canfitpro Official Magazine | Mar/Apr 2022

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March/April 2022



The Official Magazine




EAT Well. PLAY Well. Fuel UP for Fun! Fuel up


for coaches and parents of sporty kids ages 6 to 15 years

Fuel up for Fun is is the nutrition go-to resource designed for parents and coaches of kids 6 to 15 years of age. Authored by Registered Dietitian Carol Harrison, RD and fitness expert Christa Costas-Bradstreet, MA.

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The science and small truths behind some popular nutrition myths

Can You Be Fit and Healthy at Any Size? Taking an individualized approach to what it means to be healthy and fit WOMEN & LEADERSHIP

34 Influencing a Culture of Belonging

Helping women leaders discover their place in fitness and their ability to influence











exploitez les plans de mouvements pour protéger l’intégrité de vos articulations et de votre colonne vertébrale LIFE COACHING

54 What’s Self-Care Got to Do with It?

Why taking care of yourself first will pay off



Practices to strengthen coherence to lead from the heart








This is an excerpt from Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook by Nancy Clark.


Be a next-level fitness professional to coach those with medical conditions NUTRITION

46 Disease Prevention: A Look at Cancer

Top 3 strategies to protect ourselves from this disease ACTIVE AGING

48 ESSENTIALS IN CORE TRAINING: NEVER DO CRUNCHES AGAIN Utilize the planes of motion to protect the integrity of the joints and spine












canfitpro March/April 2022


Note from the COO March/April, 2022

Photo Credit: Dawn Bowman

Chief Operating Officer Maureen Hagan Director of Operations Michael O’Neil Director of Business Growth Robert Robinson Managing Editor Erin Andersen Graphic Designer Imran Mahmood, Doris Li, Marketing & Communications Manager Ashley O’Connor, Certification Operations Manager Barb Pontes, Events Experience Manager Nicole Delorme, Senior Account Manager, B2B Sales Bill Loker, Member Experience Manager Fatima Sunga,

Fitness Advisory Panel

GET READY FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES AHEAD Anthony Robbins says that “In every crisis lies opportunity. People who are successful are not lucky; they are just prepared for opportunities that come their way. Anticipation is power”. This quote inspires me to keep MO’ving myself forward on my path; whether that be a comfortable path I know (to be safe), or a new path I have chosen because of an opportunity. We are all living through the same crisis, yet it will be those who look carefully and spot an opportunity, then seize it, that will rise and lead. Carpe Diem! The articles and profiles within every issue of canfitpro’s magazine continue to inspire me as I am sure they will inspire you. Sara Hodson advises aspiring professionals in her article Delivering Exercise as Medicine to “learn to do what you love; it will always lead you on your right path”. While jobs and roles in the industry may have changed or been eliminated, we still have the ability to anticipate prospective opportunities and R.I.S.E.—Revisit (your WHY), Innovate or re-Invent, Share (your Passion), and Educate. I cannot over stress the importance of education and the need to continue educating yourself! I might sound like a broken record; however, I truly believe that in times of struggle, when the going gets tough, it is the time the tough get going and this starts with educating yourself, again and again. For anyone who has been laid off, left their job, or been reassigned because of the repeated lockdowns over the last two years, know that you are not alone. Reflecting on your accomplishments and experiences as you update your resume provides a moment of self-reflection. It also presents an opportunity to see yourself in a new role or job embracing change and opportunity for bigger and better things ahead. Employers consider continuous learning as important as credentials and experience. Continuous learning and upskilling show your commitment and passion to professional development and give you opportunities to explore new paths. canfitpro GLOBAL is here to help you find your new path. This summer’s GLOBAL event will offer a hybrid experience so that you can join us in person or online from anywhere. The conference and tradeshow will offer the opportunity for you to network with your friends and industry peers, connect with like-minded professionals and learn from the world’s top experts in business, leadership, technology, wellness, nutrition, medical fitness, personal training, group fitness, mind-body, and MO’re! This is your time to become a next level fitness professional. It is time for all of us to pause and check in with ourselves and R.I.S.E. to meet the opportunities ahead with anticipation and power. canfitpro is here to welcome you back!

Leslee Bender Carl Carter Deidre Douglas, EdD Stephanie Dupuis Suaad Ghadban Daniela Goode Alisa Herriman Sara Hodson Nathalie Lacombe Sheldon McBee Lorne Opler Simone Samuels Vyshnavi Sivakumaran Jeff Tiessen To Subscribe canfitpro Magazine is published six times per year by Canadian Fitness Professionals Inc. New Professional Memberships with canfitpro are $98 per year (plus GST/HST) and renewals are $78 per year (plus GST/HST) and include a subscription to the magazine. For more information, please contact Member Services at ext. 301. Feedback or to contribute to canfitpro Magazine please contact: canfitpro Magazine 110-225 Select Ave. Toronto, ON M1X 0B5 416-493-3515 Toll Free 1-800-667-5622 Fax (416) 493-1756 Contact for questions regarding membership, conferences, and Canadian fitness resources. canfitpro is a division of Canadian Fitness Professionals Inc. Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40783518 - Return Postage Guaranteed

Maureen “Mo” Hagan Chief Operating Officer FSC C148846

4 canfitpro March/April 2022


Canada's Premier Fitness Trade Show

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canfitpro UPDATES canfitpro is proud of our staff and their commitment to helping you, our valued members, be successful. Our staff come from diverse and varied backgrounds and bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience to their roles. Cultural background: I am a Pakistani.

am also custodian to our branding guidelines.

What is your favourite food? Spicy Kababs with salad.

Why is what you do with canfitpro important to you? Branding and marketing are an essential core to any business. Communicating our business message in effective ways is crucial to acquiring new customers and retaining the old ones. I understand the need to strike an impression and have the experience of doing so in digital, social, and still platforms to capture our targeted audience.

What is your favourite holiday? Christmas. What is one fun or interesting fact you can share about yourself? I like to laugh and be happy and make others happy. At the end of our conversation, I want to make you smile or laugh. How long have you been working at canfitpro? Over five years.

Name: Imran Mahmood Country of birth: United Arab Emirates

What is your role and what do you do for canfitpro? I am a graphic designer who specializes in creative strategy and design. I conceptualize and implement a design solution tailored to canfitpro customers’ needs. This varies from events branding and promotion to producing the canfitpro magazine that goes out to our members. I create campaigns for our services and help B2B with their marketing collateral. I

What is your favourite form of exercise?

Strength training at the gym.

How do you incorporate fitness into your life? I try to go to gym whenever possible. Otherwise I just go for a little walk. What is your two-word WHY statement? Strive, persistence. What do you want to be remembered for? Somebody who was always there for you.


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canfitpro March/April 2022



SHARING A PASSION FOR HEALTH AND FITNESS Meet our PRO TRAINERS who champion fitness education in their communities

Kathleen MacDougall Toronto Courses Taught: CPR How can CPR be impactful to everyday life? When I speak to the importance of knowing how to perform CPR, I am as passionate today about the importance of this skill as I was when I started teaching over 10 years ago. As I tell my students, imagine your loved one needs CPR and no one in the room knows what to do? canfitpro CPR courses teach the skills everyone needs not only to save someone’s life, but to also familiarize and recognize the symptoms of stroke, heart attack and help someone who is choking. What is the importance of renewing this certification each year? Whether we are at a fitness facility, ice-rink, soccer pitch or shopping mall,

8 canfitpro March/April 2022

knowing the skills that will enable you to act quickly, perform them with confidence and as a result, save a life, are skills we as fitness professionals should know. Certifying annually solidifies those skills and builds the confidence needed to act quickly in any emergency. What is your favourite part about teaching CPR? While I am passionate about teaching the skills that can help save lives, I have very much enjoyed meeting so many fitness professionals over the years from all over the GTA. While I see some of them only annually, it is fabulous to catch up and hear what they are now doing. I am honoured that they chose my course to get certified and I appreciate that they still laugh at my jokes!

IG: @macdougallkathleen

Cathy Angers Blainville, QC Courses Taught: CPR Pourquoi la RCR est-elle importante pour vous ? La RCR fait partie de ma vie depuis si longtemps. J’ai suivi ma première formation à l’âge de 10 ans. Je n’ai pas dû attendre très longtemps avant de comprendre toute son importance puisque j’ai dû faire les manœuvres dès l’année suivante. Heureusement la personne a survécu! Après avoir refait d’autres manœuvres de RCR dix ans plus tard avec succès, je me suis rendu compte que peu de gens autour de moi auraient su quoi faire à ce moment-là et j’ai eu envie de leur montrer quoi faire pour sauver des vies. Je suis vraiment heureuse d’avoir pu enseigner à plus d’une centaine de personne à sauver des vies dans les 10 dernière années. Quelle est la différence dans les cours? A contre C ? et aurais-je intérêt à apprendre à utiliser la machine AED ? Lorsque vous choisissez votre formation

RCR vous avez le choix entre la A et la C. Si vous sélectionner la A, les notions abordées vous permettront d’approfondir vos connaissances sur les manœuvres de RCR chez l’adulte. En vous inscrivant à la formation C, vous aurez un cours complet qui, en plus de tout le contenu de la formation A, vous aurez en plus les connaissances pour administrer les manœuvres aux enfants et bébés en cas d’urgence. Je suggère fortement d’avoir la formation pour utiliser le DEA. Cette formation est disponible autant pour la formation A que C. Le DEA est le complément parfait à la RCR et, selon les études, augmente le taux de survie de 5 à 75%. Je suis persuadé qu’il peut faire toute une différence en étant utilisé adéquatement. Qu’est-ce que vous préférez dans l’enseignement de la RCR ? J’adore voir les participants prendre confiance en eux tout au long de la formation. Au départ, ils ont souvent des craintes ou des appréhensions par rapport à l’application de la RCR ou du DEA, mais tout au long du cours, ils

Carlie Nicol Calgary, AB Courses Taught: FIS, HWL, CPR

area, and keeping them safe until help arrives while operating in our scope of practice as lay people.

Why would I want to take a CPR course? Plus, I am concerned about COVID and my own safety. The CPR annual certification is an especially valuable tool to have in your “coaching toolkit”. As trainers, we encounter so many different people with varied backgrounds in their health and well-being. Knowing the early signs and symptoms of a medical emergency will give you the confidence to support someone in their time of need.

I have been offering certifications in small numbers. All attendees dress their actars with a long sleeve shirt to mimic the partner work we used to do. They also receive two new pairs of gloves and a new barrier device so that they can practice their skills with confidence and cleanliness in mind.

The CPR classes are taught with safety in mind. This past year I had the privilege of upgrading my coaching to create a safe learning environment for all that attend my classes. They are formatted to follow the guidelines set forth by the provincial health body and screening and cleaning are done before each class to provide the best learning and education. You may see in classes that we will teach compressions only if there are no barrier devices available at the time of an emergency. We also discuss the Good Samaritan Act, to allow the rescuer to keep in mind safety for both the victim and rescuer. We can provide support to our victims by calling 911, securing the

How has CPR impacted your life? As a trainer over the past 20+ years, I have used my skills as a layperson rescuer many times in the studio from students who have low blood sugar or showing up to class dehydrated to a student who fainted and needed medical attention. I have also used these skills on the highway at a motor vehicle accident while waiting for paramedics to arrive. I find that annually refreshing our skills has allowed me to help when needed without hesitation. I have students who return year after year and have shared that they too have experienced this same sense of knowing what to do in times of medical emergency with their family, friends, or colleagues. This makes me proud to teach and empower others with this skillset!

prennent de l’assurance. Ils se sentent en confiance si une situation d’urgence devait se produire en leur présence. Je ne peux pas cacher que je suis toujours très émue lorsqu’un participant m’informe qu’il a pu sauver une vie grâce aux notions apprises dans une de mes formations. À ce moment-là, je me dis mission accomplie!

IG: @cathyangers fitness-fans/

What is your favourite part about teaching CPR? My favorite part of teaching CPR is when we do a refresh of the ABC’s and people get to do the practical components of CPR compressions and breaths and walk away with a sense of accomplishment. I try and keep the content succinct and effective, and attendees have commented on how they enjoyed the learning environment that was provided to them.

