As I reflect on the canfitpro story, a 30-year legacy that still feels fresh and innovative, I am grateful beyond measure for the experiences, lessons learned, connections, and relationships made along the way. Everyone, whether a canfitpro colleague, member, presenter, or friend, has contributed invaluable lessons that have shaped my leadership and personal growth. Their passion, dedication, and unwavering support have been the driving force behind our collective success. The wisdom shared, challenges overcome, and triumphs celebrated have forged unbreakable bonds between us. Somehow “thank you” seems insufficient to express the gratitude I feel.
One thing I have learned since canfitpro began in 1993, it is that you must never underestimate the power of your story. You never know who you will inspire or who needs to hear your words! But sharing our story and creating positive change in the lives of others, as fitness professionals, requires courage. Courage nurtures confidence and conversely, confidence fuels courage. As fitness professionals and fitness business owners, courage enables us to take risks, innovate, and make tough decisions that move us forward and face challenges head-on with curiosity.
Our vision and the MO’st important reason for starting canfitpro was to move the Canadian fitness industry in a new direction and inspire fitness as a desired career and lifestyle and give fitness professionals and presenters the opportunity to share their passion for fitness, and their stories. I am grateful to all those who have walked with us along this road. Collectively, at canfitpro, we realize our power to elevate our industry comes from connecting our passion and our purpose.
We are celebrating courage as the theme of canfitpro’s 30th anniversary. I hope you enjoy walking down memory lane as much as we
enjoyed creating our 30-year milestones map for this commemorative issue. I have read some powerful stories recently received through our courage story campaign and am grateful to all our fabulous contributors. Every story has been unique. They all inspired me tremendously. We have 30 stories published online and four published in this issue.
Be sure to read Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas’s article in this issue on page 24 to learn how to maximize your canfitpro Global Conference and Trade Show experience. She encourages us to be a part of this 30-year story by attending the event and to come “not to see different things but to see things differently”.
Reflecting on our troubles and triumphs through the pandemic, I am so grateful to all canfitpro members, sponsors, PRO TRAINERS, education partners, presenters, and industry colleagues for their support. Knowing what we have been through, I recognize nothing can replace the face-to-face interaction we experience being in-person with others. We really have something incredible at canfitpro and I hope you will join us live to celebrate together. Yes, it will take courage to dedicate dollars and time, but say yes to what you really need. You will be grateful. I promise you will leave the 2023 canfitpro Global Conference and Trade Show a different person than when you arrived. I am confident you will finish the conference feeling a more vibrant, recharged, and powerful version of yourself.
I look forward to celebrating with you in Toronto this August! If you have not registered it is not too late, go to canfitpro.com/events2023/global
With sincerest thanks,
Maureen “Mo” Hagan Chief Operating OfficerJuly/August 2023
Chief Operating Officer
Maureen Hagan mohagan@canfitpro.com
Director of Operations
Michael O’Neil moneil@canfitpro.com
Director of Business Growth
Robert Robinson rrobinson@canfitpro.com
Managing Editor Erin Andersen eandersen@canfitpro.com
Graphic Designer
Imran Mahmood, imahmood@canfitpro.com
Marketing & Communications Manager Manahil Sami, msami@canfitpro.com
Events Experience Manager Jennifer Pitt, jpitt@canfitpro.com
Senior Account Manager, B2B Sales Bill Loker, bloker@canfitpro.com
Member Experience Manager Fatima Sunga, fsunga@canfitpro.com
Fitness Advisory Panel
Terence Boateng
Nathalie Lacombe
Melanie Levenberg
Jessica Maurer
Erin Phelan
Trevor Pickett
Funk Roberts
Jess Silver
Ben Siong
Dwayne Smith
To Subscribe
canfitpro Magazine is published six times per year by Canadian Fitness Professionals Inc. New Professional Memberships with canfitpro are $120 per year (plus GST/HST) and renewals are $98 per year (plus GST/ HST) and include a subscription to the magazine. For more information, please contact Member Services at ext. 301.
Feedback or to contribute to canfitpro Magazine please contact: canfitpro Magazine 110-225 Select Ave. Toronto, ON M1X 0B5 416-493-3515 Toll Free 1-800-667-5622 Fax (416) 493-1756 magazine@canfitpro.com
Contact info@canfitpro.com for questions regarding membership, conferences, and Canadian fitness resources.
canfitpro is a division of Canadian Fitness Professionals Inc. Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40783518 - Return Postage Guaranteed
can tpro was established in 1993 to assist t pros with on-going education and professionalism and support the Canadian tness industry. Many milestones have been achieved over the last 30 years, and with the help of valued members, sta , presenters, volunteers, partners, sponsors, and industry leaders, can tpro continues to educate, communicate, and motivate Canadians towards a healthier and more active lifestyle.
Our Purpose can tpro inspires tness as a desired career and lifestyle to create positive change in the lives of others.
Our Vision can tpro aspires to deliver accessible learning experiences to a global audience, making tness and mental health a part of personal wellness for everyone.
First BODYLIFE International & Canadian Conference launched in London, ON.
First o cial Member Newsletter, The PRO Quarterly
Launch of the PRO-REP Ambassador model was introduced (known today as PRO TRAINER) 1994 1995 1998
BODYLIFE renamed to Can-Fit-Pro and relocated to Toronto, ON
First Delegates’ Choice Award presented to Matt Church
Launch of Can-Fit-Pro Fitness Instructor Specialist (FIS) certi cation
Can-Fit-Pro Magazine commences 6 issues per year in full colour and Rick Hansen is the keynote speaker for the Can-Fit-Pro Conference & Trade Show
Can-Fit-Pro hosts its rst regional conference in Montreal
Minister of Health, Allan Rock, gives keynote address at Can-Fit-Pro Fitness, Personal Training, Lifestyle and Club Business Conference & Trade Show
Can-Fit-Pro celebrates 10 Years Strong Can-Fit-Pro successfully navigates the Big Blackout on August 14 during the Can-Fit-Pro Conference & Trade Show
Steve Block Vendor of the Year Award is introduced to honour an innovative pioneer in the tness industry
Dr. Patch Adams presents keynote address at Can-Fit-Pro Club Business Conference and Trade Show
Introduction of Fitness Professional Insurance Policy in partnership with Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Limited (Formerly Stevenson and Hunt Insurance Brokers Limited)
can tpro breaks two Guinness World Records at the Toronto Conference & Trade Show for the largest indoor cycling class and Pilates class
can tpro celebrates 20 Years Strong and celebrity personal trainer Jillian Michaels is the keynote speaker at the Toronto Conference & Trade Show
can tpro supported RE-SOUND, FIC and GoodLife Fitness in the ght against Sound Tari 6.B and a successful settlement was won with Canada being the rst country in the world to win their tribunal
Together with can tpro members, sponsors, and partners, can tpro raises $100,000 for the Paci c Autism Family Network to build a children's playground at the centre in Richmond, B.C.
