Reopening Canford Safely

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CANFORD REOPENING S A F E LY How we will reopen in September for pupils, parents, and staff to ensure that we mitigate the risk of infection and keep our school community safe



OU R AIM Our aim for the new school year is to ensure we fulfil our vision for all Canfordians and it is with deep excitement and real joy that we are planning to open for all pupils across all year groups. The purpose of this update document is to give further specific guidance about the safety measures put in place to keep Canford Covid-secure and to set out the core principles behind our reopening plans. We will do our utmost to ensure the warmth and strength of the Canford Community remains fundamental to life here and we will deliver as high quality and enriching an education as possible. However, reopening in September will not be quite what we have been used to in past years and we will have to operate within a range of guidelines, although we are seeking to keep life as normal and familiar as possible. The health and wellbeing of everyone in our community will be paramount and all our plans will be laid against a backdrop where we seek to mitigate risk for pupils and staff as far as is reasonable and with due attention to any specified guidance. We are well aware that the past few months have been difficult and very unsettling. There have been, and will be, strain on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and we will be taking steps to provide positive and active support for pupils and staff as they return and adjust to school and its routines after many months where life has been very different. In formulating our plans we focused on four potential scenarios. Code Amber will be in place for September and is detailed here. We will monitor the situation continually and adjust our operational status as appropriate in line with guidelines and ongoing review of our risk assessments. A dedicated page on our website has been created - where you can find all the latest updates including links to useful resources and frequently asked questions. We hope the following pages provide you with further helpful information as we look forward to welcoming all our pupils back to the campus in September. Ben Vessey Headmaster

David Levin Chair of Governors

David Brook Managing Director and Bursar

A s c ho o l c o mmunity whe re all are ins p ire d to e x p lo re , e mp owe re d to e x p re s s and c halle nge d to e x c e l


Covid-19 presents a significant additional hazard to the effective operation of Canford as an independent boarding and day school. The primary aim of this plan is to enable delivery of the highest-quality education to all pupils with the threat posed by Covid-19 reduced by appropriate and reasonable mitigation measures and risk assessments in line with Government guidelines. Our plan is based on six core principles - Stay Away, Clean Hands, Breathe Easy, Clean Workspace Healthy Workspace, Maintain Social Distancing and Face Coverings.

STAY AWAY If you feel unwell, display any of the symptoms of Covid-19, or believe that you have been in contact with anyone who has the virus, then stay at home or in your boarding house and contact your HsM, Matron or the Health Centre on 01202 847503. Staff should contact their HoD or get in touch with Human Resources.

CLEAN HANDS Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water as often as you can and use hand sanitiser every time you enter a building and every time you leave.

CLEAN WORKSPACE, HEALTHY WORKSPACE Take responsibility for cleaning your workspace, desk and chair before you use them and before you leave, using standard products such as detergents. Do not share equipment. Canford has introduced enhanced cleaning, including sanitising frequently-touched surfaces more often, but you should also play your part.

MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING Minimise contact between individuals and maintain 2 metres social distancing wherever possible. Follow the one-way systems and stagger your movements in busy areas. Avoid direct face-to face contact whenever possible.



Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach. Ventilate rooms well by keeping windows and doors open.

Wear your Canford facemasks when social distancing is not possible, for example when moving around inside buildings and in busy spaces such as stairways, corridors and the dining queues. Make sure the masks are marked with your name and house and wash them after each day’s use, either in the washing machine or by hand with soap and water before allowing them to dry overnight.



T h e Sc h o o l i s f u l ly o p e n w i t h n o op e r a t i o nal re s tr ic tio ns


T h e Sc h o o l i s o p e n w i t h l i m i t e d op e r a t i o nal re s tr ic tio ns


T h e Sc h o o l i s o p e n w i t h s o ci a l d i s t a n ci ng and e x te ns ive o p e r atio nal r e s tr ic tio n s

T h e Sc h o o l i s cl o s e d w i t h re m o t e e d u catio nal p ro gr amme in o p e r atio n

We are reopening in September under Code Amber.

