News from the
DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Welcome to a refreshing new look to our annual report. It is important that I start by saying a huge thank you to everyone involved in the Canford Community who support what we do in so many different ways. Putting this publication together at the end of the calendar year only serves to highlight how busy we’ve been but in turn how much involvement and encouraging participation we’ve had from you. Each and every one of you are an important part of our community and we appreciate all that you do. The Martin Marriott Foundation is now well-established and we are pleased to report that the number of pupils in receipt of transformational bursaries is gradually increasing. There are so many aspects of my role that I enjoy, bringing Old Canfordians together years after leaving, touring the grounds with OCs and hearing about their memories, but talking with bursary pupils just before they leave Canford is equally rewarding. They really do appreciate the wonderful education that they have been afforded and are determined to succeed beyond Canford and make the very most of their opportunity. Pupil Leaders were introduced in place of School Prefects in 2018. Their roles are quite specific and I have been fortunate to have three assigned to the Development Department. In the last two years I have enjoyed working with them on a variety of tasks. They were instrumental in introducing and organising the first whole school fundraising event in aid of the Martin Marriott Foundation and have learnt a lot by being involved in our work with OCs by hosting some events and learning about the work that we do with our alumni.
The launch of Canford Global Connect has seen a lot of OCs reconnect online and network in a variety of ways. In April when attending a dinner in New York, kindly hosted by Graham Arader B69, one of our younger OCs studying at the University of Columbia had already connected with a fellow OC based in New York via Canford Global Connect. They came along to the dinner together and were talking about possible future collaborations and work experience. The platform is a powerful tool and becomes more so as the number of participants increases, so do have a look and join the network. Our 50 Years of Co-education celebrations has seen us launch the #Fiftyfor50 campaign on social media, posting OC memories each week for 50 weeks. These have been followed by many and well received. In April 2020 we will celebrate with an OC Day of Arts for the whole family and our OC London Drinks Party in June will conclude our celebrations. We welcome Lauren Sewell to the Development Team who started in September. Lauren is now working full-time at Canford dividing her time between the Development Office and the Careers and Higher Education department. I do hope that you enjoy reading this report and thank you once again for your ongoing support.
Left to right: Lauren Wood, Rowena Gaston, Lauren Sewell and Syrie Hall
Rowena Gaston, Development Director