Creation of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee to ensure BIPOC representation across all areas at can tpro
can tpro works with UFIT and becomes the rst Canadian company to sign the Marseille Declaration to support inclusivity in tness
can tpro courses, certi cations and the Global Conference & Trade Show all pivot to online learning in response to COVID-19 pandemic
New partnership with the Fitness Industry Council of Canada (FIC) and launch of the new Business Membership model
Global Conference & Trade Show returns as a live event in Toronto as well as online
Friday, August 18 @ 10:00 AM ET
- The Power of Indigenous Storytelling with Kendal Netmaker
Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Author, and Indigenous Speaker
Learn the 3 ways to tell a story that creates an emotional connection and promotes long-term relationships with your clients and customers
Visit the canfitpro booth after the Opening Keynote to purchase Kendal's book and have it signed
In a world full of noise and short attention spans, the art and skill of memorable & impactful storytelling has never been more important. Indigenous Peoples’ key to retaining their culture and traditions has been built upon oral stories for thousands of years. With no textbooks, they have been able to retain valuable teachings that have been passed down from generation to generation. In this powerful keynote, Kendal takes you into Indigenous Peoples’ storytelling communication and how to build a deeper connection with your customers and team members. He explains the importance of how storytelling is key to building long-term relationships for continued business growth.
Courage is the strength to face fear, pain, or adversity with bravery, determination, and resilience, often resulting in extraordinary acts of selflessness and heroism.
It is a chaotic world right now with change and uncertainty still lingering as most industries and professionals, including fitness, navigate the new world of work. This time of reinvention will require more from leaders at a time when leaders may be feeling less themselves (less confident, less knowledgeable, less
motivated, etc.). Never has there been a time where leaders have had to call upon their own courage to lead and show others a path not yet travelled.
Sharing your story is an act of courage as it takes
inspiring others to do the same. canfitpro celebrates 30 years by highlighting stories of courage to inspire fitness professionals to overcome obstacles, cultivate resilience, and empower their clients to do the same, in pursuit
He speaks professionally to thousands of people worldwide on resilience, leadership, and the power of telling your story, weaving his real-life experiences into motivating lessons that empower and build more resilient leaders and organizations. From Sweetgrass First Nation, Netmaker and his siblings were raised by their single mother. Life wasn’t easy growing up on the reserve surrounded by poverty and few opportunities, but one moment changed his life forever. In grade five, he and his best friend shared a love of sports, but his family couldn’t afford extracurricular activities. So, his friend’s family stepped in. They paid the fees and drove him to his games and practices. It wasn’t until he was older that Netmaker understood exactly what this family did for him, and how different his life would have been without them. It’s this that has motivated him throughout his life and drives him still to this day. Today, Netmaker is a leading entrepreneur whose passion to succeed is contagious. He has founded and invested in five businesses, including Neechie Gear, a lifestyle apparel brand that gives back a percentage of their profits to help underprivileged youth take part in sports. Netmaker has won over 25 business awards, including being named one of Canada’s “Top 40 Under 40” and being runner-up at the YBI Global Entrepreneur of the Year. He is also the author of to Succeed: From Poverty To Podium.
An award-winning entrepreneur and author, Kendal Netmaker is a master storyteller who uses his natural gift to help people shift their mindset and find the success they seek.Visit the canfitpro booth after the keynote to purchase Kendal’s book, Driven to Succeed, and have it signed.
These words define the reality of my last six years, but I did not let them define who I am today and who I aspire to be moving forward.
In 2016, I was at the top of my game, I was traveling around the world training pro athletes, I had just signed a lease for my first brick and mortar location to build the first JOGA HOUSE. I had JOGA certifications booked to capacity across Canada, my son was thriving, and I was casted as one of the stars on the reality show The Real Housewives of Toronto… then in less than five seconds all of that was dismantled. I was in a head on car crash in the Dominican Republic while down there training professional baseball players. My life flashed before my eyes. All I remember is seeing my son’s cherub face in my mind and I prayed that I would not die.
I did not die, but I did suffer many injuries that I am still managing and doing rehab for to this date. I had to figure out how to work with a broken back and a brain injury, how to be a single mom to William while not being able to move, how to build my business from a hospital bed and, most importantly, I had to figure out how to get my body and my brain back.
I worked through pain and confusion for years. I looked fine but vomited every day. I kept the secret that I could not remember who anyone was, and most times did not really know what I was doing or what words (and in what order) would be as the sentences left my mouth. My thresholds were challenged, my fuse shortened. Everything hurt; lights, crowds, moving. My personality changed. I was not the Jana I used to be.
This new broken Jana attracted a toxic relationship. I was weak and vulnerable. Little did I know how much pain my heart would go through over the next five years.
In summary, I was not healthy enough to run JOGA HOUSE and had to close the business which left me with a bunch of debt. I had to start over, I had to find the courage to move on and think about my business in a different way. I have had to persevere through pain and not feeling well just to keep my life and business going. I had the courage to keep showing up because there was no other option. I had to have the courage to leave a toxic relationship and trust that I would be OK on my own.
back, broken brain, broken bank and then the icing on the cake, a broken heart.
Jana and Sheldon will bravely share, in a conversation facilitated by Mika Midolo, how the fitness industry helped them navigate their own personal challenges at the
on Sunday, August 20 at 12:00 PM
In November 2021, I was admitted into the hospital and was put through a battery of tests, but nothing was found. They had no clue what was happening to me. It took only three-weeks to lose my vision.
When I got out of the hospital, I made the decision to go back and coach girls’ basketball as I had a lot to share with the girls about pivoting and facing adversity head on. I let them know about my darkest hour - how I had thought of taking my life and not dealing with the challenges in front of me. I also told them that we all get to make the call on how we come out of things. I have been spat on and pushed down and I have had friends leave me, and now I am facing this all on my own and trying to advocate for blind people and helping them understand they are not alone.
If you wish to hear more on my story, please visit Sheldon Guy W5 Pivot on YouTube and it will give you more context on my journey.
At the beginning, I noticed something changing in my vision and I began to see doctors to figure out what was happening. The world was closing in and becoming darker by the day. I had no clue what was happening, and it was getting scary.
I graduated in 2000 from the Humber College Journalism program. After graduation I became a television and radio reporter, a PR representative, and an on-air talent for CP24.
After graduating from Humber and working at all these firms, I realized that I needed to keep both my body and mind in balance, and I found the perfect answer in Pilates. Movement has always played an important role in my life, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I loved gymnastics, swimming and participating in sports in my younger years and how it made me feel. I have always had a passion for how the human body moves, the potential it has and how it is connected to mind and spirit.