IG: @nicol_chick Email:

canfitpro March/April 2022



Jessica Takimoto, canfitpro finalist for Fitness Instructor Specialist of the Year 2021 Tell us about your fitness career journey. I grew up dancing competitively for over 10 years and after I stopped, I felt like part of me was missing. I missed the community, team atmosphere, exercise that felt FUN, the studio, the music, and most of all, feeling like I was working towards something bigger than myself. When I quit in high school, I was told I needed to do two things: get a part-time job and sign up for the gym. Little did I know, those two things would intertwine a few years later! After my first few group fitness classes at GoodLife, I was hooked! I tried every Les Mills format there was - Zumba, HIIT, yoga, and everything in between. Over the years, I have tried nearly every major group fitness format. My favourite BodyAttack instructor once said, “Jess, you should 10 canfitpro March/April 2022

become an instructor! I did it part-time during university and it was the best job ever.” Right after I turned 18, I signed up for my FIS certification and I have not looked back! I was a proud Group Fitness Instructor at the Queen’s University Athletics & Recreation centre for two years and I was given the freedom to design classes however I wanted. This was scary at the time but ended up being a huge blessing. After trying so many group fitness formats and various other types of training, I wished there was something as fun as a dance based class, yet as challenging and intense as a HIIT class. Using my past dance training, I started creating choreographed group fitness classes. At the time, there was no format, name, or brand. People

just knew it as, “Jess’ Triple Threat” (as opposed to the way other instructors taught Triple Threat classes). After a year of teaching, I had built quite a following of ‘regulars’ and did not want them to forget about me over the summer! I started a fitness Instagram page to share about classes, workout ideas, motivation, and other tips to stay healthy and active. I saw the detrimental impacts of not exercising and eating highly processed foods (cafeteria food, frozen pizza, etc) to not only my university peers’ physical health, but also their mental and emotional health. I began using this social media presence to educate and inspire my peers to live healthier and more active lifestyles. When COVID-19 broke out, I started

streaming classes on Instagram live in quarantine to keep myself and my peers active. I wanted to bring others just 30 minutes of happiness and fun in what was otherwise an extremely stressful time. These free livestreams grew and grew and grew, and along with it I played around with the technology to improve the quality of the streams. When the gym offered me a job teaching zoom classes, I figured “Why not try this on my own?”, “What’s the worst thing that can happen?”. I figured to justify declining the job offer, I should at least start charging money for my classes. I created a $5 weekly subscription and a year later, I now run SHINE full-time with over 150 members! Where would you like your career path to take you? Many people think my degree is something in fitness, but I graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Smith School of Business. Throughout my undergraduate, I struggled to figure out what career path I wanted to take. I thought the only options were marketing, accounting, finance, or consulting (often called the “Big 4” options). I was passionate to my core about fitness and wanted to find a way to combine my interest in business and marketing with my passions for fitness, leadership and building community. Through entrepreneurship, I get the privilege of doing both! I do not know exactly what my career path will hold, but for the near future I plan to scale SHINE as big as I can! If there is an “after”, I suspect it will involve entrepreneurship again. it is not an easy path but it feels so right to me, and I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. What challenges have you overcome and what did you learn that has made you a better professional? Starting a business during my final year of university was extremely challenging. Physically, there were many demands on my time, and I had to learn to prioritize. Mentally, I was working both in and on the business, and had to strategize how to grow the business. Thankfully, three years of a Commerce degree prepared me well for this! Emotionally, I was learning how to lead and manage a team. That was by far the hardest part. For example, one of my best instructors went behind my back and got a job at SHINE’s largest direct competitor. I had to let go of someone I had cared

deeply about and placed an immense amount of trust in. As a 21-year-old, I had no experience being “the boss” and I did not want to be the “mean one”, but I knew it was the right thing to do for the integrity of my business and my team. I am lucky that I have such incredible friends, family, and participants that have supported me and encouraged me throughout this process. Without their belief in me, I do not know if I would have had the resolve to keep going. Over the past year, I have learned that taking risks is part of life and not something to fear. I have watched many of my peers accept jobs that they are not passionate about because they fear the “what if”. They are scared to be openly passionate about something in case they fail, or other people judge them. I have learned that the greatest risk is taking no risk at all! Be passionate, put yourself out there, and have the courage to go after things you really want. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? The best piece of advice I was ever given was, “Don’t focus on money. Focus on being the best in the world at something, and the money will follow.” Think about what you can and want to be the best in the world at, and that is a great place to start! Now that you have reached this point in your career, what piece of advice would you give your younger self? Great question! Although I have been a fitness instructor for over three and half years and working in the fitness and recreation industry for six years, I feel like my career is just getting started! The one piece of advice I would give my younger self, or any other young leader is: find something that lights your soul on fire, and then find the courage to share it with the world. Life is long and the best time to take a chance on you is right now. If you were to write a motto for yourself, what would it be? “WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS”. I once read that the success of a leader can be measured in how many other leaders they create. There is room for everyone to succeed. Leadership and success are like zero-sum functions. Because you are a leader, and you are successful does not mean someone else cannot be too. Aim to be other people’s biggest

cheerleader. The way to improving your own life is through lifting others up. Why did you decide to nominate yourself for the Fitness Professional of the Year Award? I was actually very nervous to nominate myself and it was my mom that pushed me to. She talked about it for months and basically forced me to do it. She has been my biggest cheerleader since the beginning of these crazy livestream classes and SHINE would not be possible without her constant support, encouragement, and occasional constructive feedback (she was also very accommodating about me blasting music and yelling into a camera for 30 minutes every day in her house for months and “borrowing” her car for a year!) Of course, I waited until the last day possible to fill out the form and after I did, I realized there was a participant nomination section too – oops! I put it out to my community on Instagram at 4:00 p.m. the day it was due, and I received an outpouring of support! By midnight, over 100 people took the time to fill out the form! I did not become a fitness instructor for a glamourous lifestyle, a high salary, or awards and accolades. I fell in love with a job and wanted to share my passion with the people I care about. A year ago, if you had told me it would be my career, I never would have believed you. To be selected as a finalist and be featured amongst other incredible fitness professionals is the greatest honour. I am truly so excited and cannot wait to get back to in-person group fitness classes. As many other group fitness professionals and participants can relate, there is nothing like the feeling of being packed in a room with loud music, cheering, sweating and moving together. How do you know when you’re ‘done’ and ready for the next challenge? I do not know if I will ever be ‘done’! However, I am done with the livestreams, tech challenges, and virtual group fitness. I am so ready to take on the next challenge of bringing SHINE to new heights in real life!

IG: @shinewithjesstakimoto

canfitpro March/April 2022


Photo Credit: Dawn Bowman



SAMANTHA MONTPETIT-HUYNH What it is that you do within the fitness industry and how long you have been active in this role? I have been in the fitness industry for over 20 years, starting off with typical weight loss and “fitness” but then switched to pre/postnatal. It is core and pelvic health when I was also having children. In the last few years, I have shifted my focus to menopause, midlife, and body acceptance as this is the current stage of life I am in. It is important for me and my clients because it is relatable, and I can empathize with what they are going through. What do you love about what you do? I feel that after so many years, I am finally changing women’s lives. It is so much more than workouts and meal plans. The women who work with me no longer look for external validation for their success. Especially during COVID, I have helped so many women understand that their fitness and health comes from the value in who they are – not a scale or size of clothing. What is the biggest mistake you have made and how have you learned from it? Like a lot of fitness professionals who have followed the research and have been open to grow and challenge their current thinking, using weight loss as the main measure of success. I have always believed that (aside from a group of new moms), you will not find a more competitive group of people (with more body image issues) than a group of “fit pros”. If we are truly honest, it is one of the main reasons that a lot of them got into the fitness industry in the first place. But with age, experience, and an openness to learn new approaches, they understand that weight is one very minute piece of a much bigger puzzle.

12 canfitpro March/April 2022

What types of transformations have you made because of COVID and how has it changed you as a fitness professional? Luckily for me, I moved my entire business online one year before COVID because I no longer wanted to trade time for money. I still believe that it is the only way for financial freedom and to avoid burnout. Personally, I stopped worrying about what other people thought. I mean, we all “say this” but how many people truly practice this? Now I am not saying be an a-hole, but if you are passionate about a topic (especially if it goes against the “masses”), it is your duty to share it with people who know and trust you because if you are thinking it, I guarantee there are others that are too. Remember that people buy from YOU, not “brands” – at least not small businesses. So, with me people are clear of what they are going to get if they hire me. I am extremely opinionated and will call you out on your B-S but will never shame anyone for not following through because at the end of the day, they are only breaking commitments to themselves. What do you believe sets certain fitness professionals apart from the rest? Standing up for what they believe in. Like I said; People buy from people and they want to know who YOU truly are; likes, dislikes and are looking for ways to relate so they can trust you. Certifications and education only go so far because it is the person who applies the knowledge and adds their own spin that makes them unique. Do not follow the “herd”, find your niche, and stick with it, otherwise it just comes down to who charges what or looking for freebies and no one makes any money that way, never mind has the true ability to help someone who needs it.

What advice can you share with those new to the field to be successful? 1. Find your niche – and I mean it. As a personal trainer, you will want to take on anyone and everyone because you want to make money but that will fade fast and so will your desire to work. 2. Be open to moving your business online. One thing that the pandemic has taught us is that online is not going anywhere, ever. Do not think that online fitness is “saturated” because there are millions of trainers (just like you) who are playing it safe and staying in their comfort zone, trading time for money. 3. If you are running your own business, charge what you are worth. Do not undercut your prices to get clients. This only undervalues your offerings and people will not get the results they wanted because you did not give them the opportunity to invest in themselves in the beginning. 4. Hire a mentor or coach. Just because you are an expert in fitness and health does not mean you know how to run a business. Get the help you need in the beginning (especially if you want to bring your business online) so you are doing it right from the start. It will save a lot of wasted time and money in the long run. What does this award represent to you? This award means SO much to me because it just validates what I have been saying. My voice matters. My opinionated, passionate voice that challenges the narrative matters in a world that has been saying a lot of the opposite things for a long time. It also shows me that people are willing to shift their thinking and the fitness industry IS changing, and I could not be prouder to be a part of it. FB: Samantha Montpetit-Huynh IG: @samcoretrainer | The Gallagher Way. Since 1927.

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Your #1 Marketing Strategy for 2022 Win the competition for local search By Sean Greeley

16 canfitpro March/April 2022

Struggling to generate leads for your studio or gym? You are not alone. Most gyms are struggling with lead quality, consistency, and as a result…growth. But there is some great news: All the best prospects are already looking for you! • •

Half the people on earth SEARCH the Internet every month: 3.7 billion unique visitors. Google gets 4.4 billion searches; Yelp, 295 million; NextDoor, three million; even small directories such as get 3.8 million each month. About half (46 per cent) of business searches have LOCAL INTENT– people researching a local business to buy from. Last month, there were 132,300 searches for personal trainers, and 1.2 million for gyms.

And here is some more compelling statistics: The top three results will OWN your local market: 92 per cent of people who search will click on one of the top three search results. And they are ready to buy! Eight-six per cent of those who click through will make an appointment, stop in for a visit, or make a purchase within 24 hours! That is why filling your pipeline with highly qualified leads and prospects is LESS about finding people and MORE about being found (and positioned at the top!). To win in 2022, get your Local Search strategy dialed in. Here is how you can do this (even if you do not know the first thing about internet marketing or technology): 1. Get Your Business Listed (with Accurate Information) Online Search engines, social sites, and voice-activated searches such as Alexa all rank results based on how much they know about you and your business, AND how well that aligns with what the prospect is searching for. Your rankings are based on your reputation, your category of business, your locations, your hours of operations, and other relevant information. And there is another crucial factor: Google must TRUST the information

you have out there. Google searches across the Internet – 50 plus directories in particular – to see if your information is correct, consistent, complete, and up to date. The more accurate the information, the more Google trusts you. And vice versa. For example, if Google finds your phone number is X in one directory and Y in another, it downgrades your ranking. EVEN IF YOUR INFO IN GOOGLE MY BUSINESS IS CORRECT. Why? Because the information is less trustworthy. Google wants to deliver prospects the best possible information to make sure they have a good experience when researching local businesses. Overall, there are about 50 plus data points of information on your business that you control and manage online with directories to build trust and climb rankings – allowing you to be found and get all the prospects! 2. Build and Manage Your Online Reputation You need a plan for reviews…so Google/Yelp/NextDoor will see you are highly rated by clients. The quantity and quality of reviews, your review response and management (of both positive and negative reviews), and the recency of reviews all determine how reputable Google and other directories believe you are. The more reputable and the more trustworthy, the more your business will be promoted into the coveted “Google 3-pack” and get all the prospects finding their way to your door. In many local markets, this strategy can drive 80-100 per cent of all the marketing traffic ever needed to achieve your business goals. Winners take all! 3. Dominate and Win! Right now, more people are searching for personal trainers, studios, and gyms than ever before. ALL roads lead to local search.

