10 minute read

A Woman of Influence


By Maureen “Mo” Hagan

Originally, this feature article was planned to highlight the Women Who Influence event of August 2022, however, it is only suiting that I dedicate this feature to a woman who truly embodied this event and its purpose, who taught us all how to influence, to lead, and to create belonging. While she needs no introduction, I would like to take this MO’ment to introduce you all to one of the MO’st influential woman that I have been blessed and fortunate to know and work with for almost 40 years - Dorothy Walsh.

Dorothy started her career in the fitness industry at 60 years of age. Take a moment to let that sink in. This is mind-blowing and teaches us that it is never too late to start your career or re-invent yourself so you can live your true purpose and serve the world with your talent. Within a year of opening his first fitness club, Dorothy’s son, David Patchell-Evans (known in the fitness industry globally as “Patch”), opened his second club and Dorothy started to work as the company’s bookkeeper.

As the company grew, Dorothy became financial controller, which she loved, and she did everything in Patch’s clubs from payroll to club inspection, and she even shared her passion and insights about the business to every leader at the time, whenever the opportunity arose. Whether you wanted to hear it or not, Dorothy would tell you ‘what was what’ as she stayed on top of everything that ensured you would be successful. I was fortunate to be on the receiving end of that learning and influence, as a director of group fitness at the time. While there were many times, I had no idea what I was doing when it came to reporting and budgeting, Dorothy always made me feel valued and supported. She mentored me as she did everyone. Dorothy was the most consistent influence in my life in those years, whether I realized it or not. She always had my back, and she was my greatest cheerleader. Just as she did all her life, whether it be in times of war or depression (she lived through both), she took a personal responsibility to make sure no one suffered or failed on her watch.

Dorothy is a true example of a women who influenced thousands and I count myself as lucky to be one of those who benefited from Dorothy’s presence over the past four decades. For those who attended Women Who Influence this past August at canfitpro Global, you were gifted the opportunity to be in her presence. Since its conception in 2013, Dorothy has never missed this event, even at 102 years of age.

The theme of Women Who Influence 2022 was “belonging” and Dorothy was the epitome of belonging. She would have defined belonging as “taking care of others and making them feel welcome.”

Dorothy lived as she encouraged others to live, fiercely and with a purpose. Dorothy lived this purpose her entire life, even when she had little or nothing material she could share, she always had spirit. She always opened her door and her heart without judgement, and that I know to be true because she welcomed me into the business at GoodLife and showed me how to be a leader (even when I did not believe I could be one). You see, to be a leader or to influence others you simply need to show up and help people, especially those in need or less fortunate than yourself, and you help them in any way that you can. Just by showing up and caring for others you are a person of influence. Dorothy had the ability to make everyone feel welcome, feel as though they belonged.

Dorothy was GoodLife and canfitpro’s beloved matriarch. She was a bold, independent, caring, and resilient force of nature whose belief in, and support for, her family and the companies that she served was unwavering. She believed in what the fitness industry and Women Who Influence set out to accomplish and was always giving back at every chance – even at 102 years of age.

When Dorothy attended the conference, she dressed up and was the star of the show. Every year at Women Who Influence, Dorothy received a standing ovation, and this year was no different. The ironic thing is that Dorothy never really understood why the audience could feel the spirit and energy she brought just by being present. It was her humbleness and genuine caring to help women that resonated with the audience. She was always there to support and lift women up and help them become better. While it was never planned, Dorothy had a significant role to play at every Women Who Influence event. It just so happened that Dorothy’s name was pulled for the “THINK Yourself” grand prize this past year and in typical fashion Dorothy asked to re-gift her prize. In the words of Nathalie PlamondonThomas, canfitpro Presenter of the Year and the 2022 sponsor of Women Who Influence, “my heart is still warm as Dorothy regifted her prize to a single mom; that is just how Dorothy was.”

If you ever met her, Dorothy was a fiery spirit whose support extended far beyond business. She genuinely enjoyed her life to the fullest. She leaves a tremendous legacy because of the lasting impact she imparted on people she interacted with until her final days. In its truest sense, this is belonging. Belonging is also helping others in need feel as though they matter, that they belong, and this was Dorothy. She would ask that the next time you see someone in need you remember to help them in whatever way you can. Dorothy’s advice is one of our greatest lessons here and I cannot think of another person to teach us the true meaning of belonging than Dorothy Walsh –mom, grandmother, role model, and force of nature. May she be in our hearts forever.