I immersed myself in the various methods of Pilates in 2001, adding weights and props as I progressed. I continued practicing during my pregnancies and post-natal (C-section delivery), and after enduring endometriosis and pelvic tumor surgeries. Pilates always brought my body back physically and mentally. In 2015, I obtained my PiYo certification, a class based on Pilates and Yoga techniques and 2018 I started training to obtain my certification in the Joseph Pilates method with the encouragement from one of my best friends, Linda Raponi. My Pilates Mat training was with East to West Yoga, and I received my full certification to teach all levels in 2021. I took courses in applying Therapeutic Techniques, received my certificate in Nutrition with Tosca Reno and canfitpro, and my certificate in children’s fitness.
In May of 2021, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a form of blood cancer. I did six months of aggressive chemotherapy treatments and one full month of radiation. Pilates restored my body, flexibility, strength, and mental wellbeing and still does. I believe and trust in the Pilates method. Pilates is for everybody and every body.
I also love to spend time with my family and friends, especially outdoors. I love to read, listen to music, dance, eat and travel. I am always open to reading new books and I plan to do Pilates all over the world. I look forward to moving with you!
Mika will share her courageous journey through cancer diagnoses, treatment, and recovery alongside Jana Webb and Sheldon Guy at the CLOSING CEREMONIES
on Sunday, August 20 at 12:00 PM
Mika will share her courageous journey through cancer diagnoses, treatment, and recovery. She will be joined by two special guests from the fitness industry who will bravely share how the fitness industry helped them navigate their own personal challenges. Together, we will unite with our peers and empower each other to share our own stories of courage, fostering deeper connections in the process. Don't miss this inspiring and uplifting event!
CANFITPRO IS CELEBRATING ITS 30TH ANNIVERSARY AND IT IS POSSIBLE THAT, LIKE MYSELF, YOU HAVE BEEN ATTENDING FOR A FEW DECADES ALREADY. Whether you are going for the first time or are a seasoned fit pro, with the right mindset and preparation, you can make the most of your time at the conference
and come away with ideas that will benefit both you and your clients.
Mental Preparation
Attending a fitness conference can be an incredibly valuable experience for fitness professionals, and it is important to go into it with the right mindset. As
the saying goes, “You don’t go to see different things, you go to see things differently.” This means that attending a conference is not just about learning the latest information, but also about approaching familiar topics in a new way and gaining fresh perspectives. Be curious and enthusiastic. What you
have already seen can been experienced with different eyes. You are not the same person you were last year. Set yourself up for success by being open to hearing things differently. You will pick up on what fits your reality of today.
It is possible that a firehose of ideas motivates you, but it can also be quite overwhelming. Be prepared to say yes to the best and no to the rest. You do not have to implement all the ideas you are given right away. See the “document” section for more on this.
One of the most important things you can do is to set clear goals for what you hope to achieve while you are there. Are there specific topics or speakers you are interested in hearing? Are there particular networking opportunities you are hoping to take advantage of? What vendors are you hoping to meet? By setting goals in advance, you can focus your time and energy on the activities that will be most valuable to you. Carefully make your session selections and download the handouts from the canfitpro website ahead of time when available.
Create a schedule for the conference and the tradeshow. Stick with your plan, and that includes a budget on what you want to spend and what are your “must-haves”. That being said, be open to flexibility and the amazing discoveries you will make on the spot.
“Knowing and NOT doing is like not knowing at all.” Do not just passively
absorb information or write down every single word you hear. Think about how you can apply what you are learning to your own work. Document the ideas that you want to implement after the conference in sections. Divide your notepad into sections or write a capital letter or color code your notes:
G: General notes for each session.
Q: Quotes you liked and want to remember.
C: Cues you liked that you want to use with your clients.
M: To-do tasks to implement right away on Monday right after the event.
F: To-do tasks that will necessitate a bit more thinking or preparation that you will implement in a few weeks/months.
S: Great ideas that you will put in a folder for someday when the timing is right.
B: Books to read.
in your day-to-day work.
Remember the importance of networking at events. This is a terrific opportunity to meet other professionals in your field, exchange ideas, and build relationships that could be valuable in the future. Plan some specific times by contacting them in advance and set coffee dates to catch up or ask the questions you have. Introduce yourself to other attendees. Put your hand up whenever a volunteer is needed. Ask questions. Make a point of thanking the presenter and making a personal contact after each session you attend. Take a selfie with them and ask for their contact to send it to them or tag them. That will give you a way to stay in touch after. Be prepared with cards or ways to quickly exchange contact information with people you want to stay in touch with.
canfitpro Global Conference and Trade Show is fast approaching and it will be over in a blink of an eye! Maximize your event experience with a little preparation and a different approach.
I have found that taking photos of slides is good but to a point. I found I would never really go back to the photos. Instead, I write the one thing on the slide that I really need right now in one of the categories above. By documenting your ideas, you will have a clear record of what you learned and be better equipped to implement those ideas when you are back
Presented by
August 17, 2023
10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Intercontinental Hotel Toronto
“What I learned at Women Who Influence is that we all have our excuses we carry around and only when we see others who have overcome personal and physical barriers can we look inside & be true to ourselves, be inspired and watch things change positively. We now have the power!”
EARLY BIRD SAVE UP TO 25% Table (seats 8) $1549 | Individual tickets $249
Early bird deadline July 14
Tickets include access to full day of speakers, luncheon, networking, shopping and an event gift bag!
Approved for 3 CECs.
Women’s Coach Mindfulness – Improve Focus & Clarity Keynote Speaker, Author & Founder of Resilientleaders.ca Confidence Expert, Founder & CEO THINK Yourself® Academy-Suaad Ghadban, Group Fitness Director GSH | Founder of Hot Booty Ballet | Global TV Fitness Correspondent
Fitness Professional of the Year Awards recognize canfitpro certified and practicing professional members who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, motivation, and technical and coaching skills that inspire clients to achieve their goals.
Nominees are judged by a panel of experts based on the following criteria:
• Influence & Impact
• Leadership & Mentoring
• Continuing Education
• Community Involvement
The selected winner for Fitness Instructor Specialist and Personal Training Specialist of the Year will each receive award packages valued at over $4,000. Join us live or online at canfitpro Global closing ceremonies on Sunday, August 20 to see who takes home this year’s awards!
Congratulations to our 2023 Sharon Mann Inspiration Award & Scholarship Finalists
Learn how to merge your passion for running with your concern for your health, your community, and the environment.
This resource compiles more than 230 training techniques proven to increase strength, hypertrophy, endurance, and flexibility.
