’ aka Ashley wearing a handmade mint and rose crop top. Photo via Instagram.

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the look NEW Zendaya StyleALLfile:


Her new sci-fi film Dune has caused a frenzy on the internet, in no small part due to the amazing futuristic looks she’s been bringing to every premiere. While patiently waiting for Dune to come to Australian cinemas, we can already enjoy these outstanding sci-fi ensembles. WITH BEAUTY AND FASHION EDITOR, ANJA DE ROZARIO

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Zendaya and co-star Timothée Chalamet ACCESS to home workouts 24/7 attend the Dune UK Special Screening in contrasting looks, fit30 for minute a red carpet in Year EFFICIENT workouts 10,191.

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EQUIPMENT included for home workouts

She attended the film’s London premiere afterparty in this delicate lingerie inspired number, with contrast stitching that practically glows in the dark.



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*Offer valid between 1/11/21 and 31/12/21 at participating clubs only. Resistance band sold separately. Available only to 18+ female members, who sign up to a minimum 12-month Curves Combo Fitness (RRP $130 p/m) membership, at participating clubs. $0 monthly fee for November and December. Billing will resume 1 January 2022. Total min. cost $1560 (12-month Combo Fitness and discounted Joining Fee). Individual results may vary. Standard membership and health conditions apply. Valid at participating locations only. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer, no cash value and cannot be refunded or exchanged. Visit https://curves.com/ promotional-terms-and-conditions for T&C’s.

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Sat 13 November 2021 8am till 1.30pm




Grand Reopening Taking style notes from her other co-star, Jason Momoa, Zendaya wore this ultrarelaxed button up and leather pants to a post-screening cocktail reception.

At a photocall in London, she gave us a postapocalyptic spin on sci-fi style, gorgeously draped in chains, compete with a little wooden hand as an accessory.


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the look

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure Australians dump around 800 million kilograms of unwanted clothing into landfill each year, most of which consist of manmade fibres that are incredibly difficult to break down naturally.

This number is almost too large to fathom, and it can feel daunting to understand how, as individuals, we can make a positive impact on this global environmental crisis. Leader in the conversation

around a circular economy, Alexis Todorovski from SCRgroup, has been working since 2014 on how we can collectively contribute to achieving environmental sustainability through minimising fashion waste, and utilising the existing resources available in our overflowing market. “I’ve become really passionate about it. It’s part of the impact you have socially, not just environmentally. Australia has very low textile recycling rates, sitting at around seven per cent, and when I went overseas and saw countries like Germany’s high textile recycling rates – they sit at around 75 per cent,” Ms Todorovski said. “The 12 months I spent over there made me really inspired to implement the policies I saw back

Give your clothes a second life by donating them to an SCRgroup collection hub to help turn Australia into a circular economy. Images supplied.

here at home. At SCRgroup, we buy back all the stuff charities can’t sell in their stores, with no cost to them, so there’s still income going towards their social causes.” The materials and clothing are then packaged and sent to communities who need them the most, including third-world countries, positively impacting the environment and vulnerable people’s lives. Giving a second life to these clothes contributes to the pursuit of a circular economy, rather than the unsustainable linear economy much of the world operates by. “The way I like to explain it is there’s a linear economy, which is just a straight line, where you buy something then throw it in the bin. In a circular economy, once

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you’ve purchased something it stays moving around, whether reused or recycled to be turned into a new product,” Ms Todorovski explained. “There’s a huge pressure on fast fashion brands at the moment to do the right thing because consumers are becoming a lot more conscious about sustainability and things like eco-fibres. H&M are doing incredible things, they have a ‘take back clothing’ recycled clothing line now, and there are more brands focusing on sustainable fibres.” So, what can we as individuals do to help? “There are so many things people can do that are so simple: use a delicates bag which prolongs the life of delicate clothing; wash your clothes on cold and less often, with half the amount of detergent you usually would use; fold heavy sweaters on a shelf instead of hanging them up which stretches the fabric and makes them less flattering; wash your clothes inside out and keep them out of direct sunlight to avoid fading them,” Ms Todorovski quickly rattles off. “I’ve got clothes I’ve had for over five years and still wear all the time. I recommend finding

items that will keep with your fashion sense, like neutral colours, a good pair of jeans, and always have a good suit in your wardrobe because you can change up the style so easily and they last a very, very long time.” Some other simple changes you can make that will have a big impact are: •

• • • • • • •

Renting or borrowing an outfit from a friend for a big event instead of purchasing a brand new one Learn how to mend and alter your clothes as a way of upcycling outfits Sell your unwanted clothes online or at a local market Purchase from second-hand or vintage clothing stores Invest in high-quality, trans-seasonal pieces that are always in style Remember to use your re-useable bags Start a compost bin for your food scraps in the backyard Donate unwanted clothes to charity shops or drop them off at a SCRgroup collection hub

DEBBIE MAREE’S Fashion Boutique

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Alexis Todorovski from SCRgroup encourages consumers to think about what they can do to reduce the amount of textiles ending up in landfill.

SCRgroup have clothing, shoes, and handbags/ accessory donation drop-off hubs in Phillip, Queanbeyan, Canberra City, and Chisholm. - Abbey Halter



• • • • •

Kimono Fabric Bolts Craft Kits Kimono & Obi Antiques and Curios Unique Gifts

02 6162 1417

Wed–Fri 10am-4pm Sat 9am-5pm Sun 11am-3pm

2/60 Dundas Court, Phillip, ACT



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the look

Shoe recycling bins help CBR tread lightly

Rebel Canberra Centre team members Daniel and Alexia demonstrate the new shoe recycling bins. Photo: Kerrie Brewer

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Visit our website advanitailors.com.au for special offers Showroom: 1 Dulcie Holland Cres, Moncrieff, ACT 2914

New research shows that the average Australian owns five pairs of shoes they don’t use, an equivalent of a 100 million national shoe stockpile that could end up in landfill. Given that over 110 million shoes are imported into our country by the retail industry every single year, these stats don’t fall “solely” on the individual. At least 51 per cent of respondents said they do bin their unwanted shoes, but largely due to a lack of shoe recycling options. A cardboard solution may lie in your local sneaker shop. The “TreadLightly” recycling initiative has set up bins for unwanted sport shoes in storefronts like Rebel Canberra Centre, and they’re recycling those shoes into flooring for the same stores – as well as gyms and playgrounds. The initiative is a joint project of the Australian Sporting Goods Association (ASGA) and recycler, Save Our Soles (SOS). Shaun Bajada, executive director of ASGA, says some Rebel stores have already installed changing room floors made from the foam and PPU rescued by the initiative, bringing the recycling process “full circle” – a sentiment at the heart of the program. “To date, we’ve recycled over 39,000 pairs of shoes since June, from over 400 collection locations across the country,” said Bajada. “There’s a big appetite to recycle across Australia, and a lot of that is coming out of Canberra. From what we can see, Canberrans are quite good at recycling. “Our Converse bin in the Canberra Outlet Centre has seen particular success. Ten per cent of our total collection is currently coming out of the ACT.” Given that the ACT is only 1.7 per cent of the population, it’s safe to