How well is your business prepared to win the local SEO and search game today? For most studios and gyms, the answer is “not very well”. But by taking time to assess how your business appears online, get your business listed, and climb local rankings…you can learn to dominate your local market in 2022.

Need leads? Want more referrals from Google, Yelp, and Next Door? Take five minutes to see how your business listings and reputation appear online with the NPE Local Search Scanner™. Then register for our free training on “The 7-Figure Fitness Studio/Gym Owners Guide to Lead Generation in 2022.” Start here: LocalSearch-canfitpro Sean Greeley, Founder and CEO of NPE, has an unrelenting passion for inspiring fitness professionals and business owners to realize their unlimited potential. Since 2006, NPE has helped over 45,000+ fitness professionals and business owners in 96+ countries grow their client base and income to the next level.

canfitpro March/April 2022



Delivering Exercise as Medicine SARA HODSON, FOUNDER & CEO OF LIVE WELL EXERCISE CLINIC, PRESIDENT OF THE FITNESS INDUSTRY COUNCIL OF CANADA, SHARES HER COMPANY’S PURPOSE To what do you attribute your success? LIVE WELL was founded with purpose to help people live their healthiest lives, through support, community, and healthy habit change. When you live every day with purpose, you become successful - no matter the challenges you face. What is your company’s mission? LIVE WELL has a clear mission - we have a road to 150. That is 150 LIVE WELL’s bringing our concept to every community in Canada. We know that exercise is 18 canfitpro March/April 2022

medicine, and we have a proven method of getting people who have never exercised before to embrace fitness! Does your company help the community where it is located? All our franchise partners give back to their communities in numerous ways - through food bank drives, providing pro-bono memberships to those in need and donating our time and services at events. We believe in the power of community.

At a higher level, I was appointed as President of the Fitness Industry Council of Canada in August 2021 and have been co-chair of the FIC-BC since November 2020. I advocate for the fitness industry every day. Why are you in business? LIVE WELL was founded with the knowledge that many Canadians have very real obstacles that prevent them from starting to be more active. I spent the earlier part of my career in cardiac

COMPANY PROFILE Number of years in business: 11 years Headquarters location: White Rock, BC (the first LIVE WELL Franchise) Number of locations in Canada: 13 locations across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario rehabilitation and saw heart attack patients complete 12-week rehab programs and then struggle to continue on their own. They wanted their exercise program in a safe, supervised environment. We specialize in medical fitness, helping people with a health focus. How do the social, economic, environmental, technological, legal, and political environments impact your business? The biggest impact on our 11-year business

has been the pandemic. This changed everything for us, turning our world on its axis. Within five days of the initial lockdown in March 2020 we had launched a virtual platform so we could stay connected with our members, who show up for their fitness sessions not only to exercise, but to be part of a community. The pandemic has taken its toll on the fitness industry, but LIVE WELL has continually evolved through the challenges. Where do you see your business in one to five years? In the next year, our goal is to fill up our clinics. One report suggests that more than 40 per cent of Canadians cancelled their gym memberships! We have very local members who know the power of LIVE WELL to change their lives! The next five years will be spent on our road to 150, expanding our business across Canada. Do you plan to compete in the global marketplace? Right before the pandemic began, we were on track to expand into the United States, and then to the United Kingdom. We know that there is nothing like LIVE WELL on the market - so, the short answer is YES, we absolutely plan on not simply competing in the global marketplace, but LIVE WELL being the answer for all those who live with chronic health conditions.

How has your business leveraged technology / innovative solutions to conduct and drive for results? LIVE WELL is not just a medical fitness company. We are a software company. We have built our own technology tools since 2011, giving us leverage, customized offerings and the ability to adapt and respond to our member’s needs - from live streaming our classes, to building an ondemand library for our members. We are learning, every single day, how to improve our technology so that we strengthen our connection with our members. How have you surrounded yourself with mentors/coaches during your business journey? I am extremely fortunate to work in an industry that places coaching and mentors high on the list of priorities. I have learned about business from incredible individuals who have taught me that change and growth go hand in hand, that you must consistently find creative solutions to challenges, and to use my talents for the greater good. What advice would you give other aspiring professionals and/or entrepreneurs in the industry? Learn to do what you love - it will always lead you on your right path. Very few people join the fitness industry to become millionaires! But when you go to sleep at night, and you know you are helping

canfitpro March/April 2022


people improve their health…you feel rich inside. What has been your greatest success and how has it shaped your brand? Our resilience. We were just starting to see significant growth in our brand when COVID-19 impacted all our lives. We have had many ups and downs, we have had to close locations permanently, we have opened new locations, and we continue to forge ahead. LIVE WELL is more relevant today than ever before. Our personal health has become such a focus and the evidence is clear that fitness is part of the national recovery from COVID-19. What makes your company different from the competition? When we open a new franchise, I choose my partners very carefully: They must embrace our core value, ALL IN, from the get-go and be passionate about changing lives. The life of an entrepreneur is never easy, but I feel as though my team has helped make LIVE WELL the company that it is today - we deliver exercise as medicine and believe in the business of change!

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What is your market penetration in Canada? We currently have over 1,000 members at LIVE WELL. What is your contribution to the Canadian Fitness Industry? As CEO of LIVE WELL, we have inspired so many people to change the direction of their lives and I regularly speak about this at events like canfitpro. There is nothing like LIVE WELL on the market - a gym for people with a health focus, who can exercise in a safe, supervised setting and I believe this has changed the fitness industry for the better. As President of the Fitness Industry Council of Canada, we are in the weeds: more than 42 per cent of fitness businesses have closed since the pandemic began, and many more are struggling or on the verge of bankruptcy after repeated lockdowns. I am advocating for fitness daily because I know that the work we do is essential. I also sit on the national board for Prescription to Get Active and I am on the Advisory Panel for canfitpro. How has canfitpro impacted your

pursuit in the Fitness Industry? canfitpro has impacted my career in numerous ways - from the exceptional training and conferences I have attended, to knowing there is an organizing body that has the best interests of Canadians at its epicentre! I have hired many canfitpro trained professionals, and I encourage all young people in our industry to keep evolving and growing in their field. What is your favourite quote you try to live by each day? “If exercise could be packaged in a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation.” - Robert Butler, MD, the former director of the National Institute for Aging. Are there any current trends that you want to share? We are moving away from exercise for performance and physique and moving towards exercise for physical and mental health. We have long-known in our industry that exercise must be used for prevention of healthcare concerns - from heart disease to diabetes. I think the next few years we are going to see a trend emerge, where we move the needle on physical activity once and for all.



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By Jean-Pierre Veilleux

22 canfitpro March/April 2022

As COVID-19 continues to evolve from a pandemic to an endemic status, businesses around the world are bracing for persistent challenges. Many wonder if the approaches that were successful in the past will stand up to the new business realities in a post-pandemic era. The health and fitness sector is no exception. This and subsequent articles contain advice to help make your brand more compelling, futureready, and adaptable to unpredictable and fast-changing market conditions. So, before launching your brand initiative, and before you even start to think about a name or a logo, you should figure out the position you want your brand to occupy in the market, as well as what makes it unique and different from others. For this, we will need to engage in a bit of brand strategizing. Consider Shifting Customer Expectations The health and fitness sector was hit particularly hard by the pandemic and by the resulting lockdowns and restrictions. Nowhere is this truer than for gym owners and operators. Many who could, turned to online offerings to carry on and continue to deliver value to their members. But as we move forward and out of the restrictions, this could mean that the sector is now facing a shift in customer attitude, buying patterns and expectations, and that these may be of a permanent nature. What does that mean for brands? Good News. Bad News First the good news: You are considering, or have decided, that this may be a suitable time to launch or relaunch your offering, and nothing other than possibly the birth of a child, could seem more exciting. You should capture and bottle up this excitement and enthusiasm because you are going to need it. This brings us to the bad news: You are in a highly competitive sector with lots of established players and parity offerings. The rate of failures is staggering, and new venture success, over time, seems to be the exception rather than the norm. You Need a Brand Strategy Before launching headfirst into a brand realignment or into the launch of a new brand, a few things should take precedence. You will need to be clear about what you intend to bring to the market. With so much competition to contend with and the major players aggressively looking to make up for their losses, it is more important than ever to distinguish yourself amongst a sea of competing offerings. Your brand will need to first grab the attention of people and then to create a

compelling reason to choose your offering over someone else’s. So, I suggest that you take some time to consider the following questions: • • • • • • • •

Which group(s) of people and customer segment(s) do you want to prioritize/ appeal to? What are some of the key motivations and attitudes that drive them/their choices? Where are the best places/media/ platforms (online or offline) to reach and engage with them? What other competing offers exist, and how can you be significantly different from them? What truly unique value do you/can you provide? What features/services, if any, can you offer, that your competition cannot, or will not offer? What market needs are not being met that you could provide? Rather than compete for the same customers, is there a way to appeal to a market segment that is underserved, or to turn non-customers into customers?

And just like that, you are a brand strategist! The hard part, of course, is getting answers to these important questions. You will no doubt have noticed that this is not the creative stuff people think branding is all about. But brand strategy and planning are an analytical and information/data-driven process. It is not “baking the brand cake.” It is “creating the recipe.” Your answers to the questions above may often rely on educated guesswork when reliable data is not readily accessible or simply non-existent. That is where experience and instinct will have to come into play to fill existing knowledge gaps. The thing is that this process can help you get clearer on who you want your brand to resonate with, why they should care about your offering, which advertising/promotion online or offline platform(s) and strategies may be best suited to reach and engage with them, and what competing offers you are up against. These answers will help ensure that the next steps you take are well considered and fully productive. Brand strategy should be the precursor to brand positioning which is a more emotive appeal to help capture the attention, as well as the hearts and minds, of your audience. Brand strategy should ideally be conducted ahead of developing core brand identity assets such as a name and logo. But what if you already have a name and logo, or an existing and established service offering, and are looking instead to

reposition and revitalize your brand? How then do you re-order the pieces on the brand strategy chessboard? Make New Choices If you have an existing brand and built-up equity in the market but are looking for your business to perform at another level, it makes no sense for you to throw away the hard-earned brand awareness you have built over the years. In that case, your brand’s positioning, such as it is, will need to be adjusted and redirected, so that over time, the central message of your brand – the story your brand tells about you and your operations – will have shifted into a different direction. In that case, you will need to make deliberate choices about what you want your brand to accomplish so that your promotion, messaging, and the experience you provide your customers, will make it clear what your brand stands for. Michel Porter, a celebrated management consultant and academic known for his theories on economics and business strategy, defines strategy as “deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value”, but he also goes on with a corollary stating that strategy is also about choosing what NOT to do. The point being that brand strategy is about making deliberate choices, and about knowing what to say NO to, by not allowing yourself to become all things to all people. Vagueness in branding is terminal. People should associate a clear set of ideas to your service and organization’s brand. These ideas need to be consistently reinforced over time through words and actions. This is how you will define your brand in the market and not let the market define it for you. Focus on Differentiation Differentiation should be your brand communications’ number one priority. Too many parity offerings, means only one thing: a race to the bottom. All things being equal, consumers will choose based on what is most important to them: location, proximity, ease of access, the vibe or personality of the place, perceived value, which means looking at the cost-value equation, etc. Therefore, you should carefully consider who your intended target audience will be, what you can do for them and the value you offer that is different from others and that will appeal to them. In a market that is saturated with substitutes and options, or when entire groups of customers’ needs may be underserved, differentiation will be the most powerful branding strategy to pursue. To that end, you need to have a closer look at what your competition is doing. A robust canfitpro March/April 2022


survey of large and small competitors in your geographical area, which you can conduct yourself, will go a long way to help you ascertain what to do and what to steer clear of. To help you, I have prepared an easy-to-use template that you can download here to assist in garnering data and information you will need to know. Before you begin to identify your competitors, consider this: Your competition is not always who you think they are. Competitors are anyone who provides similar value by other means and who takes business away from you. Thinking this way will help you think more broadly and clearly about who and what you are up against. For instance, should you also consider Peloton, Echelon, or other remote interactive fitness and exercise programs as competitors? What about private gym facilities in residential complexes and in business and institutional settings? If yes, then what can you offer that may be of greater value to those users? Once you feel that you have a good grasp of who your competitors are, you will

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need to identify their strengths and their weaknesses. You need to become familiar with what they are primarily known for, because you need to be at least as good as they are to compete on their level. You will also need to find out the areas in which they do poorly and the ways in which they fall short of expectations, and other customer pain points. These represent real potential opportunities. Thus, equipped with this information, you may now begin the task of describing what you do better and differently than the folks you compete with. And you do not need to be entirely different either. Your target customers are looking for something that fits into a narrowly defined category. But ideally, you need to stand out in the small and not-so-small ways that matter to them. So, start listing all the ways in which you differ from others. What Is Next? If after answering the questions listed above and garnering sufficient competitive information using the competitors survey template provided, you still cannot get to a point where you can easily differentiate your offering, do not despair. Oftentimes, differentiation is not found at the level of the offering itself, but in the story that

is being told, the promise that is being made, and the values the brand chooses to emphasize. These can form the basis of a compelling brand positioning that is capable of inspiring strong creative execution. But that will be the subject of a future article. The next article will be about how to use the conclusions of your brand strategy to help define your ideal brand positioning and craft a unique value proposition and guide you toward the development of a brand name and identity.

