Essence of Canford

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The Essence of Canford

The Strategic Review September 2014 The strategic review process we have conducted over the past year has been a stimulating and enlightening one. It has given me the opportunity to reflect deeply on those core features which have been, and should remain, at the heart of the school’s character and the education it offers, as well as to identify those elements which need greater focus in the future. This document will, I hope, offer a useful overview of the results of my findings to date, articulating my vision for Canford, the pillars, ethos and aims on which this vision is based and the key themes I plan to focus on in the future. I see the school’s strategic development as an ongoing, reflective and responsive exercise and so this is very much the start of an evolving process. There are two fundamental aspects which will continue to be central to what we are and seek to be as a school. The first of these is to build on and enhance a culture where it is ‘cool to learn’ which already permeates school life and is embraced by both pupils and staff. The second is to further strengthen the Canford community, where all look after and look out for each other and those who live in wider society on a local, regional, national and global level. During these early days as Headmaster, I have been impressed by an energy and a desire to ensure Canford remains a dynamic, relevant and stimulating learning environment. I have already identified many of the ingredients of a vibrant, all embracing and forward thinking educational recipe. My aim is to develop that vitality still further, so that the young people we educate have the insight and versatility to follow their favoured paths, are equipped with the best possible academic results and through a range of co-curricular opportunities, develop the confidence, the insight and the skills to give them the very best chance of making their dreams a reality. Ben Vessey Headmaster

The Essence of Canford

Our Vision

“To inspire young people to embrace learning in all its forms and to use their educational experience to make a real and positive difference to their own lives, and to the lives of others.�

This vision is rooted in a dynamic, vibrant and inclusive community.

Our Vision is c

THE FIVE P Education 1. Maintaining and enhancing a culture where it is ‘cool to learn’ and pupils, staff and parents can recognise the coherence across and connections between all aspects of the pupils’ educational experience. 2. Encouraging pupils to strive for excellence in all they do as individuals and in a collective sense, through honesty in personal relations, intellectual curiosity, a sense of physical and mental well-being and a desire to be part of a mutually supportive community. 3. Promoting the coherence of an education at Canford across the academic and co-curricular elements to engender lifelong personal development and selfunderstanding in a global context.

Pastoral Care 1. Developing the individual within a warm, supportive community, large enough to offer a wealth of opportunity but small enough for everyone to be known and valued. 2. Fostering in our pupils the capacity to cope with the demands of 21st Century living, acquiring skills for life developed through the co-ordination of pastoral teams. 3. Encouraging pupils and staff to develop social awareness and responsibility through educational, community and charity projects locally, nationally and overseas. 4. Encouraging pupils to understand themselves, to develop emotional resilience and to manage their achievements and disappointments with maturity.

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The Essence of Canford

centred around


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School Character & Composition 1. Sustaining a school profile that maintains a strong sense of community, warmth and mutual support and provides sufficient resources to promote and meet our core ethos, aims and values. 2. Establishing and developing safe, sustainable and stimulating learning, pastoral and physical environments.

Financial Strength 1. Creating a robust and sustainable business that generates the resources needed to support the delivery of a top quality and financially competitive Canford education. 2. Providing financial support to those who can most benefit from a Canford education but who are less able to afford the fees.

... and is based on the following foundations Ethos and Aims A shared passion for learning A shared passion for learning and a genuine commitment to engaging with opportunity.

A commitment to excellence Promoting commitment to the ongoing pursuit of excellence in an individual and a collective context.

Education in the broadest sense Educating pupils in the broadest sense so that they evolve as grounded, rounded, wellmotivated and forward-looking people.

Creativity and good judgement Nurturing attributes which will develop moral, responsible and creative people with good judgement and clear purpose.

The Essence of Canford

Ethos and Aims

Trust, mutual respect and encouragement Ensuring that trust, mutual respect, encouragement and a strong work ethic are the means by which personal targets are set and reached.

The importance of community Recognising the importance of community and the engendering of a deep rooted sense of social responsibility in the context of Canford’s Christian origins and heritage. Respecting the abilities, views and dignity of others throughout the school community and in the wider world.

Emerging themes Academic and Intellectual Culture Continue to develop a dynamic academic and intellectual culture across all abilities and levels which not only culminates in a high degree of personal achievement in external examinations but also instils a curiosity and engagement well beyond the confines of any syllabus. Making use of both modern technology and traditional teaching methods, we want Canfordians to learn in a manner which is not simply defined by classroom walls, the exam hall, the school gates, the university campus or the internet.