say that Canberrans are punching above their weight. The bins first popped up in Victoria and have sprouted all over the country since June, spurred on by funding received from the federal government. The initiative began as a brainchild of Save Our Souls, a premium footwear recycler in Australia, which approached Bajada back in 2019. “The idea was that ASGA would design a platform to act as a collection point, and SOS would take over behind the scenes as recyclers.” “We call for active shoes specifically because they are typically more worn down and used,” said Bajada. Together, he and John Elliott from SOS pitched the program to major brands like Asics and Converse. “The brands are able to amplify a better outcome for the community,” said Bajada. “The initiative has already seen competitors getting together for the good of the community and the environment, combining their resources.” Bajada’s driving motivation in the project is to create an ongoing sustainable recycling service in Australia, “funded by the industry, and free to the public”. In this light, TreadLightly may be a tangible example of brands stepping up to take environmental responsibility off the shoulders of the individual. “We want to recycle one million pairs of sports and active lifestyle shoes by 2023.” Canberra residents can do their bit for the planet by dropping off their old sport shoes at Rebel Canberra Centre, Westfield Woden or Belconnen, and in Canberra Outlet Centre at the Asics, Converse, and New Balance stores. - Anja de Rozario


Expert property styling tips before selling your home Prestigious property styling expert and owner of Canberra business, Magenta Home Staging, Wendy Osborne shares her leading tips and tricks to whip your home into shape to be inspection-ready for sale. According to Wendy, there are three essential tips that must be done across your whole home to maximise buyer interest in your property: declutter, deep clean, and maximise natural light.



“For the overall feel of your home, it’s really important to declutter from top to bottom. We’re so used to living in our own home, so we don’t tend to see all the clutter!” she says. “It’s about taking away personal photographs, removing things like fridge magnets and de-cramming your bookshelf – it’s best if they’re only half full to make them more visually appealing.”


Deep clean

Wendy says first impressions are vital, so make sure your entry and front garden are clean and tidy. “The second thing that’s essential is you must have your house cleaned or do a deep clean yourself,” she says. “People can get distracted by mess and things like pet odours and smells, so a deep clean needs to be done.” Take the time and care to ensure everything is spotless and maintained the whole time your property is on the market.


Maximise natural light

“A house with lots of light is really inviting, so open your curtains and allow as much natural light to come in as possible,” Wendy says. “If your house doesn’t have a lot of natural light, buy a lamp so when people walk in your room it’s nice and bright.”

ROOM BY ROOM For every room in your home, Wendy reveals her most important tips to optimise your selling prospects.

Kitchen “Clear your benches as much as possible – that means removing all your appliances and having as little as possible on your bench,” Wendy says. “Obviously, the kitchen needs to be really, really clean and maybe add a little bit of greenery around the space.” And remember to hide away your tea towels! “There’s nothing worse than a tea towel on an oven … no one needs to see that!” she laughs.

Bathroom “Your bathroom, just like your kitchen, needs to be clean with fresh towels and your benchtops as clear as possible,” Wendy advises. “No one needs to see your toothbrush, your lady shaver or your toothpaste out on the bench!” Your bathroom should remain minimalist and simple to achieve the greatest selling result. “All you need is maybe a plant or a candle with some fresh, clean towels and that’s about it.”


Bedrooms “We often have lots of furniture and stuff that isn’t essential scattered around our bedrooms,” Wendy says. “A bedside table and maybe a small desk can stay but all the other stuff needs to come out. It looks bigger that way.” The little touches are what make this space sellable, she says. “Make sure your bed linen is clean and your bed is made, and little touches like a cushion or a throw at the end is great. It doesn’t have to be super styled, just clean, tidy and open.”

Living room According to Wendy, the living room is one of the most important spaces when staging to sell. “You really need to look at where the furniture placement is, because you don’t want someone walking into the back of a couch while entering the room. You want the space to have an open aspect,” she says. “Another thing is to make sure the furniture you have isn’t



overwhelming for the space. A floor rug is great for this as it softens the room. Cushions on the lounge are excellent and throw in a little bit of greenery or freshly cut flowers.” “If you can’t afford flowers, just walk out into your garden and cut some lovely leaves, put them in a vase and there’s nothing better,” Wendy says.

The garden “Gardens are hard in Canberra, but it’s really just the same principles as inside the house – keep it tidy, sweep your paths, keep your grass short and don’t leave your clothes on the line,” Wendy says. “Oh, and no dog poo in your yard! You’d be surprised how many people forget to pick that up!” You don’t have to spend a lot of money to show people you’re proud of your home, and if you follow Wendy’s tips and tricks, you’ll be inviting buyers in by the dozen. For more information, head to magentahomestaging.com.au





Inside & out The latest in news, trends and happenings for the home. Emro Designs

Generations rug 2m diameter, $379, emrodesigns.com.au

Founded in 2019 by proud Minjungbal/Bundjalung woman Emma Rolls, Emro Designs is a 100 per cent Aboriginal owned and operated business aimed at bringing traditional stories into homes and early learning centres across the country. Their gorgeous products feature rich colours and beautiful Indigenous artworks and include rugs, cushion covers, recycled outdoor mats, and stunning picnic rugs. The wonderful artists telling their stories through the products are Zoey Hart, Steven Bekue, Shara Delaney, Christine Slabb, Zamara Morgan, Zowie Baumgart, and Holly Sanders.

“It came about quite organically. I was having conversations with people in the early learning industry, going into day-care with my boys,” Ms Rolls said. “I recognised that there was a gap, and knew that within Early Learning, storytelling took place on the carpet, or rugs. I thought how amazing would it be to have these beautiful artworks as rugs that serve as an educational piece also, and help share our culture.” Check out the range at emrodesigns.com.au

New Rural: Where to Find It and How to Create It by Ingrid Weir Wander through the rural magic and get lost in the pages of this beautiful book, New Rural. With its touches of ‘cottagecore’ and Australian flair, this piece of art is a window into the allure of earthy, rural living, combining space and freedom with the simple luxuries of the modern world. Authored

and photographed by Ingrid Weir, a creative interior designer with an eye for idyllic wonderlands. Available via hardiegrant.com, $60.

Sustainability workshops Throughout November, Canberra Environment Centre is running sustainability workshops, delving into the worlds of gardening, gut health, homemade homewares, and tips for managing stress and anxiety. The workshops include: intro to fermenting, creating a pollinator garden, intro to herbalism, urban foraging walk, setting up a small farm, a garden tour of Ainslie Urban Farm, making terrariums, making beeswax wraps, and more! The workshops are available via zoom and across Canberra locations in-person. To book your tickets, head to canberraenvironment.org or call 6248 0885.

