2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health
Dr. Jeffrey S. McCombs, DC
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health
2017 Year in Review I’ve never written a year-end review before, but realized that I’ve been missing an opportunity to appreciate all the people that we have been fortunate enough to work with. We continue to see people’s lives changed year-after-year on the Candida Plan. It’s a humbling experience and a blessing to witness from close-up and from afar. We’ve now shipped to over 76 countries around the world and continue to see our base grow. In many, and most instances, we may not hear from people about their successes until months or years later, but this year found us receiving more timely responses about success while on the Plan. Here are some of the results that were shared with us –
the severe skin rash I had disappeared completely within 5 weeks. I did not have any problem with the Candida diet as it o ers so many options and I am eating well after so many years.
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health week 4 already and feeling much Better Your website is amazing and has so much of precious information that explains the candida condition. I was healed of fibromyalgia with your plan. Your work and input about curing/controlling Candida made a huge difference in my recovery. I have a client I’ve been working with for years and she cannot believe how much better she is feeling in a just a couple of weeks I’m sooo loving this program! on week two and just sooo stoked Can’t put into words what this plan has done for me in just 4 short weeks. I feel great, more energy, I have lost 10 pounds so far, am starting to gain my con dence back, I’m not as worried about going in public, and it has really helped my marriage! Followed the plan as outlined and felt super well. I lost weight and wasn’t bloated anymore and my psoriasis symptoms improved. Sinuses are great! Skin is so much better too. The other symptoms that are better are brain fog, forgetfulness, yeast infection better, sugar/carb cravings gone, not starving all of the time, lessened anxiety, not freezing anymore, and can concentrate better I am on an upward spiral. Haven’t felt this good for months. My sinuses cleared up within two days.
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health I have to say that I’m only on day 12 of Candida Force and the Candida Plan diet and my candida symptoms are almost completely gone. Thank you for all you do! God bless, man! You changed my life. I loss about 70 lbs without exercise. This was the missing piece of the puzzle. Within hours of starting your Plan my brain fog lifted and I felt better and could think clearly. I now have more idea of what I can do to help improve my symptoms and don’t feel so alone with it all. All of these results came from people who invested the time and e ort to follow the Plan. Their 4 months of devotion to their health is transformative. It becomes the launching pad for better health and adherence to simple practices and routines that help to create and maintain health for years to come. People often feel alone with their conditions and nowhere to turn for help. Despite spending countless hours in doctor visits (Mds, DOs, NDs, etc) and exorbitant amounts of money, they receive no helpful guidance or direction to follow. Their conditions progress and their symptoms increase, leaving them to feel hopeless, and a medical oddity. Doctor’s become frustrated very easily when people don’t t into their protocols and o ce ow. They end up referring patient after patient out of their o ce for psychosomatic illness and care. If you don’t t their practice model, you’re not physically sick.
The Gap 2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health Modern medicine is grossly inadequate for dealing with the health challenges people face. Doctors follow protocols that create gaps that the majority of their patients fall through. This has created an entire industry of health coaches, health entrepreneurs, and bio-hackers who often o er solid advice about diet, exercise, and motivation. The complexity of many people’s conditions however, are beyond their understanding. Most alternative healthcare practitioners realize that they never have to advertise so much as they just need to open their doors and let medical doctors continue doing what they do and the patients will come. Children continue to do very well on the Plan and always exceed their parents expectations. We constantly hear the parent’s perspective on how their child could never do the Plan but then they witness the dedication and transformation that takes place. I’ve always said that children do better than adults. The biggest obstacle is often the parent’s hard-earned perspective. Children possess potential that can be activated through a healthier mind and body. To that end, I offer this quote –
“Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.” ~Brooke Hampton
26 Years Over the past 26 years of the Plan, we’ve seen over 56 women diagnosed as infertile get pregnant while on the Plan. I don’t recall any during this past year, but we have one or two possibilities in the works for this year.
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health Many people ask us if we’ve ever had anyone as sick as them? Interestingly enough, they tend to not be the sickest people we help, but it’s hard to convince them of this when no one has been able to help them so far. What is often a complex issue for many people, often can have a simple resolution with the right understanding. The medical profession has left them hanging on a cli and they’re afraid to let go for fear of falling into an abyss. The Plan is a safety net and a foundation for moving past such experiences. Convincing them to leap is not always easy, and something I fail at from time to time. I haven’t gured out the magic words yet that work. All the science contained in almost 200 blog posts is often not enough to overcome such fears. More work for me to do.
2018 Now that 2018 is here, I hope to continue piecing together the science around candida and its related conditions. The science community is beginning to place more emphasis on the role of fungus and yeast in the microbiome and overall health. Look for more public info on the mycobiome this coming year. This year, I hope to write more about mitochondria, oxygen, and the cellular pathways that are so important. Practically no one addresses these components do to the complexity involved. They are essential to health and o er the opportunity to take our health to the next level. Once we have established a foundation with the Plan, we have the ability to enhance our health by addressing these cellular pathways. Here’s to your health in 2018. May it be better than it ever has been! Dr. Jeff McCombs, DC
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health Dr. Je rey S. McCombs, DC , is founder of the McCombs Center for Health, the Candida Plan, the Candida Library, and author of Lifeforce, The Everything Candida Book, and The Everything Guide to Autoimmune Diets . Check out our podcast, “The Candida Chronicles ” on iTunes and SoundCloud. Follow us on: https://www.instagram.com/thecandidaplan/ https://twitter.com/DrMcCombs https://www.facebook.com/groups/candidaplan/
2017 Year in Review - Successful Foundations for Health