This book presents the beauty and benefits of Rocket yoga— from its history and philosophy to the sequences and practices unique to its style.
Complete Conditioning for Football provides the modern training system needed to prepare your players to perform at their peak.
This is a a unique resource that explains how different bodies manage various exercises and how to best take advantage different physical attributes.
If you want to run better and race faster, now is your chance to learn from Coach Coogan with Personal Best Running
Stop by our booth at canfitpro’s Global Conference & Trade Show in Toronto for exclusive deals and giveaways!
Conference August 16 - 20
Trade Show August 18 - 19
For more details visit
Vili Fifita, Kaylah-Blayr Fitzsimmons-Nu’u, Khiran Huston, Lisa Osborne, Matt Thraxton, Mo Hagan, Cinzia Bemmann, Inno Delarmente, Gavin Featherstone, Julie Frias, Kim Gibas, Fred Kung, Melvin Ong, Tracy Sousa, Sue Staresinic, Alyssa Walton
Khiran Huston; Gavin Featherstone, Cinzia Bemmann, Kim Gibas, Matt Thraxton
7:30AM - 8:30AM
8:45AM - 9:45AM
10:00AM - 11:00AM
11:15AM - 12:15PM
12:30PM - 1:00PM
1:15PM - 2:15PM
2:30PM - 3:30PM
3:35PM - 4:35PM
Education Session: Key
Khiran Huston; Vili Fifita; Gavin Featherstone, Cinzia Bemmann, KaylahBlayr Fitzsimmons-Nu’u, Matt Thraxton
Kaylah-Blayr Fitzsimmons-Nu’u; Lisa Osborne; Melvin Ong
Element #5 – Bring Back the Magic Matt Thraxton
Vili Fifita; Inno Delamente, Matt Thraxton
Inno Delamente; Kim Gibas, Melvin Ong
Lisa Osborne, Fred Kung, Alyssa Walton
Kaylah-Blayr Fitzsimmons-Nu’u, Julie Frias
Khiran Huston, Julie Frias, Fred Kung
*For the most up to date schedule please visit eventbrite.ca/e/les-mills-experience-tickets-647487180587
canfitpro has negotiated the best possible rates at hotels adjoining the Metro Toronto Convention
Book by July 17 and specify can tpro 2023
Friday, August 18 | 11:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 19 | 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Explore cutting-edge trends, get your heart pumping with exciting workouts, learn the latest in nutrition, connect with industry leaders, and discover game-changing products. Don't miss this ultimate tness experience.
Conference August 16 - 20
Trade Show August 18 - 19
canfitpro is the largest provider of education in the Canadian fitness industry. Founded in 1993, canfitpro delivers accessible, quality education, certifications, conferences, trade shows, and membership services. canfitpro’s over 24,000 members include some of the world’s best fitness professionals, health club operators, industry suppliers, and fitness consumers. canfitpro.com/get-certified
Gallagher is a global leader in insurance, risk management, and consulting services. We help businesses grow, communities thrive, and people prosper. We live a culture defined by The Gallagher Way, our set of shared values and guiding tenets. A culture driven by our people, nearly 30,000 strong, serving our clients with customized solutions that will protect them and fuel their futures. Around the globe and across a full spectrum of services. ajgcanada.com/canfitpro
Since 1974, HK continues to be the premier publisher of physical activity resources, producing textbooks, consumer books, software, videos, journals, online education courses, and more. HK serves the fitness industry with resources in personal training, group fitness, yoga, strength training, club management, rehabilitation therapy, and more. Browse canada.humankinetics.com and visit the HK booth.
The highly anticipated Les Mills Experience returns to canfitpro global in Toronto. This event is open to all registered delegates to immerse themselves in an unparalleled fusion of music, movement, and motivation, as 16 world-class instructors lead 10 exhilarating workouts over 1.5 days. Get ready to feel the passion, level up training skills, and experience fitness like never before!
Proudly Canadian since 1979, GoodLife is the largest group of fitness club chains in Canada and the fourth largest in the world. With almost 10,000 employees, more than 1.1 million members, and 400+ Clubs, GoodLife is helping to transform the health and fitness of 1 in 35 Canadians every day. The GoodLife group of clubs includes GoodLife Fitness, Fit4Less, ÉconoFitness, and Oxygen Yoga & Fitness. goodlifefitness.com
As the world’s premier brand dedicated to serving fitness enthusiasts at home and in the club, Matrix redefines the exercise experience with dynamic performance, sleek design, advanced functionality, exclusive workout programs and the kind of durability that stands up to rigorous use by multiple users, day after day for years. ca.matrixfitness.com
At Schwinn, we believe that knowledge is power. With the world’s greatest Master Instructors, we create the most personal, accessible, and innovative education available. Rooted in cycle science, backed
by continuing education credits, our courses transform passionate enthusiasts into thoughtful and skilled experts who will bring your equipment to life for your clients and members.
Boost your business with luxury spa technology and state-of-the-art sun beds, infrared, red light, and spray tanning equipment! Try our must-have AquaFrixio hydro massage and Cocoon Pod for total wellness. We carry top-selling brands: Ergoline, Australian Gold, Swedish Beauty, California Tan, Designer Skin, and many more. Learn about industry trends, training, and how to operate a profitable business. 1-800-661-6292.
Keiser relentlessly pursues solutions that push the limits of fitness science. By beginning the design process with the human body rather than the limits of current technology, Keiser develops science-backed solutions that break the widely accepted industry conventions and elevate human performance. Keiser. Because…’Good Enough’ Isn’t.
For over 30 years, New Era Grafix has been elevating brands with an extensive range of promotional products, leveraging our strategic partnerships and cutting-
edge facilities to guarantee high quality and stay ahead of the competition. We are committed to ensuring a positive experience from start to finish. newerasite.com
Precor, headquartered in Greater Seattle, WA of the United States, has been a pioneer in delivering fitness experiences for commercial customers and exercisers for more than 40 years. Our product and services portfolio spans cardio, strength, and connected solutions. We serve more than 100 countries worldwide, across commercial clubs/facilities and hospitality, multi-family housing, corporate, and education verticals, and operate an U.S. based manufacturing location. For more information, visit precor.com
The CPA is a community of amateur athletes who compete in bodybuilding, physique, figure, fitness, bikini, and wellness categories. We are sanctioned by the National Physique Committee, the premier amateur physique organization in the world and the path for athletes who wish to one day become professional athletes of the IFBB Pro League.