Keeping Canford Safe C ODE AMBER


School Organisation • Im+ Social Distancing (SD) plus year group bubbles and house bubbles where possible to minimise interaction and reduce transmission risk • Chapels, assemblies, group (staff and pupil) meetings held remotely where possible and appropriate (some limited group gatherings possible within SD/year group bubble guidelines) • Central dining by year group bubbles with SD (separate arrangements for staff) • Nineveh Café closed but the Canford catering van will be offering take away options • Staggered start of term – see detail at the end of this document • Exeats/half term will operate as normal • Options for overseas boarders to stay at Canford for exeats/half term if staying with guardians is not possible • Full school uniform to be worn • A pack of six Canford face masks will provided to each pupil and the cost will be added to pupil bills

Keeping Canford Safe CODE AMBER


Academic Organisation • Classrooms arranged to facilitate SD • One-way systems in classroom blocks where possible • Managed entry and exit to classrooms • Study in designated areas only • All prep submitted and returned remotely if possible • Enrichment activities in line with SD/year group bubbles • Library operating to SD guidelines and with safety procedures to manage shared resources • Face coverings to be worn when moving between classrooms Co-curricular Organisation • Full co-curricular programme operates with Im+ SD plus year group bubbles where possible to minimise interaction and reduce transmission risk • Sports programme adjusted in line with risk assessments/SD protocols • No external fixtures initially • Programme of internal sports competitions with no spectators • Music and Drama programmes adjusted in line with risk assessments and SD protocols • Performances streamed and recorded where possible with live audiences where appropriate • CCF/Community Partnerships adjusted in line with risk assessments and SD protocols

Keeping Canford Safe C ODE AMBER


Boarding Organisation • Each boarding house treated as a household with 1m+ SD and year group bubbles • Allocated bathrooms/kitchens and social spaces where possible • Individual responsibility for cleaning own spaces • Strict registration and temperature check protocols in houses • No visiting between houses Day Organisation • Each day house separated into year group bubbles with 1m+ SD in place • Allocated bathrooms/kitchens and social spaces where possible • Individual responsibility for cleaning own spaces • Strict registration protocols (process in place for registering late arrivals) • Pupils must check temperatures before leaving home each day and should not come to school if they are unwell • No visiting between houses • Early departure allowed with permission from HsM on completion of school commitments

Keeping Canford Safe CODE AMBER


Staff Protocols • 2m SD between staff and pupils where possible to minimise interaction and reduce transmission risk • Additional measures for Clinically Vulnerable (and CEV) staff • Consistency of staff teams and work areas where possible • All group meetings to be held remotely where possible and appropriate • Shared staff areas adapted to meet SD protocols • PPE for close care activities as appropriate • Comprehensive training for teaching and support staff on relevant Covid-secure management procedures • To support SD and reduce the number of staff onsite, some staff may be able to continue to work from home where they can do so efficiently and effectively, with the express permission from their HoD and without compromising School outcomes

Operational Support Protocols • Enhanced cleaning regimes (bathrooms/changing rooms/contact points); deep clean of entire site before reopening • Additional handwashing/sanitising facilities in place • Face coverings to be worn on school transport (pupils and drivers) • Hand sanitising on embarking and disembarking; SD where possible • Enhanced cleaning of minibuses • Enhanced laundry protocols • Dining SD protocols in place with additional serveries to reduce queuing, one-way systems, staff dining in separate locations

Keeping Canford Safe CODE AMBER


Offsite Visits Protocols • No overnight trips and day trips restricted and subject to agreement with SLT • No pupil access to offsite amenities initially Visitor Protocols • Entry to buildings controlled • Visitors/contractors must not enter buildings unless authorised • Enhanced entry and hygiene controls for essential visitors/contractors • Parent visits restricted to designated drop-off and pick-up times – no entry to buildings • No parent spectators for co-curricular activities • Parents’ meetings via MS Teams Medical Protocols • Identified vulnerable pupils and staff • Comprehensive medical and temperature checks as appropriate • Rapid isolation of symptomatic pupils and staff (Isolation in designated school facility/return home) • Enhanced internal track and trace procedure • Robust support from local NHS testing regimes Detailed medical procedures - see Appendix A

Keeping Canford Safe CODE AMBER

O PE N, S O CI AL D I S TANCI NG AND WI D E R R E S T R I CT I O NS Safe Entry Measures for Pupils • Comprehensive education on responsible behaviour protocols on arrival at school • Overseas pupils transported to and from school in line with BSA Charter • Government quarantine regulations implemented • Co-operation with school guidance for sensible pre-term travel and SD precautions • Co-operation with school guidance for sensible travel and SD precautions at exeats and half term • All pupils follow health check protocols on arrival • Strict registration and temperature check protocols in boarding houses • Strict registration checks in day houses with temperature checks before leaving home

