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Post COVID-19 Fitness Trends

A look at what can be done to ensure we get back to business

By Scott Wildeman


COVID has had an incredible impact on our business, our customers, and our colleagues. Our industry has been disproportionally impacted by this pandemic, with an average facility losing $15,000 per month after government supports.

However, with every challenge comes opportunity. So, the optimist in me looks to the future, while taking some lessons from the past year.

While COVID-19 has had numerous negative impacts to our industry, it has also brought our industry closer together. I am so proud to see how fitness professionals have banded together. Competitors are working together for the common good - leaning on each other as we continue to “pivot” on what seems like a monthly basis, depending on what the restrictions of the day lay out.

So, what is in store for our industry post COVID, when people are vaccinated and are no longer afraid to venture out? Where our health care system is no longer under a threat of strain?

Well, for starters, I believe we are poised to see a huge influx of returning and new customers alike. However, there is a risk here. We need to ensure our onboarding systems are in place and we are truly focused on behaviour change. As an association, we are lobbying for Prescription to Get Active (the start of the journey), along with fitness services as a medical expense (the middle of the journey), but it is up to each and every fitness business and professional to be focused on sustainable behaviour change. Otherwise, our rebound will be very short lived. We simply cannot afford to have a high level of attrition if we are to thrive in the new world.

In order to be set up successfully for behaviour change, ensure you have a system - a CRM (customer relationship management) to ensure people do not fall through the cracks. Ensure your fitness professionals are focused on meeting the client where they are at, focused on the client’s “why”, and can progress or regress their programming accordingly. Ensure you have a strong community and social element, as that is what people have been dearly missing for the past year.

The new world will also see a blend of in-facility and remote fitness. Remote fitness is here to stay. There are so many benefits to keeping this infrastructure in place post COVID. Clients find it very convenient and can keep their lifestyle habits in place regardless if they can make it into a facility that week or not. If you see weekly attendance starting to slip, ensure that a remote follow up is in place to keep your customer engaged and on track. This really has been a missing piece of the puzzle for so long.

And finally, we will continue to see collaboration in our industry. There is no doubt that competition will make us all better, but we should be meeting on a regular basis to continue to discuss our industry and share best practices. FIC will continue to host both national and provincial meetings post pandemic, with a focus on continuing to advance the interests of our industry. We will continue to partner with government, insurance, and other industries to provide as many opportunities for Canadians to become active in their communities.

Thank you for your dedication, professionalism, and ongoing support. To learn more about our association, please visit www.ficdn.ca and join as a member.

Scott Wildeman is the Senior VP Fitness and Operations for GYMVMT in Alberta Canada. A dynamic leader that has helped build one of the largest PT and GF teams in Canada, his areas of expertise include Personal Training sales and business practices, career development and Human Resources.

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