Jean-Pierre Veilleux is a brand developer and creative strategist in Toronto. He is the co-founder and a principal of Retool Brand Counsel and Design and Retool Lab You can contact Jean-Pierre at

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REBUILDING OUR INDUSTRY How to get members back… and earn the ones you never had By Sara Hodson

Let us reminisce to pre-pandemic times: It is a Saturday morning and your gym is packed to the rafters. The spin class has a waitlist of 15 people, and you cannot fit anyone else in the yoga studio. Down the hall, your body strength class has run out of dumbbells and the gym floor is buzzing with a vibe that you can see, hear, and feel.

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There are line-ups at the showers, with millennials making plans for brunch and Caesars. Life is good. A lot has changed in two years, and we can look back longingly at what was, or we can forge ahead and create what can be.

You have heard it many times in the last 24 months: the future of fitness is hybrid. While virtual is here to stay, a large part of that hybrid equation is the bricks and mortar gyms we know and love. And, if we are going to fill them once again we have to rethink how we bring our members back….and how to attract the ones we never had.

Now is the time to rebuild. After a forest fire, the soil is rich, full of minerals and ready to bring forth new life. That is where we stand today, and here are five ways to rebuild your business brick by brick. 1. Create Community We have spent two years apart and it is time to come together again. We are craving human connection and there is nothing like the energy of a group fitness class or a high five! Friendships are forged in the gym and our “fitness family” is a real thing. When our industry was closed, we repeatedly heard from members how much they missed their community. We thrive in social settings and it is time to bring members back together again and foster that special bond. We also have an opportunity to make our newcomers feel welcome. Put yourself in their shoes: it can be incredibly intimidating to walk into a gym. Consider developing a mentor/mentee program - if you have someone new, introduce them to a lifetime member. Have a newcomers night where they can try beginner classes. As business owners, it is easy for us to look at the bottom line and see numbers: remember, each of those numbers is a person with a story and their “why”. Get to know them! 2. Nurture Expertise We are an industry filled with knowledge - from registered kinesiologists on your team to highly educated personal trainers to energetic and passionate group fitness instructors - we have the opportunity to share our knowledge with others. A lot has changed in the last two years - for some of our clients, their bodies have moved less and they might be experiencing mobility issues. Look for ways to share your knowledge in the community, through interesting and educational social media campaigns, articles, workshops, and seminars. Canada needs our knowledge! Keep learning! canfitpro has continuing education courses and events for your staff, plus the world is filled with educational materials, conferences, seminars, and podcasts. Keep your staff up-to-date with their certifications and education

so they can serve your clientele; do a business tune-up so you know how to move with the times. 3. Explore Niche-Markets There is no one-size fits all to the fitness industry and there likely never was. My own company, LIVE WELL, is a medical fitness franchise and was created out of my experience in cardiac rehabilitation. Our members include older adults and people who are intimidated by the traditional gym experience. We offer custom exercise programs in a small group setting, fostering community while offering personalization. We focus our program on habits, not outcomes, which has helped us retain many of our original members for the last decade, even throughout COVID. That is the LIVE WELL model. What is yours? There are so many niche markets you can explore. What about teens and youth who need the mental health benefits of exercise? Postpartum moms? Family fitness? Triathletes who need specialized training? What about the biggest opportunity facing the fitness industry - our sedentary population? Everyone deserves to know there is a place where they belong – it is human nature to crave this. There is no limit to what you can accomplish when you think creatively about what you are doing and who you are serving. Everyone has a why what is the purpose of your business? 4. Deliver An Exceptional Product/ Service You are not just a gym, a club or a studio: you are a magical place of transformation. You are a second home where your members come for inspiration and perspiration, and to improve their health in every way. One positive outcome from COVID has been in our enhanced cleaning protocols, and now that our members are back we have the opportunity to continue to offer an exceptional service - with clean and safe environments so that everyone feels comfortable. Go the extra mile with your clients make sure you are open to feedback, however difficult it might be to hear at

times. We have to learn to listen and not speak, and to take constructive criticism. Make sure your systems are upto-speed, everyone is tired of technological woes, but booking sites should be efficient. Do a spring tuneup of your systems and walk through your own facilities to see what a newcomer would see. Are there outdated pieces of equipment that need to be replaced? 5. Strengthen Relationships Every member, new and returning, is a relationship to be nurtured. At LIVE WELL, we celebrate our members through a WIN WALL where they share their daily accomplishments and celebrate together. We have photo days where our members can bring in their family, friends, and even pets and take cute pictures! Challenges are fantastic for strengthening relationships: doing a “30 in 30” challenge is a great way to help your new members form the exercise habit; having competitions where they try different classes, and giving out prizes that build your brand. Who does not love a free T-shirt? Try to have a solid onboarding program for new members - the first 12 weeks are crucial for them to not only form the exercise habit, but to forge a strong relationship with your staff and your facility. Give them passes to invite their friends - every person who walks in your door has five friends who can benefit from exercise! Referrals will be one of your biggest income streams - make sure you nurture your relationships well. As we continue to grow through 2022, the opportunities are endless. Canadians need fitness more than ever, and there is room for everyone to succeed. Sara Hodson, CEO of LIVE WELL Exercise Clinic, is President of the Fitness Industry Council of Canada. To learn more about opening a LIVE WELL Exercise clinic in your community, canfitpro March/April 2022



New Age Management


When many people hear the term “New Age” they think of crystals, yoga, meditation, and alternative spirituality services that we offer at our studios and health clubs. But when applied to business practices, the term takes on a different perspective of a new age of productivity than a new type of lifestyle. Directors and leaders of the New Age management techniques have chosen logical practices for treating their

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human resources as, well, more human. Let’s take a look…. What is New Age management and is it really necessary? In the ideal New Age of health and wellness, employees are self-directed yet inspired by a kind, loving, visionary leader. It feels like a family or a friendly village where everyone has flexible schedules to accommodate their personal lives.

Managers communicate with staff on all levels and encourage them regularly to do community work, take time to learn new skills, and everyone is supported and encouraged in a non-competitive environment. The willingness to sell memberships, or promote their services on social media or to people around them comes easily because they love their work environment and the management team. Long gone are

those days were the personal trainer on the floor is obliged to sell 10 PT sessions by the end of their shift. There is an emanate need for old-school health club managers and directors in the industry to learn new ways to communicate and treat employees in the gym, especially the millennials. Millennials are looking for more in life than “just a job” or a steady climb up the ranks. Especially those that are entering the world of fitness, because they are there first and foremost because of the passion they have for helping others. They want to do something that feels worthwhile, they want to positively change people’s lives. The millennial generation is now entering the fitness sector in vast numbers, they will shape the world of exercise for years to come. Attracting and keeping the best of these millennial workers is critical to the future of the fitness industry. But how do we keep them happy and productive at work? The definition of a community is now the bedrock of New Age management, expressed in a variety of ways by people as diverse as Robert Coles, M. Scott Peck, Stephen Covey, and Hillary Clinton. As Tom Chappell says, “We all need to feel part of something, some entity that is, intellectually and emotionally, both manageable and imaginable.” The New Age managers hope is to offer an introspective vision of work that allows for both individual and organizational growth. Creating true meaning in your health club and studio may be the most important managerial task of the future. But how do we do that as fitness leaders? I have found these examples to be extremely useful ways to help employees feel supported and encouraged; • Texting my employees through their preferred means of communication whether it be Instagram, Facebook, or WhatsApp. We no longer have to write long emails with multiple details. • Trainers and instructors want to feel like they can count on you as much as you can count on them when they are sick or their kids are sick. They do not want to receive messages like “make sure you find someone or else you have to come in”. They want to know that you can be there to help them in every way possible without repercussion.

• I like to support my team by celebrating them, whether it is a birthday, anniversary or graduation. I have the entire team send them nice gifs or texts. • I apply New Age management skills by rewarding my staff $60 every time they refer someone to the gym, so they can make extra pocket money.

have established a global state of hyperconnectedness that puts information in the hands of many and requires health and wellness companies to operate in an environment of hyper-transparency, which reveals how they behave and how they treat their staff. Nobody wants to work for a fitness company that is outdated and unpleasant.

These are just a few examples, but there are endless examples of compassion that you can implement in your health club today that will change your interaction with your staff. And all these actions do not take more time or resources than what you are already allocating right now. By applying these New Age management skills I was able to retain 98 per cent of my fit pros throughout the pandemic.

Inspiring performance in your team But how do we inspire principled performance in our employees and know that they are acting in good faith of the company? The pathway to enhance health club values is to inspire and promote a culture of performance, accountability, integrity, trust, and communication. Fitness companies must find ways to harness soul-searching on the job, not just gloss over or merely avoid it. Through a vision and mission that emphasizes fostering a strong, vibrant, and sustainable collective culture, fitness companies will be able to retain their employees for years to come.

Although the old-school way of managing staff in our industry is still here and very much alive with mostly men governing, executives who continue to rely on outdated approaches should address a crucial question: Can I lead instead of governing? The two may sound similar but they differ in important ways. Today, most health club leaders are governing, not leading. The governance operating system is based on an underlying assumption that employees act in their self-interest. This model includes formal policies, procedures, processes, financial objectives, and performance targets. These leaders motivate their employees through rewards and punishments, to adhere to these rules and to achieve these objectives. In the traditional way of doing business in our industry, when your employees become more productive, have many clients, full classes, and are high in demand, we boost their salary or give them a bonus. But when employees fall short of performance objectives or break the rules, we take away their bonus, freeze their salary or fire them. By relying on this operating system, these leaders try to get behavior out of people. Instead, leaders should inspire principled performance in their employees. Moreover, motivation is an expensive and ineffective way to propel behavior, particularly at this time. Instead, we should build and nurture our staff, especially after the high numbers of fit pros that left the industry during the pandemic. Additionally, breakthroughs in Internet technology and connectivity

As health and wellness leaders, we need to learn how to connect and collaborate in new ways, by sharing a vision, enlisting people in a meaningful purpose, and inspiring the kind of outcomes we want by aligning around a common, deep, and sustainable set of human, societal and environmental values. Most fit pros are naturally drawn to New Age discussions of creative work and supportive communities. A New Age development plan and a supportive work community will be a strategic advantage for your organization for years to come Suaad Ghadban is a leading fitness and health expert/presenter. She is canfitpro 2021 Fitness Professional of the year and is wellknown for her personal and unique approach to fitness. With 15 years of teaching experience and 22 years of training under her belt, Suaad has created a very fun and effective ballet inspired booty program called Hot Booty Ballet™. You can catch her regularly on Global TV dishing out the latest fitness trends. Visit for more information.

canfitpro March/April 2022


Learn how to select a partner for maximum benefits and how to work out with the partners you already have, including a friend or significant other. In Partner Workouts, you’ll find 15 ready-touse workouts, along with nearly 100 exercises and stretches for creating your perfect partner workout.

Double Trouble Workout This full body, no-equipment workout uses your partner as a target or as part of the exercise. It also includes exercises in which the partner provides additional resistance. Recover between sets as needed for you and your partner.

