Anti candida diet plan

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Anti-Candida Diet Plan

Dr. McComb

Anti-Candida Diet Plan During Dr. McCombs’ Candida Plan you can eat from the “Yes Foods” and you need to avoid the “No Foods”. Starting from Week 9 on the plan, you can start adding back-in certain foods; however, our recommendation is to add in only those foods that work for your body. If you are eating foods that do not work well with your body you are likely to experience: bloating, atulence, fatigue, headaches, skin eruptions, and other symptoms.

Keys to Success 1. The best way to approach “Dr. McCombs’ Candida Plan” is by preparing large portions of meals in advance. 2. Keep the appropriate foods and snacks handy. 3. Remember our motto is “If in doubt, don’t eat it.” 4. You will experience a great increase in health and vitality if you follow “Dr. McCombs’ Candida Plan” as it is outlined.

Anti-Candida Diet Plan

Anti-Candida Diet Plan Y e s Foods

No Foods

All meats (except pork) All Vegetables (includes potatoes) All Fresh Fruits (except oranges) Eggs Brown rice (short or long grain) Brown rice cakes (plain) Hot brown rice cereal (brands include Bob’s Red Mill, or Lundberg Purely Organic) Tea, Coffee T ips : For c ooking or s a la d dre s s ing : we recommend using organic extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, virgin coconut, apricot or almond oils (most other oils are toxic to the body.) Cold-pressed oils are best. S e a s oning s inc lude : Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acids, salt, pepper, lemon, etc. (as long as there are no sugars, yeast, or anything not on the plan. We re c omme nd na tura lly ra is e d a nd org a nic foods Eat foods from the “YES” List that work well with your body. As you progress through the Plan, you should nd that your ability to handle more foods increases. If you have any questions about any of the foods, let us know. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions. Click here to contact us. See our of Recipes here.

A nything not on the “Y e s ” lis t is not on the pla n. This includes all sugars (malts, honey, syrups, alcohol, etc.) and canned and/or processed foods. Meal replacements powders, smoothies, shakes and food bars Yeast Dairy All grains (except brown rice) Dried Fruit Dates Frozen blueberries (other frozen fruits okay) Blended fruit of any kind, homemade smoothies Oranges Fruit juices & sweet vegetable juices Nuts, seeds, etc. Legumes (beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, etc.) Popcorn Soy sauce Vinegar Alcohol Breads (including brown rice bread) Pastas and pasta substitutes (including brown rice pasta) Chips (any kind including brown rice flour) Milk/Dairy substitutes (rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, etc.) Chewing Gum (click here for alternate options) Sugar substitutes (stevia, agave, xylitol, etc.) Why are certain foods eliminated?

Adding Foods Back: When and What

Anti-Candida Diet Plan

Anti-Candida Diet Plan We e k # Week 1-8

C a ndida Pla n Re introduc ing Foods

Re minde r!

Follow Yes & No foods list


Week 9

You may add back in: dried fruit, juices, soy sauce, vinegar, legumes, tofu, nuts, and popcorn


Week 11

You may add back in: Grains


Week 13

You may add back in: Pasta, bread, chips, crackers, etc.


Week 15

You may add back in: Sugars


Week 17

You may add back in: Dairy


It may be necessary to delay adding any foods that your body is sensitive to for a few additional weeks. Lis te n to your body.

Dr. McCombs Anti-Candida Diet Plan is a tried-and-tested eating plan that eliminates factors that have been promoting growth of fungus, bad bacteria and mucous. The “Yes Foods” on Dr. McCombs’ Candida Plan are:

Anti-Candida Diet Plan

Anti-Candida Diet Plan All meats (except pork) Vegetables Fruits (except oranges) Why is fruit okay? (link to FAQ) Eggs Brown rice (short or long grain) Brown rice cakes (plain) Brown rice cereal (hot) Tea, Coffee Recommended oils for cooking or seasoning: cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, coconut, apricot or almond oils (most other oils are toxic to the body.) Seasonings include: Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acids, salt, pepper, lemon, etc. (as long as there are no sugars, yeast, or anything not on the plan.) We recommend naturally raised and organic foods

Anti-Candida Diet Plan

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