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Real estate

property of the week

R E A L E S TAT E canberraweeklyrealestate.com.au

Solar passive opulence O’Connor 19 Jarrah Street An architectural masterpiece and unique family sanctuary, this home’s solar passive design delivers a lifetime of comfort and luxury for the new owners. The remarkable residence exudes style and sophistication with flowing proportions, exceptional lightfilled interiors, and an outstanding quality of design, perfectly positioned for suburban living. The chef’s kitchen is top of the range, boasting Miele cooking appliances and a Bosch dishwasher,

an abundance of storage, and easycare Blackbutt hardwood flooring that flows through to the separate dining area. This light-filled living space makes an ideal hub of the home with its high ceilings, fulllength windows, and an adjoining spacious study with built-in shelves, a desk, and storage. The three ground-floor bedrooms are immaculately designed with opulent lighting, ceiling fans, hardwood flooring, and one features a built-in

wardrobe. The master bedroom is located on a floor of its own, giving parents unparalleled privacy and plenty of space, along with an impressive ensuite and a walk-in wardrobe. The elegant bathrooms boast modern fixtures and Carrara marble benchtops and splashbacks that radiate grandeur throughout the light-filled spaces. The stunning backyard features a 10m tiled, inground pool, beautifully landscaped gardens, two weeping mulberry trees, and an outdoor entertainer’s kitchen and barbecue connected to the mains gas supply. Nestled in a prime location in a quiet, tree-lined street, shops and schools are within walking distance, making this the ideal family abode.

The long list of extra features for this home include hydronic heating, a hot water heap pump, European double-glazed windows and doors, retractable door blinds and flyscreens, a rainwater tank, and reverse cycle split system air conditioning.



EER Auction View Agent Mob Agent Mob




6.0 Fri 5 Nov 12pm On request Maree Van Arkel 0419 624 766 Megan Van Arkel 0424 381 307

Ray White Belconnen 6173 6300 canberraweekly.com.au


Real estate | recent sales




under the hammer

1, 3 & 5 Graham Street, Macgregor

$2,350,000 LJ Hooker

1 Bamblett Street, Denman Prospect


Pod Projects

26 Angas Street, Ainslie

$2,170,000 McNamee

3 Nivison Place, Charnwood



11 Bulwarra Crescent, O’Malley

$2,100,000 Civium

19 Sandover Circuit, Amaroo


Ray White

1 Culgoa Court, O’Malley

$1,970,000 Civium

33 Pickworth Street, Holt


LJ Hooker

17 Olympus Way, Lyons

$1,605,000 Ray White

20 McDonnell Close, Dunlop



55 Sullivan Crescent, Wanniassa

$1,590,000 Verv

59 Hambidge Crescent, Gilmore


LJ Hooker

1 McRitchie Circuit, Nicholls

$1,536,000 McGrath

59 Gurrang Avenue, Ngunnawal



64 Norman Fisher Circuit, Bruce

$1,475,000 Morrissey

9 Donnison Place, Charnwood


LJ Hooker

40 Printers Way, Kingston

$1,475,000 Luton

201/32 Mort Street, Braddon



19 Olga Masters Street, Franklin

2 Banks Street, Googong

$1,460,000 Belle

7/39 Tank Street, Phillip



26/28 Black Street, Yarralumla

$1,440,000 Belle

9 Pentland Street, Campbell




9 Pentland Street, Campbell

$1,420,000 JWLand

2 Gribble Street, Gungahlin


Pod Projects

29 Matina Street, Narrabundah

$1,376,500 Blackshaw

33/134 Flemington Road, Harrison


LJ Hooker

31 Dobbin Circuit, Nicholls

$1,325,000 Luton

9/2 Belconnen Way, Page


Ray White

5 Corona Place, Palmerston

$1,285,000 McGrath

9/9 Howitt Street, Kingston



127 Learmonth Drive, Kambah

$1,205,000 Edge

41/23 Blackham Street, Holt


LJ Hooker

18 Dunnart Circuit, Throsby

$1,190,000 Carter + Co

45/15 Irving Street, Phillip



1 Werong Close, Palmerston

$1,190,000 Blackshaw

505/482 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson $609,900


285 Hindmarsh Drive, Rivett

$1,100,000 Blackshaw

103/482 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson $595,900


5 Krause Place, Monash

$1,080,000 LJ Hooker

46/34 Leahy Close, Narrabundah


Paul & Robyn

4 Neville Place, Gowrie

$1,033,500 Property Collective

12 Macfarlan Place, Latham


LJ Hooker

10A Dickinson Street, Watson

$1,021,000 Bastion

134 Livingston Avenue, Kambah



28 Sanderson Close, Flynn

$1,010,000 Independent

91/31 Thynne Street, Bruce


Ray White

10/25 Aspinall Street, Watson

8 Macdonald Place, Spence

$1,005,000 LJ Hooker

2213/2 Grazier Lane, Belconnen



45 Folingsby Street, Weston

$1,003,000 Blackshaw

35/16 New South Wales Crescent,




41 Hawkesbury Crescent, Farrer



46/39 Woodberry Avenue, Coombs



60 Mileham Street, MacGregor



259/1 Anthony Rolfe Avenue, Gungahlin $470,000


11/30 Blackall Street, Barton



50/241 Flemington Road, Franklin

LJ Hooker

32 Mundawari Circuit, Ngunnawal



704/482 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson $434,900


11 Maddock Place, Gordon



1 Bamblett Rise, Denman Prospect


Pod Projects

114 Pennefather Street, Higgins


LJ Hooker

604/482 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson $424,900


7/35 Fullagar Crescent, Higgins


Ray White

1907/2 Grazier Lane, Belconnen



10 Messenger Street, Holt



14/90 Gozzard Street, Gungahlin



16 Augustus Close, Palmerston


LJ Hooker

78/75 Elizabeth Jolley Crescent, Franklin $350,000


11 Myulung Street, Ngunnawal



219/1 Anthony Rolfe Avenue, Gungahlin $350,000


18/19 Howitt Street, Kingston



40/120 Thynne Street, Bruce



34 Rowland Street, MacGregor


LJ Hooker

19/39 Chandler Street, Belconnen


LJ Hooker

5/39 Fullagar Crescent, Higgins


Ray White

9/9 Keith Place, Scullin


Ray White

25 Refshauge Crescent, MacGregor



110/10 Thynne Street, Bruce



61 Yumba Avenue, Ngunnawal



Data is provided by agents. Source: Realestate.com.au





Agent Auction



Justin Taylor 0414 704 465 Dimi Romero 0434 968 209 McGrath Sat 6 Nov 10.30am



Andrew Grenfell 0424 858 529 LJ Hooker Sat 6 Nov 10.30am

56 Northmore Crescent, Higgins


Agent Auction



Jayden Potten 0402 604 828 Ray White Thurs 11 Nov 1.30pm

Real estate | Suburb Profile



hot property

110/10 Thynne Street, Bruce 1 Agent The ‘Pink Lake’ in Bruce is a popular attraction with its blanket of millennial pink Azolla Pinnata covering the water, hence its nickname. File image: Kerrie Brewer.