Rotating Squat Jump

Wall Sit

30 seconds/side

15-45 seconds

Burpee Jumps

Tabletop and Jumping Jack

15-30 seconds (R and L) Curl Up and Give Me 10

Walk Out and Clap

8-12 reps 8-12 reps

Reverse Tabletop and Triceps Dip

30-60 seconds Resisted Oblique Curl

Leg Press

Adapted from Partner Workouts by Krista Popowych © Human Kinetics 8-12 reps/side

30-60 seconds and then switch

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16-20 reps/side

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32 canfitpro March/April 2022

Regardless of why someone is asking the question, the short answer is always the same: Yes. There are people of all sizes at every point along the health and fitness

that people are confused about this since the diet industry has been working for years to include body size in the definitions of health and fitness themselves. While this is a profitable idea for them, it is not supported by the research or by observable fact, as there are people of vastly varied sizes with the same health and fitness levels, and people of the same size with quite different health and fitness levels. It also creates harm by misleading higher weight people into believing that manipulating their body size is a requirement to improve their health and misleads thinner people to believe that their size is proof of their health and fitness, neither of which is supported by the research. And it is not just body size. Both health and fitness are amorphous, multi-factorial concepts that vary based on people’s individual circumstances (both within and outside of their control.) The definitions are different, for example, for someone who was born with a chronic health condition versus someone diagnosed with a chronic condition later in life, versus someone who never had a chronic health condition.

CREATING A DEFINITION OF FITNESS THAT EXCLUDES PEOPLE BASED ON UNALTERABLE FACTORS LEADS TO FEELINGS OF MARGINALIZATION, REJECTION, AND DISENGAGEMENT. spectrums. Steven Blair, PED, from The Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research (whose database includes over 326,000 records from 116,000 subjects, containing more than 3,000 variables and representing 2,200,000 personyears of observation) summed it up by saying “We’ve studied this from many perspectives in [cis] women and in [cis] men and we get the same answer: It’s not the obesity - it’s the fitness.” (Before I move on, I do want to point out the fact that despite all this information, they do not have data for trans or non-binary individuals, which is a serious oversight that should be addressed immediately.) In truth though, this is a much more complicated question than it seems. First, we need to consider the definitions of health and fitness. It is not surprising

The fitness community has often focused on creating a single definition of health or fitness and then judging everyone, and encouraging them to judge themselves, against that measure. This does not just invite weight stigma into our work, it also invites ableism and healthism since these simple definitions are typically created around the model of a thin, able-bodied person without chronic health conditions. Creating a definition of fitness that excludes people based on unalterable factors leads to feelings of marginalization, rejection, and disengagement. In the worst-case scenarios, this becomes a toxic fitness culture as people who fit into these narrow definitions of health and fitness leverage them to make themselves feel superior to those who do not. We are far better off taking an individualized approach. As a first step, we can help each client define “healthy” and “fit” for themselves based on their priorities and goals within the context of their

personal situations. Then we can focus on providing them with ethical, evidencebased options to help them achieve health and fitness by their definitions and within their circumstances. Concerningly, one of the most common interventions that is suggested to increase health and fitness is weight loss. Since 1959, research has taught us that intentional weight loss does not meet the requirements of an ethical, evidencebased intervention since the vast majority of people will lose weight short-term and then regain it long-term, with many regaining more than they lost. Even worse, weight-cycling (aka yo-yo dieting) has been independently linked to health issues. So, a weight loss recommendation is not just almost certain to fail but may negatively impact client health and fitness both physically and psychologically. The psychological impacts can be severe and long-term as higher weight people are often convinced that they are at fault, having never been informed that weight regain was a near certainty due to the body’s biological response to intentional weight loss attempts. And since they have often been misled to believe that you must be thin to be fit and healthy, when their weight loss attempts fail, they often believe that nothing can be done to support their health or improve their fitness and disconnect from their personal health and fitness journeys. The good news is that once we determine our clients’ priorities, goals, and individual circumstances, the research is clear that we can use the same interventions to help clients of all sizes improve their health and fitness. People of all sizes can improve their strength, stamina, and flexibility. People of all sizes can support their bodies through healthy behaviors. People of all sizes can choose to pursue health and fitness within their personal circumstances and our job as fitness professionals is to use ethical, evidencebased interventions to support them.

Photo Credit Lindley Ashline

As someone who specializes in weightneutral, body affirming fitness, I am often asked “Can someone truly be fit and healthy at any size?” Something I have noticed over time is the different perspectives from which it is asked. Sometimes the question is asked incredulously by someone who is invested in diet culture and who finds it difficult to believe that someone could be fat and fit or healthy (in this case it is often accompanied by “even if they weigh [some number that seems high to them] pounds?”) Other times it is asked with tentative hope from a fat person who wants to support their body and, in trying to do that, has been deeply misled and harmed by diet culture. (And just a quick note here that in the manner of those who fight for fat liberation, I use the term “fat” as a neutral descriptor like short or brunette.)

Ragen Chastain is a speaker, writer, trained researcher, and fitness professional. She has spoken about weight science, stigma, and health at Google, Kaiser Permanente, canfitpro, and more. Ragen is a champion dancer, triathlete, holds the Guinness Record for heaviest woman to complete a marathon, and co-founded Fit Fatties on Facebook. canfitpro March/April 2022





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As human beings, we all experience a need for belonging. Feeling accepted and included by those who are important to us is key to our well-being. Research supports this, too, demonstrating that the driving motivation to experience belonging is ingrained. As humans we are continuously striving to achieve and maintain our sense of belonging because losing it feels painful. Considering the impediments to human connection and socialization from two years of COVID-19, it is not surprising that belonging is harder to maintain. If you are longing for that sense that you are “with your people”, no doubt your clients are too. It is time to welcome in a renewed sense of belonging within our clubs, cultures, and communities. This article is the first in a two-part series where we will explore the concept of belonging and ways to foster it at your workplace, on your team, and in your relationships with others. Brené Brown defines belonging as: “… the innate human desire to be part of something larger than us”. The roots of the word “belonging” trace back to ancient languages that evoke the meaning “to desire” or “to long for”. Examine the construction of the word, made up of the prefix “be-” and the suffix “long” which respectively mean “near, by” and “lasting”. In these times where we rely on virtual communication, more than ever, we must find methods of being “nearby” for “lasting” periods of time. Only then can we tap into the experience of being part of something larger than ourselves.

purpose in our work and lives. Fitness professionals play an essential role in fostering these meaningful connections which even enhances the experience of working out!

and inclusion strategy. Taking an interest and appreciating others for their unique backgrounds and life experiences is an important steppingstone to creating a culture of belonging.

The importance of belonging goes even deeper and has a greater influence when we consider the importance of diversity and inclusion. At canfitpro, diversity and inclusion are key priorities for our organization, and we are committed to co-creating an open and caring community within the fitness industry.

Seeing the need to create a space for women to connect, uplift, and empower one another to reach for new levels of life and leadHERship - in an industry that was historically male-dominated - inspired Mo Hagan to create canfitpro’s Women Who Influence Event in 2013. Seven events later, this one-day transformative experience is a platform to remind women of their significant role in the fitness industry. Women leaders are needed, and they belong in fitness. Women’s voices, opinions, and ideas are vital to our industry and the people we serve.

The relationship between belonging, diversity, and inclusion is important as belonging contributes to, and is an outcome of, our efforts to support diversity and inclusion initiatives. Dr. Rumeet Billan, a distinguished canfitpro presenter, encourages us to consider that diversity, equity, and inclusion is the experience that results in the outcome of belonging.

1 in 4 women feel lonely at work. Only 36 per cent of employees feel they work for an inclusive environment.


Eighty-eight per cent agree a sense of belonging the innate human at work boosts desire to be a part of something larger productivity. Source: Workplace Belonging Survey, Ipsos/ than us. Dr. Rumeet Billan - Brené Brown As human beings, we find the most lasting fulfillment when we experience a sense of belonging with authentic relationships, and genuine connections with others. Feeling that we are accepted and contributing to our networks gives us more meaning and

Inclusion means removing barriers while ensuring everyone is seen, heard, and appreciated. Still, those actions do not necessarily mean that an individual will experience that sense of being part of something larger than themselves – unless belonging is also acted upon. Belonging is the bedrock of any diversity

Women Who Influence includes a day-long agenda filled with inspirational speakers and industry leaders sharing their stories. Through moments of individual reflection and connection, women from diverse backgrounds experience a true sense of inclusion and belonging. At Women Who Influence, attendees find the encouragement, mentorship, support, and allyship they need to understand and affirm WHY they do what they do – and why this matters. Mo understands that Women Who Influence is needed now, more than ever, to help women, and the fitness industry, rise above the difficulties, destructiveness, and disconnection brought on by the pandemic. Every year, Women Who Influence is built around a different theme and particular energy. This year, in addition to drawing inspiration from the canfitpro Global Conference vision to “welcome back” the industry, the 8th Annual Women Who Influence event on Thursday August 11th will have “BELONGING” as its theme. This takes the event back to the roots of why it started and will guide us to work from a place of integrity to build a future aligned with a culture of belonging. This year’s Women Who Influence presenter line-up will feature canfitpro’s 2021 Fitness Professionals of the Year–Suaad Ghadban and Vyshnavi Sivakumaran–as well as the women leaders shown on the following page. Stay tuned for the announcement of the keynote speaker, the date tickets become available, and more updates about sponsors and event details at If you have never experienced the Women Who Influence event, make 2022 the year you step into this community of strength and inspiration. Everyone is welcome, canfitpro March/April 2022


because you truly do belong with us, no matter what your gender identity or background.

programs or populations do you feel most aligned with? If you are unsure spend some time reflecting on the clients and members that you are most passionate about working with, as this will help you understand how you can have the most positive impact. Be honest with your story–where have you come from and what experiences have brought you to where you are today? Learning about yourself is one of the most powerful ways you can show up authentically and find ways to make meaningful contributions that affect your sense of belonging in the world. Knowing where you belong rewards you with the ability to influence.

The fitness industry is large, diverse, and at times challenging to figure out where you belong. True belonging begins with oneself. Until you know who you are and are true to yourself you cannot authentically connect with others and find your place. BE YOU. Determine what inspires you, motivates you, and fills you with passion and purpose. If you are a fitness professional, what types of training 36 canfitpro March/April 2022

Photo Credit: Dawn Bowman

Emily Dobrich is a canfitpro Fitness Instructor Specialist with a BSc Food and Nutrition, BA Kinesiology and Master of Education in adult learning and global change. Maureen (Mo) Hagan is an international award-winning fitness professional, creator of Women Who Influence and Chief Operating Officer for canfitpro. Beth Yarzab is a Certification Developer and PRO TRAINER with canfitpro who facilitates a weight-neutral fitness community in her spare time.