Keeping Canford Safe LIF E IN HOUS ES

Boarding and Day houses are the centre of our pastoral care and we will continue to work hard to ensure they are clean, safe spaces where the sense of community is still felt. There will be an initial period of change to schedules as our pupils adjust to a more fluid timetable; mealtimes, house meetings and registration will be staggered to allow greater social distancing. Bedrooms, bathrooms, common rooms and social spaces will be allocated to smaller ‘bubbles’ of the community, where possible, and pupils will receive training and support to understand why. Time spent with the key staff in the house will be done on a much smaller scale and pupils will be encouraged to use these opportunities to talk about their experiences and air their concerns. There will still be house spirit, house camaraderie and a sense of belonging but this will fit within sensible, strategic social distancing within the very differently configured houses. Houses have thorough cleaning programmes in place and pupils will be required to keep their personal spaces clean and tidy and free of unnecessary clutter; our outstanding pastoral staff will ensure that this does not allow houses to feel sterile or unwelcoming. We will continue to make use of the excellent outside space for appropriate socialising, activities and occasional mealtimes. Our programme of weekend activities will continue with the focus on providing social opportunities in year group bubbles. Events to look forward to include: Escape Room, Pizza making, Photography competition, Art workshops, BBQ and outdoor games while the much-anticipated annual House Music competition is set to take place on Sunday 18th October.

Keeping Canford Safe WELLBEING

Returning to school after such an extended period of absence is an exciting prospect but may also present challenges to some pupils, parents, and staff. The mental health and emotional wellbeing of all in our school community will therefore continue to be a key priority. For teenagers, connection to peers and a sense of belonging is crucial in fostering feelings of wellbeing and we look forward to re-establishing those connections and strengthening the Canford community. There is also a recognition that many good things will come out of lockdown. Many pupils have commented on the extra time that they have had to pursue their hobbies, take up a new skill or undertake charity projects. The vast majority of our pupils are ready for school life to resume; there may be some negative emotions, however, and your child will be encouraged to speak openly about their experiences and to access help and support if they require it – from their House staff and teachers, and also the highly experienced school counsellors. As part of their reintegration to life at Canford, all pupils will also be regularly reminded and receive education around simple measures which they can take to promote personal hygiene and limit the spread of any illness. We will be providing a further document for pupils and staff dedicated to supporting mental health and wellbeing before the start of term.

Keeping Canford Safe AC ADEMIC

The academic and intellectual experience at Canford is integral to so much of what we offer and this will remain true in times to come. Canford will continue to offer the highest quality academic teaching and enrichment opportunities. We are fortunate to have good sized classroom spaces and small class sizes. Pupils will operate in year group bubbles to reduce wider interactions where possible. Necessary precautions will be taken to ensure pupils sit apart, are facing in the same direction and do not share materials. Social distancing within classrooms does not stop pupils from working collaboratively and does not jeopardise the quality of teaching. Technology and internet access is very effective and will enable some of the very best elements of remote learning to be utilised in the physical classroom where appropriate and necessary. Outside the classroom, academic and cultural enrichment will continue to be an engaging and stimulating part of the Canford experience. Social distancing is no barrier to small group academic societies, year group based scholar activities and even virtual external speakers. The remote learning of last term highlighted the best of what can be achieved through innovative and effective use of technology. In no other circumstances would it have been possible to have world-renowned Australian philosopher Professor Peter Singer speak directly to pupils from Melbourne! In the coming year, and indeed beyond, Canford will seek to blend and build upon the very best of our remote learning experience as we return to our normal, vibrant, academic life.