BRUCE 2617 Region Belconnen Median house price $820,000* *Source: realestate.com.au

Known as the intellectual hub of Canberra and filled with a plethora of nature and plenty of gorgeous properties, the Belconnen suburb of Bruce is one of the most popular areas to live in the ACT. Successful and prominent real estate agent for McGrath North Canberra, Natalie Kokic Schmidt, is an expert in all things Bruce, after selling in the suburb for around 15 years. “I’ve probably sold about 60 properties in Bruce now, and it was one of the very first suburbs I started dealing in, and I think it’s the perfect suburb for everyone,” Ms Kokic Schmidt said. “Location wise, it’s a good spot because it’s close to Belconnen and the city centre, and everything you need is there – a shopping centre, the University of

The view from Gossan Hill Nature Reserve over the Lake Ginninderra, just a few hundred metres north of Bruce, is simply breathtaking. Photo: Kerrie Brewer.

Canberra, hospitals.” ‘Old Bruce’ typically attracts families and downsizers with its quiet suburban charm, while students and investors tend to flock to the newer parts of the area, according to Ms Kokic Schmidt. “There’s something for everyone and every age group, it caters to almost every demographic. My top spot in Bruce would be Crisp Circuit, it’s a great place to live,” she said. “My favourite place to go in Bruce is Café Momo, it’s definitely one of the most popular places in the suburb, and it’s close to Lake Ginninderra which is such a lovely walk.”

Bruce facts: • Named after Prime Minister Stanley Bruce (PM from 1923 to 1929), who also became the first Chancellor of ANU in 1952 • Was created in 1968 • Has a population of over 8,300 residents • Median age of residents is 27 years old



1 Kris Hellier 0413 799 700 McGrath North Canberra $259,000+

5/14 Portus Place, Bruce 3




Kim Zarevac 0416 053 566 Peter Walker 0418 628 043 Ray White Canberra Auction Fri 5 Nov 3pm

eat Café Momo for breakfast, burgers, and salads in an outdoor setting* drink Qure is the ideal dinner and drinks spot in Bruce. The pub-like atmosphere is its ultimate appeal, and there’s usually a meal deal a few times a week that you can’t resist*

24/121 Thynne Street, Bruce

shop Sister May Asian Store is a popular family-owned Asian grocer with an array of snacks from East and Southeast Asia




Peta Barrett 0499 044 028 Ktrina Briggs 0499 041 044 LJ Hooker Kippax By negotiation

*As health restrictions permit





Real estate | on the market R E A L E S TAT E


Downer 110 Phillip Avenue This property is one of a kind with endless opportunities right in the heart of Canberra’s sought-after Inner North. Set across 761sqm, this property has two residences under the one title, each with private access. The potential for dual-income or additional space for the family has never been more convenient.



EER Auction View Agent Mob

0.0 Sat 13 Nov 12pm onsite 6 Nov 11-11.30am Ryan Hedley 0458 440 375

LJ Hooker Dickson 6257 2111

Gungahlin 901/6 Gribble Street Located in the heart of Gungahlin, this spacious, open plan, two-bedroom, twobathroom residence is one of the best you will see. Unmatched in quality with a modern feel, first-class finishes and highend appliances couple seamlessly with the fresh, clean lines. The dual balconies boast some of Gungahlin's best views.




EER 6.0 Private treaty Price $560,000 - $600,000 View Sat 6 Nov 11-11.30am Agent Suzi Wells Mob 0411 398 563 McGrath North Canberra 6123 8000

The grass is greener at RAMS. You could get a $4,000 rebate1 when you refinance with us. Apply by 30/11/21. Min loan amount $250k, Owner Occupier with Principal and Interest repayments and Investment Loans. T&Cs apply.

RAMS Home Loan Centre ACT Central

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Neil Harlock 0423 840 250

More Information: Credit criteria, fees, charges and conditions apply. 1Offer is current as at 1 October 2021 and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. For new refinance applications received between 1 October 2021 and 30 November 2021 and settle by 31 January 2022. Offer available for Owner Occupier with Principal and Interest repayments and Investment Loans. Min. Loan $250k. Limit of 1 $4,000 rebate per settled refinance application regardless of the number of loans involved. This offer is not available in conjunction with the New Purchase Buyer $2,000 Rebate. Excludes Owner Occupier Interest Only, Line of Credit Loans, residential lending originated under family or company trusts and switches and refinances of home loans within the Westpac Group (St.George, Westpac, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA). Split loans are counted as one settled home loan regardless of the number of splits. Rebate will be automatically deposited into the home loan account within 60 days after settlement. If the home loan has a fixed interest rate, the rebate will count towards the prepayment threshold. Tax consequences may arise from this promotion for investors and customers should seek independent advice on any taxation matters. RAMS Home Loan Centre ACT Central is owned and operated by ACT Central Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 95 619 745 416. RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit provider and issuer of RAMS deposit products: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. 22016/1021





A secure low maintenance lifestyle

The Grange Deakin Located in one of Canberra’s oldest suburbs, The Grange Deakin retirement village offers you independent living in your own private home close to medical facilities and just 300m from the Deakin shops, home to an IGA supermarket, pharmacy, post office and coffee shops. All our homes exude warmth and charm while offering a practical downsizing alternative where you will gain all the delightful benefits of The Grange Deakin lifestyle including a dining room, indoor pool and spa, hairdresser, library, and

Homes starting from $569,000 We have a few selected homes, nestled along quiet landscaped streets. Each home at The Grange Deakin has their own individual floor plan and a dishwasher which comes with: •

A spacious open plan living and dining area

Outdoor entertaining area

Internal laundry and storage

Reverse cycle air conditioning

24 hour on site emergency staff

No stamp duty or building insurance required

resident run activities such as happy hours and craft groups.

Contact Michaela Howard 02 6282 1782 www.thegrangedeakin.com.au canberraweekly.com.au



Please call for a private viewing Monday to Friday.

27/2 Trinca Street, Denman Prospect Contemporary Multi-Level 3 Bedroom Townhouse.

With only 56 exclusive townhouses, the low density

Valley, the Arboretum and Mount Stromlo from your

and open green spaces ensuring the development

Savour sweeping panoramic views of Molonglo

new home at Elio. This refreshing three-bedroom townhouse has been thoughtfully designed and meticulously built to complement the natural environment of the surrounding area. Developed by

This recently completed stylish and affordable

precinct is nestled in the heart of Denman Prospect.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. MIN EER 6

design allows for plenty of communal garden areas has an established, private ambiance.

Denman Prospect has been meticulously designed by the family owned Capital Airport Group. With surroundings reminiscent of Canberra’s most

established suburbs and breathtaking views of the Molonglo Valley, Arboretum and Mount Stromlo

Features you’re surrounded by nature now and not just in ten

• North facing

are at your doorstep, ideal for a multitude of outdoor

• Open plan kitchen, living and dining

years time. The Arboretum and Stromlo Forest Park

activities like mountain biking, trail running or hiking.

The large parks, established landscaping, lush foliage, abundance of green space and world class public

facilities set Denman Prospect to be one of Canberra’s best suburbs.