38 canfitpro March/April 2022

BEING “FIT TO LEAD” IS A PHRASE THAT DATES TO THE EARLY 1800s. In essence, it means that a leader needs to be mentally, spiritually, and physically fit to lead a community. Balancing these three concepts can be a daunting task. However, when we lead from the heart, especially as women, we are resilient, resourceful, and perspicacious. Being successful in a fitness career requires effective leadership to positively influence people. When we lead with the heart, we are more resilient, solve problems, and innovate toward greater happiness, fulfillment, and achievement. When women lead with Anahata (heart) anything is possible. In the world of yoga, the Anahata chakra is located in the area in which the heart resides. When this chakra is open to receiving love, it is easy to give love. Leadership is an expression

...WHEN WE LEAD FROM THE HEART, ESPECIALLY AS WOMEN, WE ARE RESILIENT, RESOURCEFUL, AND PERSPICACIOUS. of love and therefore commands attention and awareness to understand how decisions are made. As such, the capacity to be wholehearted and heart-centered in leadership takes on a new dimension when understanding how the science of the heart, thoughts, and yoga all influence its biochemistry. Being a heart-centered leader with confident presence is deeply rooted in biochemistry and the ability to selfregulate it. Our hearts are very much central to our leadership presence. When we look at this from both the yogic and scientific perspective, we can easily employ evidence-based actions to boost confidence as a female leader. This will in turn bolster skillful and effective responses to stressors in ways that promote coherence between us as leaders and our teammates. The way our hearts impact our behavior is quite extraordinary. Our hearts send neurochemical messages to the brain and limbic system via four mechanisms:

1. The hormone Atrial Peptide—a hormone that helps balance our systems and inhibits the release of stress hormones and influences our motivation. 2. The hormone Oxytocin—the ‘love and connection’ hormone. 3. The hormone Testosterone—a hormone associated with attention, risk tolerance and confidence; and 4. Neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine), which regulate mood and behavior. When these hormones are activated for the right reasons, it helps us to make effective decisions, those that are cohesive and appropriate. The heart is a muscle for creating cohesion. Think about how important cohesion is in teams. When we take a moment to think through decisions with our hearts, we experience leadership that is Anahata driven and effective, at best. We can surmise that strength comes from the heart. Women thrive and excel with using the heart to stay healthy. We make heart conscious decisions daily to connect with others in our group fitness classes and when meeting with clients. Research conducted by neuropsychologist Deborah Rozman discovered that the heart plays a key role in leadership presence and in our ability to center ourselves and influence others. Our hearts produce electromagnetic pulses that can be perceived by others several feet away from us. These can be measured using magnetometers. Various studies have shown that when someone with strong coherence, when the heart is producing sinewaves, enters another person’s personal space, the other person’s heart can be brought into a similar sinewave pattern. We communicate our personal emotional state through our heart’s magnetic field. When people are experiencing positive emotions such as appreciation, love, compassion, and trust, their hearts produce a sinewave length pattern. When the heart is in this sinewave length pattern, it is secreting oxytocin and atrial peptide. Our hearts also directly affect activity in the amygdala by downregulating the stress response. This is referred to as coherence. More interesting is the scientific discovery that when people’s hearts are in the coherent

OUR HEARTS PRODUCE ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES THAT CAN BE PERCEIVED BY OTHERS SEVERAL FEET AWAY FROM US. sinewave length, they can create social coherence. They can attune other group members to align energetically. This is leadership from Anahata. Check out the following yogic practices that can be done to strengthen coherence to lead from the heart. Practice 1: Practice Self-Awareness Take time to center yourself. Find balance. Listen to what is happening in your body by being mindful. Practice 2: Breath Find a quiet place, breath and listen to your heartbeat. Understand what throws you off during stressful situations. Bring awareness to the positive energy you want to use for the day. Practice 3: Practice Coherence Listen for the natural beating rhythm of your heart by practicing ujjayi breathing. This breathing technique focuses on calm breath that flows in and out of the nose using the whisper muscles of your voice to allow the air to pass into the lungs. When we do this, our hearts secrete hormones that will uplift and expand our presence. Practice 4: Practice Gratitude Being grateful is a way of expressing joy and giving thanks. Jot down or vocalize the people and opportunities that are present in your life that you are grateful for. Allow them to abundantly flow.

Dr. Deidre Douglas is a 25-year fitness educator veteran. She enjoys reading and writing research, traveling, and spending time promoting music for her son, Shane Washington, known as Gamma Centauri on iTunes, Spotify and SoundCloud. Dr. D currently is a Trainer and Presenter for LMUS and International Presenter for LMI.

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That is why I left corporate America 23 years ago, went back to college and then went on to take a dozen chronic disease and exercise specialty certificate programs. My Dad was battling cancer for the second time, and I wanted to help people to have a better quality of life through fitness.

I was certainly a pioneer back in 1999 opening a “medical fitness” business. I believe that I can help others restore people to health after a medical diagnosis, surgery, physical therapy, or improve the quality of their life through lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise.

So, as you can see, the concept of medical fitness is not new, and the demand is rising as we face a global healthcare crisis beyond the pandemic. Many of you are already working in this space, and you do not know it… Are you working with clients over 50, have chronic disease (high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar), have

...THIS IS THE LARGEST, FASTEST GROWING DEMOGRAPHIC, AND WHO NEEDS YOU THE MOST. given birth, going through menopause, thyroid issues, have had a joint replaced, have arthritis, osteoporosis, battling depression or stress and are on antidepressants, are obese (men over 25 per cent body fat, women over 30 per cent body fat), have musculoskeletal disorders, have overcome cancer, have had an injury or surgery and just finished physical therapy and looking to you for fitness? Yes, you are in the “medical fitness space”. You must learn about all this stuff and continue to stay up to date on it all or you may cause more harm than good. These are our clients today. We called them “special populations” years ago. Most of the public do not know how to develop the components of a progressive fitness program. People with chronic medical conditions have an even greater challenge. They need to find a fitness professional that has specialty training to understand their specific needs and limitations. I do not see how you can avoid working in this space as this is the largest, fastest growing demographic, and who needs you the most. Developing a plan for a regular exercise and wellness program can be difficult for these people; they require specialized medical fitness specialists who understand their unique needs. We are in a perfect storm. Fitness professionals can be the first line of defense against the impacts of lifestyle diseases.

This next-level fitness professional can help and coach people on a journey to optimal health. Those stepping into the medical fitness space are gaining education to specialize in making the transition from medical management and/or physical therapy to a regular physical activity program following a surgery, an injury, a medical diagnosis, or exacerbation of a pre-existing condition. They are also learning about prevention and restoring people to health through a personalized fitness plan. Do you want to broaden your potential customer base to this demographic by adding new skills? Rather than looking at continuing education as something you must do, look at it from this perspective: how can I invest in my education to grow my business and have more clients benefit from my services? When chosen well, continuing education allows you to build on your current skillset or broaden your skills into entirely new areas. There are millions of “unwell” potential clients in the market looking for you. Those with medical conditions or chronic disease are seeking specialized personal trainers; trainers who understand their condition and create programming to improve the quality of their life and understand their complex health issues when their doctor tells them to start an exercise program. You can truly be a pioneer into a new era, one in which medicine and fitness come together.

Lisa Dougherty has worked for over 20 years with clients with medical conditions or chronic disease. Inspired by her father’s cancer battle, she created the MedFit Network to help connect those with medical conditions to fitness, health, and wellness professionals who could serve them. Later, seeing a gap in specialized education for these professionals, she founded the MedFit Education Foundation to facilitate and create high-quality education for all facets of medical fitness.

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42 canfitpro March/April 2022

NUTRITION RECOMMENDATIONS ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING, THIS IS BECAUSE NUTRITION RESEARCH AND WHAT WE LEARN ABOUT THE BODY IS EVER EVOLVING. However, with so much information comes A LOT of misinformation. When it comes to nutrition and health there are too many people on websites and social media spreading myths about nutrition. As a nutrition health care professional, I hear the struggle from my clients all the time, they no longer know what to believe or what to eat. In this article, I am sharing eight nutrition myths. When it comes to myths, there might be a small truth within them that has been blown out of proportion. Read on as I debunk these myths and share some of the science and truths behind them. 1. Eating more frequent meals and/ or snacks throughout the day will boost your metabolism. The truth is eating often does slightly boost your metabolism, this is because digestion of food burns energy (calories). However, the research has shown this is so minimal that it does not make much of a difference. In fact, it comes down to how many calories are consumed each day rather than how they were spaced out. Research has found that when comparing meal frequency between groups and keeping calorie content the same, there has been no difference in individuals’ metabolic rates. My suggestion: do what works best for you. If three meals work well, stick to that. If you find you need snacks, that works too! What becomes problematic is overeating or having overly large portions at all three meals because you are overly hungry. Bottom line: Listen to your hunger cues. 2. Eating food before bed causes you to gain weight. The truth is overeating before bed can cause you to gain weight. The key word being OVEReating. If you consume too many calories before bed, overtime you will likely gain weight. If you are eating within an appropriate number of calories each day, then it should not cause you to gain the weight.

However, studies have linked evening eating to poorer food choices. Many of these studies look at night or shift workers, where they tend to snack on unhealthy foods in the evening. In addition, emotional eating or mindless eating might influence evening snacks. For example, eating in response to stress, boredom, anxiousness or simply eating while watching some TV. Bottom line: Overeating at night for whatever reason can lead to weight gain. 3. Calories in versus out is all that matters when it comes to weight loss. The truth is calories in versus calories out does matter when it comes to weight loss. If you are under or overeating, that will influence how your body responds to food. In addition, a calorie deficit is an important aspect to weight loss. However, it is not the only thing that matters. Weight loss will be influenced by genetics, hormone imbalances, medical conditions, and other metabolism factors. If you are working with someone trying to lose weight and progress is not being made, they should certainly seek some additional support from a healthcare practitioner to help identify a root cause. 4. You need protein right after you work out. The truth is post workout nutrition is important, especially when wanting to support muscle growth and recovery. There is something known as the anabolic window, which is the brief period post exercise where your muscles are repairing and recovering (usually 30 minutes afterwards). However, there is little solid scientific proof to back up the anabolic window. What matters most? Eating enough protein throughout the day to support your muscle growth and recovery. Research has shown maximum muscle absorption of about 20 grams of protein within two hours of exercise. Bottom line: You can certainly try to eat protein 30 minutes post exercise, but it is not necessary to do so! 5. Carbs are bad for you and make you gain weight. The truth is it is quite easy to overconsume carbohydrates as 1) they are delicious (at least I think so), 2)

we often serve/eat portions that are beyond our body’s needs, 3) our body needs carbohydrates to function, so it is typically a macronutrient we all consume in some quantity. The reality is overeating will cause you to gain weight, so whether you have excess calories from carbs or fat, the excess calories will cause you to gain weight overtime. It might be easier for most of us to overconsume carbs in comparison to fat, so that is why carbs have been vilified. Bottom line: Eating less carbs or watching your portions of carbs can be helpful. Choosing high quality carbs (like whole grains and carbs rich in fibre) compared to refined carbohydrates like white breads is better for your overall health and weight management. 6. Saturated fat is bad for your health. The truth is eating too much saturated fat can play a role in raising your LDL (aka bad cholesterol) levels overtime, which can contribute to an increased risk of heart disease or stroke. Saturated fats are found in animal products and by-products such as meat, fish, milk, butter, cheese, etc. It is also found in tropical oils such as palm oil and coconut oil. If you look at the ingredients of many packaged products, palm oil is often included. Saturated fat is a very controversial topic, some will argue that even the slightest amount is problematic to our bodies and others will argue the opposite. Research has been the same on the topic, where many studies have found associations between increased risk of heart disease with increased intake of saturated fats and others have found no associations between the two. Bottom line: We need more research but saturated fat, in moderation, seems to be an appropriate part of a healthy diet. Try focusing on eating more whole foods and less processed foods as much as possible. 7. You need supplements to be healthy. The truth is supplements can play a role in health and metabolic processes, but whether we need them to be healthy or not is an entirely different discussion. It has been argued that our food canfitpro March/April 2022


system is less healthy and therefore supplements are required. For example, more wide use of pesticides, more unknown ingredients, and additives to packaged foods, etc. In fact, according to Statistics Canada at least 46 per cent of Canadians one year of age or older take at least one type of supplement. I believe there is a time and place for supplementing. For example, many Canadians over the winter months have minimal exposure to direct sunlight and would benefit from vitamin D supplementation. For some individuals, for whatever reason, their iron and B12 is low and therefore they require supplementation. Some studies have shown that vitamin C supplementation is helpful in reducing the severity and duration of the common cold. All this being said, it would be ideal to try and optimize your nutrient intake from foods first and then supplement, should you need to. Do you need a multivitamin? Many Canadians take a multivitamin to “cover their bases” - essentially you are getting some extra nutrients should you be lacking. Although taking a multivitamin is not harmful, it also is not necessary. In fact, most multivitamins are not formulated to allow for optimal absorption.

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Bottom line: Get some additional support from a healthcare practitioner if you have a question about supplements that would be of benefit to you. It is not a one size fits all approach. And more importantly, focus on making your diet healthier first and then supplement if needed.

WEIGHT LOSS WILL BE INFLUENCED BY GENETICS, HORMONE IMBALANCES, MEDICAL CONDITIONS, AND OTHER METABOLISM FACTORS. 8. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You probably have heard this before. The truth is some studies have found that people who skip breakfast have higher body mass indexes (BMIs). However, this is just a relationship the research has identified. There may be many other factors as to why those who do not consume breakfast have higher BMIs, like the type of foods they eat, their jobs, etc. Eating breakfast does have benefits, such as fueling your “tank” for the day, better memory and cognitive function (less brain fog), and less risk of heart disease and diabetes. Again, it is hard to know whether these effects

have to do with overall lifestyle of individuals or simply because they eat breakfast. Research has shown that eating breakfast, or at least at regular intervals throughout the day, aids in carbohydrate and glucose metabolism. So, for someone with diabetes or blood sugar regulation issues, breakfast it quite important. Bottom line: Breakfast is an important meal. What is most important is to listen to your hunger cues. If you do not wake up hungry, do not feel like you must eat. However, be mindful that you are not waiting to eat until you are overly hungry and then compensating at later mealtimes. Experimenting with what makes your body feel best is likely a good idea. As you have read, there are always truths behind myths. Do your research, seek out support, and always listen to your body first.