The CPA ensures fair and honest judging by respected and experienced professionals who have met the highest standard of testing criteria. In 2023, there will be 20 natural competitions and one Natural Pro Qualifier in Canada. canadianphysiquealliance.ca
Entandem is a joint venture between RE:SOUND and SOCAN, created to simplify licensing for businesses that use music. Entandem works with businesses across Canada, and the money from licenses is distributed as royalties to the musicians and organizations behind the music: record labels, songwriters, composers, performers, and music publishers. entandemlicensing.com
Fitness Industry Council of Canada (FIC) is the not-for-profit trade association representing the voice of the Canadian fitness industry. We pursue a legislative agenda to promote and protect fitness businesses, while encouraging Canadians to be more physically active. Our initiatives focus on awareness, advocacy, and action.
Fitness Marketing Group Inc. have been innovators since 1978, FMG is your one-stop shop for portable fitness equipment and educational programming. FMG specializes in portable and economical fitness equipment, and they are the exclusive Canadian distributor for Bender Balls and Gliding Discs. FMG has trained thousands of leaders in Canada for Barre Above®, Barre Above® With Pilates Focus, and Tabata GX™. This year has been exciting with the release of the Ageless Training Academy – Essentials Program.
Those with medical conditions and chronic disease and the aging population need fitness services delivered by a specialized professional who understands their condition and knows how to make programs specific to their needs. MedFit Classroom offers specialization courses for fitness professionals to work with these populations. Gain the skills and credibility to reach the world’s largest untapped market!
Pelvienne Wellness Inc.
Pelvienne Wellness Inc. is the new home of the Core Confidence Specialist Certification originally created by Bellies Inc. Founder Kim Vopni, known as The Vagina Coach. Pelvienne Wellness offers online core and pelvic floor fitness programs for women in pregnancy, motherhood, and menopause as well as certification and CEC courses for people who train female clients.
PL3Y Inc. is the world’s leading provider of kid’s fitness trainings and business coaching for fitness leaders. Our innovative and award-winning program, DANCEPL3Y, fosters the development of physical literacy and promotes positive mental health.
Our individual and region-wide program licenses allow instructors to make an income while positively impacting youth in their communities. Individual instructors organize and deliver their own classes recreationally while region
operators manage a team of instructors who deliver in-school curriculum-based programs. pl3yinc.com/canfitpro
Along the past 30 years, the THINK Yourself ACADEMY has inspired over 100,000 audience members and empowered thousands of clients internationally through coaching, leadingedge courses, training, and events. The Founder and CEO, Nathalie PlamondonThomas, is also an International No.1 Bestselling Author of fifteen books on success, communication, wellness, and empowerment. thinkyourself.com/ canfitproexclusiveoffers
WellnessLiving is a customer-focused company that makes running and growing your business easy. wellnessliving.com
WellnessSpace Brands, previously known as HydroMassage, offers an industryleading suite of experiential wellness products, including HydroMassage Beds and Lounges, CryoLounge+ Chairs, and RelaxSpace Wellness Pods. Headquartered in Tampa Bay, Florida, the company has a 30+ year history partnering with global leaders in the health, wellness, fitness, and hospitality markets.
recliners, and targeted massage products that rejuvenate the mind and body. humantouch.com
DripFit Health Supplements revolutionizes workouts with all-natural performanceboosting products. Manufactured in Canada, DripFit takes a holistic approach using only top-quality ingredients proven through science to improve performance, results, and how you feel before, during and after every workout.
Founded in 2004, TRX was built on the idea that fitness can be achieved by anyone, anywhere. Today, TRX is the global leader in functional fitness and Suspension Training®, a revolutionary bodyweight workout system that powers life in motion. TRX also offers its own proprietary professional education and certification. get.trxtraining.com/trx_canfitpro
WellnessLiving offers a powerful business management software solution, trusted by thousands of businesses and over 15 million users in the fitness, health, and wellness industry worldwide. Its cloudbased software features the tools and mobile apps that businesses need to attract, engage, and retain their clients.
Zumba® has helped melt the pounds and inches off more than 12 million Zumbaenthusiasts in over 125 countries, through exhilarating, calorie-burning high and low intensity, easy to follow fitness moves, and high energy music. This workout is the perfect complement to providing variety to your fitness and bodybuilding training routines.
For over 40 years, Human Touch® has constructed the wellness landscape by utilizing top engineering minds, medical practitioners, world-class athletes, and award-winning design teams to build a rich portfolio of high-performance massage chairs, ergonomic zero-gravity
Sound Off® is the industry leader of silent disco technology that’s been leveling up event production across the globe for over twelve years. With our wireless headphones, you can create custom fitness-and-wellness experiences with the ultimate flexibility and the best in high-fidelity audio, for inspiring and motivating classes, anywhere, anytime. soundoffexperience.com
Conference August 16 - 20 Trade Show August 18 - 19
Core Health and Fitness
Booth # 1205
Vancouver, WA 888-678-2476 sales@corehandf.com corehandf.com
Gallagher Booth # 1030 Toronto, ON 1-877-734-8776
IB.canfitpro.protect.@ajg.com ajgcanada.com/canfitpro
GoodLife Fitness
Booth # 1223 London, ON 519-661-0190 careers@goodlifefitness.com goodlifefitness.com
Human Kinetics
Booth # 823 Windsor, ON 1-800-465-7301
info@hkcanada.com canada.humankinetics.com
Auckland, New Zealand lesmills.com
Matrix Booth # 1005 Montreal, QC 866-936-0006 info@jhtcanada.com matrixfitness.com
Schwinn Vancouver, WA 888-678-2476 sales@corehandf.com schwinneducation.com
Booth # 1313 Woodstock, ON 800-661-6292 info@uvalux.com uvalux.com
Precor Booth # 913 Woodinville, WA 800-347-4404 support@precor.com precor.com
Keiser Booth # 1013 Fresno, CA 1-559-256-8000 info@keiser.com keiser.com
New Era Grafix London, ON 519-685-0337 info@newerasite.com newerasite.com
CPA - Canadian Physique Alliance
Booth # 1512 Consinton, ON (705) 694-4445 ronhache@unitz.ca canadianphysiquealliance.com
Entandem Toronto, ON 866-944-6223 license@entandemlicensing.com entandemlicensing.com
Fitness Industry Council of Canada
Booth # 1026 Edmonton, AB 780-732-5015 info@ficdn.ca ficdn.ca
Fitness Marketing Group Booth # 928 Edmonton, AB 780-496-7410 info@FMGonline.ca fmgonline.ca
MedFit Education Foundation Costa Mesa, CA 949-478-2814 info@medfitnetwork.org medfited.org
Pelvienne Wellness Port Moody, BC kim@pelviennewellness.com pelviennewellness.com
PL3Y Inc. Whistler, BC 647-333-7539 hello@pl3yinc.com pl3yinc.com
Think Yourself Academy Surrey, BC 778-899-0260 nathalie@thinkyourself.com thinkyourself.com
TRX Booth # 1413 Walnut Creek, CA 1-888-878-5348 option 3 sales@trxtraining.com trxtraining.com/commercial
WellnessLiving Booth # 1031 320 - 175 Commerce Valley Dr. W. Thornhill, ON 888-706-3963 sales@wellnessliving.com wellnessliving.com
WellnessSpace Booth # 1414 Clearwater, FL 727-536-5566 wellnessspace.com
Zumba Hallandale, FL 647-556-2174 Zumba.com
Human Touch Booth # 1323 Long Beach, CA csadmin@humantouch.com humantouch.com
Ageless Training Academy
Edmonton, AB hello@iamagelessnow.com iamagelessnow.com
DripFit Health Supplements Booth # 1335 Victoria, BC 833-374-7348 brenley@dripfit.ca dripfit.ca
Munich, Germany 49 (0)89 - 450287-0 flexi-bar.com
International Council on Active Aging - ICAA Vancouver, BC 866-335-9777 colinmilner@icaa.cc icaa.cc
Prescription To Get Active Airdrie, AB info@prescriptiontogetactive.com prescriptiontogetactive.com
Sound Off Booth # 731 New York, NY 646-580-4268 soundoffexperience.com
stories@weareunsinkable.com weareunsinkable.com
Be a part of the exciting future of pickleball! Ontario’s membership is comprised of people who, just like you, share a passion for our great game!