• Corner position on a sloping block to maximise views • 107m2 living area

• 2 outdoor living spaces totaling 80m2

• Oversized 42m2 double car garage

• Gas cooking

Now Selling 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 2 Car Townhouse Price: Expressions of Interest closing Mon 22nd Nov Townhouse Open This Weekend Saturday & Sunday 10am - 11am 27/2 Trinca Street, Denman Prospect For More Information Contact James Herbert 0400 853 501

• Double glazing

• Elevated position in Denman Prospect • Walking distance to shops & parks

• Low density development (only 56 homes)

LJ Hooker Project Marketing ACT

20/10 Charles Perkins Circuit Bonner The moment you enter the home, you will

• Three spacious bedrooms

looking for that easy-care investment

• Modern kitchen with stone benchtops

know that this is the one. Whether you are property or that turnkey first home, this is it!

• Expansive open-plan living and dining • Internal: 104 sqm

• Body corporate: $408.00 per quarter approx.

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




Auction Sat, 27th Nov at 11:00am _______________________________________________ View Sat, 6th Nov at 11:00am - 11:30am _______________________________________________ Agent Jake Bunday 0411 367 920

LJ Hooker Gungahlin 6213 3999

14/23 Renouf Street Casey


Overlooking Springbank Rise Pond is a

• Elevated courtyard overlooking

designed, inspired use of internal space is

• Double garage with internal access

throughout. It's vibrant, fresh and filled

• Ducted split system heating & cooling

fantastic feature; the architecturally-

generous, with quality fixtures and fittings with natural light.

adjacent parkland with mature gardens

• High ceilings downstairs

• Balcony off main bedroom with ensuite

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



Auction Sat, 6th Nov at 2:00pm _______________________________________________ View Sat, 6th Nov at 10:00am - 10:30am _______________________________________________ Agent Troy Thompson 0408 694 917 Virginia Stoker 0434 610 698 LJ Hooker Gungahlin 6213 3999

186/142 Anketell Street Greenway This light filled apartment in a popular location boasts

• 75m2 living plus two balconies 11m2 & 8m2

substantial space and views to the surrounding

• Natural light flows through floor to ceiling

mountains. Featuring balcony off the main bedroom,


reverse cycle air-conditioning, two car spaces as well

• Great internal storage space

as double-glazed windows & doors for year-round

• Modern finishing throughout

comfort, this apartment has everything you are

• Access to internal landscaped common garden

looking for! All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.




For Sale $430,000+ _______________________________________________ View Contact agents to view _______________________________________________ Agent Andrew Curren 0424 288 717 Sally McCallum 0410 835 087 LJ Hooker Tuggeranong 6189 0100

13 Adkinson Close Isaacs Your chance to own your own stunning

architecturally designed family home is within reach. The centrepiece of this


• Formal lounge and dining, separate family room • Spacious kitchen with tons of storage and breakfast bar

home is without doubt the spectacular

• Covered entertaining deck with beautiful

opulence and space rarely found in newer

• Floor length windows throughout with views over

6.25m raked ceiling that gives a sense of homes.

mountain views Mount Taylor and Isaacs Ridge

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



Auction Sat, 20th Nov at 12pm _______________________________________________ View Contact agents to view _______________________________________________ Agent Dan Cooper 0412 773 938 Stephen Bunday 0416 014 431 LJ Hooker Tuggeranong 6189 0100

12/1 Mouat Street Lyneham


Situated in the beautiful Axis Apartments,

• Currently rented till January 2022 for

perfect for first home buyers, downsizers

• Reverse cycle heating & cooling

property to your investment portfolio, you

• Secure car garaging

this spacious one-bedroom apartment is and investors. If you choose to add this

will be delighted by the high rental yield.

$430 a week

• 50m to the light rail station • Pool & gym

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



For Sale _______________________________________________ View By appointment _______________________________________________ Agent Troy Thompson 0408 694 917

LJ Hooker Gungahlin 6213 3999

85 Gurrang Avenue Ngunnawal Behind the neatly trimmed hedges is a

• Two main bedrooms with ensuites

appreciated. With fresh white tones and

• Covered outdoor entertaining room

family home that needs to be seen to be bamboo flooring this home has been

beautifully renovated and will be your sanctuary from everyday life.

• Stunningly renovated kitchen

• Immaculately presented gardens • Extensive storage throughout

• Living size: 185m2, Garage size: 37m2

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.





Auction Fri, 12th Nov at 5:30pm _______________________________________________ View Sat, 6th Nov at 12:00pm - 12:30pm _______________________________________________ Agent Naomi Sachs 0401 313 072 Carly Clough 0419 296 458 LJ Hooker Gungahlin 6213 3999

64 Tay Street Watson


'The Fair' - built in 2012, offers low maintenance living,

• 2 Generously sized bedrooms

quality design and superb single level floor plans. The

• Built in robes

property on offer is in one of the best locations in this

• Separate toilet

precinct, positioned sightly across from the foothills of

• Modern kitchen

Mount Majura reserve. Leafy green views, easy access

• Private North facing courtyard

to walking trails and bike trails, natural and wildlife

• Reverse cycle air conditioning

surrounding you.

• 228m2 block

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.



Auction | In Rooms Wed, 24th Nov at 6:00pm _______________________________________________ View Sat, 6th Nov at 11:30am - 12:00pm _______________________________________________ Agent Andrew Grenfell 0424 858 529

LJ Hooker Dickson 6257 2111

$ Sell your home for $0 upfront Sell your home this summer with no upfront costs!

Make the most of your summer with no marketing costs, no commission, no out of pocket expenses until settlement* *Terms and conditions apply

Contact your local Participating LJ Hooker Office LJ Hooker Belconnen LJ Hooker Canberra City LJ Hooker Dickson LJ Hooker Googong LJ Hooker Gungahlin LJ Hooker Jerrabomberra

6251 1477 6249 7700 6257 2111 6297 3333 6213 3999 6297 3333

LJ Hooker Kaleen LJ Hooker Kippax LJ Hooker Queanbeyan LJ Hooker Tuggeranong LJ Hooker Weston Creek LJ Hooker Woden

6241 1922 6255 3888 6297 3333 6189 0100 6288 8888 6288 8888

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries. MIN EER



Sat 13/11/21, 1pm on site Sat 6/11/21, 10-10.40am Tues 9/11/21, 5.45-6.15pm Michael Potter 0413 830 598

Immaculate family dwelling Immaculately presented, impeccably maintained retreat immersed amongst a manicured garden setting, revealing a single level design (180m2 approx of living). Featuring a choice of separate living areas, pristine, modern kitchen, segregated master bedroom with renovated ensuite and an well-maintained main bathroom. In addition, a covered outdoor entertaining area, quality curtains and carpets, ducted heating/wall mounted cooling and double attached garage. EER 2


visit us at mpotter.com.au



Sat 13/11/21, 11.30am on site Sat 6/11/21, 11-11.40am Tues 9/11/21, 6.30-7pm Michael Potter 0413 830 598

A hidden gem with spectacular views Appealing, split level, family residence showcasing majestic valley and mountain views from the living, kitchen and elevated deck areas. The secluded, main house offers 3 bedrooms, spa room, modern kitchen, timber floors, new paint, new carpet, updated ensuite and bathroom. The detached and renovated 1 bedroom villa is an added bonus and features a stylish bathroom, modern kitchen plus lounge/rumpus room. A wonderful find! EER 1.5


visit us at mpotter.com.au

Buy your new property with confidence from the team that has been developing and selling homes in Canberra for over 25 years • We DO NOT sell properties without DA approval • We DO NOT sell properties until construction has commenced • We WILL NOT rescind your contract just because prices go up