Angela Wallace is a registered dietitian, Pilates instructor, and canfitpro Personal Training Specialist. She specializes in nutrition and fitness for women and children. Angela works with individuals through each stage of their lifestyle from childhood to pregnancy, to older adult years. @eatright_rd

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DISEASE PREVENTION: A LOOK AT CANCER Top 3 strategies to protect ourselves from this disease By Alisa Herriman, RNCP, ROHP, CHCP

46 canfitpro March/April 2022

BEFORE I BEGIN ON THIS VITAL TOPIC, I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE A GLIMPSE INTO MY PERSONAL JOURNEY ABOUT COMING TO SEE HOW CRITICAL IT IS. My career began inside the health care field, where I was frequently exposed to many forms and cases of preventable disease. During those few years, I was shocked by how many people had lost total quality of life to preventable conditions. Heart attacks, strokes, poorly managed diabetes, and inflammatory conditions that were out of control were ravaging the bodies of the people I was caring for and frankly, it broke my heart. This experience led me from the health care field into the world of nutrition, where my plan was to teach people in my community about the roles nutrition and lifestyle play in dealing with preventable diseases. In particular, I had been practicing for just a few years before I saw first-hand how many people were struggling with their nutrition and overall wellness during their fight with cancer. I was terrified of doing the wrong thing and often would avoid these cases, until my own mother-in-law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was because of her request for support that I put my fear aside and reluctantly agreed to figure out how to help her. I attended her medical appointments and helped her with her nutrition. I am sad to say she passed away in just a few months, but she sparked in me a deep and passionate desire to serve others in this way, to help those who are trying to re-build their health while also going through cancer. I zeroed in on this area of focus in my practice. Studying every book available that I could find on the subject, taking courses, and attending webinars, I dove deep until at last, I confidently knew how to work safely with this delicate condition. And now I want to share what I have learned with you. I believe as wellness advocates; it is essential to understand that disease often requires an “environment” to grow in. Of those diagnosed with cancer, only a small percentage are genetic. This means we are dealing with a condition that is largely provoked by the environment, with both diet and lifestyle playing major roles. I also believe that valuable information positions people to make great choices. The following is a summary of what I have learned. Cancer is the #1 cause of death in Canada, second only to cardiovascular disease (that is for another article). As mentioned, most cancers are not genetic, and so we must be proactive in prevention as much as we are in supporting those in recovery from this disease.

Cancer, like cardiovascular disease, can be considered opportunistic, in that if the “environment” allows it, it has opportunity to exist and grow. In nutritional therapy, we consider root causes, and many of the nutritional strategies used to support a person as they go through the cancer treatment process will work as preventative as well. When it comes to genetic predispositions, we have a saying in the wellness industry: “Genetics may load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger.” How you treat your body matters. Some research even shows that as much as a staggering 70-90 per cent of cancers are preventable! With one in three Canadians expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, I must say it is time to take this seriously. So, let us look at my top three strategies to help protect ourselves from this disease. 1. Learn about epigenetics. Epigenetics is a science based on the understanding that our diet and lifestyle have the ability to turn on and off good and bad genes. One of my favourite books that I believe everyone in the health industry should read is The China Study by C. Campbell and T. Campbell. It is a game changer and will help you clearly understand the relationship between diet and our risk factors for cardiovascular disease and cancer. 2. Eat a mostly whole food diet. Whole foods are unprocessed foods found in the plant kingdom. These foods are specifically protective as they help build and nurture the environment which many diseases such as cancer and even cardiovascular disease dislike. They offer a broad source of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, all of which are required by the body for optimal health. One thing I have taught clients over and over in my 17 years of practice, is: You cannot out-supplement a bad diet! Eating healthy food is necessary, every day. Whole foods also support a healthy and clean digestive tract and they feed the beneficial bacteria in your microbiome. By promoting gut health directly, they also support a healthy immune system (most of which is in your gut). We do not have a lab-made vitamin deficiency; we have a whole food deficiency! 3. Exercise, breathe, and manage stress. These three all work together and have a major influence on the overall function of our body. Exercise stimulates the lymphatic system which removes toxins from our body. Deep

breathing oxygenates the body, and stress management helps balance out hormones and can aid in preventing overgrowth of undesirable bacteria in the gut. Many of your clients are highly stressed, not moving well, not breathing properly, and not eating enough whole food-based nutrition. It is the perfect recipe for disaster. Maybe you or a client are currently navigating a cancer diagnosis; then what can you do? Or maybe you are ready to take prevention seriously. Your first step is to get your diet right. Very little impacts your overall wellness more than the foods you put into your body daily. It is well understood by both the medical and wellness communities, that eating the wrong foods can have consequences. These consequences include higher risks for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome, to name a few. The equations really are simple. Eat the wrong foods and suffer from the consequences. Eat the right foods, and benefit from positive and potentially preventative outcomes. However, there really is no “one size fits all” approach to preventative nutrition, or nutritional therapy during cancer. That is where the nutritionist’s role comes in. We have specialized knowledge here, creating customized programs for individuals. It is also important to note that nutrition does not heal disease; your body does that! But it does need the building blocks of health for healing to happen. This is what good nutrition provides. There is a growing awareness around our health and preventative measures to protect it, and it does not have to be complicated. Focus on getting the majority of your calories from natural whole foods from the plant kingdom often. Exercise, practice breathwork, and manage stress. These alone have the possibility of amazing benefits for your body and long-term health. Alisa Herriman has been teaching nutrition for 17 years. She specializes in Nutritional Therapy for those with cancer. Alisa is passionate about teaching others the power of wholefood nutrition and its role in disease prevention. Alisa teaches several post-secondary nutrition courses including the Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner Program at Edison Institute of Nutrition as well as the nutrition program for Doula Canada. Alisa has been awarded multiple Best Nutritionist awards. canfitpro March/April 2022










By Leslee Bender


THE AVERAGE STUDENT OR CLIENT IS USUALLY UNAWARE THAT THE CORE IS TRULY THE ENTIRE BODY. However, having a strong support system for the spine is essential for life. We, as humans, have come up with some outlandish concepts of what fitness core training should be, rather than looking at preserving the integrity of our joints and spine. For example, on social media or in magazines there are numerous posts or articles about having a six-pack. The average reader, though, does not necessarily realize the 20-year-old model (who possibly starved themselves) likely has little body fat on the abdominal area. This is not core training — it is aesthetics. We need to look at the health of our body and how long we can sustain it from injuries or pain. This can be done when we train with knowledge and functionality. Utilizing the planes of motion and the influence of the understanding of gravity will give you the necessary tools and techniques to create core training. Also, including a small ball will protect the back 48 canfitpro March/April 2022

when activating the anterior core body in extension. Lastly, teaching our clients how to breathe is crucial for engaging the deeper core muscles, diaphragm, and pelvic floor that are the true essence of stability and mobility. Misconceptions of core training: 1. Crunches give you a six-pack. Not true. Crunches actually compromise the lumbar and cervical spine (nutrition plays an influence here). 2. I can work lower abdominal muscles by lifting and lowering my legs on the floor. Not true. There are no lower abs. Exercising your hip flexors and your back this way can cause pain and lead to potential injuries while also straining the neck. 3. If I squeeze my abdominal muscles or gluteus tight all the time, I will tone them. Not true. Squeezing a muscle or muscle group only inhibits motion of the entire body. It is physically impossible to walk while squeezing the glutes. And one cannot breathe efficiently if they are squeezing their abdominals.

Planes of motion as it relates to core training The sagittal plane (anterior and posterior of the body, flexion, and extension) is the most overused plane of motion (e.g., crunches on the floor) in the misunderstanding of core training. When you look at the amount of time spent flexed over a computer, gravity is taking its toll on the spine regardless of age. It is better to work in extension even in a vertical position or placing a small ball under the sacrum while seated. Frontal plane (lateral flexion on both right and left side of the torso): In a vertical position, standing or seated, you can laterally flex the torso, engaging the obliques. Transverse plane is pure rotation, and when not combined with one of the other planes of motion is pure muscle rather than utilizing the influence of gravity to lengthen the tissue. Utilizing the breath When instructed to inhale and exhale

the chest. Lift and lower the torso to activate the obliques against gravity while supporting the head and neck.

during a movement, not only does it create length, but it also engages the deeper muscles. During movement, reminding students to breathe will allow them to move more efficiently. Keeping a very slight abdominal brace will protect the back in planking exercises. Exercise to lengthen the core in the sagittal/frontal/transverse plane against gravity while protecting the spine with a small ball: Begin either seated on the floor or a chair. Next, place a small ball under the low back (sacrum/lumbar spine). Look upward with the eyes only while bringing the arms above the chest. You will feel a slight quiver in the front of the body, which is the eccentric lengthening of the rectus abdominus. As a variation add rotation.

Check out a demonstration of these exercises at www.canfitpro/LBender/ EssentialCore

Exercise to strengthen the obliques in the frontal plane: Begin side lying and place the ball under the rib cage and hip on one side. Next, support the head with the lower hand while placing the other one in front of

Leslee Bender, FAFS Gray institute, ACSM, NASM, ACE, PMA, and 2020 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year has over 30 years presenting and lecturing internationally. Leslee is the creator of the Bender Ball method of functionally safer core training, director of Ageless Now Academy, and creator of Barre Above Pilates with Savvier Fitness. Leslee is the coauthor of I Am Ageless Now. canfitpro March/April 2022






Nous devons nous attarder sur la santé et l’intégrité de notre corps et sur la quantité de temps pendant laquelle nous pouvons le protéger contre des blessures ou contre la douleur. Ce que 50 canfitpro March/April 2022



Par Leslee Bender L’étudiant ou le client moyen ignore habituellement que le noyau du corps est, en réalité, le corps en entier. Cependant, il est crucial pour le maintien de la vie d’avoir une structure puissante pour soutenir la colonne vertébrale. Plutôt que de penser à préserver l’intégrité de nos articulations et de notre colonne vertébrale, nous avons, en tant qu’humains, imaginé des concepts extravagants de ce que l’entrainement du centre du corps devrait être. Par exemple, sur les réseaux sociaux ou dans les magazines, on retrouve de nombreuses publications ou articles qui nous expliquent comment développer un « six-pack ». Le lecteur moyen ne réalise peut-être pas que le mannequin de 20 ans (qui s’est probablement privé ne nourriture pour arriver à l’image qu’il ou elle projette) n’a que très peu de gras corporel autour de la zone abdominale. Cette image ne représente pas un centre du corps puissant, c’est plutôt une question d’esthétique.


nous sommes en mesure d’accomplir lorsque nous nous entrainons en mettant de l’avant nos connaissances et en ciblant la fonctionnalité. Exploiter les plans de mouvement et comprendre l’influence de la gravité sur ces derniers vous donnera les outils et les techniques nécessaires pour créer un entrainement ciblant le centre du corps. Il sera aussi intéressant de penser à utiliser un petit ballon pour protéger le dos lors de l’activation de la partie antérieure du centre du corps dans une extension. Enfin, il est crucial d’apprendre à nos clients comment respirer pour engager les muscles profonds du tronc, le diaphragme, et le plancher pelvien qui sont la véritable fondation de la stabilité et de la mobilité. Idées répandues à propos de l’entrainement du centre du corps : 1. Vous développerez un « six-pack » en effectuant des redressements assis. Faux. Dans les faits, les redressements assis compromettent la colonne lombaire et cervicale (l’alimentation joue également un rôle ici). 2. Je peux travailler mes muscles abdominaux inférieurs en soulevant et en abaissant mes jambes, allongé au sol. Faux. Les abdominaux inférieurs

n’existent pas. Exercer les fléchisseurs de la hanche et le dos de cette façon peut provoquer de la douleur, des tensions au niveau du cou, et mener à des blessures potentielles. 3. En resserrant mes abdominaux et mes fessiers en permanence, je les renforcerai. Faux. Contracter un muscle ou un groupe de muscles ne fait qu’inhiber le mouvement de l’ensemble du corps. Par exemple, il est physiquement impossible de marcher en serrant les fessiers. De plus, il est tout aussi impossible de respirer efficacement lorsqu’on contracte les abdominaux. Les plans de mouvement et comment ils sont liés à l’entrainement du tronc Le plan sagittal (antérieur et postérieur du corps, la flexion, et l’extension), c’està-dire le redressement assis au sol, est le plan de mouvement le plus surutilisé dans la mauvaise compréhension de ce que devrait être l’entrainement du tronc. Lorsque l’on s’attarde au temps que l’on passe penché au-dessus d’un ordinateur, on constate à quel point la gravité affecte la colonne vertébrale, et ce, peu importe l’âge. Il vaudrait mieux travailler en extension, voire en position verticale, ou

Exercice de renforcement des obliques en plan frontal : En vous allongeant au sol sur le côté, placez un petit ballon au niveau de la taille et des hautes hanches. Puis, supportez votre tête avec la main du dessous tout en plaçant l’autre au sol devant votre poitrine. Soulevez et abaissez le torse pour solliciter les obliques en contre-gravité tout en supportant la tête et le cou. encore en plaçant un petit ballon, qui ne serait pas gonflé à bloc, sous le sacrum lorsqu’on est en position assise. Plan frontal (flexion latérale des côtés gauche et droit du torse) : en position verticale, debout ou assise, vous pouvez effectuer une flexion latérale du torse, tout en engageant les obliques. Le plan transverse est une rotation pure, et lorsque que la rotation n’est pas combinée à un autre plan de mouvement elle devient purement musculaire et n’utilise pas la gravité pour allonger les tissus. Utiliser la respiration Donner la directive d’inspirer et d’expirer pendant un mouvement, permet de non seulement créer de la longueur, mais aussi d’engager les muscles plus profonds. Pendant le mouvement, rappeler aux participants de respirer leur permettra de bouger plus efficacement. Maintenir une contraction abdominale légère protégera le dos lors de l’exécution d’exercices comme la planche.

