The OC Society Magazine - Autumn 2022

Page 14





Development Director Rowena Gaston provides an update


thasbeen‘allsystemsgo’intheDevelopmentofficethis year and we’ve been so delighted to be able to welcome OCs back to Canford for numerous events. The classes of’8’81, ’92, ’91, ’02, ’00, 1and’02wereinvitedfortheir reunion lunches as we strove to catch up on our 10-year gettogethers. Wealsofinallymanagedtosucceedinholdingthe Leavers’Ballfortheclassof’20and’2We 1. plannedand putthiseventtogetherthreetimesinthelast12months beforeitfinallycametofruition,fulfillingthepromisewe madebackinthesummerofMany 20. schoolshadgiven upandmovedon,butitwasadelighttofinallyseethese OCs reunited and able to celebrate their time at Canford alongside their parents. Aftertwoyearsmissed,andsomedisappointing service from our original venue, we hosted OCLondonDrinksatPontDeLaTourinMay, on a glorious evening in the shadow of Tower 1981-1982 reunion Bridge.Itwasalovely,relaxedatmosphereand great to see so many OCs attending from the classof1953rightthroughto20. We have supported the various Friendsgroupswiththeirworkandeven TheFriendsofCanfordSchool(FCS)and Ball ‘20 and ’21 Music(FCM)haveenjoyedafullprogramme withhelpfromhonoraryOCsKeithHay andAndrewPowell,runningthehistoryan arboretum tours respectively. While those who attend are predominantly parents, we also welcome OCstoallFriendsevents and it was particularly nice to see Peter Montagu Williams (SH50) on the Arboretumtour withhissonJeremy. Peter had helped to planttheAvenueof OC London drinks Pont De La Tour Trees during his time pictured (l-r) are 2012 leavers: Giselle Yonace, Rob Bell, Charlotte Barker, Mike Wilson, Toby Russell, Ali Watt, Olivia Bracken, as a Canford pupil. Hattie Whillans

Peter and Jeremy Montagu Williams enjoy the Arboretum tour

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