P O D P R O J E C T S G R O U P. C O M . A U

Artist Impression AVE EER 7



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1 Bed

| 1 Bath

| 1 Car



2 Beds | 1 Bath

| 1 Car



2 Beds | 1 Bath

| 2 Cars



2 Beds | 2 Baths | 2 Cars



3 Beds

| 2.5 Baths | 3 Car Garage



4 Beds

| 2.5 Baths | 2 Car Garage




limitededitiondenman.com.au CALL

Marcus Allesch 0424 409 873 DA APPROVED, CO NSTRU C TIO N CO M M EN CED





Lifestyle Apartment with Uninterrupted Panoramic Views

Spaciously appointed, this beautiful fifteenth-floor apartment offers a north-east aspect with stunning, panoramic views from every window to Mt Ainslie, Mt Majura, the War Memorial, the leafy suburb of Campbell and the hills beyond. Located in the sought-after Capital Tower, this sophisticated, beautifully-presented home offers ample living space for entertaining, open-plan living and dining while a tasteful modern colour palette combined with quality finishes and appliances create a neutral space to complement any decor. Offering space, luxury, convenience and incredible views in the heart of the City, this lifestyle home is ideal for those wishing to downsize as well as the investor. The sought-after Capital Tower completes the picture with lifestyle facilities including barbecues set in the landscaped courtyard, heated swimming pool, squash courts, tennis courts and a well-equipped gym. Within walking distance to ANU, Civic Shopping Centre, numerous restaurants and cafes, ACT Law Courts, National Australian Museum, Cinemas, and a variety of Major attractions. EER 4.0 REIACT Residential Salesperson of the Year Award 2020 | REIACT Best Small Agency of the Year, six times REIA National Award, Best Small Residential Agency of the Year 2013 | REIACT Hall of Fame, Best Small Residential Agency 2012 REIACT Small Agency Print Advertising Award, twice | CWB Businesswoman of the Year 2011 | CWB Best New Business 2010



Expressions of Interest by Fri 19 Nov at 5pm View Sat 06 Nov at 12:15pm Agent Maria Selleck (02) 6175 8001



City 1502/2 Marcus Clarke Street


8 Coghlan Street, Chifley $1,151,000

6 O’Reilly Street, Macgregor $1,111,000

55 Diamond Street, Amaroo $1,670,000

97 Shaw Street, Yass $1,100,000

6 Ariah Place, Palmerston $1,015,000

12/6 Oxley Street, Griffith $1,505,000

56 Shewcroft Street, Watson $1,400,000

3 Parkin Street, Torrens $1,000,000

93 Hopetoun Circuit, Yarralumla $3,500,000 RECORD PRICE

42 Jansz Crescent, Griffith $2,220,000

93 Jackie Howe Crescent, Macarthur $1,300,000

23 Marulda Street, Aranda $1,100,000

1 Housley Street, Casey $1,073,000

20 Brinsmead Street, Pearce $1,400,000


Wadeye Street, Crace $1,220,000

REIACT Residential Salesperson of the Year Award 2020 | REIACT Best Small Agency of the Year, six times REIA National Award, Best Small Residential Agency of the Year 2013 | REIACT Hall of Fame, Best Small Residential Agency 2012 REIACT Small Agency Print Advertising Award, twice | CWB Businesswoman of the Year 2011 | CWB Best New Business 2010


Macquarie 5-7 Belbin Place 7 bed . 5 bath . 0.5 EER Auction Wednesday 17 November 5pm, on site CONTACT

Justin Ingram 0431 116 399 justin@mrktproperty.com.au Jess Kercher 0475 299 055 jess@mrktproperty.com.au

Located in the Inner Belconnen suburb of Macquarie, is this prime redevelopment or investment land holding. These homes will be sold as one transaction and presents a fantastic opportunity for builder/developer to secure their next development site. Located in the Residential Zone 2 (RZ2) and spanning an impressive 2826m2, an opportunity like this rarely hits the market. FEATURES • • •


Redevelopment block to suit multiple townhouses Multiple rentals on both 5 & 7 Belbin Place Settlement terms to be negotiated

Canberra 1306/19 Marcus Clarke Street 3 bed . 3 bath . 2 car . 6 EER

Apartment 1306 spans a generous 188sqm of living and is one of the rare apartments in this architectural masterpiece that spans the full width of the building. With stunning views from every room, this is truly a unique offering. FEATURES

For sale $1,795,000

• • • •


Justin Ingram 0431 116 399 justin@mrktproperty.com.au Jess Kercher 0475 299 055 jess@mrktproperty.com.au


Unique floor plan with North views of the CBD and South views of Lake Burley Griffin 188m2 of genuine living space Only 3 apartments share this floor/lift Stunning kitchen and open plan living

insta / fb @hive.cbr web hivecbr.com.au




What you see: The perfect mix of heritage and style. Steeped in local history this once in a lifetime opportunity has become available. Constructed sometime between 1845 and 1878, the residence was Bungendore’s original “Royal Hotel” Recently undergone a part refurbishment with new bathrooms, new kitchen, new carpets, and painting whilst still maintaining the charm and elegance this home exudes. Set over 3/4 acre of lush gardens and beautiful Elm trees you will love the privacy and family picnics in the gardens.


By Appointment Katrice Velnaar 0411 449 071



What you see: A licensed agent that keeps her word from for sale to sold. Tenacious. Organised. Caring. Katrice thrives off structure, and creating more of it in a process that’s often anything but. A stellar communicator and an even better listener, she has your best intentions at the forefront of her negotiations. Measuring her success by client happiness, Katrice sees herself as her biggest competition — yet to be defeated. With plenty of practice in balancing expectations, think: glass of Pinot in her right hand, focaccia at Bellucci’s in her left, Katrice is seasoned in doing what it takes. Above all, the most.

What Katrice sees: Transforming the market, one transaction at a time.

Katrice Velnaar Residential Sales 0411 449 071 katrice@hivecbr.com.au

Belconnen 6147 3396

City & Inner Nth 6248 8310

Coastal 4472 4758

Gungahlin 6241 9444

Manuka 6295 2433

Projects 6260 6600


a6 b6 c2


If the opportunity to live lavishly is something you've been dreaming of, then this spectacular contemporary home will make those dreams come true. Set over two levels, it's a sophisticated property that's just primed for modern family living. Meticulous high end finishes, soaring ceilings, in-slab heated floors laid to Italian tiles and a floating timber staircase with glass balustrade make a memorable impression. Whether it's the two islands in the stunning kitchen, the feature rock wall in the atrium-like living room, or the 9.4m span of bi-fold glass doors leading out to the entertaining area and pool, every element reflects luxe choices. But behind the glamour and style there's an eminently functional and practical home. A guest bedroom with its own ensuite is on the ground floor. It's attached to the rumpus and both rooms can be closed off to form a private guest wing. EER 4.0

Qbn & Jerrabomberra 6297 0005

Tuggeranong 6296 7077

Weston Cr. & Molonglo 6288 5009


On site 3pm Saturday 20th November


Sunday 7th 11-11:45am


Manuka 6295 2433


Mario Sanfrancesco 0412 488 027

Woden 6282 8686

Imagine waking up to this everyday

New 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments exclusive to over 55’s coming soon

Early sales appointments opening soon. Register your interest today so you’re among the first to know.