Exercice visant à allonger le tronc dans les plans sagittal, frontal et transversal contre-gravité tout en protégeant la colonne vertébrale avec un petit ballon : Commencez assis au sol ou sur une chaise. Puis, placez un petit ballon sous le bas du dos (sacrum/colonne lombaire). Regardez vers le haut avec vos yeux seulement tout en ramenant vos bras au-dessus de la poitrine. Vous sentirez un léger tremblement sur le devant de votre corps correspondant à l’extension excentrique des grands droits de l’abdomen. Ajoutez une rotation pour faire une variation.

Regardez une démonstration de ces exercices sur YouTube au www.canfitpro/ LBender/EssentialCore

Leslee Bender, FAFS Gray Institute, ACSM, NASM, ACE, PMA, nommée entraineuse personnelle de l’année de l’IDEA en 2020, a plus de 30 ans d’expérience à titre de présentatrice et de conférencière au niveau international. Leslee est la créatrice de la méthode Bender Ball pour un entrainement fonctionnel plus sécuritaire de la ceinture abdominale, directrice de l’Ageless Now Academy, et la créatrice du Barre Above Pilates en collaboration avec Savvier Fitness. Elle est également co-autrice de I Am Ageless Now.

canfitpro March/April 2022




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WHAT’S SELF-CARE GOT TO DO WITH IT? Why taking care of yourself first will pay off By Kim Basler

54 canfitpro March/April 2022

“WHY IS IT THAT WE FEEL LIKE WE CAN DO IT ALL?” “WHY IS IT THAT WE FEEL LIKE WE NEED TO SAY YES AND SHOULD NOT SAY NO?” “WHY DO WE SEE FAILURE AND LAZINESS IN STOPPING TO PAUSE AND GIVE BACK TO OURSELVES?” These are just some of the questions I have had to ask myself over the last six years as I have embarked on a radical healing journey from 30 years of disordered eating, over-exercising, and recovering from the disease to “please.” We all have different reasons or paths that brought us into the fitness industry, this desire to help and support others with their health, wellness, and fitness goals forms the foundation. When it comes to giving our best to our members, clients, and participants we gather up information on nutrition on how to best fuel our bodies, we attend workshops to learn how to increase our strength to become better leaders, and we listen to podcasts to gain tips on how to best attract our ideal clients. I have a few questions for you: • When is the last time you were happy a client cancelled on you because you just were too tired to train them? • How many times have you begrudgingly said yes to subbing a class for someone because you didn’t want the members to have a virtual class? • Or, said yes to teaching a class to repay the favour but then had to stay up all night cramming choreography into your head? I could honestly go on and on. I wore many hats in my 30 years working inside the gym. From group fitness instructing to personal training and eventually a leadership position. I say this to acknowledge that I get it. I know what it feels like to love what you do and want to pour yourself into it. But I also know what burnout feels like. I was such an over achiever that I did not just experience burnout one time. Nah! I had to muscle my way through it at least three times. It was my burnout in 2016 that resulted in me having to leave my full-time career in the fitness industry and begin to rebuild myself. Looking back, I do not have any regrets, as my life has unfolded in beautiful ways, but the burnout I would have passed on!

But what happens when you keep pouring out into others and you forget about yourself? The tap runs dry! Any energy that you have remaining feels forced. It does not come out with ease, passion and enthusiasm, instead it can be laced with feelings of frustration, resentment, and guilt. For the past one and half years, the persistence, dedication, and drive that fitness professionals have had to step into to keep their businesses alive and their clients motivated has been incredibly inspiring! It is amazing what we will do for others! Turning your living rooms into recording studios! Using zoom to train a client. Pressing “go live” on social media platforms and facing all those fears! Nothing stopped you! But when is the last time that you checked in with yourself? When was the last time you asked yourself if YOU are okay? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? This pandemic has changed all of us on some level, how could it not.

ANY ENERGY THAT YOU HAVE REMAINING … CAN BE LACED WITH FEELINGS OF FRUSTRATION, RESENTMENT, AND GUILT. So, moving forward into 2022, how can you ensure that you can continue to serve and support others while still taking care of yourself? What steps can you take, and mindset can you adopt that will allow you to bring the best version of you to those that you care about, both personally and professionally? There are obviously many ways to practice self-care and no one way will suit everyone. I like to compare self-care to my approach to health and wellness; find what works for you and do so, unapologetically! I will share with you some ways that I have personally been able to adopt a self-care practice over the last four years, while starting and growing a business, being a mother and wife, and continuing to take care of me. 1. Take time regularly to pause and check in with yourself. You can do this through journaling, a walk in the woods, a meditation – however you can silence the “noise” around you and tune in to what is going on inside of you. The downloads will come in as whispers, create the space for them to be heard.

2. Do the “work”. If you know you have a difficult time with practicing self-care, unpack what is underneath it. Why do you struggle saying “no” to a client? Why do you feel like “good enough” is never “good enough”? So often our belief systems need to be re-evaluated. What has worked for you in the past may no longer work for you today. You can adopt a new set of guidelines/ principles to live by. Nothing needs to be forever. 3. If it is not a “Hell, yes!” then it is a “No”. When we say yes to someone or something, you will eventually have to say no to someone else. So, choose wisely! Your energy will guide you. And if you are not sure right away, give yourself permission to think about it first to be sure. 4. Your circle of influence matters. Who you spend your time with impacts your energy. What you read or listen to will influence you. Respect yourself enough to create boundaries where necessary and know that when you are filling your cup back up, it will only benefit those around you. 5. Do not try to do life alone. Have people in your life that you can lean on when you are needing some love and support. Get comfortable expressing your feelings; life feels less heavy when you stop trying to do all the heavy lifting alone. No matter whether you are new to the fitness industry or close to retiring, adopting a self-care practice will allow you to continue to do what you love. Take the steps necessary to put in place what is needed. Maybe that means creating a wait list for personal training clients. Or letting your group fitness manager know that you no longer want to teach on weekends. Block off times in the day to eat with no screens and practice moments of mindfulness. Turn off your notifications on social media and unplug more often. Make time for play and joy and you will reawaken the light inside of you to keep that passion flowing forward!

Kim Basler specializes in Food Freedom & Mindset Coaching and recently was named canfitpro New Presenter of the Year 2021. Through her training in eating psychology and mind-body nutrition, she helps her clients move beyond the number on the scale and adopt a holistic approach to health.

canfitpro March/April 2022




56 canfitpro March/April 2022

Tofu (soybean curd) and other soy products, such as soy burgers and soy milk, are smart additions to a meat-free diet. They contain a source of highquality protein that is similar in value to animal protein. Note that a Boca Burger (soy protein) has far less protein than a hamburger, however. Despite popular belief among male athletes, the plant estrogens in soy do not have a feminizing effect, do not reduce testosterone levels, and do not impair fertility (Messina 2010). All athletes can enjoy soy foods in moderation, as with any food, as a healthpromoting part of a balanced sports diet.

MANY ACTIVE PEOPLE DO NOT EAT ANIMAL PROTEIN. SOME JUST EAT NO RED MEAT; OTHERS EAT NO RED MEAT, CHICKEN, FISH, EGGS, OR DAIRY FOODS. They may find animal protein hard to digest or believe it is bad for their health, unethical to eat, or erosive to the environment. (Cattle are a source of greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.) Meatless Mondays (and other days, too) are a good idea for the planet! And a balanced vegetarian diet is indeed a good investment in good health. A plant-based diet tends to have more fiber, less saturated fat, and more phytochemicals—active compounds that bolster the immune system, reduce inflammation, and are health protective. The trick to eating a balanced vegetarian diet is to make the effort to replace meat with plant proteins. That is, if you eliminate the meatballs from your pasta dinner, add an alternative source of plant-based protein. Do not simply fuel up only on pasta and neglect your protein needs. You can get adequate protein to support your sports program by including kidney beans, chickpeas, hummus, nut butter, tofu, nuts, veggie burgers, edamame, and other forms of plant protein in each meal.

For lacto-vegetarians (who consume dairy foods), milk and (Greek) yogurt are simple ways to add extra highquality protein to meals and snacks. Although they have been given a bad rap because they are high in saturated fat, recent studies question whether a connection exists between dairy fat and heart disease and stroke regardless of the milk fat levels (de Oliveira Otto et al. 2018). This controversial topic is worthy of continued research, so until the American Heart Association gives the green light for full-fat dairy foods, a wise plan is to choose mostly reduced-fat dairy foods and balance full-fat choices into an overall healthy eating pattern. That said, blue cheese and other “moldy cheeses” may be a positive addition to the diet regardless of their saturated fat: They support gut bacteria that promote good health (Petyaev and Bashmakov 2012). Milk, other dairy foods, eggs, and all animal sources of protein contain all

A PLANT-BASED DIET TENDS TO HAVE MORE FIBER, LESS SATURATED FAT, AND MORE PHYTOCHEMICALS... the essential amino acids and are often referred to as complete proteins. The protein in soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, and soy milk are also complete proteins. The protein in rice, beans, pasta, lentils, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods are incomplete because they contain low levels of some of the essential amino acids. Therefore, vegetarians must eat a variety of foods to get a variety of amino acids that combine with incomplete proteins to make them complete. Vegetarians who drink milk can easily do this by adding soy milk or

...VEGETARIANS MUST EAT A VARIETY OF FOODS TO GET A VARIETY OF AMINO ACIDS THAT COMBINE WITH INCOMPLETE PROTEINS TO MAKE THEM COMPLETE. dairy products to each meal, for example, combining (soy) milk with oatmeal or sprinkling grated low-fat (soy) cheese on beans. Note that rice and almond milks are not nutritionally equal to soy milk, but rather are very poor protein sources. Vegans (strict vegetarians who eat no dairy, eggs, or animal protein) need to consistently eat a variety of foods to optimize their intake of a variety of amino acids over the course of the day. The following combinations work particularly well together; they complement each other by boosting the limiting amino acid: -


Grains plus beans or legumes, such as rice and beans, bread and split-pea soup, tofu and brown rice, corn bread and chili with kidney beans. Legumes plus seeds, such as chickpeas and tahini (as in hummus), tofu and sesame seeds Added soy products (or dairy, if nonvegan), such as cereal and (soy) milk, baked potato and Greek or soy yogurt, hummus wrap with low-fat (soy) cheese

By following these guidelines, vegetarian athletes can consume an adequate amount of complete protein every day. They may, however, lack iron and zinc, minerals found primarily in meats and other animal products. Vegans also need to be sure they get adequate riboflavin, calcium, and vitamin B12, either through a supplement or from carefully selected food sources.

Copyright © 2022 by Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. Excerpted by permission of Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. Available to order from Human Kinetics Canada at or by calling 1-800-465-7301.

canfitpro March/April 2022


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