Learn,share,andlevel-up. Becomeapartofthisfast-growingcommunity.YEARLY
ReceiveEmailsUpdates,NewslettersandMagazines Save
Pickleball Ontario is a non-profit association of volunteer pickleball enthusiasts that are committed to supporting the growth of the game along with participation and development of both recreational & tournament players throughout the province of Ontario.
Supportingover160,000players(perdec2019 ipsospoll) throughawidevarietyofprogramsdesignedto assistinthedevelopmentofplayers,coaches,volunteersandrefereeswww.pickleballontario.org www.pickleballontariocs.org
Animal Flow
Booth # 1506
4450 Arapahoe Ave. Ste 100 Boulder, CO, USA 305-505-1774
admin@animalflow.com animalflow.com
Fit Bodies Inc
Booth # 1034
Fort Mitchell, KY, USA
info@fitbodiesinc.com fitbodiesinc.com
Fit Bodies, Inc. teaching vacations can help bring your passion for fitness to a beach in the Caribbean or Asia Pacific! Visit fitnessprotravel. com to learn about your opportunity with the world’s largest provider of certified fitness, yoga, small group trainers, and sports pros to all-inclusive resorts around the world.
Visit RV beside Nutrition Stage Emeral Isle, NC 831-332-0476
info@onedaytowellness.org onedaytowellness.org
OneDayToWellness.org is an educational 501(c)3 non-profit. The founders, Mindy and Bruce Mylrea travel full-time in a fruit and veggie wrapped RV dubbed “The Wellness Wagon” providing unbiased evidence-based nutritional educational programs for medical professionals, fitness professionals, and health coaches. We provide both live and on-line CEC based wellness programs.
Coach course is an educational course and platform designed to provide practical sleep coaching applications for fitness professionals. The course provides a practical framework around sleep that encompasses assessment/ screening, coaching systems, and integration. Sleep coaching can provide a unique and tremendous business opportunity while helping in an area that has a direct impact on every single client goal.
XBODY Canada
Booth # 1213
Budapest, Hungary
agnes.ramsay@xbodyworld. com ca.xbodyworld.com
Hot Booty Ballet
Booth # 932
Westmount, QC 514-264-9898
info@hotbootyballet.com hotbootyballet.com
Booth # 822
Phoenix, AZ, USA 347-705-0702
orders@naboso.com naboso.com
Naboso is a sensory-based product line that is designed to uniquely stimulate the nerves in the bottom of the feet. Based on the belief that movement is sensory, all Naboso products feature our patent-pending texture design which enhances foot awareness, integrated strength and recovery.
Booth # 1522
Toronto, ON 416-728-5545
info@socacize.com socacize.com
Socacize Fitness - [soh-kahsize] is a creative blend of authentic Caribbean and African dance techniques, in harmony with effective fitness moves, resulting in a unique, non-judgmental, and exhilarating dance fitness program. We aim to empower every reveler to positively impact their mental, social and physical well being through the FLAUNT lifestyle: Feel good/ Look good/ Attitude / Unleash / Nice up yourself / Take time for you.
The Soul Fitness Brands
Booth # 1134
San Juan Capistrano, CA 959-456-0445
michele@michelepark.com thesoulsquad.com
At SOUL Fitness, our team of instructors is dedicated to helping other instructors create FUN and effective fitness classes. We provide all the necessary tools including choreography, music, videos, notes, and quarterly education without any licensing fees. Allowing instructors to focus on what they do best, creating an incredible experience for their students.
XBody is an award-winning manufacturer of full body Electric Muscle Stimulation devices. This technology has been scientifically proven to provide clients with muscle strengthening, toning and endurance. With appropriate Canadian approvals and infrastructure for +7 years including onsite service, support and inventory, we use cutting edge technology and products to meet your business needs.
Booth # 1133 Toronto, ON coldture.com
Kala Red Light
Booth # 1133 Markham, ON kala@kalaredlight.com kalaredlight.com
Ontario Rope Skipping Organization
Booth # 837 ontarioropeskipping@gmail.com orso.on.ca
Booth # 927
Milton, ON 647-444-7947
The Online Sleep Coach
Booth # 1032
Estero, FL, USA 845-612-3021
onlinesleepcoach@gmail.com sleepcoachcourse.com
The Sleep and Recovery
Warrior Booth # 1035
Eugene, OR 541-556-4596
ellen@warriorinstructors.com warriorinstructors.com
WARRIOR Rhythm™ and WARRIOR Strength™ deliver classic modalities like yoga, functional training, and HIIT in thrilling, original ways. Being a WARRIOR taps into a sense of empowerment and selfconfidence for both instructors and students alike. Come (“as you are”) and unleash your inner wild thing. Rebels wanted.