The Tutor System Reform the tutorial system to improve reflection, review and response to progress by pupils, tutors and parents within a well balanced educational programme.

Pastoral Support Improve parental awareness of our pastoral systems and further develop our programme of pastoral support including enhancing our evening and weekend provision for boarding pupils.

The Role of Co-curricular Education Review the co-curricular offering to ensure a structure which promotes inclusivity and excellence and offers all pupils a high quality range of diverse experiences with opportunities to focus on developing leadership and responsibility at all levels.

Careers Review our career and university guidance

provision to ensure pupils have an awareness of the opportunities open to them, are equipped with the relevant skills and have every chance of reaching their goals and tackling future challenges in life beyond Canford.

The Essence of Canford

Emerging themes Thinking Global Establish a Global Connections programme to raise awareness of international issues and promote interaction with global institutions and communities.

The Canford Community Establish and promote a coherent Canford Community structure which embraces, involves and engages all those with a link to Canford through interaction with events and activities, volunteering of time and expertise and, where so desired, contributing funding to support accessibility and/or other projects.

Staff Development Review the strategy for Staff Development to ensure it is consistently proactive and focused and is effectively resourced and managed.

Communications Review the school’s internal and external communications strategy, systems and processes to improve coherence, efficiency and effectiveness of communications on all levels.

Size and composition The Essence of Canford review process has established that the current size and composition in terms of boarders/day (70/30) and boys/girls (60/40) is the right mix for the school.

Site Development Consult on site development on an ongoing basis to identify where development is possible and what options are available to meet the key educational priorities.

STRATEGIC REV Strategy Day 1 (March 2013) Mixed groups of staff and Governors meet to answer two fundamental questions: • •

What is the essence of a Canford education now? What do we want the essence of a Canford education to be in ten years’ time?

Consultation 1 (January-March 2014) •

• •

Review groups of staff (70 in total) led by relevant SLT focused on the 5 key pillars and statements of intent (initial draft of ‘The Essence of Canford’ strategic framework produced) Initial consultation on the Site Development Plan (involved staff, pupils and parents) Feedback from ‘Perceptions of Canford’ market research survey (information shared with key groups and schedules for immediate action and links to strategic framework identified) Initial work on Staff Development Strategy by SMG identifying ‘The Essential Virtues’ (how we do what we do - linked to the future Staff Development Strategy and the fundamental culture of Canford as a community)

Strategy Day 2 (Septem

Mixed groups of staff and • •

Review the findings Revise and refine th

Consultation 2 (April-J • • •

Expansion of ‘The Es framework by SLT a Approval of ‘The Ess framework by Gove Summary of the rev Canford’ strategic fra

The Essence of Canford


mber 2013)

d Governors meet to:

from Strategy Day 1 hese findings

Defining and Refining (September-November 2013) • • •

Strategy discussions with Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Senior Management Group (SMG) Production of a plan/timeline for the review process Production of a draft strategic aims document ‘The Essence of Canford’ (vision, ethos and aims, 5 key pillars and statements of intent). Approved by Governors November ‘13 Commissioning of market research work ‘Perceptions of Canford’ (November ‘13-February ‘14: interviews with 200 parents, 25 staff, 20 prep school heads)

June 2014)

Planning and Action (July 2014 onwards)

ssence of Canford’ strategic and other key staff sence of Canford’ strategic ernors (June 1) view process and ‘The Essence of amework provided to all staff

• •

• • • • •

Presentation to staff on the key emerging themes and the Staff Development Strategy process SLT and SMG work with Heads of Departments (Academic/Co-curricular/Support), Housemasters/ mistresses and other key staff to produce specific development and action plans for each area of school life linked to ‘The Essence of Canford’ strategic framework Publication of a summary document for staff, pupils, parents and prep schools highlighting the strategic review process and the emerging themes Consultations with pupils on the key themes Consultation on ‘The Essential Virtues’ with staff and pupils Initial steps taken to turn plans into action via school and departmental action plans with progress monitored by SLT and the Governing Body as appropriate Ongoing review of the implementation of identified themes and research into further potential opportunities which may emerge by the SLT and the Governing Body

Canford School Wimborne Dorset, BH21 3AD t: 01202 841254 e:

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