Located in Kambah and offering picturesque views, Marigal Gardens is introducing new apartment living within its established community and village gardens. The new apartments offer modern and spacious living with an abundance of natural light and views, most with Northerly aspects. Beyond the front door, residents can enjoy exclusive facilities for their health and wellbeing. There is a variety of social opportunities available, and residents can choose to be as social or private as they like.

www.marigalgardens.com.au | 1300 884 784 Renders are for illustrative purposes only. Details are correct at time of printing and subject to change. October 2021

At Marigal Gardens you’ll get a brand new apartment and so much more including • Modern finishes with neutral colour schemes so you can add your own personal touch. • A wellness centre designed for your mind, body and soul featuring a pool and gymnasium. • New contract options providing you with greater choice. • Pet friendly. • Friendly staff and staff onsite 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

21 Snodgrass Crescent, Kambah ACT 2902 Live life your way

Real estate


on the market


Crace 8 Kappakoola Street


This three-bedroom home is filled with natural light and a modern touch. A low maintenance backyard with plenty of garden beds and space is ready for growing your spring/ summer fresh herbs and veggies. A beautifully set out patio space will provide lots of lovely relaxation time.

EER 6.0 Forthcoming Auction View Sat 6 Nov 11-11.30am Wed 10 Nov 5.30-6pm Agent Jayden Potten Mob 0402 604 828 Ray White Canberra 6173 6300







3.0 EER

Located in a suburb of rich history and sought after living, this outstanding home is set to impress with everything you could ask for.

Presented immaculately, with fresh carpet and blinds just the latest additions, you find a ready to live in.

The large L-shaped open plan, lounge and formal dining.

The updated kitchen with gas cooktop, oven and dishwasher all of reputable brands overlooks the second of the several outdoor retreats.

Large undercover deck with views to the south of the nation’s iconic arboretum and Black Mountain.

Conveniently located walking distance to amenities, playing fields and Stromlo High School.




CHRIS WILSON 0418 620 686 JACK WILSON 0402 367 713



Phone 6281 0822 Visit Hughes Place, Hughes ACT 2605 creamresidential.com.au 94






83B Northcove Road Long Beach, NSW




Water-view Clifftop A modern design with external finishes a mix of brick , colorbond and timber blends into the leafy streetscape. Internal access garage, 3 Bedrooms, 2 with built-in robes and ensuite in main, well planned kitchen, powder room and a lower covered deck area complete with Bay vistas. This water-view clifftop property is well worth consideration!

Auction Sat November 27th at 12:00PM Onsite

Price Guide: $880,000 - $920,000 83bnorthcoverd-longbeach.ljhooker.com.au

Agent Rob Routledge 0413 221 504

All information contained herein is gathered from sources we consider to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must solely rely on their own enquiries.

batemansbay.ljhooker.com.au LJ Hooker Batemans Bay 02 4472 6455

Online bidding option avaliable. Please contact us to arrange this.

View Sat November 6th 3-3:30pm

Subject to NSW health regulations






$1,650,000 BOOROWA


• Located 15 minutes from Young, this beautiful and tastefully built five bedroom home has huge potential. • Situated on approx. 50 acres with 4 hectares fully irrigated and approx. 300 Shiraz, 50 years old vines remaining. • The rest of the vineyard is being converted to a Christmas tree farm. • The property is split into four paddocks. Front paddock with a large 15 MEG dam and a stock dam towards the rear of the farm. • The house boasts five spacious bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe. • Modern kitchen with large gas oven & stove top, range hood, dishwasher, walk in pantry, ample storage with dining area. • Main bathroom with shower, bath & storage. • Living area with R/C air-con and large s/c wood heater. • Large linen closet and storage • Two very reliable dams, fresh water tanks and also a functioning bore that feeds to the vineyard. • Two bay machinery/hay shed, large four car garage with workshop • Fully fenced (house & block) • Located 1.5 hours from Canberra, 4 hours to Sydney, this property is very well located. • There is potential to make a return off the land and the existing vines and also has the potential to be a bed and breakfast/farm stay accommodation.

Contact: Richard Fleming: 0458 797 193



YOUNG WWW.FLEMI N G S P RO P ER T Y S ERV IC E S .C O M canberraweekly.com.au




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playunlimited unlimited puzzles online play online canberraweekly.com.au/puzzles canberraweekly.com.au/puzzles

brain busters 1. Which is smaller: a proton, electron or neutron?


father plays Victor Kiriakis on The Young and the Restless?

5 1 2

7. The flag of which country consists of a red circle on a green background?

8. In 1977, who was posthumously awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom?

To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.

13 16 18 19 20 21 22 25

Offensive odour (6) unfavourable (7) Own (7) A precious stone (4) Exercises (10) Mistakenly (2,5) instruction (7) Plastic unit containing audio or visual tape (8) Linen (10) Spanish headscarf (8) Distant (7) Hub for military planes (7) Quarantine (7) Forbidden (7) Ally (6) Singles (4)

Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com

No. 1479

No. 1480

3 8 1 2 9 5 7 6 4

super sudoku

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5 2 7 4 6 3 9 1 8

DiFFicuLTy RATiNG 

Skin on the head (5) commonsensical (9) Roof’s projecting edge (5) Power cells (9) collusive syndicate (6) Nullify (8) informal bulletin (10) capture (3) Melody (3) Sorcerers (10) Soon (8) Serious (uS) (6) Large powerful sea monster (9) Sun-dried brick (5) Speaks to (9) Finished (5)


6 4 9 1 8 7 5 3 2


1 4 9 10 11 12 14 15 17 19 23 24 26 27 28 29


8 3 5 9 1 6 4 2 7



No. 3778

7 6 4 5 2 8 3 9 1

1 7



9 1 2 3 7 4 8 5 6


5 9 3

does SWAT stand for?

4 9 8 6 5 2 1 7 3




1 7 6 8 3 9 2 4 5


10. In law and enforcement, what

2 5 3 7 4 1 6 8 9


9 1 4 8 6 3 5 2 7


of the Ancient World is the only one to have survived to the present day?

3 8 2 7 4 5 9 1 6

9 7

9. Which of the Seven Wonders

5 7 6 9 2 1 8 4 3

No. 1480

6. True or false: Jennifer Aniston’s

6 5 3 2 1 7 4 9 8


night sky?

7 4 1 6 8 9 3 5 2


runs the local Kwik-E-Mart?

5. What is the brightest star in the

DiFFicuLTy RATiNG 

9 6 8 3

4. Which character in The Simpsons

2 9 8 5 3 4 7 6 1


their legendary Monogram Canvas in 1896?