Keeping Canford Safe C O -C U R R I C U LAR

One of Canford’s major strengths is the breadth and depth of its co-curricular offering. These broader experiences, which play a crucial role in the personal development of every Canfordian, will continue to sit very much at the heart of what we provide for our pupils. The co-curricular programme in September will continue to ensure pupils are able to explore a wide range of experiences beyond the curriculum in order to be challenged appropriately and further enhance their learning. Whilst sport will be different in some ways, not least in terms of the absence of external fixtures for a period of time, all pupils will have access to a range of sporting and physical wellbeing experiences with competition and focus provided through a major House competition programme. We have worked hard to provide as near to a ‘normal’ Christmas Term sporting programme as we can, however some adaptations are needed to ensure we can offer the fullest programme possible from the first day back in September. We firmly believe in a full inclusive Saturday sport programme and although at present we are not able to offer a traditional fixture programme against other schools we will be running internal competitions across all age groups on Saturdays. The offering differs slightly between the year groups but features the following: Hockey, Cross Country, Swimming, Tennis, Golf, Squash, Lacrosse, Netball (Performance Squad), Sculling, Badminton, Dance, Exercise to Music, Touch Rugby, Cricket, Basketball and Football. We will be providing more detail for each year group at the start of term. As always, Music and Drama will provide opportunities to perform in a variety of ways. Music features a larger number of smaller groups, which afford similar opportunities for overall pupil involvement to usual whilst complying with current guidance. Performances will be released through the Canford Music YouTube channel throughout the term with full details on the music calendar. There will not be a whole school musical this term but we aim to stage three smaller productions during the term, together with a pupil led pantomime. The wider activity programme including CCF, Duke of Edinburgh and Community Partnership will operate albeit on a restricted basis initially.

Keeping Canford Safe DINING

Pupils will continue to eat their meals in the Great Hall and connected dining spaces. Measures will be in place to ensure social distancing and to ensure pupils eat in year group bubbles as appropriate. Due to practical and logistical pressures, lunch will need to be a more functional meal with a range of high quality nutritious options on offer which can be selected and eaten more swiftly than in the past. Breakfast and supper for boarders will be eaten in year group bubbles at set times and will offer more extensive choices.

Keeping Canford Safe SC HOOL S ITE

Canford is an open campus but with clear controls and direction at all access points. To mitigate risk of transmission, there is work underway to ensure appropriate channels of movement around the buildings and the wider campus. This is being conducted with an understanding that access to open spaces and freedom of movement is important for pupil and staff wellbeing, and to ensure that the community feel is not undermined unduly. However, some additional measures will be needed to help manage pupil leisure time. We will monitor carefully all deliveries and visitors to the school and will ensure they all comply with the latest government guidance.

Keeping Canford Safe M E D I C A L P ROV I S I O N A N D P E R S O NAL HYGIENE

Canford is blessed with exceptional medical provision here on site and this will continue to keep us fully informed of changing practices and expectations as well as providing 24 hour cover. Our School Medical Officer, Dr Rene Skule, and his team at the The Quarter Jack Surgery, supported by our team of school nurses have been instrumental in guiding us to the best possible practice regarding the care and wellbeing of pupils in the midst of a global pandemic. All pupils will have their temperatures taken daily to provide an additional monitoring mechanism (staff will be required to take their own temperature before school each day). Anyone displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 will be isolated immediately pending test results. In addition, sub-sets of the community relating to that individual will also be isolated and tested as appropriate. We are able to carry out tests with onsite sampling and at a local NHS centre and aim to have results back within 12-36 hours to avoid unnecessary disruption to education and the community. Should a pupil become unwell, our usual protocols of swift response and escalation where necessary will be enacted. We are fortunate to be supported by a state-of-the-art health centre and further local facilities should the need arise. The personal hand and respiratory hygiene of all pupils, staff and visitors will continue to be of critical importance. Handwashing will become a formal part of routine and hand washing/sanitising stations will be in place throughout the school. Pupils will be continually reminded to wash their hands before and after meals, and when entering all buildings. All pupils and staff will also need to take personal and collective responsibility for wiping down work and amenity spaces with the cleaning materials provided.


Keeping Canford Safe B S A C OV I D -S AFE C H A RT E R


General Procedures Health Centre staff will triage pupils and consult remotely over MS Teams with pupils consulting from a quiet room in their Boarding or Day House. Any pupils who are unwell will be seen face to face and health centre staff will be in appropriate PPE. The doctors will consult remotely from The Quarter Jack Surgery and will attend pupils on site as required: 24/7. Health Centre appointments will be staggered with a maximum of 2 in the waiting room to facilitate social distancing and face coverings will need to be worn by all pupils who attend the Health Centre. All staff and pupils will practice social distancing and Health Centre staff will have responsibility for cleaning and sanitising before, between and after appointments. The Physiotherapy room will move to the Sports Centre, reducing cross-infection risks and creating additional space in the Health Centre and a one-way system will be in place throughout the Health Centre with exit from the side door. The first-floor rooms in the Health Centre will be kept for possible Covid-19 patients with the ground-floor rooms for pupils with other medical conditions. Covid-19 Infection Prevention Measures Prior to start of term, after exeats and half terms, parents will be asked to complete a health questionnaire providing information on travel locations and dates and highlighting any possible contact with Covid-19. Parents will be reminded not to send their child back to school unwell and will be provided with a list of symptoms as some children can present with atypical symptoms. A temperature check before leaving home for school will be requested. A list of high-risk pupils will be kept in the Health Centre and each boarding and day house will display a flow chart for house staff on how we will respond to pupils displaying Covid-19 symptoms. If a child tests positive while at home, parents are requested to telephone the Health Centre immediately on 01202 847503, followed by an email to the HsM/ All pupils will be educated on hand washing and respiratory hygiene at the start of term and reminded at intervals. Temperature monitoring will be done each morning in boarding and day houses and any pupil with a raised temperature will be referred to the Health Centre for additional checks. If any pupil reports feeling unwell, their temperature will be re-checked and the pupil will be referred to the Health Centre.

