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5 january – 11 january 2023

WIth patsY bennett www.patsybennett.com for personal readings, contact patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333. facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology

Cody SimpSon 11 January 1997

Cody Simpson’s diligent approach to hard work and putting in the necessary hours to obtain results contributes to his ability to reinvent himself periodically. His transformation from singer-songwriter to olympic swimmer and back again will bring new work that exemplifies his multi-talented nature. Cody will have his work cut out for him with swim training for the olympics and maintaining his musical career. But if anyone can do it, he can.

virgo aug 24 – sept 23

a key relationship will be in the spotlight. either you or someone close may be unusually sensitive and you’ll need to tread lightly. It’s a good week to consider joining new organisations and to reconfigure your status or career. You may need to alter domestic circumstances in the process. sagittarius nov 23 – dec 21

It’s a good week to review your finances and set up a fresh budget if necessary. If you need advice, it will be available. a fresh work opportunity may arise. You’ll gain the chance to reunite with someone special but must avoid gambling financially and emotionally, as it is likely to backfire. pisces feb 20 – mar 20

You’re about to begin a fresh chapter in a relationship. for some, this will be in your personal life, such as in your family; some pisces will develop a fresh link with an organisation. You may need to devise a new budget. You’ll enjoy socialising and networking and a short trip or a visit. gemini maY 22 – jun 21

You’ll appreciate an impromptu gettogether or unexpected news this weekend. a fresh phase will begin financially, and this may be connected with career or with shared areas and finances. a strong link with your past or a work connection will resurface. tuesday is a good day for romance.

libra sept 24 – oct 23

saturday’s full moon brings a fresh chapter within your career or direction, or simply within your status, and this will have an impact on your home life or family. someone is likely to surprise you. You may receive a visitor or return to an old haunt. a period of adjustment may be necessary.

scorpio oct 24 – nov 22

saturday’s full moon points to a fresh project or venture and this could mean a change in your personal life, work or health routine. You may receive news to do with a favourite activity, travel or study and will appreciate the chance to improve finances. You’ll enjoy a lovely get-together. capricorn dec 22 – jan 20

saturday’s full moon will spotlight a personal or business relationship. developments may spotlight your sensitivities, or those of someone else, so be prepared to revitalise relationships that are strained. You’ll appreciate a pleasant change of routine and may receive a financial boost.

aquarius jan 21 – feb 19

a new work or daily routine will begin if it hasn’t already. You may see your work or health in a new light and must find balance in your daily schedule. If you’re travelling, plan well ahead to avoid delays and double check transportation. You may enjoy a reunion or a return to an old haunt. aries mar 21 – apr 20

a new chapter is about to begin at home, with family or a property, if it hasn’t already. You will gain the chance to turn things around and this may impact your work and status, or vice versa. some aries will enjoy a trip or news from afar. Key financial news next week will provide clarity. cancer jun 22 – jul 22

this weekend’s cancer full moon presents a new chapter in your personal life and, if you were born after mid-july, at work or regarding health. news may even surprise you. this is a good week to work on collaborations. a friend or organisation may be super helpful. romance will blossom.

taurus apr 21 – maY 21

a trip, transportation or news will spotlight the need to be careful about travel and communications. You may be ready for a long trip or are returning. You’ll appreciate the chance to establish more security, especially regarding finances, legal, study or personal matters. leo jul 23 – aug 23

saturday’s full moon will spotlight your past, such as a reunion or trip to an old haunt. It’s a good week to devise a fresh work or health schedule. You’ll gain the chance to boost your love life, so why not organise a date? someone may need your help and, if you need it, it will be available.

“Where nature meets perfection”

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