8 6 7 4 9 2 1 3 5

No. 1479


1 4 8

1 2 9 3 5 8 6 7 4

3 2 4 1 7 6 5

6 2 8 2

5 3 6 2 9 1 1 8

4 3 5 1 7 6 2 8 9

3 2 5 7 4

Brain busters: 1. Electron 2. Saturn 3. Louis Vuitton 4. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon 5. Sirius 6. False (He’s on Days of Our Lives) 7. Bangladesh 8. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr 9. The Great Pyramids of Giza 10. Special Weapons and Tactics


2. Janus is a moon of which planet? 3. Which fashion company launched

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celebrity birthday

DELTA GOODREM 9 November 1984

4 november – 10 november 2021 With patSY bennett www.patsybennett.com For personal readings, contact patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333. Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology

Delta will be undergoing considerable changes in her status, likely due to developments in her business and/or personal partnerships. She may reveal a new look soon. There is also a strong focus on healing and practical ways to remain healthy during these times. She has a great deal of creative focus right now that will produce wonderful work. Her family and those close to her bring support to her endeavours.

scorpio oct 24 – nov 22

AquArius jan 21 – Feb 19

TAurus apr 21 – MaY 21

LEo jul 23 – auG 23

Friday’s Scorpio new moon supermoon signifies a fresh start. current developments are precursors to more change next year. Your passionate side will come out now and, while you’ll enjoy being proactive, ensure you look before you leap into new circumstances, as you may be inclined to make rash decisions.

the sun, Mercury and Mars at the zenith of your chart will bring a need for passion and purpose into your activities. You may be surprised by news towards Friday. be tactful and avoid stubbornness for the best outcome. You’ll appreciate the opportunity to mix with like-minded people this weekend.

Get set to turn a corner in your personal life or at work. a change in routine may be unexpected but will bring you into contact with upbeat people. just avoid misunderstandings early next week. You’ll enjoy a get-together this weekend and, if you’re working, you’re likely to be busy.

You’ll enjoy being more sociable and stepping into fresh territory. You may even be surprised by some of the people you meet. You will feel more passionate and focused about some of your plans and projects. combine motivation with solid research to avoid making rash decisions and mistakes.

sAgiTTArius nov 23 – dec 21

piscEs Feb 20 – Mar 20

gEmini MaY 22 – june 21

virgo auG 24 – Sept 23

developments may surprise you, so think on your feet. this weekend, you’ll enjoy a reunion and the chance to socialise and network. a change of routine will add a degree of the unexpected into your daily life, which you will manage well, though you must avoid being overly controlling of circumstances.

the way you share assets, finances and duties is about to change and your loyalties, direction and possibly even career or status will transform as a result. a shared situation may present you with a difficult choice, so ensure you get all the details and avoid seeing life through rose-coloured glasses.

be enterprising, as a project could take off if you initiate it now. You’ll enjoy a more creative and upbeat phase and the chance to socialise and to take part in activities you love, especially this weekend. You may need to agree on a fresh understanding, so be tactful.

Friday’s new moon supermoon brings the chance to recalibrate your spending habits and the way you manage shared areas such as space at home and duties. this is also a good time to focus on rethinking your daily work schedule. You’ll enjoy a visit or a change of environment or at home this weekend.

cApricorn dec 22 – jan 20

AriEs Mar 21 – apr 20

cAncEr june 22 – julY 22

LibrA Sept 24 – oct 23

a fresh chapter is in the making in your status, general direction and, for some, with family and organisations. venus in your sign will bring love and money into focus. You may experience more of both over the coming weeks. this weekend, you’ll enjoy a reunion or the chance to revisit an old haunt.

Friday’s new moon supermoon brings a fresh business or personal partnership. You may change the way you share duties, space at home or finances. You may also experience a different work schedule. aim for an ideal outcome, even if you must negotiate or alter your plans.

Friday’s new moon supermoon will spotlight domestic matters. an unexpected development will merit a careful but proactive approach, especially for july crabs. and june crabs will enjoy a trip or visit. obtain all the details you need to make wellinformed decisions or you risk taking impulsive action.

be prepared to turn a corner in your personal life. Someone may surprise and you’ll best manage an unpredictable situation by being reasonable, well-organised and practical. this weekend, you’ll enjoy a visit, trip or get-together. be patient and you’ll gain more certainty in your daily life or regarding health.

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Trades & Services Guide INDEX

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au




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Bathroom Renovations


Carpenters & Joiners


Carpet Laying


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Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide COMPUTERS & IT ABN 62 092 468 909

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Garden Cleanup Qualified Horticulturist Rubbish Removal CALL: 0430 582 821 Gutter Cleaning Free no obligation quotes Regular Maintenance Fully insured Customer service from a Commercial or Domestic company you can trust


To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673

Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide GARDENING



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To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673

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Flyscreen, gyprock repairs & pergola roofs Painting Deck cleaning & staining Window cleaning

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To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673




Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide PLUMBING & GASFITTING


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To get your business listed in the Trades & Services Guide, call Monica on 0406 378 673



Contact the trades & services team 6175 8888 trades@canberraweekly.com.au

Trades & Services Guide WATER TANKS


Monarch Window Cleaning From



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WIN! Blue’s Clues & You! prize packs The newest collection of Blue’s Clues & You! toys mean today’s little fans can bring adventures with their favourite blue puppy to life at home. CW has 4 x Blue’s Clues & You! prize packs (valued at $50 each), including these two toys: This adorable 2-Sided Handy Dandy Notebook is just like the one Josh uses in the show. Kids can draw their clues on the front with the magnetic pen. Turn the notebook over to use as a smartphone and press the button to activate phrases from the show.

WIN! Product of the Year hampers Win one of three Product of the Year hampers valued at $100 each. Product of the Year is Australia’s largest consumer-voted awards program, where over 5k Aussies pick their favourite everyday and supermarket products. Each hamper contains an assortment of some of this year’s winnings products including tea, coffee, snacks, pasta, sauces and more!

Kids can sing and groove to great songs with the Sing-Along Guitar, inspired by the Handy Dandy Guitar Josh plays. Little musicians can listen to and play along with the Blue’s Clues & You! theme song and Old McDonald.

WIN! Sow ‘n Sow Flower Press A perfect Christmas gift! Are you looking for a unique Christmas gift? A Sow ‘n Sow Flower Press makes a beautiful gift for adults and children, especially those who love to garden or craft. Flower Presses are great for preserving special floral memories such as flowers from grandma’s garden or adorning gift cards and craft projects. Featuring botanical illustrations by Melbourne artist Daniella Germain, each press is handcrafted in Australia out of hard-wearing materials to ensure stable pressure and long-lasting use. Available in three sizes, Mini, Large and Giant, there’s a Sow ‘n Sow Flower Press suitable for any gift budget. CW has 3 x Giant Sow ‘n Sow Flower Presses to be won.

Enter to WIN

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberraweekly.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 12 November 2021 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.




















Will Honey 0407 245 177

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