Oxford College of Massage Therapy
Booth # 1231 & 1331
Toronto, ON 647-799-3759
Pickleball Ontario
Booth # 1725
Toronto, ON info@pickleballontario.org pickleballontario.org
Booth # 1425
Brockville, ON 613 900 1550
info@adventuredesk.com adventuredesk.com
Aero Faster Impex Booth # 1534
Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 052-3506556 aerofasterimpex@gmail.com aerosportsimpex.com
ALLMAX Nutrition
Booth # 1516 Toronto, ON 416-223-4561 allmaxnutrition.com
Amino Snacks Inc. Booth # 930 Mississauga, ON 4166699392 brian@aminosnacks.com aminosnacks.com
AthletaDesk Booth # 826 Burlington, ON 866-755-7203 support@athletadesk.com athletadesk.com
Bells of Steel Booth # 1212 Vaughan, ON 647-483-3160 toronto@bellsofsteel.com bellsofsteel.com
Booth #1405 Mississauga, ON 4162745981 info@boardgains.com boardgains.com
canfitpro Booth # 1023 Toronto, ON 1-800-667-5622 info@canfitpro.com canfitpro.com
CanPrev Booth # 708 Toronto, ON 888-226-7733 care@canprev.ca canprev.ca
Crismflo Booth # 1424 Jaipur, Rajasthan, India response@crismflo.com
eXert Nutrition
Booth # 706 Toronto, ON 905-466-8287 exertnutritionbars@gmail.com exertnutrition.ca
F.C. Industries Booth # 1634 Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 052-430-2199 sales@fc-ind.com
Fit+Fierce Booth # 1423 St. Albert, AB 780-782-7599 albertafitness@gmail.com fitfierce.ca
Fitsentive Booth # 1435 Toronto, ON 647-500-3044 support@fitsentive.com fitsentive.com
Fuze Athletics Booth # 1508 Brampton, ON 416 562-8065 fuzeathletics@gmail.com fuzeathletics.com
Gatorade Booth # 713 800-884-2867 Toronto, ON gatorade.ca
Good View Industries Booth # 1527 Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 333-863-7081 goodviewsports@gmail.com
GiddyYo Booth # 812 Orangeville, ON 1-844-443-9696
sales@giddyyoyo.com giddyyoyo.com
Grindstone Blends Booth # 814 London, ON 519-878-5924
info@grindstoneblends.com grindstoneblends.com
GymStudio Booth # 735 Silver Spring, MD 240-415-8326
info@gymstudio.com gymstudio.com
IDEAL Products Booth # 1632
Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 315-610-5119
idealfitnesswear@gmail.com idealstore.ca
InBody Canada
Booth # 1113 Ottawa, ON 613-704-4286 info@inbodycanada.ca inbodycanada.ca
ine+ Nutrition Booth # 1431 Mississauga, ON 4168853707 hello@inenutrition.com inenutrition.com
International Health Technologies (IHT) Booth # 830 Salt Lake City, UT 801-889-2224 kelly@ihtbio.com ihtbio.com
ITL Health
Booth # 1427 Sarnia, ON 519-344-4881 info@itlhealth.com itlhealth.ca
Booth # 1407 Thorold, ON 289-241-3080 mark@kaatsu.ca kaatsu.ca
Kinect Booth # 1505 Athens, ON 613-561-3619
bj@247kinect.ca facilitykinetics.ca
Krystle Creations
Booth # 1509
Scarborough, ON 647-839-9248
krystle.anastasopoulos@gmail.com krystlecreations.com
Lahore Enterprises
Booth # 1535
Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 923-000-861-2826
lahoreenterprises4@gmail.com lahoreenterprises.com
Love Good Fats
Booth # 931
Toronto, ON 613-847-5856
info@lovegoodfats.com lovegoodfats.ca
MadeGood Booth # 1130 Vaughan, ON 416-360-8200
info@madegoodfoods.com madegoodfoods.ca
Magstra Industries
Booth # 1530
Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 052-458-7242
info@megstra.com megstra.com
Booth # 933
Gwangju, Gwangsan-gu, South Korea 416-493-3515
menfurs.sws@gmail.com arigym.com/en/
Booth # 1327
Toronto, ON 226-376-1861
hello@letsmovemate.com letsmovemate.com
Muscle Crusher Fitness Booth # 1624
Hamilton, ON 905-516-4316 musclecrushr.com
Mr. EURO Manufacturing Company
Booth # 1531
Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan +92-300-871-0171 euro@mreuro.biz mreuro.biz
nuPasta Booth # 723 Markham, ON 855-910-8800
info@nupasta.com nuPasta.ca
Organika Booth # 725 Vancouver, BC 604-277-3302
care@organika.com organika.com
Oriya Botanix Booth # 1433 Toronto, ON 647-204-2771
info@oriyabotanix.com oriyabotanix.com
Ouander Booth # 1523 Barrie, ON Info@ouander.com ouander.com
Oxoga Sports Booth # 1622
Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 052-355-7444 oxogasports@gmail.com oxogasports.com
Pliteq Booth # 1217 Toronto, ON 416-449-0049 info@pliteq.com pliteq.com
Polar Booth # 1317 St-Laurent, QC (514)-332-1320 polar@ogc.ca ogc.ca
Power Music Booth # 1409 Las Vegas, NV 800-777-2328
customercare@powermusic.com powermusic.com
Primal Sports
Booth # 1533
Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan +92-52-355-4598 info@primal-sports.biz primal-sports.biz
Prosun International Booth # 1312 St. Petersburg, FL 727-825-0400 sales@prosun.com prosun.com
RAMfit Canada Booth # 715 ST. George, ON 519-771-9029 ramfit.com
Regenerative & Sports Medicine
Booth # 727 Santa Monica, CA 310-452-3206 psrmed.com
Roshan Impex Booth # 1630 Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 0092-524-296-35 Info@Roshan-Impex.Com Roshan-impex.com
Shoaib International Booth # 1622 Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 009-252-361-0381 qaiserbajwa381@gmail.com
SRX Products Booth # 1415 Boucherville, QC 514-616-5834 thesrxproducts@gmail.com srxproducts.com
Tara Manufactures Booth # 1532 Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 527-020-7048 taramfgs@gmail.com taramfgs.com
Top Knot Booth # 1626 Toronto, ON 416-930-9935 info@topknotinc.com topknotinc.com
Toronto Police Service
Booth # 1507 Toronto, ON 416-808-8101 tps.ca
Yes! Fitness Music
Booth # 704 Washington, DC 1-800-321-9379 mikep@yesfitnessmusic.com yesfitnessmusic.com
Younited Nutrition Booth # 816 Toronto, ON 1-888-777-9682
hello@younitedwellness.ca younitedwellness.ca
Rope skipping is a wellness activity that promotes a healthy, active lifestyle and a positive attitude towards physical activity. ORSO supports and promotes rope skipping as both a recreational pursuit and a competitive sport for both children and adults in Ontario
How to attract premium buyers who spend more, stay longer, and are a joy to work with
How to 2-3X your profit with these simple tweaks to your pricing and packaging
How to tap into the #1 source of FREE prospects who are ready to buy RIGHT NOW
The 7 types of content that lead to more engagement and sales
How to fix the ONE mistake in your sales process to sign up over 80% of prospects into long-term paying clients
You want more awesome clients to fill your business…
You want more profits and take home pay…
You want to work with great clients, have more fun, and enjoy the journey… Let’s make it happen!