In the event of a pupil displaying symptoms of Covid-19, he or she will be isolated promptly in the Health Centre and testing will be arranged via the NHS (Onsite sampling is available with tests sent to the NHS Bristol centre with the current turn around times for results 12-36 hours). Any symptomatic pupil will then go home if possible and appropriate. Test results will follow and isolation will be required until the result is known. Symptomatic boarding pupils awaiting a test result who cannot return home immediately will continue to be isolated and cared for in the Health Centre until they can go home or return to their house following a negative test result. Symptomatic staff will be sent home immediately and will arrange their own test via the NHS. Canford will operate an internal track and trace system. The school timetable and use of household and year group ‘bubbles’ will enable rapid identification of close contacts and facilitate prompt isolation where necessary. In the event of a positive result, close contacts will isolate in their boarding house or at home for 14 days (or until the original test results prove negative) and re-commence remote learning. Anyone who develops symptoms within 14 days should be tested as soon as possible. Those in the wider school community will not have to self-isolate but will be monitored closely with additional checks in place. If the test result is negative, pupils and staff members can return to school when well, as can any isolating close contacts. In the event of a positive result, Public Health England (South West) will be called in for advice on further mitigating actions and initiation of NHS contact tracing procedures where necessary.. The pupil or staff member will continue to isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days and until they have recovered sufficiently. The temperature will need to have been normal for 48 hours before returning to school. Advice will be given to parents and staff on red flag symptoms to be aware of and what action to take as necessary. A daily support phone call will be made to parents. Close contacts will continue to isolate for 14 days and any that display symptoms will need to be tested as soon as possible.


Canford is a member of the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) and has been working closely with the organisation throughout the Covid19 outbreak. The BSA has published a Covid-Safe Charter to give parents and pupils confidence that a school is taking appropriate measures to ensure that the classrooms and residential accommodation are a safe place to live and work. By officially following the Charter, as a boarding school we will be maintaining the highest standards of welfare for the children in our care. Included in the Charter are requirements prior to reopening schools, procedures for both domestic and international pupil arrivals and appropriate measures to adopt for all pupils and staff while in school. Canford is proud to follow this and pledges to ensure full compliance with all Government rules and guidance to meet the requirements stated in the Charter. Read the full charter at the link below: BSA Covid-Safe-Charter

Keeping Canford Safe C OD E A M B E R


Arrival times for start of Christmas Term 2020 Tuesday 8th September 1530-1730 Shell boarders arrive at houses 1600-1700 Shell day pupils arrive at houses for familiarisation hour 1900-2100 Upper Sixth boarders return Wednesday 9th September 0800-0815 Shell and Upper Sixth day pupils arrive for first day 1630-1730 NEW Lower Sixth boarders arrive at houses 1700-1830 Fifth Form boarders return 1900-2100 Lower Sixth boarders return Thursday 10th September 0800-0815 Fifth and Lower Sixth day pupils arrive for first day (Shells and Upper Sixth day pupils in for second day) 1700-1730 NEW Fourth Form boarders arrive at houses 1900-2100 Fourth Form boarders return Friday 11th September 0800-0815 Fourth Form day pupils arrive for first day All day and boarding pupils in all other year groups also in school Further details on specific arrival arrangements will be communicated shortly by your Housemaster or Housemistress. SIBLINGS who need to arrive out of sync with their year group – please contact your Housemaster or Housemistress to confirm.

If you have any questions please contact us via Updates will be published on the dedicated web page: Canford School, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 3AD t: 01202 841254

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