It is important to act confidently, yet as yourself (authentically), and make learning part of your growth (to belong to oneself).

“Women Who Influence was a very “growing” experience for me. Believe it or not, as a teen and young adult, I had a MASSIVE fear of public speaking. Emceeing Women Who Influence with Mo just continued to prove that I am worthy, I can do hard things and the only one standing in my way is me.”

Samantha Montpetit-Huynh, online core and body confidence, strength training coach

Keep moving forward, tell the truth and explain what is required of everyone, including yourself. Share your strengths, insight, and passion with others even when it is not asked of you. This will help build collaboration and community (which is essential to belonging).

“To truly belong, we owe it to ourselves to move towards authenticity in the ways we interact with one another but first, within ourselves. When we fully accept the unique traits that make us who we are and embrace them unapologetically, we can share them with the world! Step into courage and allow yourself to be seen! I have personally experienced the universe rewarding me for my authenticity - I highly recommend it! “

Kim Basler, food freedom and mindset coach, Recipient of the Sharon Mann Inspiration Award 2022

Communicate constantly, consistently, and one-onone with your key players to be certain that everyone you need is on board and ready to go. This is the foundation of any great relationship and will foster the sense of belonging within a team or business.

“What I learned at Women Who Influence is that we all have our excuses we carry around and only when we see others who have overcome personal and physical barriers can we look inside and be true to ourselves, be inspired and watch things change positively. We all need to stop making excuses and own our own lives.”

Suaad Ghadban, Group Fitness Director GSH, founder of Hot Booty Ballet, Global TV fitness correspondent

Be generous with people, and specifically those in need of your help. Do not try to be wonder woman (or superman) and do it all yourself. While it may feel heroic, it is not smart, it is not possible, and it is destructive for creating a sense of belonging. We all need to feel responsible and work towards a common cause

“Humans are hardwired to be curious, but curiosity is like

a muscle that needs to be flexed regularly. That means sometimes feeling humbled by what you do not yet know, or by what you need help with. Get vulnerable and ask the questions that resolve that tension between where you are now and where you want to be. You will soon strengthen your curiosity muscles that enable you to grow, connect, and harness the power of belonging.”

Beth Yarzab, canfitpro Certification Development and canfitpro PRO TRAINER

Do not make excuses. Make reasons to improve yourself.

“When you catch yourself sitting in negative self-talk, rephrase what you are going through in the past tense, then create a progressive statement. For example, if you think, ‘I am so stressed out all the time!’ transform this into, ‘I used to think I was stressed out. Now I am willing to learn how to change that!”

Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas, confidence expert, canfitpro 2022 Canadian Presenter of the Year, nine times International No.1 bestselling author

Show up, ask questions, be curious, and never ever stop learning. This will help you progress in your own success, not to mention inspire others to achieve the same. Almost every year since the beginning of Women Who Influence and the canfitpro conference, Dorothy would say, “it’s wonderful to see so many women here embracing the opportunity to learn, lead, and lift one another.”

“The Women Who Influence event gave me the opportunity as a speaker and as an attendee to embrace the concept of belonging in a whole new way. It was incredibly healing and joyful to hear the stories of so many from diverse backgrounds. The idea of belonging truly belongs to each of us and I left the event belonging to myself and the community of like-minded folks to a greater extent than expected.”

- Vyshnavi Sivakumaran, canfitpro 2021 Fitness Professional of the Year, fitness coach, owner of fitness in place

Be like Dorothy – grab life by the horns and own it! (As quoted by Women Who Influence attendee and stepdaughter – Sheelagh Walsh).

“If you are looking to raise your vibration, The Women Who Influence event is the place to do it! I learned, according to science, our muscles secrete hormones during movement called ‘hope molecules’. How awesome is that! We are all hope making machines! I always leave that day with a big smile and feeling fulfilled.”

Cher Obediah, award winning filmmaker, speaker, presenter, and winner of canfitpro’s Got Talent 2020

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