Go to www.NPEFitness.com/canfitpro or scan the QR code below to register for the next LIVE Get More Clients Workshop today.
Erin Billowits
Vintage Fitness
Toronto, ON
Erin has more than doubled her business–hitting $61,000 in monthly revenue. She’s used NPE systems to train staff to build her business while taking a family vacation to France!
'With NPE, we went from $18,000 to $48,000 a month in 12 months'
Janet Archibald & Cally Ferguson
Alive & Well Personal Training
Vancouver, BC
Pricing was too low and packages were too short. They raised rates, offered long-term contracts, and went from $18,000 to $48,000 in monthly revenue in 12 months.
booking consults. Result: She’s added 6 new clients and more than $3,500 a month in recurring revenue since starting with NPE.
Lisa Lethbridge beSTRONG Training
Vancouver, BC
Lisa used NPE tools to focus her business model and raise her rates. She got rid of clients who weren’t committed to getting results. Those steps brought her revenues to an all-time high of $15,000/month.
Janelle Ulrich
Prairie Fit Fitness
Regina, Sask
Janelle had 2 clients and $1,000 a month in revenues didn’t know how to move forward. She was ready to quit. With NPE, she’s excited to have 9 clients and $6,500 a month.
Steven Clarke
Toronto, ON
Steven has improved his mindset and utilized the tools, scripts and coaching. Result: 8 new clients and $15,000 in new revenue!
new clients and grew from $1,000/month in revenue to $4500/month in revenue. She quit her desk job and now works full-time in fitness.
About Sean Greeley
Sean Greeley is a founder, coach, family man, author, and speaker who helps fitness entrepreneurs build sustainable and predictable 7-figure businesses.
Since 2006, NPE has helped 53,000+ fitness businesses in 96+ countries grow to the next level, and is responsible for driving over $500 million in client revenue.
Join their next live workshop to discover the 7 Steps To Fitness Business Freedom.
Recognized As:
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
South Building, Level 800
Friday, August 18 - 11:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Saturday, August 19 - 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM WELLNESS AREA
Check out lectures on a variety of topics from some of the most knowledgeable presenters in the fitness industry on stages! Work up a sweat on our Activity or Power & Performance Stages, and get a chance to snap a photo with one of your favorites in the Meet and Greet section of the canfitpro Booth. On Saturday, our Power & Performance Stage transforms into the 2023 canfitpro Natural Championships. Support the athletes as they showcase their physique in the pursuit of qualifying for the Canadian Naturals. There is something for everyone!
12:00PM - 1:00PM
1:10PM - 2:10PM
2:15PM - 3:00PM
3:10PM - 3:50PM
4:00PM - 4:55PM
Nutrient Timing Revisited: Is There A Post-Workout Anabolic Window of Opportunity?
HAPPINESS: Brain Fitness Hacks to Lift & Shift Your Mood!
Walking - Powered Up!
Eating Clean Is Eating Green - Fostering Social Responsibility Through Nutrition
101 Ways To Transition To A Plant-Based Diet
1:15PM - 2:00PM Kids Fitness Program Sampler
2:15PM-3:00 PM
4:45PM - 5:15PM
Mat Class with Mika Midolo
Surfing Safari
Hop Body Shop
Shaka Dance
Brad Schoenfeld
Jill Hewlett
Sarah Zahab
Tosca Reno
Bruce Mylrea
Melanie Levenberg
Mika Midolo
Bruce and Mindy Mylrea
Milo Levell
Shaka Dance Team
Time Session
12:00PM - 1:00PM The Power of Podcasting to Elevate Your Social Media Brand
1:15PM - 2:00PM Prep, Perform & Pose: How to be a Physique Champion
2:15 PM-3:00 PM Give Yourself a Natural Facelift with Face Yoga
3:10PM-4:00PM The Power of Hormone Balance
4:10PM-5:10PM Being A Mindful Athlete: Living a Mindful Life
5:15PM - 5:50PM The Business of Wellness Retreats
12:30PM - 1:15PM Anniversary Workout
5:15PM - 5:50PM Socacize®
Facilitated by Gaby
Mammone with Andrew Coates, Funk Roberts, Christine Conti, Tricia
Ron Hache
Sophia Ha
Kelly Nolan
Martha Williams
Matt Kinch
Group Workout
Ayanna Lee Rivers
canfitpro Booth #1083
Keynote - Book Signing 4:10 PM - 4:45 PM
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
Kelly Nolan - Book Signing
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
Brad Schoenfeld - Book Signing
@ Human Kinetics Booth
*For the most up to date schedule please visit canfitpro.com/events2023/global/tradeshow/
9:15AM - 10:15AM Set Your Daily Routine to Boost Your Mental WellBeing
10:25AM - 11:25AM
11:30AM - 12:30PM
12:40PM - 1:40PM
2:40PM - 3:30PM
Lisa Greenbaum
Making Your Fitness Lifestyle Desirable Vs. Ideal Zehra Allibhai
Transform Your Life with the Power of Gratitude: Gratitude for Resilience
What To Eat Every Day for Optimal Health
Diet Lies and Weight Loss Truths
9:15AM - 10:15AM Stability for Runners
10:25AM - 11:25AM
1:30PM - 2:30PM
4:00PM - 5:00PM
DripFit Travelling Bootcamp: Look Good Naked –Self-Love Tour A collaboration with Inside Fitness Magazine
Bellydance Fitness
9:15AM - 10:15AM
10:25AM - 11:25AM
Sleep--Recovery--Adaptation--Client Results: A Practical Coaching Framework
Courage to Start Running: Creating Spaces of Belonging in the Running Community
Dr. Maxine McLean
Bruce Mylrea
Melody Schoenfeld
Sarah Zahab
Brenley Cunningham
Jana Webb
Corey Formica
Nick Lambe
Melanie Murzeau, Alejandro De La Cruz, Heather Gardner, Amanda Richardson
11:45AM - 2:30PM
12:50PM - 1:20PM
1:30PM - 2:30PM
Building Your Social Media Presence in the Fitness Industry
Little Yogi's Big Feelings
Rocking Menopause! - How To Eat, Move And Keep Your Cool in Midlife
Facilitated by: Kim Basler with Suaad Ghadban, Andrew Coates, Funk Roberts, Chris Fudge, Zehra Allibhai
Janessa Gazmen
Kim Vopni and Samantha Montpetit-Huynh
Become a
“As a premium athlete that has to train daily, magnesium supplements are critical for my success. Especially as I recover from my recent injury, using Boltons Naturals skin products gets magnesium directly into my muscles for recovery. Not only are the products the best there is, but they also donate 100% of their profits to fight poverty.”